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My personal favorite T.V. Series: The X Files dealt with some really weird issues. So does any honest look at the ntcc, especially tax related documents! |
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, there are many documents and records which are available to the public. Most real estate transactions and court proceedings are public record and can be accessed by anyone with the desire to know. Many of these types of documents and records have been shared online in times past. We also have obtained, from an anonymous individual, IRS documents; which were obtained through the IRS upon request by that tax payer. We think this information should not be suppressed, but shared.
We've included this X-file video, which displays their logo and plays some pretty cool and creepy paranormal music, to accompany you as you read through this post. As the picture suggests, ask yourself, "Do "I Want To Believe" all the ntcc malarkey?"
YouTube X-Files Theme Song
We are starting a new series that we will call the X-Files in which we will archive many of the questionable transactions that have taken place in the ntcc. This is a very lengthy undertaking and will be done in many installments; which will take place as individual blog posts; that will later become archived in a section of our blog; that people can access to see MANY of the ntcc's crooked transactions in one convenient location. There are people who are working behind the scenes to expose corruption in the ntcc. Even as we blog, there is work being done by concerned parties; who will be kept anonymous.
Our first contribution to the X-files came from one such source; and it was received at the request of that taxpayer. Copies of the "[Tax] Exemption Application" and "[Exemption] Determination Letter" for New Testament Christian Churches of America, Incorporated were sent to this taxpayer and forwarded to us. To those who have been in the ntcc for any length of time there are many questions that will be raised by these documents. To those who have been coerced into 'contributing' toward this 'non-profit' organization the following questions might arise:
1. Were our "contributions" really "free will offerings"? Or were we being persuaded to give with the fear of eternal damnation as the alternative for not giving?
2. Were the "contributions" being solicited under "false pretenses"? In other words:
3. Were the solicitors of our "contributions" forthcoming or honest concerning the purpose of the money that we were giving them?
4. Were the solicitors of our "contributions" transparent pertaining to our direct support of the ntcc board members' personal wealth?
No? We didn't think so either. Let's look at this in detail.
Getting On The Gravy-Train: Obtaining Tax Exempt Status as a "Charitable" Organization:
There are basically two types of tax exemption statuses that are classified by the IRS for non-profit organizations. There is one that pertains to "Private" organizations and another that pertains to "Charitable" organizations. The ntcc obtained the status of a 'charitable' organization; which is the more favorable of the two and basically exempts them from having to answer a bunch of difficult questions and provide detailed accounts of how money is spent. To obtain this status the ntcc executives had to fill out paperwork back in 1993 to be approved by the Federal Government as a Non-profit organization. Of course Rodger Wilson Davis had his lackeys fill out all the paperwork; and his fall guy, Joe Henry Olson, signed most of the required paperwork; some of which was co-signed by Mike Craig Kekel and notarized by James Ross Ashmore.
To those in the ntcc who read these documents and the accompanying questionnaires, we challenge you to acknowledge the outright lies that were told by the ntcc leadership in these documents. We ask that you would call a spade a spade, and objectively recognize the downright hypocrisy that is being exhibited by your so-called 'godly' leaders. Do you think that you could have lied about anything in your church books in a similar fashion to the ntcc leaders when they stopped by to audit you and have gotten away with it? Have you sat in those church services where Davis, Kekel, Ashmore, Olson or others would quote their favorite scripture "All Liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone" (Rev. 21:8) as they would scream at the top of their lungs, "ALL LIARS" that's "A" "DOUBLE L" "ALL LIARS"!!!! I remember Olson talking about stealing paperclips and pens from the military, for crying out loud. You will see the double standards that the ntcc has created and been operating under. If you choose to look at it and recognize it; it is up to you.
X-Files Exhibit 1: Letter Of Approval For Tax-Exempt Status (Letter 947, Pages 1-3)
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Letter 947 Page 1 "Letter Of Approval For Tax Exemption" |
This letter states that the ntcc was approved by the IRS as a tax exempt church organization. It also states that the ntcc is not a private foundation. For a church to receive tax exempt status as a "charitable" organization, it must receive over 1/3 of its contributions from its attending suckers, (like I used to be; and many of you still are). We have decided that since the ntcc has not been transparent and forthcoming with its tithe payers, that we would share this with you. We do not take credit for this; but we do think that these public documents need to be seen by everyone involved with the ntcc, past and present.
- Have you ever wondered why there never has been any true transparency or full financial disclosure in the ntcc?
- Have you ever wondered why the ntcc considers itself a "not for profit" organization, but the leaders of the ntcc are dripping with wealth?
- Have you ever given any thought to why many of the churches in the ntcc are struggling to get by?
- Why is it that missionary works, civilian, and military outreaches are having church in buildings that are worth a small fraction of the mansions that Kekel and Davis live in?
- Have you ever seen any legitimate organization that wants cash only and gives no receipts?
In 12 years of living in Servicemen's homes, I never got one receipt for tithes, offerings or home offerings. I never gave these things one thought while I was in the ntcc; because I believed blindly that these men were holy and godly men. After all, they trained us to think that way! Many of us gave blindly and labored blindly. These documents will make you think. To get approved for this tax exempt status, lies had to be told; and standards had to be compromised.
- Haven't we often asked you not to believe us?
- We have asked you to follow the money trail:
- Where is the money going?
- Who is profiting?
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Letter 947 Page 2 "Letter Of Approval For Tax Exemption" |
This page deals with receiving gifts from outside sources, kinda like the 39 acre land "gift". If there ever was a shaky transaction in the ntcc, the 39 acre land gift was such a transaction. Of course, with no financial disclosure or transparency, the details were hidden from ntcc-ers. Kekel has had to write several damage control smog-blog posts in an effort to "reassure" everyone that everything was on the level. Can you say "Snow Job!"? Davis publicly apologized for "the appearance of" impropriety; and in a damage control post, Kekel used the same scripture that Rudy used to justify homosexuality: "Unto the pure all things [are] pure:" Titus 1:15 In other words, "We are pure and if you question us, you are not pure." The shroud of secrecy and the conflicting stories told about this land deal would make your head do a 360 degree spin. Even Olson had to send out a letter to everyone trying to downplay the whole thing. Ministers have left the organization because of this deal. The land has transferred hands and been gifted to the Kekels, back to Davis and then donated to the ntcc. It was like a hot potato there for a while....."I don't want it, you take it"...."No; don't give it to me; you take it!" ...... and so on. It would be interesting to see if the 39 acre land deal figured into tax exempt status; or if it ever was even reported. None of us will ever know because "unto the pure all things are pure". Don't ever expect to find out the truth on this one; it would take a court order to even get any of these thugs to talk. You have to wonder who would go down in a blaze of glory for that one.
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Letter 947 Page 3 "Letter Of Approval For Tax Exemption" |
This page leaves us speechless, because there is nothing to say about it.
X-Files Exhibit 2: Application For Tax-Exempt Status 501(c)(3) IRS Form 1023 Pages 1-7 (Pages 8-9 of Form 1023 will be dealt with in a later post.)
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Form 1023 Page 1 |
This first page of form 1023 lets you know who the fall guy is. If anyone were to be hauled off to jail for corruption, it would be Joe Olson. Most of the information on this page is general in nature. It lets you know that Joe is the president, the address and Employer Identification number, phone numbers, and so on. Question 8 asks if the ntcc ever applied for exemption and was answered "no". Question 9 asks if the ntcc ever filed Federal income taxes and the answer was "no". Then they declare themselves to be a corporation and that their By-Laws are not current. Now, there is a whole lot to be said about the bylaws not being current. The ntcc had to add a dissolution clause listed as article 3, section 10. This states that if the ntcc ever folds up their tents; that the board of "trustees", or untrustees which is what they ought to be called, must dispose of all assets after paying off all liabilities. The method of this disposal is supposed to be to give any remaining assets to other charitable organizations. We will cover this topic in depth when we get to that section; but for now, we will leave it to you to make sense of this. We will say that many churches have been sold and escrow accounts have been zeroed out with no account given to the tithe paying contributors or the ministers whose escrows were zeroed out. Hmmn.
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Form 1023 Page 2 |
Now this is where we start getting into the lies. For those that can't read the small writing on this form, we will transcribe it for you, word for word.
Part II, Section 1
Provide a detailed narrative description of all activities of the organization--past, present, and planned. Do not merely refer to or repeat the language in your organizational document. Describe each activity separately in the order of importance. Each description should include, as a minimum, the following:(a) a detailed description of the activity including its purpose; (b) when the activity was or will be initiated; and (c) where and by whom the activity will be conducted.
The ntcc states the following:
1. The organization is strictly a not for profit religious church organization
2. The purpose and reason for existence (past, present and future) is solely for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
3. And to further the cause of Christ in the United States and foreign lands
The first lie that is told here is that the ntcc is "strictly" a not for profit religious church organization. If this were true, why are those at the top living lavish lifestyles in mansions, with expensive cars, jewelry with every expense imaginable paid? Can Davis or Kekel say honestly that they have not profited? Come on, now ntcc'rs, lets not pretend to be ignorant on this one.
The second misleading statement is pretty lame. When asked to give a detailed narrative description of the organization, (past, present and planned), they said their purpose and reason for existence is "solely for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" (past, present and future). Breaking News, This is a News Flash for all you ntcc'rs! The ntcc does not solely preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and if you believe that, you must be one of those dumb GI's that Davis always talked about, that would buy a sailboat on top of Pike's Peak. If you think that every thing that is preached in the ntcc is solely the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are naive and gullible.
- Did Jesus preach that women should not have jobs? No He didn't, therefore the ntcc does not solely preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Did Jesus preach that children should not participate in sports, with the exception of some privileged church leaders' kid? No; that's not solely the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Did Jesus preach that all Christians pay tithe in cash and that money was to be spent by the self proclaimed apostles of the church on mansions, cars and excessive living? No, He did not; and that is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Did Jesus preach that you can not build a church with poor people? No; He did not.
- Did Jesus teach that you had to get permission from a man to date a woman? No; He did not.
- Did Jesus teach that you had to get permission from a man to talk to a woman? Sure didn't.
In fact, I would venture to say that what the ntcc preaches is not solely the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and very little of what they preached is even close to the Gospel of Christ; and most of you know this; but you refuse to acknowledge it; because then you would have to admit, as many of us have, that you have wasted many years of your life following corrupt men.
Section II and Section III both state that the organization's sources of financial support come from Tithe, Freewill offerings and contributions from parishioners, members, etc. Oh and they forgot to mention that tithe was a mandatory exertion, and freewill offerings would be coerced and extracted from the members. Let's not play stupid on this one either. We all know how long you will last in the ntcc if you don't pay your tithe. You will never fit in; and you will be blasted from the pulpit. The ntcc will never need to solicit outside donations as long as the members are required to surrender large amounts of their paychecks to their churches. If you don't pay your tithe in the ntcc, you are considered a God Robber; and the only thing you have to look forward to is eternity in the lake of fire. It's no wonder these ntcc leaders are filthy rich. That is a lot of power to hold over a person.
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Form 1023 Page 3 |
This page deals with the ntcc's relationship with other organizations; and, for the most part, to our knowledge, the ntcc has ostracized itself from all others. However, question 6, sub (b) might be worth a little further investigation. It deals with engaging in purchases or sales of assets to or from other exempt organizations other than 501(c)(3)s. In other words, the ntcc has stated that it doesn't nor ever will purchase property from or sell property to another charitable organization. But, in fact, the ntcc has purchased many buildings and properties from many different sources!
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Form 1023 Page 4 |
Question 8 asks what assets the organization uses in the performance of it's exempt function. What a joke. The ntcc calls itself a "charitable" organization and gets all of the tax benefits associated with that status but has no charitable works to speak of. They don't run a soup kitchen or provide shelter for the homeless. They don't visit old folks homes or orphanages; nor do they provide assistance to any group that is in need. They have no charity. They discourage their members from helping anyone in need or even giving their spare change to someone who has nothing. They don't pray for the homeless; in fact, many of them would change sides of the street to keep from walking by one of them. The ntcc is the least charitable organization I've ever seen. They discourage every form of charity; but they will collect your money and get fat off of the profits. The ntcc has millions of dollars worth of assets but none of them are used for the purpose of charity!
Question 10 asks if the organization is a membership organization. Legally it probably is not because the IRS might not consider tithe and so called freewill offerings as membership fees. We all know that if we don't pay tithe, we are not part of the club. We will not be treated as a member if we don't give. The ntcc answered no to this question so they wouldn't have to answer the other 3 questions which were:
a. Describe the organization's membership requirements, and attach a schedule of membership fees and dues.
b. Describe your present and proposed efforts to attract members, and attach a copy of any descriptive literature or promotional material used for this purpose.
c. What benefits do (or will) your members receive in exchange for their payment of dues?
Could you imagine if the ntcc had to answer these questions?
a. Oh, we require all Christians to pay tithes and give in offerings. We require the men and women to dress like they are being cast for roles in "The Little House on the Prairie". To be considered a member they have to ask permission to date; and each couple must have the individual approval of the Pastor. They also must attend at least 5 church services per week and participate in all soul winning functions, prayer meetings and fellowship.
b. We make our members pound on 100 doors every time they go soul winning. We brow beat them if they do not bring people to church; and we lay a guilt trip on them by preaching that they don't care about lost souls. Meanwhile, the borg 'leaders' sit in their mansions and eat bon bons, and play with their expensive cars and enjoy the amenities purchased by the tithe paying members; who are required to beat the streets and bring people out to church; so the so-called preachers can have someone else to abuse. If the members don't bring people out to church, the so-called 'leaders' are going to have one of those services that nobody wants to be a part of. They will convince the members they're worthless and have no burden for the lost.
They truly save the best for last:
c. What benefits do your members receive? What a joke. They get to move from place to place and contribute their life earnings to a church that doesn't appreciate anything they do. They get to be broke for the rest of their tenure in the ntcc. They get to have no retirement. They get to ditch all of their past friends and family. They get to drive around in oil puking junkers and buy their clothes at kook stores. They get to live in roach infested apartments and sleep on used mattresses or the floor. They get to live off of $40 per week for groceries; and if "they can't put it together" they will be publicly humiliated for being abject failures.
It Gets To Live Watch On YouTube
It's a good thing that Joe Olson and his buddies didn't have to answer those three questions honestly! Because they offer no benefits, the ntcc did not have to answer these questions or question 11. Question 12 and 13 pertain to organizations that involve themselves with politics.
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Form 1023 Page 5 |
This page has no relevant information to comment on. Believe me, if it did, we would have our say.
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Form 1023 Page 6 |
This page is where the ntcc declares that it is not a private foundation but identifies itself as a church. By answering no to question 7, the ntcc was required to check the appropriate box or boxes for question 9. Notice that the ntcc did not check the box that identified them as a school. By checking Box A which identified the ntcc as a church, they were then required to go to question 14 which is on the next page. Please follow along in your ntcc IRS brochures...
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Form 1023 Page 7 |
Vic did such a good job at summing this up directly and precisely, that we are going to use his comment to address question 14B which asks, Is the organization or any part of it a school? The ntcc answered NO. Vic says:
"And for the biggest, baldfaced, Pinocchio-level, pants-on-fire lie of the century, how about this zinger from Section 14:
"Is the organization, or any part of it, a school?"
NO!!!??? Since when has NTCC NOT operated a school as its most integral function? RW states that the school was the reason "God raised NTCC up" by sending him back here from the mission field.
Liars. They're absolute, bottom of the barrel, scam artist hypocrites that are stealing the money and resources of others through false pretenses. They've condemned their own selves to hell according to the doctrine they peddle themselves.
Liars. Total, verified, confirmed liars and scumbags."
There you have it. No bloviating, no beating a dead horse, just plain and simple and to the point. Thanks, Vic for summing that up for us.
Putting all the colorful metaphors aside, if you read the documents and dismiss all of the commentary, one could easily conclude that the ntcc leaders are a bunch of outright liars at the very least. But it gets better. Much has been shared on the blogs about how the ntcc spends or has spent our hard earned money. The ntcc had to fill out these forms to keep them from having to share our money with the Federal Government. Joe Olson, Mike Kekel, James Ashmore and whoever else took part in the filing of this paperwork did so at the request of R.W. Davis, aka R-dub. They don't scratch themselves without his permission, so you can bet the Grand Puba, and Dubster, RWD is not ignorant of these lies. These board members were most likely directed to lie in each instance by Davis himself. This is how the ntcc operates, and if you buy into their bill of goods, you will find yourself cheating and lying for their benefit just like the sycophantic board members did on these documents. It all rolls down hill in the ntcc. Many of the individual pastors have to compromise their own convictions and callings to please RWD and his self proclaimed band of super apostles. Everything revolves around money in the ntcc. These documents expose the ntcc leadership for their greed, hunger for power, insatiable desire for luxury and their need to have worldly belongings that absurdly distinguish them as upper class elitists.
Coming soon, ntcc financial records. What did the board members make back then? Or better yet, what li(n)e did the ntcc feed the IRS on what the salaries of the board members were. Church financials and much more to come. Stay tuned to the X-files and you will learn about the paranormal financial activities of the ntcc.
Originally published March 16, 2013
I have contacted several Governmental Agencies regarding corruption that has become prevalent in a 501c3 Church organization Headquartered in Washington State, registered
and founded in Missouri.
Under the FOIA, I have obtained a copy of the original IRS Form 1023 exposing multiple distortions, omissions, and misleading I am looking for avenues to expose this corruption, via, media, courts, legislation, and the IRS.
I represent a group of present, and former members, and ministers of:
The New Testament Church of God, Inc.
and The New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc.
13304 210th St. East,
[P.O. Box 629]
Graham, Wa. 98338
Federal Tax ID. and EID # 43-1457094
Literally hundreds of my fellow members, and clergy, have left this group over the past 5 years as more and more evidence of corruption has become public.
If you wish to review any of my documentation, beginning with a "Gift" of 39 acres from the CEO, to the President, and CFO of this group(s), I can e-mail it to you.
This parcel was returned to the NTCC of A, after scrutiny by multitudes of members, and threats by the COB to clergy to excommunicate ministers if the matter was not ignored.
In addition, a purchase of property by the church from a friend of the board of directors, and other insider sales and purchases is available.
The letter from a local IRS agent, is available as well.
It is our assertion that based upon our information, and volumes of additional information, that these two Church Corporation's, Boards of Directors, and Officers, show a pattern of pecuniary profit, deception, financial mismanagement, malfeasance, and misappropriation of funds, and do not qualify for Tax Exempt Status under the IRS codes, nor the Tax Exemption status under Missouri, Washington, or any other State.
Under the FOIA, I obtained a copy of the original application(s) for an Incorporation with Tax Exempt Status, IRS form 1023 signed by the COB JH Olson, dated July 6, 1993, for the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc, stating multiple deceptions, and inaccuracies.
This document reveals omissions, and false or misleading facts relating to the Organization's leadership structure, intermarriage of board members, and directors, finances, membership numbers, and the relationship between these two Organizations, etc. Current Estimated Annual income in excess of $10,000,000
I / we, strongly believe that there is clear evidence of misconduct, as well as many legal violations. I have much more documentation, as well as credible testimony as to these facts.
What we lack, is a cohesive, and clear portrayal of this information, in order to proceed with a case, or class action suit against these entities. I need your departments assistance in order to uncover the details, to connect the dots, and to portray to the public, the corruption that has overtaken this church, from it's leadership.
Current World Headquarters:
NTCC of America, Inc.
Box 629
Graham, Wa. 98338
New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc.
Federal Tax ID. and EID # 43-1457094
State of Mo. tax ID #N00037108,
Washington State UBI # 602259281
New Testament Church of God, Inc.
State of Mo. tax ID #N00009673,
Washington State UBI # 601823096
Also registered under the following names:
New Testament Church; New Testament Chrstn Churches of Amer, Inc.
New Testament Christian Churches of American, Inc; New Testament Christian Church
PO Box 731569, Puyallup, Wa. 98373
For the purpose of, Incorporation, and tax exemption, in the State of Missouri, and other States, as a Not For Profit Corporation(s)[Church], Missouri chapter 355 revised statutes, 1961, and the IRS 501c3.
1123 Holly Hills Ave
Saint Louis, Mo. 63111
New Testament Christian Churches of America applied for exempt status under IRC §501(c)(3) July 9, 1993. The organization has been brought to my attention by several concerned former members and employees of the church. I have attached several testimonies that were given to me from some of these former employees and members. While much of the information that is being brought forth dates back from the late 1970s to the present, it establishes a clear pattern of noncompliance, potential fraud and the possibility that the organization doesn’t actually qualify to be in exempt status.
The testimonies of people who formerly worked for the church and should have been W2 employees, state that they were often or always paid in cash, never given a W2, and only occasionally a 1099-MISC. It is extremely likely that no employment taxes were paid dating back the past several decades, as well as the possibility of many or all of the former employees not reporting their income. The IRS would have been unaware of this since no documents were reported for the employees. Those who gave donations to the church also would have to press to receive any sort of proof of the charitable contributions in order to deduct their giving on their 1040s. The church appears to have usually discouraged these documents.
It has been stated to me multiple times that the church owns a significant amount of property and rents it out for cash to church members to live. It also “sells” these properties without a deed and only for cash to members. There appears to be an extensive amount of cash handled by this organization that they are trying to hide.
Being in SBSE, I am unaware of the rules surrounding the exempt organizations, but it seems likely that the funds have to go to a specific use designated by the organization that complies with regulations surrounding these exempt organizations. From most of the testimonies attached, it appears that the church states that their donations are going to specific activities that would be approved of for a nonprofit. Instead, the funds appear to be sitting in the bank before being distributed out to those leaders specified by the testimonies.
This church is based out of St Louis, Missouri and when it filed F1023, it stated multiple things that appear to have been not true based upon verbal and written information given to me. The F1023 states that the church did not have a school affiliated with it, yet it does and did in Graham, WA. It says it is not a member organization and does not require dues, yet it appears that they forcefully withhold “tithe” or “dues” from the employees pay and harass church members to pay. The form states that no benefits would be paid to individuals, yet the church supposedly supported missionaries overseas. They would tell the congregation in the United States that they were distributing their money to these missionaries, yet would give only a small fraction.
One of the testimonies states “There is no accountability regarding money, and extreme defensiveness about the subject. They act like they have something to hide, and I believe they do. The lavish lifestyles of the leadership cause suspicion. A complete audit of the financial affairs of this organization will probably not be possible because of the large amounts of unsubstantiated cash that they handle. But it may be possible to demonstrate that the leadership didn't obtain their largess through "investments," as they claim. They are devious, but an forensic accounting expert could nail them. All that money's gone someplace.
... Due to the significant red flags with this organization, it would be beneficial to examine the organization for fraud, misallocation of funds, and possible ineligibility of exempt status.
Seattle, Wa. IRS Agent
If you are looking for the leaders or followers of the ntcc, you might find them in a ditch, because that's where both parties end up when you have blind leading the blind. Do you think that God wants you to remain blind? I challenge all ntcc'rs to pray, and take a good look at what is going on around you. Do you really think that God intended for the ntcc to turn out this way. Wrong is wrong. Is there a bible scripture that says you can not ask where your money is going? You know good and well if you do ask, you will provoke anger from the ntcc leaders, and it's not of God. If they are getting all of the government benefits of a Charitable organization, and the money seems to be making them richer and richer, why else would they be offended when you ask them to account for the money? They could have opted to be a non-tax exempt organization, and had the same attitude that Davis once had when he taught that we should not claim our tithe on our federal income tax returns.
What a double standard hypocrite Davis is. So is Kekel. They sit back and live in an absurd amount of wealth while dictating to others how they should spend their money. Don't give your tithe to these hypocrites. They stink in the nostrils of God. They became a tax exempt organization so they could keep more of your money. They did not want to share your money with the IRS, and if you believe that your money is going into other works and the mission fields, you are naive and gullible. Davis and Kekel are swimming in wealth while many of their ministers are living in roach infested flats and having church in run down shacks they call tabernacles. I guarantee you that Davis's house alone is worth more that just about every ntcc church sanctuary in the United States.
Go ahead and continue to give your money to these Pharisees so they can continue to plow your fields and tell you how worthless you are. Go ahead and let them convince you that you are God robbers if you don't give your money to them. You know what? I challenge you to think outside the ntcc box. You are Robbing God by giving God's money to these crooks. They won't even be honest and disclose to you where your money is going. They are the God robbers. Why is it that the ntcc has done away with every other old testament law except for tithe? They saw all of us coming and they played us for a bunch of fools. It's no shame to fall. It's no shame to fail and lose a battle or two, but when you realize that you have been used and you continue to allow users and abusers to kick you while you are down and laugh and joke about you while they prosper, you continue to dig your own grave deeper and deeper, and these self righteous hypocrites will indeed bury you in your own grave. You think they care about you, but they don't. They care about their own.
If you are a minister or member of the ntcc, we don't hate you. We went through much of what you are going through. We thought as many of you also think that God was moving in our lives, and he was, but it was in spite of the ntcc leaders, not because of them. If you stay, they will suck the life out of you and your churches. That's what they do. We do what we do because when it's all said and done, we know that you will be kicked to the curb and left to pick through the rubble of your ruined lives. If this happens, don't blame God as many have. That's what Davis and Kekel teach you. It's all your fault. You couldn't put it together or keep it together. I wish you all could understand that God is not like that. I know that many of you ntcc members and ministers feel this way deep down inside and it's not because God has forsaken you or because you have failed. You are in an organization that is crumbling. It has been crumbling for many years and it will continue to crumble. You will never be able to reach your potential while you subject yourselves to the double standards of the ntcc leaders.
Very well said. I'm not going to hold my breath, but I hope that someone will look into this. If by some miracle there is an investigation, and a trial I want to try and make it to as much as I can. Or, at least to the sentencing. I have to admit this. I haven't much confidence in the legal system in this country but I keep hoping.....
and hoping.....
and hoping.....
Mark G - I keep thinking what you said I hope and pary someone, in some agency somewhere will do more than just consider doing something. I also keep wishing everyone left at ntcc would finally wake up and leave too. I'll settle for the some agency finally doing something. You know if that day comes (WHEN that day comes - I'm hoping & believing it will) though people will still stand by ntcc and say it was all our fault. SMH just thinking about it!
And for the biggest, baldfaced, Pinocchio-level, pants-on-fire lie of the century, how about this zinger from Section 14:
"Is the organization, or any part of it, a school?"
NO!!!??? Since when has NTCC NOT operated a school as its most integral function? RW states that the school was the reason "God raised NTCC up" by sending him back here from the mission field.
Liars. They're absolute, bottom of the barrel, scam artist hypocrites that are stealing the money and resources of others through false pretenses. They've condemned their own selves to hell according to the doctrine they peddle themselves.
Liars. Total, verified, confirmed liars and scumbags.
if ntcc leaders have not been honest in one area, then how can they be trusted in any area? Wrong is Wrong, a lie is a lie rather its a big lie or a small lie its still a lie the members/strudent should really take the blinders off and start seeing the bigger picture, those leaders are not perfect, but they can masked there inperfections by preaching to others and its very sad that there are brothers and sister some who no better but are willfully turning a blind eye, and some who are just unasure but want leave for fear,and others who are just blind and misled because of there sincerty to do a work for God. We have all fallen into that trap at sometime or another, but because of God we are now able to see just how corrupt ntcc really is.
1 cor: 5.6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaventh the whole lump? Bro. Perry Broadnax was a homosexual long before he became pastor, and so was Bro. Don, the pastors wife who tried to sleep with as many brothers as she could all ready had those desires but not the opportunity until she became a psstors wife. Those folks are the obvious ones, expendable, easy to be removed and replaced easy to be called out because of there weaknesses in the flesh. However those who deal with the money is also weak in the flesh because of there lust for wealth and power and these folks are mainly the leaders who in order to stay wealthy they must all be in one accord with one another. Being deceitful to the government while at the sametime using and twisting scriptures to keep the members/students in the dark. It really is amazing how that members/students give and give until it hurts but never can ask or get an accounting of the tithes and offerings that they give. It really is amazing that when the same leaders that you pay your tithes to want give you a kind smile, a comforting word, a dress for free. davis at times would use his jeti mind tricks by preaching and saying my Gawd owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Well thats true but does that mean that GOD is going to give his cattle on a thousand hills to anyone other than Jesus? He (davis and others also would also use there jeti mind tricks twisting scriptures)by saying would a man rob GOD? Making you feel guilty for something that you have not done or was evan comtiplating on doing. I thank God for his great mercy and grace and for delivering me from ntcc.
Vic said:
"And for the biggest, baldfaced, Pinocchio-level, pants-on-fire lie of the century, how about this zinger from Section 14:
"Is the organization, or any part of it, a school?"
NO!!!??? Since when has NTCC NOT operated a school as its most integral function? RW states that the school was the reason "God raised NTCC up" by sending him back here from the mission field."
DnA said:
It's amazing what money hungry people will do or say at the prospect of having to share other people's tithe and offerings with the Government. They want it all, and they don't mind telling a few "Wolf Cookies" to get it.
Most people think that we are out here being driven by hatred and attacking the ntcc leaders because we have nothing better to do with our time. We hope that when people read this with their own eyes that they will begin to understand that Davis and his band of thieves are not super apostles and men of God, but they are in fact greed driven, money hungry individuals that tell lies and sin all the time. Holiness is just a front for what really goes on in the ntcc.
How can these people that look so holy and godly be anything but righteous? While there are sincere people and those that go through all the motions and follow all the rules out of love, the organization is rotten to the core. It's leaders are liars that are in it for the money and power.
D n A Said: NO!!!??? Since when has NTCC NOT operated a school as its most integral function? RW states that the school was the reason "God raised NTCC up" by sending him back here from the mission field."
Kat Says: When I was in BS (2005-early 2007) I'd hear RWD often comment in his ever so sarcastic tone about how they can't call it a CAWLEDGE any longer (after callnig it one) b/c the government wouldn't let them.
Also - I was thinking about Gesang. I know he has his own business called Gesang Enterprises. If you research it there isn't much at all to be found. I know he does work for the church. I'm sure some how it's all under the table. I wonder if RWD didn't possibly get him to do this. Hey Elliot you can make money and get the feds off investigating me?? I'm ONLY speculating and not saying that is what or why or how BUT I wouldn't be surprised one bit!
His L & I info:
The thought just occurred to me. If there is an investigation, and the Feds get serious about this, then perhaps they can put the heat on some of the members that are currently there to "come clean" and cooperate with them. That, as well as many of the "non members" who are more than willing to testify against them. In my opinion, it would be damaging for non members to come forward, but it would be even more damaging to have current members come forward. Perhaps I'm just being cynical when I say this, But I don't know if the feds would even think that they are worth even going after. I mean, really, they are in reality a very small fish in a very big pond. It would probably cost the government more to go after them than they would ever be able to recoup. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade here, but we need to be realistic as to our chances. I probably will sound terrible when I say this, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings in the LEAST if my wife and I went back up to Washington on our next visit and the whole Graham Compound was taken down to the GROUND, and I mean it.
I agree with Mark G. on rather the feds will get involved or not, in my my previous job, if you or another had or have knowledge of a crime that have been committed or is being committed and you did not reported it makes you just as guilty as the one who is committing the crime its consider cover-up and failure to report is a crime. Those leaders who have knowledge of crimes that have been committed such as lying to or deceiving the IRS, child molestation, promoting and incourageing underage marriages etc. etc. those crimes should have been reported and rather the feds does anthing or not, exmembers can stand on the streets and coners to warn those who are condidering joining ntcc, that ntcc is nothing more that a occult.
page 3 question (4) (a).
4. Give the following information about the organization's’ governing body:
(a). Names, addresses, and titles of officers, directors, trustees, etc.
J.H. Olson- President
J.R. Ashmore- Vice-president
J.R. DiFrancesco- General-Secretary
L.D. Jones- Board Member
(M.C. Kekel), (R.W. Davis) NOT LISTED
(4) (d).
Are any members of the organization’ governing body “disqualified persons” with respect to the organization (other than of being a member of the governing body) or do any of the members have either a business or family relationship with “disqualified persons”? NO?
The disqualified person is R.W.Davis, FOUNDER, COB, CEO, ETC, of NTCG, Inc, and NTCC of A, Inc. The Substantial Contributor.
His son in law, M.C. Kekel (1983) is the Current Treasurer, and President, of Both Corporations, and is one of the three Founding Directors of NTCC of A (1987) State of Mo.
page 3 question (5).
Does the organization control or is it controlled by any other organization? Is the organization the outgrowth of (successor to) another organization, or does it have a special relationship with another organization by reason of interlocking directorates or other factors? NO?.
The facts: Yes, the growth and expansion into new states was the stated reason for the creation of the NTCC of A. It came out of NTCG.
Yes, New Testament Christian Churches of America, inc. is controlled by the New Testament Church of God, Inc. Both of these entities are operated by the same founder, interlocking board(s), and the same leaders. They have the SAME Corporate address, 1123 Holly Hills ave. St. Louis, Mo. 63111
The facts: This is the history of the New Testament Church of God, Inc. and the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc.
The NTCG seminary was founded by R.W. Davis in 1969, and was incorporated in St. Louis as the Midwestern Bible Institute, New Testament Christian College, New Testament Church of God, Inc. and is currently known as the New Testament Christian Seminary.
In 1984, NTCG moved its denominational headquarters from St. Louis to Graham, Washington, and in 1987, the New Testament Christian [College], Seminary followed suit. In the same year, NTCG changed its name to the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Incorporated.
Both of these Church corporations are directed by the same board of interlocking Directors, and use the 1123 Holly Hills Ave, St. Louis, 63111, mailing address, as a Missouri not for profit corporation.
If either of these questions is answered yes explain.
page 3 question (7).
Is the organization financially accountable to any other organization? NO
The facts: These two organizations are tied together financially, and in every aspect, but the details are unclear.
page 4 question 10
Is the organization a membership organization? NO?
The facts:
Licensed and Ordained ministers are required to attend Bible Seminary ( 2-4 year program), and graduate in-order to be licensed, renew their license credentials annually, attend mandatory conventions, etc, and required to PAY tithes and offerings weekly, etc. in order to remain “in good standing.”
page 4 question 11(b).
Does or will the organization limit its benefits, services or products to specific individuals or classes of individuals? n/a
The facts:
Some ministers, (selected by the COB) are paid a salary and provided housing, and other benefits, while other ministers performing the same function, are not paid, but expected to support themselves and volunteer their time, and services.
Part IV Financial Data
The facts:
1987 - 1990 approximate (organization) membership, 1000 - 1500 persons.
$1500.00 to $2000.00 approx. personal tithe, and offerings per person, or family.
($15,000 - $20,000 income average +/-.) annually.
1250 members X ($1500.00) = $1,875,000.00 Minimum annual Organizational income during this time frame.
Schedule A. Churches
page 11.
Provide a brief history of the development of the organization, including the reasons for its
A)-Current headquarters located at 1123 Holly Hills Avenue St.Louis, Missouri 63111
purchased in 1983.
B)-organization incorporated in State of Missouri in 1987. (See Articles of Inc.)
C)-”organization formed to preach the Gospel and further the cause of the Kingdom of
God and to promote and maintain churches and missions, etc., in the State of
Missouri, the United states of America and foreign lands.”
The facts: NTCC was incorporated in 1969 in St. Louis, Missouri, as the Midwestern Bible Institute, New Testament Church of God (NTCG). Its founder was Pentecostal Church of God minister Rodger Wilson Davis. For the first five years of its existence, NTCG affiliated itself with the Independent Pentecostal, or Free Holiness movement. The NTCG leadership eventually severed their ties with all outside churches, ministers, and ministries. They also distanced themselves from all other denominations by requiring that only those who had graduated from their own seminary could minister in their churches, and that their pastors could not maintain positions in any non-NTCG churches. The NTCG seminary was founded by R.W. Davis soon after he left the Pentecostal Church of God in 1969, and was incorporated in St. Louis as The Midwestern Bible Institute, and is currently known as the New Testament Christian Seminary.
In 1984, NTCG moved its denominational headquarters from St. Louis to Graham, Washington, and in 1987, the New Testament Christian Seminary followed suit. In the same year, NTCG changed its name to the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Incorporated.
(2). Does the organization have a written creed or statement of faith? YES
If Yes, attach a copy. (See Attached)
(3). Does the organization require prospective members to renounce other
religious beliefs or their membership in other religious orders to become members?
(8). (a) How many active members are currently enrolled In your church? (Approx. 125)
(b) What is the average attendance at your worship services? (104)
The facts: 1987- 1990, membership of ministers and church members, average 1000- 1500, during the vote for the name change from NTCG to NTCC of A, (1987?) The Holly Hills Church was at maximum capacity, in excess of 1200 + people in attendance.
(9). In addition to your worship services, what other religious services (such as baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc.) do you conduct?
Baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc.- performed as needed, requested, etc
(10). Does the organization have a school for the religious instruction of the young? No
The facts: The Church Headquarters, and Organization(s) headquarters, have always been, The Bible College, Bible Seminary.
In St. Louis, Mo. between 1972 - 1981 The NTCG operated a Christian Day school, which was a High school / middle school. Approx. attendance, 20 - 30 students.
The facts: 2011
R.W. Davis, Founder, CEO, CFO, COB, General Overseer, 40 years + (NTCG and NTCC of A)
J.H. Olson, Founder’s assistant, CEO, CFO, COB, 35+ years (both corps)
J. Johnson, Assistant General overseer, 35+ years (both corps)
J.R. Ashmore, Vice-president, Assistant General overseer, Missions Director, 35+ years, (both corps)
M.C. Kekel, Treasurer, Senior Pastor Headquarters Church, President of Bible Seminary, 30 years, (both corps)
L.D. Jones, Board Member, Missions Director, Assistant General overseer, 30 years
Teiman, Assistant General overseer, 25 years
J.R. DiFrancesco, General Secretary, 30 years, (both corps)
(16). Show how many hours a week your minister/pastor and officers each devote to
church work and the amount of compensation paid each of them. If your
minister or pastor is otherwise employed, indicate by whom employed, the
nature of the employment, and the hours devoted to that employment.
The facts: 90 % of all ministers, clergy are employed in secular jobs, an use their own funds for their own support.
page 13.
(17). Will any funds or property of your organization be used by any officer,
director, employee, minister, or pastor for his or her personal needs or
convenience? No????
The facts: Some of personal residences of Church board members in Washington State, and related clergy, are listed as owned by the Church organization(s), but are not parsonages, and are not listed as tax exempt.
If "Yes,· describe the nature and circumstances of such use.
A land “gift” of 39 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the NTCC of A headquarters and Seminary in Graham, Wa. from the CEO JH Olson to President, and Treasurer MC Kekel, both Board of Directors Members of Both NTCG and NTCC of A, Inc. approx. current value $359,000
This land was purchased by the Founder, R.W. Davis, given to the Church, gifted to [ son in law] board member M.C. Kekel, transferred back to the church, (11/2011).
Quit Claim(s) deed(s) of property, stating “no consideration” or “for love and affection”
for INSIDERS of the organization(s), and Board of Directors members, avoiding sales tax, and excise tax.
The facts: 2011
R.W. Davis, Founder, CEO, CFO, COB, General Overseer, 40 years + (NTCG and NTCC of A)
J.H. Olson, Founder’s assistant, CEO, CFO, COB, 35+ years (both corps)
J. Johnson, Assistant General overseer, 35+ years (both corps)
J.R. Ashmore, Vice-president, Assistant General overseer, Missions Director, 35+ years, (both corps)
M.C. Kekel, Treasurer, Senior Pastor Headquarters Church, President of Bible Seminary, 30 years, (both corps)
L.D. Jones, Board Member, Missions Director, Assistant General overseer, 30 years
Teiman, Assistant General overseer, 25 years
J.R. DiFrancesco, General Secretary, 30 years, (both corps)
(16). Show how many hours a week your minister/pastor and officers each devote to church work and the amount of compensation paid each of them. If your
minister or pastor is otherwise employed, indicate by whom employed, the
nature of the employment, and the hours devoted to that employment.
The facts: 90 % of all ministers, clergy are employed in secular jobs, an use their own funds for their own support.
page 13.
(17). Will any funds or property of your organization be used by any officer,
director, employee, minister, or pastor for his or her personal needs or convenience? No????!!!
The facts: Some of personal residences of Church board members in Washington State, and related clergy, are listed as owned by the Church organization(s), but are not parsonages, and are not listed as tax exempt.
If "Yes,· describe the nature and circumstances of such use.
A land “gift” of 39 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the NTCC of A headquarters and Seminary in Graham, Wa. from the CEO JH Olson to President, and Treasurer MC Kekel, both Board of Directors Members of Both NTCG and NTCC of A, Inc. approx. current value $359,000
This land was purchased by the Founder, R.W. Davis, given to the Church, gifted to [ son in law] board member M.C. Kekel, transferred back to the church, (11/2011).
Quit Claim(s) deed(s) of property, stating “no consideration” or “for love and affection”
for INSIDERS of the organization(s), and Board of Directors members, avoiding sales tax, and excise tax.
The continued existence of the New Testament Church Of God, Inc. was unknown to me, and to all the brethren I ever fellow shipped with for over 20 years. There has to be a financial connection between these two entities. Both boards of Directors are the Same. No conflict of interest here!
Missouri Laws 355.346 - Removal of directors
Missouri Laws > Title XXIII > Chapter 355 > § 355.346 - Removal of directors
355.346. 1. The members may, without cause, remove one or more directors elected by them.
2. If a director is elected by a class, chapter or other organizational unit, or by region or other geographic grouping, the director may be removed only by the members of that class, chapter, unit or grouping.
3. Except as provided in subsection 9 of this section, a director may be removed under subsection 1 of this section or subsection 2 of this section only if the number of votes cast to remove the director would be sufficient to elect the director at a meeting to elect directors.
4. If cumulative voting is authorized, a director may not be removed if the number of votes, or if the director was elected by a class, chapter, unit or grouping of members, the number of votes of that class, chapter, unit or grouping, sufficient to elect the director under cumulative voting is voted against the director's removal.
5. A director elected by members may be removed by the members only at a meeting called for the purpose of removing the director and the meeting notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is removal of the director.
6. In computing whether a director is protected from removal under subsection 2, 3 or 4 of this section, it should be assumed that the votes against removal are cast in an election for the number of directors of the class to which the director to be removed belonged on the date of that director's election.
7. An entire board of directors may be removed under the provisions of subsections 1 to 5 of this section.
8. A director elected by the board may be removed without cause by the vote of two-thirds of the directors then in office or such greater number as is set forth in the articles or bylaws; but a director elected by the board to fill the vacancy of a director elected by the members may be removed without cause by the members, but not the board.
9. If, at the beginning of a director's term on the board, the articles or bylaws provide that the director may be removed for missing a specified number of board meetings, the board may remove the director for failing to attend the specified number of meetings. The director may be removed only if a majority of the directors then in office vote for the removal.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)
Effective 7-1-95
We elected this guy to office, it's time to throw the entire self appointed "board" out, and get the least of these, to serve as a real "PASTOR" Turn their mansions into bed and breakfast(s), and charge $10 a night for a room! Tear down the wall, and the gate!
False document--penalty.
355.056. 1. A person commits an offense by signing a document which such person knows is false in any material respect with intent that the document be delivered to the secretary of state for filing.
2. An offense under this section is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)
Terms of directors, generally.
355.331. 1. The articles or bylaws shall specify the terms of directors. Except for designated or appointed directors, the terms of directors may not exceed six years. In the absence of any term specified in the articles or bylaws, the term of each director shall be one year. Directors may be elected for successive terms.
2. A decrease in the number of directors or term of office does not shorten an incumbent director's term.
3. Except as provided in the articles or bylaws:
(1) The term of a director filling a vacancy in the office of a director elected by members expires at the next election of directors by members; and
(2) The term of a director filling any other vacancy expires at the end of the unexpired term which such director is filling.
4. Despite the expiration of a director's term, the director continues to serve until the director's successor is elected, designated or appointed and qualifies, or until there is a decrease in the number of directors.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095, A.L. 1996 S.B. 768, A.L. 2003 S.B. 463)
Compensation of directors.
355.366. Unless the articles or bylaws provide otherwise, the directors may not be compensated for their services as such.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)
No compensation!!!!!????
It is all about the money!
Director's conflict of interest.
355.416. 1. A conflict of interest transaction is a transaction with the corporation in which a director of the corporation has a material interest. A conflict of interest transaction is not voidable or the basis for imposing liability on a noncompensated director if the transaction was not unfair to the corporation at the time it was entered into or is approved as provided in subsection 2 or 3 of this section.
2. A transaction in which a noncompensated director of a public benefit or religious corporation has a conflict of interest may be approved:
(1) In advance by the vote of the board of directors or a committee of the board if:
(a) The material facts of the transaction and the director's interest are disclosed or known to the board or committee of the board; and
(b) The directors approving the transaction in good faith reasonably believe that the transaction is not unfair to the corporation; or
(2) Before or after it is consummated by obtaining approval of the:
(a) Attorney general; or
(b) The circuit court in an action in which the attorney general is joined as a party.
3. A transaction in which a director of a mutual benefit corporation has a conflict of interest may be approved if:
(1) The material facts of the transaction and the director's interest were disclosed or known to the board of directors or a committee of the board and the board or committee of the board authorized, approved, or ratified the transaction; or
(2) The material facts of the transaction and the director's interest were disclosed or known to the members and they authorized, approved, or ratified the transaction.
4. For purposes of subsections 2 and 3 of this section, a conflict of interest transaction is authorized, approved, or ratified if it receives the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors on the board or on the committee, who have no direct or indirect interest in the transaction, but a transaction may not be authorized, approved, or ratified under this section by a single director. If a majority of the directors on the board who have no direct or indirect interest in the transaction vote to authorize, approve or ratify the transaction, a quorum is present for the purpose of taking action under this section. The presence of, or a vote cast by, a director with a material interest in the transaction does not affect the validity of any action taken under subdivision (1) of subsection 2 of this section or subdivision (1) of subsection 3 of this section if the transaction is otherwise approved as provided in subsection 2 of this section or subsection 3 of this section.
5. For purposes of subdivision (2) of subsection 3 of this section, a conflict of interest transaction is authorized, approved or ratified by the members if it receives a majority of the votes entitled to be counted under this subsection. Votes cast by a director who has a material interest in the transaction may not be counted in a vote of members to determine whether to authorize, approve or ratify a conflict of interest transaction under subdivision (2) of subsection 3 of this section. The vote of these members, however, is counted in determining whether the transaction is approved under other sections of this chapter. A majority of the voting power, whether or not present, that is entitled to be counted in a vote on the transaction under this subsection constitutes a quorum for the purpose of taking action under this section.
6. The articles, bylaws, or a resolution of the board may impose additional requirements on conflict of interest transactions.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)
Effective 7-1-95
There is no conflict of interest.
We set our own salary, and benefit package, and don't have to answer to any one!
Member's inspection of records.
355.826. 1. Subject to subsection 3 of section 355.831, a member, or resident of a class of residents who have paid into the corporation for services or other charges over fifty percent of the corporation's operating expenses, is entitled to inspect and copy, subject to subsections 2 and 3 of this section, at a reasonable time and location specified by the corporation, any of the records of the corporation required by this act* if the member or resident gives the corporation written notice or a written demand at least five business days before the date on which the member or resident wishes to inspect and copy.
2. Subject to subsection 5 of this section, a member or resident of a class of residents who have paid into the corporation for services or other charges over fifty percent of the corporation's operating expenses is entitled to inspect and copy, at a reasonable time and reasonable location specified by the corporation, any of the following records of the corporation if the member or resident gives the corporation written notice at least five business days before the date on which the member or resident wishes to inspect and copy:
(1) Any records required to be maintained under subsection 1 of section 355.821, to the extent not subject to inspection under subsection 1 of section 355.826; and
(2) Financial statements of the corporation.
3. A member or resident may inspect and copy the records identified in this section only if:
(1) The member or resident describes with reasonable particularity the purpose and the records the member or resident desires to inspect; and
(2) The records are directly connected with this purpose.
4. This section does not affect:
(1) The right of a member to inspect records under section 355.271 or, if the member is in litigation with the corporation, to the same extent as any other litigant; or
(2) The power of a court, independently of the provisions of this chapter, to compel the production of corporate records for examination.
5. The articles or bylaws of a public benefit corporation which is a church or convention or association of churches may limit or abolish the right of a member under this section to inspect and copy any corporate record. This subsection shall not apply to residents or a class of residents of a religious corporation when such residents have paid into the corporation for services or other charges in excess of fifty percent of the corporation's operating expenses.
6. When a corporation has no members and makes provision for a self-perpetuating board of directors, any recipient or beneficiary of the services or activities of such corporation may inspect and copy the books and records of such corporation under the same conditions and rights as provided for a member. A recipient or beneficiary may designate an agent or attorney for the purpose of conducting such inspection and making such copies.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)
Effective 7-1-95
*"This act" (H.B. 1095, 1994) contains numerous sections. Consult Disposition of Sections table for definitive listing.
Court-ordered inspection.
355.836. 1. If a corporation does not allow a member or resident who complies with subsection 1 of section 355.826 to inspect and copy any records required by that subsection to be available for inspection, the circuit court in the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located may summarily order inspection and copying of the records demanded at the corporation's expense upon application of the member or resident.
2. If a corporation does not within a reasonable time allow a member or resident to inspect and copy any other record, the member or resident who complies with subsections 2 and 3 of section 355.826 may apply to the circuit court in the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located for an order to permit inspection and copying of the records demanded. The court shall dispose of an application under this subsection on an expedited basis.
3. If the court orders inspection and copying of the records demanded, it shall also order the corporation to pay the member's or resident's costs, including reasonable counsel fees, incurred to obtain the order unless the corporation proves that it refused inspection for good cause.
4. If the court orders inspection and copying of the records demanded, it may impose reasonable restrictions on the use or distribution of the records by the demanding member or resident.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)
Effective 7-1-95
Furnishing of financial statements.
355.846. 1. Except as provided in the articles or bylaws of a public benefit corporation which is a church or convention or association of churches, a corporation upon written demand from a member or resident shall furnish that member or resident its latest annual financial statements, which may be consolidated or combined statements of the corporation and one or more of its subsidiaries or affiliates, as appropriate, that include a balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year and statement of operations for that year. If financial statements are prepared for the corporation on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles, the annual financial statements must also be prepared on that basis.
2. If annual financial statements are reported upon by a certified public accountant, the accountant's report must accompany them. If not, the statements must be accompanied by the statement of the president or the person responsible for the corporation's financial accounting records:
(1) Stating the president's or other person's reasonable belief as to whether the statements were prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and, if not, describing the basis of preparation; and
(2) Describing any respects in which the statements were not prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with the statements prepared for the preceding year.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)
Effective 7-1-95
Well, it would take a move of God to affect any true change [repentance] in the ntcc. We do believe that God is capable of moving mountains. He promised us believers:
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23
And davis himself picked up on Eric James Barden's witness / testimony and prophesied:
Wouldn't it be just like God to use those words of davis to remove that mountain via volcanic eruption / internal combustion? It sooo reminds us of the words of Pharaoh to Moses:
And Pharaoh said unto him, Get thee from me, take heed to thyself, see my face no more; for in [that] day thou seest my face thou shalt die.
And Moses said, Thou hast spoken well, I will see thy face again no more. Exd 10:28-29
Pharaoh had no idea how close it was. The judgment was coming...
Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore. Exo 14:30-31; Exo 14:21-25 and Exo 14:26-29
Even so shall this thing be. It's just a matter of time.
To the anonymous on a fishing expedition. Nice try. If you are legit, you can contact us at our email posted on this blog. Identify yourself and let us know what you are up to and why you want this info, and we might consider it. At this time we can't think of any reason that we should post your comment or cater to your wishes. Have you ever pulled guard duty in the Army? The first thing you need to do is "Advance to be recognized". Next there is a challenge that requires the correct response or password. In other words, at this point we do not recognize you, therefore your need to know and proper clearance are non-existent. Again if this is a misunderstanding, you can execute the proper protocol by emailing us and we'll consider your request. We also might consider giving you what you want if you release a few prisoners as a gesture of your willingness to negotiate.
Excellent information! I really appreciate all the work as well being put into this to bring the truth of the matters to light. The more real stories, the more hard facts there are the more it exposes the scam artists. Hopefully the blinded eyes will be opened when they read and see facts. Keep up the good work!! =)
sounds like you have someone's attention. maybe the army of God will stand up and take back the church that they sacrificed for and built with their own blood, sweat, and tears. throw out the usurpers!
Inurement to Insiders
Churches and religious organizations, like all exempt
organizations under IRC section 501(c)(3), are prohibit
ed from engaging in activities that result in inurement of
the church’s or organization’s income or assets to insiders
(i.e., persons having a personal and private interest in the
activities of the organization). Insiders could include the
minister, church board members, officers, and in certain
circumstances, employees. Examples of prohibited inure
ment include the payment of dividends, the payment of
unreasonable compensation to insiders, and transferring
property to insiders for less than fair market value. The
prohibition against inurement to insiders is absolute;
therefore, any amount of inurement is, potentially,
grounds for loss of tax-exempt status. In addition, the
insider involved may be subject to excise tax. See the
following section on Excess benefit transactions. Note
that prohibited inurement does not include reasonable
payments for services rendered, payments that further
tax-exempt purposes, or payments made for the fair
market value of real or personal property.
To Anonymous:
Our email address is 1gi2another@gmail.com. Sorry you couldn't find it. It's still unclear why you want the information, and yes we do get creeped. Feel free to email us and let us know what you are up to. We are not bad people, we just err on the side of caution because of what we all have been through. The ntcc does not like what we blog about. This blog post in particular exposes them for being liars, and we are pretty sure that they are not going to change and be truthful with us. The ntcc very seldom identifies themselves on the blogs because they would look like big hypocrites just for participating in them. After all, they do exert their share of energy trying to convince their members how ungodly the blogs are. They do things in secret and never acknowledge any wrongdoing. We don't expect them to be honest with us, because they are not honest among themselves. We know that they are liars and it's their nature to circumvent the honest approach to anything.
This is why when we responded the way we did. If your intentions were not deceptive in nature than we apologize to you, but we still don't understand why you would possibly need the info you requested. We don't bite, we are ordinary human beings and we will be glad to chat with you. We might not share the information that you feel you need but we won't kick you to the curb or look down our noses at you, unless, of course, you turn out to be an ntcc minister, board member or one of Kekel's minions, in which case we will not cower down, or back-pedal.
Don and Ange
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