Mugshot: Johnny Dean Jordan. 1-14-15 The man who allegedly raped Lisa Norton when she was only 14 and got her pregnant is in prison in Florida. What if Rodger Davis had not hidden Jordan by moving him to Washington years ago when Lisa tried to get help from her so-called mother Barbara Norton (now Warwick)? What if Davis had reported this predator to police as the law requires ministers to do? Instead the ntcc moved Jordan and now there are more victims and decades later he is in prison for failing to meet terms of probation from a sentence where he was convicted of raping another minor. Why do people stay in a church that hides sexual predators such as Jordan and Fontenot? Now that you know the truth about this group; why do you stay? |
Johnny Dean Jordan is back in the slammer again! The court documents simply state he violated probation / parole. But there is a new case against him - a dissolution of marriage - filed just prior to the issuance of the warrant used to arrest him. It's speculation, but perhaps he failed to inform his bride that he was a registered convicted child rapist. That might be the cause of both the divorce and the suspension of his parole and incarceration. But that is just speculation. The dissolution documents state there is no child or property. Hopefully that means there was no child involved in this unhappy marriage. But it might mean something else, like there's no custody battle. We really don't know. But here are the facts, with a few lines highlighted, such as the jail address, date of the information, and some legal definitions etc.
From: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ Search Offender Johnny Jordan Birthdate 10/23/1962

Johnny Dean Jordan Date Of Photo: 04/03/2014
Jordan is registered as a Sexual Offender. Positive identification cannot be established unless a fingerprint comparison is made. |
Scars, Marks & Tattoos
Information temporarily unavailable |
Address Information
Address | Address Source Information | Map Link |
19078 NE Whitetail Run
Hosford, FL 32334-3019
Liberty COUNTY | Source: Dept. of Corrections
Received: 04/21/2014
Type of Address: Permanent |
Show Map |
12499 NW POGO ST LIBERTY COUNTY JAIL BRISTOL, FL 32321 LIBERTY COUNTY | Source: Dept. of Corrections Received: 07/03/2014 Type of Address: Temp | Show Map |
Crime Information - Qualifying Offenses
Victim Information
Gender:Unknown Minor:Yes |

CAUTION! If you reached this flyer from any site other than FDLE's Florida Sexual Offender and Predator homepage, FDLE cannot guarantee the timeliness of the information you are viewing. To receive the most current information regarding registered sexual offenders or sexual predators registered with the State of Florida please conduct an "Offender Search" from FDLE's website located at http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender
Positive identification cannot be established unless a fingerprint comparison is made.
Any person who misuses public records information relating to a sexual predator, as defined in this section, or a sexual offender, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree. Please see 775.21(10)(c) for more information.
http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ Perform Advance Search for Johnny Jordan with advanced criteria set to "all" or "both" as applicable.
Florida Department of Corrections
Michael D. Crews, Secretary
Corrections Offender Network
Supervised Population Information Detail |
| (This information was current as of 7/13/2014) |
DC Number: | 774815 |
Race: | WHITE |
Sex: | MALE |
Hair Color: | BROWN |
Eye Color: | BROWN |
Height: | 5'06'' |
Weight: | 158 lbs. |
Birth Date: | 10/23/1962 |
Supervision Begin Date: | 11/04/2013 |
Current Location: | TALLAHASSEE |
Current Status: | ACTIVE SUSPENSE |
Supervision Type: | SEX OFFENDER PROBATION |
Scheduled Termination Date: | 11/03/2018 |
Current Verified JAIL Address: |
12499 NW POGO ST |
BRISTOL, FL 32321 |
Aliases: |
Note: The offense descriptions are truncated and do not necessarily reflect the crime for which the offender is on supervision. Please refer to the court documents or the Florida Statutes for further information or definition.
Current Community Supervision History: |
Offense Date | Offense | Sentence Date | County | Case No. | Community Supervision Length |
05/03/2013 | SX OFFNDR FAIL COMPLY PSIA | 11/04/2013 | LIBERTY | 1300047 | 5Y 0M 0D |
08/09/2013 | SX OFFNDR FAIL COMPLY PSIA | 11/04/2013 | LIBERTY | 1300080 | 5Y 0M 0D |
Active Suspense - offender is temporarily unavailable for direct supervision during the supervision term, due to being in custody in jail or another facility, but is still being monitored by a probation officer for release, arrest, etc.
From: https://www2.myfloridacounty.com/ccm/?county=39 Search for Johnny Jordan Birthdate 10/23/1962. That will open a page with his name. Click on the open box in front of his name and click on the button "View Selection" to bring up the following summary page showing 3 open cases. Use the links on that page to inspect the court documents for yourself.
| | JORDAN, JOHNNY DEAN | HOSFORD, FL 32334 | M | W | 1 |
| | JORDAN, JOHNNY DEAN | HOSFORD, FL 32334 | M | W | 1 |
| | JORDAN, JOHNNY DEAN | HOSFORD, FL 32334 | M | W | 1 |
Divorce Court Document:
[14000089DRMXAX] | 06/17/2014 | DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE | OPEN |
07/10/2014 | Event FINAL HEARING scheduled on 11/6/2014 at 1130 AM, MX - Judge MARTIN FITZPATRICK presiding. |
07/10/2014 | NOTICE OF HEARING |
06/17/2014 | Judge: FITZPATRICK , MARTIN assigned |
06/17/2014 | Case 392014DR000089DRAXMX Filed with Clerk on 6/17/2014 |
06/17/2014 | Assessment 1 assessed at sum $408.00 |
06/17/2014 | DRIVER'S LICENSE (HERS) |
06/17/2014 | Active Process CIVIL SUMMONS disposition on 6/17/2014 |

Our opinion is that barbara norton warwick should have reported jordan to the police when her 14 year old daughter Lisa was raped by jordan. Instead barbara told rodger davis. Legally, as a minister, davis was REQUIRED BY LAW to report this allegation to the police. But instead davis willfully chose to move barbara norton warwick, her daughter Pam, and her Pam's husband, johnny dean jordan to Washington state. Our opinion is that davis was deliberately hiding the alleged rapist from legal action. Barbaric barbara's daughter Lisa, who was pregnant by rape and barbara's handicapped son Terry were abandoned by, in our opinion, this monster who calls herself a mother. People, if your child reports rape or abuse GO TO THE POLICE! Don't allow some religious huckster like davis to hide the rapist. Don't follow anyone who condones child rape. In our opinion that is the true legacy R.W. Davis - hiding child rape.
Anonymous you described this type of person very well.
I'm willing to bet that most people in NTCC don't even know who this person is, but his older brother George is in the Philippines helping repair their squalor buildings and because George has been around awhile, he has a de-facto board seat. He is also married to the sister of Helen (Duran) Ashmore. Then his brother Timothy Paul or as many know him as T.P. is in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. T.P. was an associate pastor in Graham and taught in their cemetery. Johnny is the black sheep of the family, but held leadership positions and did many different jobs for RWD, Olson and Johnson in the past. He is an earlier version of Fontenot and deserves no compassion.
It becomes more and more clear, why ntcc leaders, choose to be a non-denomination, non-accredit organization, its because they don't want, and fear, local or federal government investigations into reports of rape, child molestation, money laundering, corruption, abuse, etc. etc. ntcc is a tight lipped controlled organization which is also a big reason why the crimes that was committed against Juile, and others have gone unreported to law enforcement. Ntcc leaders see there authority as a higher authority than the local law enforcement authorities, who have been trained and taught to make decisions on rather a crime have been committed or not. Ntcc leaders love to use and throw Gods name around a lot, God this, and that, God gone get you, I got to answer to God, you stealing fron God, blah blah blah while at the same time they or the ones who are the biggest abuser of anything and everything thats Godly.
It makes you wonder why people like Johnny Jordan or Michael Fontenot were so important to hide or protect? Why move Johnny to Washington back then or let Michael Fontenot back in? There is no common sense to this at all. Why care about them over the victims?
I agree Johnny should have been reported back when he raped Barbara Norton's daughter's Lisa. This could save his victims also it could been awarning to other abusers NTCC would not put upm with their abuse either. Instead they send the message go ahead abuse we will hide and protect you not the victim. It is wonder people live in silence.
Anonymous, I believe that ntcc members and students are all just as blind as a bat. Another question to consider is, why is johnny Jordan, and Michael fotenot so important to ntcc that they are willing to hopscotch them all over the country in order to hide them from law enforcement? Further more, what type of church would hide criminals?
Good question. What type of church would hide criminals? And why?
WOW Maurice I never thought about how being non denomanation and non accredited could keep them from having to answer to a higher authority. Why fear answering to higher authority if there is nothing being done wrong?
We know that Davis moved Johnny Jordan to Washington to hide his own sin of fondling and raping Barbara Norton's oldest daughter while she was a minor and married to Johnny Jordan. There was a systematic series of events that took place to cover up Davis's pedophilia behavior, which involved a number of evil and wicked people to include Barbara Norton, Ashmore and Davis himself.
Lisa was only 14 or 15 at the time and according to her and her best friend Lori, Ashmore smeared them, calling them whores and sluts so that nobody would believe them if they reported the truth. Barbara abandoned Lisa at Davis request to cover up his sin, leaving Lisa to fend for herself and her special needs brother. What kind of mother does that?
I would like to commend Lisa, Lori and Pam for sharing what they went through. If it were not for them, Davis would have gone to the grave thinking he got away with his crimes but the truth found it's way out into the public before Davis died. Julie's testimony also has brought to light the evil that has been condoned in the ntcc, by Davis who allowed Ralph St. Clair, another known child molester, and Joan St. Clair who went participated in the sick behavior to hold credentials and use their position to fulfill their own sexual gratification.
If it were not for these Women speaking up, all of this would have been brushed under the carpet. There are many others who will not speak up and by silencing these victims, the ntcc continues to not have to answer for their many crimes. Make no mistake, the testimonies of these women have exposed the ntcc and their are many who have read these accounts of abuse that know this stuff is actually true. The ntcc leaders will not deny it because their are too many people who know it is true.
You members of the ntcc should be asking hard questions. Why would you want to be a part of a group that participates in and hides the abusive actions of known pedophiles and sex offenders? Your organization was founded by a liar, R.W. Davis, who was a womanizing, adultery committing, child molesting, whore mongering bigot, who got filthy rich off of you. And now you continue to follow people like Kinson who left his wallet in a whore house and couldn't even tell a convincing lie to cover it up. Just ask him if he left his wallet in a whore house and see if he tells you the truth or if he comes up with some lame statement like he has never slept with anyone other than his wife. They are all a bunch of phony hypocrites and if you blindly continue to follow them, they will surely lead you into a ditch.
I do not want to be in Kekel's or Kinson's shoes when it comes to standing in front of God. I hope more men and women step forward with what they have seen and heard. The NTCC leaders are extremely crafty and only reveal certain parts of their personality to certain people. The act one way in front of church members or behind the pulpit in all of their piety, but listen to them around other ministers. Then they have an even closer inner circle of those that know their business dealings, relationships and that they are willing to cover-up. They have dirt on many people through counselings, phone calls and information from others. They are nothing but deviant sociopaths who twist the truth to make themselves look like victims and to tear down the testimony of others.
Anonymous,(NTCC LEADERS ARE NOT THE SPIRITUAL GIANTS THAT THEY WANT FOLKS TO BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE and never have been.) However they are Stressors, Liars, and Manipulators, by measuring what they preach and teach by the bible and applying some God given common since, anyone can see that they have no credibility. If you have to twist the truth and lie in order to win converts or keep them in the fold, you have no credibility, if you hide crimes that have been committed by students, members, leaders, you have no credibility. DnA have shown and proven over and over again, that ntcc is not a creditable organization/church.
I'm wondering how all of these things went on while Mom and Pop were alive. Were they not aware?
This may answer some questions.
When I think of NTCC what comes to mind is the game of "hide and seek".
They love to hide truth but they hate when someone seeks the truth. They don't want they hiding place to or what is there to be found. They are like the kid that likes to hide but is upset when their secret hide spot is discovered.
After reading CULTWATCH for the first time, they truly must have gotten a copy of ntcc's playbook because they are right on target in describing ntcc. Current and ex-members should really read CULTWATCH.
Julie said - "...they hate when someone seeks the truth."
That is absolutely true and when you ask questions of someone in their office or want to find out about how your money is being used for something, you are immediately looked at as suspect like you are spying or as someone trying to "tear down the work of God". My thing is if God built it, then no man can destroy it but if men live corrupt lives and build upon that then it will be destroyed.
They do not like you to question about their church programs, how finances are used, or about the personal history of their ministers. You will probably be referred to one of their pastors and then they play the waiting game so you either get dismissed, ignored or you just forget about it.
I hope people will ask the hard questions and that eventually they'll be made to answer them by a subpoena and government audit of their bank books and computers. With all of this sexual abuse and child rape happening, you would hope the Washington Attorney General and the FBI would get involved to investigate.
You are right Maurice. The ntcc is a big time cult. They operate identically to all of the other cults that they identify as being cults. The ntcc has a reason for you not to go to any other church. They will find scriptures to blaspheme other groups that are not even cults, labeling others while they are the worst of the whole lot.
How do you know if a group like the ntcc is a cult? It's really very simple, but it involves flipping the switch in your brain to the on position. I know the ntcc has told you to keep that switch in the off position, because you are not capable of discerning biblical principles for yourself. Any group that exalts itself above Christ and thinks that it can make up rules that are nowhere to be found in the bible, is a cult. When the leaders of that group get filthy rich off of your hard earned money and treat you like a spiritual egg head that has no right to know where your money goes, you are in a cult and you are a sucker. Turn your brain on and allow yourself to think things through. Your brain is capable of rationalizing your irrational behavior, but you must use it. Blow the dust off of it and don't be afraid to think for yourself.
It's really easy, when you think for yourself. Do you claim to be a bible believing Christian? Then why do you let others encourage you to support a cult with your time, labor and finances, while the leaders of said cult get filthy rich and laugh at you for being an idiot? You don't think that is happening? Turn your brain on. Use it, before you forget how. Don't allow some rich scum bag that sits in Graham, Washington, living in the lap of luxury to tell you how to live your life while he lives contrary. If you continue to do that, you are a sucker and you are allowing yourself to be taken advantage of.
You are giving your money and time to a group that couldn't care less about the one group of people that Christ showed and demonstrated his love to. That's right the poor. The broken hearted and those who were cast down, disease ridden and those with physical and mental handicaps, you know the ones Jesus healed, the same ones that Davis said not to bring to church because you can't build a church with the poor or handicapped. You are a brainwashed sucker in a cult if you believe these cold hearted thugs and money grubbing liars. Please turn on your brain before switch becomes permanently fused in the off position. Wake up and escape from this bunch of bottom feeding slimeballs who only care about how much money you put in your tithe envelope every week.
I think that NTCC people need to take a look around them and realize that their church had 2 convicted rapists and the church leadership just swept things under the rug and shuffled people around. Men like Fontenot and Jordan are sexual predators and are totally perverted in their thinking. They may abuse their victims or their own children for years.
If Davis and others are like them, they'll help move them away from churches or mix things up so that problems seem to go away. How can you go to a church that would allow someone to lead songs after being convicted? Would you allow a convicted rapist to live in church housing or teach a Sunday school class? What real help was given by NTCC to the victims of these people?
Ask Kekel about Julie or other women that came to his house. Ask Kinson about why he had to leave Okinawa and about Roland Moreno. Ask Tanya about who her real mother is and if she was adopted. Ask about who makes what amount of money in NTCC (they are legally required to provide IRS Form 990 and 1023 for tax exemption to you). If enough people start asking, then we can get some movement behind trying to get the government to look at them.
Uh, about that form 990--churches are exempt from having to file. Good luck getting any real info; it's all hiding in their cooked books.
We were recently asked if we could remove certain contributions from this blog. This blog exists to expose the ntcc and to educate past and present members on what the ntcc is all about. Many of the accounts that are contributed on this blog are true accounts that expose abuse and name people that have physically, sexually or mentally abused current or former members of the ntcc. We feel that removing this information from this blog will endanger others that could be future victims of this unnecessary violence.
We have no ill will towards anyone who has contributed testimony to this blog, but once we have published, we will not go back and remove entire blog posts. The best example I can give is this particular blog post about Johnny Jordan. Would it be right if the state of Florida took down Johnny Jordan's photo and removed his name from the sex offender registry? How would you explain to the next rape or murder victim that you changed your mind and decided to remove this guy from the sex registry if you had the power to do so?
We are not going to hide or brush under the carpet any of the evil doings of the ntcc leaders, or those who have used and abused others through the years. If we do that and these people continue to abuse others, than we are just as guilty as you are for enabling them.
If anyone comes to us with a story of abuse that they went through or survived, please don't share it with us, unless you want it published. We are not going to keep any secrets of what the ntcc does to it's members. There have been those that have shared things in the third person that we have not shared and in the past we have agreed to keep things confidential to some degree, but in the future, we will not hide sexual predators, child abusers, wife beaters, rapists, Homosexual predators, or any other form of abuse that is considered to be a crime against a member of the ntcc, which usually involves a person using their position of power to abuse others.
These people have been exposed and future victims have been warned on this blog. It is for these future victims that this blog exists. We are all victims of Cult abuse, it doesn't matter if it's just that we were used to make somebody rich or if we wasted decades of our lives following liars or if we were abused in the process; All these blogs exist to expose the ntcc or other cults like it and to warn others not to get entangled in a cult, or to escape before irreparable damage is caused in their lives.
DNA said....
"We are all victims of Cult abuse, it doesn't matter if it's just that we were used to make somebody rich or if we wasted decades of our lives following liars or if we were abused in the process; All these blogs exist to expose the ntcc or other cults like it and to warn others not to get entangled in a cult, or to escape before irreparable damage is caused in their lives."
Julie says....
Boy isn't that truth that we are all victims of cult abuse. With any form of abuse the details can be ugly whether it is facing the fact that someone has stolen your money, has emotionally, spiritually, or physically caused harm. Yet if the details are not shared then the different forms of abuse stay hidden allowing the abuser or abusers to taken in more and more victims.
It isn't always a easy job but someone has to get the ugly details out to warning others so that they don't ignorantly walk in or stay in the abuse. Even more so letting others know there is life after being in such a damaging place. Part of getting this job done is people willing to share the ugly details of their lives to spare others the same pain or for those that have went through that pain hope. People need "HOPE".
I know it is nice to be rescued from the past damage but those that still need rescuing or those that are thinking of heading into the dangerous place deserve to be warned in what goes on there.
To take away the information on this life raft (the blog) would be like saying to rescuers that have just saved you from a sinking ship "Now that you saved me no need to worry about the other drowning victims".
The "life raft" is still needed.
Julie said:
"The "life raft" is still needed."
DNA said:
The sad thing is that there are many people out there that have survived the ntcc experience, they have learned to "get on with their lives" and in the process they ignore the ones that are drowning. They not only ignore the victims but many of them support the abusers. If you were a victim of abuse in the ntcc and you allow your kids to be around the same people who abused you, you need to take a serious look at your soul. How could you allow your children to be involved with people that hurt you. Do you really love your kids?
I can not do anything but shake my head in bewilderment. How can such a person join themselves with the same group of people who destroyed their lives and then expose their children to the same hateful people? If you are reading this and it applies to you, please stop protecting and enabling these abusive jerks. There are many people outside of this sick organization that love and care for you.
I understand that many people out there have loved ones that are still in this cult. They have rejected you because they are being taught that you are the enemy of God. But many of us on the outside know too much. If you have a family member that is in the ntcc and you are afraid to tell them the truth about known abuse, and you let that family member be around those who have been known to abuse others, you have let yourself become part of the problem and not part of the solution. I'm not even talking about spiritual abuse or typical cult abuse. I'm talking about outright physical abuse. These ntcc'rs have been exposed and they continue to deny their part and they lie about it. Will you enable them some more and allow them more opportunities to not only be abusive towards you but perhaps the ones that you love?
We are sick of the ntcc harboring abusers. God could not be pleased with the ntcc, not if you believe the bible. They control people with rules and while breaking the rules themselves. Jesus said, "except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven." Mat 5:20 And in Mat 23:3 Jesus said: "but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not." So what you have in the ntcc is the blind leading the blind.
This blog can be a life raft, and so can many of you that are aware of the damage caused by false doctrine. If you sit on the sidelines and watch them devour your loved ones with out even attempting to reach out to them, then you will never be heard. Cults are evil. The more man made rules they have, the more wicked the leaders of that cult are, and the ntcc is an evil group. People that are hung up on their doctrine are sinking and drowning in an ocean of false doctrine and lies, while the leaders transgress every rule they ever made. Jesus called them Hypocrites and snakes. What do you call them?
Wow, powerful comments, The truth hurts.
DNA said:
"The sad thing is that there are many people out there that have survived the ntcc experience, they have learned to "get on with their lives" and in the process they ignore the ones that are drowning. They not only ignore the victims but many of them support the abusers. If you were a victim of abuse in the ntcc and you allow your kids to be around the same people who abused you, you need to take a serious look at your soul. How could you allow your children to be involved with people that hurt you. Do you really love your kids?"
Julie says....
It is pretty sad that people would allow their children to be with people that have abuse them or others. I talked to someone recently that said they looked at Mr. and Mrs. St.Clair as parents and they were grandparents to their child. I asked them how could they allow their child to spend time with them. They said they were aware what happened with me but that Mrs. St. Clair never leaves their child alone with Mr. St. Clair so they didn't feel there is a need to be concerned. They said "Mrs. St.Clair shouldn't be punished for her husband's actions. Since Mr. St. Clair has been denied seeing his granddaughter grow up just because of past mistakes it is nice he has their child so they say. If Mrs. St. Clair is suppose to be a great person then why would she stay with someone that isn't allowed to be alone with children per your leaders instructions? Why let children near him if he can't be trusted?
I know others that allowed their children around people that they know are abusive. They say well we are suppose to forgive and to not allow their children around these people is to not be forgiving. Well forgiveness and stupidity do not go hand and hand. Well if I don't allow them around these people they will be denied having grandparents or an aunt and uncle. Shouldn't being saved from abuse be more important then having abusive people in your child's life?
If you don't attend NTCC because it isn't a good place why do you have your children attend with other family members? Now I understand some I talk to have custody situations you can not control that your ex still attends NTCC but if you don't have to let your children attends NTCC then why do it?
If a dog viciously injures a child. I am not going to two years later put that dog with another child to see if the dog is still vicious. I am going to except from the first time that dog is not safe around children.
You say "We don't want to offend them". So it is okay with you that the victims get offend just not the abusers. To the physical abusers you say "Oh we understand you just made a mistake let us comfort you" and to the victims " Hey cry babies suck it up and get over it".
Hello all,
I'm Michael Johnson... I attended back in 97-01... Clearly I didn't make it that long. I'm sorry for all the abuse that happened. I met Rev Davis just once at FT. Campbell and was taken aback at how "awesome" I thought he was. Is it possible that there are some false stories out there? I hate to think that all of this is true? I have needed to heal for along time and maybe this is the go to site for real information. I know some of you may have seen my postings (I can't find the threads in some cases) but I'm trying to come to grips with all of this info. I don't want to believe any of this but it seems more real as I go over it and over it again... Lost and confused...
Hello again Michael. We responded to all of your other comments and carried this one forward to our most recent thread. If you followed the link, you will now be able to view our most up to date blog post and comments, plus you will be able to navigate easier through this site.
We would like to welcome you to the ntcc X-er community. I understand exactly how you feel and have felt the same way myself. Back in the 80's and 90's I used to think R.W. Davis was next in line to the throne of God, as was shared in much of the hype that surrounded him. The fact is that Ole R-Dub was nothing but a double standard hypocrite. He required so much of those who followed him, but he didn't live what he preached. He was a fake and phony liar who caused others to bear burdens that were heavy and grievous to bear, while he wouldn't so much as touch them with his little finger. Sound pretty harsh? Read this blog and others in our side bar and decide for yourself.
There are hundreds of people whose lives were turned upside down and were broken so bad that they are still trying to pick up all the pieces. But don't fear, because there is still much hope in God and if you are wondering if you can ever make things right, you've come to the right place. We are not perfect, self righteous or holier than thou, but we do believe that God cares for each one of us that was involved in the Cult. We also believe that God's plan was not intended to be so complicated and full of man made rules. We implore you to compare ntcc doctrine with the bible. Use the Word of God to filter out all of the false doctrine and follow God according to the dictates of your heart, not the hypocritical ways of the ntcc leadership.
We challenge you to take each doctrine that you question, write down all the rules that you remember that were preached from behind ntcc pulpits and open the bible and study it out for yourself without the influence of a dictator telling you what it says and what you should believe. Start with tithe. Tithe is the one doctrine that the ntcc never fluctuated on. You could not regularly attend an ntcc church without paying tithe or you would be blasted, and yet there is not one New Testament scripture that mandates tithe. We have challenged everyone in the ntcc to show us one verse in the NT that says All Christians pay tithe and give in offerings and nobody has met that challenge. But if you ask them what they do with your tithe dollars they will get indignant and you will become the topic of Sunday Mornings message.
We hope you will read through much of this information and are able to figure things out in your own mind. There are quite a few people that have contributed to our blog and the other blogs that have existed to expose the ntcc. There is enough information here to help you realize that the ntcc is definitely a destructive cult and there are many people that can be contacted, that are willing to help in any way they can. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please email us at 1gi2another@gmail.com.
Don and Ange
Does anyone know why they move people around so much? If someone is pastoring a church in one place why do they think it is necessary to move him to other church to pastor there? What is wrong with him and his family staying put?
Once in a while I'll surf the internet and facebook to find out what is going on in some of the ntcc churches. Social media has become a new way for individual churches to spread their compromise. We call it compromise, not because it's something really bad, but because at one time Davis, Kekel and all the rest preached against such things and many were humiliated or run off for doing the very things that preachers are doing now.
This week I took a look at the ntcc Glendale church facebook page and found a bunch of super spiritual banners and sayings and such. Looking down the page further I found an advertisement for Pastor Appreciation Day. Come visit us this Sunday as we celebrate Pastor appreciation day. Do they ever have a Church Member appreciation day? Can you imagine how well this would sit with R-dub back in the days when he scrutinized every thing you did and made you the topic of Conference preaching material?
Can't imagine Jesus having a Jesus appreciation day, or Peter having a Peter appreciation day or Paul or any of the church leaders.
Then I went a little further down and found pictures of "Pastor" Hall and his wife standing on a street corner with church members. He had a bull horn and was shouting out to the cars that were passing by, kind of like Crain and his roadside puppet show. What happened to soul winning? If Davis were alive and in charge of the ntcc, he would openly rebuke Hall and tell him that he needed to beat the streets and knock on doors.
Has there ever been an apology or a statement that God has changed His mind once again and allowed this type of circus behavior to be common place in the ntcc? It's like now that Davis is dead everyone is having a free for all. You know this stuff wouldn't be going on back in the day. The sad thing is that when Davis 'retired' and began to spare the ntcc some of his man made rules, they began to contradict him in front of his face. It's like he was neutered publicly and people just didn't care anymore what he thought. All the compromise started publicly when Davis stepped down after Denis humiliated him by stealing money and people right out from under his nose.
The organization is now nothing more than a laughing stalk in the eyes of it's former members and those who watched it fall from it's high and lofty pedestal to the cesspool it has now become. At one time there were a great number of sincere people that made it special. But when those people were run off and others were forced to go along with the non-ordained changes that were being introduced, they all became what they used to preach against so vehemently. COMPROMISERS. Ashmore is now the very thing he used to preach against. Kekel, Johnson, Jones and Kinson are all a bunch of compromisers. They talk out of both sides of their mouths, hiding their own sin while exposing others. God sees it all.
Anonymous said:
Does anyone know why they move people around so much?
DNA said:
There are a myriad of reasons for a cult to move it's ministers frequently. Here is a list of a few reasons I can think of off of the top of my head:
1. To hide sin. One example is when the Tiemans were moved from Colorado Springs, Davis came down and dealt directly with Nichelle Tieman before it became public knowledge. He kept it hidden from poor ole Dave but moved them out immediately. Davis learned this method when he was the one committing adultery and the gun was pointed at him. Pop Gaylord told Davis to get out of town, kind of like in the old west. Not that Pop was the one pointing the gun, it was a jealous husband that almost busted a cap in his crown. I often wonder how much suffering would have been averted if the trigger was pulled back then. Another example was when Davis moved Johnny Jordan back to Washington after Jordan raped the daughter of Barbara Norton. Davis was not only trying to hide Jordans sin, but Davis was molesting another one of Nortons daughters. Moving people around to hide sin has been a common in the ntcc for years. Another example was Kinson who was moved really fast from Japan when Moreno caught him in the whore house retrieving his wallet. Poor Debbie's head had to be spinning when they got their marching orders. Ashmore always seemed to be on the clean up crew. They always dispatched him to destroy the testimonies of the whistle blowers. In St. Louis he was there to destroy the only witness left who happened to be a 15 year old girl who was raped and pregnant by Jordan and he publicly called her out in church saying that she was a slut. I hope Ashmore gets a taste of his own medicine one day. He also blasted Moreno in Japan so that he would not talk anymore but word gets around. Moreno confided in Mathew Reed who confronted Davis about it. Davis didn't deny it but rather validated it.
2. To keep you broke and depending on the ntcc. With no stability you can't save money or have time to think or get it together to leave the cult.
3. If you were a subject of law enforcement investigation for beating someone else's children, or some other crime, you could be moved before the cops had a chance to question you.
4. They might move you if you ask too many questions about the past financial dealings. If an escrow had recently been zeroed out and you couldn't be counted on to keep their dirty little secrets, I'm sure they would be happy to replace you with someone who would.
5. Some are moved because they can't achieve a level of success that was expected of them. They might want to sell the home or church for profit, but they can't justify selling off a place if it has a bunch of church goers. So they send in some abusive jerk to run everyone off and then they move that jerk back to Washington to ride an pew for a few years in Graham.
6. Preachers will be shuffled around to cover for someone who got wise and left the cult. Sometimes preachers realize that what they are doing is wrong and that the way they are treating folks is wrong and they just up and leave. I've often known Davis to move 3 or 4 preachers and their wives and families around to cover one church. But I'm sure there are other reasons for moving multiple ministers. It's an opportunity to keep rotating folks around and hide sin in one place, stop gossip in another and Keep others guessing.
7. Home improvements or church improvements. They'll often send a real go getter to fix up some roach infested flat at the expense of the congregation so that the real estate value skyrockets. Once that minister accomplishes enough work to double or triple the value of the property, he is sent to another distressed property to do the same thing over again. The church members will happily give and work for free. If they don't they will be brow beaten in the next service.
8. Some will be moved because they are too successful and too proud. Whenever someone over achieves in the ntcc, they get raised up and the blocks are knocked out from under them. So you had one hundred in church, okay, we'll just have to send your sorry butt down to Puerto Rico and see how that works for you. Or some third world country where you are expected to sit on a toilet without a seat. If you knock them down a few pegs it will take a while before they get back up.
9. A lot of ministers rotate back through Graham for many reasons. Some get burnt out and want to go back to Graham and get plowed for a couple of years in hope that they might rekindle some long lost fire that used to burn inside. Others go back because they have fallen into temptation and sinned and they confess their sins to Davis and he brings them back into the fold and keeps them around until they have outlived their usefulness. Then when they become unprofitable he'll get rid of them once and for all. Kekel's probably even colder than Davis when it comes to keeping people around.
10. Every once in a while someone will get genuinely saved and realize that the ntcc is not conducive to living a Christian life. God will lead them to green pastures where they can be fed, grow and learn to love all men equally. Some have their eyes opened and realize that true salvation is not all about making fun of your brothers and sisters so that people will laugh. They get tired of seeing the rich hypocrites laugh at people behind their backs and talk about others when they are not around to defend themselves. The ntcc leadership have a history of being phony and money hungry. It doesn't take a very bright light to see through their phoniness and hypocrisy.
Proverbs 22:6
"He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want."
Isn't that how it works in the ntcc if you look at it truthfully? That's exactly what they do. They oppress the poor to increase their riches. When is the last time that you have seen an ntcc member that wasn't oppressed financially while the rich rulers benefit from their sacrifices. In this proverb there are no winners. You are either giving your money to the rich or you are extracting money from the poor to increase your riches.
When will you read your bibles and believe the words written therein?
Ex members I am Lisa Norton. I wanted to say Thank you so much ffor everything. It's been many years since I left I am still in counseling. There are days the pain is still so real...here are nightmares I am still having over the brutal pain they have caused. I know you are scared very scared trust me I was scared but ask God help and walk away don't look back. Trust me I am very down on myself a lot ánd have to ask God to help . I struggle every day. And get mad because. I don't feel I deserve love it has affected. Every part of my life..
After publishing Lisa's comment, we clicked into the link that says "Click Here to Track this Offender". That's when we saw this updated mugshot of Johnny Dean Jordan; and so we have updated his photo and relevant caption.
It would appear to me that churches that have a massive amount of control eventually appear to have sexual issues concerning homosexuality, pedophilia, porn and so on. God bless those who have survived this evil crime.
Does anyone know what happened to Paul Jordan? He doesn't seem to be pastoring, teaching bible school, or working in Graham? Did he leave or is he now an assist pastor some where?
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