We are putting this blog on automatic pilot for a while or until we deem it necessary to continue blogging. As those who came before us have pointed to the many instances of hypocrisy and double standards, we have done the same. Our blog will remain public and constitutes a record of testimony from the hundreds of people who have suffered physical, mental and spiritual abuse at the hands of a few money hungry and greedy hypocrites who masquerade as leaders of the church, claiming that they are the only light that shines in a dark world. In spite of all we do to warn people it seems that folks would rather believe a lie than the truth. So many times we have put the truth out there and people read true accounts of hypocrisy and wickedness committed by the leaders of the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. and people will reject the truth and continue to live in hypocrisy.
Many people have shared the darkest secrets of their hearts and the only answers that we have ever received from the ntcc was to discredit and disparage the character of those who speak out against them. Kinson, Briggs and many other licensed ministers to include Mike Kekel (as 'The Wirlwind') have showed their true nature on FactNet and Jeff's blog, very seldom denying the true accounts of their own hypocrisy, but wresting the scriptures and twisting them to defend themselves. We have compared the scriptures many times to their own words and actions and in the many comparisons the ntcc leadership is found to be just a bunch of phony men pleasers and double standard hucksters whose only purpose is to swindle you out of your money so they can live large right under your holier than thou noses.
There is not much that we can do to convince cult members that they are in a cult, and the harder we try it seems like they just dig in deeper and cleave to their false teachings endorsing the false prophets and further contributing to their insatiable lifestyles. For the record we are going to summarize the many instances of double standards and hypocrisy that have highlighted the ntcc and defined it's leaders throughout the years. But what you should see clearly, many of you deny and you have lied to yourselves throughout the years and made yourselves part of the problem rather than confronting the phony hypocrites and finding out for yourselves what many of us have been trying to tell you for years.
The most obvious abuse of power in the ntcc which can be clearly seen is their greed for money and their willingness to destroy lives so that a very few can live in the lap of luxury. You have been expected for decades to fund the lifestyle of Davis and now Kekel who live the opposite of any example that Jesus or his followers lived. They Preach pay tithe or go to hell, which Jesus never preached and they spend your money on the riches of this world unlike Jesus or any of the apostles, yet they want to be lifted up on a pedestal and worshiped and adored as if they were already appointed as the 24 elders mentioned in Revelation. They have want of nothing and spend your money on unnecessary amenities while many of you struggle, living from paycheck to paycheck, stealing from your own family to give more to the money grubbers who laugh at you all the way to the bank. Jeff has pointed this out over and over again on his blog. GS/DS have also pointed out much of the hypocrisy having seen it on their level, being overseers in the organization and expected to lie and break rules to make things happen. The ntcc is a family owned and operated religious organization that has achieved it's success by twisting scriptures and lying to you about the Old Testament law of tithe, which happens to be the only sacrament that they carry forward and preach as a heaven or hell issue. Will they be held accountable? Do you think God appreciates the ntcc leaders for preaching tithe and getting rich off the profits? Time will tell, but if you claim to be a bible believer, you need to get your nose in the book and see if you can find any new testament examples of anyone preaching tithe or hell and then collecting huge amounts of money from what is supposed to be the body of Christ and spending it on their own unnecessary and greedy desires. Guess what? You will never find that, but you continue to feed these impostors who pretend like they care about your soul, but they only care about the almighty dollar and how much of yours they can get their hands on.
The New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. or New Testament Church of God, as they used to be called, is an organization that was founded by R.W. Davis who has always been a serial adulterer and child molester according to testimony of the many victims that have shared their horrific experiences. The ntcc has been a filthy organization from the beginning and so many people have come forward to expose Davis and other board members for using their office and position of power to do unthinkable things. We have spoken to people that have been eye witnesses to early accounts of adultery committed by Davis. One man had Davis at gunpoint and came close to blowing his brains out for having sex with his wife. We spoke to a member of the church who seen this first hand and there were other accounts that verified that this actually happened.
P. Norton also came forward and shared that Davis had sexually violated and molested her while she was 16 and married to Johnny Jordan. Johnny Jordan who worked for Davis raped Pam Norton's 14 year old sister Lisa Norton and while she was pregnant Davis moved everyone except Lisa up to Washington and then had Ashmore smear Lisa calling her a whore and a slut. This was verified by Lisa herself and her best friend Lori Kelly who was also shunned by Ashmore. RW talked Lisa's Mom, Barbara Norton Warwick into moving to Washington and showed up at Lisa's house on Christmas day to oversee and provide physical labor in the form of bible school students to take all of the furniture, plates, glasses, silverware and household items to include the Christmas tree and presents while leaving a pregnant 15 year old Lisa to take care of her special needs brother who was traumatized that his mother abandoned them. All of this was done to hide R.W. Davis's sins. This was revealed a couple weeks before Davis died but nobody in the ntcc camp came forward to deny any of it. We highly commend Lisa for her bravery. The women that have come forward to include Pam, Lisa, Lori and Julie have raised awareness within the ntcc and saved others from having to suffer the same fate.
Julie Ridgeway St. Clair was very instrumental in helping Lisa come forward and share her story. Having grown up at the same time and having Cerebral Palsy Julie has shared her testimony that she recieved spankings from Davis and Kekel and these spankings were sexual in nature. They would pull down her underwear and pull up her dress and feel her bottom and spank it hard. Julie revealed that she had been raped by her father Ralph St. Clair on numerous occasions and this was admitted to by Joan St. Clair to someone close to the family who spake with her. Joan stated that Ralph's worthless ministers license had been suspended for six months and he was told that he couldn't be around any children during that time. The punishment came from none other than R.W. Davis who according to Julie began molesting and raping her himself before she even became a teenager. Julie wrote many detailed letters of what she went through and it was so terrible that I can't even imagine how she survived and didn't commit suicide. She also was raped and forced to commit sexual acts with Mike Kekel. In several blog posts, Julie gives detailed accounts of how Kekel abused his power and took advantage of Julie's upbringing by the St. Clairs and her disability for their own sick sexual perversions. Julie grew up having no idea what a normal childhood was. The ntcc has a horrible history of sexual abuse.
Michael Fontenot is another pervert who molested his own daughter on several occasions before she was even 10 years old. This sexual predator was allowed to teach Sunday School and be around other peoples children even after it was brought to Olson's attention by Fontenot's X-wife that he had molested and penetrated her 6 year old daughter with his finger. Olson told her that she needed to have 3 witnesses and that she would be better off in another church. This is one of many instances where they harbored the sexually deviant predator while x-communicating the victims who spoke out.
Perhaps one of the worst cover-ups in ntcc history was revealed by MDR on Jeff's blog. While Reed was Pastoring a couple by the name of Moreno, Roland confided in Bro. Reed that His pastor in Japan, Phil Kinson, had Roland Moreno take him to a whore house to retrieve his wallet. Moreno reported this to Ashmore who at the behest of R.W. Davis quickly ushered the Kinsons out of Japan and promoted them to be Co-pastor of their biggest church in Graham, Washington, where he would be protected and perhaps counseled by Davis on how to feed his sexual desires without getting caught. The Moreno's were shunned and later Roland was said to have killed his pregnant wife and son before turning the gun on himself and pulling the trigger. Meanwhile Kinson has never come clean about his role in this scandal but he went on Jeff's blog and stated that he has never 'slept' with anyone other than his own wife. Most whore house visitors don't visit these houses of ill repute to sleep. They visit for sex. While Kinson did comment on Jeff's blog, he never denied the fact that he visited a whore house and he never denied that he had oral or any other kind of sex with a prostitute. He just answered the claims in a Clintonesque way by saying he never slept with anyone other than his wife.
Finally, I have testified on this blog that I have had 3 homosexual pastors and two pastor's wives who have cheated on their husbands. That's 5 sexually deviant ntcc members that were in the ministry out of 14 pastors and that's just the ones I know about. Michael Rudy was allowed to run the New Testament Christian Church of God's School and has been reported as a pervert who was allowed to spank little boy's and girl's bare bottoms in front of the rest of the class. He was also caught cross dressing by Davis, but just reprimanded and allowed to be around kids and later he was introduced to servicemen's works where he and Donald Hummel turned the servicemen's home in Fayetteville, NC into a homosexual massage parlor while preaching hell fire and brimstone. Perry Broadnax also took the brethren to the Korean bathhouses so he could see them naked. He would sleep with the brethren on the heated floor on matress pads and one night his touched my genitals to gratify himself. He was reported to Olson by another brother for saying a lot of inappropriate sexual innuendos but Olson stated that Broadnax was responsible for sending 23 students to bibleschool. It was only after I outed him for his openly homosexual behavior that he was confronted by the board and removed from Servicemen's work. According to a source who wishes not to be identified but says he would testify in a court of law, the foot massages were originally started by a minister that many have often identified as having effeminate characteristics as none other than J.R. Ashmore. This particular source who used to attend one of the original serviceman's homes has stated that Ashmore used to have the brethren in the home give him foot massages while he had the bible in his lap and was teaching in the home.
To date, nobody from the ntcc has ever denied any of these claims. We have challenged members of the ntcc to straight up ask Kekel about all of these testimonies and nobody has had the intestinal fortitude to confront him and dispute any of these allegations. Most ntcc members would rather live a lie than to get down to the truth and find out for themselves if we are just making all of this up or if it really happened. Herein lies the problem. If people confront the truth, they run the risk of offending Kekel or finding out for themselves that they are actually in a cult that is a cover for sexual trafficking, child molestation, child rape, many other types of sexual perversion and that the leaders of this cult are using the preaching of the gospel to lure in young naive Christians that will do anything to show their obedience and loyalty to the so called man of God, for the sole purpose of getting filthy rich. You can find the complete testimonies of this summary in the side bars of our blog, along with links to Jeff's blog and GS/DS, and FACTNET among others.
Many others have testified of inappropriate behavior that they have seen. Davis on many accounts going to the homes of ministers wives while they were out making a living, while preaching to others that they should never be alone with a member of the opposite sex unless it was their spouse. Inappropriate comments and questions being asked in private, and so many stories of abuse where a preacher screams at people from behind the pulpits calling out names and pointing their fingers at others. People are people, I get it. David committed adultery and was forgiven. These hypocrites in the ntcc have used the same tactics over and over to cover up their lies and perversions. They have never owned up to their sins as David did. True repentance is in the bible for all to see. David admitted his sins openly, but the ntcc and Davis will lie and tell you they can't remember the last time they sinned. They are the worst type of hypocrites and liars because they make you believe they are pure and without sin, while they pick apart your life and laden you with burdens that they will not lift a finger to move. They preached holiness or hell which was another man-made doctrine designed to control people and test their obedience to the ntcc leadership. This is another double standard doctrine that was exposed when Kekel allowed his son to play sports in shorts and lascivious football pants. When confronted by Jeff about his double standards Mike lied and through his Father in law, R-dub, under the bus by saying that Davis was preaching policy, rather than false doctrine, which Mike and Tanya were always allowed to push the boundaries of and break the rules with not a word said to them, while you and I know that people were made to dress their daughters up like the Quaker Oatmeal girl and get letters from their ministers excusing them from wearing shorts or participating in any sports. All of this is old news but points out clearly that there were many double standards. Some were run off for breaking the holiness rules, and others were told they would die and go to hell for being lascivious. The only ones in the organization that were allowed to bend and break the rules were the overseers and board members.
We have reached the point where we have shared everything we know and unless some one opens up with new testimony, we feel that no matter what we share or what we say, the ntcc members are going to believe what they want to believe. Jeff has reached this conclusion a little sooner than we have and has left his blog up as an archive of record which has many accounts of double standards and hypocrisy. While we reserve the right to crank it up at any time, we can only do so much, and people for many reasons have chose not to be involved or to 'move on'. I can't say that I blame folks for not wanting to dwell on the past, but as quickly as the past is forgotten people will also forget to learn from their mistakes. We welcome comments but have no interest in posting critical statements of disgruntled x-ers who want to defend the actions of the perverted leadership of the ntcc. The ntcc will not defend their own actions, so guess what? We are not going to post anything that disparages victims or attempts to justify repetitive deplorable actions of ntcc leaders that we all have witnessed. Together we have amassed an encyclopedia full of hundreds of testimonies that point to the outright lack of human decency displayed by the ntcc leadership towards it's members and ministers. Those who choose to disregard our warnings, you do it at your own peril and will unfortunately have to pay the endless costs of ignoring the hundreds of people who have been burned financially and emotionally over the years. The longer you choose to stay, the deeper the wounds will be inflicted upon you. You can hate us and label us as the enemy if you wish but we are not your enemy. We are one of many voices that have cried out through the years and we have only testified of that which we have experienced and what many others have shared.
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eX-members' of ntcc Blogspot
A safe place for Xers to share their stories and heal.
A place to learn what it's really like in the ntcc founded by Rodger Wilson Davis;
and run by his son-in-law, Michael Craig Kekel,
the father of the one vasectomy-rule-exception kid in ntcc, Grant Davison Kekel.
He Loves A House More Than God: Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)

"He loves a house more than God:" *Bonco* Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r). Meanwhile, on the mission field: ntcc Missionaries to the Philippines "Rev. and Sis. Mackert ... found a place, 9 feet by 14 feet [9'x14'] and one bathroom. It is on the 6th floor and there is no elevator. The last place they had stayed, they had to share a common bathroom with the other tenants! Yikes! This place has their very own private bathroom, although the Rev. shared there is no seat on the throne, and no way to attach one…." from The Devonshire Files Sunday, May 28, 2006 Visit from the Mackerts (5/06). ** Should you know where the money ($$$$$) goes? **
Jesus In The Temple
Matt 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, Matt 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Gal. 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Skip To Blue Letter Bible Search Tool
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
What does the bible say?
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NTCC Tithe Doctrine Fattens up its Leaders, While the Rest of the Schlubs Live Well Below the Poverty Level |
We often refer to the Scriptures not to be super spiritual, but it's these very scriptures that are being misused by the ntcc leadership. They love to use Hebrews 13:17 that says to: "Obey them that have the rule over you". But they ignore the the warnings of 2 Peter 2, Jude 1:4-24 and Christ who speaks of them more often than all others in Mat. 7:15, 24:11, 24:24, Mark 13:22, Luke 6:26. How do you tell the difference? In most cases there is a lot of greed involved as Peter and Jude warn people that the False Teachers who have crept in unaware, love to run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward.
For next few weeks we are going to use the comment section to compare ntcc doctrine to sound scripture that is found in the Bible, (God's Word). Many in the ntcc will not change or even pay attention because they have seared their conscience with a hot iron. We will show how that the ntcc rules by fear while Jesus ruled with love. We will show you scriptures that prove that God wants you to love your neighbor as yourselves, while the ntcc will tell you not to invite your neighbor out to church unless they are able to pay tithe. It's true. Many people are considered a waste of time in the ntcc. It's often been shared, don't waste your time on this one or that one. They can't pay tithe or they are going to do what they want to do. The problem is that we all know the bible. The ntcc can only forgive you if you continue to pay your tithe, but Jesus never collected a dime, and none of the apostles or authors of the New Testament ever carried tithe forward from the old testament to make it a mandate for NT Christians to pay tithe with an attached ultimatum of hell for those who disobey. What is the difference between a New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. member and a real Christian? We all know the bible but so many of the ntcc members refuse to believe it in it's entirety.
We will be commenting on this post several times through out the next weeks and months with scriptures that we believe are inspired words from God, and we will share these scriptures along with the ntcc beliefs that contradict them. We will leave it up to you to decide. We recommend that if you were brainwashed by the ntcc, that you use the bible to filter out what was true and what was and is a lie. If you think that we are wrong, please let us know what scriptures you are using to come to that conclusion. The ntcc claims to be a bible believing organization, so we want to know why they have chosen to tear certain scriptures out of the bible. Has God changed? Has the Word of God changed? Let us know what you think.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Jordan Incarcerated Again!
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Mugshot: Johnny Dean Jordan. 1-14-15 The man who allegedly raped Lisa Norton when she was only 14 and got her pregnant is in prison in Florida. What if Rodger Davis had not hidden Jordan by moving him to Washington years ago when Lisa tried to get help from her so-called mother Barbara Norton (now Warwick)? What if Davis had reported this predator to police as the law requires ministers to do? Instead the ntcc moved Jordan and now there are more victims and decades later he is in prison for failing to meet terms of probation from a sentence where he was convicted of raping another minor. Why do people stay in a church that hides sexual predators such as Jordan and Fontenot? Now that you know the truth about this group; why do you stay? |
From: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ Search Offender Johnny Jordan Birthdate 10/23/1962
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From: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ Perform Advance Search for Johnny Jordan with advanced criteria set to "all" or "both" as applicable.
Florida Department of Corrections
Michael D. Crews, Secretary
Corrections Offender Network
Current Verified JAIL Address: |
12499 NW POGO ST |
BRISTOL, FL 32321 |
Aliases: | |
Note: The offense descriptions are truncated and do not necessarily reflect the crime for which the offender is on supervision. Please refer to the court documents or the Florida Statutes for further information or definition.
Current Community Supervision History: | |||||||
Offense Date | Offense | Sentence Date | County | Case No. | Community Supervision Length | ||
05/03/2013 | SX OFFNDR FAIL COMPLY PSIA | 11/04/2013 | LIBERTY | 1300047 | 5Y 0M 0D | ||
08/09/2013 | SX OFFNDR FAIL COMPLY PSIA | 11/04/2013 | LIBERTY | 1300080 | 5Y 0M 0D |
Active Suspense - offender is temporarily unavailable for direct supervision during the supervision term, due to being in custody in jail or another facility, but is still being monitored by a probation officer for release, arrest, etc.
From: https://www2.myfloridacounty.com/ccm/?county=39 Search for Johnny Jordan Birthdate 10/23/1962. That will open a page with his name. Click on the open box in front of his name and click on the button "View Selection" to bring up the following summary page showing 3 open cases. Use the links on that page to inspect the court documents for yourself.
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Divorce Court Document:
Our opinion is that barbara norton warwick should have reported jordan to the police when her 14 year old daughter Lisa was raped by jordan. Instead barbara told rodger davis. Legally, as a minister, davis was REQUIRED BY LAW to report this allegation to the police. But instead davis willfully chose to move barbara norton warwick, her daughter Pam, and her Pam's husband, johnny dean jordan to Washington state. Our opinion is that davis was deliberately hiding the alleged rapist from legal action. Barbaric barbara's daughter Lisa, who was pregnant by rape and barbara's handicapped son Terry were abandoned by, in our opinion, this monster who calls herself a mother. People, if your child reports rape or abuse GO TO THE POLICE! Don't allow some religious huckster like davis to hide the rapist. Don't follow anyone who condones child rape. In our opinion that is the true legacy R.W. Davis - hiding child rape.
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Case Progress Dockets
| New Search |
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Our opinion is that barbara norton warwick should have reported jordan to the police when her 14 year old daughter Lisa was raped by jordan. Instead barbara told rodger davis. Legally, as a minister, davis was REQUIRED BY LAW to report this allegation to the police. But instead davis willfully chose to move barbara norton warwick, her daughter Pam, and her Pam's husband, johnny dean jordan to Washington state. Our opinion is that davis was deliberately hiding the alleged rapist from legal action. Barbaric barbara's daughter Lisa, who was pregnant by rape and barbara's handicapped son Terry were abandoned by, in our opinion, this monster who calls herself a mother. People, if your child reports rape or abuse GO TO THE POLICE! Don't allow some religious huckster like davis to hide the rapist. Don't follow anyone who condones child rape. In our opinion that is the true legacy R.W. Davis - hiding child rape.
Labels: Click One To See Related Stories:
barbara norton,
barbara warwick,
child rape,
davis legacy,
Johnny Dean Jordan,
sex offender,
This Is I
Friday, June 27, 2014
Our Mission Explained for the Donkeys Among You
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DO NOT BE A DONKEY! Be ye not as the horse, [or] as the mule, [which] have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. Psalm 32:9 here |
Recently we have had folks trying to educate us on the purpose of our own blog; and also there have been quite a few snarky comments that we haven't published. There have also been a few that we have held off on publishing to allow the sincere and earnest writers time to heal. To clear things up we would like to let everyone know clearly what the purpose of our blog is.
We are here to provide a safe place for former ntcc members to share their testimonies and find healing from the abuse they suffered by the manipulative ntcc leadership.
- We are also here to expose the ntcc for the double-standard hypocrisy that defines them and to expose the ntcc leadership for doing the very things that they preached against and used as weapons to destroy the lives of so many souls.
- We also want to reach out to current members of the ntcc, and let them know that there is abundant spiritual freedom outside of the ntcc.
One former member shared with us that the most egregious teaching of the ntcc was that if you left the organization that you left God. That just ain't so. God is everywhere. He dwells in you, the believer... more There won't be a "New Testament Christian Church Members Only" sign hanging over the Pearly Gate! mIke kekel won't be standing there the way people say that the Apostle Peter does, deciding who enters and who doesn't. That's not their job. God decides based on one thing alone: The finished work of the cross. Don't let these phonies in ntcc or anyone else fool you into thinking that they are "the one true church" and "if God saved you here, you have to stay here". Phooey! I got born in a hospital, but I moved on shortly thereafter and with no adverse effects! Just because you got born again there, doesn't mean you have to stay there! Don't be deceived by their double-talk and deceitful methods like them trying to say that God used the ntcc to save you, so why go anywhere else. God used an ass, a donkey, to preach to the wayward prophet Balaam (Num 22 (all) but esp. Num 22:28 here). Being used by God doesn't make anyone or anything some kind of spiritual maverick. Honestly, you'd probably be better off riding a donkey and have a better shot at getting into heaven than you would by trying to follow the ntcc doctrines of devils. Don't let them guilt trip you into staying with them. They don't own you. Jesus does. You are Christ's (I Cor 3:23 here, and Gal 3:29 here); and He can lead you anywhere He likes, if you let Him. :o)
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Mark 10:13-16 here and Luke 18:15-17 here |
We do not scrutinize every testimony that comes in with that fault-finding attitude that the ntcc had towards us. You know - the way they critically rake their eyes over you as you enter the church; so that you feel like you are "running the gauntlet". Or the way they put you down and say "He'll never build a work for God." How is that Christ-like? Anyway, ... We don't know the complete accuracy of each testimony shared; but we do try to get as many details as possible before publishing; and we also have refrained from publishing when we suspected that the person was lying or when someone wants us to respect their anonymity. Some have shared things with us and have asked us not to publish for fear of retribution to loved ones who are still in ntcc; and we respect these requests and have not compromised their wishes to not publish or share this information. But maybe they should reconsider their stance. Maybe God would use any such retribution to open the eyes of those loved ones as to what type of people they are who govern the ntcc.
One of our ultimate goals is to let people have a voice; but sometimes there is no way of knowing whether everything is true or if there are embellishments. In those cases we give the benefit of doubt to the to the victims; because they usually have no voice anywhere else. That's why we do what we do; and we will continue to do so as God directs. We want people to feel comfortable posting their side of events. The ntcc does not allow this. They screen and vet everything that is shared in public (and in private - those spy networks are en force); and if someone crosses an ntcc boundary by having a thought and expressing it, the borg will put an end to it fast; and that person will be humiliated, ostracized, and demonized by the borg leaders. That's a fact Jack!
We also reserve the right to publish or not to publish comments. We have been getting a lot of very disrespectful and downright filthy comments. Julie's testimonies have made a lot of folks really mad for some reason. But what is really interesting about the haters of Julie is that they will admit that her testimonies are true, but they will tear her down and use every fowl word they can find to do so. They lack substance, so they resort to mud-slinging and name-calling, cursing continually as they go. What's striking about all this is that the ntcc has not come out and denied one allegation that Julie has brought forward. Instead they try to attack our character and try to belittle and discredit us. To us it is only one more "token of their evident perdition" - (proof that they are hellbound) as it is written: (Phl 1:28 Philippians). We will not publish any comments that attack Julie with derogatory titles and name calling but do absolutely nothing to contribute to our mission. Julie has remained steadfast and true to her testimony. We get so much correspondence that talks about how despite Ralph and Joan St. Clair abusing Julie, they really are good people and should be forgiven. Abusers are not "good people". Let's be clear on that. We also get a bunch of whacked-out comments that say that Julie should keep it all to herself and not go public: These are private matters. Wake up folks! That's just abusers' code talk for: Just shut your mouth and bend over. Wouldn't that be nice for all of those ntcc abusers and sex offenders? Sshh! It's a family secret! Ennh! Wrong answer. "If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it!" -- Regina Brett more
We also have no interest in arguing with other eX-members publicly as to the validity of what is shared on our blog. Every single person has a right to their own opinion to include us; and blogs are generally opinion based by nature of the topics. The ntcc would like nothing more than for us to pick each other apart publicly while they laugh at us. If we do that, then they don't have to worry; they can sit back and continue to abuse people and get rich doing so without anyone calling them out. I've disagreed publicly with others and even with other blog moderators; but I always did so in a respectful fashion. I've never gone on someone else's blog and jacked them up like an ntcc pastor would. If you are out there and you want to disagree, that's fine. We've published our share of dissenting comments; and we've taken our share of criticism. People like Lisa, Pam, Lori and Julie have felt comfortable sharing their history with us because we do not throw them under the bus. Each of them had a testimony; and they validated each other. These women are extremely brave to come forward and share their history with all of our readers. And we seek to protect them and give them an environment where it is safe to share their stories.
We were all manipulated in one way or another by the ntcc. Some might think that the victims allowed themselves to be manipulated, and that they welcomed the things that happened to them. That's just ignorant! Do you really think a fifteen year old boy wants to be coerced or forced into having anal and oral sex with a sixty year old geezer like Sandusky? Do you think a fifteen year old wants to remember that for the rest of his life? What if the pervert pays the victims? Does that make it alright? Don't be naive. That's just hush money! Do you say, "Well, the fifteen year old boy allowed it to happen."? Stop blaming the victim! Prosecute these predators! In every instance of sexual abuse that we've shared on this blog, there is a manipulative mind-controlling authority figure getting his rocks off by coercing young brainwashed cult members into committing sexually deviant acts with him; and in many cases it was just outright rape. You might hold the opinion there are no victims; but we don't share that opinion, nor does the law.
There's a reason why perverts call youngsters "jail bait"! It's because those perverts know they will go to jail if they get caught taking advantage of a young person's na·ive·té.
There are people that will never share their stories online because they don't want to be accused of the very things that they were supposed to be protected from. We are not here to disqualify anyone. If we feel that there is some validity to what they are sharing then we reserve the right to publish. We report; you decide. But don't expect us to fit into your opinion of what is fair and balanced. The victims of this abuse did not get what was fair or balanced! So we are here to represent them and, for the first time, give them a voice and a safe place to share what really happens in the ntcc.
We actually are pretty fair and balanced, if you think about it. We allow the voices of others to be heard. That's pretty fair when you consider that the victims didn't have a voice in the ntcc. It also balances the scales when you expose the hypocrisy in the ntcc. We got "blasted" for breaking man-made rules; so now we expose the ntcc leadership for breaking God's rules. We don't owe the ntcc anything; and we don't wish to advance their cause in any way.
We hold no grudges against anyone. We hope this post helps people realize what our purpose is. If we disagree with your point of view, we don't do it out of hate or malice. We don't claim to be the only voice of reason, or the most popular. We are trying to be one outlet in which people can receive help and support from any abuse they may have experienced, or are experiencing.
We also would like to thank all those who have contributed. There are folks out there that have done great work; and they don't want recognition; but they are every bit as responsible for helping the victims of this abusive organization. We have made a lot of friends, (and some enemies, unfortunately); but it's been worth the effort; and we are thankful to all who have contributed throughout the years. We know there are many who have done all they can and have moved on with their lives; and that's great; we wish you the best. We don't plan to blog for the rest of our lives; but as long as we have the passion for it and feel that we are in God's will, we will continue.
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