An article appearing in the Colorado Springs Independent described ntcc's late status for filing with local authorities in El Paso County, Colorado for ntcc's tax exempt / nonprofit status:
For New Testament Christian Churches of America Inc., at 1219 Yuma St., the delay was caused by workload. "The organization is in the process of finishing up the paperwork," Pastor Mark Usrey said in mid-October. "It's one person in our organization that takes care of all of it. It's quite a heavy workload."
He predicted the matter would be settled within days, and it was.
We find it interesting that ten ladies will voluntarily clean tanya kekel's house for her once a week without pay; and yet ntcc has only one person in their organization that takes care of all this important filing for tax exemption status??? It's comforting to know that ntcc has its priorities straight... So straight that they have plenty of time to publish spiritually invigorating articles, such as this quoted gem from ntcc's Trumpet - article removed magazine [Scroll down to find the highlighted "New Testament Christian Churches of America" to see this 'inspiring' piece;-) Oops, the cache was cleared. The borg deleting finger must be busy again!] With "so many souls lost and dying and going to hell" it is a comfort to know that the ntcc has "time for what is important" as r w davis was so concerned with teaching us; yelling these two quoted things through the PA system during his bible school (bs) classes!
It is also interesting, well, actually, AMUSING to see that Rev. Usrey "predicted the matter would be settled within days..." (Source Link (Same As Above): Colorado Springs Independent) We can only imagine what happened to spur this sudden resolution of filing for tax exempt status that was due in April but was unresolved when Rev. Usrey was interviewed just prior to the article being published November 10, 2010. Could it be that Rev. Usrey had to make a phone call to New Testament Christian Churches of America's headquarters in Graham, Washington? Perhaps once Rev. Usrey told ntcc 'leaders' in Graham that a local newspaper was reporting ntcc's delinquency the 'leadership' found a renewed interest to file for tax exempt status, including paying appropriate filing fees???
This is, of course, speculation, but can you imagine, "Uh, Sir, there is a local newspaper reporting that we haven't yet filed for tax exempt status. Uhm, Yes, Sir; right away Sir."
Now if this is so important, why would ntcc have only one person doing all this filing for the whole organization? And what does it mean, "finishing up the paperwork" when the El Paso County Treasurer, Sandra Damron, who tracks these missing forms says:
"All they have to do is fill out the paperwork[.] ... I used to do it for First Christian Church, and it takes about 10 minutes."
How is that m c kekel, ntcc CEO, has time to manage several blogs, including his 'uplifting' personal commentary as copied on Ds or Gs blog; but kekel can't seem to "get with it" or "put it together" (as kekel's father-in-law ntcc founder, r w davis, likes to say of some "fellas") when it comes to this important tax-exemption status filing that "takes about 10 minutes." ??? If a bible school student is one minute late to one church event in ntcc's bible school (bs), that student forfeits the entire semester including all tuition paid. But ntcc leaders can't file tax exempt forms on time? Sounds like another glaring ntcc double standard.
It's funny; but joe olson (ntcc co-founder and eternal Executive Board Member of various titles) was so right when he preached that the "little things matter"! It's a little thing to take ten minutes to file forms; but ntcc 'leaders' can't "put it together". Yet they want to hold bible school students' feet to the fire when it comes to the little things. Another example of ntcc hypocrisy.
Plus the article mentions that ntcc was one of only six (6) churches out of more than six thousand (6,000) tax-exempt properties in El Paso County that failed to file on time. "God's last move on earth." leading the way! (And "We are winning!" cries joe.
All this made possible by a well-written "little" article by Colorado Springs Independent reporter Pam Zubeck.
Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:
A) Sounds Like A True Description Of The ntcc.
B) ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C) I Read This Post.
D) ntcc has demonstrated a pattern of believing they are above the laws of the land such as OSHA safety laws, Fire Marshall laws, building code laws, VISA (tourist) laws, etc... This sounds like just one more example of ntcc "being rebellious" and "doing what it wants to do".
E) ntcc should not be tax-exempt if they cannot file the documents on time.
F) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"F" I'm afraid to be caught commenting on this blog.
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc.
H) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"H" ntcc should not be tax-exempt because they have violated rules governing tax-exempt status for nonprofits like the time they gave kekel 39 acres for his private benefit.
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc
J) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"J" ntcc's "Do as I say, not as I do" philosophy is hypocritical: "the one person ... that takes care of " all this paperwork probably did not receive the same treatment / punishment / public humiliation that you would if you had been the one to drop the ball on this issue.
**You Can Choose Multiple Answers**
Good article Don and Ange and quite typical of the NTCC. RWD and his cronies are crooks and this is just another example. Keep up the good work y'all. Someone has to do it.
Thanks, Jeff. It's absurd that ntcc would even have tax-exempt status for nonprofits with all the profits they are rolling in. They built a mansion valued at 1.1 million dollars for their former president, r w davis, who purportedly retired! If he is so retired, pray tell, why does he occupy a $1.1 million dollar mansion owned by the ntcc "nonprofit"??? But I guess in the dirty world of ntcc, he scratched kekel's back by ordering olson / ntcc to give the 39 acres owned by ntcc to kekel for his "private benefit"... so now turnabout is fairplay, even if it is illegal. Because Who would dare to touch God's anointed? Even though they are more corrupt than the wicked kings Ahab and Mannaseh (2Kings 21)!
Don and Ange
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