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Super Piety In the ntcc holiness is a badge of honor. "LOOK WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT FROM THOSE WICKED SINNERS". |
In the ntcc we were very legalistic. This is a word that I once thought was used only by God haters and reprobates but have since seen the true meaning behind the word. The Wikipedia definition below accurately describes legalism that is practiced by cults and becomes destructive to all that subscribe to it.
Legalism, in Christian theology, is a sometimes-pejorative term referring to an over-emphasis on discipline of conduct, or legal ideas, usually implying an allegation of misguided rigour, pride, superficiality, the neglect of mercy, and ignorance of the grace of God or emphasizing the letter of law over the spirit. Legalism is alleged against any view that obedience to law, not faith in God's grace, is the pre-eminent principle of redemption. Its opposite is antinomianism, which is the alleged view that believing in Jesus Christ is the only requirement for receiving eternal life.
While in the ntcc all of the sins and standards were emphasized much more than the Grace of God. People were kept in their places by the warnings of hell rather than being allowed to grow in God's grace and to serve God out of love. While Jesus did speak about hell it was mostly to the pharisees and hypocrites. To sinner's, his followers and his disciples, Jesus spake less about specific sins or hell and condemnation then he did to the hypocrites. Why are there very few if any references to Jesus preaching "holiness or hell" to his followers? I would have to say that holiness is not a prerequisite to being saved. In the ntcc holiness is a badge of honor. "LOOK WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT FROM THOSE WICKED SINNERS". In all of the apostles' teachings and admonishments we never hear hell used as an alternative for those who don't follow their man-made policies. There are lots of teachings concerning holiness but never is there a threat that comes along with those teachings that you will go to hell for all eternity if you do not live by these teachings. In the ntcc we have "super apostles that know much more than the bible teaches and have added policies and new sins to the bible:
If you date someone you love without the approval of the super spiritual orator of the church you are living in sin. While in the past we have seen fondling and child molestation take place in the highest places in the ntcc, is this really God?
Facial hair on a man is wrong for what reason or reasons? I must be very rebellious because I purposely grow facial hair.
You are not capable of deciding who your own friends should be and who you can have over to your house because that is a decision that only a super apostle can make for you. If you are so flaky that you need someone to decide this for you, than you might just belong to a cult.
If you love God, you will do things for the pastor of your church, like clean his house, shine his shoes, wash his car, mow his lawn, etc. I submit to you that if your pastor loves you, he will be a servant of all and do those things for you.
Each church will extract as much money as possible out of its members' wallets and pocket books because large amounts of money are required to support the lavish lifestyles of the super god-like apostles in Graham that live in an entirely different world than all of their loyal subjects.
When there is no biblical justification for the rules or consequences that are preached in the ntcc they resort to the "end all, know all" scripture that is constantly being referred to over and over in the ntcc:
Hebrews 13:17 "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your soul, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." I've seen this used to their advantage more than for the good of the church member. What a great chapter to read and to take in context. I will never advocate that you should disobey your pastor if he is leading you in the truth; but if the dude is making up his own rules and threatening you with hell as a consequence of disobeying him, you might just be in a cult and would be served well by getting yourself and your friends and anyone who will listen to you out of there quickly.
Should we be afraid of these people and the doctrine they tried to ram down our throats? I would say absolutely not. We believe that they should be scared. There are many X-members of the ntcc that are so afraid to speak out against them; and I can understand that. But I will say this to those souls that are afraid. Do you think that they care for you? If you came back to them, do you think it would be a prodigal son moment? I know when I came back to God it was, but I would not even want to think about what it would have been like if I would have attempted to return to an ntcc church. Let's look at them for what they are. If they are right, than we need to take quite a few scriptures out of the bible and throw them away. If they are wrong, then we need to realize that and stop being afraid of them.
I am not advocating that informing current members of the ntcc that they are in a cult is going to help them. It wouldn't have helped me. But I do think that standing up for what we believe in and not being afraid to disagree with the false teachings of the ntcc is a step in the right direction. If we live in fear of the ntcc, it will not help anyone but them. They want us to live in fear. They don't want us to post things that bring attention to their corruption and would love nothing more than for us to go away. We will bring attention to their evil ways over and over and over again because they have built their kingdom upon the souls that they have discarded and they prosper because of the thousands that are no longer with them. Have they sought us out one by one to get us back? No. Neither will they. They don't want us back because we have been used up. They want new blood that has many more years of life that can be shaped and formed into what best serves them.
We are X-ers and we feel it is our moral responsibility to bring to light what the ntcc wants to keep in darkness. We will continue to shine the light into the abyss of the ntcc and maybe others will see the light and escape. From thirteen years of experience written by an ex cult member we continue to warn and admonish current and ex cult members to escape for your lives while you still can. There is life outside of the ntcc; and we are are determined to live it.
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We ran across this commenton FacNnet and had to post it. This is george jordan posting a "policy" (attacking a former ntcc member) as if this "policy" were scripture:
"And you have an adultery problem now cause several times you have tried to accuse others of committing adultery and the reason I say this about the adultery problem is almost all people caught away in pride eventually commit adultery unless they get control over their pride and I know YOU are no exception. So keep up the good work... YOU ARE PROGRESSING!" -- george jordan on FactNet
In this thread the accused had pointed out that he knew of 2 couples, (that's 4 people), that were divorced and remarried, all while in the ntcc; and they were still in the ntcc at that time.
So what we have here is george jordan, a board member -former or current I'm not sure- saying that almost all people "caught away in pride" eventually end up committing adultery.
I've read that before, straight out of the book of Hezekiah... LOL! The accused has an adultery problem because he was proud? And almost all proud people have adultery problems? Are you kidding me?!? No wonder there was a huge split in the ntcc and their numbers are down. This illustrates the point of this blog to a "T".
Should we be afraid of these adulterers? It has been reported that it was r w davis who was forced at gun-point into a church and told to get on his knees and pray. Wasn't it davis' adultery that provoked this response? Yet george jordan acts like davis can do no wrong.
Should we be afraid of these liars? From the pulpit they say anything; and we believed it. But we were only getting one side of the story. And proof has come out that they have LIED FROM THE PULPIT just to discredit people who leave their "church". That alone shows what a cult they are!
They try so hard to cover up their own sin by drawing attention to others' sins; but they are the ones that are corrupt and wicked.
cont'd below
Don and Ange
We would not have a derogatory thing to say about them if they had lived what they preached to us for so many years. But instead the 'leaders' like mikey kekel live in defiance of the unnecessary rules ntcc foisted off on others, like the vasectomy rule.
kekel, that double-standard hypocrite then throws his father-in-law, r w davis, who instituted the rules, under the bus, claiming that he never liked those "policies". wah wah wah. Then why does kekel boast?-- "I have three jobs...CEO of the Organization, President of the Bible Seminary and Senior Pastor of the local church in Graham, WA."--m c kekel. Sounds proud. If you believe george jordan then kekel must be an adulterer too!
kekel's a double-standard hypocrite who talks out of both sides of his mouth: "I'm not responsible for these policies." "I'm the CEO, Pres., and Senior Pastor." Double-minded, fork-tongued snake describes kekel's behavior and manner of life!
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Don and Ange
We challenge any of you ntcc ministers if you have a spine to stand up to the leadership of the ntcc and call them on the misuse of their offices.
Ask them why their divorce policy is so hypocritical.
Ask them why their Dating policy is so controlling.
Ask them why they are so proud.
If you had a backbone you would stand up to them.
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Don and Ange
Why did you get snipped george just to reverse your vasectomy years later when you realized what a sucker kekel and davis had played you for?!?
It's easy to preach down to a newborn babe in Christ and tell them how to live and what they can and can't do.
Why don't you grow a spine and stand up to the true hypocrites of the ntcc and call them on their double standards and lies like the vasectomy "policy"? Try being a man for once in your life, george!
Oh, and georgie, make sure you aim your anger at the correct place, the ones who caused you and kathy to go childless for so many years!
And then repent for all the people you preached the vasectomy "policy" to. Go apologize to those childless families and pray and ask God to allow their vasectomy reversal surgeries to be fruitful...
And maybe you owe an apology or two or three to your wife for all those tears? Starting to get a clue here george? Or do we need to make it more plain for you what a bunch of hypocrites you defend and invest your life in?
We are not afraid of you; and we will continue to call you out for what you are. We love Jesus and will stand for those you are taking advantage of.
Don and Ange
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