For example, a "Free Range" chicken can mean a chicken which shares a grass barn with a million other chickens. But those "Free Range" chickens are just like their "Free Range" eggs which are all harvested in the barn. They're really not roaming the countryside freely, enjoying sun and air and nature.
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Notice that the Roosters or 'Pastors' are the only ones allowed anywhere near freedom. |
And how do you get 100% "Freshly Squeezed" orange juice 365 days a year? The OJ might be freshly squeezed; but after that it is put into sealed tanks. All the oxygen is taken out of it; and there it sits for up to a year before it reaches the grocery store shelf. And what they don't tell you is that everything that makes it taste like orange juice sunk to the bottom of the tank; so later on they mix in f'lavor packets' that are like perfume fragrances to make your 'freshly squeezed' orange drink, that's been stored for a year, once again taste like real "freshly squeezed" OJ! They even have loopholes which are allowed by the FDA that do not require big companies like Minute Maid to list the ingredients of these mystery flavor packets on their packaging.
"USDA Inspected" is another term. It seems reassuring; but in fact it means very little in the meat industry. Buyers of meat look for the cheapest product to save their money; and the meat industry has been allowed to take the cheapest cuts of meat and market them as "USDA Choice". 70% of all hamburger patties are made by a company called Beef Products, Inc. They use a process of 'cleaning' the beef with ammonia gas so that it can pass e-coli inspections; that enables it to have the government's stamp of approval so 'Beef Products' Inc. can compete with the few companies that actually use prime cuts of meat. Do you ever wonder why a 12 minute trip to Taco Bell carries the consequence of a 12 roll session in the restroom? [Just Kidding!]
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Taco Bell - It's Swell! Only "USDA CHOICE" Beef Used Here. When you're done flushing, yell "ALL CLEAR!" |
As a truck driver, I have delivered all types of products to places across the USA. One such delivery was 'Food-Grade Paper'. Packaged as huge rolls of paper that weigh almost 7,000 lbs per roll, this product was delivered to a food company that had a pulp processing plant. Not understanding why this paper looked a little different I asked their receiving personnel what the paper was used for. They explained to me that it was 'Food-Grade Paper'; and it was processed into pulp which was processed into powder and used as a cheap replacement for more expensive 'fillers' like flour and oils! What? It's not for packaging? No. It winds up in your food. It has no nutritional value; and is listed in the ingredients of your favorite food as "Cellulose". Notice the close correlation between the words "Cellulose" and "Cellulite" - that pesky body fat that accumulates around your middle-aged gut; giving you the appearance of a Dunlap tire 'coz your stomach done lapped over your belt! ;-)
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Which has more wood in it, the Bread or the Chopping Block? |
Cellulose comes from wood pulp, and is processed into huge rolls of 'Food-Grade Paper' that is a little thicker than construction paper and fairly coarse. It is then put in your food to stretch the ingredients. It is filler. I looked it up on the internet; but it is not something that is very well advertised. I had to do quite a few searches to find it. But it was on a website that had a list of "The 6 most horrifying lies the food industry is feeding you".
What If Starbucks Marketed Like A Church? Video on YouTube
Unfortunately, much of the church world operates in a similar fashion; and the ntcc is one of the worst offenders of all. The ntcc leadership advertises that they "preach a living Christ to a lost and dying world". They share that their version of the gospel is "pure" and "unadulterated". But in truth, what they do is very similar to what the food industry does. The food industry convinces people that they have the best product; and that is exactly what the ntcc tries to do in the church world. In fact the ntcc will try to convince you that they have the market cornered. They will convince you that you will not find what they have to offer anywhere else. And in a very subtle way they will tell you that nobody offers what they have to offer.
The ntcc will tell you that "God raised up Davis because nobody else was preaching the truth. Everyone else was compromising." The same is true on a smaller scale in the local ntcc churches. If you don't believe me, try going to another church, and see how your ntcc pastor reacts. He will react just the way he was taught to react by Davis, Kekel and the rest of the ntcc leadership. "If the other churches were right with God, He wouldn't have raised the ntcc up in these last evil days as a bastion of righteousness and holiness". The ntcc's version of holiness does not wash away greed, covetousness, adultery or the hate they preach and teach to their congregations. What they fail to realize is that all their righteousness is as filthy rags (used menstrual cloths) before God. They might feed you a line that there are other churches "out there" [sic] outside the weird "church behind the fence'. But they will freak out if you go and visit one of those 'other' churches! They will try to blame and manipulate you with mystical hogwash like, "If God saved you here, why would you go there?" Well, I was born in a hospital, but I sure didn't grow up in one. The ntcc is always telling X-ers to move on. We'd like to encourage you "in-ers" to do the same. Move on out of that hospital where you were born-again and grow up in a healthy church environment where you are Spirit led, not on lock-down. After all, hospitals are where you go when you are born, sick, or fixin' to die. You don't want to spend your whole life there!
The ntcc uses an extremely emotional approach to appeal to people called "Love Bombing". But then they use some very sleazy sales tactics to get them to buy off on their bill of goods. They use a lot of "Fluff" to draw people in: free dinners, free rides to church, smiles and hugs at the door. But once they get their hooks in you, they begin to reveal some pretty disturbing rules they will try to call only 'policies' or 'doctrine'. But just try ignoring or breaking those rules and see how well that goes over. You will be blasted from the pulpit in a smear campaign designed to cut you off from the flock. Unfortunately, their fear tactics have proven quite effective over the years. The people you thought were your friends will start avoiding you. You will be looked at in a very different light. You've been marked and are on your way out. In ntcc you are expected to conform to the rules of man or be cast off.
They also use advertising slogans like "A Church of All Nations"; but after you become one of them you start hearing nigger jokes. Then they will say if that offends you, you must be wrong because "They that love the Lord, nothing will offend them." That is ntcc's twisted version of Psa 119:165 which actually states: "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." First of all, they are misquoting that scripture. And secondly, that scripture is not meant to be an excuse for them to sow discord, or use evil jesting. They are really abusing that scripture to tell you that you can't be angry with their sin. But the Word says to "be angry and sin not" [Eph 4:26]. Plus, try applying their standard to them. Walk up to Mikey Kekel and slap him on the back and say, "What's up, Mike?" Then, when he turns red and tries to blast you say, "What? You aren't OFFENDED; are you, Mike? Because "They that love the LORD, nothing will offend them." Or try walking into church and give Tanya Kekel one of those scathing head to toe look-overs like what she does to you to make you feel like your kook-store attire does not meet her standards. Make sure you look disgusted or scornful when you do this to her. See how she reacts to that. Will she be a shining example of Christian love? Or will she stamp her $400 dollar pair of heels and pout to Mikey so he can blast you and say "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" You see, in the ntcc there really is a double standard, a "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy that rules the 'leaders' actions. They are hypocrites who preach one thing while demanding that you live a different thing. They are like the food industry that promises something fresh; but in reality what you get has been sitting around getting stale. They claim that they, and only they, "have the goods"; but what you are really getting is not %100 pure; instead it is full of man-made doctrines that are used as fillers to stretch the truth to fit their man-made agendas. It's just a bunch of spiritual cellulose!
Another strategy ntcc uses to get the military involved is to promise them 'home cooked' meals; and they refer to their servicemen's homes as a "Home Away From Home"; but after you move in to their dysfunctional home, you must submit to all of their rules. You first must pay tithe and give in offerings and pay a home offering and a separate food offering; you also must participate in every function every day and live according to ntcc's definition of holiness. This in itself is bad enough, incorporating many non-scriptural man-made rules; but there are a lot of subtle and non-written rules you must also abide by; which all fall under their category of "Obey them that have the rule over you"; which can be found in Heb 13:17; but is largely abused by ntcc davis-wannabe megalomaniacs. Did the author of Hebrews really intend for people to live in an environment where they have to obey some hypocritical, fault finding, micro managing, angry control freak?
The ntcc bible school, now called a
What does the ntcc really have to offer its adherents that is good for their spiritual well being? Most of what they offer is toxic; and they use a bunch of fillers and spiritual cellulose to make it all wash down. "Preaching a Living Christ to a Lost and Dying World" sounds pretty good until you wake up decades later and realize that you are not only part of that dying world, but you have wasted the best years of your life by convincing others to follow a failed system that benefits a very few, while you witness others being trampled on for reasons that do not make any sense. The ntcc needs a living Christ just as much if not more than the dying world that they preach to. Their doctrine has run off more people than it has helped by far. It's false advertising to say that you are the last move of God on planet earth and then treat people that you call your brother and sister like human excrement. It's phony and hypocritical to live in luxury while expecting your members to foot the bill. The bible is full of spiritual nutrition; but the ntcc causes it to be of no value when the leaders live contrary to the inflated advertisements they use to sell their gospel.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Gal 1:8
"Home Away From Home"??? Most people I interviewed joined the military to get away from their homes! Why get tangled up in somebody else's mess?
Gen 12:1-4p:
1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
4p So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; ...
Isa 51:2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah [that] bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
In these scriptures we see the natural order of things. God places a call on our lives, and we follow Him to an independent walk in obedience to Him and blessings follow.
The ntcc wants you to stay in their womb. They say, "God saved you here; why would you leave?" Well, your mama gave birth to you; but you had to grow and go. You can't stay in her belly forever.
And just as in natural birth, the Father's seed starts the new life. So in the Spiritual realm, The Father calls you out. His seed remains in you. He wants you to grow in His grace, take on the nature of His Son. Become the man or woman that God's seed was placed in you to form.
Don't stay in the ntcc womb and let their umbilical cord strangle the Life out of you. Move forward. Move on. Blessings will follow. :o)
A healthy church will recognize this natural order. They will teach you about the finished work of the Cross to lead you to salvation. Then they will release you to His able protection. They will encourage you to grow in His grace. They will equip you to not only seek His will, but perform it. They will lead by example from the front; not hypocritically cracking the whip from the rear in Graham, Washington.
We don't need to stay and make them richer. We need to obey God and seek His face, His will, His flock, and His Angel will go before us, preparing the way. Blessings will follow. :o)
Brilliant article (loved the video).
You are most welcome, we are glad you enjoyed it!
When you take a close look at the ntcc, it becomes apparent that they are trapped in a system that keeps them down. They are stuck in mud and they can't get their wheels spinning. They can't get any momentum to free themselves. They are held back and limited in their potential. The parameters of their freedom are set by others that want them to stay in a certain place.
Because they are only allowed to experience a shallow religion within the confines of the ntcc, their growth is stunted and they become stagnant. They use the same old cliches and their lives are all the same. They live from conference to conference, saying, "God Bless you, Brother". There are too many rules and too many boundaries for their own unique personality to benefit others.
The longer they stay in the ntcc, the more like a machine they become and the less human they become. The easiest way to tell the difference between a healthy Christian that is allowed to grow and be a fruitful member of society and an ntcc convert is the way they treat people outside of their own faith. Ntcc'rs are interested only in getting a warm butt in a cold chair. If they can convert a person into their cult they have accomplished their mission.
A normal Christian wants to leave the world a better place and they strive to show God's love by helping folks, without expecting anything in return. True Christianity is not about what you can get out of someone, but what you can do to help them find Christ. Once they become a Christian, if they are allowed to be fruitful, everything else will fall into place.
Very good article. I haven't read it as thoroughly as I should have, But just hitting the high spots lets me know that this is going to be a good one.
You know, I'm going to have to start getting over here much, MUCH MORE!!!
Thanks Mark, we are glad you enjoyed it. We worked on this one together and had a good time doing it. You are always welcome!
One time in the Servicemen's Home at Ft. Bragg, we had a change of command due to sin and RWD decided to send in a Pastor on the opposite side of the spectrum. The pastor that was replaced ran the Servicemen's home like a bible school while committing gross acts of sin, so R-Dub sent in a new pastor that was on the opposite end of the spectrum.
The new Pastor encouraged us all to go church hopping. This was unique among ntcc pastors in that it was the only instance during 14 different pastors that I had where we all were encouraged to go to other churches. Looking back on it, I'm not so sure that it all wasn't sanctioned by RWD to get rid of a bunch of us that were privy to what had been going on. We all went to a church called Maranatha True Holiness church that had lots of "holiness" women in it. Some of the brothers used this as their escape mechanism and got married in that church, others saw it all as compromise and left the ntcc. I was one of the few that stayed.
Our new ntcc pastor seemed a lot like Kekel in that he didn't seem saved at all. He was dead and dry and seemed to be there for the purpose of running a bunch of people off. This pastor's wife ended up sleeping with one of the brothers in the home and they were shortly disposed of in ntcc fashion.
I've personally seen a lot of corruption in Servicemen's Homes and they are the primary vehicle in the ntcc for recruiting young impressionable men and women into their brain washing control center in Graham. Servicemen's Homes are like Satellite mind control centers that feed the headquarters in Graham, a new bloodline of anxious subjects that are ready and willing to be manipulated.
Overall, the ntcc is a very unhealthy place for Christians. Most of the long time members of the ntcc are just going through the motions and their Christianity is mere routine. Many ntcc pastors are hiding sins of every nature and playing church while being tolerated by a corrupt group of leaders, many of which have similar issues.
For the few genuine hold outs that have been in the borg for over a decade, they are ineffective and their efforts are fruitless. Many of the souls they "win" are going to end up in Graham, where they will be sifted through. A lot of good people are discarded in this process without any remorse or compassion. The ones that make it through, will go out into the ministry with a burning desire to make a difference, but through time and manipulation their fire will be quenched and it dissolve into routine. It's a broken system and it creates a dysfunctional environment for true Christianity. This is why we blog.
"Deep down inside, I know a bean's been planted."
I like that quote and shuddered at the way they call out first time visitors. The reserved parking was also spot on. Remember, all coffee drinkers buy scones and give in the tip jar ~ 10%. Ahem...
Great analogy of what the NTCC is all about. Between the lack of any expository preaching and true biblical teaching, to the burdens placed upon people while the leadership will not raise a finger, the NTCC is filled with cellulose, sawdust, fluff, stuffing, etc. to make it appear Christian. Many pastors are guilty of the same sins that they accuse others of from the pulpit and will misuse their authority to manipulate women, emasculate men, and nurture young girls for other men. They devour widow's houses and feed on the gossip of others in order to control any message that their members may be sharing. NTCC is guilty of spiritual human trafficking and emotional abuse that has caused people to kill themselves and others.
Anonymous said:
"Many pastors are guilty of the same sins that they accuse others of from the pulpit and will misuse their authority to manipulate women, emasculate men, and nurture young girls for other men."
DnA said:
Your comment in it's entirety is very profound and true. The Word of God is powerful and when people misuse it, many times it can cause serious damage to the souls of men and women. False and hypocritical teachers that live one way and expect perfection from others, live in perversion and their actions nullify the gospel they preach. While they expect forgiveness for their habitual transgressions, they spew out judgment and hopelessness from behind the pulpit. They take the conviction that is in their own hearts and distribute it throughout their congregations, heaping negativity and fear upon others that was meant for them.
Rather than repenting they continue to harden their hearts and the love that they should have for their members has been gone for a long time and replaced with rules and policies of mistrust that were born in their own darkened hearts and imposed on others because of their own issues.
My prayer is that God will deliver those that are trapped in this destructive routine and that He will heal all of those that were forgotten and left for dead. We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't think there was hope, grace, mercy and love in abundance, available for everyone that cries out and longs for restoration.
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