eX-members' of ntcc Blogspot

A safe place for Xers to share their stories and heal.

A place to learn what it's really like in the ntcc founded by Rodger Wilson Davis;
and run by his son-in-law, Michael Craig Kekel,
the father of the one vasectomy-rule-exception kid in ntcc, Grant Davison Kekel.

He Loves A House More Than God: Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)

He Loves A House More Than God:  Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)
"He loves a house more than God:" *Bonco* Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r). Meanwhile, on the mission field: ntcc Missionaries to the Philippines "Rev. and Sis. Mackert ... found a place, 9 feet by 14 feet [9'x14'] and one bathroom. It is on the 6th floor and there is no elevator. The last place they had stayed, they had to share a common bathroom with the other tenants! Yikes! This place has their very own private bathroom, although the Rev. shared there is no seat on the throne, and no way to attach one…." from The Devonshire Files Sunday, May 28, 2006 Visit from the Mackerts (5/06). ** Should you know where the money ($$$$$) goes? **

Jesus In The Temple

Matt 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, Matt 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Gal. 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Skip To Blue Letter Bible Search Tool

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Only Good Cat, Is A Dead Cat: Part Two of the ntcc No Pet Rule Now Called a 'Policy'

 "The only GOOD cat is a DEAD cat!" --r w davis 
I have to confess that for years I subscribed to this idiotic mantra, cringing at the mere thought of cats, yelling "Amen!" when davis 'preached' against these fuzzy four-footed creatures, adding my story of a vindictive cat waiting under the bed to scratch my ankles for a previous accidental encounter with its tail under my foot.  Now I look back at all this and wonder; "What do pets have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ?"  The answer, of course, is nothing.  Pets have nothing to do with the gospel of Christ.  And neither does r w davis.  davis just used the gospel of Christ to cull a group of "loyal" = "tithe-paying" followers.  And 'preaching' about pets has everything to do with following.  It is just one more control mechanism, one more gauge to test davis' disciples' loyalty to their fearful leader.

Davis would love for you to flip the switch!
davis used to get his followers all "whipped-up" (see above picture) shouting about such no-pet nonsense from the pulpit, letting people know where their loyalty had better be with commanding statements like, "Don't invite me to your house if you have a cat; I won't come." He would stand there with an impudent thrust of the chin and raised eyebrow, with a slight turn of the head, glaring down at the crowd to see who is showing wide-eyed fear and shaking their heads no, silently bringing themselves once again into subjection to this tyrant davis, as if to say, "Oh no, Pastor; we won't have any pets.  Please, please, please come to our house.  We want to be next week's pulpit fodder when you blast us from on high for serving you that 'pine-bark junk' instead of your favorite coffee and mistakenly roasting a beef when you only want pork."   Could this fascination with pork, the other 'white' meat be a subliminal problem davis has with anyone or anything that isn't 'white'?

Then the 'preaching' would continue:
"You know; cats carry more diseases than any other creature!"  Another volley of "Amens" would rise from the faithful, mothers would shudder and draw their children closer, fathers would make a mental note to go to the pound with 'Whiskers' right after service, and single brothers would pray for "the opportunity" to send any stray to meet its Maker, dispatching them by crossing that white line on the side of the road or (crossing another line, the line of common decency) by drowning them in a sack tossed over the bridge, callously ignoring little kitten mews for mercy; the davis disciple throwing his shoulders back to shrug off conviction, leaning his head back to laugh, congratulating himself that this deed, when shared boastfully at the 'fellowhip' table, would somehow bring him closer to the one he admires and wants to be, 'pastor' davis.  Let's all bow in reverence to a man.  Ahem.  Idolaters!

You think we are making this up?

Think again.  It's been discussed at length in other blog posts at other times:

Related stories:

1)  Scat Cat! on Jeff's blog:
"Jeff said...
The practice of hating and KILLING cats was "taught and advocated" by the NTCC hence fitting the dictionary definition of the word "doctrine". I can emphatically state that as fact while quantifying my stance.
One very respected and highly regarded NTCC pastor personally told me the he and other brothers would drown cats in a well of water. He laughed about this fact quite gleefully."
2)  ntcc:  Cult or not? on Jeff's blog:
The NTCC is a church which is full of little Kitty Cat haters. They think that Cats are evil.
3)  Kill 'em All:  r w davis' stance / No Pet Rule now called a policy:

A look at animal abuse as a prelude to 
and an indicator of other abuse:
"without natural affection"

As you read these articles and watch the video below, ask yourself what is davis really teaching and why does he teach it?  Don't davis doctrines harm the gospel while doing everything to lift up a man as a ruler over all who sit before his pulpit?  Decide for yourself.

Cute Kittens Fly In Slow Motion To Hip Hop Dubstep *no kittens were hurt* ^_^


Cream of the Crop said...

When people abuse animals that should be a huge red flag!! Just more proof that NTCC is a cult and something is critically wrong with that organization!!
I remember a time when my dad used a stick and beat one of our dogs right in front of me and my sister. The dog didn't do a thing wrong. If I remember correctly he just barked or something, and that's what caused my dad to beat him until he started yelping in pain. There is something seriously wrong with people who abuse animals.

Mon May 30, 07:26:00 AM

Don and Ange said...

Cream of the Crop,

Wow! We are so sorry to hear that! That must have been a terrifying experience! r w davis and vicky / verna davis used to teach, both with their words and by example, they used to teach people to use an instrument like a wooden spoon when hitting their children. They said otherwise the kids would fear your hand. This teaching of spanking with a wooden spoon or instrument (other than a bare hand), like, say, a ping pong paddle, was adopted by many parents in the ntcc. We could name several who told us that they did this; and that they learned their doctrine from davis.

We have named some who went to another worse level by fashioning a specific instrument for the sole purpose of spanking with the intent to leave a mark. This is another sick example of davis doctrines leading more people farther from God.

Not only was this bad for the parents, it was worse for the kids. Add to it all the unnecessary stress of financial burdens and constant demands to perform to unrealistic ntcc standards, and the ntcc 'leadership' have created an environment ripe for abuse of all kinds. Jeff was right when he called the ntcc a "systemic problem". We would say it is systemic and a CULTure rife with abuse because of the ntcc environment.

Additionally secrecy and suppression of normal liberties such as free speech furthered this abuse. People who do step up and report abuse are attacked, belittled, demeaned, humiliated, and run-off by ntcc 'leaders'.

We believe ntcc would rather keep an abuser who produce$ money and numbers as long as there is no financial liability to the borg. People complained of steave dorsie slapping other people's kids in the face; but 'ntcc' let him keep his minister's license. Sick. Another ntcc 'pastor' was arrested for spanking a church member's child and leaving marks. ntcc bailed him out of jail, moved him to a new town, and let him keep his ntcc - minister - in - goood - standing - license.

Unless it touches the ntcc gods of money and power, the abuse will be swept under the ntcc carpet. The board members will continue to hide these abusers, we believe, as long as it does not cost the borg any money.

People who have been abused by ntcc ministers should file complaints and seek damages ($) for the things they suffered. That will be the only way to affect change and stop abuse in the ntcc is if it starts hitting them where it hurts: in their wallets!

Mon May 30, 03:39:00 PM

Tour NTCC Videos -- A Playlist

HOPCC EXPOSED Ron Denis' "House of Prayer" AKA "Denis' Den of Thieves"

HOPCC EXPOSED Ron Denis' "House of Prayer" AKA "Denis' Den of Thieves"
HOPCC / [Assembly of Prayer] Exploitation Exposed Click Picture To Learn More

