Crossing the Line - The ntcc divorce policy or "Adultery on Demand"
Anonymous said...
I came into the original borg, NTCG, INC. with the formal consent of the borg COB, I received the appropriate permission to date the girl who would latter become my wife. We dated for approximately 2 years, probably a total of 8 dates, all in the company of another couple, we did GET to talk maybe once a month, mostly very shallow conversation. I never violated God's word in relation to our dating. I held her hand, but I never even kissed her, until after our wedding ceremony. I would never even considered any sexual contact with her, prior to our wedding night, I wanted our relationship pure before God! To this hour, I have honored our vows, and honor my wife. A few years before our eyes were fully opened, while we were in the beginning stages of the process of un-plugging from the matrix, I stopped attending the evening services at the borg headquarters.
My dear wife faithfully continued to attend, the church. Thankfully, a pioneer pastor was opening a small borg across town, AND AFTER DISCUSSING IT WITH MY DEAR WIFE, AND DETERMINING THAT IT MIGHT BE A BETTER OPTION FOR BOTH OF US, WE PRAYED, AND DECIDED TO ATTEND THE SMALL BORG, AND HELP THE PIONEER PASTOR BY PAYING OUR TITHE TO HIS work, instead of the
Big Borg. Some time after this, my dear wife attended one service on a certain day, and VD rolled out the red carpet for her, and told her, that she should attend the Big Borg, and let me, attend the little borg!
During this same time frame, a woman who would be considered a PILLAR in the BORG, AND HAD A BIG INFULENCE IN MY WIFES LIFE, was told by VD to Tell my wife, that she needed to attend the BIG BORG, and leave me at the little borg! Because, I was crossed up with God, and my wife would be able to show me that I needed to return to the Big Borg, to be right with God. Thankfully, that woman did have enough Holy Ghost, to tell VD that she couldn't do that. Finally after we had hear, and seen enough, we left the Big Borg, and the little borg, and WE ARE STILL LIVING FOR GOD, AND STILL, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, HAPPILY MARRIED TO EACH OTHER, AND GOING TO HEAVEN.
Sat March 31, 11:24:00 AM
We are very glad that you both left the ntcc and managed to keep your relationship in tact! Many do not survive these kind of attacks. We decided to make this a new topic because we have heard of this happening before, and we want Ntcc'ers that are brave enough to read the blogs to be able to recognize this when it happens to them. It's easy to shout "Amen!" when it's someone else's marriage that is being tampered with; but when it happens to you, it's no fun at all!
To this Anonymous Poster, we have great admiration for you because you made it through this ordeal; and you made the right decisions and kept God first. Unfortunately we know for a fact that the ntcc operates like this on a regular basis. They have destroyed many relationships because one person thinks that obeying davis is the same as obeying God, even though the gospels are very plain about divorce. So ntcc causes that person to believe that their husband or wife is crossed up with God for one reason or another; and they need to leave them. But many times the spouse is not crossed up with God. Instead, in many cases, the spouse has first hand knowledge of ntcc corruption, or realizes that they are in a cult, and there is no sin involved. The only sin would be continuing to subject yourself and your family to an abusive environment like the ntcc!
We know of a different couple that were involved in the ntcc in many capacities. They worked overseas and in Servicemen's works. They're greatly loved by many; and they have a pure relationship. Their great so-called 'sin' was that they had a child; and they wanted to raise that child right. One parent in this couple wanted to ensure that their child was an individual and the child's physical needs for proper care were being met. That is sound Christian parenting! But davis tried to break up this couple and separate what God had joined together! They were rebuked but refused to allow the ntcc leadership to split them up. They realized the ntcc environment was not healthy for families and felt led by God to leave the organization. They never missed ntcc. They were blessed and prospered and continue serving God today.
When the borg leaders saw that this family could no longer be manipulated and used, they circulated that old rumor that the man had been viewing porn on the internet. But the that was a lie. The family did not even have a modem on the computer they owned!
This is how the Borg operates. They get as many people as they can to forsake everything near and dear to them. The borg only sees you for what you bring into the collective: You are being used for your money and to get more people into their organization. That's it. None of the leadership cares about your soul! If you leave they will not shed one tear. You can be replaced. If they can, they will drive a wedge between you and your spouse. If they can keep one of you and destroy the rest of your family, they will do so without any remorse!
It's no wonder the divorce rate in the ntcc continues to sky-rocket and so much sin takes place in the ntcc! The ntcc is not a wholesome place to attend church! It is full of many perversions at the very highest levels.
Abuse is a way of life in the ntcc. To stay in this organization you have to turn a blind eye to everything that is going on around you. The only way to survive in the ntcc is to become like them and in doing so, you have to compromise your own relationship with God. When you stay in for many years, you end up becoming corrupt just like they are; and you don't even know it. You become desensitized to everything that happens to all the people you hold dear. If someone gets jacked up publicly you shout "Amen!" and thank God it's not you. When people leave, you say a prayer and thank God it's not you.
"Leave that person alone." say the borg leaders:
"They just want sin."
What a generic lie that the ntcc uses to slander anyone who leaves their corrupt organization!
Here is another lie the ntcc uses to describe fellow Chritsians who leave the ntcc:
"They are rebellious and crossed up with God."
Really? Listen folks:
Leaving the ntcc is not the same as leaving God. In fact leaving the ntcc is necessary if you want to get back to God!
The following link is to a video from the X-Men movie. It depicts a Jewish family being torn apart by the Nazis who force the parents into the Auschwitz Extermination Camp while their son is left outside the gate. It reminded us of the anguish inflicted on countless ntcc families that are wrecked by the borganization's cruel leaders. The boy in the video is a mutant who has the power to move metal. At this young age, he is unaware of his ability; that surfaces as a result of his desperate emotional response to be with his parents. It reminds us how urgently we must fight for those we love to remain together as a family the way God intended:
X-Men Opening Scene 2000: Video Link
[Magneto Separated from Parents at Auschwitz]
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YOUR Family Needs YOU!!! Don't Abandon Them To Please A Man! |
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Driving Wedges Part 1:
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There are so many people that have had marital problems in the ntcc, because they allow folks that have a track record of infidelity and unfaithfulness to influence their thinking. We all know that this stuff goes on in the ntcc at an alarming rate. It's like getting drug and alcohol counselling from Charlie Sheen.
While there are some ministers and long time members of the ntcc that have managed to keep their original marriages in tact, there are many who have ditched their spouses because they were influenced to do so by the ntcc leadership (or lack thereof).
There is a movie that came out recently called "Drag me to Hell". I've never seen it, but I think it falls under the category of horror. People in the ntcc are taught to believe that their spouses are dragging them to hell because they realize the ntcc is dangerous and they don't want to be a part of it anymore. It is actually the ntcc that is trying to drag you to hell why they get rich in the process.
In Football a wedge of blockers is used to open up a hole in the defense so that an offensive player can get through. In the ntcc a wedge is driven between a husband and a wife so that an individual can justify leaving their spouse and staying in the ntcc. It happens all too frequently and can you guess who is right in the middle of it all? Rodger and Verna Davis, Mike and Tanya Kekel, while the other board members are all enablers of this practice.
This should not be a surprise to anyone being that the ntcc was established because RWD and his second wife Verna were not welcome in the Pentecostal Church of God. They could not find an organization that would allow adultery or the "putting away of wives". Thus the ntcc was born and now you have a cesspool of adultery, remarriage and wife abuse that flourishes and creates an environment for a whole bunch of other forms of abuse.
If people knew all of what really goes on in the ntcc, they would be shocked. Obviously the ntcc has marked all of the X-ers as liars, but we share testimonies of many good people that have been used and abused by this system. Statistics show that one out of ten victims of child abuse come forward. There have been documented cases of child rape, incest or sexual abuse in the ntcc. If statistics are accurate you cant multiply the documented cases by 10. There are also many other forms of abuse that take place in the ntcc in which the victims never come forward. If there are 10 documented cases of spouse abuse in the ntcc, there are most likely 100 more unreported instances of this happening. The same is true with adultery and other forms of infidelity.
The problem is that the members of the ntcc are not reporting this stuff to the right people. They are reporting it to the enablers and perpetrators of this abuse and it all gets brushed under the carpet. They know this will happen and that's why they keep folks living in fear. You need to report abuse to the police, not RWD or Kekel. You will never get justice if you go to them with your problems. They will tell you to pray and they will remove violator's to Graham and most likely promote them so they can do the same thing to other people.
Not only are wedges driven between spouses and families in the ntcc, but they are also driven in between the brethren and friends. If a brother asks the wrong question or says the wrong thing, he is rebuked and used as an example. If this were not enough, the brother, (or sister) is gossiped about by the Pastor and his wife behind their back to the rest of the brethren. Then they are shunned and end up leaving the church thinking that they'll never be good enough to make it to heaven.
This happens at all levels in the ntcc. If a Bible School student leaves it's never the ntcc leadership's fault. That person has a problem with God, and they leave with that in their brain. Brothers and Sisters are not allowed to speak with the offender any more. They are instructed to "deliver such an one unto satan for the destruction of the flesh". In most cases the only transgression that took place is that the brother seen through the phony hypocrisy of the church leader and called them out on it.
Whatever the case may be, the ntcc is far too unforgiving and very quick to rid anyone from their ranks who questions them for fear of being exposed for what they are. I've seen this far too often. Disagreement in the ntcc is considered rebellion.
Every so often a person crosses an unknown boundary and they unknowingly insult the MOG (man of God). I've seen wrath brought down on people because the said ntcc minister is so proud and unlike Christ that they use the full power of their position to tear that person to shreds in front of others. They are not good shepherds but rather hirelings that are not in the ministry for the benefit of the sheep (souls).
The way the ntcc is set up, is on loyalty. If they can have unwavering loyalty of a few individuals, then they can drive wedges between individuals. For fear of reprisal, many folks will go along with the Pastor and forsake the brother or sister. This whole system is corrupt and so many good people have been harmed because of it.
DnA said...
It's like getting drug and alcohol counseling from Charlie Sheen.
Chief said...
Ha, ha. That's like getting a "How to raise your child so they attend the NTCS class" from Mike and Tanya Kekel. ROFLOL!!!! Boy I got a good laugh out of that one and I'm the one who wrote it. Yours was real funny also.
Here are 10 classes that the NTCC leadership can't teach.
1. How to interpret 1 Cor 16:2.
2. How to stay married.
3. How to find the right mate.
4. How to not practice double standards.
5. How to get saved and stay that way.
6. How to not be a racist.
7. How to keep a job.
8. How to turn a pervert into a good pastor thats no longer a pervert.
9. How to pay tithe according to the Bible.
10. How to stop people from leaving your church!!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!! ROFLOL.
Here is an extra one for good measure:
11. How marry outside your race. LOL.
And you know what is so funny about that one? If the NTCC leadership read #11, I'll guarantee they'd all proudly say: "And that is one class we wouldn't want to teach"! And that would just validate their stupidity.
Cha Chiefster.
Chief said:
"And you know what is so funny about that one? If the NTCC leadership read #11, I'll guarantee they'd all proudly say: "And that is one class we wouldn't want to teach"! And that would just validate their stupidity."
DnA said:
Good stuff Chief. The ntcc has always been all about double standards. If you want to take the wise and logical approach to something, many times it involves doing the opposite of what we have seen in the ntcc. You could make a whole bunch of lists like the one you compiled, which each have 10 or more reasons why the ntcc bites.
1. 10 reasons that your children should not be raised in the ntcc.
2. 100 smart ways to make better use of your money instead of giving it to the ntcc.
3. 20 reasons why you should read your bible instead of listen to the ntcc leadership.
4. 50 reasons why you should protect your family from the creeps in the ntcc.
5. 1000 reasons you should stop attending the ntcc.
6. 250 reasons friends should not let friends attend the ntcc.
7. 599 reasons to choose a better education than the ntcs.
8. 900 reasons why you should not allow ntcc hypocrites to tell you how to spend your money.
9. 20,000 reasons why you should not receive relationship advise from the ntcc hypocrites.
10. 10 million reasons why you should not want to have anything to do with the ntcc.
And just for good measure we also will throw in a bonus list:
11. 10 reasons that the ntcc is not a wholesome environment for families and pets.
You can write volumes of books on why people should keep their friends and families away from the ntcc, which we have done on the blogs. So there you have it, MuCK and Dub. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
"This should not be a surprise to anyone being that the ntcc was established because RWD and his second wife Verna were not welcome in the Pentecostal Church of God."
That's not accurate. PCG is one of the few pentecostal denominations that do credential divorced ministers. NTCC was established because they wouldn't knuckle under and let him start his own bible college. No doubt they had some concept of his character and didn't want him molding young skulls-full-of-mush. Looking back on the carnage NTCC has visited on multitudes, it appears they were exercising sound judgment. It is doubtful RW ever tried to find another organization that would accept his divorce/remarriage status; he was just itching to be the big cheese.
Vic said on Chief's blog:
We were just the last to find out; that information was hidden from us. All we heard was how the Carondelet church "didn't want holiness." The truth appears that they didn't want a philandering "pastor." [speaking of davis]
DnA said: This gets down to the heart of the matter. I'm sure RWD's public reason for leaving PCG was because they wouldn't let him start a bible school. And while this line does sound a lot better than RWD leaving because he wanted to be unaccountable for his indiscretions, I have a hard time believing that RWD's philandering was something that just started all of the sudden after RWD started the ntcg.
Anyway, this blog is opinion based and I don't think I'm very far off on this one. Every mention of the "Davis wanting to start his own bible school" can be traced back to L.R.'s comment on factnet. I'm also sure that this would be an acceptable reason for splitting with the PCG and that Davis himself probably used this excuse. L.R also stated on FACTNET: The underlying and actual reason was his beliefs on Divorce & Remarriage because of his own marriage situation, which was concealed for a time but then became known (See 1 Tim. 3:2), and his desire to build "The Church of My Dreams" as he preached in a sermon once.
This was in reference to why RWD discontinued fellowship with independent holiness groups that they mingled with in the mid 70's. Why on earth would Davis conceal his own marital situation and why would we be naive and think that he didn't do this with the PCG's?
Seer of things who also was around during this 74 split had this to offer: "There was a big-blow up in Carondelet Church. 3 women accused the leader [davis] of adultery. We started church on Forest Avenue. The leader [davis] left town under advice of his peers [Pop Gaylord]. He [davis] told us he should have not. He went down the (seats) person-by-person asking- one night, "Would God send you to a place where an adulteter was? One brother quipped later , "Maybe he repented, I don't know".
Is it really a stretch for us to be allowed to have an opinion on our own blog that Perhaps RW and VD told a bunch of brainwashed brothers in the late 70's that the reason for him leaving PCG was to start a bible school was a bogus excuse, and that according to all the patterns exhibited by RWD, that Davis was no longer welcome in the PCG for the obvious reasons of adultery and philandering [skirt chasing]? The truth is nobody really knows all the details but God and RWD himself.
davis is not going to share the truth with us or anyone, but we do see the results of davis' doctrine in the current ntcc. I submit to our readers that if RWD started the ntcc with pure intentions, that it would not be a haven for adulterers and other forms of sexual deviance that it is today. We really believe that it was RWD's adulterous affairs that pushed him out of the PCG and "inspired" him to start his own organization where he could have complete control over what lies to tell over the pulpit.
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