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DO NOT BE A DONKEY! Be ye not as the horse, [or] as the mule, [which] have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. Psalm 32:9 here |
Recently we have had folks trying to educate us on the purpose of our own blog; and also there have been quite a few snarky comments that we haven't published. There have also been a few that we have held off on publishing to allow the sincere and earnest writers time to heal. To clear things up we would like to let everyone know clearly what the purpose of our blog is.
We are here to provide a safe place for former ntcc members to share their testimonies and find healing from the abuse they suffered by the manipulative ntcc leadership.
- We are also here to expose the ntcc for the double-standard hypocrisy that defines them and to expose the ntcc leadership for doing the very things that they preached against and used as weapons to destroy the lives of so many souls.
- We also want to reach out to current members of the ntcc, and let them know that there is abundant spiritual freedom outside of the ntcc.
One former member shared with us that the most egregious teaching of the ntcc was that if you left the organization that you left God. That just ain't so. God is everywhere. He dwells in you, the believer... more There won't be a "New Testament Christian Church Members Only" sign hanging over the Pearly Gate! mIke kekel won't be standing there the way people say that the Apostle Peter does, deciding who enters and who doesn't. That's not their job. God decides based on one thing alone: The finished work of the cross. Don't let these phonies in ntcc or anyone else fool you into thinking that they are "the one true church" and "if God saved you here, you have to stay here". Phooey! I got born in a hospital, but I moved on shortly thereafter and with no adverse effects! Just because you got born again there, doesn't mean you have to stay there! Don't be deceived by their double-talk and deceitful methods like them trying to say that God used the ntcc to save you, so why go anywhere else. God used an ass, a donkey, to preach to the wayward prophet Balaam (Num 22 (all) but esp. Num 22:28 here). Being used by God doesn't make anyone or anything some kind of spiritual maverick. Honestly, you'd probably be better off riding a donkey and have a better shot at getting into heaven than you would by trying to follow the ntcc doctrines of devils. Don't let them guilt trip you into staying with them. They don't own you. Jesus does. You are Christ's (I Cor 3:23 here, and Gal 3:29 here); and He can lead you anywhere He likes, if you let Him. :o)
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Mark 10:13-16 here and Luke 18:15-17 here |
We do not scrutinize every testimony that comes in with that fault-finding attitude that the ntcc had towards us. You know - the way they critically rake their eyes over you as you enter the church; so that you feel like you are "running the gauntlet". Or the way they put you down and say "He'll never build a work for God." How is that Christ-like? Anyway, ... We don't know the complete accuracy of each testimony shared; but we do try to get as many details as possible before publishing; and we also have refrained from publishing when we suspected that the person was lying or when someone wants us to respect their anonymity. Some have shared things with us and have asked us not to publish for fear of retribution to loved ones who are still in ntcc; and we respect these requests and have not compromised their wishes to not publish or share this information. But maybe they should reconsider their stance. Maybe God would use any such retribution to open the eyes of those loved ones as to what type of people they are who govern the ntcc.
One of our ultimate goals is to let people have a voice; but sometimes there is no way of knowing whether everything is true or if there are embellishments. In those cases we give the benefit of doubt to the to the victims; because they usually have no voice anywhere else. That's why we do what we do; and we will continue to do so as God directs. We want people to feel comfortable posting their side of events. The ntcc does not allow this. They screen and vet everything that is shared in public (and in private - those spy networks are en force); and if someone crosses an ntcc boundary by having a thought and expressing it, the borg will put an end to it fast; and that person will be humiliated, ostracized, and demonized by the borg leaders. That's a fact Jack!
We also reserve the right to publish or not to publish comments. We have been getting a lot of very disrespectful and downright filthy comments. Julie's testimonies have made a lot of folks really mad for some reason. But what is really interesting about the haters of Julie is that they will admit that her testimonies are true, but they will tear her down and use every fowl word they can find to do so. They lack substance, so they resort to mud-slinging and name-calling, cursing continually as they go. What's striking about all this is that the ntcc has not come out and denied one allegation that Julie has brought forward. Instead they try to attack our character and try to belittle and discredit us. To us it is only one more "token of their evident perdition" - (proof that they are hellbound) as it is written: (Phl 1:28 Philippians). We will not publish any comments that attack Julie with derogatory titles and name calling but do absolutely nothing to contribute to our mission. Julie has remained steadfast and true to her testimony. We get so much correspondence that talks about how despite Ralph and Joan St. Clair abusing Julie, they really are good people and should be forgiven. Abusers are not "good people". Let's be clear on that. We also get a bunch of whacked-out comments that say that Julie should keep it all to herself and not go public: These are private matters. Wake up folks! That's just abusers' code talk for: Just shut your mouth and bend over. Wouldn't that be nice for all of those ntcc abusers and sex offenders? Sshh! It's a family secret! Ennh! Wrong answer. "If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it!" -- Regina Brett more
We also have no interest in arguing with other eX-members publicly as to the validity of what is shared on our blog. Every single person has a right to their own opinion to include us; and blogs are generally opinion based by nature of the topics. The ntcc would like nothing more than for us to pick each other apart publicly while they laugh at us. If we do that, then they don't have to worry; they can sit back and continue to abuse people and get rich doing so without anyone calling them out. I've disagreed publicly with others and even with other blog moderators; but I always did so in a respectful fashion. I've never gone on someone else's blog and jacked them up like an ntcc pastor would. If you are out there and you want to disagree, that's fine. We've published our share of dissenting comments; and we've taken our share of criticism. People like Lisa, Pam, Lori and Julie have felt comfortable sharing their history with us because we do not throw them under the bus. Each of them had a testimony; and they validated each other. These women are extremely brave to come forward and share their history with all of our readers. And we seek to protect them and give them an environment where it is safe to share their stories.
We were all manipulated in one way or another by the ntcc. Some might think that the victims allowed themselves to be manipulated, and that they welcomed the things that happened to them. That's just ignorant! Do you really think a fifteen year old boy wants to be coerced or forced into having anal and oral sex with a sixty year old geezer like Sandusky? Do you think a fifteen year old wants to remember that for the rest of his life? What if the pervert pays the victims? Does that make it alright? Don't be naive. That's just hush money! Do you say, "Well, the fifteen year old boy allowed it to happen."? Stop blaming the victim! Prosecute these predators! In every instance of sexual abuse that we've shared on this blog, there is a manipulative mind-controlling authority figure getting his rocks off by coercing young brainwashed cult members into committing sexually deviant acts with him; and in many cases it was just outright rape. You might hold the opinion there are no victims; but we don't share that opinion, nor does the law.
There's a reason why perverts call youngsters "jail bait"! It's because those perverts know they will go to jail if they get caught taking advantage of a young person's na·ive·té.
There are people that will never share their stories online because they don't want to be accused of the very things that they were supposed to be protected from. We are not here to disqualify anyone. If we feel that there is some validity to what they are sharing then we reserve the right to publish. We report; you decide. But don't expect us to fit into your opinion of what is fair and balanced. The victims of this abuse did not get what was fair or balanced! So we are here to represent them and, for the first time, give them a voice and a safe place to share what really happens in the ntcc.
We actually are pretty fair and balanced, if you think about it. We allow the voices of others to be heard. That's pretty fair when you consider that the victims didn't have a voice in the ntcc. It also balances the scales when you expose the hypocrisy in the ntcc. We got "blasted" for breaking man-made rules; so now we expose the ntcc leadership for breaking God's rules. We don't owe the ntcc anything; and we don't wish to advance their cause in any way.
We hold no grudges against anyone. We hope this post helps people realize what our purpose is. If we disagree with your point of view, we don't do it out of hate or malice. We don't claim to be the only voice of reason, or the most popular. We are trying to be one outlet in which people can receive help and support from any abuse they may have experienced, or are experiencing.
We also would like to thank all those who have contributed. There are folks out there that have done great work; and they don't want recognition; but they are every bit as responsible for helping the victims of this abusive organization. We have made a lot of friends, (and some enemies, unfortunately); but it's been worth the effort; and we are thankful to all who have contributed throughout the years. We know there are many who have done all they can and have moved on with their lives; and that's great; we wish you the best. We don't plan to blog for the rest of our lives; but as long as we have the passion for it and feel that we are in God's will, we will continue.
Very good, you did a good job, Don and Ange - says Germany!
Danke. Grüß Gott!
Anonymous said...
Very good, you did a good job, Don and Ange - says Germany!
Julie says:
Anonymous I agree with you. They do amazing job. It is a blessing to have people that are led of God to get the truth out clearing up falsehoods and showing that living for God is a simple thing only man makes it difficult not God. God in them makes all the difference. :)
You blog draws much attention, from the innocents, to the guilty. Keep up the good work. Truth does prevail. Too bad for NTCC.
Thank you everyone for the encouraging words. :o)
Yes keep up the good work you guys are doing a great job!
Thank you for proclaiming the truth through your website. When the truth is proclaimed someone always gets mad. I would have never thought in a million years that House Of Prayer/Assembly Of Prayer Christian Church would be sending us near death threats because we are exposing the truth on our website. I expected people to be mad but not ministers to send us threatening emails saying they know where we live, we can't hide, we're surrounding you, calling us repeatedly with blocked numbers disguising their voices and hanging up the phone now that's unbelievable. And to top it off the self proclaimed Apostle Ron Denis has put his seal of approval on everything that is being done..wow... They took copyrighted pictures from different websites and posted it on these phony websites about us, how childish are they!
That just let's us know we are on the right track. I remember a song Tanya Kekel use to sing: Whose Going To Fill Their Shoes? Don and Ange you are filling the shoes, me and my husband are filling the shoes. Not the shoes we thought we would be filling but God knew what shoes we had to fill and has long prepared us for it, so stay encouraged and keep fighting!
Cherrie said,
"When the truth is proclaimed someone always gets mad."
DNA say,
Ain't that the truth! It might not be good grammar; but it's true. The religious hypocrites were always mad at Jesus. There's just no putting up with a guilty conscience. You either get right or get mad. LOL!
As for the threats. We are just shaking our heads in amazement. What do those kooks hope to accomplish? Seriously? What?
We are reminded of Nehemiah and his attitude as he and the people with him repaired the wall around Jerusalem as recorded in Neh 6
Sure. They tried to put him in fear. But his work was ordained by God. And so it was finished:
[Neh 6:11, 15-16 KJV] 11 And I said, Should such a man as I flee? and who [is there], that, [being] as I [am], would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in. ... 15 So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth [day] of [the month] Elul, in fifty and two days. 16 And it came to pass, that when all our enemies heard [thereof], and all the heathen that [were] about us saw [these things], they were much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God.
You may think you are getting away with attacking the men of God but one day every knee will bow before God. You will have to give account for having this blog and everything it contains. You will have to give an account for choosing to marry after the men of God who God speaks to told you it wasn't meant to be.
Happy Independence day!!! Did Christ come to give us independence or to make us slaves to a bunch of laws that no man was able to live up to? Is there freedom in Christ or are Christians supposed to live by a bunch of man made ordinances? Should a person condemn themselves for failing to live by the letter of the law as required by their church, or should they have freedom from being scrutinized by a bunch of lawless double standard hypocrites? Jesus rebuked that bunch of phony hypocrites in his day and gave his followers independence from such laws.
I thank God for our freedom we have in America and for our Spiritual freedom that was bought and paid for on the Cross of Calvary. We are no longer dependent upon some ntcc hypocrite to tell us how to live while they break all the rules and spend our money. If you depend on these creeps to lead you Spiritually, than you will both end up in a ditch!
1 Thessalonians 4:6
"That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified."
Strongs takes the word Defraud from it's original Greek text and defines it as:
1. to have more, or a greater part or share
2. to be superior, excel, surpass, have an advantage over
3. to gain or take advantage of another, to overreach
If you are a member of the ntcc, you are being defrauded every day. The lack of transparency and the secret ways in which your money is spent, speaks volumes of how a certain ntcc CEO and other Executive Board members are taking advantage of you and making personal gain from your generosity. They have way more because of you. They have a greater part or share because of you. They are superior, they have excelled, they have surpassed, and they have a huge advantage over you, because you have willingly given up your future thinking that you are giving it up for God. So many people have given blindly, not just of their finances but every ounce of energy, thinking that in return God will bless. The problem is that God can't bless you while the Kekel's are spending your money on their own comforts and amenities. The Kekel's and Verna Davis are living large in castles built with our gifts and they all conspire to hide what your money buys for them.
In fact, the only way you would know what your money has been spent on would be to visit our blog and see for yourselves, because they aren't going to tell you. The sad thing is that you will continue to give to them well into your thirties and perhaps forties or fifties, until you have given your best years to them and all of the sudden you will realize that you really have nothing. Those blessings you were promised will most likely never materialize in your life, but one day when you look back at it all, you will realize that it was all a big scam designed to prey off of your desire to give. This is precisely why Paul had a job and worked with his hands. He never got rich off of the saints and neither did Jesus. One day you will experience that "Ah Hah" moment when Kekel or some other high ranking borg member despises you and throws you in front of the ntcc bus. You will look back on it all and say, "What have I really been doing all these years"? The answer will be obvious to you then.
Anonymous said...
You may think you are getting away with attacking the men of God but one day every knee will bow before God. You will have to give account for having this blog and everything it contains. You will have to give an account for choosing to marry after the men of God who God speaks to told you it wasn't meant to be.
DNA said:
First of all, we are not attacking "men of God", we are speaking the truth about men that are not of God. If they were of God, there would be a legacy of love that these so called men of God have shown to the saints. Unfortunately there is not a legacy of God's love to be shared on this blog because these hucksters that you are calling men of God are living contrary to God and defrauding the brethren and getting rich off of their giving. Their knees will also bow and they will have to give an account to God. These ntcc leaders are responsible more so than we are because they have claimed to be the oracles of God but they have denied God by using God's people to make merchandise of them. They are void of love, therefore they are void of God, for God is love. If I were you, I'd be more worried about their souls than ours.
Is it considered attacking the so called 'man of God' if we share the truth that he has taken thousands of your tithe paying dollars and spent it on himself, his mansions, his cars, his sinner son's catholic education or the private school that he was sent to? Are we attacking Kekel, or are we sharing the truth that he has not shared with you?
Do you think Ange and I will really have to give an account for getting married, after the so-called 'man of God' did not want us to? In 1 Timothy 4:1-3, Paul warns of such hypocrites: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats".
Why would God use the man, "David Tieman" whose wife "Nichelle Tieman" who was an adulteress, to forbid a marriage between two saints who loved God and each other? It's because you are brainwashed just like the rest of the 'sheeple' that blindly follow them. Your loyalty to them has you blinded and lashing out at us. We are not the ones out here telling folks to get right or get left. We are not the ones out here preaching that if you don't pay your tithe that you are a god-robber and that you will die and split hell wide open. Come on, now, if that were the case than why didn't Jesus take up a bunch of collections and buy himself a bunch of nice things. Could you picture Jesus allowing folks to buy him a rolex watch, a mansion or an expensive car? The ntcc is full of a bunch of fraudulent hucksters that are getting filthy rich off of you. Wake up!
When Jesus was talking to His disciples, He spake often about them having love for one another. The emphasis was placed on loving God and loving one another. Loving others was something that Jesus did as an example for the whole world to see.
When Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and the hypocrites, the emphasis was on judgement and hell. The ones who preached the strict standards of the Law and tried to place people in bondage were the furthest from God.
The ntcc closely resembles the religious hypocrites of that time. They are more concerned about following the letter of the law then they are about the simple things like having love for one another or for other human beings. They esteem those who have the ability to pay tithe above those who don't. Lazarus was the type of person that Davis always taught that you can not build a church with, while Jesus taught that Davis was the kind of person that ended up begging for a drop of water from Lazarus when they reached the other side of eternity.
Are all of you ntcc'rs going to be like Davis and Kekel, who have, (or had) everything in this world but so little room in their hearts to love? When is the last time that you seen Kekel love anyone but himself? Love is putting another's needs before your own. If you knocked on Kekel's door at night would he let you in and give you the things you had need of, or would he send you out into the night, saying, "Be ye warmed and filled"?
The love that Kekel has for your money is much greater than the love he'll ever have for you. If you don't believe me, put him to the test. Stop paying your tithe and see how much love you get for him. Or better yet, tell him that you'd like to know where he got all of the money he has and all the things he possesses and see how indignant he gets.
If the love of God is contingent upon the amount of money that you supply to the Kekel estate, than you better keep giving more money to the Kekels. They just don't have enough. Maybe all ntcc'rs should give 20% so that they can receive a double blessing. Some people probably do give 20% and they are every bit as broke as the ones that give 10%, they just sacrifice more of their own families needs. When is the last time you seen Kekel sacrifice anything? Kekel never had anything before he married Tanya, and now he is filthy rich, and has very little room in his heart for anyone. Filthy lucre has filled his heart and replaced any trace of love that may have ever existed.
I was reading 1 Timothy chapter 6 again and have come to the conclusion that the ntcc leadership must have torn this chapter completely out of the bible. There is no way that they could abide by this chapter so they must twist it or disregard it in it's entirety.
Vs. 8 says: "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."
Why don't some of you meander over to Kekels house and see if he is content with just food and rainment.
vs. 9 says: "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."
Of course, Kekel is a 'Super Apostle', and this verse could not possibly apply to him. God didn't know what he was talking about in this verse so therefore, Kekel has ripped it out of his bible, but he won't hesitate to quote it unto you, just in case you decide to hold on to your money, instead of giving it to him.
vs. 10 says: "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
Can you say "OUCH"! Of course Kekel will argue that he doesn't love money, he just hoards it. For someone who doesn't love money, Kekel sure does have a lot of it. Again his 'super-spiritual' Apostleship enables him to enjoy his multimillionaire status while not allowing it to affect his personality. Hack, hack, excuse me, I'm choking on my coffee. We all know how Kekel is just full of it, I mean God's love is just dripping off of him. Did I really just say that? Kekel is just so full of kindness and generosity, never a harsh word to share with anyone. Just don't come between the fool and his money, or you might see his true colors.
vs 17 says: "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;"
Charge Kekel that he should not trust in his riches, but in the living God. I wonder what he would say to you if you charged him so. Tell him to stop being highminded. Oh, I almost forgot, that scripture is not in his bible, it only applies to those of you who will never have anything because you are giving it to him.
vs 18 says: "That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;"
Because we all know that Kekel is ready to distribute and willing to communicate. He is so rich in good works.... cough, choke, gag me..... After all he built you a pavilion at the campground and installed some Volleyball nets so all you hypocrites that used to preach against such vanities could stop being like Davis. You now can have weenie roasts around the campfire and enjoy the ambiance. Can you hear the angelic host singing along as frisbees fly through the air? Meanwhile make sure you don't invite that filthy homeless man out to church service because you can't build a church with people like that.
Of course we don't expect any of you blinded cult members to actually read your bibles and apply it to yourselves. Even though you claim to be a bible believing bunch, you 'church members have also learned to tear scriptures out of the bible'. If you believed in 1 Timothy 6, you would have to find another church. You have replaced the actual scriptures with excuses. You don't really believe the bible because if you did, you would be forced to live it.
As others have pointed out, like Chief and Vic, Kekel did not have anything until getting married. They were given a home in Graham, Washington which is now in Olson's name. He worked a minimum wage job and later evangelized before being given a board position. The math does not add up, even if he fixed up homes, apartments or had high yield bonds back in the 1980's. He may have known Lou Ricketts and could have helped RWD with renovating slum homes, but he doesn't seem the type to get his hands too dirty. I doubt he rehabbed as many homes as someone that is a millionaire from doing that work.
Even if he only evangelized in the larger churches during that time, he may have only gotten several hundred dollars for a revival. It comes back to being in one location and receiving tithes and offerings from that congregation and also the other church accounts in NTCC.
Plus with the homes that are there you have cheap labor from the NTCC Building Crew aka Gesang Enterprises. They built all the homes in around their campus, in the Bonco area around Davis and Kekel's homes and will probably build the houses on that 39 acres now in NTCC's name.
Hey guys, I haven't been around in a LONG while! Life has been very in the way. Anyway, as I read this I thought wow, great point, I'll comment on this. But there were so many great points so I couldn't pick one! Well put! Yes, all they can do is sling dung, mud, and other fecal matter because they're mad the truth is out. When they can breath the words they do, rejoice, someone hit the nail on the head!
I do really love the reflection of you were born in a hospital but shortly left and are doing fine since. AMEN! I was one that was really beat down 'if you left there, you left God'. Ppphhhooooeeeey they are so ridiculous! That is no where in the bible. They're just brainwashing, control freak, idiots. It breaks my heart that so many people still think that way.
Keep up the good work!
DNA said:
Kekel has ripped it out of his bible, but he won't hesitate to quote it unto you, just in case you decide to hold on to your money, instead of giving it to him.
Julie says:
Talking about ripping it out of his bible but still applying to everyone else making me think of all the sermons I heard preached where it would be said "You might as well ripped it out of the bible if you are not going to live it" or the illustration I would hear growing up of the little boy and his holey bible. Where the preacher said son why do you have holes through out your bible and the boy said "Preacher every time you said it didn't apply to us today I cut it out" Why read the useless information such a waste of time.
Wow, DnA once again you guys are right on target. Unfortunately there are those within ntcc who hope, pray, and wish that kekel is this great man of God. They refuse to see the lies, hypocrisy, the double standards, and corruption within ntcc. Its sad, and unfortunately that some will not wake up, until after years and years of giving of themselves, and there resources to ntcc until it hurts, that they then will began to see that ntcc is a dead end. And kekel, dead davis, ashmore, olson and others are just hype men and nothing more, they are not the spiritual giants that they want folks to belive.
BTW . . . . . that picture (Donkey - 1st one) . . . . . where did you get that updated photo of KEKEL????? lololol - that's all I see when I look at it!!!
Anonymous said:
"It comes back to being in one location and receiving tithes and offerings from that congregation and also the other church accounts in NTCC."
DNA said:
That and marrying Tanya. Kekel was 'called' to be an administrator and if you look at the salaries declared to the IRS over the years, they were paid very little by Davis. One would have to assume that there was some type of slush fund that Kekel was able to dip into during those years or perhaps Davis gave him special access to the tithe money. I think that you have to be pretty naive to think that Kekel earned his millions in the stock market or through investments.
Davis and Kekel are con men, plain and simple. They have lied to their entire ntcc congregation and persuaded them that God demands 10% cash or they will die and go to hell. That is just an outright lie and there is not one scripture in the New Testament to support it. People will believe anything if you associate God with it and that's why Davis was so good at convincing the masses to give.
If the emphasis were on other things than Davis and Kekel would not have the funding to build their mansions and drive their expensive automobiles. There are a lot of people who have given the equivalent of a paid off house and car to Davis, and they have nothing to show for their giving or their sacrifice. Kekel is swimming in money now and has lack of anything but God is not a fool that He should be mocked. Kekel will have to answer for every soul that was destroyed to get him rich.
Paul preached about giving and about the Man of God receiving a double honor, but nowhere did paul put a price tag or percentage on giving. Animal sacrifices were acceptable before the law, and during the law. The law brought many ordinances, feasts, holidays and rules that were all done away with by the cross. Tithe was never once commanded as a mandate in the New Testament, yet the ntcc lies to you and misquotes NT scriptures using OT scriptures to convince you that you are robbing God if you don't pay tithe. They are liars, period. If you support them, you are supporting your lies. Ask them to show you in the bible where tithe is carried forward into the New Testament and then ask them to show you where the mandate to give 10% of your income is found. Then ask where the ultimatum of hell is attached to failure to pay tithe and where God calls New Testament Christians God robbers. You won't find it and they won't either. It is a lie that you have believed and continue to believe. The bible is pretty clear about liars. Rev. 21:8 in which they are so fond of quoting will tell you without question where "All Liars" go.
Kat said:
" I was one that was really beat down 'if you left there, you left God'. Ppphhhooooeeeey they are so ridiculous! That is no where in the bible."
DNA said,
That is another lie they tell. It's not in the bible but try attending another church and they will do everything they can to destroy and tear down that church. They are liars and the more they lie the more people believe. Other churches will say, if you feel led to go somewhere else, than God go with you. We still love you and wish you the best. Not the ntcc. It's time to heap some hot coals on you sister. If you go to that church you'll split hell wide open. That's what they'll tell you. I've heard it too many times. They are liars. That's right, when you don't tell the truth you are lying. Rev. 21:8 "All liars shall have their part" in what? Read it for yourselves folks. We didn't write it.
Julie said:
" I heard preached where it would be said "You might as well ripped it out of the bible if you are not going to live it"
DNA said,
I've heard that too many times to count, but they never apply these things to their own lives. Just think if they did. They would be a repenting church and not a mud slinging church. They would have to be on their knees continually asking God to forgive them for running off good people for not paying their tithe while they harbor child molesters and perverts, allowing them to lurk among the saints like wolves in sheep's clothing. How many people have been destroyed in the ntcc because of adultery and child molestation committed by licensed ministers, and they continue to prey on the week, while they run off the true Christians who offend them?
Maurice said:
" Its sad, and unfortunately that some will not wake up, until after years and years of giving of themselves, and there resources to ntcc until it hurts, that they then will began to see that ntcc is a dead end."
DNA said,
Very well said Maurice. A dead end is the perfect description of what the ntcc really is. When people figure that out it's usually to late to salvage much of their lives. They use young people up until they have nothing left. By the time they figure out that it was all a scam, their energy is gone, their hope is gone, their joy is gone and if they can get a fraction of peace back, it pales in comparison to what they gave.
Kekel didn't have a minimum wage job; he was in a GI bill apprenticeship at a machine shop and made more money than most of us. But none of us were rich, and he didn't even have a car until he got out of BS. He bought Mike Marshall's old junker. I believe it was in that car that he and Phil boasted about the carnal pleasures they enjoyed with Tanya and Debbie and how they intended to continue engaging in them despite their profession as "holiness" preachers.
Anonymous the totally brainwashed wrote...
You may think you are getting away with attacking the men of God but one day every knee will bow before God. You will have to give account for having this blog and everything it contains. You will have to give an account for choosing to marry after the men of God who God speaks to told you it wasn't meant to be.
Anonymous the unbrainwashed wrote...
That had to be one of the top five most naive posts I've ever read on any of these blogs. First off, your absurd statement "might" even remotely apply if the NTCC had one single "Man of God" in it, which by the way, (brainchild) it doesn't.
Secondly, I've been quote "getting away" with attacking these NTCC double standard false prophets before this blog was ever created and I ain't got struck by lightning yet. If fact, since I started all my very "in your face" attacks directed at old Double Standard Davis, Kinson the suck-up, Ashmore the charismatic fake faith healer (who apparently didn't have the powers or relationship with God to heal either RWD, Ramirez or Briggs) and Kekel the con artist, I've become far more well off or quote "blessed" then I ever was while I was in the NTCC.
So Anonymous, your logic and theories are completely flawed and can never be proven because they are predicated on nothing more than the ridiculously high level of superstition which exists in your brain which incidentally has been throughly washed. Not only that, I happen to know for a fact, (based on their rotten fruits) which are easy to see, that the so called "men of God" in the NTCC are no more than crooks,
swindlers and religious hucksters. No NTCC leaders are "men of God"; not even one. They are either being deceived by the con artists or they are a con artist doing the deceiving or both of the two put together. And you Anonymous fall in one of the categories mentioned above and so does everyone else in the NTCC. Lambs being led to the slaughter.
It is my prayer that the people within NTCC wake up to what is going on around them;
1. Their leaders have been accused of aggravated rape against women and children. Some have been arrested and prove the environment of perversity in NTCC.
2. They will hide their family sins from the congregation.
3. They are secretive about the finances that you and others pay and the expenses in NTCC. It has been documented that escrow and other accounts have been transferred from local churches.
4. They will lie to excommunicate and ostracize you from the congregation in order to turn family and friends against you.
5. They will paint themselves as victims to draw sympathy and to make you look bitter and hateful.
6. They try to act as if they are so busy, but consume widow's houses and busy themselves with their own desires.
7. Their berating sermons are geared to make you feel unworthy of the love of God, in need of being more dedicated to their activities, or to stay loyal to the leadership of NTCC.
Hello all,
My name is Mike Johnson,
I've been quiet for 12 years. I don't even talk to my wife about our time at NTCC (96-01). I have to admit that I believed that Davis was our generations Moses. I recently started to research the organization and came upon some blogs that have been pretty alarming.
How do you put back together a belief in God after something like this? I don't feel like I believe in much of anything but even if I did there is are residual feelings of hell fire and brimstone. I've attended churches where guys wear ear rings have tattoo's and I can't believe that's right either.
What is right?
Does anyone know the actual count of lifers within this church? After reading up on these blogs it sounds like everyone leaves eventually minus the people who are benefitting most.
I thought at one point they had thousands (based on conference attendance) but it sounds like this is much more of a revolving door for people. I read on another blog it's only in the hundreds if you only consider people that are "In the Program".
I'm only asking because I feel like I need information. I'm at the beginning of dealing with my time there and I left 12-13 years ago.
Mike Johnson said:
"How do you put back together a belief in God after something like this? I don't feel like I believe in much of anything but even if I did there is are residual feelings of hell fire and brimstone. I've attended churches where guys wear ear rings have tattoo's and I can't believe that's right either.
What is right?"
DNA said:
It's not easy, because the ntcc painted such a picture of gloom and doom. The leaders of our former cult taught us that our salvation was based on a bunch of rules that controlled us. The Holiness standards were enforced to make us live a certain way so that they could also introduce other rules that were designed to make us profitable to them. If you can be convinced to wear baggy polyester pants, a white shirt and wing tipped shoes and look like a total dork, you also could be convinced to do many other things. We don't read of any accounts of Jesus looking like a total dork or of Paul or any of the disciples of Jesus looking like dorks. The ones that looked like dorks were the Pharisees and the Saducees with their long robes and broadened Phylacteries.
All this was done to make you obedient in the areas that really mattered. What they really wanted out of you was production and profit. If you could produce other Christians like you that were willing to dig deep into their wallets and give large amounts of money to the ntcc, you would fit their purposes which were ultimately to make a few at the top become filthy rich.
The hell fire and brimstone were used to keep you their for five years living in fear of God. Many people struggle to find peace in God because they have been convinced that it is impossible to be a Christian outside of the organization. I can tell you from experience, read God's word and filter out the teachings of the ntcc. Did you know that there is not one scripture in the New Testament that mandates paying tithe and that there is no retribution of hell for not paying tithe in the New Testament? The reason you might think there is, is because we were taught that by the ntcc, and we lived it. We believed it in spite of the fact that it's not in the New Testament. It's how most religions and cults get their leaders filthy rich. They love money. Jesus didn't love money and preached how hard it would be for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.
If you want to know the truth, it is actually pretty simple. There is only one thing God wants from you or any of us and that is love. He asks for your love and in turn if you love him, you cant help but to love others, your neighbors and friends, believers and non-believers. That's what God wants, not your money. He told that Pharisee to sell all that he had and give to the poor. Not to Jesus. Not to the disciples. Not to the Pharisees. He told the hypocrite to give his riches to the poor, and the Pharisee went away sad. He doesn't want you or I or anyone to give our money to a church organization that is insatiable and continues to gobble up real estate while it's leaders are living like Kings of small countries.
He wants your heart and your love, that's it. It's not meant to be difficult. You don't have to crawl back to the ntcc and beg them for forgiveness. Those people with the tattoos and ear rings might be a lot closer to God than you might think or the ntcc would have you to believe. They are good at keeping the outside of the platter clean, but inward they don't even maintain the standards that they preach. Most of the leadership is rotten to the core and they do things that would make your average street thug shake his head.
Mike said:
Does anyone know the actual count of lifers within this church? After reading up on these blogs it sounds like everyone leaves eventually minus the people who are benefitting most.
DNA said:
You hit the nail on the head when you said that it sounds like everyone leaves eventually minus the people who are benefiting the most.
I'd say that there are about 50 people that have been in the organization for 4 decades or more. There are probably 50 to 100 more that have been there for 30 years and maybe 150 to 300 that have survived over 20 years. The rest come and go as the revolving door hits them in the butt.
Many leave as they are kicked to the curb eventually by the ntcc leadership. If you rub the Kekels wrong or if you ask the wrong questions you will be thrown under the bus eventually. Case in point: Try going up to Kekel and asking him to show you in the New Testament where tithe is mandatory. Better yet ask him to show you where your tithe dollars have gone. Ask for transparency or honesty and you will find a bitter individual that will use you as an example in his next sermon. You've probably seen it before yourself. If an ntcc pastor is challenged, 9 times out of ten he will rebuke the person and if that person persists, he will get rid of that person like cancer and if he or she has a family, they will be considered as collateral damage.
Many of the Pastors have children who no longer attend the ntcc. They left as soon as they were able to make responsible decisions for themselves and they left at an alarming rate. Very few of the children stay unless they are girls and they are married off at a very young age.
Mike said...
"What is right?"
Julie says....
Mike this was a question that I struggled with for many years after leaving NTCC. I grew up in NTCC and married there as well. Their teaching caused me to live in fear of doing the wrong thing.
The bible says " There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment... John 4:18a
The perfect love is shown in the familiar verse along with the following verse.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:16-17
God didn't send Jesus to nit pick the world but to offer free salvation to the world through the grace of God.
Matthew 22:37-39 shows what truly matters to God.
" Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.This is the first and great commandment.And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:37-39
Our relationship with God, our character, and how we treat others is what God really cares about.
NTCC would have us all believe that God came to condemn the world, that salvation isn't free, and that God keeps changing his mind on what is right and wrong. They add to the bible burdens when God clear says He never changes and we are not to add to the Word of God.
I personally was amazed to find out how many verses weren't there or were misquote from my years in NTCC.
Mike said....
I'm at the beginning of dealing with my time there and I left 12-13 years ago.
Julie says....
I understand that one. I have been out for many years and I started the journey of dealing with it just a year ago. I pray you find peace and freedom in your journey. NTCC wants us to live in fear and burdened down but God wants us to have a life of freedom.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1
" I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10b
NTCC wants us in slaved. God wants us free.
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