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Broken Vows, Broken Hearts Broken Marriages, Broken Homes ntcc's Adultery-On-Demand Legacy |
This is something that we promised we would write about sometime ago. A good friend and brother that I have not seen or talked to in many years wrote a message to me online; and this is an excerpt of part of that message.
"because my understandings of cults now, I recognize a line must be crossed to stay in and try to succeed in it (the ntcc) for life: No real friendships and marital loves because they interfere with cult loyalty, and especially with keeping all your eyes, ears, mind and decisions on the great leader...So, people who were sincere believers in Jesus, and wanted to sincerely love one another, would HAVE to forsake such things to stay in for life."
Marriage is a sacred vow taken before God. And in most ceremonies we are reminded it is a lifelong commitment: ""Til death do you part". Here's what the New Testament says for all that believe the bible:
Mat 5:31-32 "It hath been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery, and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced, committeth adultery."
How much more plain can the Word of God be? And again:
Luk 16:18 "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband, committeth adultery."
How many fornicators and adulterers are in the ntcc? The Apostle Paul had a lot to say about this subject also. You believe Paul, don't you?
1Cor 7:10-11 "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife."
Don't shoot the messenger, you ntcc'rs that believe in adultery on demand. After all, you believe the bible; don't you? There are more scriptures that we could point to; but if you don't believe these, then it is obvious that you have a pitchfork religion; and any other scriptures that we point to will not matter to you either.
Now, for those who are in the ntcc and live a sheltered life, we will give you the benefit of doubt to some degree, and assume that you are totally ignorant, and don't see any of the Adultery that has been taking place right before your eyes. For those that are ignorant, we are not going to link to the many instances and reports of members, (former or current), on FactNet and on this and other blogs, that show a pattern of broken marriages and split up families. You will have to do that for yourself, and open your eyes, and take a look around you at what is happening in the ntcc. Many people are blind because they choose to be blind.
Have you ever noticed how cults have exceptions to rules? It's true. Every cult that you find has certain scriptures that they misinterpret and change the meaning of. Have you ever noticed how those disregarded scriptures allow them to commit a sin and live a lifestyle that is contrary to God's word? Let's take polygamy for example. Many of the polygamous cults disregard the New Testament and take multiple wives to themselves. They preach hell fire and brimstone, and require strict adherence to many biblical principles; but they disregard scriptures that pertain to the sins they wish to commit.
It's no different in the ntcc. It starts at the very top. I know that many think it's blasphemy to say anything '
I'm not here to condemn anyone who has gone through a divorce. The purpose of this blog and the purpose of our life is not to preach at people; but if you are going to twist scriptures to extract money out of people by telling them that if they don't pay tithe and give in offerings that they are going to die and go to hell, then what other scriptures are you willing to twist to suit your false doctrine? The ntcc are a bunch of phony hypocrites; that's what it boils down to.
We believe in Christianity; and we are tired of watching the ntcc ruin the lives of its members for greed, financial gain, and power. The ntcc is so far from being a Christian organization; it's not funny.
What is wrong with being faithful to your wife or husband? I've seen so many ntcc'rs throw their spouse under the bus to make themselves look good. They sacrifice their marital loyalty and their family bonds so that they can kiss-up to the ntcc leadership. The ntcc leadership has approached many husbands and wives and told them to leave their spouses because one of them comes to the realization that they are in a cult called ntcc. This is not Christianity. This is not biblical.
We are going to tell you a story about a couple that left the ntcc years ago. We are not going to give any names or dates; but it is important for people to know part of this story; so they can see how abusive and destructive the ntcc is towards relationships and families. This eventually can and probably will happen to you.
The people that we are sharing about are a very precious and loving couple. They are considered by many that have been around them to be the perfect example of having a loving and Godly relationship. We have been close to them and have deep respect for this couple. They were deeply involved in the ntcc ministry, and had pastored Servicemen's homes, been missionaries in foreign countries, and taught at the bible school.
This couple had a miracle child and wanted the best for their child. They wanted to raise their child properly and be responsible parents. As a result, they chose to ignore certain man-made extra-biblical rules that the borg leaders want everyone except themselves to keep. In other words, this couple chose to put the welfare of their child above the ridiculous rules of the ntcc leadership that does not keep the rules they force on others.
This couple's decision to protect their child is no different than anything the Kekels have done in the past; but it was considered an act of disloyalty by the ntcc leadership.
Consequently, the husband was approached by ntcc leadership and pressure was put on him to leave his family. The wife was approached by Verna and Tanya and asked to leave her husband. Verna and Tanya even made fun of this couple, not knowing that the woman overheard their hateful and catty comments. But she had. And she kept praying for her husband to come around so that the ntcc would not be able to destroy their marriage as has happened to so many others.
So, even though the ntcc leadership tried to split them up, the ntcc didn't account for the love that this couple had for one another and the love they had for God.
- This couple did the right thing and left the organization.
- They didn't allow the organization and its corrupt leaders to destroy their marriage or their family.
- They didn't leave God; they left a cult.
- They didn't stop loving God; but they stopped giving their time, money, and life to a group of ungrateful money grubbing hypocrites that were going to suck the life out of them.
We know that the brainwashing that takes place in the ntcc is very damaging and the longer people stay in, the harder it is for them to realize that they are in a cult. We were there. We know. The ntcc is great at scrutinizing others -- measuring them with a super-spiritual yardstick and hypocritically condemning others for the very same things that they are guilty of. But we encourage you to scrutinize the ntcc leadership:
- Do they live what they preach?
- Do they keep the same rules they put on you?
- Do they obey God's Word?
- Or do they encourage divorce and adultery?
We ask ntcc'rs to take a closer look at what you have decided to be a part of. Don't be a part of the ntcc's "Adultery on Demand" program. We implore you to consult with God before you allow someone to destroy your marriage. If you don't believe us, believe your bible and do the right thing.
Mark 10:6-9: verse9: What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
To See "Adultery On Demand" Related Posts: Click Here
How many marriages have been destroyed in the ntcc? How many relationships have been manipulated? How many families have been torn apart?
Hollywood has nothing on the ntcc. There are so many divorces and remarriages in the ntcc. There are couples in the ntcc that have divorced and both members of that original marriage are are remarried, and all are still in the organization. How could this be? That's 4 separate people committing adultery because the ntcc is all about adultery on demand.
Not only can you remarry in the ntcc but cheating on your spouse is common place. If a person gets caught and they are willing to over ride conviction, the whole thing will be brushed under the carpet.
Stay with me, because this is where it gets really sick. If both members of a marriage are doing the right thing and not cheating on one another, but one or both of them show any type of disloyalty to the leaders of the ntcc, they will both be encouraged to leave their faithful spouse and stay in the ntcc. They will be told that their faithful spouse is on their way to hell and if you choose to remain with them you too will spend eternity in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.
This is the technique that they use to isolate one member of a faithful couple. If one member is weak and they buy into this outright lie, and out of fear they choose to leave their life long partner, they will then be recycled into an adulterous marriage. The Only one that is saved and doing what God wants them to do is the one that refuses to go along with this hoax and this same individual is the one that will be singled out and publicly blasted by this wicked bunch of lying hirelings.
This is a twisted way of breaking up marriages and it is ever so common in the ntcc. It happens over and over and over and over again in the ntcc.
If there is a family involved, no consideration whatsoever is given to the children. What ever works out best for the organization. The ntcc has no qualms about allowing the so called "disloyal" partner in a marriage that is supposed to last forever, to take the children with them and the husband or wife that remains will disown their entire family to prove their loyalty. They will soon be recycled into another marriage so that if anyone in this new ungodly and adulterous union chooses to rebel against the ntcc leadership, this illegitimate marriage can be destroyed also, and it never ends.
If you don't believe this, than go up to one of the many remarried individuals in the ntcc and ask them why they remarried. Every single one of them, without exception, will refer to their X-spouse as an unbeliever and they will say that they were abandoned or that the other spouse that left them was unfaithful, when in truth a large majority of the ones that left were honorable and not cheating.
They just didn't want to live in a cult for the rest of their lives and they did the smart thing and left. Hopefully they got their children out also. The ntcc has a very high divorce rate and they promote adultery. The organization is full of cheaters and adulterers from the top, all the way down. Marriages will continue to be broken and families split apart. Can any one guess why?
I don't remember exactly word for word my wedding vows I took 12 years ago in Junction City with Matthew Reed as the pastor and who married us. But i do know one of the vows surely had something to do with each of us loving each other and no other.
Well almost 12 years later I now know that is a farce. My husband loved his former girlfriend very much but as a ntcc licensed preacher, he was told he could not be with her if she refused to join ntcc.
I was plan B. I didn't realize it at the time. I loved him and still love him very much. There was no one else in the entire world I was in love with. He was my whole world.
On a family trip to his hometown recently, I confronted this former girlfriend who kept contacting my husband despite my pleas not to do that. Her response, "I will prove to you it is him wanting me back." She had months of emails she was willing to forward to me that after 12 years of marriage, 7 of those in ntcc, my husband wanted his old girlfriend back.
I came back to my home and filed for divorce. Had Ntcc allowed him to have a relationship with who he really loved and not just find plan b, I wouldn't have spent 12+ years in a relationship as choice #2.
"My husband loved his former girlfriend very much but as a ntcc licensed preacher, he was told he could not be with her if she refused to join ntcc." -- nicole b
Don and Ange say,
Can anyone see how much of a cult the ntcc is?
Nowhere in the bible does it say that only people 'in ntcc' are going to heaven so you can only marry someone 'in ntcc'!
Cults isolate their members and treat them like property.
And that is exactly what we see happening here.
The results are devastating!!
No so-called 'church' should have so much power over you and your decision making! You only need to follow God's Word, not all the man-made false teachings put forth by opportunistic groups like the ntcc.
They require you to stay with other ntcc members because they need both people to be fully indoctrinated members who will jump with both feet in the air before they ask "How high should we jump, Massah, I means Pastor?"
This account really shows how bad the control in ntcc is.
What really bothers us too is that ntcc will spin this as a result of these people leaving ntcc. In other words the ntcc will gloat and say, "God is judging them because they left ntcc so they are divorced."
ENNNHH! Wrong answer! The truth is that the ntcc interfered by forbidding to marry, something that the bible says you should NOT do. Once again the ntcc leadership is on the wrong side of the Word of God!
Don and Ange
This is really sad and you should have never have had to go through this. First of all, regardless of what the ntcc told Glen; he should have never left you for someone else. This is my opinion and it also is just wrong if you look at it from the perspective of human decency. You had a child together, and you have done nothing wrong. I can't imagine the pain you are experiencing and I hope that you do not blame yourself.
I say this because I have been a victim of relationship manipulation and I was hurt very bad. I was burned by the ntcc and I blamed myself for twenty years. I could have had a life with the woman that I loved and we could have had children and been successful. We are now doing the best we can with what we have to work with and we have scars. It seems like the ntcc leaves a trail of carnage in their wake and they never take responsibility for the lives they destroy or the people they harm.
Ange has been through so much also, it hurts so bad to see the one you love suffering, and we both have regrets and bad memories that will never go away. We suffer because we made a decision to join what we thought was a Christian church. It's shameful the way they treat human beings that are giving so much to them.
OMG. WOW!!!! Boy if that isn't something. Wow Nicole, how long ago did this happen? I'm so sorry to hear about this. Yeah the NTCC really did cause that one. Are you ok now? So he was an NTCC minister? Do you see why I'm so passionate concerning the contempt I have for the NTCC? Boy Nicole I really don't know what to say i.e. (write). Is he still an NTCC minister? WOW... I hope it all works out for you. Boy does the NTCC mess people up. This kind of thing is somewhat of a common theme.
Something similar happened to Don and Ange. George Keys did something similar to his wife. Boy if the NTCC isn't a destructive cult, I don't know what is?
Actually now that I think about it, this happens all the time in the NTCC. If you are a woman in the NTCC you are really taking a risk when you marry. Not all but too many of these brothers wind up doing the same thing that Nicole described. This is a sure fire path to divorce. I know it doesn't happen with everyone but it sure happens too often. Once again Nicole, I'm sorry to hear about this.
Even though I often do, I'm not going to give a name this time. I know the wife of an NTCC minister who in the beginning really didn't want to marry her current husband because she liked black guys. She is white and so is the dude she married. Of course there is nothing wrong with her liking black guys but she was strongly persuaded not find any interest in black guys cause she is white. So after much persuasion by the busy body, nosy hags (I mean wives) of the NTCC leadership, she wound up up marrying a white minister who happened to be really light skinned even for a white guy.
Anyway, even though they may stay together until they die, that is a real formula for failure. If the woman likes black guys let her marry a black guy and keep your big fat noses out of it you NTCC control monger creeps. It ain't none of your business. If I was her husband I would always feel I was the back up plan. The dude has to know that he really wasn't the one in the first place. Well that is how cults operate. Control, control, control.
Man let folks be you sick bunch of demented NTCC control mongers!!! When her husband takes his draws off, and she sees his white butt glowing like the sun, don't you know that deep down inside she'll be wishing it was more like the dark side of the moon? Ha, ha! I couldn't resist that one.
Jeff said:
"This is a sure fire path to divorce. I know it doesn't happen with everyone but it sure happens too often."
DnA said:
This kind of thing happens all too frequently in the ntcc. It's not enough that the ntcc controls your finances and influences your daily decisions, but they have to get involved in your personal relationship choices. They mess people up really bad by pushing them to marry the wrong person. They are all about destroying families and relationships.
I don't think Nichole's husband had any grounds to leave her, at least not according to being honorable to your vows and the one you are supposed to be committed to. It burns me up to see this happen because, I suffered for so long being single in the ntcc. I don't understand infidelity because I would have given everything marry Ange 20 years ago, but that decision was taken out of my hands and made by others. From that point on it was impossible for me to trust God in the ntcc. It was not God that separated us, it was selfish ntcc ministers and their wives.
If I sound bitter, I must confess that I probably am a little bitter. It bugs me to see a woman having to raise her son alone because the Husband is so messed up that he won't honor his marriage because he thinks it was never meant to be. This is troubling and it happens way too often in the ntcc.
We are the result of what the ntcc accomplishes in peoples lives. We have been trampled on and counted worthless in the eyes of the self righteous hypocrites of the ntcc. One day they are going to mess with the wrong sort or they are going to push the wrong button on the wrong person. I'm not the kind of person that would retaliate with physical retribution but there are some people out there that will snap and with reckless abandon they will seek revenge. It happens all the time for a lot less than what we've gone through.
Don said...
If I sound bitter, I must confess that I probably am a little bitter.
Jeff said...
Not even my friend. You are not "bitter". You are real! Was Jesus "bitter" because he hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, Rev 2:6? Jesus had a real problem with the actions of those people and you have a real problem with the actions of the NTCC leadership and their busy body nosy wives. Jesus never stopped having a problem with the deeds of the Nicolaitanes cause he had already gone to heaven when Rev 2:6 was written and I'll never stop having a problem with the deeds of the crooked NTCC leadership. That is just the way I see it Bro. I don't see you as "bitter". I see you as having some serious disdain for their actions. The Bible says "Be ye angry and sin not." Eph 4:26.
So are you angry with the sorry NTCC leadership and their busy body wives like like I am? Yes, of course you are. Do you hate their deeds like Jesus hated the deed of the Nicolaitanes? Of course you do. The reason I'm saying all this is because the minute you say you are bitter, these NTCC crooks will try and capitalize on that like you are the one with the problem when really they are the ones who are a bunch of crooks and busy bodies. I can't stand them and I make no apologies for that. I hate their deeds and I'm angry with them; neither one of which is sin.
I'm not going after them to do physical harm nor do I plan to. That would be sin. If I act on that anger then yes that is sin. If my hatred for their deeds results in me going after them to do physical harm then yes that would be sin. Well I'm not going to do that. When I write that I hate their deeds that is not sin or Jesus was sinning when he had it written that he hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes. I just want to make sure I set the record straight for these NTCC crooks.
I just looked up the word "bitter".
Here is the definition: "characterized by intense antagonism or hostility"
Now here is the definition for the word angry: "feeling or showing anger or strong resentment"
Jeff said...
You are not hostile toward the NTCC leadership. You are not up in their face trying to antagonize them which also can result in hostility. You do however strongly resent they way they treated you and thousands of others. I've been angry with my children because of something they did but I was never bitter toward them. And guess what? I would have stayed angry with them if they kept doing what made me angry in the first place.
Well the NTCC leadership keeps doing what makes me angry so therefor I'm still angry with them. When they stop using people and being nosy busy bodies with a bunch of sorry unnecessary rules, then I will stop being angry with them. Now they put a wedge between you and the women you loved years ago and successfully prevented you guys from being together and you have every right to be angry about that happening. Well they still do the same kind of stuff because they tried it on the Shunks and Reeds so you have every reason to still be angry because they haven't changed a bit. Those sorry busy body nosy NTCC wives and their husbands. RWD's wife arguably is the worst.
Chief said:
"I just looked up the word "bitter".
Here is the definition: "characterized by intense antagonism or hostility"
Now here is the definition for the word angry: "feeling or showing anger or strong resentment"
DnA said:
The latter of the two is a more accurate description of what I feel about the ntcc. If it was just me, I probably would take it more personally but the ntcc treats just about everyone with the same disrespect and low regard. As for retribution, we leave that to God as He sees fit.
We feel prompted to inform people about the ntcc. We know that the ntcc fits every definition of a cult. We know that when we look at the examples of Jesus and early Church leaders in the new testament that they contradict much of what the ntcc stands for. We know that many of the rules, policies and doctrines that the ntcc teaches and preaches, are in direct violation of God's written word.
Therefore, we have to conclude that the ntcc is a money grubbing, power hungry and greedy organization that is not doing what God called them to do. They are not concerned with souls. They are not living a Christian example. They are not preparing youth with truth in Holy Spirit power, nor are they preaching a living Christ to a lost and dying world or if they are, they are definitely not living it. If they can not fulfill the most simple and important commandments of all, and that is to abide in love and to love their neighbors as themselves, then they are missing the boat completely.
Without love, we are nothing. Love is not trashing everyone out to make yourself a deity. Love is not gypping people out of their hard earned money by telling them they are hell-bound if they don't pay their tithe, and then spending their tithe on things that were considered a sin for everyone else. This is as far away from God as you can get.
Am I displaying bitterness or anger? Probably anger according to definition. But if you ask the ntcc, I'm sure they would call us bitter, devils, reprobates and everything else they could dream up to deflect their own crimes against mankind. But whether or not I am bitter or angry, I'll most likely stay that way towards the ntcc, until they change their ways.
Now if you want to see true examples of bitterness and hatred, lets take a closer look at the ntcc. Davis is all about running people off. There is very little restoration that takes place in the ntcc. Bitterness is what Davis and Kekel display from behind the pulpit and directly towards those they hate. Bitterness is what Davis did to Matt and Debbie Reed when he told them to "let that man die" in reference to a soldier that they loved as a son they never had that died on the battlefield. Bitterness is what Kekel displayed when he wrote on his blog about the Shunks, discrediting them with slander and lies. Bitterness is what Verna and Tanya do when they try to drive a wedge in between husbands and wives by trying to influence women to leave their husbands. Bitterness is destroying marriages and families because you place more importance on the finances a person gives than you do a relationship or a marriage.
If you look up bitterness in the dictionary, you should see a picture of Davis and Kekel. Bitterness is Davis and Kekel personified. Bitterness is when Davis points his finger in your face and publicly humiliates people because they have realized that they just wasted decades of their lives giving tens of thousands to cult leaders. Who's bitter? Is it me for pointing these things out or is it the ntcc leadership for displaying it?
"When her husband takes his draws off, and she sees his white butt glowing like the sun, don't you know that deep down inside she'll be wishing it was more like the dark side of the moon? Ha, ha! I couldn't resist that one."
HAHAHAHAHAHAhaha!Darth Vader couldn't have said it better!
I was a Pastor to the chick that only likes black guys, and a Pastor to one of the black dudes she liked (and he REALLY liked her).
This is yet another tragic story (especially since she ONLY likes/dates black guys...no exceptions, at least until her prior Pastor got involved). They are both married to different people now (her to a white guy, and he to a black gal). They are/were both in the ministry with a second choice for a mate.
Yeah Jeff, you can't get any whiter than the dude she married. By the way he acts (very white, and uptight), and how he looks (very white).
Again tragic.
Nichole...is your ex named Glen? If so, he also had a problem with me marrying Deborah. He told me it put him in a battle...he told me it was wrong (Rev. Kekel has also intimated this on his blog). Yet, our union was sanctioned my Pastor Davis, and the leadership wives.
She was my first choice, and we are still together after over 17 years. I know we are lucky, and the exception to many/most of NTCC's orchestrated unions.
Gregory said:
"This is yet another tragic story (especially since she ONLY likes/dates black guys...no exceptions, at least until her prior Pastor got involved). They are both married to different people now (her to a white guy, and he to a black gal). They are/were both in the ministry with a second choice for a mate."
DnA said:
Am I reading this right because I'm having a really hard time believing it? I guess it's par for the course, and it really should not be that shocking, but it is.
I originally thought that what you were saying is that the girl that liked only black dudes and the whiter than white dude that married her, are now no longer married and the woman that likes black dudes is married to a different white dude, and the whiter than white dude is married to a black chick. That's enough to make your head spin around about 20 times.
I'm sorry Gregory, I had to go back and read what you wrote, again. With some help, I figured it out correctly. The ntcc is very complex and sometimes it hard to get a grasp on it. I think your reference to them being married to different people threw me off. Am I right to assume that you were talking about different people other than the original ones they were interested in?
I've heard that there are cases of divorce in the ntcc where a man and wife get divorced and both former spouses remarry inside the ntcc, which creates four individual cases of adultery according to the biblical standards that the ntcc professes to believe in.
At any rate, interfering with relationships is just wrong. The manipulation of individuals personal feelings of love toward another is wrong. They are wrong for defining love, and they are wrong for manipulating people. The ntcc is a creeped out bunch of religious kooks whose idea of Christianity has been tailored to accommodate sin in their own lives while they legislate sin and morality in the lives of others.
To clear it up. This white lady and the real white white minister are still married the last I knew. She never married a black guy but she did mention that she originally only liked black guys. Now there is nothing wrong with that at all. Her husbands ministry was a failure so I don't see how her being married to a black guy could have resulted in a ministry turning out any worse than that. Having said all this I'm pretty sure she loves her husband even though he is white. The point is, let people go after who they want to go after and race shouldn't have one single thing to do with it.
Just another wacky quacky NTCC cult rule. So many ministers in the NTCC who were married to the same race have failed so miserably that interracial marriages couldn't possibly result in a ministry turning out any worse. RWD just doesn't like blacks and whites being together in marriage. His own daughter is a mixed race and even though RWD likes to make it different, it ain't one bit different. There are plenty of racist people in the US who wouldn't have anything to do with an oriental woman so this is just another example of old double standard Davis coming up with some wacky out rule.
I meant to write, "whacked out rule".
Yeah, double standard davis is right. For you "children hinder the work of the lawd", according to davis. For him, he adopts a girl in the Philippines and hands over the whole cult to his unqualified son in law. For you, mixed race marriages will "hinder the ministry", according to davis. For him, his half-Filipino adopted daughter marries a prejudiced against black folks Detroit honky and everything is hunky-dory for them to take over the cult. You just have to understand the race problem with davis only extends to black folks. Asians are okay with him. Ahem. Oh, and verna is of Native American descent, I believe. So, again, the rules don't apply to davis. He just makes them to control you.
Wake up people. davis is prejudice. kekel is prejudice. Yes, it is a selective against blacks only kind of prejudice; but it is real. Just look at ntcc's history of using the notorious "N" word FROM THE PULPIT and THE LECTERN. The ONLY REASON THAT STOPPED IS DUE TO PRESSURE AND PUBLIC SCRUTINY BROUGHT BY THE BLOGS. kekel and davis had stop being so public about their true feelings. But their hearts are still wrong.
Oh, and before the 'holier than thou' crowd tries to say it's terrible to say such things, save your breath. The truth is that it is terrible to say such things. But the truth has to be said. Fact is, we wouldn't have to say such things if davis and kekel would repent of their prejudice black hating and oppressive ways; but that is not likely. So we keep declaring the truth about these frauds who have turned the ministry into a real estate circus to raise money for themselves.
"...Detroit honky..."
Mike's from Flint.
Close enough...
I finally came back to read the responses. thanks to everyone who understands and took the time to listen to me. I'm doing better now.
What I'd like to bring out and show how especially awful this situation is, is that this woman who my husband would have stayed with had he thought he could without going to hell, moved on many years ago. Like 12 years ago. She never married or had children but she lives with another man and his children.
So if you can imagine what I'm thinking to find out my husband tells this other woman his love for her and his massive regret for the decisions he made in his life... and also to learn she has moved on and is not completely able to rekindle the relationship they had outside of secret emails and a text or phone call here and there. (They live 1500 miles away from each other). So it truly is a painful ugly mess that involves not just me as his current wife, but the boyfriend this other woman is living with and the 4 children she acts as a sort of mom to.
And I also wanted to say, I don't know if this is the same situation you all are talking about, but when I was in Graham I also saw a couple that was extremely discouraged from marrying each other because of the skin color difference. And I heard teaching and preaching about the downfalls of trying to start a church as a multi-racial couple.
It was reasoned away with the excuse that if you are a God called preacher of the Bible, you do what is neccessary to create the largest church you can. And Davis felt that couples with different skin colors would hinder that and be a stumbling block, I guess. It's very weird to think about it now and how easily so many of us accepted this teaching.
I wanted to try and answer your questions and tell you we both left Ntcc I believe in 2007. So its been about 4 years. He was a licensed preacher since 1994 or 1995. When he didn't leave me after we left the church, I thought everything would be okay and our relationship was "real" and not just a creation of ntcc.
But I'm sure it had to constantly be in his mind what could have been and the reality of now is not measuring up to the fantasy life he could have had with this former girlfriend. Truly a sad state to live in.
After 4 rocky years of trying to adjust to the normal world and have a normal life, his true feelings finally surfaced.
It's very sad how Ntcc makes people lie to themselves and deny their true feelings.
Nicole said:
"When he didn't leave me after we left the church, I thought everything would be okay and our relationship was "real" and not just a creation of ntcc."
DnA said,
This goes to show you how that the long reaching tentacles of the ntcc not only destroy people and relationships within the ntcc, but they also effect people years and years after they have left the cult. For Ange and I the interference took place while we were in the cult but even now, 21 years later, we are still effected. As a result of ntcc's matchmaking and interference, Nichole's life, family and marriage have fallen apart four years after leaving the cult. We are so sorry, Nichole, that this has happened to you.
The ntcc messes people up really bad and causes long term damage to people. After they have meddled in your private life and manipulated your relationships and marriages, you realize that none of this has anything to do with God and you leave the cult only to watch everything you've worked and lived for crumble to pieces before your very eyes. You are left alone to pick up the broken pieces and deal with the aftermath. Sound familiar?
I was in a similar situation when I left the ntcc. My youth was gone; my energy was zapped, my mind was swimming in quicksand trying to figure out what happened. I spent many sleepless nights trying to make sense of it all, and when I couldn't, I just got on with my life and made myself forget about the twisted mess that I had been apart of for almost half of my life.
When Ange and I finally got together, it was absolutely the best thing that could happen to us, but it also made us realize what was stolen from us. What we have is great and wonderful but we have to live with the fact that these arrogant busybodies that call themselves "men of God", manipulated our lives and kept us from what was meant to be.
The ntcc is an evil and wicked organization. You can bet your farm that Grant Kekel will never be treated like we were. If Rwd were a real prophet or man of God, he would have used just weights and measures to distribute out rules and policies. If Rwd were righteous he would have cleaned up his own house before he tore down ours. Rwd is a hypocrite and Mck is as worthless as a knot on a dog's butt. These con-artists have ruined so many lives while they sit back in their mansions laughing at and mocking the people whose lives they have destroyed. They have no business ruling over Christians. They are oxygen thieves.
If any of you ntcc'rs want to come on here and say I'm bitter and filled with hatred go ahead, but what I've said here, is nothing compared to the way the ntcc leaders treat others and say about them. Try using the same measuring stick on your leaders as you use on us. I am not going to apologize to any of you ntcc'rs or Xers for that matter for what I say about the ntcc and it's leaders. What we say, needs to be said. We are hear to offend and shock your senses. Wake up people, the ntcc is the menace here, not us.
I came into the original borg, NTCG, INC. with the formal consent of the borg COB, I received the appropriate permission to date the girl who would latter become my wife. We dated for approximately 2 years, probably a total of 8 dates, all in the company of another couple, we did GET to talk maybe once a month, mostly very shallow conversation. I never violated God's word in relation to our dating. I held her hand, but I never even kissed her, until after our wedding ceremony. I would never even considered any sexual contact with her, prior to our wedding night, I wanted our relationship pure before God! To this hour, I have honored our vows, and honor my wife. A few years before our eyes were fully opened, while we were in the beginning stages of the process of un-plugging from the matrix, I stopped attending the evening services at the borg headquarters.
My dear wife faithfully continued to attend, the church. Thankfully, a pioneer pastor was opening a small borg across town, AND AFTER DISCUSSING IT WITH MY DEAR WIFE, AND DETERMINING THAT IT MIGHT BE A BETTER OPTION FOR BOTH OF US, WE PRAYED, AND DECIDED TO ATTEND THE SMALL BORG, AND HELP THE PIONEER PASTOR BY PAYING OUR TITHE TO HIS work, instead of the
Big Borg. Some time after this, my dear wife attended one service on a certain day, and VD rolled out the red carpet for her, and told her, that she should attend the Big Borg, and let me, attend the little borg!
During this same time frame, a woman who would be considered a PILLAR in the BORG, AND HAD A BIG INFULENCE IN MY WIFES LIFE, was told by VD to Tell my wife, that she needed to attend the BIG BORG, and leave me at the little borg! Because, I was crossed up with God, and my wife would be able to show me that I needed to return to the Big Borg, to be right with God. Thankfully, that woman did have enough Holy Ghost, to tell VD that she couldn't do that. Finally after we had hear, and seen enough, we left the Big Borg, and the little borg, and WE ARE STILL LIVING FOR GOD, AND STILL, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, HAPPILY MARRIED TO EACH OTHER, AND GOING TO HEAVEN.
Thank You for your comment!
This is an amazing testimony. It's really captured our hearts, why we blog. We will have more to say about this.
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