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"ntcc is an abusive and destructive cult that purposely breaks down individuals so they can be controlled by the few nepotistic 'leaders' of the cult."
During my nine year tenure in ntcc I would often witness this tragic sequence of individuality and expression of Love for the Lord being torn down by ntcc megalomaniacs [power hungry control freaks] in order to control folks like mindless string puppets.
Lets give one simple example: Tony Oloans
During one of the classes taught by mikey kekel, he asked the class "What does God require of You?" (I can still hear the insolent tone in kekel's voice.)
An eager Tony Oloans raised his hand along with other students. kekel called on Tony, who sprang to his feet, happy to answer:
"But to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."
That was correct:
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8
Upon answering, Tony sat down to resume taking notes. kekel then proceeded to 'teach', but intentionally laced the material with the same question over and over. Each time kekel purposely called on Tony to stand and give the exact same answer.
It was painful to watch my enthusiastic and excited brother in Christ begin to doubt himself as kekel deliberately humiliated him in this calculated fashion. As the process was repeated Tony's face showed more and more distress, passing from glowing excitement, to a nervous glance -- 'Am I doing something wrong?' -- to embarrassed blush, to open humiliation, to discouragement and doubt and fear and ....
ntcc is a cult. ntcc is an abusive and destructive cult that purposely breaks down individuals so they can be controlled by the few nepotistic 'leaders' of the cult.
This breaking down process is deliberate and devilish.
If you are contemplating joining or attending ntcc, save yourself and loved ones some major heartache and turn the other way. Go find a good bible-based church where people, especially the leaders, live what they preach. And steer clear of the cult called New Testament Christian Churches Of America, Inc. where the 'leaders' are hypocrites.
Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:
A) Sounds Like A True Description Of ntcc
B) ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C) I Read This Post.
D) ntcc uses cult techniques like public humiliation to break down people's individuality.
E) What kekel did to Tony Oloans was wrong.
F) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example: "F" I've witnessed [or experienced firsthand] similar abuse [public humiliation] -- or worse abuse -- of members by other ntcc ministers. (Feel free to elaborate in the comments section.)
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc!
H) Create Your Own "H" ntcc is the most abusive 'church' [cult] I've ever experienced.
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc...
J) Create Your Own "J" At times ntcc has come between me and God.
**You Can Choose Multiple Answers**
The author wrote...
ntcc is a cult. ntcc is an abusive and destructive cult that purposely breaks down individuals so they can be controlled by the few nepotistic 'leaders' of the cult. This breaking down process is deliberate and devilish.
Jeff wrote...
Not only are they nepotisic but as it applies here, narcissistic. They absolutely want control of their people and they've incorporated many devilish schemes into their indoctrination plan so as to gain complete control of their converts.
I witnessed NTCC pastors deliberately humiliate their church members in an admitted attempt to break down any and all personal pride that the individual may possess. NTCC pastors can not stand being questioned. They take questions about their church and doctrine as a direct attack against them and they often respond to such questions in a very defensive manner while doing everything possible to humiliate and degrade the questioner.
Even worse they regularly use their pulpits as nothing more than a means verbally attack their members and anyone else sitting in their church who doesn't categorically agree with everything that they believe and teach. To put it plainly NTCC pastors are often nothing more than FLAT OUT INSECURE JERKS.
I've personally witnessed such a display if insecurity from virtually every single last NTCC pastor that I was ever with. This explains why they won't allow open bible studies. They are far too insecure to entertain thoughts other than theirs.
I would eat these guys up for breakfast if they were to ever allow open discussions concerning much of their teachings and doctrine. Using the Bible, they simply can't justify much of what they teach and that is exactly why they don't allow open bible discussions during there so called Bible studies which they are anything but. They are more like one sided indoctrination / mind control classes. Their mindset is "You listen and I teach and I'm right and anyone with an opposing view is wrong."
During church service P. Kinson joyously stated to the congregation that he liked being behind the pulpit because that was an environment where he could talk and people had to listen. Buddy only a pure narcissistic control freak would even think like that. I never forgot hearing him make that statement and I'm sure he wasn't the only NTCC pastor that felt that way. They were taught that mentality in their sorry seminary. A narcissist can't stand being questioned.
Every time almost without exception, that I have a doctrinal discussion with ANYONE who is a part of the NTCC, that individual can not effectively back up his doctrinal views. They simply can't do it. None of them (using the Bible) can back up this notion that woman can not lawfully work on a job. None of them. None of them can back up the notion that 1 Cor 16:2 has anything to do with paying tithes despite the fact that they use that scripture in their doctrinal statement to support tithing. Throw 1 Cor 12:30 at them and they can no longer justify this notion that all converts filled with the Holy Ghost should speak with tongues because that scripture plainly teaches otherwise. Their attempts at explaining away 1 Cor 12:30 are lame at best.
When they state that water baptism is of little or no importance they clearly show their ignorance concerning the scriptures. I've witnessed cases where NTCC pastors went almost 2 years without conducting a water baptism. Their only justification was that they wanted to see all the converts become more perfected so as not to bring themselves due to a premature water baptism. If you take that stance then no one should ever become baptized because I have yet to meet a morally perfect person and NTCC pastors are nowhere close so they shouldn't have been baptized. I suppose everyone was perfect that John baptized? Yeah right. I know the scripture but I haven't met a perfect person yet and RWD ain't even close so his sorry pastors shouldn't wait two years to baptize folks just because they are not supposedly perfect yet. Having said all that a lot of NTCC pastors don't really even believe in water baptism because if they did they wouldn't wait years to baptize their congregates who faithfully attend services at their church. In some cases they never water baptism faithful folks in their congregation at all.
I know that doctrinal disputes are quite often unprofitable but if someone has a sincere question then a pastor shouldn't be too insecure and insincere to entertain the question. More importantly if the NTCC teaches false doctrine (which it often does) than an NTCC pastor should be genuine enough to make a change and if the organization as a whole won't admit that they've been wrong than that pastor should leave the NTCC for good.
How in the world are you, with a good conscience going to send someone to a conference or bogus seminary where false doctrine is known to be taught?
Jeff said, "Using the Bible, they simply can't justify much of what they teach and that is exactly why they don't allow open bible discussions during there so called Bible studies which they are anything but. They are more like one sided indoctrination / mind control classes. Their mindset is "You listen and I teach and I'm right and anyone with an opposing view is wrong."
Don and Ange said,
This is one of the very first steps involved in ntcc indoctrination. The very first priority is getting into your wallet and then they hammer you on pride. When they preach against pride in the church members life, what they are really doing is introducing them to mind control. "It's a sin to question the so called man of god". "If you disagree with the man of god you are being proud and contentious". It's about the same as when some churches have people confess their sins to a so called man of god and he says "I absolve you of all sin". I think that there are a lot of good people out there and there are many that are a lot better off than those in the ntcc, but God has to be first in all things, not some man. It is God Who forgives us, not a mere man.
A real man of God does not have to put himself on a pedestal, but he lifts up God and Jesus. It is very important to the ntcc preachers that they keep the congregation beat down, so they start abusive preaching and teaching early to keep questioning saints from exposing them. I've seen pastors blast people for asking them for clear concise scripture references on paying tithe. When they couldn't answer these questions with scriptural proof they say something like, "You don't mind giving 100% of your money to the devil when you spend it on beer and watching devil movies at the devil theatre and smoking cancer sticks" and every other worldly endeavor they can think of to preach against. I have one thing to say to you hypocrites at ntcc, beer and cancersticks and the devilvision had little effect on me compared to the spiritual torment I endured for years of my life at ntcc. I can and did quit smoking, drinking and many other sins that were wrong but the hardest thing to overcome was the constant negative barrage of abusive sprititual torment and anguish that was pounded into me by ntcc false teachings. To those of you ntccers out there reading this blog and others like it, ask yourself the question, "Am I really being taught the pure unadulterated truth"? Take a look at the double standard that is being preached. Where is the money going? Why is God not bringing revival to ntcc? Why are so many being used up and discarded by the ntcc leadership?
They don't want you to be Christlike. They want you to fit a certain mould. How often do you see the ntcc reaching out to the sick, afflicted, broken hearted, downtrodden, outcasts etc...
but what you see is ntcc reaching out to those that pay tithe and do not question anything that is preached. The best thing you can do is escape before they ruin the rest of your life.
I remember as a kid our pastor used to go around the room, each person reading a verse of the chapter we were in, until the chapter was finished. He'd then begin to teach from his notes, but he'd always stop and answer a question if someone's hand was raised, even if it was a child. One of the higher ups came to visit the church, and put a stop to it. As a teen I used to take notes because I felt that the teachings were so informative. After that, though, the preacher had to tailer his lesson to not allow room for questions, and it was much less informative. I lost interest after that. I thought that you're supposed to grab everyone's attention, actually teach so they can learn... Guess NTCC doesn't really want you to learn :(
Anonymous said,
I lost interest after that. I thought that you're supposed to grab everyone's attention, actually teach so they can learn... Guess NTCC doesn't really want you to learn :(
Don said,
We understand your discontent, JM. Wouldn't it be nice if you could go to church and learn without being intimidated? Really, that's the way it SHOULD be, but... not at ntcc... It would be nice if you could go to church and hear an edifying message of hope that challenges your soul without the unwarranted personal attacks. I guess they feel the personal attacks are necessary to keep people living in fear.
JM this comment of yours really saddened me. It shows just how devastating the ntcc policies can be. I know that you are in a good place, having a good head on your shoulders and heart to serve God.
But for some, the long-lasting effect of what you went through would be too hard for them to overcome.
So many others have echoed the same loss of joy in Christianity and seeking God only because of some stupid and selfish ntcc "policy".
The real reason behind all ntcc "policies" or rules is:
They want to control every facet in the life of every person who comes through their doors. Control gives them the power to move you to give up all to make them richer. Control makes you a willing servant for life, with no reward to you.
ntcc does not care if you no longer enjoy serving God. As long as the tithe keeps coming in, the ntcc is happy.
I can't say often enough how much I hate the ntcc's repeated abuse of people. It really grieves me to see God's people stripped of their joy.
I know God can restore people. But it bothers me because He never should have had to do so.
Christianity should be a fun and lively interactive process, not rules and following whims and dictates of one or two "super apostles"...
Get away from ntcc and you will be pleasantly surprised by how many saved people there really are in the world "outside" of ntcc.
You will enjoy seeing young people led by the Spirit of God without the fetters of men imposing selfish agendas on them.
Taste and see that the LORD IS GOOD when you are not willingly subjecting yourself to men who don't care for your soul.
Jesus loves you. Allow Him to be your God again in every facet of your life without asking man's permission or opinion. Allow the Spirit to lead you and the Father to keep you. He loves you so much!!!!
I know JM is a solid Christian and am thankful for the thoughtful things JM has already written.
I pray these blogs will help others to see they are not alone in their loss. That the things that trouble them are actually gentle prods from the Spirit of God guiding them to leave any group that becomes more important to them than their personal walk and relationship with the God Who loved them enough to die in their place and hang on a cross to buy their FREEDOM.
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