kekel is like a politician. He can't run a positive campaign because the truth exposes his lies. And what do politicians do to cover up their own lies? They lie about their opponents and sling mud at them, often calling them names like "X-men" to demean or belittle them!Every time I visit the mc kekel blog, I feel like I need to take a shower. It's like rummaging through a bunch of used clothes at a yard sale with your bare hands. On my last visit, I noticed that everything got deleted in Holy Spirit power; or perhaps it got deleted because kekel's comments were so outlandish that they made him look hateful; which is not a good image for an ntcc senior board member, ceo or whatever his title is now; although it is a lasting image that many have of ntcc leadership figures. So, now kekel wants a new image for his blog and wants to change it from a negative blog to a positive blog. I'm trying my hardest not to stick my finger down my throat as I'm writing this; because this negative campaigning is precisely what kekel goes on to do in his following article entitled "A Contrast in Character". Then kekel continues to rail against us with his next article, "Who Are the X-men". Don't worry Jeff, once your copier get's repaired (since kekel thought it was broken), you will still be busy; because kekel can not help himself. His time is consumed with hatred toward us X-ers; because we are affecting his money flow and his bottom line. He is like a politician. He can't run a positive campaign because the truth exposes his lies. And what do politicians do to cover up their own lies? They lie about their opponents and sling mud at them, often calling them names like "X-men" to demean or belittle them!
It's called COMPROMISE; and I never thought I'd see so much of it at ntcc. Advertising on the "devil vision", watching the "devil vision", using the "sinnernet"... ntcc used to preach against television and the internet. But ntcc has COMPROMISED!I think the X-ers are taking their toll on ntcc. But I have an idea how ntcc might recover from this 'travesty'. How about not allowing any more "hit and run" anonymous posters on their blog? That has got to be the cause of many well grounded ntcc'ers leaving the borg. Right? As long as kekel keeps devoting 75% or more of his blog to X-men there will always be plenty of fodder for us to discuss. When I first saw m c kekel's blog, I was shocked that he had so much spare time on his hands for damage control and that he even had to expend large amounts of effort responding to X-ers. Back when I was part of the borg, that would have been considered a sin in itself, to even give people with opposing views the time of day. But now, I guess, the cost of living has increased, and ntcc attendance is down, and so are the offering$. People are more skeptical then ever; and cult practices are just not the 'in' thing any more. Can you imagine the ntcc response: "OH, NO, WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" It's called COMPROMISE; and I never thought I'd see so much of it at ntcc. Advertising on the devil vision, watching the devil vision, using the sinnernet, women wearing pants and going to gyms wearing spandex, and now all of the sudden organized sports and boys playing football in tights hanging out with cheerleaders (which wear less clothing today than Hooters girls).
If kekel and ntcc would have kept their standards and not told numerous lies about us and what we say and what we stand for, I would cut them some slack. But the damage that they cause in peoples' lives for monetary gain is unreal.If kekel and ntcc would have kept their standards and not told numerous lies about us and what we say and what we stand for, I would cut them some slack. But the damage that they cause in peoples' lives for monetary gain is unreal. If you are a new ntcc'er and stumbled across this site, (Or perhaps God led you here because He doesn't want you to waste years of your life! Or maybe you are wondering what on earth is going on in your new found faith and religion.), please ask yourself and your so-called pastor some tough questions. Recognize the warning signs. Save yourself many years of grief and don't allow ntcc to turn you into a drone. Type the word cult into your browser and see if the definitions and descriptions that come up don't mirror the doctrines and practices of the ntcc. If they do, run as fast and as far as you can away from ntcc, or if you don't want to run, just get up and walk out of one of their services and see if you are not labelled a sinner. Either way you will be doing yourself a huge favor. Find a church that helps the afflicted and does something positive for those that are less fortunate.
Type the word cult into your browser and see if the definitions and descriptions that come up don't mirror the doctrines and practices of the ntcc. If they do, run as fast and as far as you can...
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"Best Movies I've Ever Seen" - Ange |
Note: We don't own the X-Men name or image. But we find it an honor to be put in the class with those persecuted for being gifted. The X-MEN, in case you didn't watch the movies, were the HEROES in the story, protecting mankind from unnatural evil. Until next time, we are the X-ERS; and we stand UNITED!
Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:
A) Sounds Like A True Description Of ntcc.
B) ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C) I Read This Post.
D) I Loved the X-Men movies!
E) X-Men / ntcc X-ers are a threat to ntcc; because they eXpose the truth about crooked ntcc practices and hypocritical ways, cutting into ntcc's bottom line ($)
F) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example: "F" kekel's blogs were started to do damage control; because people reading X-er blogs woke-up and saw the ntcc for the scam/cult it is. Those awakened left ntcc and kekel started blogging in an effort to discredit X-ers and stop the bloodlo$$ from his cult.
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc.
H) Create Your Own "H" I typed "cult" into my browser and found that ntcc is a text-book example of a cult.
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc.
J) Create Your Own
**You Can Choose Multiple Answers**
Don and Ange said...
"Don't worry Jeff, once your copier get's repaired you will still be busy because kekel can not help himself. His time is consumed with hatred toward us because we are affecting his money flow and his bottom line. He is like a politician. He can't run a positive campaign because the truth exposes his lies and what do politicians do to cover up their own lies? They lie about their opponents and sling mud at them."
Al says,
kekel slinging mud at others to cover kekel's lies is just the same as trying to cover what comes out from under a dog's tail by kicking grass over it... it just don't cover @*it.
Pastor Kekel wrote:
"...and you probably noticed I removed a lot of material. I did this for several reasons:...Reset a positive direction for the blog...Resetting a positive direction for the blog means talking about what I want to talk about."
Yet, Pastor Kekel was (and still is) in complete control. He authored what was written in most of the articles, and chose what comments were posted (this includes the libel, and the second and third hand testimony/hearsay he posted as in-accordance-with-the-Bible fact).
"...for the blog means talking about what I want to talk about." m c kekel
"...comments were posted (this includes the libel, and the second and third hand testimony/hearsay [kekel] posted..." observed Gregory...
Ange (Sassy) says, yes, libel and second and third hand testimony IS what kekel wanted, when he wanted it, where he wanted it...
Right now kekel wants a blog that LOOKS normal. No doubt friends and family of the kekel klan outside of the weird ntcc CULTure have taken a recent interest in what ntcc's 'golden boy' has for a 'church' blog. kekel knows how embarassing it would be for his son, grant, to have to try and explain to friends or a girlfriend just what a freakish environment the kekel's and grant's grandpa, r w davis have kreated and passed off as a church...
Try to explain to a normal human being why a 'church' blog would be full of libelous attacks against Christians...
Try to explain why literally thousands of couples have no children because your grandpa, who adopted two children, taught that "children hinder the work of the Lord" ...
Try to explain the pain your grandpa inflicted on literally thousands of women, condemning them and saying,
"Lady, you're going to have to answer to GAWD [face the severe wrath of God] for RUINING YOUR HUSBAND'S MINISTRY!" all because the poor woman was pregnant...
Try to explain how your father ignored those teachings of his own father-in-law and got your mom pregnant with no fear because, as your mom thoughtlessly quipped to one poor man who got a vasectomy because of r w davis's 'policy' [rule],
"michael [kekel, your dad] isn't getting a vasectomy; [shrug] it's different when it's your kid [giggle]."...
grant kekel try to tell your girlfriend that your parents never said and did those things? If you do that would make you a liar like your father, mikey, who has tried to deny endorsing the vasectomy policy for others while raising you, an apparent "exception" to your grandpa's hypocritical "children hinder the work of the Lord" 'vasectomy policy' [rule]...
How embarassing to try to explain all these hypocritical double standards and your father mikey kekel's hateful, libelous, bitter blog...
I'm not surprised that kekel's deleting finger has been very busy now that grant is taking another step into the world that was denied to all the other ntcc children who were under the teachings of kekel and davis...
I'm not surprised that kekel wants to "clean up" his blog and try to LOOKnormal...
I won't be surprised if he again goes into damage control / libel mode when the first impressions have been falsely set in the minds of grant's right-now curious friends... kekel will do exactly what he wants, when he wants, to who he wants no matter how damaging it is to others. It's the kekel way and the davis way.
But it is not the Christian way.
Nor is anything about kekel.
He just hurts people to gain money and power, just like his father-in-law davis always did.
There is no denying these facts.
That's why the many blogs exist to point out the lies, and hypocrisy, and double standards etc. rampant in the cult called ntcc / New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. founded by r w davis and run by his son-in-law m c kekel.
Now YOU have "the rest of the story"
Sassy / Ange
Gregory said,
"Yet, Pastor Kekel was (and still is) in complete control. He authored what was written in most of the articles, and chose what comments were posted (this includes the libel, and the second and third hand testimony/hearsay he posted as in-accordance-with-the-Bible fact)"
Don and Ange Replied,
Thanks for posting and I agree with you. I have to say that mike kekel is like the gift that keeps on giving. If I ever run out of material, all I have to do is look at his blog and I will find serious contradictions as to what ntcc used to stand for and what they now stand for. Everything he posts against X-ers digs him further and further into a hole. He is very much in control of his blog and everything he writes but he just can't help himself. It's deplorable and sad to see kekel resort to slandering X-ers. I'm not wishing evil on anyone but I think ntcc is on its way down. What they do and say under the guise of preaching God's word is sickening and horrifying.
They take advantage of good people. Once they get everything they can out of a person, and they are no longer needed and can be replaced, they throw them away and send them packing. I personally do not think that their hypocrisy will go unchecked. Either they will turn into a church of complete and total compromise or too many people will get wise to what's actually going on and they will simply go out of business.
whenever ntcc feels threatened. They attack and slam whomever it may be. Even sis, Shunk! Who was and still is a sweet lady. I have been attacked. I am a facebook agent!LOL! I guess he thinks I am using Facebook as my so called ministry to reach out to folks that are still stuck in ntcc. Which is so far from the truth that it is funny that he thinks that. Want to talk about someone that is out of touch with reality. That would be Mike K. Folks I contact with on my FB is to keep in touch with friends. Make new friends. Social interaction. Yes,I have talked to a few folks stuck in the cult. Trying to persuade them to get out??? I raise questions,and concerns with them. Which they NEVER have an answer for. So they go and report back to there Master(Mike K). As for me,I never hide anything from anyone. Unlike Mike K. he would not know the truth if it walked right up to him and slapped him in his face!!!
I have also recently went on Mike K. blog. I sit there and shake my head. the man has no Clue what we have been through. Why we are unhappy and why we even left ntcc. An organization that is NOT OF GOD!! Then he has no clue why we continue to expose the cult to the public. He thinks we should just fade into the background. WHY??? And let other innocent military members,civilians fall for there FAKENESS,LIES,FALSE TEACHING!
No way! Some folks you may think your moving on,in some work,whatever you may be doing with your life. YOU NEVER MOVE ON,not totally. The damage will be with you for life! That Mike is why folks do not just go away and not say anything publically about there experiences in ntcc. It is our TRUE stories. Freedom of speech is awesome! We can use it and we will. So others don't go through what we lived through.
I agree with you whole heartedly, April. There are many that wish that we would just fade away and not say anything, but if we were to roll over and play dead, who would stand for the mislead and spiritually abused of ntcc?
It's really sad to see what ntcc has evolved into. I've heard davis say that once he is gone the church would compromise but they aren't even going to wait for him to leave. If he lives another couple years, I believe he will see his prophecy fulfilled.
I know people that spent a couple of years in ntcc that think ntcc was a good experience and they moved on to other things and left with the attitude that they were blessed during the short time they were with ntcc. I am very happy for those that got out quickly before they could sustain lasting damage. You see, it's the ones that gave the most of their time, money and sweat equity into what they really thought was productive Christianity that were used and manipulated the most.
I know people that came into ntcc about the same time I did, and stayed for a couple years, then moved on with their lives and were able to achieve financial and spiritual success in life. Personally, I have no regrets. Did I get used and abused? More than most. Did I waste 27 years of my life because of ntcc? Absolutely. 13 years of dedicated service while in ntcc and 14 years of misery thinking that I was lost and could never be saved outside of ntcc. I may be busted, disgusted and can't be trusted in this life, but there is so much more to life than being able to say look how God has spiritually blessed me, or look how God has financially blessed me. We don't have much but we have our dignity and we have survived. There is a greater reward in heaven and I can't work my way into it, it's all God's mercy and I believe God is waiting for us that have been misused by those with cunning knowledge and deceit, to forgive us and all we have to do is come to him. He does the rest.
My skin has been made very thick because of adversity. I'm not scared of the ntcc leadership nor am I afraid of what they can say about me or do to try to stop me from speaking. They instill fear by implying they are the only true church of God. My reward is not on this earth and I'm not gathering treasures in this world. There is a small contingent of concerned men and women that love God and will stand up to those that would put the true believers in bondage. Those that would impose man made rules upon the dedicated in the Lord, and use them for monetary gain. We are the X-ers or the X-men as kekel has labelled us. We will wear that badge proudly and as long there is breath in our lungs we will continue to fight the good fight.
Don and Ange
A very interesting article. Pinky
ntcc ministers. Especially Mike K. and rw davis like to put down people that are not producing the money and numbers that please them. And keep there empire funded from others hard work. While we were in ntcc. Not many folks came to the work we ran in MN. Were we ridiculed,put down while stuck in the cult? NO we were not. BUT,BUT once my hubby stepped down. I went on the then MSN ntcc family group. And I explained publically why we stepped down. While my brain was still under the ntcc fog. I did think I would stay as a church member. God got my attention and really opened my eyes to the cult I was in. guess what for some it does not happen instantly. We want to think we were doing Gods will. That we were there to reach lost souls. But we were there to fund Mike K and rw davis life style. Bottom line!
After leaving and then we moved to a different state. Then the lies got started. Mike K. said there had to be something deeper reasons why Kevin was stepping down. Then attacked him,saying he had the calling and he better not leave that calling. I go public with my TRUE Past with ntcc. Then you get attacked,that we were not real pioneer workers. We never did anything for God. And Tony Kee's had to grab at straws. Saying his wife told him that we had spent few hundred dollars on a fish tank. Gee.look at Gesang. Never goes anywhere. And spending money on his LIZARDS! There like little kids on the playground. You get up in a bullies face. And then they got NOTHING to come back with. So they get physical. Ntcc gets nasty and attacks those that they KNOW are telling the truth. They HATE that we are using out voices. So they got to try and attack us. Calling names,X-men. Petty,immature men and women.
those of ya'll stuck in ntcc. also hate to see us talk. Share about a FREE life. As a free soul to make our own decisions on EVERYTHING in our lives. Not controlled by ANY man!
JUMP SHIP and leave ntcc. God is NOT in ntcc. If you need to have a man tell you how to live your life as a Christian. Then you are no Free moral agent!
Don and Ange,
You titled this article "Why are the X-men such a threat?"
My answer is...we are not a threat at all (unless you are doing wrong, and refuse to change, and refuse to make public amends).
April said, "ntcc ministers. Especially Mike K. and rw davis like to put down people that are not producing the money and numbers that please them. And keep there empire funded from others hard work."
LARCH SAYS ............ AMEN!
April said, "We want to think we were doing Gods will. That we were there to reach lost souls. But we were there to fund Mike K and rw davis life style. Bottom line!"
LURCH SAYS ............ PREACH!!!
April said, "Gee.look at Gesang. Never goes anywhere. And spending money on his LIZARDS!"
LARCH says, ............ AMEN!
April said, "There like little kids on the playground. You get up in a bullies face. And then they got NOTHING to come back with."
Red Green says,
In the spirit of "Less is more.", my friends Larch and Lurch have added their two cents, "AMEN!" AND "PREACH!" ... I just gotta say a little bit more...
Putting people down is not Christ-like.
Funding your empire off others' hard work is not Christ-like.
Lying about people who leave your cult is not Christ-like.
rw davis is not Christ-like.
mc kekel is not Christ-like.
What say you?
Pinky said...
A very interesting article. Pinky
Thanks Pinky. The ntcc 'leadership' have loads of time to invest in trying to shut down the X-ers; but they never seem to have time to maintain their own websites.... They spend time doing damage control because the truths we share open the eyes of people and help them realize what a mess the ntcc is.
Anonymous said,
"Then the lies got started. Mike K. said there had to be something deeper reasons why Kevin was stepping down. Then attacked him,saying he had the calling and he better not leave that calling. I go public with my TRUE Past with ntcc. Then you get attacked,that we were not real pioneer workers. We never did anything for God"
Don and Ange said,
By the way, just out of curiosity, How many works has mc kekel pioneered? This is a serious question; can any ntcc'ers out there that might know him better than I, tell me how many cities has mc gone into, got a secular job, obtained a building, paid rent on a building, paid for renovations on a building, paid pastor tithe and church tithe, put food on the table for his family, put gas in his car to go pick up souls for church, put 40 to 60% of his earnings into an escrow fund, had to go to a kook store to buy suites and dresses for wife and daughter, and had to eat ramen noodles for breakfast and lunch and maybe got to splurge on a macaroni and cheese dinner for supper? Can someone out there with some insight on this please leave a comment? April and Kevin sacrificed a portion of their lives in ntcc when they went to MN to pioneer a church as did many ntcc workers past and present. They will no doubt have their reward in heaven, but how are they rewarded for their faithful service here on earth? By being told they never did anything for God. What kind of despicable statement is that? It's not that you didn't do anything in MN, but what it really boils down to is that there was not enough money generated in your work to support the lifestyles of the rich and affluent in Graham, WA.
I agree again wholeheartedly with April. If you are in ntcc, get out before they ruin your life. The longer you stay in, the more damage you will sustain. They are leaving a wake of destroyed lives in their path to self righteousness. God did not give His only Son so that people would have to work their way into heaven. The shame of it is that ntcc excludes many because they preach a works doctrine that makes people think they have to produce people, money, soul winners, preachers, workers, bible school students. If they do not produce any of these, they are not doing anything for God. I've got news for you, God doesn't care what you produce. God hasn't called you to produce. If ntcc spent more time loving people than judging them, if they spent more time Lifting up Jesus than preaching hell to their already saved converts, if they spent more time praying for each other, that God would put real love for the souls of men and women in their hearts, if they exerted the same amount of effort into showing and setting the example of love by helping people that are pioneering churches instead of tearing them down, maybe ntcc's numbers would not be diminishing any more. Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me". John 12:32 If ntcc would do this one thing, and stop trying to work their way into heaven, God would produce souls. I wonder how often rwd or kekel said to themselves, "What can we do to help these new church pioneers? Let's go help them win some souls, or lets give some of our bible school students some OJT and fill up one of the overseer's motorhomes with brethren and drive down to help the church pioneers for a couple of weeks. I bet they would learn more in two weeks doing that than they would in two years listening to kekel rant and rave. That's never going to happen because they would never want that many people in their precious motor homes.
Gregory said,
My answer is...we are not a threat at all (unless you are doing wrong, and refuse to change, and refuse to make public amends).
Don and Ange said,
Does ntcc ever do anything wrong? Does ntcc ever refuse to change? Does ntcc ever refuse to make public amends? That's precisely why we will always be a threat to ntcc. They refuse to admit any wrong doing, therefore they will never get right. Jesus is the only one that does not change, the rest of us need to own up to our shortcomings or we will come short of heaven.
I don't believe in a license to sin, nor do I believe that it's a free ride, but I do believe that Jesus paid the price, and that if we add to or take away from God's word we are wrong. It's all in black and white, but I like the section of the bible that is written in red letters the most.
I am no longer in ntcc. Been out four wonderful years. Though sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday. You think you have hashed it all out. Worked though the brainwashing that had occured 13-14 years for me. But then you write these words. And it all hits me all over again. I really appreciate everything you wrote. Brought tears to my eyes. mike not Tanya ever cared for me or my family. It was all just at face value,a farse. Those that think,oh they love me,they pray for me,yadda,yadda. It is not true. They pray that you stay in teh branwashed fog. That you don't think on your own and start putting two and two together. Because if you really let God talk to you. Which I did,about eight months after leaving ntcc. God will get your attention and show you what ntcc is ALL ABOUT! It will not be pretty and you will have to take a big boy or girl pill. To accept that you have lived a lie and you have been in a cult. And when you do leave ntcc. the LIES will begin. all the hardwork,sacrfice you thought you were doing will be tossed into your face. As if you did nothing for God,as if!
Oh and when you do leave. There are so many of us out here. Waiting,no longer do excult ntcc members have to go through the exit all alone. Many stages of healing you will go through. And NONE of us go through it the same way.
PS.I am not really into the preaching thing. But I will share the TRUTH. No matter what is said about me. My skin gets tougher as each day goes by. I used to be a wimpy ntcc ministers wife. Those that knew me. Sure thought I was a mousey ,quiet,shy PW. Not anymore. My Marine toughness is coming back!
April, So much of what you wrote brought a smile to my face. They [ntcc] do pray that you don't put two and two together! And, yes, we do have to "take a big boy or girl pill" when we do the math and figure out the truth about the ntcc. God does toughen us. And it is great to know that there are others who have undergone the exit stages ahead of us. Also the blogs help us figure out what all happened to us in the ntcc. The blogs help us reason through the ntcc lies and deception. The connecting with others helps us realize we are not alone. You are quite right about so many things, April. It's true what you said about the healing too. Different for all of us. We all share many common wounds (being used and lied to and despised etc.) But still the healing has so many stages and so many factors that affect it! I figure God leads us through that too.
I know my articles have been rather "in your face" of late. I figure God directs my steps and typing. I watched two different sisters soulwinning styles when in the ntcc. One was a combat-s.w.-approach: No one could pass this lady without getting an invitation. Another worked for days and more building relationships and friendships with people, waiting for them to ask...
The first woman brought many souls to church. Not many stayed. I don't know if any gave their hearts to the Lord or not. I figure He knows; that is what is important. The second lady brought one soul to church who gave her heart to the Lord. I am not in contact with her but hopefully she has maintained her relationship with God regardless of the ntcc.
I mention these things to say this; God is in control. I figure the ones I can help, God will bring my way. It may be by meekness one day or boldness another. God knows my heart and goal. The technique I leave to His direction.
I feel all of us impact one another in a unique way as God deems it best. He does nothing in vain. If one person is loud and another quiet, the Lord has a purpose for it. I've tried changing to be like so-n-so and find it to be a huge waste of time. God never called me to be like so-n-so. Who I am is designated by the Lord and I am comfortable with that. Yes, Jesus taught we would say we are unprofitable servants. Really, what could any of us give to Him? But I am comfortable with who God has created me to be and pray others too will enjoy that freedom in Christ.
One of my biggest problems with the ntcc was their constant bashing to get people to fit the ntcc mold of what ntcc said a Christian should be.
God never called a pine cone to grow into anything other than a pine tree. He created the seed within to mature into whatever pleased Him. People are often equated to wood in the bible; and I see a parallel in this too.
Too often davis would try to hold up the pastorate as the end-all be-all "highest calling". Of course, he is a narcisscist, so that would be his spin, 'I am a pastor so there is no higher caller' - cause you can never be better than him, right? ahem... well...
But really that is a lie straight from satan.
Jesus said the highest calling is to be the servant of all, last first, first last, you know.
And it is absurd to try and force people to be something God has not placed in them to begin with.
ntcc may try to deny doing this, but they do it all the time.
They preach "YOU are called to bible school!" so much that I once saw a pew raise its leg during altar call to admit that, yes, it was called to bs. ahem. Just kidding; but you get the point.
Long post.
Good to see you posting again, April. You bring a passion and I'm sure there are people who will be helped by what you write and how you write it =D
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