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1 NCO 2 Another said, "We served together 25 years ago in the United States Army and swore "to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.""
I too fit that statement, and took that oath. I served the U.S. Army happily for four years. And I had an unblemished record with nine medals / awards, the opportunity to re-enlist as a Staff Sergeant (E-6), the honor of being the soldier of the year for the whole 4th Infantry Division (which I forfeited to follow ntcc 'policies' [rules]), and the offer to go to Officer Candidates' School, again forfeited due to ntcc rules.
Having learned all I have about ntcc, I now consider it my duty to the Armed Forces of America "to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic"... and that means the ntcc should be considered an enemy of the Armed Forces of America.ntcc is definitely an enemy to the United States military! The ntcc abuses, uses, and discards its members who come primarily from the military! And we're not the only ones testifying of this abuse. More testimony click here.
ntcc steals these young impressionable G.I.s from the military. ntcc takes their tithe and offering money. ntcc deprives the young troops of sleep. ntcc cuts-off the young troops from all functions except those related to ntcc cult activities. ntcc even discourages furthering one's military training, education, schooling, and exercises that could further one's military career. Why? Because ntcc wants YOU. They want to steal you out of the military and send you to their boot camp, the New Testament Christian Church Seminary / Bible School. They want you to leave the military and become a recruiter for the ntcc Ministry Machine. They want you to continue to sacrifice all your time, your money, and your military career so that ntcc can profit from your sacrifice.
The ntcc is full of former military members that ended successful military careers to become cult recruiters for the ntcc real-estate expansion corporation.How do I know? I did it. My late ex-husband, former U.S. Army Sergeant, Eric James Barden did it. The ntcc is full of former military members that ended successful military careers to become cult recruiters for the ntcc real-estate expansion corporation. While they are in the military, these troops provide ntcc a constant flow of cash. Once they bow to ntcc pressure to leave the military, these former troops provide ntcc a constant flow of warm bodies to the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. Seminary / Bible School. There they learn how to repeat the recruiting and fleecing process, thereby building up the ntcc ministry machine...
While they are in the military, these troops provide ntcc a constant flow of cash. Once they bow to ntcc pressure to leave the military, these former troops provide ntcc a constant flow of warm bodies to the New Testament Christian Churches Of America, Inc. Seminary / Bible School.ntcc is indeed an enemy to our military forces! They actively recruit on military bases around the world. In my opinion ntcc should not be allowed to do so any longer; because ntcc has a proven track record of undermining the military by stealing its best troopers away from service to their country! I know. It happened to me and to hundreds of others who have now left ntcc and are trying to rebuild their lives and regain what ntcc took from them. If one ounce of prevention is worth one pound of cure, we are here to administer that ounce of prevention: Fore-Warned is Fore-Armed.
*"New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc" or NTCC, founded by Rodger Wilson Davis, with headquarters in Graham, Wa. and roots in St. Louis, Missouri. NTCC is registered with the Secretary of State of Missouri as a non-profit corporation.
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Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:
A) Sounds Like A True Description Of ntcc.
B) ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C) I Read This Post.
D) ntcc encourages all members to attend ntcc's seminary, even if it means terminating a successful military career.
E) ntcc often requires members to do things that have no biblical basis, like living in the ntcc servicemen's homes where members are under constant scrutiny and pressure to perform for the ntcc and where gross sexual abuse has taken place [See Homosexual Pastors].
F) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"F" I'm afraid to be caught commenting on this blog.
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc.
H) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"H" ntcc manipulates military members by depriving them of sleep, controlling their entire schedule, limiting their contact with anyone outside of ntcc, etc.
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc
J) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"J" ntcc has ruined my chances of succeeding in the military; because ntcc has weird man-made rules.
**You Can Choose Multiple Answers**
What do you think ntcc will say about this post? First they will quote the scripture: "And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." [Luke 9v62]
To which I say, God has callings for people OUTSIDE of "The Church Behind The Fence"
The problem with ntcc is that they try to force everyone into THEIR idea of what Christianity is.
Looking back it is very obvious to me that God was blessing me right where I was at in the military. THAT was my calling. ntcc interfered with it. ntcc really does think that the only way to "serve God" is to go to the ntcc bs and become THEIR idea of a Christian.
It is so wrong to think that. Common sense requires variety in life. If all flowers were roses, life would have lots of thorns! God made variety. It is only common sense that Christians too would have different offices, functions, callings, etc. But ntcc tries to strip people of that variety and force everyone into one mold. Then when people realize they were already fulfilling their calling outside of the ntcc, and those same people try to leave ntcc's man-made doctrines behind and live the life God called them into, the ntcc tries to say, "Oh, they are just
"looking back"; they were never really saved..." BLAH BLAH BLAH
ntcc has GOD in a box.
ntcc wants YOU in their box.
God said where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is LIBERTY.
God said you shall know the truth, and it will make you free.
Look to God for your direction. He will lead you out of the bondage of the ntcc!
Ange / Sassy
Christians do have different function in live, that is if you are not in the NTCC.
If you're in the NTCC your only function is to do exactly what RWD, Olson and Kekel tell you. Take the jobs and professions they tell you to take, quit jobs when they say you should quit, marry who they suggest and if you don't you will hear about it. With the NTCC there is no variety. It's either their way or the highway. They must approve of everything you do or they'll make your life miserable.
They want to approve the hours you work, friends you have, places you go and everything else they can dream of. The NTCC leadership is a bunch of dirty control mongers who want to direct every move you make or they'll make your life miserable if you don't let them.
I can't stand them. They are ungodly.
Good post, Jeff. The ntcc leaders are control mongers; they are dirty/ and they do make people's lives miserable.
At least in the military the rules made sense. You were taught to stand at attention to build stamina and discipline. You were to keep your eyes straight forward. Imagine how that would help in a P.O.W. camp -- to have practice at not staring at your captors.
But in ntcc rules do not make sense. In the bible school difrancesco upbraided the class because one student was looking up from her notes. What was hanging our heads in note taking going to teach us? How to have sore necks?
In the military rules are fixed and printed out on paper. In ntcc rules change constantly at the whim of dictator davis. In one conference you are berated if you DON'T knock on doors to invite people to 'church'. In the very next conference you are berated if you DO knock on doors to invite people to 'church'. Condemned if you do, condemned if you don't...
In the military one set of rules exists for all. It is called the UCMJ -- Uniform Code of Military Justice.
In this case the word "uniform" means the same for all.
In ntcc, special rules apply or do not apply to certain people. YOU have to be in every service, class, fellowship time after church, etc. But the 'leaders' can do what they want.
davis used to 'lay out' of church all the time when he was vacationing at the Lodge on the ntcc National Campground in Santa Fe, Missouri. YOU try doing that and see what happens. If you are a bible school student you will lose the whole semester, including all tuition / fees paid.
That's a double standard. davis leads the way in setting and practicing double standards. Living a lie, davis preaches one thing while he lives something else completely opposite of what he is demanding of you. That is exactly what the Pharisees did; and Jesus called them hypocrites. davis is a hypocrite.
Don and Ange
It's amazing how well the ntcc maintains the delusion of their version of the truth. I can't figure it out. With all of the double standards we see now, people are still oblivious to what's going on. It's a worked up feeling that they are mistaking for God. They must be so brainwashed that they are unwilling to face the reality that they have wasted years of their lives and they don't want to be wrong. There has got to be a voice inside of them telling them that something is wrong.
If you are in the ntcc, and you use the same reasoning that you are taught by the ntcc, you will see that you are in a cult and that you are causing more harm than good. How many times do they preach that Salvation is not a feeling, and you don't rely on feelings. I've heard ntcc'rs say that they know on the inside that what they have is real. They can feel God on the inside. The changes take place on the inside and manifest themselves on the outside.
They rely on feelings as an indicator to assure them that everything is alright. They blindly accept policies of the ntcc as scripture and hang on every word. They then take those policies that are unbiblical and throw them in everyone else's face in a Pharisaical manner. Does it really glorify God when we point to somebodies facial hair and demean them because of it? Did we ever see Jesus not help someone because of what they wearing, or their status in life or how much tithe they pay?
The ntcc needs to get their nose in the book and find out what it really says and stop relying on davis and kekel to misinterpret it for them.
Don and Ange
That machine video is amazing!!! so true...just hope my end is not how the video ends...I don't want my experience in the "machine" to make me "dead"...that's why we got out...
I believe we got out so we can live!!! If we stayed in, we would've had to be hypocrites and critical and liars...and ultimately die in sin, thinking we are doing God a service...
but by God's grace, He opened our eyes to the reality of the NTCC "machine" and got us out of there.
I don't come on here much and this is my first time posting on your blog, but thanks D&A for having a place for us to come and realize we are not alone.
You're welcome. We too had help from those who blogged before we did. I remember e-mailing one lady discussing why we allowed ourselves to be pulled into the ntcc matrix or ministry machine. The answer was simple: LOVE.
As true Christians, we really do love God and souls. That love compels us to act. Unfortunately, we were misdirected by those who run ntcc who do NOT love God or the brethren. The bible teaches so much about LOVE being the proof and fruit of true Christianity. Just read the three epistles of John over and over. The apostle constantly contrasts real Christians from those who are phony pretenders who only love in word, but not in deeds. These wolves and hirelings used our own love as a weapon to manipulate us into making them wealthy in the world (though they are poor towards God). Eventually, though, as you point out, we grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. We begin to apply what the Bible says, and there is such a disconnect from what we are taught in the ntcc; that we come to a place of decision: Do we follow the doctrines of davis or the Word of Truth? Ultimately truth and love prevail.
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