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Broken Vows, Broken Hearts Broken Marriages, Broken Homes ntcc's Adultery-On-Demand Legacy |
This is something that we promised we would write about sometime ago. A good friend and brother that I have not seen or talked to in many years wrote a message to me online; and this is an excerpt of part of that message.
"because my understandings of cults now, I recognize a line must be crossed to stay in and try to succeed in it (the ntcc) for life: No real friendships and marital loves because they interfere with cult loyalty, and especially with keeping all your eyes, ears, mind and decisions on the great leader...So, people who were sincere believers in Jesus, and wanted to sincerely love one another, would HAVE to forsake such things to stay in for life."
Marriage is a sacred vow taken before God. And in most ceremonies we are reminded it is a lifelong commitment: ""Til death do you part". Here's what the New Testament says for all that believe the bible:
Mat 5:31-32 "It hath been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery, and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced, committeth adultery."
How much more plain can the Word of God be? And again:
Luk 16:18 "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband, committeth adultery."
How many fornicators and adulterers are in the ntcc? The Apostle Paul had a lot to say about this subject also. You believe Paul, don't you?
1Cor 7:10-11 "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife."
Don't shoot the messenger, you ntcc'rs that believe in adultery on demand. After all, you believe the bible; don't you? There are more scriptures that we could point to; but if you don't believe these, then it is obvious that you have a pitchfork religion; and any other scriptures that we point to will not matter to you either.
Now, for those who are in the ntcc and live a sheltered life, we will give you the benefit of doubt to some degree, and assume that you are totally ignorant, and don't see any of the Adultery that has been taking place right before your eyes. For those that are ignorant, we are not going to link to the many instances and reports of members, (former or current), on FactNet and on this and other blogs, that show a pattern of broken marriages and split up families. You will have to do that for yourself, and open your eyes, and take a look around you at what is happening in the ntcc. Many people are blind because they choose to be blind.
Have you ever noticed how cults have exceptions to rules? It's true. Every cult that you find has certain scriptures that they misinterpret and change the meaning of. Have you ever noticed how those disregarded scriptures allow them to commit a sin and live a lifestyle that is contrary to God's word? Let's take polygamy for example. Many of the polygamous cults disregard the New Testament and take multiple wives to themselves. They preach hell fire and brimstone, and require strict adherence to many biblical principles; but they disregard scriptures that pertain to the sins they wish to commit.
It's no different in the ntcc. It starts at the very top. I know that many think it's blasphemy to say anything '
I'm not here to condemn anyone who has gone through a divorce. The purpose of this blog and the purpose of our life is not to preach at people; but if you are going to twist scriptures to extract money out of people by telling them that if they don't pay tithe and give in offerings that they are going to die and go to hell, then what other scriptures are you willing to twist to suit your false doctrine? The ntcc are a bunch of phony hypocrites; that's what it boils down to.
We believe in Christianity; and we are tired of watching the ntcc ruin the lives of its members for greed, financial gain, and power. The ntcc is so far from being a Christian organization; it's not funny.
What is wrong with being faithful to your wife or husband? I've seen so many ntcc'rs throw their spouse under the bus to make themselves look good. They sacrifice their marital loyalty and their family bonds so that they can kiss-up to the ntcc leadership. The ntcc leadership has approached many husbands and wives and told them to leave their spouses because one of them comes to the realization that they are in a cult called ntcc. This is not Christianity. This is not biblical.
We are going to tell you a story about a couple that left the ntcc years ago. We are not going to give any names or dates; but it is important for people to know part of this story; so they can see how abusive and destructive the ntcc is towards relationships and families. This eventually can and probably will happen to you.
The people that we are sharing about are a very precious and loving couple. They are considered by many that have been around them to be the perfect example of having a loving and Godly relationship. We have been close to them and have deep respect for this couple. They were deeply involved in the ntcc ministry, and had pastored Servicemen's homes, been missionaries in foreign countries, and taught at the bible school.
This couple had a miracle child and wanted the best for their child. They wanted to raise their child properly and be responsible parents. As a result, they chose to ignore certain man-made extra-biblical rules that the borg leaders want everyone except themselves to keep. In other words, this couple chose to put the welfare of their child above the ridiculous rules of the ntcc leadership that does not keep the rules they force on others.
This couple's decision to protect their child is no different than anything the Kekels have done in the past; but it was considered an act of disloyalty by the ntcc leadership.
Consequently, the husband was approached by ntcc leadership and pressure was put on him to leave his family. The wife was approached by Verna and Tanya and asked to leave her husband. Verna and Tanya even made fun of this couple, not knowing that the woman overheard their hateful and catty comments. But she had. And she kept praying for her husband to come around so that the ntcc would not be able to destroy their marriage as has happened to so many others.
So, even though the ntcc leadership tried to split them up, the ntcc didn't account for the love that this couple had for one another and the love they had for God.
- This couple did the right thing and left the organization.
- They didn't allow the organization and its corrupt leaders to destroy their marriage or their family.
- They didn't leave God; they left a cult.
- They didn't stop loving God; but they stopped giving their time, money, and life to a group of ungrateful money grubbing hypocrites that were going to suck the life out of them.
We know that the brainwashing that takes place in the ntcc is very damaging and the longer people stay in, the harder it is for them to realize that they are in a cult. We were there. We know. The ntcc is great at scrutinizing others -- measuring them with a super-spiritual yardstick and hypocritically condemning others for the very same things that they are guilty of. But we encourage you to scrutinize the ntcc leadership:
- Do they live what they preach?
- Do they keep the same rules they put on you?
- Do they obey God's Word?
- Or do they encourage divorce and adultery?
We ask ntcc'rs to take a closer look at what you have decided to be a part of. Don't be a part of the ntcc's "Adultery on Demand" program. We implore you to consult with God before you allow someone to destroy your marriage. If you don't believe us, believe your bible and do the right thing.
Mark 10:6-9: verse9: What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
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