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R. W. Davis, Ph.D., President Ph.D = Piled Higher n Deeper |
- On one trip to a church service RWD asked me, "How much money do you got saved up?"!
- That was an uncomfortable question for me; because here I was, an E-6 in the Army, making about 30k per year plus benefits; and I didn't have anything saved up!
- I told R-dub, "Not much" which was an exaggeration for "Nothing, Sir".
- Verna replied, "You ought to be a Millionaire by now".
- What a joke!
I bet rwd gleaned a few thousand in pocket change alone off of me. And let's not forget all the tithe, double-tithe, Sunday Night Budget Offerings, Building Pledges, Missions Pledges, Servicemens' Home Rent, S.H. Food Fees, Offerings, Revival Pledges, Gas Fees, and other "Blessing the Man of God" donations over all the (13) years I was in ntcc!!!! Because, after all, "All Christians pay tithes and give in offerings." ntcc made sure to announce that at all five services per week and every time they assembled, browbeating everyone into giving; or else in ntcc you would not be considered a Christian unless you "Give 'til it hurts."
- But at the time I was being shaken down by r w (rdub) and verna (victoria) davis, all I can remember thinking was
- What a poor steward I had been over what God had given me!
- Now, looking back on the money we all gave for all the different offerings that were taken up and
- how the borg treats everyone who is not related to a board member:
- G.I.s -- as money bags
- members -- as "strong backs, but weak minds"
- pastors -- as "knotheads who took a whole bottle of stupid pills"
- missionaries -- as non-existent tourists that support ntcc (very backwards!)
- servicemen's home directors -- as puppies at the pound
- ** neuter them before you give them a home
- women -- "who should be like a flower -- look pretty and smell nice"
- ** but remain barefoot and barren in the barrio, and last, but not least;
- children -- as "filthy and evil as they throw hissy fits in the cookie aisle of the grocery store"
- ... It's no wonder people are leaving the ntcc !!!! Also known as the
- No Tax Cash Cow == ntcc
"So when I made my next escrow deposit, I calmly asked the teller, would you please write down the balance of this account so I can check it against my books? My books said zero. She started writing and just kept right on writing! The figure that she wrote down about knocked me on my "donkey"! A little redneck lingo there for ya! She wrote down the sum of $279,000.00."
I should not have been surprised; but this figure was unbelievable to me. When I read this it made me furious because of all the pressure over the years to give. Matt and Debbie's church building was falling apart when they took over the work in Killeen, TX; and they asked RWD for some money to buy the supplies; while they would do the work for free. "That's not your money, [Matt R.]" R-dub spewed out. He was probably sitting in his 1.1 million dollar mansion when he rebuked Matt. Matt R. was put in a position to bring people to a church that was falling apart or to extract the money out of his congregation.
r w davis told this minister, Matt R., to "take up an offering".Meanwhile, the escrow, which is money held in an account requiring multiple signatures before it can be touched; this escrow account raised from money given by the local congreation, had $279,000 dollars in it; and yet r w daivs wanted Matt R. to "take up an offering"!
The escrow, in the ntcc's own words, is established for the purpose of "building maintenance, expansion"; yet davis wanted Matt R. to pump the Killeen congregation for even more money?!!
r-dub and his band of crooks are worse than common thieves. They are Extortionists and should be hauled off to jail.
The ntcc has had escrow accounts on most of the Servicemen's homes and many other works; and this has been discussed at length many times over. We embedded a copy of the escrow explanation letter. This letter explains that 40% of what is left of the church member's tithe after bills and tithe are paid (double-dipping) is to go into an escrow. In 13 years of living in servicemen's homes this concept was never explained to me or others who contributed thousands into these escrows. If we knew that the money we were giving was going to sit around in a slush fund for years and eventually get zeroed out (Matt R. said his books showed zero balance when he took over the work;) and (name two board member's that wouldn't say, "Yes Sir" if asked for their signatures by rw davis to remove or misappropriate that money.). Are we wrong for looking at this as theft by deceit or false pretenses? Should we have been told where our money was going?
This whole disappearing escrow funds topic has been a bitter pill for me to swallow for many reasons. We gave our unwavering loyalty to these people in addition to our money. We sacrificed the quality of our lives so the "work of God" could prosper. I can't count the number of offerings that were taken up for purposes that were supposed to be covered by the escrow account, according to the said purpose in the explanation letter. I gave up everything precious and meaningful in my life so that they could take the money that we all gave and put it in an escrow account without using the money for its intended purpose. The ntcc never gave financial statements detailing where all that money went. We were taken for a ride. We were sold a product that should have been free.
Here is an embedded copy of the ntcc's escrow explanation letter:
I've heard it shared that rwd is a great profit or a super apostle and even considered to be the "twenty fourth elder by some". I had nothing but deep respect for rwd while I was a member of ntcc, but not any more! We have to look at the roots of r.w. davis to discover his true nature. rdub was a salesman and he brought all of his pyramid scheme sales techniques into the ministry and applied them to the gospel. A pyramid scheme is just that. The top block in a pyramid is where all the money is. It's where the richest of the rich dwell. In ntcc, that is Graham, Wa. The bottom blocks support the weight of the entire pyramid; but the folks on the bottom, though they make up the largest percent of blocks in any row, are the poorest and have the least. As you move up in the hierarchy you get more responsibility and a little more cash but still very little in comparison to those above you. The most 'successful' pyramids make only those at the top rich. Those underneath them make very little or they are in the negative.
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Snake Oil -- Good For Whatever Ails You! |
While taking their money and leaving them with nothing, they move on to the next town and con many more people into believing a doctrine that enslaves them for years. Salesmen are taught to use their product and believe in what they are selling. Many times they not only have to use it and believe in it but they have to convince others that what they are selling is more important then anything else they might want to spend their money on. What separates the best salesman from all the rest is the ability of that salesman to overcome objections and convince the buyer that they need the item that is for sale.
The problem with rwd is that Jesus is not a product nor His gospel something to make merchandise off of! If you look at the entire Corporation called new testament christian churches of America, incorporated, you will see a money making empire where those at the top are rich and getting richer; while those at the bottom are doing sweat shop labor and being used for everything they possibly can be used for. This is a shrewd but diabolical business plan that was concocted by a man that does not care for the people that got him where he is today.
This model would not work in today's industries; because people would just quit and look for another job. Folks in the ntcc are made to believe that if they leave they will suffer eternal damnation. We all know this as fact. The reason that many people do not leave ntcc is fear, plain and simple. ntcc say's "We don't believe we are the only church going to heaven." and that "Nobody is forcing anyone to stay." But if you buy into their product you will soon find out that what they are selling is not God or salvation or anything; but a life that is controlled by fear. Your reward is that you think you are going to heaven. Maybe you will; and maybe you won't. If you adopt enough of their teachings into your life, you also will begin to use people just like they do; and you will find out that without even knowing it you are more lost than the people you are trying to reach.
This is not a model that you find anywhere in the bible. In God's word you find money being spent on those that are poor and widows and the fatherless. Sure God's ministers can live of the gospel, and be supported by the church; but what these snake oil salesmen are doing for their own profit is sickening. I really whole heartedly believe that if Jesus were walking the earth right now He would not be welcome in Graham. He overthrew the moneychangers' tables in the temple; and He'd probably do the same in Graham, WA. I'm really surprised that someone has not knocked r-dub off his feet. Maybe they have; and we just don't know about it.
While the doors of ntcc are still open and people are still buying lives of fear, we will continue to warn folks that they are walking into a trap. When people do a google search of the ntcc they will find this and many other writings on the blogs; and perhaps they will be spared from the snake oil salesman and the false doctrines that they pedal.
We would encourage you to prayerfully consider a different church. Look them up and find out what kind of doctrine they teach and if there is a price label on their gospel:
- Are they selling anything? Or do they offer God's most precious Son as a free gift?
- Are they full of negativity and hatred like the ntcc?
- Do they spew out warnings of judgement and hell?
- What is the emphasis - a man's doctrine or Christ?
If the emphasis is the love of God then make sure it stays that way!
People that use salvation to get you hooked and then start pumping you for money are not in it for God!
Like the salesman, they want your money. Their sole purpose is to convince you that the product they are pedaling is worth as many dollars as you can possibly give. If they try to get into your wallet, ask yourself:
- Does God really need your money?
- Did r. w. davis need your money?
- Or could r wd get by with the millions he's collected?
Related Articles:
1) Part 1: ntcc Missionaries Suffer Poverty While Board Members Live In Luxury Click Here
While in the Philippines the Mackerts lived in a 9'x14' room, the bathroom had no seat on the 'throne'.
ntcc Missionaries to Puerto Rico Casey Hayes, and Veronica Medina report hardship including lack of food for them and their children.
ntcc Missionaries Deb (B.) now S. and Greg S. report they financially supported the ntcc work in Korea and themselves; because ntcc did not keep its word to support them.
3) Where does all the money go in the ntcc? Click Here
Lack of financial accountability from the leaders who drive luxury cars and $200,000 - $300,000 Recreational Vehicles with no one knowing where they or all the money goes. Is this what you donated to the 'Missions Pledge' to fund - the board members' all-expense paid vacation tour of America in an ntcc purchased R.V.???
Related: Matt R.'s original comment and discussion on Jeff's Blog:
1) Comment >>
2) Discussion >>
3) Where does all the money go in the ntcc? Click Here
Lack of financial accountability from the leaders who drive luxury cars and $200,000 - $300,000 Recreational Vehicles with no one knowing where they or all the money goes. Is this what you donated to the 'Missions Pledge' to fund - the board members' all-expense paid vacation tour of America in an ntcc purchased R.V.???
Related: Matt R.'s original comment and discussion on Jeff's Blog:
1) Comment >>
2) Discussion >>
Recently we tried numerous times to click into a link on Deborah's Witness that opens a slideshare document entitled Ntcc escrow explanation. A coincidental glitch perhaps? Not sure.
If anyone has a backup copy of this document and would like to forward it to us, we would appreciate it. We want to use it in this blog post to make people aware that all of the money they gave to the work in Killeen, TX has been sitting in an escrow for years gathering interest for years, and has been very unaccessible to the the pastor's of that work. The document we are referring to explains in detail, the purpose of the escrow fund and I have read it many times. There is absolutely no justification for this huge amount of money that was taken from church members under false pretenses to be gathering interest for the corrupt leaders of the ntcc. I wonder what this chuck of cash will buy when this escrow is zeroed out?
Were the members of the Ft. Hood Servicemen's home that gave this money made aware that it would be holed away in an "escrow" to gather interest? Were they made aware that the pastors that paid into it with their member's money would have no control over it. Were they aware that when their pastor presented responsible and valid requests to use this money for it's intended purpose that they would be rebuked for it?
They are nothing more than a bunch of Carnival snake oil salesman that do not care about you. If you leave they will not be concerned about you. They aren't concerned about you now, other than what they can use you for. Wake up, people!!!!! This is huge red flag. Do you care at all where your money is going? Do you care that you are misappropriating the offerings or your church members? Do you think kekel cares about you? As Jeff has shared, if you give another dime to the ntcc after reading this you are an idiot.
Don and Ange
Hey Don and Ange,
The SlideShare copy loads fine. So does the embedded page on your Blog. SlideShare just usually takes a while to load. I sent you a copy anyway.
A different picture of Pastor Davis you might want to consider for this post is in the 1992 copy of the "Student Handbook." This one shows Pastor Davis having a PhD and a DD below his picture.
They are such a bunch of swindlers. I was reading the letter where they wrote, "some years ago it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to the general board".
The NTCC has so thoroughly abused the statement, "seemed good to the Holy Ghost". That is so non-tangible and they know it, which is exactly why they use it so much. Take a closer look at this for a second. "It seemed good". Oh really? Well things aren't always as they "seem". What I'd like to know is how they concluded that it "seemed" good. Did they hear a voice speaking from the clouds? NO!!! Did God open the earth? NO!!! Was there a burning bush? NO!!! Was there dew on the fleece but not on the ground? NO!!!
So what in the world made them think that it "seemed" good? Because they didn't get struck by lightning for being crooks the same way I haven't got struck by lightning for called RWD a crook about one thousand times? That is just a bunch of swindler mumbo jumbo that they use because they read where Paul used the statement. Now they use that same statement to justify their treachery because they know that no one can prove otherwise.
"It seemed good". Blah, blah, blah. Olson says that all the time. Well to me it don't seem good to take up special offerings when you have $379,000 in the church account. That seems bad and in fact it is bad and I don't need an earthquake, burning bush or a voice from heaven to figure that one out.
It seems real bad. RWD is a con artist, no more and no less. There, does that seem good? It does to me.
We think Jeff made a legitimate typo and meant to say $279,000.00. Still a very large chunk of money. A lot of people don't make that much in 10 years.
Thanks Gregory,
Ange somehow fixed the problem or got slideshare to download while I was at work. Thanks for sending us a back-up copy and we hope it wasn't too much trouble.
Yes that was a typo. I meant to write $279.000. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I do desire accuracy. The 2 was a little too close to the 3 that time.
Jeff, Lol. Typos get me all the time. I have to proof read and correct my posts many many times! We know you like to keep it real =D
The sad thing here is that the people in this Killeen church are giving in good faith into an account that already has all it needs to cover the necessary repairs; so they too can have a nice place to worship. But this money seems to have been collected under false pretenses. Because davis, the ntcc 'leader', orders the local pastor to pump the local congregation for more money, "take up an offering" for songbooks and a new sign...
In the mean time the local pastors are hamstrung by the org headquarters in Graham. When the local pastor asks to spend what belongs to the local church congregation on the local church, Graham (davis/kekel/olson...) act all indignant as if there is something wrong with the money being spent on the church that collected that money for the repair of their own building.
Hmmnn. judas iscariot got mad at Mary Magdelene for donating her own precious ointment, pouring the oil out on Christ. The bible records that judas did so because he was a thief and bare the bag.
Sound familiar?
Don and Ange
Not sure if Church bank checking, savings or escrow accounts can ever be interest bearing (IRS Form 990-T/Federal Tax ID of NTCC)but 1% annual interest should have taken care of MDR draws.
Anonymous said:
"Not sure if Church bank checking, savings or escrow accounts can ever be interest bearing (IRS Form 990-T/Federal Tax ID of NTCC)but 1% annual interest should have taken care of MDR draws."
Don and Ange said:
Very good point. In the ntcc a pastor is never wrong and very seldom admits to mistakes. This was a mistake on my part, but not a willful misrepresentation. It is not beneath me to admit that I've made a mistake or an error.
The ntcc has been involved in many crooked dealings regarding escrow funds that are contrary to the letter posted in this thread.
The zeroing out of escrow funds is a practice that violates their explanation and has never been explained by the ntcc leadership. They are welcome to explain this practice of zeroing out escrow funds if they'd like to but they are not answerable to anyone but God according to them, so they will continue to operate crookedly and secretively.
We appreciate your comment and acknowledge the inaccuracy of the comment you are referring to. We always welcome constructive criticism and wish that the ntcc would also do the same. If there is anything that I have said that is inaccurate, please bring it to our attention and we will consider any complaints and answer them accordingly. We do not make a practice of purposely making false accusations but if inaccuracies are brought to our attention it is not beneath us to acknowledge this. We do use deductive reasoning and common sense to come to some conclusions and much of what we say is commentary that is based on ours and others expressed experiences. We always welcome comments on both sides of the issues we report and would love for a senior member of the ntcc to weigh in on any of these topics.
If there is no guilt or wrong doing, then why not give a valid explanation to clear their name? Of course the generic answer is always going to be that the Xers are of the devil and we are not going to participate in discourse of this evil nature. We still maintain that the ntcc is a crooked and corrupt organization that is nothing more than a cult designed to give it's leaders power and money.
Don and Ange
Anonymous said:
"Not sure if Church bank checking, savings or escrow accounts can ever be interest bearing (IRS Form 990-T/Federal Tax ID of NTCC)but 1% annual interest should have taken care of MDR draws."
Don and Ange said:
There are also many loopholes and shelters that people find to grow their assets and protect them from the IRS. Many organizations that have questionable practices find these loopholes and use them. To do this, they must be secretive about their dealings. Most legitimate organizations exercise a practice called "transparency" which is used by organizations that have nothing to hide and want others to see that they operate legally and ethically.
What happens to zeroed out escrow accounts? Does that money end up in interest bearing accounts, or slush funds, or other types of investment accounts that allow the benefactors to accumulate more wealth or live off the interest? Again we welcome anyone from the ntcc board to comment on this issue but we know that they are untouchable and unanswerable to anyone, so they will not explain this or anything they do to anyone.
Don and Ange
Jeff said:
"They are such a bunch of swindlers. I was reading the letter where they wrote, "some years ago it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to the general board".
Don and Ange said:
Did it seem right to the Holy Ghost to destroy the childhoods of so many kids while Grant was allowed to lead a nomal life?
Did it seem right to the Holy Ghost to take tithe and offerings from their members and not tell them that their money was going to sit in an escrow fund for many years and when needs arose for the repair of the church they would take up additional offerings from their members? Did this seem right to the Holy Ghost or someone else?
Did it seem right to the Holy Ghost to openly and publicly humiliate folks for the same thing that happen every day in Graham and are never questioned?
Did it seem right to the Holy Ghost for Kekel to exhibit double standards? How can you go to bs and see all of the filthy lucre and then subject yourself to poverty, so they can misappropriate your money through escrows and false representation and lack of transparency?
Did it seem right to the Holy Ghost to Throw people like Gregory S. and Deborah (B.) now S. under the bus because he had legitimate concerns for the stability of his future? The ntcc was too proud to even acknowledge them. They didn't want to have to address these concerns because others might question their integrity on this and many other issues. Did it seem right to the Holy Ghost to discard these righteous folks after about 50 years of combined service and absolute faithfulness to the leaders of the ntcc?
I can honestly say that it would seem right to the Holy Ghost if these crooks were allowed to suffer a fraction of what we have had to endure. I don't wish or pray for evil to befall them or anyone else but if it would save others from the grief and heartache that we and others have had to endure, I would say this: "Haul them all off to jail and take away their mansions and motor homes and beamers and cadillacs.
They act like their own excrement doesn't stink, but it does to high heaven. They have the power and ability to ruin lives with one or two sentences and they have misused and abused their offices repeatedly. Does any of this seem right to the Holy Ghost?
Wed May 18, 08:19:00 AM
Anyone who reads all of your barf bag blogs can see how you contradict yourself often in them. I laughed so hard at how hard you try to make a good story.
The funny thing about it is that we don't have to try hard at all. The ntcc leadership is writing their own history. RWD has created his legacy of greed and power. You really need to take a trip up to Graham and see where all of your tithe dollars are being spent. Of course you won't be allowed anywhere near RWD's mansion. Did you know that RWD's mansion is located on a cult compound?
If you attend the ntcs (seminary), you will have a curfew. You will be expected to have a job if you are single that doesn't interfere with their schedule. You will have to ask permission to go to someones house to visit them. You will have to ask permission to allow your child to play with other children if you have one. You will be expected to ask permission to ride in somebodies car. You not get to do whatever you want to do. You will be told what to do. You will be scrutinized for what you wear to church, and you will be blasted from behind the pulpit for many things that have nothing to do with sin.
Don't tell us you are not in a cult. You've come to late for that. You are not only in a cult, but you are in one of the most controlling cults in America, which by the way is supposed to be a free country. If you ever have any aspirations of becoming a minister or a ministers wife, you will not be allowed to think for yourself. If you are a woman in the ntcc, RWD will tell you that you function is to be that of a flower. To look pretty. If you are single, you will not get a chance to know much about the man you are coerced to marry. If you are married, your opinion will not matter. Try speaking out of place around RWD or Kekel and see what happens. Enjoy, your freedom to slander now while you have it.
That is about all I can say. You will not listen, nor will you see. We hope that God frees you from your bitterness and hatred. We know that what you are exhibiting is learned behavior. You would make a great ntcc minister. You sound like so many we have heard. Too bad you are a woman. You will never be allowed in the ministry.
When Davis came to get the keys of the servicemen's home outside Ft Bragg, NC. from the former Director going with Denis, his one question:
"Did you leave the Escrow money, or did you take it??"
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh...Not one word about the people there.
"Keep 'em poor, so they will hunger for more!" Go-getter's Handbook.
Davis' error is not so much a love of money, but rather a lust for business. He's all about business. Period. To the point of rapaciousness. A mind that works only to extract the most time and use of all people, like so many sweat rags. He is the incarnate practitioner of 'use em up and spit em out'.
And what is so truly hard to fathom and acknowledge about him, is that it is nothing PERSONAL, but just business! Like dealing with iron. (Of course, the worst part is his deep-seated ability to justify it all as taking care of 'God's Business'...)
Caring for the poor of the world is NOT the church's duty, but rather providing for our brother in need, when we have power to help. That is absolutely every Christian's duty before the Lord. (James 2:16) (1 John 3:16)
So, to not only NOT care for another believer's poverty, but to actually induce it for the sake of manipulative business profits, and as a form of ministry?? That Davis will answer for (among other things...)
The Father's Business is NOT the People Business, but the Loving People Business.
Robert Derrick said:
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh...Not one word about the people there."
DnA said:
It's not about people, love for the brethren or Christianity. It's about what you can be used for, and when it all boils down, it's about money. If R-dub was interested in "getting people to heaven" there wouldn't have to be two sets of standards, one that pertains to him and his family and one that pertains to everyone else. Also there wouldn't be two classes of people, one very poor and the other very rich.
I could see R-dub being worried about the escrow, I'm sure that there was a lot of money in the Ft. Bragg escrow. Does anyone know if Denis made off with any escrow money? He might have been one of the board members that was on the signature card. No wonder Davis "retired" shortly after this happened. He probably had a heart attack over his precious money. Not one word about the people, though. How sick is that?
So far as not being the 'only right church'?
It has long been said and assumed and known, that since davis remains to be the 'only right' preacher, then he necessarily has the 'only right' church and organization.
Many times he has been likened as the modern day James, as overall Pastor of the Christian church organization.
Of course, the Lord's Churches were NEVER made into an organization, and James certainly did not try to rule as CEO thereof!
But, a simple test for finding out which churches 'out there' are right so far as davis is concerned. Just ask him, or any of his licensed ministers, "What minister of a local church do you know and aprove?"
No answer has EVER been given, and usually the response would be of indifference, delay, or just a rebuke for trying to muddy the waters and 'looking elsewhere', when you ought be entirely focused here: NTCC!
Indeed, the only two ministers I can think of, that davis actually applauded, was an old evangelist rev Depree, that is now dead, and some church-building preacher around New Orleans, that davis was really impressed with for his focused business way of doing it. (The guy also turned out to be gay...)
But so far as an actual local minister and pastor of another church? Not! davis, et al don't even know and associate with them, much less fellowship and work with them. NTCC is an isolation. Period. Like the gated fenced-in area itself, it says "Don't bother us, and we won't bother you." (Until, they come knocking on your door to come join the real church of God on earth: NTCC!)
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