This installment of the X-files gets down to the root of evil in the ntcc. The money and the ntcc leadership's love for money. The ntcc has a history of being very secretive about the money. In fact, to say that there has never been any transparency or financial disclosure in the ntcc is an understatement. If you don't believe us, just ask Kekel or Davis where they got the money to buy their latest cars, Rolex watches, collectible guns or musical instruments. They will accuse you of being jealous; and you will be tarred and feathered, and probably run out of town on a rail; unless you repent and conform*; in which case they will keep you around for the sole purpose of collecting your tithe and offerings while they mock you in front of your peers for being stupid, as Davis says "You must have taken a whole bottle of stupid pills." Davis and Kekel both have many items that the average ntcc'r could not purchase with an entire year's salary. I would like to see the 'leaders' sell all that they have and give to the poor. After all, that is the formula for having treasure in heaven: Matt 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 18:22
Comply with rules or laws (of a person). "He bowed to the pressure to conform."
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It's Time To Audit Your NTCC's Books! |
The financial records that the NTCC were required to provide to the IRS were a necessary evil; and at the direction of Davis a whole pack of lies was told to the IRS by Olson, Kekel, Ashmore and possibly other board members. Many of the numbers you will see are questionable at best; and more questions will be raised, such as:
If the highest salary of an ntcc board member in the mid nineties was only $350 per week, how would someone like Kekel end up
- living in an expensive mansion
- driving expensive cars
- having a bunch of slaves cleaning his house
- and living a lavish life of luxury that would make a professional athlete or Hollywood movie star seem poor???
Could it be that Davis had his flunkies tell the IRS a bunch of lies, so he wouldn't have to share our tithe and offering money with them?
It's obvious that Davis and Kekel had nothing when they started / joined the NTCC. Now they are filthy rich. Whose money are they using? Yours? The non-profit's?
And please don't tell us it is because they 'saved' or 'they 'invested'. Both of those activities require: CASH. NTCC has lots of that; but it's not supposed to be for the board members to invest!
And why is it that every time Kekel opens his pie hole and brags about how much he learned from Davis, that he is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS talking about MONEY!!???!! I cannot recall one instance of Kekel saying Davis taught him how to pray, how to lead souls to Christ, or something about miracles God has done. Instead, their talk always centers around MONEY:
- How many tithe payers do you have?
- If you don't have enough money, have more services!
- Ministerial Ethics: A minister and his finances.
- What's in the General Fund?
- Take up an offering!
Even blow-hard Davis' so-called Advanced School of Theology focused on MONEY! Well that was an accidental truth that slipped out of Davis' mouth; because MONEY IS his true god! So his Advanced School of theology really is a study of his god: MONEY.
But getting back to the IRS...
What the ntcc needs is the kind of audit that you and I would get if we made the same money that they made. The IRS seems to be very friendly with church organizations run by con artists; and the ntcc is living proof of that. The ntcc leaders know all of the loop holes; and most of the ntcc leaders have hidden their assets in a shell corporation called NTCC, Inc. Many of them have donated their houses to the ntcc, so that they don't have to pay taxes on them. Who bought all these houses? What was the origination of all the money that has financed this cult compound in Graham? It's all part of RWD's big plan or scam. Why do they keep signing ownership of buildings and properties back and forth? Are they trying to get tax-write offs? Everyone knows who calls the shots in NTCC, regardless of what name appears on the titles. Meanwhile the properties are being shuffled around like a ball under plastic cups at a carnival. Every time these properties get 'donated' does somebody get a tax write off? Hmmn?
Can't you just hear the wheels turning in the heads of these guys and gals?
Let's start a nonprofit organization and call it a church. We'll have to tell a whole pack of lies to get the IRS to approve our plan. But we are very good at lying to folks; so that shouldn't be a problem. We will tell the IRS anything they want to hear; so they will grant us the status of a "Charitable Organization". However the only charity that will take place is from the brain washed church members giving us their money.
- We will tell them if they don't pay tithe they will burn in the lake of fire forever.
- Then we will convince them not to spend their money on anything else.
- So this is the plan:
- We need to find as many people as we can, get them saved, and convince them that we are God's voice and everything we say comes from God.
- To do this we will lie to them and tell them all of their money is going towards "the work of Gawd" and "saving the lost".
- We will also convince them that anything they want to spend their money on is frivolous and sinful so that they will have more money to give to us.
- We will take up so many offerings and make all of them sound legit through a process called guilt tripping.
- We will treat them like mushrooms: Feed them a bunch of crap and keep them in the dark.
- If any of them dare question us, we will make them think they are finding fault with God Himself!
- And we will condemn them and publicly humiliate them by blasting them from the pulpit.
- Meanwhile, in Graham, we will build our empire.
- They will cheerfully give their money to us; while we are cheerfully getting rich and spending their money on whatever we want.
- We will build them up by praising them for giving.
What the ntcc needs is a good audit!
The IRS needs to pay them a visit on their cult compound and ask them some pointed questions. They need to look at the paperwork that was filed and approved to allow them to be a non profit charitable organization, and ask them the same questions that we would ask them. The average person or business owner would be hauled off to jail if they lied to the IRS like the ntcc has; because they are not protected by the charitable status; that was acquired by a bunch of lying scoundrels in the ntcc; whose sole purpose for starting the ntcc was to get filthy rich. The following Ray Stevens video seems to depict the type of IRS audit that is friendly towards people that are scamming the government. Ray Stevens has found a loophole and so has the ntcc.
IRS Audit by Ray Stevens click to watch on YouTube
The full finances of the ntcc have never been shared with the cheerful givers that have sacrificed their futures for the ntcc leaders. There has been no significant financial transparency and woe unto that poor soul that would want to know where his or her money actually went. Thanks to the tireless efforts of a concerned individual that acquired this information and asked us to share it with the readers of this blog, we now have a small sliver of insight that speaks volumes about the character of the ntcc leadership.
X-Files Exhibit 3: IRS Form 1023 pages 8 & 9 and Part IV- Financial Data
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IRS Form 1023 Page 8 |
On this page, the ntcc has declared that none of the questions need to be answered due to the fact that they are "Not Applicable" because they are strictly a "Not-For-Profit Religious Church Organization".
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IRS Form 1023 Page 9 |
Page 9 also has a big slash down the middle with "N/A" marked to avoid pointed questions; and it states that the organization is "Strictly a Not-For-Profit Religious Church Organization" and also states that the Despicable, oops, I meant to say "Applicable Financial Data (is) Attached".
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Form 1023 - Attachment - |
What we have here seems to be a breakdown of the Saint Louis, MO New Testament Christian Church financial records. But we all know that the Headquarters was already moved at this time to Graham, Washington. The application for "Recognition of Exemption" is for the Organization called: "New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc." The financial records seem to be specific to only the local church in St. Louis, MO. I was in the organization at this time and know for a fact that these numbers do not represent the Organization as a whole; and they falsely imply that the Headquarters was located in St. Louis, MO. At the time that these forms were filled out, Davis, Kekel, Olson and Ashmore all had houses in Graham, Washington; and the main campus for the organization, and all of the administrative activities and the buildings that they took place in, were all located in Washington. St. Louis had an extension of the Bible School; which they lied about not having at this time; and Davis and others would teach classes there; in fact all of the daily organizational level business and operations took place at the Headquarters in Washington state at this time.
It's interesting how that exactly 10% of the "declared" church income supposedly went to World Missions. There is no breakdown included for the "church tithe" and "Pastor's tithe" - which was required procedure for all other churches to funnel those funds up to NTCC Corporate in Graham, Washington. It would be nice to get some insight from Greg S., Vic J. or anyone with inside knowledge on the dynamics of this. According to these questionable documents, about 34% of the total money taken in went towards "administrative expenses" while about 8% of the total went towards "miscellaneous expenses". That's a lot of cabbage - even with these falsified low figures! And none of it is itemized.
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Form 1023 - Schedule A - Churches |
Schedule A, which references churches (plural), gives a breakdown of what each official gets paid, (supposedly). Olson, as the president of the NTCC, supposedly made $350 per week (almost 3 three times (3X) what an NTCC Servicemen's Home Director made at that time); and I'm sure Joe must have been eating Ramen to sustain his family off of an income like that. Right? Wrong. The Olson's seem to be a pretty 'healthy' family overall; and I'm sure they were well taken care of. The General Secretary at that time was Micheal C. Kekel; who, according to him, was "called to be an administrator". (Yeah; right; whatever! More like you were diddling the daughter of Davis. Let's not blame that 'calling' on the Lord!). And, allegedly, according to NTCC, mck made $200 per week. That's half of what was paid to "one of NTCC's highest paid" (yet in a real world seriously underpaid) building crew members [Eric James Barden (EJB)]; who made $400 per week, or should I say $360 after tithe was automatically taken out before he got his money. This is absurd, people.
The only reason these figures were plugged into this paperwork was so that the IRS would blindly believe them; and grant NTCC the status of Charitable non profit religious hypocrites; oops, I mean organization. The "resident Pastor", who was probably the pastor of the St. Louis church at the time, and I'm not sure who it was, got $270 per week; while his "local secretary" got $135 per week. Yeah, right. What a bunch of cheating and conniving liars. But what can you say? It worked. They got what they wanted. An organization built on lies. A small group of nepotistic wealthy snobs living it up off of our hard earned money and laughing all the way to the bank. They saw us coming; and we all fell for their scam. They did it all in the name of God; and they have no remorse or conscience about it; as it is written:
Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. Eph 4:19
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Form 1023 Schedule A Churches Page 11 |
Page 11 starts out by asking for a brief history on the development of the organization. They give their Holly Hills address and state that they were incorporated in Missouri in 1987. Keep in mind that many of the questions that are being asked pertain to the organization, not merely one church in St. Louis. The ntcc states that the Organization was formed to preach the Gospel and further the cause of the Kingdom of God and to Promote and maintain churches and missions, etc., in the State of Missouri, the United States of America and foreign lands. Some of these questions are answered with details that pertain to the entire organization while other questions are answered with details that pertain only to the church in St. Louis. How can these things be?
Question 2 - Does the organization have a creed or statement of faith? They check the Yes box and type in: "See Attached".
Question 3 - Does the organization require prospective members to renounce other religious beliefs or their membership in other churches or religious orders to become members? They don't check the Yes or No box for this question and they type in: (See Attached Explanation for Answer). Imagine that. The funny thing about it is that they never address this issue in any of their doctrinal statements or any other attachments. C'mon, now; it's a yes or no question; and the answer is YES! They do require their members to renounce other religious beliefs and their membership in other churches. You don't need to sift through a bunch of bogus documents to find the answer to this question.
Question 4 - Does the organization have a formal code of doctrine and discipline for its members. Again, Yes and No boxes left blank - (see attached explanation)
Question 5 - Describe your form of worship and attach a schedule of your worship service. They answer, "Evangelical. (For Schedule -See Attached)
Question 6 - Are your services open to the public? If "Yes," describe how you publicize your services and explain your criteria for admittance. Finally a question they felt comfortable answering, albeit, they did not answer it honestly. They Marked the Yes box and stated: Part 1: By announcements during church services, word of mouth, signs, printed material, etc.
What they should have said is this: We solicit door to door. We tell our members if they do not knock on 100 doors each time they go soul winning they have no vision for the lost. We also tell them if they don't bring people to church they aren't saved. We teach them to use high pressure sales tactics to get them in church. Don't take no for an answer. In fact, just watch this next video to get a true feel for the NTCC - style 'soulwinning': We like to call it "The Church Stalker" Video:
Awkward Church Invite: Click To Watch On YouTube
Their answer to Part 2 of question #6 is: Church of all nations-Admittance to all regardless of race, color, age, educational background, etc.
What they should have said was this: "Don't bring little black children to church because they will leave smudges all over the walls" - quoting NTCC founder, Rodger Wilson Davis (the racist, in my opinion). Go to the middle class neighborhoods and get people out that can pay tithe and give in offerings. If you see couches on their front porches or blankets or sheets being used for curtains go on to the next house; because "You can't build a church with poor people." says R. W. Davis. We at NTCC admit all regardless of race and color; but once we get them in and drinking our Kook-Aid we will expect them to tolerate all of our ethnic jesting, and racist jesting, and sexist jesting; and we will discourage them from dating or talking to members of the opposite sex, especially outside of their race; because, quoting R. W. Davis: "That limits the ministry." I guess Davis felt that Moses had a "limited ministry"! After all, Moses married that Ethiopian lady. Num 12 And we all know the Ethiopian can't change his skin any more than the leopard can change his spots or the NTCC leaders could repent and do good:
Jer 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? [then] may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Question 7 requires an explanation of how new members are attracted. They say: "Church visitation, church promotionals, special evangelistic services, etc.
It would be nice to get an explanation of what they mean by "church promotionals". Is that where they say, "If you bring people out to church, you get to go to heaven; but if you don't, you better be wearing 2 million [SPF] sun block; because where you are going, it's going to get pretty hot." Yet they try to say they are not a works-based faith. Get real!
Question 8 asks:
a. How many active members are currently enrolled in your church? They say (Approx. 125).
Seriously? Approx. 125? Sure, in only the St. Louis Holly Hills church. What about all the other churches in the organization? What about the Servicemen's Homes? Tillicum alone had over 100-150 in the services according to the directors' wives who talked with me. Ft. Bragg was running 50-70 in service, with 22 in the homes. We're talking alot of gravy from those, in Davis' words "rich G.I.s", who all pay tithes, give in offerings, pay home fees, food fees, and pledges. Cash only. No receipts. HELLO!!!!
b. What is the average attendance at your worship services? (104)
I hope ya'll like math, because we are going to crunch some numbers now. The ntcc declares that they brought in $62,400 in 1990, $65,000 in 1991, $67,500 in 1992 and $47,750 in 1993. This means that from 1990 to 1993 they brought in a total of $242,650 for all four years combined; and they say that this amount was brought in through "Freewill offerings and contributions from Parishioners, Members, Etc. There are 52 weeks in a year, which means in four years there are 208 weeks. So we will divide our total four year amount of $242,650 by 208 weeks to determine how much money all the members put together gave per week. That total comes out to $1,166 per week. Now we will divide that total by 125 members to figure what the average person gave each week to the ntcc church in St. Louis. Drum roll please..................................$9.33. This means that the average church member paid only $9.33 per week for four years. Fuzzy Math? This is the amount of money taken in that they had to show in their books if they were to get audited by the IRS. So the obvious question is, "Where did all the money go"? You know the UNREPORTED MONEY?
How do they get away with this? You let them. We let them. We unknowingly went along with this scam; but you current ntcc members are knowingly going along with it right now if you continue with these liars and partake of their sins.
Davis and Kekel are laughing at you all the way to the bank. You know that there is no way that the average church member pays only $9.33 cents per week total to the NTCC! The average tithe alone is conservatively probably somewhere around $35 to $40 per week; after they get done pumping you for all of their miscellaneous offerings I'm sure they easily take in well over $50 per church member per week. They did in every church I ever attended; and that was back in the 80's and 90's! The ntcc leaders are a bunch of Chippy Cheat Swindlers and Religious Hucksters. That's what they are; and we were all stupid for giving our money to them. If you are still giving your money to them, you can count yourself in as being scammed out of your hard earned money by a bunch of slick snake oil salesmen: Read more >>
Question 9 is self explanatory.
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Form 1023 Schedule A Churches Page 12 |
Question 10 asks if the organization has a school for the religious instruction of the young. They answer no.
- Do you remember the Midwestern Bible Institute?
- Do you remember the Day School?
- Do you remember the NTCC bible college slogan?
- Do You remember the NTCC seminary slogan?
- Click Here to see their emblem on FaceBook (visible to the public)
If that slogan is true, how can you say you don't have a school for the religious instruction of the young??? What a lie!
Question 11 asks if their current deacons, minister and pastor were formally ordained after a prescribed course of study? They answer yes
They must have all received their credentials from some other organization seeing that they did not have a school. But we all know they have a school, don't we? What they should have done was made R-dub carry his sorry posterior into the IRS office and examined his credentials. That would be tough to do; since they seem to be invisible; after all, nobody's ever seen these alleged credentials that Davis claims to have, not even his son-in-law or daughter. Don't you think that strange? Perhaps he lied about that too.
Question 12 "see attached"
Question 13 identifies the Holly Hills church as the established place of worship; and they state that the property is church owned, with the customary disclaimer: (see attached).
Question 14 asks if the organization will license or ordain ministers or issue church charters. I guess since they don't have a school, they just license anyone, who they consider "minister material". They check the Yes block and describe the requirements as such:
A) Must be evidenced by call of God upon their life.
And how are they qualified to determine who has the call of God on their lives? Who determines whether they have the call of God on their lives?
B) Church administered course of study in Bible, church and ministry related areas.
Oh, that explains everything. It must be some kind of free on-the-job training; since there is no school.
C) Practical Application in personal life and ministry.
I'm sure this process was all explained to the bible school students. "We are going to consider you all to be non-students; because we don't have a school, technically speaking, or for IRS purposes, we are going to collect your tuition, and rent; oh, I mean your dorm fees; (or let's just call it a love offering) in cash only; and we will be giving you no receipts either." What a scam! And what a bunch of blind people. Whatever......
Question 15, Did the organization pay a fee for a church charter? They answered No.
Is that a big surprise? They don't pay for anything unless they have to; and even then, they'll take up an offering.
Question 16, Show how many hours a week your minister/pastor and officers each devote to church work and the amount of compensation paid each of them. If your minister or pastor is otherwise employed, indicate by whom employed, the nature of the employment, and the hours devoted to that employment. They answered, (see attached).
That was the Schedule A attachment above. Remember the one that said that Olson made $350 per week, Kekel made $200 per week and so on. It also stated that they were all full time church employed ministers and that was their salaries back in 93. Just outright lies being told here folks. These people have all gotten filthy rich off of the lies they have told on these forms.
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Form 1023 Schedule A Churches Page 13 |
Here we go, people. This is where we find outright thievery. And the lies become so obvious that you'd have to be a complete brainwashed robot to ignore them:
Question 17:
Will any funds or property of your organization be used by any officer, director, employee, minister, or pastor for his or her personal needs or convenience? They check the "No" box.
Are you kidding me? I guess it's not considered "personal convenience" to drive around in a new Cadillac every year. I guess living in million dollar mansions and driving a Mercedes McLaren SLR valued at 250K as reported by one former ntcc family has it, is considered a necessity to the ministry. Going on all expense paid vacations in $200,000 recreational vehicles, across the United States at the expense of the church members must be necessary also. Taking up offerings for personal artifacts such as Rolex watches, Henry Rifles, Antique furnishings, Musical instrument collections, Diamond Pinky rings and the list goes on, couldn't possibly be for personal convenience, could it? And how many times did the Davises get reimbursed by the organization for buying a plane ticket to Hawaii, when the truth is that the G.I.s actually bought that ticket for them? The answer is you don't really know. Because you hear Davis yelling that he won't come see you unless you buy him the ticket; but the by-laws claim, in writing, that the Board Members' expenses will be paid for by, what was that phrase? 'just renumeration'? With no transparency of the finances, such double-dipping could easily be going on. How would we know? The pattern clearly exists of NTCC taking advantage of the secrecy and the finances. They require local pastors to put money in escrows accounts controlled solely by corporate NTCC in Graham, WA; allegedly these funds are to help maintain / repair the building. Yet local pastors report that each time they request such monies be made available for their intended purpose, corporate NTCC stonewalls them and demands that they "TAKE UP AN OFFERING!" Talk about gold-bricking, double-dipping, misappropriating, and collecting money under false pretenses, (Which is illegal!)!! Then, when NTCC corporate moves a minister, the local books are "zeroed out" and **POOF** nobody local knows where all that money they donated has gone. Even special funds collected on top of the escrow with a dedicated purpose, such as paving a parking lot, have disappeared into the corporate NTCC black hole.
Question 18: List any officers, directors, or trustees related by blood or marriage.
You are not going to believe how they got away with answering this question.
The ntcc is a family owned business whose leadership is tainted through and through with Nepotism. Give me a break. This is the biggest lie told so far; but I assure you; there are more to come. The Kekels are not related to the Davises? How about the Ashmores being related to the Jordans and DiFrancescoes? The Olsons and the Brills? The Johnsons, Kinsons and the Ankenbauers? You want to know where all your money's going? Let's get all the financial records of these families together and deliver them to the IRS in a neatly gift wrapped package. It's no wonder why they filed for their non-exempt status in St. Louis instead of Washington. It's easier to hide all that is going on in Washington from the folks in Missouri, The Show Me state. NTCC and its board members both own a lot of property in Missouri; so they can all keep and maintain residency in Missouri, while physically living in Washington.
Question 19: Give the name of anyone who has assigned income to you or made substantial contributions of money or other property. Specify the amounts involved.
No substantial amounts of contributions or money or other property. What about the Million dollars that Davis prayed for and got, to purchase the Church in question? You know the 1123 Holly Hills church? The very church that they are saying is the Church Organization Headquarters in St. Louis? How did that slip by the IRS? Can we get a breakdown on how all that transpired? Is it too much to ask? What a bunch of thieves and crooks.
Now here comes the Kicker. If you will follow along with me on page 13 in your Schedule A's, to the very end where you will find this little gem in small print:
(b) An organization will not qualify for exemption if it has a substantial nonexempt purpose of serving the private interests of its founder or the founder's family.
There you have it, folks. The ntcc was founded by lies and distortion of the truth. The founder of the feast is Rodger Wilson Davis and there is no denying that his private interests have been well served by the ntcc's tax exempt status. His family has also benefited exponentially by the ntcc's tax exempt status. They have become filthy rich and live in absolute luxury as a direct result of lying to the Government on these forms. The ntcc leaders are a bunch of lying scoundrels; and they have obtained immense wealth by misleading the Federal Government and obtaining tax exempt status as a Charitable Church Organization. The ntcc leadership is corrupt through and through and needs to be investigated for fraud.
We invite the ntcc leaders to respond to their reprehensible actions if they have the intestinal fortitude to so. Of course, we all know that their actions can not be explained, therefore they will continue to try to discredit us and do everything possible to keep this information suppressed. It's public knowledge now; and if you are a minister in the ntcc and can turn a blind eye to these lies then go ahead and continue to subject yourself to these con-artists. You deserve each other; but the people that you are destroying do not deserve it. They deserve to know the truth; and we will continue to fight for them. We are the X-ers and we actually care about those of you who are being deceived. We do not want you to go through the things that we all had to endure; therefore we continue to blog about the truth. We appreciate anyone who wants to be a part of this effort; and we can definitely use all the help we can get. It's not a glorious battle; and if you choose to participate, you will most likely be lied about. Your enemies and those you think are your friends, may attempt discredit you; and there are some that will shun you. People will tell you that you need to get on with your life, get over it and so on. Don't worry. It's worth it to help someone escape the NTCC clutches.
Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward [is] great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
Luke 6:22-23
Related Post: The X-Files Part 1: Public Information The NTCC Does Not Want You To Know