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NTCC Tithe Doctrine Fattens up its Leaders, While the Rest of the Schlubs Live Well Below the Poverty Level |
We often refer to the Scriptures not to be super spiritual, but it's these very scriptures that are being misused by the ntcc leadership. They love to use Hebrews 13:17 that says to: "Obey them that have the rule over you". But they ignore the the warnings of 2 Peter 2, Jude 1:4-24 and Christ who speaks of them more often than all others in Mat. 7:15, 24:11, 24:24, Mark 13:22, Luke 6:26. How do you tell the difference? In most cases there is a lot of greed involved as Peter and Jude warn people that the False Teachers who have crept in unaware, love to run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward.
For next few weeks we are going to use the comment section to compare ntcc doctrine to sound scripture that is found in the Bible, (God's Word). Many in the ntcc will not change or even pay attention because they have seared their conscience with a hot iron. We will show how that the ntcc rules by fear while Jesus ruled with love. We will show you scriptures that prove that God wants you to love your neighbor as yourselves, while the ntcc will tell you not to invite your neighbor out to church unless they are able to pay tithe. It's true. Many people are considered a waste of time in the ntcc. It's often been shared, don't waste your time on this one or that one. They can't pay tithe or they are going to do what they want to do. The problem is that we all know the bible. The ntcc can only forgive you if you continue to pay your tithe, but Jesus never collected a dime, and none of the apostles or authors of the New Testament ever carried tithe forward from the old testament to make it a mandate for NT Christians to pay tithe with an attached ultimatum of hell for those who disobey. What is the difference between a New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. member and a real Christian? We all know the bible but so many of the ntcc members refuse to believe it in it's entirety.
We will be commenting on this post several times through out the next weeks and months with scriptures that we believe are inspired words from God, and we will share these scriptures along with the ntcc beliefs that contradict them. We will leave it up to you to decide. We recommend that if you were brainwashed by the ntcc, that you use the bible to filter out what was true and what was and is a lie. If you think that we are wrong, please let us know what scriptures you are using to come to that conclusion. The ntcc claims to be a bible believing organization, so we want to know why they have chosen to tear certain scriptures out of the bible. Has God changed? Has the Word of God changed? Let us know what you think.
Please enjoy the video. It is very relevant to the topic at hand.
Shai Linne is throwing down some truth
[Pro 3:27-28 KJV] 27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do [it]. 28 Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.
Have those of you in the ntcc noticed where all of your money goes? How often have you spent it on your neighbor? How often have you given to the needy. Is Kekel needy? He might need another upgrade to his mansion or possibly a new car every year. I'd rather give my money to the homeless than to Kekel. Kekel still teaches a lot of Davis doctrine and that means that if you have money, he wants it. How often does your ntcc hireling brow beat you for money? Davis always made sure that everyone was living beneath the poverty level except for his family. If others had money it was because they did what Davis did and not what he said.
If you have money there will always be a need in the ntcc. If you are a GI living from paycheck to paycheck, don't wait for the promise of your ntcc hireling that God will bless you if you give in this offering or that offering. Figure out where your money is really going before you give it to them. Do you have the right to know where your money is going before you give it to your ntcc hireling? According to them you don't. You are just a stupid lamb that is supposed to ignorantly follow without asking questions. A hireling cares not for the sheep and he will not look out for your best interests.
Does the ntcc believe in the bible like they say? What do they do with all of the scriptures related to giving to the poor, the orphan and the widow? When is the last time you have seen anyone in the ntcc take up an offering for the poor, or bring food to the homeless shelter? What happens to all of the money that gets funneled up to Graham? Is God's will being done when Kekel shows up to church in a new car? Is God's will being done when Tanya shows up to church with a new $400 Alpaca scarf that helps accentuate her sparsely covered cleavage that strains against her tight blouses? Is true Christianity the model in the ntcc? Are the standards that you are required to live by being followed by the leadership of the organization?
[Pro 10:12 KJV] 12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.
Love is the one thing that seems to be missing in the ntcc. Love might be extended to a select few that obey without question. If a person were to give huge gobs of money on a regular basis, many sins would be forgiven. Jesus always loved people who were the least likely to be loved. In the ntcc, you really have to sell out to all of their causes to be loved.
You pretty much had to be perfect in a way that pleases the hierarchy to make it for any length of time. We have talked to many X-ministers of the ntcc and they felt that they could never live up to the unobtainable standards that were expected of them. Most of the ministers that are in the inner circle of the Exec. Board are all yes men that would sin to cover the sins of others. They would refuse to look at or hear the testimony of anyone that spoke against their idols, no matter how true or how grievous the allegations are. How many times has Olson said: "I can't accept that accusation". That's because he has spent his entire life kissing up to Davis who was nothing more than a snake oil salesman, who found a niche pedaling the Holiness or Hell doctrine to obtain his riches. There is no love involved in this organization. The ntcc was built on greed and the love of filthy lucre.
If you ntcc'rs knew or cared how much blood was spilled in order for Davis and Kekel to obtain their mansions and elite lifestyles, your heads would never stop spinning. It was so easy for them to betray good Christians in wholesale fashion right under your noses. All they had to do was tell you that Bro. so and so is no longer living for God and they are now children of the devil so stay away from them and don't listen to their lies. That's precisely why all of you ntcc'rs will live out the rest of your lives under the delusion that you are right and everyone that has left the ntcc is wrong.
Love is missing. When is the last time Kekel loved? Has he been a servant of all, or a servant of his own wants and desires? We implore you to wake up from your slumber and open your bibles that you claim to believe in. That's right, you say that you are a bible believing church. Let's open to the gospels and compare the love that Jesus showed to the masses, to the love that Kekel is supposed to show to the masses. He is an utter failure when it comes to love. Kekel is too busy building his own empire and most of you are not included in it. You can't serve God and mammon. MT 6:24 Don't get mad at us, we didn't write it.
If your NTCC pastor glares at you for asking for a tithe report of what you gave this year or when you ask him about what the expenses were for the church, then you should definitely take a look at why you are still there. Most of them will answer cryptically and say that it goes to the utilities or to pay rent or a mortgage. They definitely don't want you to ask about why every church sends 10% of all gross income to Graham, not including World Mission, Camground and other pledges.
The NTCC pastors were taught to present the needs to the congregation, but when someone from the congregation wants to know where the money is going they are looked at as someone that is undermining their organizationally given authority.
Ask them about escrow and building funds that have been zeroed out and sent to Graham (probably via Key Bank)
Ask them about the annual income of the executives of this non-prophet organization
Ask them for an itemized report of organizational income and expenses
I doubt if any NTCC pastor would have the guts to ask Graham for that and church members would be excommunicated for asking too many questions.
Both Heresy and False Teachers By Shai Linne videos are really eye openers. If people would just stop and think about it the truth about NTCC would be come so clear how wrong they are for sure.
Don and Ange said...
"[Pro 3:27-28 KJV] 27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do [it]. 28 Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee."
Julie says,
NTCC is so much like the priest and the Levite in the parable of the man that went down to Jericho and only the Samaritan (the sinner) helped that man. The people that claimed to be following God would not be even bothered with this man. This parable shows ever clear how God wants us to be to others yet NTCC does the very opposite to even those that are in their group as well as those outside the group.
The Samaritan not only stop to help this man he paid for a roof over his head, food, and his care.
Jesus used this in answer to who is our neighbor. NTCC preaches slavery not being neighborly.
It makes me think when I was in Lakewood, Washington this lady came to the church. She said she was getting her paycheck the next day but she needed some food for her children to give them dinner that night. She said even peanut butter and bread would be enough. Yet she was turned away with nothing. I wonder what across her mind about God and church with the way she was treated?
With Halloween approaching, I wonder how many skeletons will come out of the closets of Olson, Kekel, Johnson, Kinson, Ashmore, Tieman, DiFrancesco, Jones and all their wannabes...
ntcc, lack of Charity/love can be traced back to its founder. I can recall Davis saying:" someone who knows the truth and want tell you, is not your friend." However he or they failed to tell those who have a zeal for God, that unless they allow ntcc and its leaders to lead and guide them, instead of Gods Holy Spirit, then they want make it in ntcc, they also fail to tell their members new and old that only a few will ever have the financial resources that the kekels have. However, they constantly keep them thinking that if they just keep, keep, and keep on giving, then they to will have the same kind of success that kekel has. Kekel, and his wife is the poster boy and girl for ntcc, how they got there, and why they got there is all lost in the details.
Kekel, being promoted to CEO was probably more political, than kekel, being qualified. When after so many other strong brothers and sisters in the Lord, left ntcc, The leaders had to do something to convince others of what they could have or achieve it they stay dedicated and committed to ntcc, they also cleverly points out any bad things about those who have left, in order to make there case and bring fear to those who are considering leaveing.
I may not know anything about escrows building funds, or CEO'S but, I do know and understand the Apostle Paul definition of Charity, and Brotherly love.
So many parallels with NTCC its crazy -
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