What do you make of people like J P [R] and his wife Becky? I spent a lot of time with them in the mid-80's and I am certain they were very decent people who loved God. I wonder how can they stay in the NTCC organization? (I could name other very decent Pastors in the organisation) comment link
We answered with the following response:
I spent time with Becky and John [R] in Hawaii a couple of times while on leave from Korea. They were very nice folks and didn't seem to have the same judgmental attitude towards folks as others in the ntcc had. While I was on vacation, they showed me around the island; and we actually had a real good time. They didn't spend every waking moment lamenting over lost souls and stumping for tithes and offerings.
Lately I have had Becky and John R. on my mind and have been wanting to do this post for a while. In the short time that I spent with them they made a lasting impression; and most what I remember was good. They had what seemed to be real love in their hearts for people; and I never got the feeling that they were in it for the money. There were a few other couples in the ministry that left me with similar memories.
Maybe because I didn't spend much time around them I didn't see the side of them that seems to be in most of the ntcc leadership. Maybe they are just good people that love God and are making the best out of a very bad situation. It was mentioned by Jeff and others that Becky and John R. must have turned a blind eye to much of what went on in the ntcc. They also no longer communicate with their family to include Deborah and Gregory. This came about because mike kekel showed private letters to Becky and John R. that were written between Gregory S. and mck. Not only was this a breach of confidence but was used to sow discord among brethren and to drive a wedge between lifelong family bonds. This is proof that when people leave the ntcc they are no longer considered to be in good standing with God. We have often made reference to the ntcc claims that they are God's last move on earth and that the ntcc thinks they are the only true church on planet earth. These actions substantiate these claims and vindicate those that have been wrongfully cast away by the leaders of the ntcc.
Here is what I think. In my own experience there are many folks in the ntcc that are just like we were. Do you remember the days when all you cared about was living for God? Do you remember when you were young and impressionable and would do anything to please God and the men and women that you thought were there to help you along the way in your life for God? But ntcc perverted the gospel and used us. We gave everything we had to them until there was nothing else to give. They broke us down until we had no willpower left; and when we were no longer of any use to ntcc, they kicked us to the curb.
At one time we drew a line and said we would never cross it. Then we saw it crossed by others in the ntcc; and in time we moved that line. It reminds me of how lawyers start out: Wanting to make a difference in the world. They start out on fire and want to practice law to help people; and soon they find out that to win a case they have to misrepresent the facts. To help a client they find themselves violating ethical practices that they never dreamed of violating. Pretty soon they become farther and farther away from what they know is right; and it becomes common practice to lie and use deceit to win a case.
This is what the ntcc does to people. There are still good people that have been trapped in that cult for decades and John and Becky R. may be among them. Sometimes we find ourselves guilty of having an "Us against Them" attitude; and in our zeal to expose the ntcc, we don't recognize the fact that many ministers are caught up in the same hopeless situation we were caught up in. There are many in the ntcc that we still respect and love. We care enough to warn them and hope they eventually find their way out. It's the establishment and the leadership of the same that we hate. I can only imagine what some of the old-timers think when they see the blatant hypocrisy and double standards in Graham, Washington. What can they do? Many are now in their 50's and 60's and have very few options and even less money. They see that the line of compromise has moved. Standards have changed, 'holiness' has pretty much been thrown out the window; and everything that these ministers once stood for is virtually gone.
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ntcc's Becky and John R. |
Don and Ange
P.S. Link to ntcc photo of Becky and John R.
While researching the proper way to make the plural form of the name R-s, we came upon this gem:
When a family name (a proper noun) is pluralized, we almost always simply add an "s." So we go to visit the Smiths, the Kennedys, the Grays, etc.When a family name ends in s, x, ch, sh, or z, however, we form the plural by added -es, as in the Marches, the Joneses, the Maddoxes, the Bushes, the R-zes. Do not form a family name plural by using an apostrophe; that device is reserved for creating possessive forms.
When a proper noun ends in an "s" with a hard "z" sound, we don't add any ending to form the plural: "The Chambers are coming to dinner" (not the Chamberses); "The Hodges used to live here" (not the Hodgeses). There are exceptions even to this: we say "The Joneses are coming over," and we'd probably write "The Stevenses are coming, too." A modest proposal: women whose last names end in "s" (pronounced "z") should marry and take the names of men whose last names do not end with that sound, and eventually this problem will disappear. Source link.
This reminds me of Becky and John telling me that when they got married, the "s" on John's last name had to kick the "z" out of Becky's maiden name. Boot to the "z" ;~}
Blood is thicker than water. Those people in Graham don't care about John and Becky. The minute that they decide they are ready to stop moving all over the world, the NTCC will discard them like an old warn out pair of shoes.
Once the NTCC feels that they no longer have any use for you, they run you off. It's either continue working like a slave, move back to Graham and contribute to their building fund or get to stepping. The NTCC just uses people and all for what? So the Kekels can become billionaires.
That is right and it's not as far fetched as you might think. The NTCC is worth a lot of money people. They own property all over the place and a lot of it.
Jeff said:
"Blood is thicker than water. Those people in Graham don't care about John and Becky."
Don and Ange said:
That seems to be the trend. As long as you are productive they'll keep you around but if you become a threat to their money making empire, its time to get some new blood in there. It's amazing to me that so many things are changing so fast. I guess they can no longer use the catch phrase "No Compromise" as their slogan for conference any more.
I feel for people on the inside. They are trapped and they have to go along with things or it's over for them. There is no place for disagreement. There is no place for questioning: "Why the changes"? The fact that so many of the board members are just sitting back and allowing these events to transpire tells you that many of them are in it for the cash. They use to preach strongly against the things they now allow. All of them. Even RWD. It was never about "Holiness". It was never about salvation. It was about building a financial real estate holding company.
Don and Ange
I used to think that if I stayed with the ntcc till I died no matter what happened I would go to heaven. This was based on the fact that we were led to believe that the ntcc would never compromise and if they did, it would take place after rwd's death. We see now that it's happening before our eyes and rwd is doing nothing to stop it.
It begs the question: Were the standards taught by the ntcc really biblical standards or were they control mechanisms. Holiness is a word that the ntcc used to define a few scriptures in the bible that explain customs of the early church. These scriptures are given more emphasis in the ntcc than they are in the bible. I'm not saying that the ntcc's definition of holiness is completely wrong, but what I am saying is that they have taken these few scriptures that tell us for example, how women were to dress and grow their hair long and how men were to cut their hair short and used them along with tithe to create a whole new doctrine of control. Now we have new standards that are not in the bible that the ntcc has incorporated into their doctrine.
No facial hair on men. I guess Jesus would have a hard time being accepted into the ntcc. Men are not allowed to wear shorts. Most shorts now days are cut loosely and go down to the knees. What are the odds that someone is going to lust after a mans calves? I guess it's possible but I would think it would be more probable that a person would lust after a woman's calves that are clearly on display below the lower hem of a dress.
You have to get real and look at this for what it really is. More to come on this subject. I remember that the ntcc's definition of "holiness" made me feel different from everyone else. It was preached that we were better than everyone else because these standards were of God. Okay so now they are being compromised by many in the ntcc and nothing is being done about it. You have to ask yourself the question: Was it really of God?
Don and Ange
It's sad that NTCC has pitted these family members against each other.
Anonymous said, "It's sad that NTCC has pitted these family members against each other."
Don and Ange say,
We think it is sad. And worse than sad, it was sin for the ntcc 'leaders' to drive a wedge in, sowing discord amoung brethren. But that is what the ntcc does. If you read Deb (B.) now S.'s story "St. Louis, Mo., 1978" you know that davis used the same divisive tactics against this family so long ago.
The "St. Louis, Mo, 1978"story of how davis attacked Deb's Mother and sister, Esther, is a perfect example of the ntcc's top 'leaders' having impenitent hearts. They were sowing discord back then; and they still sow discord today. They have no plans to repent. Just like kekel refused to repent of his child molesting ways. God hates such actions as He records:
Pro 6:16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:
Pro 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
Pro 6:18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
Pro 6:19 A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Once again ntcc is on the wrong side of God's Word; and they have been for decades!
Don and Ange
Tue Apr 26, 04:22:00 PM
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