Hey DNA! This is Danny Brill. I am sure the news will get out eventually so I am going to give it to you straight from the horses mouth. Regina left me a couple of days ago for not wearing a shirt at the swimming pool when I was teaching my daughter how to swim. I have nothing against you guys , but it would make me pretty upset to read about my family on the internet. Please respect my privacy. Thanks.
Bad timing Danny. We just put the word out less than a month ago that we were not going to hide or cover up ntcc abuse any more. I know this might seem harsh; and it might seem like we have no heart; but in the long run publishing your letter is better for you and your family than keeping this a secret; and I'll tell you why.
First of all, I would like to say I hope you are doing better physically; and we hold no ill feelings toward you. We feel like you are one of many who have been victimized by the ntcc. Your wife Regina, who happens to be Olson's daughter, has either made her choice, or has been influenced to make a choice between honoring her marriage vows taken before God, or leaving you and honoring her father Joe Olson; who happens to be the "Pastor" of the organization; whose position, according to the bylaws, is "Chairman of the Board" and "President". Kekel might be the heir apparent; but Olson is the Figure Head until such a point that people can stomach the thought of calling Kekel Pastor. This decision that Regina had made for her will be applauded by all of the ntcc ministers; who use so-called 'holiness' to run-off the people whom they consider are not all the way "in", or to use as an example to keep husbands of ntcc board leaders' daughters in their place.
Who do you think is going to suffer the most while you try to keep all of this a private matter? Your wife and daughter first, and then yourself. You said it yourself, "I'm sure the news will get out eventually", so you have to know that your situation is going to be publicized no matter what you do. We have a lot smaller audience than the ntcc, so any internet publicity that you get will be minuscule in comparison to what the ntcc does to you. Do you think that the ntcc is going to keep it a private matter? They are already smearing your good name, casting aspersions, and using "coded preaching" to warn those "in the know". Do you think that they are going to say that Regina left you because you treated her with respect and love? Do you think you will be painted in a positive or negative light? If I were you, I'd want to get my side of the story out in public; but I'm not you. However, since we know that you have been so completely abused by these ntcc jerks, even though you won't admit it, We are going to do what you should do, and make this public.
Regina Olson Brill is about to be recycled into another marriage and your daughter will be sucked into the ntcc's swirling vortex along with her. Somebody in the ntcc will hit the jackpot as long as they are willing to jump through all of the ntcc hoops that have nothing to do with God or His Word. And for the sake of your daughter and you, we hope the new man of the house is not some pedophile that ntcc has been harboring, as they have been known to do with the likes of convicted child rapists Johnny Jordan and Michael Fontenot. Because of your health problems you were not able to meet their expectations or qualifications in Amarillo; so you resigned. But they don't care about your health or you; they proved that by putting you at risk, requiring you to attend a conference against your Doctor's wishes; and you paid for it by getting sick.
Without you there to protect her, your daughter is going to be susceptible to what every other young girl in the ntcc is. She will be married off at a young age and hopefully nothing worse than that will happen. You have been around the ntcc long enough to know that what we're saying is true. You should be shouting your story from the rooftops and outing the corrupt ntcc leadership for influencing their daughter to violate her marriage vows; all because you didn't wear a shirt? Regina was alright with her daughter violating the "No mixed swimming/bathing at a public swimming pool holiness rule" but her problem with you because you took your shirt off; that was cause for dessertion? Not sure how many men wear their shirts while teaching their daughters how to swim in a pool. We've never seen that before. Ntcc acts like people who go to swimming pools are only there to sit around and gawk at everyone else while lusting after each other. I went swimming at public pools in high school and most of the time swimming was about enjoying the water. Families were all splashing around having fun, not checking out the other people. But the ntcc likes to choke on a gnat while swallowing a camel. What about what Olson did to Christina, Michael Fontenot's ex-wife, when she told him what happened to her six year old daughter being raped by Fontenot? She was reporting an ntcc bible school instructor pedophile to Olson; but Olson told her to "find another church". What is that? By law Olson is required to report abuse to the authorities; which he failed to do. Good thing Christina went to the police station instead! Otherwise Fontenot might still be an NTCC Seminary Instructor when it's time for your daughter to attend there.
Danny, have you ever taken these creeps at face value? I'm glad you wrote this shortly after it happened; and I'm glad you sent it to us. We are going to do what you should be doing; and that is warning your family about the dangers they now face. You should be letting others know that if they make the same mistake they will have to suffer; and their family will be in danger. We think that Regina will probably end up reading this, or at least she might hear about it and look it up for herself. If she does, she needs to realize that by leaving you, she is abandoning the person that she made vows to God to stay with 'til death do her part. I don't know if you had a chance to confront her but she needs to be asked directly if she is a Christian. If she is a Christian, does she believe the bible like the ntcc claims to? If she does you should ask her, where it says in the bible that she can desert her husband because he was shirtless at a public swimming pool? This is the same bible that the ntcc uses to condemn you for "lasciviousness". We do this all the time, and you should try it also. Use the bible that they say they believe to expose their corruption and lies. It doesn't say anywhere that if her husband is shirtless while giving a swimming lesson to his daughter that she could break those vows! Whose sin is greater, your so called sin of being shirtless or adultery that is clearly defined by many scriptures that they claim to believe. This is another case of the ntcc using a man made standard to get rid of someone that they don't want around any more.
We wonder who they are match-making her with to replace you. We feel strongly that even now the phone calls are going out to various single brothers/company men throughout the organization.
Brother In The Know: "Well, brother, did you hear? Regina Olson Brill is available again."
Single Brother: "What? I thought she was married? I know Danny Brill was really sick. Did he pass away?"
Brother In The Know: "Not yet. But he wasn't wearing a shirt and was giving his daughter a swimming lesson; so he's outta there! What a lucky break for you! You better pack your bags, brother. I think God is calling you to Move On Up to Graham, Washington." (*wink wink*)
Meanwhile, you, Danny, will be fighting for your life, your wife, and some type of custody of your daughter. It won't just be the lawyer of your soon-to-be-former wife you'll be facing; no, it will be the full power of the NTCC and all the resources that go with it ($$$$$$$, people, time, ...). They'll probably try to take any land or house you own too. Don't be surprised if they get a restraining order against you to prevent you from seeing your daughter; for that is one of their tactics; and we are not lying. We know someone who is going through this right now. Unfortunately, it's usually women that this happens to; and they have no money, no car, no place to live and no job experience or employment history when they leave the ntcc and often no means to fight any thing that happens to them. We just figured out a way that we can make our millions. We can invent Divorce Insurance and sell it to ntcc couples. Oh, We forgot, they can't afford insurance. Ask the ntcc widows how well that's worked for them.
Danny, the only advantage you have is the element of surprise; because they will never expect you to rise up against them and fight for your wife. So Man Up; get the best lawyers you can, call your family and any old friends you might have left that will support you, and get ready for a serious fight; because you can be sure the ntcc has done this before plenty of times. It's a shame; but it's the truth. If we include the folks they send to their indoctrination center, breaking up families just because only one spouse 'feels the call', the ntcc has probably split up more families than they have formed through their Justice of the Peace style marriages. (We know Regina got the gown; but most ntcc brides are expected to settle for the bare bones, after class on Friday night at midnight type of weddings. Ahem.) So seriously, gird up your loins Man.
And please, folks, don't try to say we are making this up. It happens ALL THE TIME in My ntcc!
We don't take any pleasure in publishing this; but hiding things like this is no longer in our nature. You need to get in front of this before the ntcc spins its lies and a bunch of false information starts to spread like wild fire through the organization. Do you know that most people leave the ntcc and lies are immediately spread about them? They are probably already busier than a mustard pedal at a weenie roast trying to brainstorm for ideas of how to spin this. For a long time, people would come to us and tell us things and then say "Please don't blog about it." We've learned that the ntcc acts and reacts according to what is being blogged about. You are better off getting the truth out in public before the ntcc starts pushing their twisted version out there. You are better off if the ntcc is in the Damage Control mode than if they are in the "destroy the X-minister without mercy mode". Now at least if ntcc'rs read this blog they will know they are committing adultery if they marry Regina. The ntcc won't tell them that; but Olson will encourage some previously hen pecked and recycled brother who hasn't read this blog and drinks their Kookaid to marry into double adultery.
We have many testimonies that we have not blogged about that have just as much validity as yours; but we realized after almost 5 years of blogging that all we were doing was enabling the ntcc to keep hiding their abuse. You might not agree; but what you have been through is spiritual abuse. Those people in the ntcc have used you and pushed you to a point that defies human decency. What was revealed on Chief's blog (read more by clicking here) that was done to you, was inhuman; but you explained it all away and tried to leave the impression that everything they did to you was kind and appropriate. Don't make excuses for these guys any more. They are all stone cold abusive jerks; and the last person they care about is you. We actually care more about you than Olson does. Olson would love nothing better than for you to never contact your wife and your daughter again. That's how the ntcc treats people. They use them and throw them away.
We wish you the best Danny; and we really hope that she reconsiders and leaves the cult, rather than the husband she vowed to stay with for life.
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Danny and Regina Olson Brill |
And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery. - Mark 10:12 KJV
... and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from [her] husband committeth adultery. - Luke 16:18 KJV (partial)
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. - Gen 2:24 KJV
(1) Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: (2) And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: (3) And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (4) So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; ... - Gen 12:1-4 (4 partial) KJV
Sorry if we have mocked anyone's shodesty with our use of secular songs in the playlist; but there just aren't any Christian songs that deal with desertion and divorce because the bible doesn't endorse the ntcc's divorce on demand policy. It's really hard to find any related songs that are in the Christian music Genre that are appropriate for the "holiness" crowd. In fact the closest we can get is this last video that features Chris Brown doing the "Doublemint Gum Jingle" Double standards, double minded, double trouble, double lives, double wives, double daddies, double gated communities,
double tongued to chew your doublemint gum. Hmmm. There's a lesson in that.
Doublemint Jingle on YouTube
Let's think about this, and how it would play out if the roles were reversed. If Danny was Olson's son and Regina were his daughter in law, and Regina came to Olson and ratted out Danny for not wearing a shirt, Olson would say, "You need to find another church". Davis would say, "You should be thanking God that your not married to some fella that beats you." Olson would also say, "I can't receive this from you because it doesn't seem right in the Holy Ghost", and that would be the end of it or Regina would be packing her bags and catching the next bus after hitting up her estranged family for traveling funds since the ntcc is so cheap that they won't even buy a tithe paying brother a bus ticket. These Multi Millionaire tightwad ntcc board members won't even cough up the cash to buy a brother a burger at the burger bar or to buy your child a 69 cent corndog. Olson is too busy preaching practical theology and jacking people up for eating their french fries with their fingers while he looks down his snout and condemns people like Brill.
Double wow!
I mean really, Regina?
I can't imagine that she would be that pharisaical but I guess she wanted out of that marriage and this was just an excuse. Hopefully brill will find the support he needs.
No doubt there's a line of brothers already forming ready to talk to her.
So sad.
The men are probably already lining up to 'talk' to Brill's daughter too. Regina was raised in this group, so no matter how nutty or distasteful it is, she will probably go along with it. And with Daddy Danny out of the picture, those girlies will both be fair game for the wolves and hounds amoung you ntccers.
You're right Anonymous. -- So sad.
She can sit with a man through cancer, but jumps the coop for him being shirtless? This seems out of character for Regina. Something fishy is going on....
Very sad but not at all surprising....
Danny, all I have to say is go for sole custody. You know what your daughter is in for.
Keep us updated so we can find out who "Kekel Part 2" will be. The line of men waiting has to do with one thing and one thing only.
Anonymous said...
She can sit with a man through cancer, but jumps the coop for him being shirtless? This seems out of character for Regina. Something fishy is going on....
DNA said:
I'm not sure about that, but I do know that this is not out of Character for Joe Olson. There was a testimony shared on another blog by Casey Hayes in which he said one time at the Lodge on the campground he was speaking with Joe Olson. JO would not even look him in the eye but instead dropped his head and told Casey, Sir, you are going to have to fix that. Casey's alleged fault? His shirt had more than one button undone *gasp*. Oh, the horror of having to face someone of your own gender with one button undone on his shirt. If you ask me, Joe Olson has a problem with seeing a man's chest. Why would he make such a big deal about it, to where he couldn't even talk to Casey until the rebellious button was secured?
Meanwhile Davis has everyone showering nude in front of each other in the group showers at the campground. If you complained about it, Davis would accuse you of being proud. Taking a dump wasn't even a private affair at the campground because the toilets were in the same room as the showers with no dividers or stalls. Even if you had to take care of #1 you were exposed to a plethora of naked members of the same sex using the campgrounds one stop for all your private needs facility. Is that necessary? If it's not the norm in our 'sex driven and perverted society' as the ntcc preachers so often refer to it, why would a "holiness" Christian organization infringe on the privacy of it's members in such a way?
Bernie Bassett said...
Very sad but not at all surprising....
DNA said:
We agree. We think what is most sad about it is that people refuse to wake up and do something about it. It's almost like they are willingly being led to the slaughter.
There's a pic of she and her daughter on fb and I tell you what brill needs to get moving to be closer to his daughter because she is such a beautiful little girl and if he loses custody "that's all folks" for the future of his flesh and blood.
How convenient for her to just up and leave with daughter in tow., specially with school starting soon.
Do you think she has the money to just up and leave? Of course not.
Somebody enabled her.
You better fight for your Daughter Brill! Good luck.
This custody battle could be the end of NTCC as far as living in obscurity goes. how convenient that NTCC gated itself in and has never had to answer to anyone.
I agree, there is more to it, the shirt off is not a crime worth leaving over.
It won't be long they will be saying divorce is an option cuz she is now married to an "unbeliever". You know, cuz not wearing a shirt means your not a christian. Peter was naked on the boat, should we consider him an ubeliever? I mean I'm just aksin.
Regina and her daughter will be staying with Joan St.Clair in Graham,Washington for now.
Anonymous said:
"Somebody enabled her."
DNA said:
Definitely. Olson probably has millions in the bank. His mild mannered facade masks his real identity. Olson has been slithering around quietly waiting for an opportunity to sink his fangs into somebody. Olson is a real thug. He flies under the radar and strategically carpet bombs unsuspecting victims. He's enabled the doers of every rotten deed that has taken place in the ntcc. They are cleaning house in the ntcc. If you are an ntcc spouse that is not supporting your other brainwashed half, you better grow eyes in the back of your head because the powers that be are setting a precedent that will spread through the rest of the borg. If you will not be assimilated into the collective they will find away to get rid of you. When it happens at this level, they use it to justify wholesale change across the board. "Oh, Olson's daughter dumped her husband because of a minor holiness incident", we need to get rid of so and so's spouse who is dragging their spouse to hell by not going along with our cult program.
Anonymous said...
You better fight for your Daughter Brill! Good luck.
DNA said:
This is good advice. For those who believe in prayer we suggest that you pray for this man. The odds are stacked against him and he's probably going to need a miracle to get joint custody. I know that sounds like an uphill battle, but if the custody proceedings are conducted by someone who recognizes narcissism and manipulative behavior, perhaps a miracle will take place. I'm sure the ntcc will have spun a better lie to make their case than the shirtless swimming lesson excuse.
I don't think he was asking you to cover anything up. I think he's hurt and embarrassed and doesn't want his business flying around the net.
Is there more to this story... Yeah, I'm sure there is.
Do I hope he wins custody? yeah I hope he does.
This guy could be a great ally so lets respect him and his privacy.
I hope he one day fights with us.
Billy Bob said...
This custody battle could be the end of NTCC as far as living in obscurity goes. how convenient that NTCC gated itself in and has never had to answer to anyone.
DNA said:
I'm not sure if a custody battle is enough to bring down the evil empire or even to give them enough bad publicity to effect any kind of change. Hopefully it will contribute enough horizontal force to those who are teetering on the edge of escaping to push them over the edge to the freedom side. Unfortunately these non-profit non-prophets have quite a financial cushion thanks to Davis's ability to convert a tax free religious organization into a real estate holding company right under the Government's nose. Who knows? Maybe there will be enough attention drawn to this to shed some light on what goes on with the church behind the fence.
Dont you wish you knew who I was said...
It won't be long they will be saying divorce is an option cuz she is now married to an "unbeliever". You know, cuz not wearing a shirt means your not a christian. Peter was naked on the boat, should we consider him an ubeliever? I mean I'm just aksin.
DNA said:
Thanks for bringing that up and good point. We knew this theory would raise it's ugly head. 1 Cor 7 covers this issue fairly well and admonishes the departing spouse to remain unmarried or be reconciled to their spouse. In fact, more specifically, it says let not the wife depart from the husband, but if she depart let her remain unmarried or be reconciled. Pretty simple. Marriage vows are supposed to mean something. The ntcc has been twisting these scriptures to rid itself of anyone they think might be a threat to them. Peter cast himself into the pool, I mean sea, but his wife never left him over it.
Anonymous hoopdeedoo said...
I agree, there is more to it, the shirt off is not a crime worth leaving over.
DNA said:
The shirt is temporary excuse until they can spin a bigger lie. They know that DB has always been one to seek their approval and has been very careful not to say anything against them. He's actually been a very good example of a company man and that is what they want. His health has prevented him from being more than a yes man. I'm sure if he didn't have the health issues that he has, he'd be right in there fighting for the blessings of Gawd with right along side of the other ones that are vying for the board recognition and approval that they all crave. I think his character would shine more if he took a stand against them and decided to slay the Giant. We know someone who is fighting the ntcc in high places right now and they have taken this attitude. We hope and pray that they win and reverse the precedent that the ntcc is trying to set.
Anonymous said...
Regina and her daughter will be staying with Joan St.Clair in Graham,Washington for now.
DNA said:
That's just gross. As frightening as it may sound, it wouldn't be beyond them to put another child at risk with Joan. I really hope there is no truth to that.
Somebody wrote: "they're staying with sis stclaire". I mean, wasn't she allegedly being a creep with Julie?
Just horrible!
We are rooting for you brill, keep the faith man!
JD said...
I don't think he was asking you to cover anything up. I think he's hurt and embarrassed and doesn't want his business flying around the net.
DNA said:
He wrote us the demanding email entitled "Respect my privacy". We run a blog and our goal is to expose the ntcc. We have never tried to hide this fact. It says right on the top of our blog under the title: Former Ministers and Members tell of NTCC Abuse. There are things that we haven't shared because people have come to us and asked us not to share them. We gave them our word and to my knowledge all of the details shared in confidence that we agreed to keep silent we have kept silent. This actually put us in a position where people would share stuff that should be prosecuted in court, and because we gave our word, we remained silent. We don't do that any more. In fact we have made it clear that we are going to share things that expose the true nature of the ntcc. JD, you need to recognize that what Danny is going through is flat out abuse and he needs to see it that way too. We never agreed to not publish anything, in fact I suspect he probably wanted us to put it on our blog or he never would have contacted us. Of course he's going to throw out a disclaimer to make himself look like he honors the ntcc leaders. He did that the last time when he came on Chief's blog and sugar coated the incident where Olson convinced him to come to Washington for conference in spite of his doctor's orders not to travel.
We have publicly stated that we are not going to enable the ntcc leadership by being silent about the ntcc. It might seem to you like we are crossing a line and I understand why you might believe that. We have been at this for quite some time. No doubt there are people out there that are outraged at us for sharing this instead of being outraged at the source of this outrageous event. This is yet another warning and it's much like the same warning that Davis the so called apostle of the ntcc issued. Don't tell us anything that you don't want others to know. Think about it JD. Brill is the unfortunate son in law of Olson who is at the top of the food chain in the ntcc. We are running a blog on behalf of many X-members of the ntcc who have been victimized by these creeps. Olson is one of the chief offenders. We choose our battles and this is part of it. Why should a slime ball like Olson who has been a chief enabler of abuse in the ntcc be allowed to get a free pass? We were never given this type of free pass when we were lowly church members. We were all on the receiving end just like Danny is now. We had to live in fear and condemnation for every little violation of their man made rules while the ones who make the rules are living high on the hog off of our tithe dollars. It's about money and numbers, not about honor or doing the right thing. They want Olson's daughter to be married to someone who can produce ntcc results.
D/A Said
They want Olson's daughter to be married to someone who can produce ntcc results.
Not so sure about that as THEY clearly didn't care who Tanya married because that guy has gotten S@#$t for results.
I think this was more about pride for Olson as the prodigal daughter has returned. Wonder how much that set him back. In all honesty I don't really care as I'm not so sure Danny is completely innocent in all this. I mean he might have been a lowly minister but he was a lowly minister with higher up in laws and access. I suspect he's got lots of knowledge about the goings and comings of the NTCC.
Like others have said this is clearly not the whole story. Not wearing a shirt in the pool sounds pretty lame. I'm sure she'd give a different account entirely.
"Not wearing a shirt in the pool sounds pretty lame."
There is a systematic method for divorce in the ntcc establishment. For all we know, not wearing a shirt could be their version of abandonment. However, will it stand in the courts of God? child molesters are allowed to roam freely in church fellowship, but a father who takes off his shirt is seen with disdain.
When somebody decides to just up and leave it's because they've been thinking this for a long time.
She just didn't wake up that day went to the pool and when she sees brill without a shirt she gets up gets her girl calls graham and talks to her mom " please send me a ticket I'm leaving Danny because he was in the pool shirtless!
Come on, this has been in the works since he decided to make his grievances public specially here in the blogs.
All I can say is that he was naive thinking that the org was gonna give him a pass on that.
In washington, in a divorce, what's the wife's is also the husbands and vice a versa.
Be interesting to find out if JO has stocks and bonds socked away in Regina's name. Well, now legally belongs to Danny. You ought to get a lawyer and have all assets in Regina's name frozen. Now that would be cool, especially of the NTCC is socking money away in their childrens name somewhere. hehehe
Wow, not making light of this issue, but I had to force myself to stop laughing. She left her husband, because he took his shirt off at the pool? Wow, the husband that she asked God for? That brother did not commit a crime, or a sin, but because of all the man made rules that ntcc live by, in her mind that's probably a huge sin. Having been born into a cult, she's a very good candidate for cult rehabilitation, so that she can unlearn some of the twisted doctrine that ntcc teaches.
Whatever more things she grew up with that was put on her mind as being "sin"
I recall at one sermon Olson was preaching about how that when his daughter was little, she and her mom were at the grocery store and by mistake they made a turn by where liquor aisle and lo and behold little Regina covered her eyes and ran through it like she had committed an unpardonable sin!
No doubt she thinks that a man with no shirt is exposing himself.
Yea, seriously?! Because he took off his shirt at a swimming pool while teaching daughter to swim?! Tanya's tight sweaters and dresses are more harmful than a crusty ole dude with his shirt off. Big freakin deal you imbeciles. The whole world is dieing and going to hell, drug addicts dieing, half the world is in turmoil, prostitutes dieing without Jesus, the world has gone mad running after the devil headlong into the burning pits of the damned - and NTCC is worried over a husband with no shirt on as he teaches his daughter to swim! Help us Jesus. I can't even take this, I am visibly shaking and sick to my stomach, I got to go.
Yes Regina was taught to have your shirt as a man it was the same as being naked in God's eyes.
I believe Regina left for such a stupid reason. What was your supposed transgression that caused you to leave. Mine was supposedly because I was having affairs. The real reason was I was being abused by my then husband.
How many of you were supposedly looking at porn, being rebellious, loving your house more than God, being a drunkard and doing drugs, the list goes on. We all know that it was all a lie but NTCC spins it their way.
It would be interesting to hear the NTCC spin of Regina leaving. She only needed an excuse to leave and her excuse was having a bare chested man.
Now it's time for Danny to step up and gain custody of his daughter. If she is staying with Joan it would be negligence to let her stay there and possibly prosecutable. Danny needs to talk to the Pierce County prosecutor and Child Protective Services and tell them what he knows about the group and especially Joan StClair. Danny has a huge group of ex-ers ready to talk to CPS. He may not have the money to fight NTCC in the courts but CPS doesn't care about Churches, they will do their best to ensure his daughter is safe. He just needs to step up to the plate and care about his daughter more than he cares about NTCC.
Anonymous said...
Somebody wrote: "they're staying with sis stclaire". I mean, wasn't she allegedly being a creep with Julie?
Just horrible!
DNA said:
Very disturbing. The ntcc is full of wicked women in high places and this includes Verna, Tanya, Barbara Norton Warwick, and Joan. Joan is probably at the top of the list. The thought of someone's young daughter living with Joan is disgusting. Jezebel comes to mind. It wasn't the Make-up that made Jezebel wicked, it was her actions. Joan has been involved with things that are much more evil and disgusting than the actions of your average sinner and she is extolled by the ntcc as a woman of God. People need to wake up.
Anonymous said:
Not so sure about that as THEY clearly didn't care who Tanya married because that guy has gotten S@#$t for results.
DNA said:
Good point. Kekel has probably done more damage to Davis's empire than anyone in the ntcc. This reinforces my belief that Davis never cared about people, souls or the organization. Davis was like that rich man In Luke 12 that had no more room to store his fruits. He said, I will tear down my barns and build bigger barns. Davis kept building bigger Mansions while so many in the ministry struggled. The ntcc was his cash cow and he had to know that passing it all along to Kekel wasn't going to make the ntcc prosper. Davis took the profits of the ntcc and poured them into his own creature comforts and did the same for his immediate family. Then when he reached the peak of his dreams and ambitions, he said the same thing that rich man said. "Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry." Right around March 7th of last year, He was visited by death and all those goods and riches that he had laid up for himself did him no good at all. He didn't choose a man to succeed him with the best qualifications or the closest walk with God, he chose the bolo husband of his adopted daughter. Davis was the biggest fool of us all. He acted like he was endued with wisdom from on high. We all believed him and followed him blindly. He constantly warned people to prepare for the future and he did so in every way except for that which mattered the most. He spent his entire "ministry" warning people about the fires of hell and judgement while he pointed out everyone's sin. He was made the keeper of the ntcc vinyard, but his own vinyard he did not keep. He had much goods laid up in store for him but in March of 2014 God said, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee."
Anonymous said...
"There is a systematic method for divorce in the ntcc establishment. For all we know, not wearing a shirt could be their version of abandonment. However, will it stand in the courts of God? child molesters are allowed to roam freely in church fellowship, but a father who takes off his shirt is seen with disdain."
DNA said:
Great comment and very good points. The ntcc has a history of doing nothing about physical and sexual abuse. You would think a church as strict as the ntcc would be the last place you would find a predator. We have found that the more rules a church has and the more they try to govern and control people, the more they have to hide. They use trumped up standards of man made outward 'holiness' to hide what really goes on. They believe that if others see this high unattainable standard of self righteousness that they will think: if these people wear dresses like that and the men wear polyester slacks, white shirts and wingtips all the time, they must be real God fearing people. But in all actuality, these types of churches are full of sexual perversion and abuse. When you play God, and control relationships and try to push celibacy on to a group of people by telling them who they can and can't date or steering them away from the natural course of procreation, you frustrate people beyond what they are built to cope with. They also destroy relationships and especially the sex life of couples that otherwise would be flourishing in harmony. They cause division between husband and wife by driving a wedge between them. Telling the man that her wife is dragging him down, or telling the wife that your husband will never do anything for God. A cult like the ntcc is the perfect place for a predator to hide and fly under the radar. In fact the ntcc not only reaches out to people with a history of sexual abuse, but they create sexual predators by manipulating their good relationship. Everyone in the cult thinks that the cult is the last move of God and the only true body of believers that they'll ever find. They trust every pastor and every leader to the point of being blind. Accusations are not accepted by the leadership and sexual abusers are not held accountable for their actions. Cults discourage any kind of police or legal action and encourage people not to report sex offenders to the proper authorities. While they jack you up for not having your shirt all the way buttoned up, they ignore the greatest of sins and that is why their religion stinks in the nostrils of God. The ntcc has their priorities all mixed up. "They are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them." Luk 11:44
Start a gofundme if you have to Danny! I'll give the first 100.00!
We heard from someone who lives close that there is a fire really close to the ntcc cult compound. Most of the ministers in the Borg have donated their houses to the ntcc so they don't have to pay taxes or insurance. Any payouts will go to the ntcc instead of the ministers that are living in those homes. I wonder if Kekel will get a new upgrade out of the deal if it all burns to the ground. I bet the ntcc ministers that live on the cult compound will be looking for a new place to live with no relocation reimbursements and no guarantees of moving back in. That is why you don't donate your house to a cult. Bunch of idiots!
Anonymous said...
Regina and her daughter will be staying with Joan St.Clair in Graham,Washington for now.
I say....
I am not surprised. The house is in the Olsons' name and I believe they gave it to Regina. I also heard Mrs.St.Clair is giving piano lessons to children 16 and under in her home. My experience with that woman was she was a little off. Why would people send the kids to her house for private lessons?
"Twenty-six years ago I experienced the greatest miracle of my life - salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This experience came in a Pentecostal “holiness” church where, unbeknown to me at the time, the pastor was committing adultery, one of the deacons (or “pillars” of the church as they were called) visited a prostitute on a regular basis, another deacon kept a large supply of porno magazines in his home, and still another was a philanderer. This taught me that just because God moves in a particular setting, it is no indication that those who bear the message are “godly.”
John R. Anderson "Touch not mine Anointed"
This is far too common in holiness churches like the one referred to above. When you got people breaking marriage vows because of a lame excuse like a "shirtless swimming lesson" you might want to take a closer look at the leadership of that group and make sure it is of God, Or is it a duck? If it quacks it's a duck. I'm not judging the duck or raising my hand against the duck, I'm just calling it what it is. Questioning the appearance of the duck or it's behavior doesn't mean I'm blaspheming the duck, neither is questioning the ntcc leadership equivalent to "touching the Lord's anointed". I'm not going to break it all down for you, but it's simple stuff. You can actually figure this out in 15 minutes or less of researching the bible. You don't even have to leave our blog. You can used the Blue Letter Bible feature and look up "Touch not mine anointed" and other scriptures that deal with the subject of God's anointed. Most of what you will find is Old Testament and talks about physically touching or causing harm to an anointed King or ruler of Israel, while the new testament says that all Christians have an anointing. There is nothing special about an ntcc preacher or leadership figure that makes them unaccountable to the people they are called to serve. So please all you sanctimonious ntcc'rs and some X-ers that like to refer to Davis and his disciples as God's anointed, please don't hate on us too much. If you support any cause with your time and money, you have a right to know whether or not that cause is legitimate. If you give your money to an organization that tugs on your heart strings to give to the starving children in Africa, there is nothing wrong with questioning them and researching their history. If you find in your research that they have a history of spending donations on personal luxuries you have a right and maybe even a moral responsibility to future scam victims to call them out publicly, or you can just run the other direction with your tail tucked between your legs. In the ntcc if you question their legitimacy they will pitchfork the "touch not mine anointed" scripture at you. They might ask, "Well, what about the part that says "Do my prophets no harm"? Sorry, that doesn't refer to false prophets and have pointed out many of the false prophesies and phony dreams that Davis and Olson have proclaimed, plus their doctrine is false which we have proven hundreds of times on this blog. We have talked to many X-ers that still are afraid to call a spade, a spade because the influence of the ntcc is still driving them to ignore what they know. Fear is a manipulative tactic employed by these spiritual terrorists. They don't care about your spiritual welfare, they care about your money.
D/A said : they don't care about your spiritual welfare". Quite right.
They didn't care for brill at all.
Ms Olson was talking about how his soninlaw would be very sick at times,bedridden.
Now he is fending for himself because his wife is so mind controlled by these weird "holiness" ideas that were fed by her parents.
You would care more for an idea than a husband who needs you more than ever?
I mean this guy might not live longer and you leave him?
Ok here goes; I was accused of looking at porn and I was in fact from time to time looking at porn, what do you expect, I had 9 GI's living in the servicemen's home, paper thin walls, a schedule that took up every minute of my time, worked on a full time job, and lived under rules such as not being allowed to hold hands or show affection lest the single Soldiers are tempted. Porn used in moderation in my opinion can be a tool for releasing pent up pressure. By the way I don't really care what you think. Bam! yea I said that.
"touch not my anointed" yea I believed at one time that NTCC was the premiere org used by God on the last days. I out grew that. I believe that God could of used them if they would of followed Him instead of viewing it as a business in which it was necessary to be the CEO of. Really!? CEO!? Looking back I now see that my intentions were purer then the NTCC leaderships and if I were to come face to face with a true NTCCite, not so sure they would get the royal treatment from me. There is no way they are the last day prophets or standard bearers for God they think they are. And that is the problem, a lot of their projecting forth is a result of the self delusion RW instilled to those who would allow it.
Maybe this is an attempt to telegraph a signal that NTCC is still a "holiness" organization. Olson is legendary for his over the top surface piety, and he may not appreciate the direction Kekel is taking things. Or maybe Regina is just a brainwashed cult princess acting out on her own. Who knows? Either way, Danny is going to have to do what he can to protect his interests, because it's doubtful he has the kind of resources that will be arrayed against him. How old is the kid, anyway?
Anonymous said...
When somebody decides to just up and leave it's because they've been thinking this for a long time.
DNA said:
It's pretty obvious that Olson is behind it. I'm sure Regina was considering leaving him for quite some time. Just as we all looked for reasons to leave, and finally found something that pushed us over the edge, people who abandon or desert their spouses in the ntcc also look for reasons to leave them. When I left the Org, I just felt like I was worn out from the fruitless routine. The Ballards told me they were leaving and that became the inspiration that tipped the scales in my favor. I will always be thankful that they helped inspire me to escape. Deserting your spouse is a huge life changing decision and I'm sure that Olson turned up the pressure and influenced her to leave.
Anonymous IMASKINGWHY said...
In washington, in a divorce, what's the wife's is also the husbands and vice a versa.
DNA said:
That's usually the case but when the wife is the daughter of president and pastor of a cult, I'm not sure that Olson didn't see this coming and prepare for it. Generally speaking the man in an ntcc relationship holds all the cards. But in this case I'm sure Olson took measures to protect anyone from taking a financial chunk out of his hind end. Olson isn't stupid and neither was Davis. I think Davis had Kekel on a short leash in the beginning. The groping incident had nothing to do with his short leash because Davis didn't care about that. He endorsed that kind of thing the whole time. But I'm sure if Kekel would have left the ntcc within 10 or 15 years Davis would have been prepared. He often said he didn't care if his own brother were involved in the ministry, "it's business" and he would have to jump through all the hoops that everyone else did. After all the church is a business. But then again Davis also said not to to business with family. The 39 acre land deal is a good example of that.
Speaking of Business the church is a non-profit religious organization that has filed for 501(c)3 status there are laws that haven't been enforced up until now that make the churches who file for that status answerable to the Government. We all know that the Government has turned a blind eye to the financial transparency behind most tax exempt churches but their are other laws that state that the Government has a write to say what can and can not be preached by churches. All of these shysters that have filed for this status and haven't payed taxes for decades just might end up being told what they can and can not preach. In Texas there is a legal battle going on about churches preaching against Homosexuality. Just think what would happen if a gay couple walked into an ntcc church and asked the pastor to conduct a marriage ceremony. If you are paying taxes like everyone else you can probably get away with freedom of speech but not if you agreed to the terms of a 501(c)3. They got you over a barrel all because you got greedy and decided you didn't want to pay taxes like everyone else. An X ntcc gay couple should walk into Graham and ask to get married and then take them to court. They would be set for life, financially, even if they weren't really gay. I'm not saying I agree with Gay marriage but people are people and they are going to do what they do and the more people condemn them instead of trying to reach out to them, the more they are going to do what they want. That goes for anyone. If you treat your kids like dirt and tell them not to do drugs, guess what they are going to do? Rebel.
Maurice said...
Wow, not making light of this issue, but I had to force myself to stop laughing. She left her husband, because he took his shirt off at the pool? Wow, the husband that she asked God for? That brother did not commit a crime, or a sin, but because of all the man made rules that ntcc live by, in her mind that's probably a huge sin. Having been born into a cult, she's a very good candidate for cult rehabilitation, so that she can unlearn some of the twisted doctrine that ntcc teaches.
DNA said:
Once again, very good point Maurice. You look at this the way everyone should look at this. It's absolutely ridiculous. That's what the ntcc does to people. They shut off their brains and do what they are told without asking anyone, including God. If the preacher said it, they believe it and that settles it. After all the preacher is inspired by God isn't he? You better make sure before you he tells you to break your vows. Next thing you know he'll have you all standing naked on top of Mt. Rainier waiting for the rapture. That's why Ashmore is so dangerous. He's left the ntcc and still has people who have been X-ers for years following him. They don't have a clue what he is really all about. I wouldn't be surprised if Ashmore ends up in the news for doing something crazy and influencing a bunch of his members to follow him into some illegal venture. After all, his number one right hand man is prophesying about the blood moons and end of days.
Anonymous said:
"I recall at one sermon Olson was preaching about how that when his daughter was little, she and her mom were at the grocery store and by mistake they made a turn by where liquor aisle and lo and behold little Regina covered her eyes and ran through it like she had committed an unpardonable sin!"
DNA said:
They probably were in the liquor isle pricing a bottle of fine wine to celebrate a bonus that Davis gave Olson and Regina knew it was wrong. A.A. Allen preached just like Davis and a lot like Ashmore, but they had to sober him up to get him behind the pulpit. Don't think it's not possible. Olsons probably has more skeletons in his closet then all of them. In the ntcc, the ones that look innocent are probably the guiltiest of all. Olson has no problem kicking a woman and her daughter out of the church with very little means to survive to cover up the actions of a child rapist, what makes you think he doesn't take his liberty doing what ever he wants to do.
D&A said
"The Ballards told me they were leaving and that became the inspiration that tipped the scales in my favor. I will always be thankful that they helped inspire me to escape"
Wow! I remember them, they were one cool couple and very sincere in their service to God. I did not know they had left. Does anyone know if John and Lori Sutter are still in or out?
We ought to put our minds together and some up with a list of all the people we know who have left NTCC. I can think of some old names such as Scott Wirebaugh, Arron Bender, the Ogelvees to name a few.
Also, I have a trunk full of paraphanelia of NTCC stuff such as pics galore, key chain from 25 yr anniversary, tapes, old letter of disfellowship, old minister license, tithe envilopes- just a bunch of stuff and if anyone is up to it they could make a site hosting pics from the NTCC world throughout the years.
bryan hill said...
Yea, seriously?! Because he took off his shirt at a swimming pool while teaching daughter to swim?! Tanya's tight sweaters and dresses are more harmful than a crusty ole dude with his shirt off. Big freakin deal you imbeciles. The whole world is dieing and going to hell, drug addicts dieing, half the world is in turmoil, prostitutes dieing without Jesus, the world has gone mad running after the devil headlong into the burning pits of the damned - and NTCC is worried over a husband with no shirt on as he teaches his daughter to swim! Help us Jesus. I can't even take this, I am visibly shaking and sick to my stomach, I got to go.
DNA said:
Great point Bryan. You really are getting down to the heart of the matter with this comment. I wish everyone would look at it like you do. They were hell bent on preaching hell fire and brimstone to anyone who didn't get with the program. Holiness was just a term that they used to create false expectations that placed people in fear for not being able to live up to them. Many of us lived up to them, but not in our minds. We did it out of fear of what would happen to us if we didn't. Like God is waiting up in heaven to strike us dead the day we wear shorts. Ain't it strange that Jesus never mentioned such an important topic?
Anonymous said:
"Yes Regina was taught to have your shirt as a man it was the same as being naked in God's eyes."
DNA said:
We all can relate to that.
DD&A said:
"Olsons probably has more skeletons in his closet then all of them"
I do remember Mr. Olson being quite the epidemy of purity, even claiming to excuse himself when he passed gas due to the ever presence of the Holy Spirit. I do remember him being what appeared to be very humble and consistently meek and mild. BUT- now that I am much more mature than a naïve GI I see him as guilty by association and even more so, guilty for not saying one dang gone word against the pride and greed of the NTCC. His lack of crying out makes him so much a part of the worst crimes in NTCC. This is why I left, I perceived that the NTCC required your loyalty in the face of any personal walk with God you may have. In other words, "NTCC first and foremost" is the motto and battle cry that binds them together.
Freebird said:
" Danny has a huge group of ex-ers ready to talk to CPS. He may not have the money to fight NTCC in the courts but CPS doesn't care about Churches, they will do their best to ensure his daughter is safe. He just needs to step up to the plate and care about his daughter more than he cares about NTCC."
DNA said:
That might be some of the best advise anyone has ever given on a X-cult member blog. That is his best option. If that social worker were to see the cult compound and attend a service, they would yank the child out of that mess so fast that Olson's head would still be spinning and award custody to the Father. Danny, if you are reading this, you got a lot of people in your corner and don't listen to any of us, I hope you take this advise. It's your best shot.
Anonymous said...
Start a gofundme if you have to Danny! I'll give the first 100.00!
DNA said:
Not sure about that yet. There was a lot of talk about donating to Brigg's family and when it was all said and done there was very little support and the widow didn't even seem to want help.
Anonymous said...
Regina and her daughter will be staying with Joan St.Clair in Graham,Washington for now.
I say....
I am not surprised. The house is in the Olsons' name and I believe they gave it to Regina. I also heard Mrs.St.Clair is giving piano lessons to children 16 and under in her home. My experience with that woman was she was a little off. Why would people send the kids to her house for private lessons?
DNA said:
If the house Regina is going to be staying in is the same that Joan is living in, that is really bad news for Regina's daughter. I once seen a video that was posted on someone's facebook of someone's child playing the piano for Joan. It was extremely creepy because the young girl seemed terrified and was trying so hard to do everything that Joan was coaching her to do. I got the impression that Joan was an experienced manipulator and that she practiced this control with more than just piano lessons. Brill get your daughter.
Does anyone know where Richard Blumenthal is now a days or what he is doing. He literally fell off the face of the earth after he left. I had heard he was not doing well and would like some concrete information. Does anyone know anything?
Anonymous said:
You would care more for an idea than a husband who needs you more than ever?
I mean this guy might not live longer and you leave him?
DNA said:
Pretty cold hearted. I think many of us were like that because of fear. The ntcc creates people who are willing to dispose of another human being out of self preservation. "It's better him than me" is the attitude that you end up with if you stay in long enough and she has been mixed up in this cult her entire life. Jesus said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." The ntcc has that backwards.
daniel boone said...
Ok here goes; I was accused of looking at porn and I was in fact from time to time looking at porn, what do you expect, I had 9 GI's living in the servicemen's home, paper thin walls, a schedule that took up every minute of my time, worked on a full time job, and lived under rules such as not being allowed to hold hands or show affection lest the single Soldiers are tempted. Porn used in moderation in my opinion can be a tool for releasing pent up pressure. By the way I don't really care what you think. Bam! yea I said that.
DNA said:
No condemnation from us. I respect you more for your honesty and for sharing this with those who read this blog. This is what the ntcc does to people. It sounds like you were the pastor of a Servicemen's home and that you had no privacy whatsoever. The ntcc also teaches men to be absolute jerks to their wives. It's hard to have a great sex life when the wife is walking on pins and needles all the time and the husband is stressed out all the time. I think that you are not alone and that many others have been there and done that, but you are the first to admit it. You are being real and that is what is sometimes needed. Just think what a single brother that had to endure a decade or more of celibacy had to go through. It's no joke, I can attest to that. Mind control is a serious thing. Some people try to brush it away, but Hitler brainwashed an entire nation to commit unthinkable atrocities.
Daniel Boone:
"Looking back I now see that my intentions were purer then the NTCC leaderships and if I were to come face to face with a true NTCCite, not so sure they would get the royal treatment from me."
DNA said:
I truly believe that most of the Borg leaders were never saved or that they go totally screwed up by Davis. They have never been about Christianity. People blog about the early days in the ntcc and it's all the same. They have never had an ounce of human decency when people needed it the most. It is nothing more than a Family run business that operates under an illusion of purity based on what the leadership does to force others to live an outward display of manufactured standards to make people think they are the only ones going to heaven while they don't even keep the standards themselves and satiate themselves with every creature comfort that a Tax free multi millionaire can obtain, while keeping everyone that makes them wealthy living under the poverty line.
Imaskingwhy said:
"Also, I have a trunk full of paraphanelia of NTCC stuff such as pics galore, key chain from 25 yr anniversary, tapes, old letter of disfellowship, old minister license, tithe envilopes- just a bunch of stuff and if anyone is up to it they could make a site hosting pics from the NTCC world throughout the years."
DNA said:
We could add a separate tab on this blog for something like that and entitle it, where are they now, but a lot of people don't want to be associated with the blogs so if you wanted it to be successful, Facebook might be a good place for something like that. You'd have to email the pictures or post them somewhere public where we could grab them, because blogger doesn't have any type of capability in the comment section. It's a good idea and we have considered doing that. We have all kinds of stuff, pictures, Notes, flyers, Trumpet editions and such. Personally something like that would work really good on Facebook.
As for the Ballards, You can reach Rodney by typing in Rowdy Ballard. Not sure about the Sutters, heard they aren't together anymore.
Anonymous imaskingwhy said...
DD&A said:
"Olsons probably has more skeletons in his closet then all of them"
I do remember Mr. Olson being quite the epidemy of purity, even claiming to excuse himself when he passed gas due to the ever presence of the Holy Spirit. I do remember him being what appeared to be very humble and consistently meek and mild.
DNA said:
I know. I got the exact same impression you did but now that I know what they are really all about and what they have done, I no longer feel that way about him. He was Davis's chief enabler and has covered for a whole wealth of sins that would have gotten any of us thrown out in a heartbeat.
whirlwuss said...
Does anyone know where Richard Blumenthal is now a days or what he is doing. He literally fell off the face of the earth after he left. I had heard he was not doing well and would like some concrete information. Does anyone know anything?
DNA said:
Last I know, he also has a Facebook page but to my knowledge he doesn't associate with anyone that's a current of former member of the ntcc. Someone else might know more.
We just watched a movie on Netflix, (I know we are big time sinners on our way to hell for watching a TV), and we watched this movie called UnDivided, about a High school in Portland, Oregon called Roosevelt High School and a church that decided to help this school out. The problem was that the children had such unstable family situations that the kids were in gangs, murder was a common thing and nobody really cared much about these Kids. The church I think was called South Lake and they all got together and 1,000 members descended on this school and started painting the whole school, cleaning windows and landscaping and literally had the place looking brand new in a few hours. Then they began to get involved in the childrens lives, not jacking them up and telling them how to live but just loving them and being there for them. For the first time these kids had people that cared about them. They started giving them clothes and food. The Girls Basketball team had about 30 people in attendance and the church decided to fill the Gymnasium with 1600 people to support the team. People outside of the church began to participate in feeding the football team after practice on Wednesdays and soon all their friends and relatives started to show up for the free food and they kept on helping these people. Pretty soon Nike came in and paid for new uniforms and a new football field for the football team. The people that helped were touched and moved to tears and many of them said that they learned more from the kids who loved them back than they would ever learn from their giving.
The only problem with this is that the women were wearing Make up and pants and devil stirrups in their ears. I mean the ntcc shows much more love to a lost and dying world than this church does because they are concerned about what really is important and that is the outward appearance. The ntcc is much more concerned because they are busy jacking people up for breaking rules and this other church was donating their time to people who were hell bound sinners. The ntcc leadership must be a lot closer to God because they are receiving tithe from the people that they are supposedly helping. They also are getting rich in blessings because God sees how much they really care about people. Just think if everybody were like the ntcc. The whole world would be just as miserable as they are and everyone could share in the fear and condemnation that comes with being a stuck up phony hypocrite that cares about money more than people.
It's obvious that the Olson is just playing the holiness card to break up another marriage. If he was so concerned about Brill's wickedness of not wearing a shirt in a swimming pool, Why wouldn't he be concerned for Hunt's wife down in Columbus, GA when she was caught at the gym in spandex? Is her Her husband's soul less valuable than Olson's daughter?
Kekel said this on his blog about 4 years ago: ""So what about Ministers of the gospel, whose wives display themselves with their legs revealed, cleavage, their hair cut and faces painted? Why are they in NTCC?"
It's interesting that he should say that. What constitutes painted faces? Foundation that all the ntcc old hag board member's wives use unbeknownst to most of the brainwashed masses? What kind of make up has God outlawed in the ntcc? These people make up rules for others and don't bother to follow them their selves. It doesn't matter how ridiculous the rule is either. It can be something as stupid as which way the toilet paper roll is placed in the dispenser. Man made holiness is a scam that was concocted by a bunch of shysters whose only purpose was to control people. If the ntcc was so concerned about holiness and lasciviousness why didn't they do anything about Grant wearing shorts and football pants in high school? Why does Tanya get away with wearing tight skirts and blouses while rubbing her boobs up against single guys and putting them in a battle? They need to clean house in the ntcc if they are going to use the shirtless swim lesson excuse to get rid of Brill. They need to go check out some of the facebook pages of some of the preachers wives and board member wives. They would find a picture being displayed of a prominent former possibly still current board member's wife related to the Ashmores who wears devil stirrips. We saved the picture and personally I don't think she is wrong for wearing them, but Kekel needs to equally apply their hypocritical standards to everyone or throw them out the window along with their phony salvation. Stop pretending to be something and live opposite to every verse of the 4 gospels that Jesus lived as an example to us. You might be able to find a way to live right by practicing many of the values shared in the Old Testament. You definitely could live a Christian life by following the words of Paul as long as you don't misinterpret some of the specific teachings by twisting them to create new doctrines. But I can promise you that if you pattern your life after Jesus and the values that he taught and lived you can't go wrong. I'm putting it this way because the ntcc teaches works doctrine and they predicate their doctrine upon the need to live as if they can work their way to heaven. Kekel and Olson don't even pretend to practice love or concern for the poor. They don't want poor people in their church, they've said it publicly. They despise the people that Jesus reached out to. To the poor, the gospel is preached. Not in the ntcc.
I do remember Mr. Olson being quite the epidemy of purity, even claiming to excuse himself when he passed gas due to the ever presence of the Holy Spirit. I do remember him being what appeared to be very humble and consistently meek and mild. BUT- now that I am much more mature than a naïve GI I see him as guilty by association and even more so.
He is a whole lot worse than that. The guy is the devil in sheep's clothing. Actually he's the devil in devil's clothing. He's not even guilty by association; he's the straight up perpetrator. Olson is as bad as they get. To the unbrainwashed, it's obvious and easy to see Olson for what he really is; a low down creep. He's the scum of society. The bottom of the bucket. His daughter is just the product of a scummy church group who is now as much the problem as the rest. Brill is confused. The New Testament Christian Church is a group of creeps. People in the ntcc are really messed up in their brains and for the most part about as immoral as you can get. Many people who leave the ntcc remain psychologically just as messed up as they were before they left.
The ntcc is simply a disease that's oh too common in the United States of America.
Remember on Jeff's blog, he said Olson was going to make a big move. Is this part of it?
I've been thinking. I'm young by Olson's standards so maybe I should rejoin the church and marry this lady. I'd have a shot and I'm pretty good with a microphone. I'd have to put up with Kekel but still, I could make a power play by giving some of the overseers titles and mansions if they back me.
In fact, Don and Ange, I might need some allies so you should come back too. I'll let you have Kekel's mansion and Tanya's Antiques. We'll sell everything off and write checks to people who've been messed over.
"That's usually the case..."
Washington is one of only nine community property states.
What bothers me to this day (15 years after the fact) is that I somehow ended up not only at this church but tithing this church, "Soulwinning" for this church, calling everyone in my family the devil for this church. What happened? How did I end up being such a fool? Not just a fool but a fool for years (about 5).
Probably she'll get a no contest divorce and by now Difrancesco probably has filed n notorized all the appropriate documents to get this done. They have all the people that know how to do all
So I don't think brill has a chance to get even the house in Amarillo plus if he wants to have a chance to even glance at his daughter he better play by their rules. Sad but that's how it goes, they haven't built an org by being dumb.
Anonymous said:
"He is a whole lot worse than that. The guy is the devil in sheep's clothing. Actually he's the devil in devil's clothing. He's not even guilty by association; he's the straight up perpetrator. Olson is as bad as they get. To the unbrainwashed, it's obvious and easy to see Olson for what he really is; a low down creep. He's the scum of society. The bottom of the bucket."
DNA said:
That is a very accurate and honest assessment, but he's probably worse than that. Olson is definitely everything that is wrong in the ntcc. In my book he's every bit as bad as RWD. People that are brainwashed will hate this but that's okay, their days are numbered just like Brills. We are trying to warn all of you brain washed suckers that think things are going to be better without Davis and Ashmore. At least they knew how to make manipulate people and make them think it was God. They could preach a message and make you repent for something you weren't even guilty of. They could also manipulate you to do things and make you believe that it was your idea and your free will that influenced your decisions. Replacing Davis and Ashmore with Olson and Kekel is like going shopping for clothes at the Kook Store when you already have a closet full of Allen Edmonds shoes and Canali Classic Suits to wear. Don't let the mild mannered facade deceive you. He has been there in the shadows enabling Davis, covering up scandals, stealing, cheating, conniving, cooking the books, running people off, breaking up families, driving wedges and destroying lives one soul at a time while he accuses Christians of stealing paperclips from the Government. No telling what he does on his spare unaccounted for time. My guess is that with all the experience he has covering for Davis, he's probably done much of the same things or or worse.
Anonymous said...
Remember on Jeff's blog, he said Olson was going to make a big move. Is this part of it?
DNA said:
I believe it. Jeff is usually on the money when it comes to the ntcc. Strip all the emotions and the phony eyewash away, the sensationalism and the religious facade and you will see them for what they are, just like the unbrainwashed people see them.
"Also, I have a trunk full of paraphanelia of NTCC stuff such as pics galore, key chain from 25 yr anniversary, tapes, old letter of disfellowship, old minister license, tithe envilopes- just a bunch of stuff and if anyone is up to it they could make a site hosting pics from the NTCC world throughout the years."
I've got a pile of stuff too...but I don't know of anyone else who has an actual disfellowship letter. That really needs to get scanned and put online.
Anonymous said:
"In fact, Don and Ange, I might need some allies so you should come back too. I'll let you have Kekel's mansion and Tanya's Antiques. We'll sell everything off and write checks to people who've been messed over."
DNA said:
I've got a better idea, once we take over the ntcc we can use our newly acquired skills to run off all the old timers like Gandy, Kinson, DiFran, Jones, or better yet anyone who was around before the Denis split. Just treat them all like dirt and tell them to fold up their circus tents and take their freak shows somewhere else. Kick everyone out of the Bonco and you can have all the real estate in Graham, Washington and I'll take the Campground and the St. Louis church. You can be the Western district overseer and We'll run the eastern side. You can have all the overseas works if you want to deal with that headache.
Vic brought up a very good point about Washington being a community property state, but I'm not sure that would benefit anyone in reality since all the property is tax free 501c3 governed. I'm sure Olson has real estate and investments in his own name that would be enough for the average deserted husband to get his paws on, but I doubt anything was put in Regina's name and even if it was he probably would have to be living in Washington to benefit from her wealth. Regina on the other hand can benefit from Danny because Texas is also a community property state, but the house is most likely in Danny's name or both of their names which means Regina will get the money, the daughter and the soon to be inherited fortune of her Father. The only way that the Graham property would benefit an individual is if that individual had access to the money like Kekel and the whole organization were to remain in tact and the tithe money were to keep rolling in. If it's sold off, it's all supposed to go to charity. Who knows what loopholes and underhanded schemes that Kekel and Olson would come up with to keep their stack of cash from falling into someone else's hands.
A No-Contest Divorce requires all division of property written out and then both parties have to sign and notarized the form. It will also have to include spousal, child support, who gets primary care of the daughter and visitation. Only when one doesn't have children or assets is non contested divorce easy.
Ohio is a community property state. Also most Ohio judges take the welfare of the child into consideration and require joint custody unless extenuating circumstances occur. WA is even better at looking out for the child than Ohio is.
I pray Danny is paying attention to this blog so he may know his rights.
Vic Johanson said..
"I've got a pile of stuff too...but I don't know of anyone else who has an actual disfellowship letter. That really needs to get scanned and put online".
I know I have a copy of Mike Marshall and Richard Blumenthal as well as a few other disfellowship letters. I also have a large picture of the Phillipino Missionary we had back in the 80's. Remember there was a big scandal with him and he was disfellowshiped as well? There was a newspaper wright up on the man, but NTCC made it sound like he tried to take over the college out there or something. Of course he was made out to be the devil but knowing what we know now he could of been innocent and only asking questions. If I did scan what I have, whee would I put it?
I'd love to see the letter. D/A... You need a youtube channel as well.
Hey Mike,
We too would love to see those letters. We do have a YouTube Channel: ntcc Xer Blog YouTube Channel Click Here
You may also access our YouTube Channel from the top of all our blog pages. There is a link that says "YouTube". Unfortunately, people who subscribe to e-mail or Feed Reader services like Atom's RSS might not see that link; part of the beauty / curse of those services is that they strip the blog down to bare minimums, removing the background images and colors and removinf the sidebar info that is visible in the "Web Version" or "Full Blog" views. If you like white backgrounds and less busy-ness, those are good options for viewing the blog. So are the numerous
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Unfortunately, none of the Blogger Dynamic Views work on mobile devices. And you cannot comment directly from any of the Blogger Dynamic Views or Subscription Services (like RSS Feeds, Google Reader, or e-mail subscription services). As their names suggest, they are merely for Viewing or Reading the blog, not commenting on it. Blogger Dynamic Views show links for the comments; but so far none of those links work. We believe the web designers are still hammering out the code. So for now, you cannot even read the comments in those views.
On another note, The "Flipcard" Blogger Dynamic View, so far, is the only one that allows direct access to all our blog pages like the "Podcast" page, "Cult Info" page, and "In Memoriam" pages. So if you want to see those pages "Flipcard", "Mobile", or "View Web Version" are your best options.
Now, for those who don't like our choice of colors, you have our deepest sympathy. We do use color to break up the monotony of monochrome. We use the bold colors because we need colors that will be visible on either a white or a black background. Hopefully, with the many different views available, everyone can find a style he or she can enjoy.
Thanks for your comment Mike. Maybe you just meant we need to upload some videos of us talking about ntcc. We are discussing doing so. :-)
I know I have a copy of Mike Marshall and Richard Blumenthal as well as a few other disfellowship letters. I also have a large picture of the Phillipino Missionary we had back in the 80's. Remember there was a big scandal with him and he was disfellowshiped as well? There was a newspaper wright up on the man, but NTCC made it sound like he tried to take over the college out there or something. Of course he was made out to be the devil but knowing what we know now he could of been innocent and only asking questions. If I did scan what I have, whee would I put it?
DNA said:
We've given some thought to sharing pictures, documents and memorabilia and we think we have a way that we can display them on this blog at least temporarily. We've considered Facebook, but not everyone wants to be on Facebook. If too big we'd have to use a service other than blogger like Flicker or a another similar service. For now if you want to send what you want posted, you can scan and send to our email which is 1gi2another@gmail.com We might suggest that if you don't want your name associated with anything that you sent us that you make a copy before you scan and white out your name or any personal info that you don't want shared. Then scan and send it to our email. Pictures we can scan in and if you have names we can include them with the pictures. If you know anything about the people or where they are now you could also include that info. We don't want to post any pictures of people who are currently minors.
I know I have a copy of Mike Marshall and Richard Blumenthal as well as a few other disfellowship letters. I also have a large picture of the Phillipino Missionary we had back in the 80's. Remember there was a big scandal with him and he was disfellowshiped as well? There was a newspaper wright up on the man, but NTCC made it sound like he tried to take over the college out there or something. Of course he was made out to be the devil but knowing what we know now he could of been innocent and only asking questions. If I did scan what I have, whee would I put it?"
I bet Don and Ange would be glad to host the letters. Not sure who's administering NTCCXposed.com now, but that's another good place, and Greg Shunk's blog has an extensive collection of documents. No one has yet come up with any disfellowship letters, and it would be very informative for people to see the kinds of tactics they used back then to isolate people and destroy reputations. I think even they realized how out there that practice was and ceased to issue these letters so they wouldn't have to crank up a bunch of damage control. I never saw any after about 1992.
The Filipino guy's name was Montilia...I remember he came to St. Louis once. RW did have a newspaper clipping stating he'd been convicted of some kind of fraud. Probably the org put him up to something shady and he got caught, but it was spun like he was ripping off the org.
I remember being taught that if a male had their shirt off they were considered naked. It took me a year after leaving NTCC completely to allow my son to go swimming without his shirt on. One day he grabbed a white t-shirt instead of a colored one. As he came out of the water and the shirt was clinging to him it hit me what others had said about it being crazy for me to require him to do that. Sometimes it is hard to realize how crazy the thinking is when you are taught it is this way or hell. You fear sending your children to hell.
Blumenthal's facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000875410734
Freebird said:
"WA is even better at looking out for the child than Ohio is.
I pray Danny is paying attention to this blog so he may know his rights.
DNA said:
Not sure if Danny is in Washington or Texas, but we know Regina is in Washington for sure and that is where the custody battle will take place. Now that Danny is considered a reprobate by the ntcc leadership, they will no doubt try everything in their power to keep Danny from interfering with their plans for Regina and their daughter. They feel that they are above the law and that they can use their Jedi mind tricks on the legal system officials just as they have used them on their brainwashed followers. The attorneys and judges in the legal system are like Jaba the Hut. Jedi mind tricks don't work on them and neither will they care what a narcissistic cult leader has to say. The tricky part is financing your legal fees. Freebird is right about getting Child Protective Services involved. In fact if more departing ntcc spousal deserted and rejected parents would use this agency to investigate the treatment of children in the ntcc, perhaps it would raise the awareness of the abuse children suffer in the ntcc. You have to get down and dirty if you want to have a chance of winning. Take it from people who have won, like Freebird. She didn't win by prayer alone, she got proactive and went against the ntcc system and stood up for herself against the ntcc leadership and Mike Marshal. People are convinced that if they go against the ntcc that they are going against God, but that couldn't be further from the church. If you have been deserted by an ntcc spouse because of one of their stupid rules, you can bet that they are going to be manufacturing some kind of lie that the Judge will believe. What are they going to do when the judge asks them under what grounds they are filing for joint custody? Do you think they are going to say, "Well, the dirt bag husband took his daughter to a public swimming pool and gave his daughter a swimming lesson while wearing no shirt." No, they are not going to do that, but they will manufacture a lie of some type implying that Danny was abusing his daughter. Wake up. These sleazebags are experts at stuff like this. Who is really the devil here? Who is the reprobate? The one who left the ntcc or the ones who are driving wedges between husbands and wives while destroying families? This is standard operating procedure for the ntcc. I hope, Danny, that you take some of this advise and stand against these thugs.
Julie said:
"It took me a year after leaving NTCC completely to allow my son to go swimming without his shirt on."
DNA said:
It can take a while to unscramble your brain from ntcc doctrine. If you consider the Spiritual Nazi mind control tactics that they used on us to keep us in line it's no wonder people are afraid to be normal. In the ntcc there was no such thing as normal. People in psych wards have less emotional baggage than your average ntcc'r carries around. It's also a lethal combination to mix try to get a person with the wrong diagnosed mental condition involved with a cult like the ntcc. One woman had an emotional breakdown and started screaming in front of the servicemen's home. The ntcc places a lot of stress on others.
I wish all dumped spouses could sue the org for alienation of affection.
Not surprised at all. My heart goes out to that little girl. My heart goes out to you Danny. Please fight for that child!
Anonymous said...
I wish all dumped spouses could sue the org for alienation of affection.
DNA said:
They definitely are aliens to affection unless you include the unnatural varieties. In the ntcc it's every man for himself and every woman, good luck. In this case it was the man that was dumped. You see, in the ntcc they don't just encourage you to break your wedding vows and dump you spouse but they convince you that it's God that wants you to do it. They put God in the middle of all their cheating, stealing, lying and even try to justify adultery and whore mongering. Kinson once said "It's not adultery if you use a condom." Not that it says that in the bible but when you are made to believe that people like this are the last people on earth to 'stand in the gap and make up the hedge', you got to wonder why anyone would attend their money gathering convocations. In the ntcc, you might as well throw your keys in a jar and on your way out of the fellowship hall reach in the jar and grab a set of keys and whoever owns those keys, that's whose wife you are going home with.
Olson is a lot like Davis but 20 times more boring to listen to. Why would anyone listen to him. He is a false prophet. He once had a vision or a dream that the rapture took place and Davis was the first to start levitating up toward heaven, followed by the board members and finally all the church schlubs. It says in the bible that I read, that all of this is supposed to happen in a moment and a twinkling of an eye. I guess RW's mummy is supposed to raise first, and then all the board members, (does that include Ashmore?), and then the rest of the ntcc members that are living what the board members preach, (that would be a grand total of zero people going to heaven). Sorry everyone else in the world, Olson doesn't have a vision for your church or your Christian families. You have to sign up for the ntcc and it's 'pay to be dumped on plan', to get the privilege of following these con artists into heaven.
I think that one of the ways a cult survives is partly the worship of its leader. No one worships the ground Kekel walks on (although they may kiss his entitled back side). This is most likely the reason for the decline in the BS attendance along with all the fractures like Ashmore leaving. He's in total control on paper (and in the bi-laws but completely out of control of the organization. I'm sure many see the writing on the wall but how do you throw away decades of loyalty?
I think that's where the big dilemma is Mike. People don't want to admit they've been had, and even if they do, the ntcc is all they know. I'm sure when we all made the decision to follow these masters of deception, we figured we'd be in it for the long haul. We were focused on what we were promised, not on all the little side deals that were taking place right under our noses. As long as they can keep you focused on the carrots that they dangle in front of you, they count on you becoming accustomed to ignoring the steak and lobster that they are eating. They literally live high on the hog right in front of the people whose money they use to accumulate their wealth. The poor suckers that are living on a strict budget and saying, "Praise God, I found a five dollar bill; now we can have hot dogs with our Ramen!" are the same ones who enable people like Mike and Tanya to frivolously spend daily enough money to buy you Cow, have it butchered, and buy you a freezer to put it in. What do they spend all your grocery money and future savings on? Multi-million dollar mansions and a fleet of Recreational Vehicles, Millions in automotive purchases, $20,000 a year for Grant's education, Expensive furnishings for their mansions, Rolex watches, Diamond pinky rings, Gun collections and Millions in clothing on your dime. I didn't know what they were spending my money on while I was in the ntcc. I thought it was all going towards reaching lost souls. How ignorant was I? It wasn't till 5 years ago that I learned how brainwashed I was and how they played us all for suckers. People that read this and don't ask questions and don't care if they are transparent are the real suckers. People that make their children dress like little house on the prairie and getting notes from their pastors saying that they had to look like a bunch of dorks while Kekel's spoiled brat was playing Basketball in shorts and football in uniforms made out of spandex material. But don't worry Brothers and Sisters, God will bless you if you keep sacrificing. When is that ever going to happen? I know single brothers that have been around the ntcc for over 30 years that have never been "blessed" with a wife. Good luck getting anywhere in the ntcc, and don't expect to follow these con artists to heaven because they have seared their consciences with a hot iron.
In the ntcc everything good that happens to you is a blessing from God, while everything bad that happens to you is the devil fighting you.
Praise God, Davis gave me a raise from $6.00 an hour to $6.25 an hour on the building crew so I can work 70 to 80 hours a week building and renovating real estate so that he can charge other brothers and sisters to live in it for the rest of their lives.
One brother was praising God on the job and raising his hands while driving the company truck and drove it right off of a dock. I'm sure he blamed that incident on the devil.
I'm not saying that God doesn't bless people and that there's anything wrong with being appreciative for those things, but people who give religious hucksters their money and praise God for a good deal they got on used clothing from the kook store have their priorities all mixed up. It wasn't God who wanted you to clothe yourself in Kook store clothing just so you can look a certain way when you deliver your tithe check to the ones who are shopping for their clothing at Nordstroms.
"The stinkin devil is fighting me again. I had to pay a speeding ticket on my way from the Army base to the church and now I can't afford my car payment. Stinkin devil!!!!"
Maybe it is the devil that has you running back and forth to cult meetings but it's your own stupidity that has you speeding and to broke to pay a ticket. I know, that was me 20 years ago. I probably got the record for the most speeding tickets given to an ntcc brain washed sucker.
Don, I bet I beat you in speeding tickets. Once in St. Louis I got two on the same day! I got a ticket the week I was leaving. After I got to Fairbanks, I got pulled over and learned that my Missouri license was getting suspended for 30 days for accumulating too many points.
When I got to BS, I was totally conscientious about obeying even the most minute traffic laws. Soon after, I was driving the brothers to class. We were going to be late at the posted speed, but I was trying to do what I thought was right. Brother Armour was freaking out and begging me to step on the gas. He'd been there long enough to know that we didn't want to face those consequences. So I seared my conscience and put the pedal to the metal and we got there on time. From then on, I was getting speeding tickets all the time. RW taught us that speeding was OK--one time Ray Salvador was visiting and sat in on one of his classes. He asked a question about minor sins "like running a stop sign, or going 5mph over the speed limit." RW blasted him out of his seat "WHO SAID BREAKING TRAFFIC LAWS IS A SIN!!" Poor Ray was left there stammering. Of course no one had the balls to say "uh, sir, the bible tells us to obey the law." No, we just sat there all petrified hoping that never happened to us (which was the object lesson he was trying to impart anyway). What a jerk.
He was a litterbug, too. Phil Kinson told me he was out riding around with him once and he pulled over and told them "get all this junk out of here" and had them dump some empty bottles and other trash right on the side of the road. I told him I didn't believe it, but he insisted it was true.
You are close but I might have you beat. I got two tickets in Kansas on the same day and one in Oklahom the next day, along with whole bunch of tickets and warnings across the USA traveling to fellowship meetings and conferences and local tickets to boot. They took my license for 6 months but I was pretty lucky because the suspension came in the mail after I left for a one year tour in Korea. Do you want to know what irony is? My unit made me Master Driver in Korea, which meant I had to train and qualify 18 year old kids to drive large vehicles in the most dangerous driving environment on the planet, all while juggling my military and cult life. I really didn't want the job and told my First Sargent that my civilian drivers license was revoked. He went to Division HQ and found a regulation that said as long as my Civilian License was wasn't revoked before the date they issued my military license, I was still legal. I lost that battle and had to risk my life on the streets of Korea.
I'm sure there are many out there that can share similar accounts because of all the time constraints and the fear of being late that was placed upon us all. To this day, I still hate being late for anything and if I tell someone a certain time I feel guilty if I'm late for any reason. We would always be put in positions that were compromising and we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. Back and forth from the post to the church. It was life or death for the souls we brought out, or at least that's what we thought. Those GI's would have been much better off staying in the Barracks than getting verbally abused by someone with a 2 year (or less) education and a minister's license whose intentions were influenced by greedy religious power brokers. Not sure what good a minister's license really is. Did you ever have to show anyone your minister's license Vic?
The pressure that we were under in the ntcc was unreal and completely unnecessary. It was all imposed on us by demented individuals who profited from the chaos. Even most of the ministers in the churches were jumping through their own hoops trying to meet deadlines and live up to expectations. There was a lot of stress that permeated the atmosphere in a servicemen's home while the fat cats in Graham were living large.
Well, you might have me beat, but I don't know...I also got my military driver's license revoked because I got in a wreck. Speaking of wrecks, I got in almost as many of them as I got tickets--even got fired from a job because I wrecked their vehicles about 8 times in a couple years.
As far as being on time, I'm the opposite--now I'm chronically late for everything. It's a reaction against all the enforced punctuality. I was only late for church a handful of times in 16 years (and yes, at least two of them were for speeding tickets that held me up; in Graham they shut the gate when church started, so I was locked out one time). I'm seldom on time for anything, although I'm usually not more than a few minutes late. RW was always carping about being early. Well, my time is valuable and I don't want to waste it cooling my heels waiting around.
Those dudes with the 25 cent raises might have been working 70-80 hours a week, but there was never any overtime pay. They were paid under the table for 40 hours.
Okay, I guess you got me beat in all categories. I have been in way too many wrecks but most of them were as a passenger in ntcc cars. Car wrecks and tickets are like a plague in the ntcc. I was in 3 car wrecks with one brother as a passenger while he was driving. The environment in the ntcc was so stress induced that it must have affected our driving. I know that ntcc pastors were in a very stressful situation with a lot of demands and expectations. As a faithful and loyal church member my traumatic stress was a little different. Having to be a soldier throughout the week in addition to jumping through all the other hoops was demanding and it eventually sucked the life right out of me. They have a way of systematically tearing you down. In the ntcc you are in a religious matrix that glazes over reality with a false sense of spiritual security. While feeling spiritually secure to some degree they attack you on all fronts; Emotionally, Physically, Financially and any way they can break you. First they hook you and then they begin to break you down a little bit at a time. They introduce rules that are falsely presented as God's will for your life. They put you in subjection to whoever happens to be the "called and chosen one" to shepherd the sheeple. That person has been taught to fleece the flock and no matter how hard he tries to incorporate goodness and grace into his teaching and behavior, he has been indoctrinated and tainted by the ntcc's infectious dictatorship. We were really brainwashed and messed up in the head and heart. We took the wrong pill and went deeper into the matrix. This is how it worked in the Matrix:
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
Unfortunately for us and many who are still trapped in the cult, we all took stupid pills.
Are there any NTCCer's that even attempt to explain what's been going on in their church? I'd love to here the reasoning behind them still following Kekel.
Are there any NTCCer's that even attempt to explain what's been going on in their church? I'd love to here the reasoning behind them still following Kekel.\
Anon wrote:
Their excuse is "God knows" or I am serving God not man.
Okay, back on topic. Why did we post this story about the Regina Olson Brill deserting her husband for giving his daughter a shirtless swimming lesson? Was it because we like to dig up dirt and spread it all over the internet? I know there are people that think that we are like the tabloids for publishing this stuff, but tabloids usually publish stuff that isn't true or they take something that is and blow it out of proportion. We, however take things at face value and we use them to expose the ntcc. People are going to like us and others will hate us for doing this. The ones that hate us the most for doing this are the abusers and perpetrators of destroying lives. If you are in the ntcc and you look at this blog and wonder why we would post something like this; it's for the benefit of people that are still suffering the same type of abuse. What is abuse? Glad you asked. When a husband of the wife of the President of the ntcc is deserted and the lame shirtless swim lesson excuse is used to abandon him, that is abusive behavior. Regina is taking a man's daughter away from him and using a stupid excuse to do so. Olson is supposed to be pretty close to the next man in line for the throne of God since Davis died. I know Kekel would like to think that he is, but nobody else is going to buy off on that. Why do we have to make it public and should we be concerned about hurting the individuals involved? Are we gossiping or tale baring? It might look like that to some folks, but we are actually helping both Regina and Danny. You can rest assured that Olson has already come up with a new lie that nobody ever heard of, and it will spread by the means of gossip and tale bearing throughout the ntcc. If you want something to spread like wild fire in the ntcc, tell it to a pastor and his wife and it will travel faster than a flea's gocart traveling around a greased BB. We will be called liars and Danny will be called a liar among many other things. They will try to keep Danny out of his daughters life as long as they can keep his daughter trapped in the ntcc. Most children grow up and get their rights restored when they become an adult. But not in the ntcc. You never get to grow up and detach yourself until you break all their man made rules and cross all of their man made boundaries. People are kept in the ntcc by fear of what will happen to them if they cross those boundaries. So Danny could potentially lose his daughter forever.
There are others that are going through this battle right now. There is a very similar situation that we are not going to publish the details of right now, but the person involved is going through a court battle trying to get custody of their child. The ntcc spouse took out a restraining order on the departing spouse and the ntcc is doing everything in their power to fix it so that this child will never be allowed to see their non ntcc parent again. We are not talking about some local pastor either, we are talking about someone high up in the ntcc board member circles. We are not going to say any names or publish any comments that try to suggest who it might be because they are in a court battle doing everything in their power the right way. This courageous individual has been shunned and attacked by some of the most wicked and sinister people in the ntcc, just because they left. We are not going public with this until everything is resolved in court and then this person will be afforded the opportunity to share their own testimony of all that took place. The spouse that left the ntcc has gone against all odds and is doing all they can. If you are a reader of this blog and believe in prayer, please pray for this person. They are doing what Danny needs to do.
Good job D/A,
First thing a lawyer tells you to do in a court case is to not say a word on social media, blogs, internet or discuss the case. Give no ammo to the enemy.
That's the problem with the isolation propaganda of NTCC. I personally know of one other woman that left right after me and she got full custody of her child. She had a short battle because there had been court cases before her and I involving NTCC. Her and I were lowly peons in the food chain that is NTCC but no one inside hears of these court cases for fear of empowering the abandoned and abused.
This person and the child/children are in my thoughts and prayers.
The spouse that left the ntcc has gone against all odds and is doing all they can. If you are a reader of this blog and believe in prayer, please pray for this person
Prayers sent! What else do they need?
It is time that they are stopped from destroying children's lives. No child deserves how they are raised in NTCC.
Freebird said:
"That's the problem with the isolation propaganda of NTCC."
DNA said:
The ntcc's practice of isolation exposes them as a cult. I know that they have a history of dividing families. The people who remain insulated from this information don't realize what is going on, but the ones that are forced to leave have to learn the hard way.
The isolation starts as soon as you walk in the doors of the church. While everyone seems to greet you and love bomb you to death, you get your first glimpse into the isolation. Everyone shows up in their thrift store costumes trying to live up to the standards imposed upon them. The ntcc has their own Niche in the religious world and its distinctive and exclusive. While they might say that they believe they are not the only ones going to heaven, their actions and behavior reveals that they actually believe that they are. Try going to another church and see how they treat you. If other church groups are going to heaven, why do they try so hard to keep you from going to other churches? Why do they preach against every other group? If you were to find another similar church and ask your pastor what he thought about you visiting that church, what do you think he would say? We all know the answer to that question.
They have to isolate you in order for their false doctrine to work. If you go somewhere else or to another church, they will more than likely expose them for what they are doing. So the minute you walk into the door of an ntcc church, you are being introduced to their ways, beliefs and practices. They try to infect you by sensationalizing their doctrines and making you believe that you are being given a once in a life time opportunity to join the one group that has it right. They have to dispel all other groups to do this. The preaching that takes place can be infectious to the unsuspecting church goer because it introduces ultimatums that most people have never heard before. While people have heard about heaven and hell, God and the devil, right and wrong; it is so easy to sneak in 'other' doctrines along with what people know; confounding many, while snagging others in their net.
Jesus on the other hand was not an isolationist. He cared about and loved all of mankind and made it possible for everyone to receive salvation. The Samaritan woman at the well is a good example of this. The Jews all had their own exclusive religion and didn't accept all non-Jewish people, known as Gentiles. The woman at the well was not a believer but had 5 husbands, beside the man she was with. The ntcc would preach at people like this in front of crowds of people. Jesus spoke with this woman after his disciples had departed to go buy meat, not in front of them to embarrass or demean her. He didn't condemn her for adultery and bring her to the mob to have her stoned as the Pharisees did with a woman they caught in adultery. The ntcc loves to condemn people openly to create an atmosphere of fear. Jesus was not sent into the world to condemn people but to save them. John 3:16-18
The Samaritan woman went and told everyone from her group, or her church, or those who had particular beliefs that didn't align with those of Christianity, and they all came out to see Jesus. Many of them believed on Jesus because of the woman's testimony, and they went out to see him. Jesus didn't tell the woman or any of the Samaritans that they had to follow him around from place to place in order to be saved. Jesus remained in Samaria for two days reaching out to them. When they had seen him with their own eyes and listened to him, they believed him not just because of the woman's testimony, but they experienced Him for themselves. I believe that Jesus wanted people to branch out and spread the gospel.
This whole story dispels many of the false teachings of the ntcc. The isolationists will tell you that you have to follow a group. The Samaritan woman just went out and started telling everyone on her own and many believed. There is little likelihood that any of these Samaritans actually left their land and followed Jesus around, but they believed on him, and that is the one thing that Jesus made perfectly clear that was necessary. Everybody quotes John 3:16 but they want to add their own doctrine to it so that faith becomes bogged down with a bunch of rules and ultimatums which result in isolationism. "Follow us as we follow Christ", was one of the ntcc's sayings. Don't be deceived because there is a lot more to it than that. Beware of false doctrine.
Danny said, "Regina left me a couple of days ago for not wearing a shirt at the swimming pool when I was teaching my daughter how to swim."
What? Did Tanya, Grant and Mike Kekel wear their church clothes in that hot tub they had in their back yard?
Podcast 6 is now available by Clicking here.
Excellent point about how Jesus treated the woman at the well.
Anonymous said...
Danny said, "Regina left me a couple of days ago for not wearing a shirt at the swimming pool when I was teaching my daughter how to swim."
What? Did Tanya, Grant and Mike Kekel wear their church clothes in that hot tub they had in their back yard?
DNA said:
That shows their level of hypocrisy in the ntcc. They did the same thing to two generations of children by not allowing them to participate in sports. Now they have actual flyers published of the campground and people playing volleyball and another holding a football. Click Here We've been telling people about the hypocrisy and double standards, but they refuse to believe it. Well they say a picture paints a thousand words. Click on the link above. Has God changed? What else has God changed His mind about. It's all about a small group of people getting rich off of the rest of you suckers. I was a sucker too, and if I could have foreseen this wholesale compromise to their fake standards, I would have stopped giving these hucksters my money. They are a bunch of swindling, cheating and lying scoundrels that have made themselves rich off of our foolishness. Some of us have come to our senses while others blindly walk around in the toxic haze of legalism, bumping into walls and not getting anywhere in life.
Mike and Tanya are nothing more than a couple of thugs who will continue to manipulate the masses while getting rich. You can support them if you want, but don't be surprised if the standards change 10 more times before you wake up. One day it's a sin, and the next day it's not. Grant can do it, but not you. Grant Kekel should be thanking all of us who contributed to his education and whatever expensive gifts that were lavished upon him. On a recently deleted smog blog post by Kekel, Greg was wanting to reimburse DiFrancesco for his time and used a formula which suggested that if DiFrancesco made $9,000.00 per month he arrived at a formula to determine how much money Di's time was worth. Kekel shared: "None of the Execs. in this Org make anywhere near that much salary." Now how stupid does one have to be to call him on this lie. If you are in the ntcc, please look at this and realize that you are being duped. Kekel came into the ntcc with nothing and now he is a multi-millionaire. They show their salaries as being 10,000 to 20,000 or somewhere in that neighborhood per year, which is below the poverty line. How stupid do we have to be to realize that Kekel is a con artist? Do you really believe that God has blessed him and that's why he's rich? You need to see a professional that deals with delusional behavior patterns if you believe this. He didn't earn any of that money. He didn't get blessed by God. He conned you out of your future. But you keep right on following him.
I may be alone of this but I was just wondering if anyone else that has been raised in NTCC have fear of continueing thier education. My parents joined right before my 2nd grade year of school. About the end of 2nd grade our pastor had my parents thinking that homeschool was the only Godly way to go. So for the next few years I was homeschooled. Well I was given school papers to do. My mom stopped before middle school. She said I didn't need more than that for the ministry though she told people I was still being homeschooled. She told me doing things for the church and my father was my schooling. I am now out and I am so embarrassed by what I don't know. I have went to some GED classes and found people that at least went to some high school. This may sound weird but I didn't even know how to act in a classroom setting. It is hard to be dumb.
Anonymous said:
I am now out and I am so embarrassed by what I don't know.
DNA said:
We are really sorry for what you went through as a child. We hope you can overcome the obstacles that are in front of you and get an education. Don't be embarrassed. It's definitely not your fault. Don't let anyone talk down to you and don't believe anyone who tells you that you can't do it. If you have a computer you can get an education online. If you need a computer you can use one at the Library for free.
Click here and it will take you to a course that will prepare you to take your GED for free. The actual test might cost a one time fee, but the training is free and paid for by the advertisements on their site. Be sure to ignore all the advertising on the site. They will try to sell you all kinds of stuff but if you can access a computer you can learn whatever you need to online, it's just a matter of finding it for free. If this doesn't work for you type free GED into your google search it will bring up several online options. You can also get your High School Diploma the same way. If anyone out there has any other info to add, please do so. There are a lot of resources out there and things are getting cheaper and cheaper on line because it's paid for by advertising. I just found a whole treasure trove of very helpful courses at Alison.com click here . Some of the information is a little outdated and it's not accredited, but you can learn the basics quite a few professions including Web design, Internet Marketing, Hotel management, and many other professions. Once you learn these skills you have a better chance of getting hired than your average Joe. If you can read fairly well you might be able to learn some of the stuff.
Anonymous said...
I may be alone of this but I was just wondering if anyone else that has been raised in NTCC have fear of continueing thier education.
DNA said:
If you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to post on this blog. Most of the people who read this understand what you have been through and if anyone were to criticize you, their comment would not be posted here. The ntcc has caused a lot of pain and we certainly don't want anyone using our blog as a platform to add to anyone's pain. Some have been through the same stuff that you have and probably haven't shared. Julie was hindered by lack of School and she has really done some incredible things in spite of other challenges. Please let us know if this works for you.
Brill's ex was also one who had to get her GED thru a Catholic Church offering free classes.
A lot of the ministers kids were left behind concerning their schooling.
It was only after grant was given college that many followed into his footsteps and now it's not a sin to go to college.
Many ntccers tried to appear spiritual by yanking their kids from secular school and homeschool but in reality they are doing a diservice to the kids.
I recall the moms talking about this and the only reasoning they would give for homeschooling was that they wanted to be able to attend the conferences freely without any trouble from the roadblocks that schools put on attendance.
No doubt Brill's ex is gonna homeschool her daughter knowing her stance on what she believes is "sin"
Or lasciviousness behavior.
We use the word victim a lot on this blog and I know some people think that it is reserved for people who were abused sexually or physically, but we all have been victimized in one way or another. There are people who suffered mental and emotional abuse as well as spiritual abuse which we all suffered. What is most bothersome is when children are abused because they have no means to protect themselves. The ntcc homeschooling practice was basically a means to hold people back. They didn't want young girls or boys to have a decent or even average education. The ntcc wanted people to have no options when they grew up other than to stay in the ntcc. Learn to be a preacher or learn from your Dad how to become a member of the underpaid building crew. The less you knew, the more likely you were to stay in.
My heart goes out to those who were brought up this way. If you are out of the ntcc and do not have the proper education, you should be doing what this anonymous person is doing and that is trying to get a better education. The ntcc wanted us all to be mindless drones.
NTCC was against homeschooling, although many of us practiced it anyway, despite RW's mockery. He also was quite negative about sending them to private Christian schools (which we did when we could afford it) and wanted us to enroll our kids in the public system (although he didn't do that with Tanya). He knew every dime spent on our kids was lost to his coffers. In many cases (like ours), we were so brainwashed against "worldliness" that we were afraid our children were going to be contaminated by the "filthy evil children" Mike Kekel likes to preach about. Fortunately my wife has a (real) college degree and is intelligent, and my kids always tested several grade levels above their age, but many of the NTCC parents were woefully unequipped and in many cases even contemptuous of secular education. The parents weren't all trying to hide abuse; many cared for their kids and did their best, but it wasn't enough. Now, as we see here, those kids have to struggle as adults to catch up. In retrospect, it would have been much better for us to just send them to school and let them deal with reality. But we were in our little bubble, you know?
For the confused, the NTCC was NEVER a 'holiness' church. True holiness does not rape little girls and young men, does not put cross-dressing homosexuals in charge of the children's dayschool and servicemen's homes, does not go around married women's houses knocking on their doors when their husbands are at work and trying to have sex with those married women. Just in case you didn't get the memo, NTCC and its leaders have done all these things. Nichelle Tieman's lacivious behavior, as a flirt and wannabe seductress, rubbing herself against a single brother, is enough by itself to disqualify the Tieman's as a couple from holding the church office of Overseers. She is an impenitent adulteress. And others have testified how rude and sanctimonious the Tiemans behave when they roll into town in their hand-me-down-from-dead-davis million dollar Recreational Vehicle. These are just some of examples of the poor judgment of the leaders of this cult called NTCC. Please don't call that 'holiness'; for God IS holy; and the NTCC is about as far from godly as one could get. Their top leaders Davis, Olson and Kekel all hid and harbored the child rapists Johnny Jordan and Michael Fontenot while ostracizing the victims of these crimes. One of their chief founding fathers, James Ross Ashmore, whose name appears on the Missouri Secretary of State registration for this group, hid the homosexuals Batson and Peters, granting them permission to attend two different ntcc churches at the same time (an other wise unheard of thing) and at the same time tried to get rid of the man who 'outed' those men, Bro. Ken, telling him "get out, get out, get out!" Well really, ntcc likes to shoot the whistle-blower and keep the deviants. That is not holiness.
ntcc has always been, and will always be, a family run business set up to profit a core group of individuals who abuse the gospel as a means to an end. These profiteers exploit young gullible G.I.s, targeting military bases, and third world women from the Philippines. They want someone they can control. G.I.s are accustomed to taking orders and are uprooted from family and support systems. Immigrants are wholly dependent on their sponsors. This isn't rocket science, folks. Open your eyes and take a look at who has the control, power and money in this group and you will see how honest we are being about ntcc. All the so-called 'holiness' rules were simply control mechanisms and quick indicators for who was 'in' and towing the ntcc line; and who was 'out' - someone able to think for themselves and see through the false doctrine and smokescreens of phony love (love bombing) and conditional Christianity. ntcc may have added a coat of make-up to its exterior, but it is still the same rotten corpse underneath. It is unsafe for children and adults alike.
About your education, please understand you are NOT slow, you are under educated. This can be easily corrected. I would go to a local Community College main office, ask for a counselor for students with disabilities. You don't have a disability but every college has these counselors and its free to talk to them. They are there to know how to make students succeed in school and life. You aren't ready for college but the counselor will help hook you up with the right GED program for you. The key is to not fear or be embarrassed by your lack of schooling. Be totally honest with what you went through. I doubt the counselor will be surprised. Unfortunately way too many homeschooling programs under prepare you for even a GED.
As how to act in class, sit there respectfully, take notes and ask questions. At many Community Colleges they have classes on how to take notes, how to study, how to use a library, remedial learning skills, remedial reading skills, remedial writing skills, etc. If the C.C. you look at doesn't have them ask them which one does. Ask your teacher after class any questions you didn't ask during class. Don't be afraid to tell them your story. It's an all too common one amongst the Fundementalist/Holiness movement.
There is also a Homeschoolers Anonymous website/blog site. It is mostly folks who took ACE/Gothard type homeschooling. They too received a poor education indoctornating them in blatant lies of the Fundamental Baptist Movement. After studying this group and hearing from Vic that NTCC was set up much like it and Davis plagerized much from them, you may feel right at home.
You can do this. I graduated from a public high school with a 3.42 grade point average. When I got to college I had to take remedial classes in everything except Biology. It took me 6 years of year round college classes to graduate with a 4 year Sciences Degree but I did it. I even took all the hardest classes at my high school. So even we public school folks can often get a poor education.
Best of luck, I know you can do it!!!
"For the Confused"...
Very condescending tone and the fact you didn't post a simple question leads me to believe you have tight control/filter of what you want on your blog.
Guess some things that are learned within the NTCC are still a habit with you.
I'm highly disappointed.
Anonymous said...
Brill's ex was also one who had to get her GED thru a Catholic Church offering free classes.
DNA said:
That's the MO of the ntcc leadership. Women only serve one basic function in the ntcc for the most part. Having a woman in the ntcc is like having a slave. Cook and clean. Wash my clothes. Vacuum the floor. Scrub the toilets. You don't need an education for that. Davis was a sick individual. He set the ntcc up so that children could be completely closed off to society. If you look at most cults, even the ones that the ntcc identifies as cults, they are set up the same way.
Anonymous said...
"For the Confused"...
Very condescending tone and the fact you didn't post a simple question leads me to believe you have tight control/filter of what you want on your blog.
Guess some things that are learned within the NTCC are still a habit with you.
I'm highly disappointed.
DNA said:
Thank you for your comment. You are not the first and you definitely won't be the last. It is impossible but that offenses will come. We were speaking to those who consider the ntcc to be a 'holiness' church. Most of the people who have left understand that the ntcc is not a true holiness church, because they have no idea what the word holiness really means. I highly doubt that you found that comment to be offensive just because we used the term "For the confused". The rest of what we spoke of was our opinion as it related to actual events that were reported to us by victims who have been abused by ntcc leaders or that others have witnessed. Most of this stuff has been spoken about on the blogs for quite sometime. It appears that your malice might be displaced. Maybe you should be upset at the organization that stole years of your life away from you and robbed you of your money while you attended their cult brain washing services. You visit this blog because you want to and we don't charge you a dime, nor do we require you to visit. It's completely up to you. The only people that we a problem with are the ones that have made a living off of our suffering and continue to do the same at the expense of those still in. If you find our tone condescending, than don't read the bible because you will really be confused when you hear the tone that Jesus took with the Pharisees. He called them vipers, and whited sepulchers and a whole lot more than that. He actually made a whip and drove them out of the temple. I bet you'd be really offended if we did that to you.
I'd be very offended...
I've heard this same line of reasoning for a harsh tone while in the NTCC... They used Steven, Jesus, Paul when preaching from their bully pulpit.
You're right, you don't charge a dime and I've been coming here to get a peak at the inner workings and sufferings that have come from this org. My point is that it would seem like you aren't taking any kind of high road when dealing with questions, and innocent questions at that.
I got that it's not a holiness church in spirit but it was a holiness church on the outside for all to see. Now it isn't. My question was merely wondering how bad is it now that children don't have to miss their childhood the way they did 15 years ago. Picnics... Volley ball... TV... Movies... Sounds like they're mainstreaming which I suppose is a good thing. Maybe all the spankings/spousal abuse will stop.
Are the perverts still perverts??? Yeah I got that too. Does it suck that Keckel is a Con man taking peoples money? Yep...
Anonymous said...
I'd be very offended...
I've heard this same line of reasoning for a harsh tone while in the NTCC... They used Steven, Jesus, Paul when preaching from their bully pulpit.
DNA said:
Well all I can say is that our message is for the nttc's leadership and the members who are blindly following them. If this message offends you than perhaps you still have your heart in the ntcc. They use a harsh tone to brainwash people. Have you ever tried to reason politely with a brain washed cult member. It's impossible. However, there are many in the ntcc that are trapped for various reasons who read this blog regularly. Some read it just to find out what is going on and what secrets have been kept from them. We are not taking a harsh tone to brainwash people but rather to unbrainwash them. I got that word from Chief and it may not be good English, but it fits perfectly. We are not bullying people. Bullying is defined as: use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying is what the ntcc does to people to extract money out of them. The ntcc bullies are on a power trip and they preach to people about giving them their money, dressing a certain way, or subjecting themselves to harmful doctrine and perverse activities.
The ntcc is not a holiness church on the outside or on the inside. Nothing about them is holy accept their claims that are based on false doctrines and twisted scriptures. The outward appearance that they call holiness is ruse that people mistakenly believe when immoral 'ministers of light' focus on the letter of the law rather than the things that Jesus emphasized such as love, mercy and grace. The only people Jesus went after the most were the Pharisees and religious leaders who acted just like the ntcc leadership. The Pharisees, the Saducees, the doctors and lawyers all wanted to interfere with his work. Those are the ones he was preaching to about hell the most because they were hypocrites and snakes. Jesus was telling the Pharisees how they were like graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. Luke 11:45 "Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him, Master, thus saying thou reproachest us also." Then Jesus went on to say in verse 52 "Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered." If we are offending you or anyone by exposing the ntcc, then that's your problem. We are not going to back down or stop because a person gets offended.
Do you think the ntcc has changed just because they allow volleyball and football now? It's the same vile people who watched everything change from the beginning and still are abusive unto this day. They are still using the ntcc as a money making enterprise. They are still dividing families. Read the post above. Do you think they have improved in any way? Olson's daughter abandons her husband because she caught him giving his daughter a shirtless swimming lesson. You want to make it personal, by saying we are just like the ntcc? Then put your name on it.
The ntcc is still a danger to women, children, families, G.I.s and anyone else who comes through their doors.
The ntcc uses deception to indoctrinate people.
They don't encourage people to share the gospel by lifting up Christ.
Instead they treat their members as if they are morons who couldn't possibly be trusted to tell someone about Jesus.
Instead members are trained to "Just bring them out to church."
The ntcc doesn't want the member to tell the person being invited that they will have to pay one tenth of all their increase to the ntcc for the rest of their days or else they will be considered and treated as a "sinner".
They don't want the person inviting his coworker to church to explain that all ntcc women must wear only dresses or skirts all the time or they will be labeled and treated as whores.
They don't want the visitor to find out right away that women who graduate the ntcc indoctrination center will not be called ministers or receive a minister's license like the men do.
The women will sit through the same courses and pay the same tuition fees but will never be considered or treated as equals to the men.
The women will always be considered and treated as 'less than' the men.
The ntcc, especially the top leadership and their wives, have in the past and will continue to, in the future, break up a marriage and a family solely because one spouse no longer wishes to attend the ntcc.
We're talking hundreds of families destroyed this way over the years.
The ntcc has many such practices and "doctrines of men" which make the word of God of none effect.
It's clear they do not fear God.
They do not wish to please God.
He very plainly states in all four of the gospels that He hates putting away (divorce); yet ntcc brazenly continues in this and other false doctrines, superceding God's word.
There is so much more that could be said about their systematic spying and reporting network,
their rigid controls of everything in one's life from money
to time
to relationships,
of their rules that replace one's autonomy with requirements to get permission before
inviting someone to your home
or calling a friend
or giving a friend a ride to work.
The controls are there.
The only change that has come is from the blogs exposing the ntcc ways.
They are still the same group,
run by the same money-grubbing people
who cause havoc in the lives of countless souls.
Their cosmetic changes don't impress us. In fact, it only makes them more dangerous; because it's harder to recognize the devil without his red face, tail and pointy ears.
Jesus said it is impossible but that offenses should come. You can't preach Christ without offending someone. You can't even quote scriptures without offending someone. Now, you can't even expose a cult without offending people. If a normal person that was not involved in a cult, were to read what the ntcc has done to people, they would be outraged and publicly exposed. News organizations have exposed cults, large church organizations, prosperity preachers, religious money grubbers, mega churches and the list goes on. Most people that aren't even saved know this stuff is wrong and they would be outraged to hear the stuff that takes place in the ntcc. Apparently not some that came out of the ntcc. They want to gloss everything over and make excuses.
Again, this is a public blog and we share our heart felt feelings about the ntcc. The best way to avoid not getting offended is by not visiting our blog. We appreciate those who contribute substance and we are glad that the ntcc is dwindling and people are waking up. I doubt very seriously that it's because people are asking 'innocent' questions, but it's because they are being exposed and people are sharing damaging accounts of what they have suffered through while in the ntcc. The ntcc is a menace to society and the more people that wake up and leave, the better off the whole world will be. The Pharisees were just like the ntcc. The ntcc is like a blood clot in the arteries of the church just as the Pharisees were to the children of Israel. Jesus didn't go easy on them just because they asked 'innocent' questions. The Chief Priests and scribes were like Davis, Olson and Kekel, the most stuck up ones of the entire bunch. They came to Jesus with an 'innocent' question. They wanted to know who gave him the authority to do the things that he did. Jesus had a question for them in return and asked them if the baptism of John were from heaven or of men. They couldn't answer because it would expose their hypocrisy. Jesus said, "Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things." Luke 20:1-8 Have you asked the ntcc any innocent questions lately, like: Where does all the money that we give you go to? Why do I get jacked up by my pastor for wearing shorts when Tanya Kekel wears clothes that look like they are painted on to her? My daughter got raped by pastor so and so what should I do? That's a legitimate question, but you won't get a legitimate answer. "You need to find another church" is the answer you'll get to that question.
As some might know we have been Commenting on the thread that Bruce Smith published on his online magazine about RWD's death. Recently a comment was posted by Mark G. that said not to believe everything that you hear about people, or someones story about NTCC just because it happens to be bad. I responded that Just as Mark G. says not to believe everything that you hear about people in the ntcc just because it’s bad, we would also caution you not to discount everything you hear just because some find it outlandish. And then we shared many of the accounts that people have given on our blog and the abuse that they suffered. This was taken personally by Mark G. and he started in with personal attacks. He also made a public statement that Julie recanted her story to discredit her and everything she has said. He also implied that this supposed recantation would damage her credibility in a court of law. All we wanted was some clarification as to when and where this recantation took place and some details about it. After it became apparent that Mark G's claim was bogus, we left a final comment and we were not going to pursue it any more. Then Mark left a very insulting comment laced with personal attacks that served to be a final straw that swayed Bruce Smith to intervene.
In Mark G's last comment he referred to our blog as a cauldron of hatred and said many other things that we won't discuss. Mark has really got a huge problem with Julies testimony and it has infuriated him to the point of calling us a Jack-@#% among other derogatory personal attacks. For years we published every comment he ever wrote. When we published Julie's story Mark began to intimidate and interrogate Julie which caused an uproar, not just from me or Julie but by many others on our blog. Kris M. whose comments have been unwelcome and disallowed on other blogs before also wanted to interrogate her. We asked Kris and Mark several times not to post comments that were disparaging to Julie as a victim of abuse who was publicly confronting these issues for the first time. Her willingness to do this started a flood of witnesses sharing their testimonies and comments that not only confirmed much of what Julie shared but also revealed many more deep secrets that have been hidden for years.
For the record, I was a victim of ntcc abuse myself and shared my story on this blog. It's not an easy thing to do. When I shared my story Chief supported us and didn't interrogate us or intimidate me in any way. Briggs however did what ntcc preachers often do. He started personally insulting me in an attempt to destroy my credibility. When you spill your guts and share your pain in a public forum it's not an easy thing to do. To be honest, if people would have treated me the way that Mark G. treated Julie, I probably wouldn't be blogging today and I suspect that is Mark G's goal to silence Julie, or at least cast doubt in the readers minds. We've done our best to verify her testimony and it has held up to much scrutiny.
Mark G. was pretty tight with St. Clair according to his own words. He called us a couple times and voiced his concerns and he seemed really bent on investigating Julie's accounts of sexual abuse. Now that is his prerogative but we asked him kindly not to do it on our blog, yet he insisted. Julie also mentioned that Mark G. was stalking her with Facebook Messages which made her feel uncomfortable. We were patient with Mark but he was hell bent on trying to discredit Julie and we wouldn't allow him to use our blog as a platform to do so. We published everything he posted up to a certain point, and he would not respect our request. At that point we stopped publishing his comments. He was so bent on getting his point across that he wrote a few very insulting remarks about Julie and us. We took a small sample of what he wrote and made it public so that people would know why we were not publishing his comments any more. So Mark G. decided to take his cause to the Mountain News where many of the testimonies on our blog have been reported by Bruce Smith who did his job very well as an investigative reporter. Most of the stuff we have published on our blog had already been revealed to Bruce who didn't mention any names at the request of people who relayed it as third party testimony. Julie reached out to others who began to verify first hand what Bruce had reported. Julie helped us get in contact with Lisa and Lori who were best friends and kicked out of the ntcc by Ashmore to hide Davis's sins. Lisa's testimony hasn't been questioned because she was lucky enough to have enough witnesses that verified her account of what Davis did. Lisa and Lori who gladly shared their testimonies were also were able to verify parts of Julies testimony with their own. Yet for some reason Mark insists on pursuing this vendetta against Julie, singling her out.
Julie unfortunately didn't have any witnesses because her abuse was so deplorable that most of it took place in secret. Fortunately Joan St. Clair admitted to some of Ralph's disgusting actions to her daughter-in-law who posted on facebook. This was seen by Diana Taylor who contacted us and thought we might want to blog about it. However, we explained to Diana that since it was not first hand testimony from Julie herself, and it was so shocking that we did not want to further victimize Julie by sharing her story without her permission. Furthermore we did not contact Julie concerning this matter. We did not discuss this matter with anyone else either. Later on, Julie contacted us via Facebook and shared her story with us and she we agreed to share the details of her horrific experiences on our blog in a series of posts because the abuse she endured was so extensive. We started getting serious hateful comments that did more to reinforce our beliefs that Julie was telling the truth, but we did not publish many of them because they were completely inappropriate for a public blog and they personally attacked Julie with incomprehensible name calling. Ken also wrote to us and revealed his testimony which he had already shared with two former ministers who knew him at the time.
So now because we have taken the cause of these victims and spoken out against the ntcc we are being publicly accused by Mark G. of being a cauldron of hatred. Once again people are confused about the source of the hate. The ntcc's actions are hateful. All we are doing is exposing these allegations. We are not being hateful, just giving voice to victims of the ntcc system of abuse and cover up. We do not want to make this a blog post or give it more attention than it warrants on our blog. We respect Bruce's request to not continue our discourse on his magazine and so far everyone has respected our request not to disparage former victims of abuse on our blog with the exception of Mark G. and Kris M. For the record we didn't tell either one of these guys that they could never comment on our blog again but we told them that we would no longer publish their comments if they were of an accusatory nature towards previous victims, especially with no substance or evidence to back them up.
We also don't want to turn this blog into a war zone over disputes about doctrinal beliefs. We quote scriptures and take them for what they say. We use the same scriptures to expose the ntcc, that the ntcc used on us to make a profit to take years of our lives away from us. We are not taking years of peoples lives away from them nor are we profiting. There are a few fault finders, especially anonymous ones that have motives that would otherwise hijack our blog and have us defending every thing we do and knit picking at us for every comment that we make. Kekel removed everything from his smog blog because he was being exposed for hypocrisy, and his blog was also moderated. We are not removing anything from our blog because we have nothing to be ashamed of. We have given ourselves to this cause and our goal hasn't changed. We are here to help people that have survived the cult experience. If our approach offends you, this is a voluntary blog. We are not looking for followers or approval from the ntcc masses or sympathizers. Blogging is free.
Some times you get a good blog post going and everyone is participating and contributing substance and along comes someone who wants to distract or detract. Sometimes people have motives that are different and when things are going smoothly, they like to hijack the subject matter and take a minute detail of what is being shared and blow it out of proportion to use it to change the subject. Then you have an argument over something stupid that often doesn't even pertain to what the topic at hand and becomes a big distraction. We feel that is what Mark G. is attempting to do and we have to question his motive why. It makes us wonder if he has something to hide. People write "innocent questions" but there is much more to it than that. They go on to reveal what is really in their heart and what their agenda really was all the time, and then they get bent out of shape because you don't drop everything your doing and change the direction of your blog. Well, we decided that we aren't going to play those games any more. Come out and say what's on your mind if you want to get your comment published. If it is a personal attack or a correction drop us an email and we'll get to it later. We have been wrong before, and we have no problem owning up to mistakes, but if you jack us up like an ntcc pastor it becomes a distraction also. There are two of us who blog here and we are in agreement on most things. I, Don, have allowed these distractions in the past and have had patience with people, but 100% of the time it only serves to suck me into a confrontation that takes us away from our purpose. In the future we are going to work towards keeping things on point.
Brother Ken I have kept silent, on this new blog and have not brought to light, things that have happened to People from Johnny Jordan, I'm one of them, Julie is another one. Johnny does not denies, what he did to us who ever you are Mark G. and for the record, as much as I have forgave him, He opened a whole lot of new emotions and it is on record, on recorded phone calls from the prison, on August 12 that he said to me enjoyed what happened to me, and said he also pretended to be on drugs that night, I dropped the phone in shock. I was so sick in my stomach, it is one thing to go threw what we have experienced, and another for your attacker to say he enjoyed it. the one thing I can say like I have said in the past Johnny and other brothers took Meds from me back in the early 80s and that night I know he was on something, I know that I'm probable all over the place with what I'm trying to say, but Mark G. how would you feel if you or a member of your family, gets sexually assaulted and then your attacker tells you he enjoyed it.? sorry for venting But you can't trust any supporters of NTCC, and the fact that he said it on a recorded phone conversation shows just how wrong you people are in NTCC, believe in a lie and be dammed. NTCC has been leading you people to the slaughter just to get your money from you. one would think that a person after all this time we would get past this, but when the person that did this to you can rub it in your face like it was nothing it does not help, and another thing Mark G. I also have letters that he talks about what he did to other people, NTCC can not do any thing but damage control and fool the gullible, in to thinking these things did not happen, but they can't erase the prison tapes, can they now.
brother Ken and on more thing Mark G. in the letters I have He does talk about Julie by name, Sorry Julie I did not mean to bring up our past like this. but Johnny does not denies any of our testimony's.
Not surprised by the lack of remorse from this predator.
It's amazing that at this point he still gets pleasure from remembering his dirty deeds. So sorry ken had to endure hearing him.
I can't understand why would mark g would ask not to bring the episode of ms tieman anymore? People need to know that not everybody in the ntcc are what they say they are.
Bro. Ken said:
Mark G. how would you feel if you or a member of your family, gets sexually assaulted and then your attacker tells you he enjoyed it.?
DNA said:
He's too busy trying to investigate people on behalf of the ntcc to worry about the actual well being of a victim. It seems like an obsession. He was fine with everything on our blog until we brought up Julie, who he says that he remembers holding her when she was a child. He's also has been on record saying that some of what she said is true. Now he's going to start a YouTube channel against Julie and this blog. Why would you do that? Well, he actually has been threatening to do that for some time, but he always promises to do things and never sees them through. We wouldn't have any problem with Mark G. if he would have respected our request to leave her alone. A lot of people are very uncomfortable with the subject of sexual abuse and he seems to be one of them. The majority of people on this planet are gullible when it comes to religion. Cults and controlling churches know how to influence people to do what they want them to do. It's like training a dog. If the dog obeys your command he gets a Scooby snack. If he disobeys he gets scolded. A dog is not much different than many people are. A dog wants to please his owner and the ntcc wants to own people. People don't normally give ten percent of their money to anyone. If you don't believe me try walking up to a hundred people and tell them that God wants them to pay there tithes to you and see how many will do it. They have to be trained to do it. Heaven is their reward and hell is where bad people go. If you don't pay your tithe, you go to hell. They owned us and tithe was just a small part of it. We forced ourselves to live in a spiritual wasteland because we thought we were pleasing God. How did we think that? We were trained to think that. Hitler brain washed an entire nation and even some of the neighboring countries. The ntcc leaders are experts at brain washing. They can get people to do things that those people would never have thought of doing and they do it gladly, thinking that it pleases God and that it was their own decision. Thank you Ken for your comment. We are going to bring your comments forward to our new blog post to make sure everyone sees them.
Ken it breaks my heart for you to have been told he enjoyed what he did to you. The abused victims never forget what has happened it is engraved on them for life and to have to hear something like that can be worse that the evil abuse that has already happened.
I want to say something to all the parents out there that have left but still have minor children in NTCC, don't walk away from them just because its hard. You may say I'm fighting a loosing battle to see my children or be apart of their lives. It is better to fight and loose than to not fight at all. Your children will grown up one day and how are you going to combat lie that they will be told about you not caring if you can't show you at least tried to fight for them. When you say to your children I couldn't fight for you; all they will hear is they weren't important enough to try. Yes it takes sacrifice but children are worth the sacrifice. What you do today could change their tomorrow.
Thanks Julie for sharing your feelings on this topic. We know that there are a lot of people that don't comprehend what it's like to be a victim of sexual abuse. That's right I said it, and it's real. Hollywood portrays victims of sexual abuse in a way that makes the average person feel that the victims are choosing to be the subject of the abusers pleasure. The ntcc is not any better; in fact they are probably much worse because they use their influence and positions of power to deprive people of relationships and desires. "Just keep being faithful and paying your tithe and God will give you a wife, brother". I can't tell you how many times I heard that line. Then when God tried to give you a wife they would tell you not to talk to that sister because she is going to bible school. They have a lot of power and people don't understand that this is how so many cults use their power. You get one narcissistic predator that starts an organization to get rich and fulfill their perverted desires with children and so many people are astonished that this could happen. The ntcc brainwashed some very intelligent people and had them doing stuff like getting vasectomies and leaving their spouses. They convinced thousands of people to give 10, 20, 30% of their money to them while they got rich right under their noses. Religion is a powerful and abusive mechanism that is used all around the world to adorn people with money and power. It takes a very wicked person to premeditate a scam using God and people that want God in their lives to get rich and powerful. What do you think these rich and powerful religious leaders want in addition to money? They want sexual gratification in many cases. How many preachers and politicians do you hear of that get involved in sexual mischief? Many of them do and they know they can get away with it 90% of the time by using their positions of power to cover it all up. Most people will try to find reasons to believe the corrupt person that is in a position of power. By doing this they must discredit the victim. The sad thing is that a lot of people feel that it's okay to be a victim if you were only guilty of being stupid and giving them your money and making your family follow all of their rules, but God forbid anyone should mention sexual abuse. There are quite a few on this blog that have taken a stand against the ntcc for the sexual abuse that they suffered and there are some that have supported them. It can be demoralizing when people don't believe you. Davis has a huge history of abuse and multiple witnesses that have shared their life stories on this blog. But people will still attempt to defend or ignore Davis and other ntcc abusers. They are more interested in investigating those who have without question suffered at the hands of ntcc predators. I want to thank both of you, Ken and Julie, for not being quieted by the minions of voices that have come against you. I believe you both and always have because I know what happened to me. I don't have proof, but it happened and God knows exactly what we've all been through. We know what they are capable of and what they have done to us.
This cult never ceases to amaze me, I am so glad I left some 4 years ago. I have no regrets about leaving, I wish I would have left so much sooner, a woman leaving her husband because he didn't wear a shirt, that is so ridiculous. Obviously, she was looking for a way, or a reason to leave, what if he wore shorts, would be have been thrown off a bridge, this is lunacy. Stop this church, I want to get out......this church is no different than the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Mormons and Scientology, just a smaller version of a cult. Sick and demented is what this NTCC group is.
A friend of mine just got back from conference and talked about the Regina and Danny thing. They were told the reason she left Danny is because he had not been living for God for some time. What else could she do? Completely ridiculous. There are very few biblical reasons why a couple can divorce and this scenario doesn't seem to fit those reasons. Again, I don't know the whole story. NTCC divorces and remarriages are just like the rest of the "world". There is nothing holiness about it. I am really sad and mad at this for Danny, Regina and their daughter.
Sadly, this high divorce rate is high among the church world and not just NTCC.
Regina practically deserted her husband and the org allowed this to happen. As far as I know brill was content to be married to her and didn't stop her from serving God so there's no grounds for divorce.
I recall in one service rw made it clear to somebody in graham that they couldn't just divorce their spouse.
For some reason he started addressing this issue because apparently somebody probably asked him that they were gonna divorce their spouse and rw preached that if they went ahead and divorced, his ministers license was gonna be taken and he wasn't gonna be able to pastor, I mean
Whoever this individual was only God knows but this talk volumes about who's in control of the marriages and who they allow to break the marital vows.
No doubt regina is gonna get remarried here fast so that all can be forgotten and put in the past, the sooner the better.
Anonymous said:
"They were told the reason she left Danny is because he had not been living for God for some time."
DNA said,
Danny was probably living for God more than any of them were. Danny has been through a lot and it's hard to find fault with him when you put yourself in his shoes. They teach in the ntcc that the man is the leader of the household and it is the responsibility of the man to provide for his family. But when you are married to the daughter of the President/Chairman of the board of a cult, your life doesn't belong to you. Danny had been through a lot and his inlaws put him in a difficult position which became almost impossible. What the ntcc does is sick. They make your life as difficult as possible and if your convictions tell you that you need to do something to improve it, they say that you are not living for God. Danny was left because he was not living for God. I'll tell you who is not living for God and that is Olson. Olson had no grounds to encourage his daughter to desert her husband. That makes Olson a 'sinner' and he is not right with God. None of the ntcc leadership are right with God because they have absolutely no value for the institution of marriage. Danny is the victim here. He's the one who has to fight to talk to his daughter on the phone. The smug ntcc leaders are gloating and pleased with themselves for severing the family bonds of many church members in a way that only benefits them. If Olson had a son, it would be Regina who would be abandoned. It's happened too many times and it's very clear what the ntcc is all about.
Anonymous said:
No doubt regina is gonna get remarried here fast so that all can be forgotten and put in the past, the sooner the better.
DNA said:
That's the sad truth of it. They have no shame in the ntcc. I'm sure sure that the Olson's have already picked another groom and are steering them together as we speak. Once they get that out of the way, they will claim that Regina's life is stable and Danny's is unstable, so the courts will award most if not all of the guardianship to Regina. The ntcc will pay top dollar for a lawyer that will make it as difficult as possible for Danny to see his daughter any more. Let's not be naive about this. Has anyone ever known an ntcc divorcee who has parental guardianship to ever share that control equally with a non ntcc spouse? Olson will do just about anything in his power to interfere with Danny's relationship with his daughter. He will convince the masses that it's confusing to the child to have one sinful parent and one saved parent. The problem with this is that Regina had no grounds to abandon Danny and Danny didn't do anything worthy of desertion. Who is the sinner and who is saved? Their child is the one that looses here. I know Danny hates us for going public with this but this stuff happens every day in the ntcc. This needs needs to be nipped in the bud, but as long as it's kept quiet and the ntcc leadership continues to destroy families in the secrecy of their controlling CULTure, they will continue to wreak havoc on families and the children will be the ones who pay the biggest price.
When this kind of thing is kept quiet it is ignored and accepted. People in the ntcc are reading about this and I know they are wondering if their families are safe. Both Spouses must be 100% on board with the ntcc's programs and false doctrines, or the weak one will be cut off from the flock and thrown to the wolves. People are trained NOT to do what's best for themselves or their families, but they are taught to do whats best for the ntcc. When a husband or wife is encouraged to abandon their spouse it all plays out to the benefit of the ntcc and it's band of thugs who profit off of the misery of others. The husband and wife suffer but the ones that suffer the most are the children who have no choice or no say in the matter.
The sad thing about all of this is that the ntcc keeps the spouse that is corrupt and despises the one that is doing right. Look at who the ntcc keeps and who the ntcc discards:
They kept Fontenot who raped his daughter and told his wife to go find another church.
They kept Johnny Jordan who raped his wife's sister and they got rid of his wife who was molested by Davis and her 14 year old sister who was pregnant. Barbara Norton was also encouraged by Davis to abandon her pregnant daughter and handicapped son for the good of the ntcc. Sinners or Saints? You decide.
They kept the Kinson's and ignored Phil's visit to the whore house while ostracizing the Moreno's which became one of the biggest tragedies in ntcc history when Roland allegedly gunned down his pregnant wife and child before blowing his own brains out because he reported Kinson's whoredoms. There was no trial or eyewitnesses in this matter, but nobody would dare think that something more sinister could have happened. Deb Kinson will have to live with this for the rest of her life if she wants to "stay right with God", or is it the ntcc she wants to stay right with?
They Kept Cherlynn because she was a slumlord over ntcc housing while totally destroying her husband Kelly Merz who was reduced to being a maintenance man for her apartments and later killed a woman in one of those apartments. I'm not saying that Kelly was the Saint in this tragic story, but he was wrongfully abandoned and by his wife and disgraced for all of the ntcc to see.
Ken was not allowed to marry the woman He loved but the ntcc homosexuals Batson and Peters were harbored by Ashmore and Johnny Jordan was allowed to stay after he forced himself on Ken. Davises hatred of homosexuals finally forced Batson and Peters out just as he later got rid of Rudy, Hummel and Broadnax, while recycling their wives. The latter three predators were removed because they were all in Servicemen's works and Davis was protecting his interests.
Gesang beat his child until he was black and blue with welts all over the lower portion of his body, but when his X-wife pulled down the child's pants in front of the board members to show them the damage that Gesang done, who do you think the ntcc wanted to keep around and who was ousted? Can anyone take a stab at this one? Anyone? Anyone?
We can go on and on, and so can you. All you have to do is think of anyone you know in the ntcc and how their marriages were destroyed in the ntcc. Who was really the demon behind it all? Was it the one that left the ntcc or the ones that stayed in. Sinners or Saints?
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