The first thing I noticed was a move towards becoming an "E" church. That's right folks, an electronic church. Now you don't even have to attend services. You can call into a conference style Bible study and enter a code and get your church needs met on the phone.
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The ntcc Has Now Gone Digital |
"Join Us in Bible Study Dial-in: 1 (605) 475-5900 Access Code: 198-6639."
Then a little further down on the page, I seen that they now have what they are calling a "Prayer Wall". This is the entry for their "Prayer Wall":
Prayer Wall! We now have our prayer wall set up. Please go to our website, go to get connected and then Prayer wall. Create a prayer account. Login with your prayer account. Post a prayer request or give us a praise report!!
Unbelievable!!! And get this. You now can even give online to the ntcc. If you go to each of the ntcc church websites, they all have a place where you can give monetary gifts online.
All we can say about this is that RWD must be totally out of commission or he just don't care anymore, because these shenanigans would have never taken place in the ntcc that we used to be a part of. We know that God hasn't changed but the ntcc sure has! Okay, so you might say, "Why would you begrudge a church the right to reach out to people electronically in a digital age"? Trust me, this is not the only thing that has changed. We don't have a problem with E Bible studies or E payer walls or even E-giving. The problem here is the hypocritical change that is taking place. Things that used to be a sin, have miraculously become acceptable. If you would have run your church like this in the early 90's or 80's, you would have been mocked by Davis and humiliated conference style and all of you hypocrites know this. The souls of people were tortured over stupid stuff like this all of the time.
Okay, so let's move on. You didn't think that this was all we were going to talk about, did you? The ntcc in Irving, TX is trying really hard to appear as a main stream church and by disguising themselves with mainstream church activities. Now just about all of the churches have tons and tons of activities that were frowned upon a few short years ago. We have noticed that the ntcc does a lot of role playing and puts on quite a few theatrical productions. They dress up in costumes as bible Characters and they have Christmas plays, Musicals and take videos.
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NTCC Playing Church in Costumes |
They also have potluck dinners and picnics where Frisbees, Footballs and other fun activities are now acceptable.
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The Quickest Way to a Man's Heart is through His Stomach! |
Now to keep people in church, I guess you have to entertain them and provide them with carnal activities. My question to the pastor in Irving, Texas and to the ntcc leadership in Graham, Washington is, "When are you going to completely phase out your man made version of what you call holiness"? You are phasing everything else out and even your so called holiness garb is getting tighter and more provocative then ever. Just look at Tammy Faye, I mean Tanya Kekel. Common! Stop pretending to be holier than thou and be what you have wanted to be all along.
Where the big changes are coming about is in the "youth ministry". Kid's in the ntcc have historically had a very high spiritual mortality rate. Many of the children raised in the ntcc are "outta there" just as soon as they can legally get away from their parents. In the past, many of the ntcc board members have tried to combat this phenomenon by marrying off their kids at a very early age before they were mature enough to figure out what was really going on. Sadly this process created more problems than it solved.
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NTCC Kids Taking a "Dip" in Lake Murray |
Now they have decided to introduce some normal activities into the lives of their children, while still requiring them to wear clothing from an era that has passed away with our ancestors. Now children in the ntcc can go swimming, ride go-carts, play laser tag, go on teenage scavenger hunts and field trips to Lake Murray where they can ride boats around the lake all day. They also have Pizza parties, bumper cars and skateboard races.
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Ntcc Kids Learn to go Boating for Jesus |
Another amazing thing that never happened when we were in the ntcc was "Fund Raisers". If you wanted to raise funds for your church back in the day, you were told in no uncertain terms to have more services, knock on more doors, invite more people out to church and to take up more offerings. Now they are having bake sales, yard sales and Bar-B-Ques. Check out this facebook entry:
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NTCC Kids now get to play in "Bounce Houses" like this. Not sure if this is a good idea for little girls in skirts. Perhaps pants would be appropriate. |
Are you kidding me? Cake raffles? Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!!! This would be hilarious if we didn't waste 13 years of our lives believing that all these activities were not allowed because "God chose the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe". What a bunch of phony hypocrites. We were all stupid for following RWD, Kekel, Olson and all these scoundrels. We were a bunch of idiots for giving our hard earned money to these phony and sleazy money grubbing liars. They lied to us so they could get unbelievably rich and exercise lordship over us. We literally sold ourselves out to these conniving crooks and lived like hermits pinching penny's so we could give these corrupt Prima Donna's a life that we were deprived of. We were held back from doing anything with our lives that would produce any measure of success. We were never allowed to pursue any dreams or any activities that would bring an ounce of joy into our lives, but we were spiritually whipped into a place of total submission, while these demonic religious hypocrites got rich off of us.
Proverbs 22:16
"He that oppresseth the poor to increase his [riches, and] he that giveth to the rich, [shall] surely [come] to want."
When looking at these facebook pages which are public it is disconcerting to see people that we once respected still being used by the leadership of the ntcc. Long time church members, workers and ministers alike have become a part of this scam by sitting back and doing nothing. You know that people were humiliated and run off for doing stuff like this. People were spiritually torn down and rebuked in conferences for trying to bring a sense of normalcy into their churches and they were raked over the coals for it. You know that the things that are now being done in open, used to be done in secret because they were frowned upon by your god, RWD. I don't care if you ever apologize to us or the many people of our generation that were left by the wayside, while you selfishly pursued the appeasement of your idols, but we will not sit back and do nothing. We will publish this stuff for the masses to see, so they can realize that you all are a bunch of phony modern day church crooks that are following the footsteps of your master Davis. When people read this, they will have no choice but to see the hypocrisy that stinks to high heaven, and they will at least be able to make an educated choice, which is more than many of us ever were able to do. Once they see what you are all about, then it is out of our hands and if they want to become part of your cesspool, it's up to them and they will have to suffer the consequences of trusting and believing in you and the phony organization that you have created.
The most alarming/ironic thing about all this is all the compromise originated in Graham, with no groundswell of pressure or support from those Ministering in the field. Most all of the compromise came from just one family (a husband, a wife, and one son). A whole organization and way of life changed to accommodate the short-comings and fleshly desires of just one family. Instead of changing this family, getting them in subjection, and having them live under the same Holy Ghost authored policy that the rest of us gladly did, NTCC was/is changed.
One family's fleshly desires are negatively effecting the lives and spirituality of thousands of dedicated people, and hundreds of dedicated families. This has finally filtering down to the Church members. One example of this is church members are now allowed to own and watch TV, and Ministers are now allowed to own TV's and watch DVD's.
Hey NTCC'er: The things that shouldn’t have ever changed are the only things that do. Outward holiness is being phased out. Hollywood and the world are now part of your life. The internet is replacing King Jesus. Hypocrisy is being modeled, accepted, and celebrated. Having children is now okay. Shorts and Sports are what all the cool kids/adults do now. Your breaks from having your mind focused on Christ (and the Ministry) are becoming more frequent, just so you can be more like Graham. Social Media (Twitter, MySpace, FaceBook, SparkPeople, et cetera) has replaced facetime with the leadership (it's less bothersome to them as they chase after their serial secular goals, hobbies, retirement, et cetera).
TV, movies, and worldly music are all okay now. Giving away church land as a gift is now okay.
It's even okay to retire from the Ministry now, since God has changed his mind, and allowed Senior Pastor Davis to do so. Secular education is okay, hobbies are okay, secular employment is okay, women working is okay. Mainstreaming your children and family is also acceptable now. Family vacations are now alright. Conferences are take 'em or leave 'em now. Homeschooling is now okay. If you had only known all this decades ago. But, who knew the unchanging God would change his mind about all this?
But, all these fresh revelations came too late for you and your family.
I think that R'Dub is old,tired and just doesn't give a rats tutu anymore.When I saw him a few years ago he looked like he was in good health,at least from the outside. My understanding is that after the HOP/Denis/NTCC split in 2005 things really changed for him.I heard that it devastated him. I don't know if it was because of the money he lost, or the embarrassment, or both of these things.In many,many churches today a lot of people go just for the activities and couldn't give 2 hoots about God, or the things of God.I've seen people over the years that have changed Churches for that very reason. None of us who remember the way it used to be are fooled by the cosmetic changes at NTCC. I wonder what Mom and Pop Gaylord would have to say about all of these "changes?"
I remember how Davis and his wanna be follower ministers would mock other churches for these very same activities. Davis would rail against Bake sales, pot luck dinners, BBQs and any type of fun church activities. You don't need a bake sale, you need a good dose of salvation. You don't need a church picnic, you need to get on your knees and pray and ask God for a vision of the lost. You don't need a yard sale; you need to hit the streets and invite people out to church.
Does any of this sound vaguely familiar? You need to get your nose in the book. Where do you find time to play games and participate in sports when souls are lost and on their way to hell? You have time to go swimming and boating? While you are playing in the water men and women are losing their souls. The devil wants you to take your eyes off of the program of God consume you with the pleasures of this world. You have let the world into your churches, and you wouldn't recognize Jesus if he came in your church and sat down right next to you in a pew.
This is the kind of junk Davis and his minions would talk about a few years ago. Of coarse, Davis was revered and adored almost as the fourth member of the Godhead, and everyone would cry crocodile tears at the altar and repent when he preached this kind of stuff.
Now that Davis has retired and has dementia, everybody is quickly going astray. I guess everyone has lost their burden for souls. "No Compromise" used to be the motto, but not anymore.
Most of the ntcc ministers can't wait to find new ways of entertaining themselves and their congregations. You bunch of compromisers. The only thing that will never change in the ntcc is the intense pressure that is applied on people to get them to pay tithe and give in offerings. It's all about money and that's really all it's ever been about in the ntcc. Take away their money and you take away their reason to exist, because it sure ain't all about God, and it never was. It was all a big facade. We were all manipulated by a bunch of greedy hucksters, who care more about their own bank accounts than they do about anyone else.
Gregory said:
"One family's fleshly desires are negatively effecting the lives and spirituality of thousands of dedicated people, and hundreds of dedicated families."
DnA said:
I have to believe that it was never about souls, compromise, dedication or holiness from the start. Davis used these things because he seen how effectively people could be controlled in a holiness environment. Manipulating people for financial gain was RWD's specialty. Davis was never one to adhere to his own policies and rules and neither was his wife or his daughter.
Along came Grant and there was no way that he was going to be raised like everyone else's child in the ntcc. Rules were broken every day to accommodate the new young prince of the ntcc. Trips to Disney Land, DVD's, sports activities and lascivious clothing came into style so that Grant could do all the the things that other church kids were not allowed to do. Kids grew up hating their parents in the ntcc because they were forced to live like weirdos and dorks while the seed royal was allowed to enjoy his childhood.
All this was done right in front of you while your children suffered. Most of the ntcc children will hate the ntcc and church in General and they have RWD and Kekel to thank for this.
The bible says in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it".
How many bible believers do we have out there? I believe this verse to be true, but why then are so many kids in the ntcc leaving the organization with a horrible taste in their mouths? Could it be that they are not being trained up right in the ntcc? Maybe that's why Davis didn't want folks to have kids. Controlling the population would keep folks from wondering why they couldn't keep their own children straight. Here we are doing everything the ntcc tells us to do and our children are rebelling against us. What a bogus church. Maybe we should find a church that has more success in giving their youth something to live for.
Awesome comment Gregory. The points you made from start to finish should be required reading for all ntcc'rs. I'm not sure how a long time member or minister in the ntcc can read this and not feel like they have wasted a large portion of their lives in this organization. We all went along with this facade for years but we never had the information that is now obtainable on the internet.
Mark G. said:
" I wonder what Mom and Pop Gaylord would have to say about all of these "changes?"
DnA said:
I don't think Mom and Pop Gaylord ever retired from the ministry as Davis has. Davis resigned himself to give the reigns over to Kekel, and retired so he could enjoy the fruit of our labors. He's still a figure head but everyone in the organization lives contrary to many of his early teachings and they do it right in front of his face. Must be humiliating. I guess when you are rich and engrossed in the pleasures of this world it's easier to disregard the rejection of those who used to worship you. I mean they still worship and revere Davis, but they have transitioned into a lifestyle that does not require them to abide in the Davis doctrine of old.
I agree with much of your assessment but also think that when you are rich and surrounded by people that are willing to kiss your butt all the time, you tend to get over the embarrassment pretty quick. I think people like Davis harden their hearts to God and God's people. Davis is so full of himself that little phases him, especially at his age.
Any policy changes the leadership enact in an attempt to become more mainstream is not enough to legitimize this group or negate their controlling and cult-like behavior that many who left this "church" experienced. If it were not for the proliferation of information through the internet on blogs like this exposing ntcc to the world for what they are, I believe it would be business as usual. The list of normal things that were once banned, but are now "allowed" are proof of their controlling tactics, but they don't realize changing these policies is the equivalent of admitting that they had it all wrong to begin with. Unfortunately, I find it impossible to believe the leaders have changed at all, but are still frighteningly manipulative individuals who have their own best interests at heart and not that of the body of Christ. dsr
dsr said:
"The list of normal things that were once banned, but are now "allowed" are proof of their controlling tactics, but they don't realize changing these policies is the equivalent of admitting that they had it all wrong to begin with."
DnA said,
Hi dsr. My theory is that after the Denis split, and the consolidation of the churches in the SeaTac area, RWD had to "retire" and the only way to sustain the organization was through what they once considered compromise. Don't get me wrong, they have tons of real estate but as a non-profit "religious" organization, they are not allowed to sell it all off and keep the proceeds. I think that's why they have escrows. They can sell their property and show a profit as long as they re-designate the funds to another work within the Organization. The escrows that they zero out may not have to endure the same scrutiny as the real estate and who knows, the IRS is really doesn't monitor them much anyway. When a church goes under, all the proceeds are supposed to go to another non-profit or be given to charity. It was in their best interest to keep the ship afloat, so they cut their losses and allowed the long anticipated compromise to swallow up the organization.
The ntcc is still a big time cult and just because they now allow normal activities does not mean that they don't abuse people to the same degree that they used to. If you ever look at the favorable reviews that the ntcc sometimes gets, or Kekel's feel good blogs where the brothers and sisters are all saying, "God Bless you Sir", and "Praise God, Sir" you get the sense that these people are not allowed to think for themselves. When you are inside the cult, it's different, because you have been programmed to act a certain way, and though it seems spiritual, it's really controlled and manipulated behavior. People are totally afraid to be themselves. Folks are constantly seeking the approval of the higher ups and in doing so they become so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. That's a phrase coined by the ntcc, and they apply it to everyone that they are jacking up; not only other churches, but their own church members. But they've created this behavior and they expect it out of all of their cult members.
This transition into compromise is not something that happened over night. Preaching against all the things that are being done in Irving, TX, stopped years ago and people were on double go waiting to participate in activities that make them feel normal once again. The sad thing about it all is that the people are all still the same. The standards have changed but the hypocrites that once preached against all these activities haven't really changed because the standards never were intended to apply to them. They were for everyone else. Kekel, Davis, Olson and the rest never lived by the standards they required everyone else to live by. They played the part when they visited churches and during conferences, but Davis was never the paragon of purity and could never control his carnal desires.
continued below.....
Continued from above....
I've heard the witness of far too many old timers that were around when Davis used to visit the married women by himself, in the daytime when their husbands were at work. Kekel has never been known to show an ounce of Christian love or compassion to anyone. He's nothing more than a leach, that married into royalty and donated his sperm to Tanya so R-dub and Verna could spoil a grandchild that would break all the rules and end up being a sinner just like his parents and grand parents. These people are not saved. Not even close. Kekel, Olson and Ashmore all lied for Davis on the IRS documents so they wouldn't have to share our tithe dollars with the Federal Government. All the while, it was a sin and we were considered thieves if we took a paperclip home from the office.
Do any of you ntcc'rs see the hypocrisy here? You are all being toyed with and manipulated. Your money is the only thing that matters. Just try being a day or two late with your tithe and see how much they still love you. If you would just open your eyes and look at things the way they are instead of the way that you want them to be, you would realize that you are a slave, and real Christianity was never intended to imprison you to a bunch of abusive jerks who have become filthy rich off of your good nature.
Hey guys! Just getting caught up on your post's. So between the previous post and this one, it helped me to realize something. I was having a hard time accepting my first pastor in Phoenix as being as guilty as these guys. My children lost out on doing so much and all the while, my pastor's family from AZ, like Grant had a good life. They have a nice home (didn't always but they did as were told more services, more people, more doors, more money and I did that for years in 110 plus degrees). I contributed to their good life. Then I came to WA and helped with theirs. But in AZ, as a newby in the ntccult, I heard how we should get our children in order. I’m not going to go into the full story here b/c as I started to type it; I thought you know that will be part of my story on my next post so it’ll be up there hopefully later this week.
I’ll end with this, you’re previous post said “We are winning” and WE are. My oldest son recently prayed the prayer of salvation! PTL!!! This is a blessing and considering he turned to drugs (Meth to be exact) because his past has 13 years of ntcc and other things that happened in his life that ntcc never cared about, never helped with etc.
I worked hard for ntcc for 10 of my 13 years I was in. To see such change is just pathetic. I was there when they started the skits. Sorry guys, I was even in one of the first ones done at a conference in Graham. Yep. I didn’t know why they started doing them either but they did. So I look at how they changed. They don’t say why (from what I recall) they just do. Then everyone is all excited OH GOODY, MASTER SAID WE CAN PLAY TODAY. I mean seriously it’s so sad. Everyone is so hungry to have any moment of happiness in the cult that when the fake hype of conference comes, they think they’re having a great time. I never really cared for conference after my first few. It was the same thing over and over. I was just happier to get to travel and see things, do things, and get away!! Speaking of which its conference time here in Graham; anyone want to get together one evening when we know they’re all out eating???
Anonymous - talking about how Kekel doesn't show an ounce of Christian love or compassion . . . . all I have to say is AMEN.
I still see his face twisting and contorting as he ‘preaches’. Sometimes he looks so rude and evil when he 'preaches' its ridiculous! HE NEVER sounded like a preacher of compassion while preaching. He always said this is how it is and if you don’t like it, there’s the door. Or he’d mock ‘waaa, you hurt my feelings, well boo hoo’ he’d say, ‘get over it!’ Yep can’t say there’s one ounce of the Love of God in any of that! Scum bag if you ask me! Napoleon attitude – act big and tuff and mighty b/c he really isn’t such a big man by himself!
Hey, conference time? Well then, we got this published just in time for kekel to have something to'preach' about! Whew! Good thing. Otherwise everyone would have to hear the same old themes: We are winning. Whatever It Takes! Except now the ntcc can no longer boast: No Compromise! That theme went out the window long ago.
We like Kat's idea about getting together. Maybe you will see some of the High Honchos. You could get some pictures or even some video. After all, men do not light a candle to place it under a bushel. [Basket]. We'd love to see some video of kekel 'burning rubber for Jesus' in his $250,000.00 car, or of DiFrancesco burning some real estate titles, deeds, tithe reports, escrow acount info, tax forms or other incriminating documents 'for the Lawd'. Speaking of dapper di, we heard Johnny Di [fransco] was lurking at the unfellowship meeting some Xers had; so the ntcc shouldn't mind if some Xers return the 'favor'; after all, davis always taught "turnabout is fairplay". So, please, send us your pics and vids. :o)
As Travis Tritt used to sing "10 foot tall and bulletproof" which describes most of the preachers at NTCC.
The NTCC is a joke. Some people just need to be part of something, thats all.
Yes, it was a good idea a little too late. Wish I would've thought of it sooner! I messaged people here in WA and it's not enough of a notice most people are working. Who knows, if I get a chance to swing out that way later this week and check out some of the restraunts, I'll snap any footage I can if I find anyone. No promises!!
Fortunately we will try to have another 'unfellowship' soon. Maybe, just maybe we'll post it in case they want to spy on us again. They must be afraid of us to have to send DiFran to spy. What are we going to do - have fun without asking permission? Or I wonder if they wanted to see who dressed how so they have something to gossip about? Who knows - hope they enjoyed watching us eat, laugh, and have a good time, on the FREE and happy side of Christian life!!
Oh and I forgot - in the picture from the church from Texas - the kids in the water, having fun (the way it should be, having fun not being made robots). Anyway, as ntcc would call it, they're "mixed bathing" they NEVER allowed my kids to swim or be in water because the majority of kids in the church I was in in AZ at the time were girls. So it's ok to "mix bathe" now eh? Compromise I tell you. It is ok if it was one thing all along OR if they said you know, we were wrong and we apologize and we realize this is ok or something. But no, they just go and slide it in real quick and don't even realize the double standard in it all or just don't care one!
Kat said:
"My oldest son recently prayed the prayer of salvation! PTL!!! This is a blessing and considering he turned to drugs (Meth to be exact) because his past has 13 years of ntcc and other things that happened in his life that ntcc never cared about, never helped with etc."
Don said:
When I left the ntcc, I also turned to drugs. For a few years I tried to forget the ntcc and that whole experience by drowning my sorrows away in alcohol and escaping from reality with drugs. Thankfully, I figured out that the habit of smoking crack was to expensive for me.
I truly feel for your son and for all of the children that grew up in the ntcc. Most ntcc children are not being raised right, or they would not be departing from the gospel. When you force a child to live by a bunch of rules, (which Grant never had to live by), that child becomes a slave to false teachings. Kids in the ntcc can't wait to turn 18 so they can escape the cult influence and be normal.
Nobody can be forced into serving God. People need to be given the space to live for God out of freedom of choice, not fear of destruction. We definitely don't need some hypocrite enforcing rules in our lives that they do not apply to themselves or their children.
Looking at children that were raised in the ntcc, and seeing their facebook pages and such, it seems that many of the kids are turned off completely by religion, as I was when I left the ntcc. Kids are very impressionable and when they are raised in a cult it really mars their childhood and leaves them hurting. Your kids are lucky to have a mom that prays for them and understands that salvation and Christianity are not dependent on some church leader's insecure demands. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and the ntcc specializes in wasting minds and lives. Thank God you and your kids escaped.
Kat said:
"Anyway, as ntcc would call it, they're "mixed bathing" they NEVER allowed my kids to swim or be in water because the majority of kids in the church I was in in AZ at the time were girls. So it's ok to "mix bathe" now eh?"
DnA said:
I remember the mixed bathing policy or rule. Public swimming was not allowed and women were separated from men, boys from girls in all things. If you get clothing wet, it will cling to you just like a swimming suit. If you go swimming to lust after people, then banning swimming is not going to help you. I personally believe that when people are in situations where they are around people that dress provocatively and they choose not to lust after them, they have true Christianity. Davis and Kekel don't trust people because their hearts are full of lust and lasciviousness. If you can't trust a Christian to be a Christian then maybe it's because you can't trust yourself. If you make rules against a guy talking to a girl under the guise of "other people might get the wrong idea" or "if you are alone with a member of the opposite sex and you don't commit adultery it's because you are a homosexual or there is something wrong with you" it's because they have these issues themselves. When did Jesus ever act like this? When did the disciples ever go around and say, "Pastor, is it a sin to do this or is it a sin to do that"? "Can I talk to Sister, so and so?" Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?" or better yet, "What did Jesus do?" Davis always said, "The hardest thing you'll ever do is make it to heaven". Really, is His burden supposed to be heavy? Are we supposed to walk on eggshells all of our lives?
All you can do is your best, and when you've done your best you have nothing to be ashamed of. We don't have to beat ourselves up everyday because we didn't live up to the standards of some narcistic control freak that strains at a gnat and swallows a camel.
Another telling thing about the pictures (and NTCC) is a child must be at least 13 years old, and meet other requirements (classes, etc), before they can legally operate a boat in Texas.
Also, thanks for the nice comment about my above comment DnA. This was just an excerpt from an article posted on Deb's Blog last December (the one with the picture of Jesus playing beer pong).
No problem Gregory, I thought that your assessment of Grant's roll in changing the entire ntcc was on the money.
Also, your recent update on the Spring conference on your blog was great material. We are appreciative of you and Deborah. You both have put out so much info on your blog that is needful and helpful to people that are contemplating attending ntcc services or are seeking means to escape from the bondage.
For folks who haven't visited Deb's Witness in a while, click on the blue link above and check it out. There is a lot of updated information and there are testimonies that you can read over and over and still find yourself amazed at how brazenly intolerant the ntcc leaders have been towards those who have surrendered all to conform to their demands, thinking that it was all for Christ.
I just read this link from Deb's Site... wow! the parallels to NTCC are clear!
Just listened to that Travis Tritt song, "10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof". That's really good. Thanks for recommending it, Mark. We have added a video version of it to our Blessings 2 Playlist, or to see just the single:
Okay. Thanks for your feedback. I see now that is not the Travis Tritt song. LOL. It's still a pretty good song/video. :-)
I think some groups like Outward Bound use the same phrase, "10' Tall and Bulletproof"; that, coupled with my utter lack of familiarity with Travis Tritt, caused this honest mix-up. I did wonder how the reference to ntcc preachers fit in with the video I found. LOL. Ah well, anyone who wants to can search YouTube for the Tritt song.
double-D said...
I just read this link from Deb's Site... wow! the parallels to NTCC are clear!
Kat says: I read that before and decided to re-read it after you posted that and I agree. Then I thought there is only one thing different that I see. . . . the borg is smarter - they get the money and don't run, they stay and keep getting more. This Young guy likely didn't know how to stay and keep getting more.
irving tx church has a mobile app as well.
on the google play store
LOL. Does it have "online giving"?
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