What is it with the leadership of the ntcc and their desire to marry off their daughters before they are of age? I wracked my brain with this question and finally a light bulb came on.
The reason that the ntcc does this is because they know when that girl turns 18 and has the right to make her own decisions, that she is going to "choose the world" over marrying a 28 year old drooling man and being a barefoot-and-barren-in-the-kitchen cult member for the rest of her life. Who in their right mind would choose that for themselves?
If you look at the mortality rate for kids in the ntcc, it is somewhere in the high 90's percentile. I'm referring to them leaving the ntcc and becoming dead to their parents and the ntcc leadership. How many of the ntcc preachers' kids have grown up in that cult and chosen to stay after turning 18? Does anyone know of any besides the females that are married off in their mid-teens? There might be some, but very few. What kind of testimony is it that if these ministers that are involved in God's so called "last move on earth", can not even get their family members into heaven?
The solution for this problem was figured out by none other than rwd who experimented with his own daughter. Perhaps she was rebelling against the holiness doctrine as she does to this day. The so called Holiness Doctrine was only used as a tool to keep people in line, and to control and manipulate them. Whatever, the reason, rwd sought him out a man, several years older than his mid teenage daughter to intervene so that his daughter would not jump ship when the time came to make that decision for herself. If we as adults could not think for ourselves, how much more would a 15 or 16 year old girl not be able to resist the "advice" of rwd or johnson or olson or anyone else in that authoritative position?
Tanya was to be the Incubator for one Grant Kekel, the heir apparent to the throne of the ntcc. I can only imagine that when Tanya Kekel was in her early teens, rwd sought out and found a man with like morals and unscrupulous character that could marry his daughter a day after her 17th birthday and take over a corrupt organization that would be able to keep the cult intact while transitioning it into compromise. While Grant Kekel is off at secular college living the life of an ordinary 'sinner', which is what we would have been classified as back in the day if we went to secular college or played football and participated in all the activities that went along with that, rwd and mike kekel are continuing to do what they do best and that is build a financial empire while manipulating people for financial gain.
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A place to learn what it's really like in the ntcc founded by Rodger Wilson Davis;
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Jesus In The Temple
Matt 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, Matt 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Gal. 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Skip To Blue Letter Bible Search Tool
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Married Children in the ntcc
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Good post, Dear. Of course ntcc isn't the only cult that controls membership through the teen-bride program. Religious Cults Info administrator, John Huddle, lists the following book / review regarding this topic:
“Stolen Innocence” (copyright 2008) by Elissa Wall with Lisa Pulitzer - Elissa Wall’s story of growing up in FLDS, becoming a teenage bride and breaking free from Warren Jeffs.
Do you see ntcc marrying off teen brides? What's next? Why?
Don and Ange,
Can you give Bro Jeff the link to the NTCC footage?
That is the real McCoy. Now everyone can see where the money goes: To RW Davis Compound AND his house!
This is the first time I have seen this. I never knew all of those houses were NTCC property.
Good sound effects of a Demon or Dragon when one sees the font "Enter into the heart of the beast" or words of that effect.
That video just made me plain out mad.
That needs to be posted on You Tube alongside the Christmas Carols trying to sing songs!!
Bro Johnson
Bro. Johnson,
We posted the link on Jeff's thread called "Life Is Good".
Here's a version you can copy and paste wherever you want:
or if you just want to click the link:
ntcc Graham compound
The video clearly shows the ntcc "church behind the fence" mentality --even the houses and dorms are behind fences. That was some good reporting dooe by Bruce Smith of the Dispatch in his series about ntcc.
Bro. Johnson,
Not to make you any more upset, but this tour did not include the truly spectacular kekel mansion located off 224th with a grand view of Mt. Ranier. kekel is such a schmuck he built his palace so as to block the mountain view that his other neighbor had who was there first. Rather than working with the man or apologizing for this, kekel defiantly snarled from the pulpit, "He [the guy who lost his dream view of Mt. Ranier] should have bought that property too." Never having had to work for his money kekel does not understand that not all have things handed to them on a silver platter by virtue of marrying the teenage daughter of a cult con-man.
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