Since we started our blog almost three years ago we have heard many horror stories of what it's like to have been part of the ntcc. Many folks regret raising their children in such an environment; and many have shared tragic experiences of how they had to raise their kids in the ntcc. We stumbled across this online review of the ntcc and wanted to share it with our readers.
B. Hawkins says:
September 25, 2012 at 6:34 am
I was raised in NTCC. “I cut my teeth” on the second pew on the right side (women’s side), I played the tamborine every service, I lived on church property until I was 12, and after all these years, I still question this,”religion”. I never knew anything but church. 5 days a week. I watched people being berated over the pulpit under the pretense that they were going to die and go to hell. I watched my family struggle because it was unacceptable for women to work, and we could barely make ends meet. I watched close family members divorce because he was blamed for stealing money from the church for years, but it was really pilfered away by the local pastor and a certain visiting pastor(Denis). I am a witness of the practice of marrying young girls off to older men. My sister and I were both being positioned to men in church. At 15, I was being asked to stay after church for “fellowship” to let the single men know that I was now grown and available. My parents were told to marry my sister and I off to young men at the church, or send us to Bible School, and we would get married there. I bear witness of people being ostracized for “not being right with the Lord”. I know of many instances that pastors were told to “run people away from the church” if questions were ever asked concerning the doctrine and monetary practices of the church. It was not until I went away to college(which was highly discouraged), that I began to distance myself from the church. I learned that there were actually other religions in the world, and that some of them must be going to heaven too! I have no ill will towards the church, although I can no longer accept their doctrine to be true, and I am generally ignored by them when we meet in public.
Do you think the caption is over the top? Well, we know these very things described have happened over and over again in your ntcc. This review confirms many of the blog posts that we have written and adds to the testimonies of others who have experienced similar circumstances. For every one that musters up the courage to share their testimony there are many others that are kept silent by fear. We hope that this testimony is an encouragement to others who have suffered in a similar way. I kept so much pain inside and was never able to share it with anyone. I was a tortured soul for many years, but when I was able to share my own testimony publicly it released me from the inner prison that held me captive for so many years.
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And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 |
People look at the blogs and other public forums as filthy gossip tabloids that are run by a few disgruntled eX-members of the ntcc. But the truth is there are hundreds of testimonies that are archived on the blogs, Factnet and online reviews. We are one voice of many. We are not ashamed of our blog or of speaking publicly about what we went through. We have no reason to be afraid of the ntcc leaders whose MO is to use fear to keep people in their place and to keep the money flowing. If you ntcc-ers really love God and want to see the true nature of your so-called 'godly' leaders, try cutting off their money supply and see what really lies in their hearts. Stop paying tithe and start giving like they did in the early church (Acts 4:32-35), when folks shared what they had with their brethren. They sold their possessions and laid the money at the Apostles' feet and what did they do with the money? Did they buy themselves mansions? Did they spend it on themselves? No, they distributed it to their brethren according as they had need. We know we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren.
What do you think Davis or Kekel would do if one of you ministers got enough intestinal fortitude to start doing what's right with the money you collect from your church members? What if you stopped sending it to Washington and it hindered their ability to heap more wealth upon themselves? Do you think that would go over very well? Or, better yet, if you are a single brother in the military walk up to the prettiest single sister in the church and tell her that you would like to take her out to dinner. If your pastor tries to stop you, ask him what biblical grounds he has to stop you. Tell him to mind his own business and pay more attention to his own wife. Perhaps if ntcc ministers were less involved in everyone else's business they would have fewer divorces and would not cheat on their spouses so much! You know this happens and it all gets brushed under the filthy ntcc carpet.
What hypocrites. They are the first ones to jack you up if you try to be normal and have an ordinary relationship. I know what I'm talking about. I love my wife and it is my pleasure to give her anything that I'm able to give her. I honor her and treat her with love and respect. We were cheated out of twenty years of marriage by a couple of lousy second rate sleazy religious hucksters who are now on the revival circuit pedaling their propaganda and victimizing anyone who will allow it. Don't be their next victim. Learn from the truths we share here. Be yourself. Allow God to lead you. Don't be afraid of man. The bible says the fear of man brings a snare. We know. We fell for it and paid in spades. You don't have to. Set yourself free by fearing the Lord, not man.
You can call me bitter if you want, I've got nothing but love for you. You can tell us to "move on' or to "get over it"; but we love you too much to sit back and say nothing while a bunch of hypocrites control your lives. Think what you want about us; but we are here to help those who want to be helped. If you are hell-bent on allowing some hireling to tell you whom you can talk to, which relatives you can have in your lives, which people you can have at your house or in your car, whom you can hang out with, whom you can date, whom you can share your life with, what other churches you cannot visit, what people you can fellowship with, well then, we might not be able to help you, but don't begrudge us the opportunity to try. If you need someone to control your life to this extent then what kind of a Christian are you? Is God not able to keep you? We know He is able. Will you allow HIM to truly be YOUR Lord, YOUR" Absolute Ruler"?
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Prov 29:25
I was bitter for many, many years afterwards. And you know what? NOBODY at NTCC could have cared less! Of course their standard reply would have been "Well, nobody knew about this". It would not have mattered anyway, because now they do know,and they don't care! When I met with Mike Kekel he seemed more interested in the image of NTCC than he did about my feelings. They use you, abuse you,treat you like a piece of meat, and then you are discarded. Whenever somebody is spiritually betrayed,It takes something away from them at the deepest level. No wonder Jesus said what he said about not offending the little ones. I'm over it now, But not because of anything that NTCC did to make it better.
When reading your comment, Mark,the term "Plausible Deniability" came to mind, so I looked it up on Wikipedia and it describes the ntcc perfectly.
Plausible deniability is a term coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge.
The term most often refers to the denial of blame in (formal or informal) chains of command, where senior figures assign responsibility to the lower ranks, and records of instructions given do not exist or are inaccessible, meaning independent confirmation of responsibility for the action is nearly impossible. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such acts. The lack of evidence to the contrary ostensibly makes the denial plausible, that is, credible. The term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions to plausibly avoid responsibility for one's (future) actions or knowledge.
For some of you who may be wondering what this is, Just take a look at it. I keep watching it over and over because it reminds me so much of NTCC and the letter of the law. For some reason, I can't ever see R'Dub bowing to his students like Master Khan did. Yeah, I know it's just a movie. I must have watched this scene 3 dozen times. Every time I watch it, I think of NTCC.
Great Video, Mark. We decided to incorporate it into this blogpost, as it seems to fit in to this topic quite well. There are a few things that remind me of the ntcc and there are things that are opposite. You are right, in that R-dub or Kekel would never admit that they were wrong unless it was in some self serving way to share with their congregation how humble they are. Kekel has been called out many times on the blogs for outright lies that he told and he has never acknowledged his wrong doing, nor has he ever apologized to the person that he lied about. He publicly accused Casey Hayes of Playing Golf, (Implying that he was wasting time while souls were dying and going to hell), and another minister's daughter was falsely accused of having a child out of wedlock. Not only did he not own up to his own lies, but he never made it right with the ones he lied about.
Kekel and Davis will never bow down to anyone, except one day the bible says every knee shall bow. That applies to me, you and every one. If we trespass against our brother we should ask for forgiveness. If our brother or sister trespasses against us then we should forgive them. I think the problem with Kekel is that he thinks that anyone that does not agree with him is not his brother. Therefore, he would rather defraud someone than admit to his own wrongdoing. Davis is the same way. They make their living off of people by manipulating them. They expect others to live by the letter of their own law, while they are not only breaking their own rules but they are also living contrary to God. I can forgive them and so can God, but if they do not acknowledge their sin, then there remains no sacrifice for them. Christ's blood was shed for those who would repent and ask forgiveness. Davis and Kekel continue to trespass against the brethren by requiring them to live by the letter of the law while they find new ways to transgress every day, and to top that off, they have become filthy rich doing it.
I found a new cult today called New Testament Christian Center, and some of their churches are actually called New Testament Christian Church. They look and dress very similar to the ntcc. Their RW Davis is named Timothy C. Mitchell. He was called into the ministry at 8 years old when he seen a vision of Jesus coming in the clouds with Glory. In addition to being the pastor and founder he also has an interest in real estate as he is a real estate investor and developer. Perhaps a copy cat organization?
The pastors wife, Shirley Mitchell is referred to as the first lady. They also single out the practice of tithe from the old testament and require their members to pay it by using old testament scripture as their justification. They don't carry any of the other sacraments of the old testament over, like blood sacrifices nor do they classify the old testament tithe as an agricultural offering. It's cash on the barrel head, just like our ntcc.
Our ntcc looks like it's headed in the exact same direction as this replica. I will say that this cult is more like the new and improved version of our ntcc in that it is allowing many of the new activities that have recently been accepted and embraced by Kekel and many of the local pastors. They have lots of sporting events to keep people busy and keep them in the giving mood so a select few can get rich. This group does support outside charities supposedly and is involved in some worthy causes, but don't let that fool you. Anyone that tells old people on a fixed income that they need to pay tithe for God to bless them is a cult. That is just not biblical, New Testament teaching. They claim to be the "Original Church" founded on in Acts 2:38 and they claim to duplicate the early church in the book of Acts, but I don't see them distributing the gifts among the believers as was done in the early church. This is just another religious scam.
DnA said: You can call me bitter if you want, I've got nothing but love for you. You can tell us to "move on' or to "get over it"; but we love you too much to sit back and say nothing. . . . .
Kat Says: AMEN! Yes there may be ocassional feelings that get to you when you think about it but thru our healing we are able to move on. I have had people comment in private to me about things on my blog. Some people just don't want to go public while others are still under the mind control of the cult but it doesn't matter in private or public we are here to help eveyrone heal. Thank you for sharing another wonderful and truthful post!
Scripture of the Day:
Pro 1:18-19
"And they lay wait for their [own] blood; they lurk privily for their [own] lives.
So [are] the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; [which] taketh away the life of the owners thereof."
Thanks a lot on this..
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