Part 1: My Life and Times in the ntcc: or "Why I Left ntcc"
Part 2: The Celibacy Policy: or "Forbidding To Marry"
Part 4: Nichelle Tieman's Adultery and Lying: NOT Overseer Material
Recently an anonymous commentator on Jeff's blog said:
"Hey, since we believe everything someone says about another without any verification at all let me tell you a story I heard. [Don] once confessed that he was Homosexual. And he got kicked out of the Army (as an E6 mind you) for stealing...."
In Reply to this accusation I would like to publish a copy of this recent email that I sent to Bruce Smith. I was patiently waiting for this opportunity to address the issue of Homosexual Pastors in the ntcc. The Letter to Bruce reads as follows:
I was a Serviceman and lived in serviceman's homes and churches for 13 years and served under 14 pastors. While I did not see the daily workings of the upper echelon leadership I have a rather unique perspective on what happens in the field of Serviceman's work where the majority of ntcc souls are harvested from and later sent to bible school. Servicemen are perfect candidates for ntcc as they are used to following orders without question. I was no exception to this. While ntcc does preach Christ and Him crucified, which biblically is the vehicle by which souls are brought to Christ, it's what takes place after men and women are sincerely saved and hungering for more God in their lives that wreaks havoc and destruction in the lives of the new ntcc Christian. The word of God is preached in the "power and demonstration" of the Spirit of God to bring souls to Christ, and then it is preached in power and demonstration of man to shape people into obedient mindless servants that can be used and exploited financially, emotionally and spiritually.
I was reached in a servicemen's home while still in training at Fort Gordon, Ga. Shortly thereafter, I went on to my permanent duty station and moved into the ntcc Serviceman's home and church. Christianity was new to me and I loved God and the brethren. I was praying and studying God's word and participating in every function to include church services, bible studies, prayer meetings, soul winning, fellowship meetings. The average day for me started at 05:00. I would get up get dressed, pray and read, ride my bicycle to PT formation at 06:30. Do Army physical training for 1 hour, then ride my bicycle back to the Home, take a shower, and ride my bicycle to the airfield where I would work from 9 to 5 if lucky, then ride my bike to the home. At the Home I would change into wingtips, slacks and a white shirt to prepare for whatever activity we were going to participate in that evening. But the first thing we would do, every night before we participated in any thing spiritual we would pray thanking God for the huge amount of food we were about to stuff down our throats. We would gorge ourselves and feast like gluttons every night. Then we would pray and go soul winning or pray and go pick up people for church or pray and go pick up people for Bible study or we would just pray. But whatever we did, you can be assured that we would follow it up with fellowship and fellowship always included food. By the time we were done it was 11pm or midnight and we'd have to get to sleep to start the whole cycle over again. In addition to this, we were expected to get in personal prayer time, bible reading witnessing and soul winning in addition to anything the military required of us.
Those of us who participated with all of our heart in these activities were esteemed and highly praised while those who were a little more cautious and less enthusiastic about donating their heart mind and soul to "the work of God" were "Jacked up" and rebuked publicly in church while the rest of us shouted amen. I used to think that the others that were hesitant to blindly follow these teachings were going to lose their souls while the few of us that participated and received praise from behind the pulpit, were the only ones that were going to heaven. I pray that God forgives me for being so judgmental and allowing myself to be so manipulated.
Within a few months of being saved, I was being taught new things in the bible and things that were not in the bible. The next part of my story does not apply to everyone in ntcc but was created and allowed to be cultivated by the dictatorships of those involved and unfortunately does not have a happy ending. One of the teachings that was given a lot of emphasis to was foot washings. This was taught as a form of humility and very subtly became foot massages. Foot massages became leg massages which became back massages which became full body massages. These massages would take place in the pastor's bedroom in secret under the guise of "counselling" while the pastor's wife was leading "fellowship" with the brethren. Scriptures would be used to justify these sinful acts like, "unto the pure, all things are pure". The foot massages would take place in the open; and it was a privilege to massage the pastor's feet. What ended up happening was the sin of Homosexuality; it was committed by the pastor and members of the congregation. This pastor realized that he had sinned and requested to go back to Bible school to be "restored". He never openly confessed this sin until later, when he was caught; but rather told church leadership that he needed more preparation before going back into serviceman's work and he was praised for his humility and humbly admitting that "He needed help". While in transition, to go back to bible school for "restoration" another minister was coming in to take his place. This preacher had seen the foot massages and learned of the sexual abuse; and what did he do? He continued the practice and involved more people in it. Many lives were destroyed, people were permanently damaged and abused. There were brethren that left the church and those that left God. There were rumor's and those that walked in on this sin while it was being committed; and those people left because they were utterly appalled. The pastors involved were asked to leave the "organization" and their wives were recycled. One of the brethren involved pulled the plug by calling Rev. Davis and blowing the whistle. This brother was restored but required to move out of the serviceman's home and was never to speak of this to anyone. The others involved eventually left the church and hopefully were able to get back to God and find peace. Keep in mind that at the peak of all this activity, the serviceman's home was growing. We had 17 people living in the home; and the services were alive; the preaching was on fire; and people were praying for salvation. This preacher preached strict holiness: ie. No shorts, no makeup, no jewelery, no long hair on men or short hair on women, no tv, no pants on women, no worldliness, abstaination from the very appearance of evil.
The next (3rd) pastor that came to take over was on the other end of the spectrum. He would get together with certain of the brethren and rent movies and watch "Faces of Death" with the brethren. He would not preach holiness; and those of us that were still holding out from the last administration thought that we were compromising as a church. The next (4th) pastor was strict; and things seemed to be going in a better direction. I was allowed to move back into the Home; (I'm sure by now many readers have put 2 and 2 together.) By the way this is not easy for me. Later I came down on orders to go overseas; and another sister was also going at the same time. I was told by the Pastor (#4) not to pursue any type of relationship with her; and she was told not to pursue any type of relationship with me.
In Korea I had the only pastor (#6) that I believed was a true man of God. He was in the military like me and was a man of prayer. And he emphasized prayer and relationship with God rather than all the outward things and the do's and don'ts that made ntcc seem cultish. I was honest with this man about my past; and he helped me get back to God. We visited and fellowshipped with another church in Korea and met another ntcc preacher (#5); who did some very weird things. He (#5) liked to take the brethren to the bath houses. The bath houses were where men would go and get naked and get in big hot tubs together and soak for hours. I was told not asked to come along one day by this preacher and felt very uncomfortable about it but didn't want to rock the ntcc boat and went along. These bath houses to me were nothing more than filthy homosexual brothels; which I did not want to be a part of. There were rooms where there would be men laying totally naked in recliners watching tv. We all were told to get into this hot tub and there was a massage table in the middle of the shower room. A Korean man would give massages on this table to anyone who asked. This preacher told me to get up on the table for a massage so he could watch. I told him over and over that I didn't want to do this, that I thought it was inappropriate; and then I caved in and reluctantly obeyed like I would any ntcc command. There I was with a man rubbing on my naked body. He got down to my private area; and I immediately ended the massage in humiliation in front of other brethren. Anyway, this preacher (#5) would always bring groups of brethren to the bath house so that he could see them naked. I remember one time in the serviceman's home he took off his pants to show the brethren how great his Korean underwear looked and felt. In this serviceman's home we didn't have beds but rather small mattresses and sleeping pads that were lined up next to each other on the floor; and it was like one big slumber party where everyone slept next to each other on the floor. Well this pastor did not sleep upstairs with his wife in his own bedroom; but he slept on the floor in the middle of all the brethren within touching distance.
One night he positioned himself next to me and put his hand on my genitals in a way that was not an accident but an uncontrollable urge to be sexually gratified. I told my pastor (#6) what had happened; and he told me to report it. Which I did; and the other pastor (#5) was removed from the work of God; and another pastor's wife recycled. I felt great about myself because I resisted it. From that point on I felt very good about myself for rejecting Homosexuality.
I ended up going back to the States to another ntcc church; where I was at the peak of my life in God. I was praying, preaching, soul winning, and actually seeing the fruits of my labors. In this church there was a woman who was the wife of the pastor of the church; and she would spend a lot of time with the brethren. Up until this point, I have left names out of my story because I realize that there were a lot of people involved; and many were hurt. But in this portion of my story I am going to name Nichelle Tieman as the Pastor's wife of the serviceman's home and church I attended in Colorado Springs. She began to spend a lot of time around me and talking to me during fellowship while her husband was in his room "studying" and praying for messages. Eventually she started rubbing up against me, and making sexual advances toward me. At first I welcomed these advances because they made me feel like a man is supposed to feel and that is masculine. But in my heart I knew that it would lead to adultery and after praying through guilt and shame, I began to reject these advances and they became unwanted and unsolicited advances. I remember one morning while her husband was at work she came and knocked on my door and wanted to lay down with me in my bed. I stood my ground as hard as it was and would not give in. About this time God was about to bless me for my faithfulness to his work. I invited a female soldier named Angela to church who worked in my shop at Ft. Carson. She came out to church and got saved. From the beginning we were both attracted to each other and became very close friends. Nichelle Tieman was making unwanted advances; and I ended up making another call to have another Pastor and wife removed from church. I did not have sex with Nichelle; but we did touch each other inappropriately in the beginning before I started rejecting her; and I admitted this whole story to the General Overseer, Pop Gaylord.
The next part of my story is the most difficult thing I went through in my entire life: ntcc separated me from my dream. After being lied to and abused for years sexually, mentally, and emotionally; and now at the peak of my life for God, feeling that God had forgiven me, and knowing that God had led me to a place where I could be rewarded and have the wife of my dreams -- We were both the same age, both Italian with Italian names; both of us were totally engaged in each others lives; and we talked about being together. We had mutual love and respect for each other that many people do not experience in an entire lifetime. The timing couldn't have been more perfect for both of us.-- And then the unthinkable happened.... I know that any ntcc'er out there whether an Xer or not can predict the outcome of this one.... We were ripped apart from one another in an act of cruelty. What was the reason? She was "called to go to bible school"; and there had to be something wrong with me; because I was not in bible school. I had been in ntcc for 7 years at this point and had to be damaged goods; because I was not a bible school graduate.
Bruce, Please let me finish this later, there is more to continue. I'm probably 3/4 of the way through my story. To be continued.....
Don T.
My story continued -
Sometime while all of this was happening, one night I got a call and discovered my Mother had died. I told the Tieman's that my mother had departed and went to heaven to be with God; and I remember Nichelle saying that she (my mother), didn't adhere to the teachings of ntcc; and that I was lying to myself thinking she was in heaven! Among other things I remember Nichelle also telling me she had an affair with a bible shcool graduate named Brother Rice. The Tiemans were responsible for splitting me and Angela apart. While I do forgive them it is impossible to forget the irreparable damage done to both of our souls. While Angela went on to Bible school, got matched up through the ntcc dating service with someone totally incompatible with her which eventually ended in Eric Barden abandoning Angela, divorce and her departure from ntcc, I tried my best to overcome my inner sorrow and continue on with Serviceman's work. My entire life and world was turned upside down. After surviving so many storms and winning internal battles and knowing and feeling that God had brought me to this point in my life, all I could do is ask "Why God"? I never got an answer. I was broken into thousands of pieces. I cried myself to sleep every night for months. I could only blame myself. It had to be my past involvement in sin; or perhaps I never was saved. I searched my heart and blamed myself for this, trying to figure out what exactly I did to be rejected by God. It never dawned on me to think that I was in a cult; and that our relationship was destroyed by the will of a proud bunch of preacher's; to whom it was more important to say, "look who we sent to Bible School" rather than allow us the desires of our hearts.
Pieces by Red YouTube
From that point on, things started to slowly go down hill in my life. I went through all the motions of outward Christianity; but inwardly I was dying a slow death. It took six more years for all of the inner strength God gave me to be zapped away from me. I gave the best years of my life to this work; and one day I looked up and realized that I was lost and on my way to hell and part of ntcc at the same time. I witnessed more corruption, hardly worth mentioning, preachers keeping 2 sets of books and lying on finance reports. Wifes withholding sex from their husbands. I'd seen everything and anything you could imagine but never would I come to the realization that ntcc was wrong. One day I left ntcc, the Army, and God at the same time. I decided that if I was going to die and go to hell I might as well do it as a sinner and not from the church pew. I made one futile attempt to return to ntcc but that didn't last; and when I walked out the door for the last time, I was gone for good.
For the past 14 years of my life, I have been living apart from God. I have been in jail, done drugs, smoked cigarettes, drank beer and hard liquor, mismanaged my life and money, and never met anyone that I could fall completely in love with. In spite of everything I'd heard and seen I still thought that I could never get back to God; unless I crawled back to ntcc. And knowing I was no longer welcome in ntcc, I figured the next time I'd see God, it would be at the great white throne of Judgement.
Last week a letter came to my mailbox with a note and an email address from Angela. I couldn't believe it. We started e-mailing each other at first and then texting and calling. I found out that she was an ntcc ex-er and was very outspoken against ntcc. I was a little scared when I started checking out the blogosphere and saw all of the anti-cult articles she had posted; but I also felt like God was once again pulling at my heart strings. It has been 27 years since I first started attending ntcc; and now I was beginning to allow myself to see ntcc for what it really is. Angela and I talked and discovered that we both still loved each other; and that our love was indeed mutual although ntcc teaches that you can't truly love someone until you are married and that marriage is consummated with sex.
All of the sudden lights started coming on; and I began to see what I refused to look at and believe for years. Angela said a few things to me that transcended everything I'd been taught. The first thing she said was that if she still loved me after 20 years how much more would God still love me? Also she said that there is no sin you've committed that God can't forgive you of. David committed murder and adultery; and he is in heaven with God right now.
Angela also told me that if both of us didn't put God first in our lives that our future relationship would never work. I actually knew this in my heart and herein lies the dilemma. How can I get back to God when after you leave ntcc you are a reprobate and an apostate, a God hater and every other thing they call you when you leave. I'd been on the other side of this and it isn't pleasant. I decided that I was going to pray. I really didn't think God would listen; I hadn't prayed in 14 years, Didn't know how or what to pray. So I prayed anyway. I envisioned myself at the foot of the Cross in a huge puddle of Jesus Blood. I asked Jesus if there was any sin that His blood could not wash away in my life. I already knew the answer to this question. I then asked Jesus if it were possible for me to be forgiven. I didn't get a yes or a no. One word entered into my heart and that word was repent. So I asked God if He could help me repent and take all of the evil desires out of my heart and help me to change and once again live for Him. God has exceeded my expectations. I quit smoking, cursing, and eating like a hog; but what's more important than all this outward junk that ntcc focuses on so much is the inward change that came about so easily. Salvation was never meant to be so difficult. It's only been 3 days or so since I prayed and I know cynical people will say "Let's wait and see what happens when the real trials come his way". Brother, I've already been through the real trials! Right now I am feeling joy in my salvation; and God is just as real as He ever was to me. I am grateful to Angela that she never gave up on me and was at a place where God could use her to reach out to me.
I can now see why people are so mad at ntcc. Up until a few days ago I still felt ntcc had the right intentions; and that they were God's only church preaching God's only true word; and there was no hope for sinners outside of ntcc. The reason I'm writing this is because I know there are people trapped in ntcc that think they can never be saved outside of its walls. There are also many, many souls that were discarded or left in discouragement that don't realize that God is waiting for them. To those that come out and think they are a part of something special, escape while you still can. Ask questions, take a close look at the doctrine and structure of the organization, and most of all make sure it's God's voice that you are listening to and not man's.
In closing I would like to thank you Bruce for encouraging Angela to contact me. I am eternally grateful to God that He was able to turn this whole story around and add a happy ending to it! In the next few days I will be in Colorado to reunite with Angela, and will be asking her to marry me very soon. We both have been through a lot but the one constant has been God's love and our love one for another that God placed in our hearts 20 years ago.
Most of all thanks be unto God, for His great love and Divine providence which has brought an everlasting peace to my life and joy to my soul!
Later upon request, I sent this letter to Bruce Smith:
Dear Bruce,
Here are some of the names and time frames that you requested:
![]() |
Homosexual ' |
1st Pastor in ntcc at Ft. Bragg, NC Servicemen's home was Donald Hummel. He started the Foot Massages in Servicemen's home in 1984 which led to Full Body massages and acts of homosexuality. He felt guilty and asked RWD to return to Bible school but never told him why; he departed NC in fall of 84.
2nd Pastor in ntcc at Ft. Bragg, NC Servicemen's home was Michael Rudy. He continued massages and involved more people. He was removed by RWD after I called and reported acts of homosexuality. This took place in 1986; I believe. Michael Rudy also blew the wistle on Hummel at this time and both were excommunicated from the church according to what I was told by Pop Gaylord.
Pastor #5 of church in Tongduchon Korea, last name Broadnax, [not sure of (sic)] first name Perry, made homosexual advances toward me in Korea, brought brethren to Bathhouse, and slept with them on floor of svcmens home. I reported him to RWD also; and he was removed from the organization. I'm not sure if he left on his own or was excommunicated or pressured to leave.
This story has been waiting in the wings "for such a time as this". I knew that there were certain individuals in the ntcc that would not be able to keep their mouths shut and not knowing the facts they would accuse me. Lets take a closer look at the facts.
1. I was introduced to Homosexuality by 3 different pastors in the ntcc.
2. If you do the math, that means that 3 out of every 14 pastors in the ntcc (about 21.5%) are Homosexuals; and that's just the ones that got caught.
3. Hitler brainwashed an entire nation to commit or condone genocide to 6 million Jews.
4. RWD created an environment that cultivated Homosexuals.
a) Open showers and stalls at the camp ground.
b) The Celibacy policy: Forbidding to date or talk to members of the opposite sex.
5. I now have a wife; that I love very much and have no interest whatsoever in homosexuality.
6. The Rampant Homosexuality in the ntcc was introduced through the twisting of scriptures (unto the pure, all things are pure); and in most cases that I'm aware of was not mutual to or desired by the victims.
7. I am not hiding from this, nor trying to cover it up. It happened to me and others in the Servicemen's home at Fort Bragg. It even happened to a married brother who was manipulated into getting a circumcision so the so called "man of God" could enjoy "servicing" him.
8. As I have been forthcoming in the blog post, Don's Story or My life and Times in the ntcc, I did not get kicked out of the Army for stealing; I got kicked out for going AWOL. After what I went through in the ntcc, I am grateful that I didn't take a gun and blow my brains out!
9. Above all, God is witness and knows all about these facts that I have shared. If anyone from the ntcc would like to refute the facts, names, and places that these instances occurred, please do. Perhaps some of you remember the Ministers' Retreat that took place on the east coast where there was a vote on Homosexuals being forgiven?
10. All of this was reported by me to Rev. Gaylord and R. W. Davis; because I did not wish for it to continue. I got on with my life the best I could; and now my past and the ntcc's past have been brought back into the spotlight.
Finally, I know that this post is very damning to the ntcc; and that they are going to attack Ange and I to discredit us. We are writing from our experiences the facts of what happened during our lives in the ntcc. Read carefully and you decide for yourselves.
Yours Truly,
Wow Bro. That is all that I can say.
Once again, the NTCC is worse then I thought. You ought to sue the daylights out of them.
Really Bro, this is huge. You should really consider getting an Attorney. Churches pay out millions for this kind of stuff. You could probably get the NTCC ban from every Military installation in the world and maybe even the get the church shut down. What a cover up.
Boy the Catholics went through hell for this kind of stuff. RWD covered it all up. Oh yeah, this could bring some serious legal action. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Jeff,
Thanks for calling me Bro. That's more mercy and understanding than I got from the ntcc in 13 years. I'll consider the legal action. My main objective and purpose in life is to warn people to escape from this abusive cult and to let everybody know what they are really all about.
Don and Ange
Bro Call me.
Bro: Whatever you do. Don't get down on yourself for this one. This is classic religious sexual cult abuse all the way. It's nothing that you did. They eased you into it. You've loved Ange all along. Cults have a way of pulling off this kind of stuff. It's psychological stuff and it's real. You weren't the first and you won't be the last but you can do something to stop it from ever happening again; at least in the NTCC. That whole serviceman's home thing went bad and it needs to stop. That kind of environment breeds this kind of stuff.
God Bless you Brother!
The screws on NTCC and the noose are tightening!
As I was also in Korea for a total of 10 years on two seperate tours, I can attest that the things you spoke of as far as the Bath houses are true.
Brother Johnson
Keep in mind that Bathhouses in Korea are a "normal" place for the Males and complete families to go to wash.
The Bathhouses are HUGE. That is where folks go to wash. I was not aware of the homosexual ones, nor do I care, only of the family washing places, but suffice to say they are there as well and available!
You can see how NTCC's twisted perverted preachers used these innocent setups for their own perversions!
Bro Johnson
Don, it was NOT your fault. You were manipulated and used at the ripe old age of 18 by a bunch of maniacs trained by r w davis to manipulate and use people. I'm so glad you didn't take a gun and blow your brains out! I cried several times while reading this story, as there were parts of your life and suffering that are still hard for me to contemplate; knowing that you suffered like that! It makes your Christian life shine that much brighter, as I remember how on-fire for God you were when I met you! It really hurts to know that people could use and take advantage of you and other babes in Christ in the way that the ntcc did and does. So glad God worked it out for us to be together now!
Love, Angela
For the record --
When I went to bible school, I had been led to believe by the ntcc that Don did not want to go to bible school; and that he was not listening to the Holy Ghost. But that was not true. At that time in his life, Don did want to go to ntcc's bible school; but davis would not allow him to. And nichelle tieman lied to davis telling him I wanted to go. What a big lie and mess just because nichelle wanted to hide her sin of adultery....
Also, when I got to bible school, I told davis I did not want to talk to any of the brothers "on the wall" because I liked Don. But davis kept sending these poor men to me only to hear me say, "I'm sorry,
Brother; but there is someone somewhere else I like. So I'm not talking to anyone right now." Finally the 17th then-time single brother, Anthony Bender, asked me the insightful question, "I wonder why [davis] keeps sending the brothers?" Or something like that. I told him that was a very good question; and that I did not know why. davis knew Don and I were talking to each other before I arrived in Washington. It really bothers me to this day why my wishes were not honored. davis let another woman (I think her name was Sister Hodgkiss.) remain single there by telling the brothers her boyfriend wasn't in Washington yet; (letting them know not to ask to talk to her.) Why couldn't that same courtesy have been extended to me? Instead verna davis match-made me with Eric Barden and "you know the rest of that story".... And now twenty something years later Don and I are starting over where we should have been twenty-something years ago!
ntcc seriously affects peoples' lives in the WORST POSSIBLE WAY all because an abusive control freak named davis learned early on that religious con-men live like kings! davis testified against himself sharing his own perverse motives over and over while telling the story of the preacher with the cadillac and the preacher's wife wearing a fur coat. That "lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and pride of life" driving davis to be like that man in the story with the cadillac and the wife in a fur coat are what motivated davis from the beginning of his quest to establish himself as a "man of Gawd"! And davis himself confessed this fact over and over again.
Come out from amoung ntcc and be ye separate! Not separated and sensual as davis and his followers separated from the Pentecostal movement so davis could be an "independent preacher" and run his own show despite his adultery and 2nd wife... But be ye separate from the worldliness that IS the ntcc. Just serve God without man-made ntcc agendas.
Taste and see the Lord IS good once you get away from ntcc's controlling and abusive ways!
And please, people, don't be fooled by the ntcc's "changes". Learn a lesson from the history of ntcc:
ntcc changes only when it is in the selfish interests of the greedy leaders to change a rule for their "private benefit". They would not have lightened any of your burdens if they could have kept you in the dark to how they really live.
But the internet made that impossible. Now people know the truth about kekel's kompromise:
*allowing grant to play sports after preaching for years the davis doctrine that sports will take your child away from the work of the borg (oops, "Lawd").
*allowing tanya to wear clothing so tight she looks like jello poured into a plastic baggy... not too modest!
* allowing grant to wear skin-tight spandex football pants that show every bulge (no matter how small)... not too modest!
* allowing grant to wear shorts despite having preached for years, and I quote: "YOU KNEW IT WAS WRONG! THE FIRST TIME YOU PUT SHORTS ON! YOU HAD THAT FUNNY FEELING; THAT IT WAS WRONG!" blah blah blah; but "It's different when it's your own kid." [shrug/giggle]
* allowing grant to watch DVD movies on his computer while preaching against the "devilvision" and "sinnernet"...
ALL these kompromises were always okay for grant-o to do whatever; but had you tried the same thing for yourself or your child, LOOK OUT! Kwazy kekel would blast you from the pulpit. And his fudder-in-law davis would have too. You would have been the biggest devil ever... But...
ntcc wants to lull you to sleep with katch-pharses:
"Those were just policies" (rules)
"Those were just suggestions" RULES
"We've changed."
They've only changed what they got caught doing. Today kekel is kondemning Casey Hayes; lying and saying Casey was playing golf "while souls are dying and going to hell". But that was a lie. I suspect it is kekel who plays golf at a kountry klub. You have seen the photos of his kountry klub back yard, right?
Think about it. Fast talk vs. real facts people. God gave you those brains and eyes and ears and hearts for a reason. Please use them to discern who is being honest and who is full of deceitful words,
Who speak great swelling words having mens' persons in admiration because of advantage.
ntcc is worldly, not godly.
MY ntcc [or rather, YOUR ntcc]
Brother Johnson said, "As I was also in Korea for a total of 10 years on two seperate tours, I can attest that the things you spoke of as far as the Bath houses are true."
Don and Ange say,
Brother Johnson, the Korean culture is alot different than the one I am used to. I'm not sure if the Koreans in these bath houses were homosexual. Or if it is a cultural thing to bathe nude together. I remember KATUSAs (male Korean conscripts who served with the USArmy) used to sleep together in their bunks and shower together under the same shower head. It was also common to see teenage Koreans boys and girls alike of the same gender walking arm in arm down the sidewalk; but not in a homosexual relationship. They are just an affectionate culture. Like Europeans who kiss each other on the cheek in greeting. (An holy kiss.) I referred to the bath houses as to me they seemed like homosexual brothels mainly because of broadnax and his unclean spirit taking us there for his own sexual gratification. ntcc allows
'ministers' like broadnax to cultivate an environment that is conducive to homosexuality and other sexual perversion.
ntcc is FULL OF PREDATORS that use their ministerial positions of trust for sexual perversion!!!
In most normal churches you would never have ONE pastor sexually abuse you in your lifetime!
But ntcc breeds and promotes sexual deviants with their 'policies' of celibacy, recycled adulterous marriages, and history of child molestation in the highest places.
Don and Ange
Michael Kekel said he owes Casey Hayes an apology because Michael said that he found out later that his information was wrong. I wonder if Michael Kekel has given Casey Hayes that apology?
As far as the other stuff, I do remember hearing about Hummel being kicked out because of commiting some homosexual act. That was after that conference on the East coast back in the 80's.
I remember Hummel preaching revival for us one time. I hope Hummel & rest are recovered & hopefully keeping the faith somewhere. I heard of Broadnax and Rudy, but was never under their ministry.
It's insensitive to argue about the character of Korean bath houses. You suffered incredible abuse that was not your fault in any way.
I shuddered when I read your quote 'unto the pure all things are pure'. I've heard that line too.
I'm glad you are on the other side of all that and I hope you continue to heal. And I hope that you being able to share this helps someone else.
Nicole B., Thanks for your kind words of support. We too hope others will be helped by this post.
Most ntcc atrocities were carried out rather secretly over the years. People were lied about when they left ntcc. Often they had no idea until years later and the advent of the internet.
Secrecy is an effective weapon that satan uses to keep people in bondage. Abused wives cover their bruises and the beatings continue.
Discussing abuse is an effective tool for fighting and stopping it.
Pedophile Catholic priests no longer are confident that the church will play along and hide their sin for them. The only reason for that is because some brave man came forward and said "I was abused when I was a kid."
That took guts! As a result some kid today may be spared going through what that man suffered. Did the pedophile priest repent? I doubt it. But now he knows he can do jail time. Now he knows the church doesn't want to pay out another lawsuit so they won't just move him to a new town and sweep it under the red carpet.
Money answereth all things! The church was content to hide these pedophiles until it started costing them money. ntcc is the same way. They hid and endorsed steve/steave dorsie/dorsey even though ministers sent signed reports stating dorsie was guilty of slapping someone else's kid in the face. That is assault. dorsie should have been arrested. And if the board members knew he did so and hid it (as reported on the blogs), they too should be arrested!
Someone like a minister in a "position of trust" faces more severe judgment for abusing that trust and abusing others.
ntcc got away with so much because they control information by making rules against fellowshipping, talking, phone calls, conversations in public (no talking at grocery stores...) etc.
The ntcc has reasons for all their secrecy. The ntcc has serious dirt they have been hiding.
It takes guts to admit you were a victim. But it is the beginning of taking back the power and releasing yourself from the abuser's stronghold in your life.
It is the first step to recognizing:
*The abuser was wrong, not I.
*The abuser should be punished, not I.
*The abuser is the one with a problem, not I.
*The people hiding the abuse to protect their wallets and pocketbooks need to pay BIGTIME! -- Because that is the only way to get them to change.
davis and kekel will give lip-service to reporting abuse. But they will hide abuse as along as that keeps the money coming in.
Don and Ange
Also for Nicole B. and others discussing the bath houses in Korea:
Everyone is entitled to his/her opinions and may freely share his/her experiences here. We did not feel their was any argument about the character of the bath houses, just open discussion; but we do understand where Nicole is coming from and thank you/her for the support. =D
Also we don't want to offend anyone who has had a decent/normal experience at the bath houses. They are a part of life in Korea. Ange had to use one as a soldier in the field one time in Korea. It was a cultural and life-broadening experience, (Sans [without] massage, in case you were wondering.) and somewhat comical as the natural citizens were quite curious to learn that indeed, only the eyes are rounder ;-)
Don and Ange
Anonymous said, "Michael Kekel said he owes Casey Hayes an apology because Michael said that he found out later that his information was wrong. I wonder if Michael Kekel has given Casey Hayes that apology?"
Don and Ange say,
kekel owes Casey a public apology through the same venue in which he slandered Casey. In other words, kekel lied about Casey on the blogs; and kekel needs to make the public apology to Casey on those same blogs and from the same pulpit that he lied from.
And kekel needs to apologize to the Holy Ghost for overriding the Holy Spirit; Who convicted kekel of this slanderous sin before kekel opened his pie-hole! kekel needs to ask the Holy Spirit to forgive him for quenching the Spirit and lying.
Remember, mUck, teaching us to "Name that sin!" when you confess things to God? Try living it before you preach it Sur.
For example, confess your pride and arrogance for thinking you are better than Christ; Who, though He is Savior and Lord of all, does not get OFFENDED when people call Him by His first name:
mike, you really need to get over your SELF and remember:
Psa. 119v165 says "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them."
Or was the ntcc misquote of that verse, "They that love the Lord, nothing shall offend them." only to be applied to people of color as davis mocked them by calling them n*ggers and then telling them they should not be offended?
This does show you as a double-standard hypocrite, mike! Because you take such great offense when someone calls you by your first name. ["Waaaannnhhh! Waaaannnhhh! cries the baby who has soiled himself.] But you yourself take great delight in mocking others and their culture with jokes about "ebonics" and references to monkeys...
Think about it folks! kekel runs YOUR ntcc! And what a dark perverse heart he has; demanding respect while mocking others saying they pronounce the word "respeck"... Does he sound like a church LEADER? No. Is THAT lifting-up the name of Jesus? No. As always it is lifting up mike. THAT is YOUR ntcc.
Don and Ange
Anonymous said, "As far as the other stuff, I do remember hearing about Hummel being kicked out because of commiting some homosexual act. That was after that conference on the East coast back in the 80's."
Don and Ange say,
At first, only Pop Gaylord knew about Hummel's homosexual acts. Pop did not let davis know about Hummel; because Pop was showing mercy and trying to restore Hummel.
We all know davis' homophobic line: "I've never seen a homosexual get saved!" But davis created that environment by politic-ing at the Myrtle Beach conference before everyone voted.
The bible says in 1 John 1,
8)"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
9)"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
10)"If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
Note verse 9: If we confess our sins, [Jesus] is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.
The bible does not say cleanse us from all unrighteousness except for homosexuality....
davis has an agenda. And davis goes about claiming: "I can't remember the last time I sinned."
He either has Alzheimer's that has erased his short-term memory; or he is lying; because the bible clearly teaches ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. And verses (8 and 10) clearly say:
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
"If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
This, coupled with davis' constant insistence that he "can't remember the last time I sinned" does not bode well for davis. He is either afflicted with memory problems, a liar, or an infidel / reprobate. You just can't "have it both ways" here, rodg. So which is it? Liar? Infidel? Alzheimer's?
We know we don't want to hear any more of your teaching and spin on the bible. We just want the Truth:
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Perhaps if davis had taught the Truth at the Myrtle Beach conference Hummel would have repented and been a Christian today. Perhaps since Hummel left the ntcc that is what happened and he is a Christian today. He has a much better chance of repenting and being a Christian OUTSIDE the ntcc! That was Pop Gaylord's objective - to restore Hummel. But Rudy wanted to drag Hummel down or have company in his misery; so Rudy "ratted-out" Hummel to davis.
Don and Ange
along the lines of sexual abuse acts. I was in the military. and I was sexually attacked,raped. Alot of that is pushed down.
BUT when I was in Washington in "bible school" I put a note on rw davis desk. When you had a question that was the ONLY way you had a hope of getting a answer! I wrote how do I not deny my husband in bed. But still have trouble pushing through the tramua that was inside my head. Flashbacks of a man in the dark,wanting a hug and then wanting more.
What did Rw davis do. He crumpled up my note. And gave his disgusted look. Like it was something made up and was not worthy of his time to answer. all the while I was struggling with my duties as biblical correct wife. It is a wonder our marriage has survived!
RWD is a jerk. He has no respect for women.
I could not agree with you more that Michael Kekel owes Casey an apology through the same venue that he slandered Casey.
I would not have even known but Michael Kekel came out and admitted that he believed false information and said that he owes Casey Hayes an apology.
If Michael Kekel would not have confessed that his information was wrong and false there would have been many that thought for sure that Michael Kekel was telling the truth!
Anonymous said,
"I wrote how do I not deny my husband in bed. But still have trouble pushing through the tramua that was inside my head."
Don and Ange said,
You are not alone on this one. I knew a sister who was married to an ntcc pastor who had been raped by four men when she was a teen-ager. She told me that she had the exact same issue that you mentioned. The ntcc never tried to help her either but accused her of being a lesbian.
This is what they do. They are predators at heart and there are no victims. By not answering your note left on RWD's desk and not addressing this issue or trying to help you, they are condoning the act and the predator. By doing nothing, they make you feel guilty and they make you feel like you did something wrong. This is because they are worse than the one that violated you. They can't condemn the act because they are guilty of the same thing to a much worse degree.
Like Jeff and others have told me and I have learned over the years; don't get down on yourself. It's not your fault. You were not the one guilty of wrong doing in this case. I hope this helps. I am not a counselor but I found that it goes a long way towards the healing process to not blame yourself for the circumstances that others have created.
Don and Ange
He made sexual advances towards me when I was a teenager. When I finally did speak up and began to tell people such as olson, he said he could not except it and it would be best for me to find another church to go to. He also said I had to have 3 witnesses. kekel did not do anything.
When I told my mother, one of her negative comments that she had made several years ago was, "Out of all the pretty girls, why would he pick you? To this day we have no relationship because of this. She says that I'm lying and that God will judge me for this.
Davis knew what he was doing. He came to my apartment when my husband was at work. (my husband was employed by davis and so he knew where he was at all times.) He told me I was pretty and he wanted to make love to me. He had his hands down my pants, on my breast etc and fondling my body to put it bluntly. I allowed him to do this. I really did not believe he was sinning at the time. I remember asking God "Why do you allow him to do this to me? Then he gets up and preaches fire and brimstone and yet the very next day he would do it all over again. I began to tell myself that it's ok. It's pastor. This is how sick I was in my thinking. Thinking it was ok and he could not sin.
He would also give me money. Sometimes, by the end of the week I had more money than my husband did. He would ask me where it came from and I told him rev. davis gave it to me. I realize now that he was basically paying me to shut my mouth. He did not love me like I thought he did, like a daughter. He was using me to get in my pants and that's all it was.
Dear Anonymous,
First of all, we are so sorry that this happened to you. We would like to help you. Can you contact us at ?
Don and Ange
Anonymous said,
"I remember asking God "Why do you allow him to do this to me? Then he gets up and preaches fire and brimstone and yet the very next day he would do it all over again."
Don and Ange said,
When I read this statement it brought back memories that I had suppressed for years. I also asked God the same question and prayed many nights asking God why I was going through this. Rudy would get up and preach like a house on fire and people were getting saved. I couldn't understand why I was going through this.
I hope you realize that this is not your fault. I know from experience that this kind of thing causes long lasting damage. For me, blogging about it has been helpful. We are being contacted by others that also have horrible stories they are sharing with us. Our hope is that all of the dark things in the past will be brought to the light so others will not have to suffer like we have. We would like to help in any way we can.
Don and Ange
Anonymous said,
"Out of all the pretty girls, why would he pick you? To this day we have no relationship because of this. She says that I'm lying and that God will judge me for this."
Don and Ange said,
Don't worry Anonymous. I think that people are going to be surprised on judgement day, at who really gets judged for things like this. I think also they are going to be surprised at who really is on the Lord's side. All of the things you have shared are consistent with other stories of abuse that have been shared with us.
Don and Ange
Ange said,
"I'm so glad you didn't take a gun and blow your brains out! I cried several times while reading this story"
Don said,
Thank you Ange. You are my soul-mate and I love you now and forever. I cherish every minute that we spend together and know that this love was placed in our hearts two decades ago. Although many years were stolen from us, and our story seems tragic, it's worth every day that we were separated to be in your arms and to look into your eyes and know that I am deeply loved by you. I hope that readers will bear with me on this one, maybe this venue seems strange for this sort of comment, but we'll "get a room" before it gets out of hand.
Love ya,
I know that this is a long story and there has been much said here and on Jeff's blog. One of the problems with this issue that deserves to be pointed out is that in the ntcc, there really is no forgiveness or mercy for folks that are caught up in this sin.
I have to speak on this before we change the subject of this thread. I survived this by the grace of God and received forgiveness. RWD allowed me to stay in the organization and I have said on Jeff's blog that he forgave me, but I'm not so sure he really did. By not allowing me to go to bible school and his part in encouraging Ange to find a different husband, I have to say that is not forgiveness. I believe that I was allowed to stick around for other reasons.
I had a lot of dirt on the ntcc, and kicking me out might have brought all of this to the surface. Could you imagine if this story would have broke during the Denis split? I'm sure there are many that see compromise and others that see freedom, but all must question the changes that have taken place in the ntcc.
I have come after the ntcc on this blog and with this thread have I railed against them because of what they have done to Ange and I, but more important, what they are doing to others. RWD never wanted somebody that was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost to take over his empire. This is why he chose Kekal. Kekal never cared what was considered by RWD to be a sin. He never had intentions to take holiness into the 21st century. The "all churches compromise after 30 years" rule is in effect at the ntcc and you can mark this statement and write it down. You will not see anymore strict adherence to holiness standards in the ntcc, but a departing from it as peoples eyes are opened to reality. Their standards will not become more strict but they will loosen as this process has already begun. A return to their roots would only bring about more outrage against them.
There are many stories that are public in the ntcc that are just as bad as ours, and there are other stories that people are unaware of also and that have not been made public. Pedophiles and adulterers are usually forgiven in the ntcc while homosexuality is considered reprobation and people are given no chance for repentance. We have railed against the ntcc and used this issue to show their hypocrisy on this subject.
We however do not hold the same beliefs that the ntcc holds for obvious reasons. We don't look at groups of people with disdain and hatred as the ntcc does. We do not disqualify groups of people from receiving God's mercy as the ntcc does. Jesus cast out unclean spirits and still has the power to do so now. If we are judgmental against any group, it is the ntcc, and the irreparable damage they have done in the past and continue to do this day to whoever gets in their way.
Don and Ange
Why do people allow themselves to get caught up in things like myself and others get caught up in? I've asked myself this a million times and recently found this excerpt written by a former communal cult member.
How Can Anyone Join a Cult?!!
By Maureen Griffo
Written after the Heaven's Gate suicides at Rancho Santa Fe, California in 1997.
With the Heaven’s Gate tragedy still so fresh in all of our minds certain questions seem to come up: What kind of person joins a cult? Why do they stay and put up with the abuse? How could anyone be SO devoted that they would kill themselves? Can’t they see that what they are doing is crazy? Are THEY crazy?
I feel that I am in a unique position to address these questions as I spent 10 years with a communal cult. Yet, now being out for 11 years, I also can look at the horrors that happened at Rancho Santa Fe and ask, along with the rest of a stunned nation, “Why did they die like this?”
For eight and a half of the ten years I was with my former group, each payday I would sign my check over to the group. I would receive a meager allowance in return and would have to beg for the basics of life such as clothing and medical care. Often I lived in substandard housing with rats, filth, and overcrowded conditions in neighborhoods with extremely high crime rates. After working a full day at work, I often would have to spend several hours on the street proselytizing. After returning, I would have to sit in meetings that lasted to the wee hours of the morning. These meetings were intense. Public humiliation was common place, and sometimes we would sit in silence for hours on end believing ourselves to be too reprobate even to speak. After getting an insufficient night’s sleep, I would be expected to repeat the same routine of work and group activities all over again. In other words, there was no doubt that I was in a cult. Yet, if you had passed me in the street during the 10 years that I spent in the group, I can tell you that I wouldn’t have been all that different from others in the crowd. My skin had not turned green, and I did not grow antennas. I had eyes, ears and a nose just like anyone else. I looked both ways before crossing a street. If somehow we got in an idle conversation that didn’t involve my trying to recruit you, you may have been shocked to know that I had likes and dislikes just like any other person. I still liked pizza (even if I didn’t have much access to it) and still hated pork sausage. Blue was still my favorite color, and I still loved sunsets. People who are in cults are just that - PEOPLE—although sadly cults suppress much of what makes an individual unique. Heaven’s Gate, I believe, has forced all of us to come to grips with the realization that they were people not too unlike us, and that is indeed something tough to face. Whether one has been in a cult or not, the realization deep in our hearts that perhaps we could have shared a similar fate makes us want to turn away and believe that they had to be made of different stuff than we are. I am here to tell you that they are not.
Why did the people in Heaven’s Gate seem to go willingly to their deaths? Why did I stay in a clearly abusive situation for 10 years? The activities I felt trapped to do while within the group give some generous clues to how this can happen.
to be continued......
How Can Anyone Join a Cult?!!
And, when we can come to understand how one person can gain control over another, we can peer into the world of an average cult member. Indeed, one human being controlling another is nothing new to civilization. We need only look at the Biblical story of Cain and Abel to see the lengths that a person will go to in order to be “on top”—even if that means murder. It is no secret that sleep deprivation hinders clear thinking and decision making abilities. Through instituting a poor diet and strenuous routines, a group can break persons down further, making them even more vulnerable to the group’s ideologies.
While the specific techniques may differ, almost every group has a way of inducing hypnosis. In my former group this was accomplished through the format of our meetings which in reality were the focal point of what had become an intense system of peer scrutiny. Sitting in silence for hours affected me. I remember leaving many a meeting in which we had not spoken for hours with heaviness in my heart and feeling like my head had been put between two cymbals. Having to stand in front of my peers to be critiqued by them would seize me with panic. We would have to present ourselves one by one in front of a group of several hundred of our peers, stating what we did and where we were at in our hearts. The group would vote on us and the final vote became our did not matter how we felt about things in our hearts. Often I was found to be deficient and would have to endure taunts by my peers between meetings. All of that was very intentional, coming from the leader himself and carried out through the ranks. There was no going home to escape all of this. I was home, and there was not a minute of privacy. I often could not think clearly and if I could get through a day feeling I held onto my sanity that was a major accomplishment.
My mind was too under siege to even think of packing my bags and leaving. This was purposeful as cults know that no one would make a rational decision to live like this and thus create an environment in which a person has no time or freedom to think. I have heard life in a cult compared to living in a fire constantly. Most of us can invoke images of people we’ve seen on the news who have lived through a fire. When persons are in the middle of a fire, they simply do not have access to certain parts of their thinking that they normally would have. However, when the fire is over, we see them collapse and say things like “Oh my God, I can’t believe what happened. It was so terrifying.” They are able to reconnect emotionally to their experiences and likely will be able to integrate what happened to them, thereby dealing with the trauma.
How Can Anyone Join a Cult?!!
Cults do not allow you to reconnect. I was kept so busy and off balance that the fire was never allowed to be over. Thus, outsiders could look at the way my fellow members and I lived in sheer horror; yet, while living in the midst of it, I simply could not get it. I get it now because I have been out, and as a person after a fire begins thinking again, I now have my critical thinking abilities back. Along with everyone else who hears about what happened to me, I am horrified to have spent 10 years of my life like that.
What could have been done to “reach” me during the 10 years I was in the communal group? What can we do to reach others who are in groups who may be heading down paths similar to that of Heaven’s Gate or the other groups in recent times who have committed mass suicide? The biggest mistake people can make in reaching out to persons in a cult is forgetting that they are people too and that there are some logical reasons behind what on the surface appears to be bizarre behavior. If we remember that outside of the group’s influences we would likely be dealing with a totally different person, he or she becomes less scary and more reachable to us. The dynamics of a cult are not too different from that of a battered wife staying with an abusive husband, or what happened in Nazi Germany or the Cultural Revolution in China. On the outside, they all seem to be beyond comprehension, but as we look at the underlying dynamics, their tactics are not that hard to understand. In our society today, all of us are being bombarded with huge amounts of information and people vying for our every dollar. Learning about techniques of influence and control can only benefit all of us as we are trying to navigate our way through an increasingly complex world. When it comes to understanding someone in a cult or other controlling situation, it can literally be life saving.
The people who had the biggest impact on me were not the ones who screamed at me “You’re in a cult!” (Believe me, I had plenty of those.) Rather the ones who made me think were those willing to care about me as a person, whether I stayed or left. Despite their initial allure, cults do not offer unconditional love. When I saw people on the outside acting differently toward me than my own supposed all-loving peers, it affected me. I may not have left right away, but I could not shake that there was someone who would be willing to be my friend and care about me with no strings attached. Like anyone else faced with a decision, someone “decides” to join a cult based on the information available to him or her. Unfortunately, cults are notorious for not letting a potential recruit know about the full package. What I thought I was joining and what I actually joined were vastly different from each other. In other words, if the group had been up front about the kind of life I was going to have to live and what was going to happen to me, I would have never joined. Helping a person make a decision to leave a cult in reality is educating them by filling in the blanks that the group deceptively didn’t. With more information, there is a good chance that a person will make an informed choice to leave. The information such a person needs includes understanding techniques of manipulation and control— particularly how this may be practiced in his/her particular group.
How Can Anyone Join a Cult?!!
People in cults are not stupid. After leaving my former group, I was so convinced that I had to be intellectually deficient that I actually took an I.Q. test. Much to my surprise, instead of scoring way below average, I scored in the 97th percentile. As I have learned more about the kinds of people cults recruit, I have found that I am the rule and not the exception. Because the rigors of cult life are arduous, these groups do not want someone who will break down easily. Cults go after the best and the brightest—robbing all of us of people who could be making a huge difference in this world.
Who joins cults? They are anyone you could meet anywhere. I was a teen living in a small town when I had been recruited. I may have been naive and not able to see through the deception as someone older may have been, but most teens are naive and easily impressed by those who are slicker than themselves. I was not a drug addict or a prostitute, but rather I had been a good student in school who worked two jobs.
So, the next time you are approached by someone whom you strongly suspect may be living in a far out commune somewhere, remember you are likely to be dealing with a highly intelligent person who was deceived into joining what may appear to us as a bizarre cult. Instead of looking at such people as freaks or crazies, keep in mind that if they had access to more information and saw that there was a life outside for them, they probably would leave.
Is ntcc a communal cult? Servicemen's homes with lots of rules, the Camp Ground with lots of rules, the Graham compound with lots of rules. The ntcc is absolutely a textbook example of a communal cult.
This is what makes them a communal cult. If they can get you to live on their property and have you sign up to follow their rules, they can influence you that they alone have the answers for your eternal destiny. And when they accomplish this feat, they can further control you. The sick thing about it is that it's all done for money.
We speak out against the New Testament Christian Cult of America because we look back on what they have done to us and others and we see them for what they are. They make a living off of getting into peoples minds. All you have to do is measure them by the same standards they used to measure other churches by.
Don and Ange
We have amended a comment by an anonymous poster by removing the original, and reposting it without the material we felt was inappropriate, as indicated by the use of parentheses and an ellipsis, thus "[...]"
Anonymous said...
"He would also give me money. Sometimes, by the end of the week I had more money than my husband did. He would ask me where it came from and I told him rev. davis gave it to me."
Where I come from if a man engages in sexual activity with a woman, and then hands her money before departing that makes him a John, or Trick,[...] !! Just sayin
Fri Mar 04, 01:41:00 PM
Don and Ange say,
Your welcome to comment and have an opinion; but we will delete inappropriate comments that 'dump' on an apparent victim of sexual abuse by a person in a position of trust.
Don and Ange
To the hit and run anonymous poster on Jeff's blog that said:
"Hey, since we believe everything someone says about another without any verification at all let me tell you a story I heard. [Don] once confessed that he was Homosexual. And he got kicked out of the Army (as an E6 mind you) for stealing...."
Don and Ange said,
I know that you didn't intend to open this can of worms and that's probably why you disappeared from the blogosphere after this thread was posted. But I wanted to say thank you for triggering this thread. It's something that I have been wanting to share with somebody for the past 25 years of my life. This is actually a very healing experience for me.
I hope that through this experience, you might learn a couple things from ill-advisedly opening your trap to say things that you really don't know much about.
1. When you report hear-say as fact, it makes you a liar. You might want to dig for the facts before jumping to conclusions. This is in reference to your "And he got kicked out of the Army (as an E6 mind you) for stealing...." comment.
2. You don't know what someone has been through until you walk a mile in their shoes. I know that you are trying to defend your cause and that you feel attacking me justifies the cultish ways of the ntcc.
3. Perhaps in the future it may be a wise move to hold your tongue. Speaking out against another of things you think you know that you really don't causes you to uncover the truth about the ones that you love, respect and honor.
The ntcc makes the catholic church look like a bastion of purity and Godliness. I remember tell of RWD teaching that the Catholic church is the great whore in the book of Revelation. If I were you folks, I'd have a little reservation about pointing my finger at other churches and groups.
Don and Ange
Don ....David Dyal...Hey! Long time no see or anything! First off, please don't believe what you were told about me... Hey, call me, like please...I'd like to catch up but at the same time share some stories that may help heal me...we were both at Fort Bragg for Rudy...I got there right after Hummel left. I was there for most of what you wrote...please call me...XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Hey, David!
It was great talking with you on the phone. We'll try to stop by when we're in "your neck of the woods". Let us know if you want us to remove your phone number from the blog. If not it's okay too. That's "your call". ;-) We'll probably call you soon; since we didn't talk too long due to the late time! Take care!!
Don and Ange
1 Timothy 4
1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
5For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
6If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.
Dear Don and Ange,
God sent you an angel, and thank God you got her back!
The Borg will probably say that I am totally lost, and that I want my sin, and I caved to my wife, blaa, blaa, blaa,
This has been therapeutic for me just reading your blog. I was in School when Rudy was an office worker, he taught my wife in the high school that was on 2170 Forest Ave. He was a little different, a little weird. He used to give receipts out in the class’ he taught. My wife and I were on our first date, the day he proposed to his wife. I knew Don Hummel pretty well, Don also worked in the office with RWD. We spent 6 month with Perry Broadnax, in Korea, as his’ “helpers.” Brodnax always talked about sexual things, I thought he was weird, but he was the man of gauddd, and we dared not question his actions. But, J. Olson told me, Perry sent 27 people to bible school. Kelly Merz came to our church in Clarksville, Tn. when he prayed for salvation. RWD told me, that I could not perform his marriage to Cheryl, because of the “ministry” ?!?! He also told me I couldn’t bring the blind brother from Ohio to the Camp meeting. Well, I wish I had performed kelly’s marriage ceremony for him, but I did bring the blind man to camp! I wanted him to get what I had, because what I had was real. Every Time we got some people to come to our church, camp meeting, would come around, and I would preach something I had heard at camp, and run everyone off. It took me years to reconcile all these conflicting messages, and what was going on in front of us. I was so judgemental, and such a Pharisee, that I could not help anyone. No wonder the “fellow ship” meetings were canceled. Looking back on 30 years, I don’t know how we did it, except that I married the right girl. My wife has kept me sane, all these years. I stopped asking permission at least 10 years ago, now I just ask God.
They might think evil of all of us, but I am still the same, bro. Dave Armer
and one day, we will all stand, before The King of Kings...
contact me anytime at or find me on facebook, I won't kick you out.
WOW Don, I'm just reading more here and there and you really hit a topic I can say I have seen a little of. You really hit the exact thing I said when I left which was, where you said "I decided that if I was going to die and go to hell I might as well do it as a sinner and not from the church pew." I'm sure that was exactly what I said within my heart and it must've been God. I'm sure many others maybe thought/heard/felt the exact same thing.
I was working for a Tax preparation company here in WA and there was a "brother" who accidentally left his personal email open and his personal Craigs list searches open on his computer. I was the closer that night and I had to go to each computer and shut them all down. I was floored when I saw his. It couldn't have been any one elses at all. He was the only person at the computer that day; plus it had his name on the email. He was searching for men with men. He had an email. I couldn't force myself to finish reading it. I saw just enough of a few sentences I couldn't believe my mind. He was going to meet a man he met on CL. He was a "Licensed Minister" of NTCC. His first name pretty sure was Shawn. Can't remember the last name to save my life. Very heavy set African-American. He always sat in the back of the church. He never got in much. I wanted to report him but I was to afraid. I had told them of what my husband had been doing to me and my children and I was hushed. I knew if I said anything no one would want to hear it.
Don, you also said how only about 3 days after you prayed you knew things were changed and the skeptics might not believe it. That is so true. I've been changed for about a year and a half now but I remember within hours of just an absolute melt down and prayer with God and just really getting a resolve, healing, cleared out mind, true connection with God, I KNEW, I was changed. I KNEW all was right in my heart. I KNEW God had changed me and set me free. I also knew he drew me out of NTCC. It gives me a LOT to be thankful for this holiday! In fact, we should all pray daily that God speaks to more and more people and leads them from their bondage and to freedom.
Thank you for sharing your story! I'm praying about doing a blog myself one day. I want to see others helped and know as you all have been that there is a healthy place to heal. God bless!
WOW Don, I'm just reading more here and there and you really hit a topic I can say I have seen a little of. You really hit the exact thing I said when I left which was, where you said "I decided that if I was going to die and go to hell I might as well do it as a sinner and not from the church pew." I'm sure that was exactly what I said within my heart and it must've been God. I'm sure many others maybe thought/heard/felt the exact same thing.
I was working for a Tax preparation company here in WA and there was a "brother" who accidentally left his personal email open and his personal Craigs list searches open on his computer. I was the closer that night and I had to go to each computer and shut them all down. I was floored when I saw his. It couldn't have been any one elses at all. He was the only person at the computer that day; plus it had his name on the email. He was searching for men with men. He had an email. I couldn't force myself to finish reading it. I saw just enough of a few sentences I couldn't believe my mind. He was going to meet a man he met on CL. He was a "Licensed Minister" of NTCC. His first name pretty sure was Shawn. Can't remember the last name to save my life. Very heavy set African-American. He always sat in the back of the church. He never got in much. I wanted to report him but I was to afraid. I had told them of what my husband had been doing to me and my children and I was hushed. I knew if I said anything no one would want to hear it.
Don, you also said how only about 3 days after you prayed you knew things were changed and the skeptics might not believe it. That is so true. I've been changed for about a year and a half now but I remember within hours of just an absolute melt down and prayer with God and just really getting a resolve, healing, cleared out mind, true connection with God, I KNEW, I was changed. I KNEW all was right in my heart. I KNEW God had changed me and set me free. I also knew he drew me out of NTCC. It gives me a LOT to be thankful for this holiday! In fact, we should all pray daily that God speaks to more and more people and leads them from their bondage and to freedom.
Thank you for sharing your story! I'm praying about doing a blog myself one day. I want to see others helped and know as you all have been that there is a healthy place to heal. God bless!
K - Thanks for your comment. Will reply to it tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!
K - Thanks for your comment. Will reply to it tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!
K said:
"You really hit the exact thing I said when I left which was, where you said "I decided that if I was going to die and go to hell I might as well do it as a sinner and not from the church pew."
DnA said:
Thank you for your comment and encouraging words. That is truly how I felt and it was a result of being worn down for years. We were all in a controlled environment where our growth was dictated by man and not God. There were measures of control that were used to manipulate us. We were subjected to the ministers that were appointed over us and we had to live within the parameters that were set by the powers that be.
The ntcc is a extremely abusive cult and places good people in situations that compromise Christian values. It is impossible to grow and to be what God wants you to be when you are pressured by an egotistical Davis want-to-be, to become something you or God do not want you to be.
In the ntcc, Davis and Kekel and the General board are placed on a very high pedestal and too much emphasis is placed on their own personal deity. All their actions are passed off as being Godly and we are supposed to hang on every word they speak, while disregarding common sense.
I said all of this in reply to your quote of what I said, "I decided that if I was going to die and go to hell I might as well do it as a sinner and not from the church pew." The end result of the manipulation, the pressure to be what someone else expects you to be and the constant spiritual badgering that takes place in your life, drains any spirituality that you might have out of your life. That's the place where I was at and also the place where the ntcc leadership wants a person to be after they have used them up and are done with them.
To be continued....
Continued from above...
The joy of salvation, the love of Christ, the passion for souls, the moving of God's Spirit in your life and the will to be a Christian are suppressed. We were made to fly. God wanted us to fly. We wanted to fly but we were grounded. Our dreams and aspirations in God were greatly hindered. This gets to the root of what makes the ntcc a cult and results in Spiritual manipulation and abuse.
We get to a place where God wants us to do something but we are unable to pursue God's will for our lives because we are told by the ministers appointed over us that what we believe is God's will for our lives, is really not. We are put in our places by the "obey them that have the rule over you" commandment without question or the use of our mind or heart felt desires to do what God wants us to do. This leaves the question that gnaws at you over and over again, "What could have been?" The ntcc doctrine and pastoral-enforced manipulation place you on a path that they want you on. When you follow them instead of God, it makes you think that it's all your fault, and that any short comings or feelings that you are not right with God come from your own spiritual disobedience. You are the problem, they are of God. You are either for them or against them and being against them is being against God.
It's very systematic and you, I and others eventually get to a place where we feel totally lost and on our way to hell. We end up realizing that we are just playing church. We are not even right. But is it just us, or the system? What got us to this point? It has been taught through repetition and years of being told that if we have a problem it is with God and not the so called "men of God".
We leave destitute with nothing. We have no dignity, no money, no friends, no self worth and a feeling that we will never be right with God. You have touched on something, K, that has really stirred my soul and helped me realize that there are so many out there that feel hopeless.
We don't want people just to leave the cult. That has never been the main thrust of this Blog. Leaving the cult is the first step to normalcy. We want folks to realize that God still loves them and that when they leave the structured, controlling and abusive environment of the ntcc that is governed by man made rules, they can still be a child of God and enjoy the freedom and blessings that accompany a two way relationship in which God wants us to be in His family.
K said:
"Don, you also said how only about 3 days after you prayed you knew things were changed and the skeptics might not believe it. That is so true."
DnA said:
This is true and it also was the key to realization that the ntcc was a cult. I went against everything that was taught by the ntcc and prayed for salvation. I wanted forgiveness and refused to believe that the ntcc held the keys to my future or my past. I went straight to the cross and defied the ntcc teachings that they were the last hope for mankind. I repented and asked for help and hope and forgiveness. It was real. I came to Jesus with so much baggage and confusion but these things were lifted from me and the Love of Christ reigned supreme.
I don't know anyone, ntcc included, that is without sin. We all fall short and we all need a savior. When we acknowledge this and realize that we all needed a sacrifice because no man could ever get the victory over sin on his own. When we realize this and look back on ntcc doctrine, we see contradictions and hypocrisy that can't be ignored. They are dangerous and destructive.
I received forgiveness instantly. It was real and my heart was assured. When this happened my eyes were opened and a new revelation sprung up from the ashes of my past and everything that I went through. At that moment of forgiveness and the cleansing of my soul, I realized that so many of the ntcc teachings were false.
You can be a Christian, outside of the ntcc. God does not desire that you perish when you leave the ntcc. God is not sitting up in heaven waiting for you to fail so He can cast you out. God sent Jesus to save us, not to condemn us. Why did I feel this way about the ntcc? Did I make this stuff up or was it planted in my mind? Why do so many people think that the ntcc has a monopoly on salvation? We were made to think that. We were molded and shaped into cult members that would mindlessly follow man made doctrine that would control us beyond what God wanted for our lives.
That is why the lights came on when true salvation was sought and found. The love of God trumps the laws of men every time. We will never let some self proclaimed man of Gawd, dictate to us what God wants for us. The ntcc is all about tithes and offerings and covering up the sins of it's leaders. They are rich in this world with money and they are corrupt. They can have it all. They can only control people if they allow themselves to be controlled. We have decided to trust in God and we are not going to let a bunch of money hungry, abusive and hateful hypocrites have any part in our lives. They have nothing to do with our salvation and we will continue to warn folks about them. We also will be there to share facts and testimonies of people who have been victims of the cruelty and abuse that is so prevalent in the ntcc.
DNA do you have a FB account? Maybe a business page/ x member page?
There is a Facebook page for ntcc survivors, commonly refered to as Xers. Here's the address; you may copy and paste it into your browser's URL / address line,
Or simply click here
Yes, this is a Facebook page that we started. It also can be accessed on our blog in the web view where we have inserted a link near the top of the page.
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