The purpose of this blog post is to bring more awareness to the tithe scam that is being run by your ntcc cult leaders and to let you in on a big secret. What is the big secret? Well, it's really not a secret at all. Your tithe dollars are being spent frivolously right in front of your noses; and it's being flaunted before your very eyes by Kekel himself. You are being played while your cult leaders are being paid. Does God really need all that money? They will feed you a line of absolute garbage by quoting Malachi to you as if you were living under the Old Testament Law and they were Levites that had no possession; but in actuality, they are very wealthy religious hucksters that are playing you for complete fools. God doesn't need your money, but Kekel wants it badly. Jesus never preached tithe for his ministry; and Paul was very careful to work with his own hands so that the gospel would not be perceived by others to be used as a vehicle to get a few wicked phony hypocrites rich.
Everyone in the ntcc believes that tithe is required by God and that if they do not pay it, they will spend eternity roasting in the flames of the lake of fire. Everyone in the ntcc has convinced themselves that God needs their tithe for the furtherance of the Gospel and that their money is going towards reaching lost souls. Nobody in the ntcc questions their cult leaders and lives another day to tell about it. Many years ago we were all a part of this group; and we were fed the same lines as you are being fed. We all fell for this scam; and we faithfully paid our tithe to avoid the flames. We watched as newcomers would get their fields plowed for disagreeing with tithe or questioning the cult leaders motives; and we bought into the scam just like many of you are still buying into it today.
One thing that many of us didn't realize is where all of our tithe dollars were going. Now that the sinnernet has been reclassified to the internet and ntcc cult leaders are using it for social networking and to create eyewash for the masses, there is a clear money trail that is completely public; so you can see where your money actually goes. In spite of the fact that this cyber money trail exist, many refuse to see it; and others ignore the blatant misuse of funds. People have been conditioned to believe that the tithe scandal is God's way of blessing people like Kekel down here on this earth for their life of dedication and labor. Meanwhile all of the ntcc cult leaders and board members continue to preach tithe as if your eternal soul hinged on ten percent of your income. Unless you wish to join those who are being tormented in the flames of hell, you will pay your tithe and it doesn't matter what they spend it on. That's not biblical. You cannot purchase salvation or guarantee it with ten percent of your income. And in the Old Testament, under the law, the tithe was carefully managed after it was taken up. But ntcc wants you to think they can do whatever they want while they micro-manage you after robbing you blind.
So what do they spend it on? I'm glad you asked because we have been trying to tell you for years; but you won't listen. You say God is blessing the man of Gawwwwwwwduh! Actually God has nothing to do with it. If you read the bible that you claim to believe you will find that the rich have their rewards and the poor are the ones that are near and dear to God's heart. If you spent as much time and money trying to help the poor and broken hearted as you did making Kekel rich, you would be a better person and you would actually learn about one of God's greatest valued attributes called charity. Since many of you refuse to believe our words, we will use pictures once again to tell the story. We promise that none of the pictures that we share have been photo shopped or manipulated to influence your thinking. These pictures have been posted before your very eyes by Kekel and others who want you to accept them without questioning their motives. They flaunt your money before you so that you can see how Gawd is blessing them; but have you ever seen your money actually going towards the lost? How often to they flaunt that before you? Never, because it never happens. So here we go, as the following pictures paint a thousand words, try to imagine how these examples of fraud, waste and abuse are justifiable ways to spend your tithe dollars.
Before Grant came along, secular education was frowned upon and many ntcc'rs were discouraged from seeking higher education outside of the ntccbwa (Brain Washing Academy). Many rules were broken by Grant Kekel and later changed to accommodate his lifestyle. Davis himself has been noted for saying that his grandson Grant was a sinner, but why would ntcc tithe payers be required to pay this sinner's way through secular college? The ntcc is being pretty tight lipped about where Grant is going to law school or how many of your tithe dollars it is going to cost to support this endeavor. I suppose that many of you ntcc'rs should be grateful for Grant because he brought you wholesale compromise. Now your children can wear shorts and participate in sporting events at school. The picture above says it all and it was flaunted before your very eyes on social media. Grant wearing a lei made out of money at secular college graduation. I wonder what ntcc mandatory functions the Kekels had to miss to attend this graduation? Would you be allowed to miss a mandatory function to attend one of your relative's graduation events? It cost a lot of money for Grant to attend Charles Wright Academy which was a private high school that he attended while learning and participating in sports (proof). Your mandatory tithe helped finance this endeavor. Is this why God needs your tithe money, so a sinner can get a business degree and possibly now a law degree? Where are all the pictures of money being spent to save lost souls with your tithe dollars? Your money is going into a bag with holes, as Vic stated in a recent comment, quoting Habakkuk.
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The Kekels Plastered a Bunch of Pictures of Their Recent Vacation to Italy, Greece and Turkey on Kekel's Smog Blog to Rub in Your Faces. While You Struggle to Keep Your Oil Puking Junker Running to Pick up More Potential Tithe Payers for him to bilk at the Next Cult Meeting |
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A Bolo Wearing a Bolo Hat |
Do you still think that you would be hell bound if you didn't pay tithe to these false prophets? Recently Kekel left a Facebook post that stated: "During last evening's fellowship, the "Graham Team" surprised me and Rev. Kinson with offerings for Pastor Appreciation, and we were taken totally by surprise!"
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A Rolex Presidential Watch that Davis Pouted About Wanting Because He Wasn't Happy with the Multi Thousand Dollar Rolex that was Purchased for Him |
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Davis Had Matt Reed Take up an Offering for a Henry Rifle for Davis' Collection |
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A Fleet of Expensive Recreational Vehicles Purchased with Your Tithe Dollars. How Many Souls have been Won to Christ From these Rolling Cathedrals of Self Wealth? |
Is this really what Christianity is all about? Can you find examples of excess like this anywhere in the New Testament? Is this what Jesus died for? This is a big time scam and money making scheme. There is no justification for all of the money that has been spent and yet the tithe dollars continue to roll in. People are being played for fools. None of this wasteful spending has been hidden, but it's been on display for everyone to see. The next time that your tithe is due, you ought to put it in the bank and save it so one day you can help your aging mother or that widow down the block. Maybe you could donate some to a homeless shelter or orphanage, practicing what the bible calls "pure religion". These crooks don't need your money; but they want it. As long as you continue to enable them, they will keep playing you. Please turn on your brains and think about this for a moment. Is this what God wants for your lives? Please think about this while you are being thankful for all the blessings of God on this Thanksgiving day.
They used to say that the world was getting churchy and the church was getting worldly. We would shout "Amen" at such sayings and it never dawned on us to take a closer look at our own back yard. Our lives were under a microscope every day and very little was hid from the ntcc power brokers. However, there was and still is no scrutiny of the upper echelon of ntcc goons that controlled our lives. The blogs are about the only voice that exists to expose the double standards and the ntcc powers that be do everything to encourage their cult members to stay off the blogs or discredit us. They do not want people to think for themselves.
We use a lot of the terms that the ntcc uses to show how ridiculous their rules are and to draw attention to their patterns of deceit. We use the term compromise, not because we believe that non-adherence to ntcc outward appearance rules is actually compromising the bible or what God intends for us to do with our lives, but we use these terms because the ntcc used them to influence us to live by these hypocritical rules. When we say that the ntcc is compromising, we are not of the opinion that these standards actually originated from God, but we are drawing attention to the fact that the ntcc made all this stuff up to control us and now they are compromising these rules that once condemned people to an eternity engulfed in fire and brimstone.
What they do is very wicked and if anyone is going to be accountable for not keeping these standards it will be the ntcc hypocrites that imposed them upon us while not lifting a finger to keep the rules themselves. This is why we often refer to them as hypocrites and Pharisees. They are snakes who cunningly manipulate the lives of people who really want to live for God by filling their hearts with guilt and self doubt; and they do it all for money. These pious pulpiteers make people rely on them for Salvation which was never theirs to give. People in the ntcc can't make decisions on their own. Everything they do is predicated on the perception of the ntcc overlords who don't care about the souls of the people around them. People know that tithe paying is one of the only things they can do to gain approval from these tyrants so they pay tithe like it is the most important bill that has to be paid. If you don't pay your electric, eventually they will shut it off. The average ntcc'r believes that if they don't pay their tithe, their spiritual lifeline to God will be severed. This does not come from the bible, it comes from the money grubbing hypocrites in the ntcc who have recognized that they can get rich off of the tithe scandal. Your spiritual well being has never been threatened and never will be threatened by monetary requirements conjured up by money hungry ntcc cult leaders. You don't have to impress these phony posers. If you want to impress someone, impress God, and leave the cult.
It's much easier to find grace and mercy in God than it is to achieve spiritual stature in the ntcc. Money and numbers might carry you into the good graces of the ntcc benefactors but what happens when they leave you high and dry? Very few ntcc Christians have the ability to stand in the absence ntcc influence. Many who are forced out or leave on their own feel hopeless because their brains have been conditioned to believe that the ntcc is God's last hope for mankind on planet earth. I know this because when I left the ntcc, I felt hopeless. I thought for sure that I was on an irreversible course towards hell and that I had used up every drop of Grace that was available to me. This is why people are afraid to leave and when they do eventually get out they are so hard on themselves and shoulder the burden of their past upon themselves rather than accepting the truth that it was never about God or the souls of others in the ntcc. The ntcc does everything they can to make you think that your Christianity hinges on being a part of their cult. Their cult is the body of Christ and if you leave it, you are leaving God. This is false doctrine. They should be teaching people that Christ is the source of their Christianity so that when men fail them, they will realize that they are not failures.
People think that God is waiting to strike them dead for every little mistake they make in life. We have been taught that every time we fail at something in our lives that it is our fault, but we never assess our surroundings to see if we are living in an atmosphere that sets us up for failure. The ntcc is a trap. There are times when no decision you make is the right decision. There are times when doing the right thing is wrong in the ntcc. Picking up a brother who is stranded on the side of the road without asking permission is wrong. Which guilt trip would you rather deal with, the one from Kekel for breaking his stupid rules or the one from God for leaving your brother stranded on the side of the road? We used to make all of our decisions based on what would please the ntcc deceivers. Should I put $20 dollars in the offering tonight because the preacher is blasting everyone for not giving prior to taking up the offering, or should I put $5 in and save myself $15 for the rest of the offerings this week, or should I save some for myself? People would give to the ntcc hucksters while their children and wives did without, all because they assumed that God needed their money more than their families did. How stupid could we have been to believe this. All your money does in the ntcc is buy more real estate and supply people like Kekel and Olson with more amenities. Look around you and see what your money has bought. The ntcc is not increasing with souls that love God, it's become smaller and has splintered off into other factions that want their own piece of the pie. Wake up and get control of your life back. Stop wasting your time and money trying to please a man. Turn on your brain and keep it on. Use it and make rational decisions with it. Your heart and your brain are crying out to your soul pleading with you to stop enabling these crooks.
wait a minute... Stop the press...
What in the heck is up with that hat??? He looks like a complete dork.
Wow, how can mr. kekel visit/vacation in a predominantly muslim country, that's hostile towards Christian?
What's with tk's smiles? She don't look happy. The smiles look fake.
Maurice said...
Wow, how can mr. kekel visit/vacation in a predominantly muslim country, that's hostile towards Christian?
The answer to your question varies depending on the point of view:
Point of view of Syrian refugees and teeming hopeless: The American Christians are insensitive to the needs of the godless and hopeless as they bathe in luxury and materialism.
Point of view of American Christians: We have a right to the blessings of God and can't help it if God see's us as privileged.
Point of view of exers of the NTCC: This is a sharp contrast to the teachings of the founder of the org. as we were of the era known for the condemnation of vacations, sports, college, family time and a host of other restrictions.
Point of view of the Kekels: We have a right to vacation due to the hard work and sacrifice made to the ministry; everyone deserves a vacation from time to time.
Context is everything. I do not see the harm in a well planned vacation as long as God is consulted and remains Lord. The issue I see is that of, as Don pointed out, flaunting and rubbing everyone's noses in it. Mr. Kekel indeed received his wealth from the tithe and offerrings of the NTCC faithful both past and present, while those same faithful were lambasted with thunderings and lightning for even thinking of taking a vacation.
It would be different if #1-the money came from working on a job like everyone else, #2-it was not done when so much mystery remains on how the money of that ministry is spent and #3-an explanation of the change of attitude toward above said restrictions.
It is reasonable to deduce from the evidence abundantly presented that taking this very expensive vacation across the world is meant as a slap in the face to those who are raising questions on the financial accountability of that org. It's like saying "oh yea, well watch this, this is what I think of your questioning of the finances, I'm gonna take a European vacation on your dime and smirk about it".
I can tell you right now this cost a lot of money. did they fly first class? if so add another 10K, did they pay for their son to accompany them? if so add another 20K, both rough estimates. Was their a cruise involved? slap on another 10K. And by the way, the Euro dollar exchange rate must be considered. The choice alone of having to convert to the Euro, slap on another 5K.
Why do I have heartburn you ask? I don't, not one dime was from my hard earned money. They have the NTCC faithful to thank for that. But I can tell you this, had this happened while I was in, I would of considered this the last draw. Jack Hyles left 70 million dollars when he went to the grave and was presented with a 70 thousand dollar cash gift placed in a wheel barrel and wheeled up to the platform. You can see it yourself on youtube / watch all 4 parts starting with this on:
When you study the characteristics of Hyles and Davis it was no wonder Davis admired him so much. There is nobody as blond as those who refuse to see.
Hahaha--A lei made out of greenbacks! It's like they're competing in some kind of tacky conspicuous consumption contest. And isn't St. Louis University a Catholic (as opposed to secular) institution? That makes this even more hilarious. For years they railed on parents whose kids didn't get "the call" to NTCCBWA. But the more things change in the borg, the more they stay the same: the rich are still getting richer and the poor are staying that way by enabling them. It's an old story--there are always people willing to exploit others for their own profit, and the most sincere people make the very best marks. That's why it's so hard for them to bust out, because they can't bring themselves to think evil of these charlatans. It's too shocking for them to believe that anyone could be so conscience-deficient as to behave as these elitists do, but observation and experience has sadly proven it to be so.
Bet you if you said Kekel and not "Rev" them some ntcc preacher would scorn you and tell you, " it's Rev. Kekel". You are not bible buddies so you don't rate. That's how it goes in the org.
I remember a conversation about how Davis and Kekel got their "mansions". I was there when it was discussed in the living of a servicemen's home. One they came up was that the, buildings were built by ntcc preacher's so it would not be, built by sinner's hands. I don't know how acurate that was but if it was, how many churches were built by sinner's hands? Or servemen's homes that were built by sinner's hands? Who's special here?
I tell you, at the servicemens homes you are gonna hear these far fetched stories about the leaders how they walked on water, how they healed the sick, etc, etc. I mean it was over the top the stories they would tell us, which makes sense if your gonna try to get people to believe that they are "anointed" and you should follow them.
There was a time that we all went into a cleaning frenzy because one of the leaders was making a visit so after cleaning the carpet, we put bed sheets to walk upon so that we wouldn't mess up the carpeting and dirty it before the leader's visit!
No doubt the pastor at the servicemens home was trying to be super spiritual about the building of their houses!
One of the things that makes Kekel such a hypocrite is his condescending attitude towards others. Jesus never commanded anyone to call him Rev. Christ but he came to the people meek and lowly. His name was Jesus and he didn't need any titles. All the disciples went by their first names and never demanded to be called by a title. Kekel and Davis before him demanded to be called by their pious titles because they consider themselves to be better than the disciples. They use titles so that people will distinguish them above everyone else. They wouldn't dare stoop to the level of the common people. They feel they are above everyone else in titles and finances. If they spent less time trying to get people to worship them and spent more time being a servant of all, the ntcc would be a much nicer place. The ntcc is built upon man worship and hypocritical reverence. Revere the man of God and don't question his motives. They live in a different world than everyone else. Rules are made for brainwashed suckers to follow, not to question. The ntcc rulers are so far above all their loyal subjects that they are astonished when people expect them to keep the rules they enforce on everyone else.
You are not supposed to question these hypocrites. It's off limits to talk about their finances and the mansions that a select few live in. The only thing you can say about it is, "Look how God has blessed the man of God". That's phony and hypocritical. They expect you to seek your treasure in heaven while you provide all of their creature comforts for them here on this earth. They are corrupt money grubbers and they laugh in your faces as you buy them Rolex watches and diamond pinky rings. What is Kekel driving? What are you driving? What is Kekel wearing? What are you wearing? It's none of your business how much Kekel has, just keep giving and sacrificing for the work of the Lord.
There is no work of the Lord in the ntcc. You are enabling a bunch of money hungry hirelings to live high on the hog. You are the hogs. They feed you slop and you provide them with bacon and pork roasts. If you think that the ntcc exists to win people to God and further the gospel, you are sadly mistaken. The ntcc is a family owned business run by Hucksters. Your money isn't going towards souls. People are not being trained to evangelize the world, they are being trained to generate money and numbers. That is all that matters to Kekel and Olson.
Looking at the locator, there are only a handful of names that were around 20 years ago. Poor God. I guess God isn't able to keep people anymore. People are dropping like flies. The ntcc is changing and a new generation is up and coming. I wonder how long it will take for people like Rodrigues, Wright and Jones to wise up. The perpetrators of Holiness doctrine are a dying breed in the ntcc and when you look at their Facebook pages you can tell that people are already straying from the doctrine they once cherished. Tanya has always dressed lasciviously in tight clothing so I doubt that Kekel really cares about the antiquated standards. It seems like all the old timers are either adapting to the new improved version of the ntcc or they are being squeezed out like Ashmore. You have to be a total hypocrite to buy into the doctrinal changes and double standards. It takes all kinds to make the world go around, and the ntcc seems to find their share of nuts to accommodate their ever changing doctrine.
I know I would have left if I was still in when the holiness standards changed. Some of the holiness standards are still important to me and others I don't think matter so I don't kept them. Do you keep any of the holiness standards or have you let them all go?
Don and Ange said:
"I wonder how long it will take for people like Rodrigues, Wright and Jones to wise up".
This is only my opinion. I would think that of the three mentioned that Rodrigues would be the first one to drop out if any and of the two left, I would like to see Jones drop out and I will tell you why in a minute. I would like to see Wright stay in if for no other reason then to tell his corny jokes and be a wild card.
Jones. I know I have commented on him before but this one is positive. I think that if he were to find it in himself to see the hypocrisy of the org that he is man enough to see it in himself as well as it relates to himself being an extension of the org. He is a die hard representative of the org and if he can break out of that, I believe that it has the potential of accomplishing a deep work of humility in him. Once that break is made based on a true assessment he himself makes of the org and a work of humility is accomplished in him, he has the potential of being an instrument in God's hands to both reach the lost and those who are on the fence in the NTCC.
I don't know where it came from but when I came to NTCC long ago I would say 98% of the men wore slacks all the time and never wore jeans. Maybe they idolized the old timers that bad to do it. Maybe it became a fad. Maybe I'm the only one that noticed that about jeans vs slacks. Yet I also noticed women are allowed to where skirts below the knees but men are NOT allowed to where shorts below their knees. What a double standard. Yet men have gotten birated and scorned for wearing shorts even below their knees or to midcalf. So where does that come from as well.
I agree with you 100% . :) I had too many bad experiences and have been through years of pastoral abuse. I've witnessed doubled standards and a lot of favoritism among pastors and members. Yet after all that and now I have left, there were still good and holiness standards I've kept that I've learned before. I have sifted out which was was good and positive out of the really bad and have moved on.
In happier news I watched my Vikings beat the crap out of the Falcons who are from Atlanta GA... Home of one of the premier NTCC churches and where the founding of HOPP started. I think we can conclude that God loves the Vikings and hates religious cults.
Is it a coincidence that next week the Vikings will dispatch the Seahawks? Home to the founder of all things evil to include his pathetic servants of Bail... I ask, could it be that the Raiders were the sacrificial lamb for Reverend Ashmore and the state of California as the Vikings took Derrick Carr and Amari Cooper to task?
I think not... The Vikings are clearly on a mission from God.
We were not in a first name basis with anybody.
We would use sis or bro and their last name.
It was such an embarrassment because if we were in a store and we came across a bro or sister and if we wanted to greet them or worse when we needed to introduce them to somebody outside the church we were at a loss because we didn't even know their first names!
During last evening's fellowship, the "Graham Team" surprised me and Rev. Kinson with offerings for Pastor Appreciation, and we were taken totally by surprise!"
The dummies never cease to amaze me. A pastor appreciation offering hey? What will the minions think up next. Like Kekel needs anymore money. Church people are the most naive suckers I've ever known in my entire life. How can they possibly believe that giving Kekel more money is the will of God? I can't even stand to read this nonsense. It's actually no fun to be reminded of the considerable mind control people like the Kekel's have over other human beings. It's absolutely mind boggling. I get no joy thinking about it. I don't even know why I still read this stuff. All it does is agitate me. And that's mainly because it's never going to end. If you even managed to get rid of Kekel (which won't happen) there'd be 50 more to follow so what's the point. The world needs religious suckers. If everyone had a brain then the words minion and sucker wouldn't even exist which would change everything. The world needs suckers to make life easier on the rest.
Thank you suckers for all your hard work and your wonderful handouts. Makes a lot of our lives a whole lot easier. Everyone needs a good sucker to give them a handout every now and then. Where can a find a few more? The mission of the NTCC. Find a few suckers to win a few more suckers to the fold. All for one and one takes from all. Tithing 101. Don't forget, Kekel needs another offering you bunch of SUCKUP suckers. They are not only suckers but they are suck-ups. Take up an offering for a millionaire. God will bless you for that one for sure. And I got some beach front property in Afghanistan. ISIS will give you a good deal on it for sure. Just bring your head and sharp knife.
Anonymous said...
I know I would have left if I was still in when the holiness standards changed. Some of the holiness standards are still important to me and others I don't think matter so I don't kept them. Do you keep any of the holiness standards or have you let them all go?
DNA said:
Don't feel like the lone ranger. A lot of people do keep some of the holiness standards after they leave. I had a good friend that wouldn't wear shorts for a year after he left. At some point after leaving he had a gun in his hand and was contemplating suicide, but he made a good decision and allowed himself to live. Now he is a Paramedic, a Christian and a productive member of his community. Healthy churches do not drive people to the point of suicide. There are many who keep holiness standards after they leave for various reasons. Some people get used to them and have no desire to change. Others feel that they were keeping the standards for God and not man and they continue to keep them after leaving. Still others feel like their eternal salvation depends on keeping those standards. I feel that it is a huge stretch to attach heaven or hell ultimatums to man made holiness standards or tithing because there simply is not any scriptural examples of the ntcc dress requirements to be found in the bible. I personally don't have a problem with many of these standards but I don't believe that God requires them and I definitely know that God doesn't condemn people for NOT keeping them like the ntcc does. In the ntcc it is a litmus test and if you fail to pass you are not one of the brethren. However, many of these standards that once were used to run people off are now being compromised in the ntcc by board members.
I will say that every organization that preaches these standards seems to have a history of sexual impropriety. The Almish, the Oneness, the Mennonites, Different factions of the Church of God and many other groups that oppress people with holiness standards seem to have serious problems in their churches with adultery, fornication, incest, child molestation and rape. Organizations that impose celibacy on people also have this effect. When man made rules governing personal liberties are imposed upon people in the name of Christianity it is never a good thing. People have convictions about certain things and if you feel that it comes from God and you are okay with it than who am I to tell you otherwise? If it is a stumbling block to you to wear certain clothing than you have to do what seems right between you and God. But when it comes to imposing those kinds of beliefs upon others, that's when you have to be careful. If you look at the life of Jesus and what the New Testament shares about him you will find very little of the ntcc doctrine being preached or practiced by Jesus. Jesus didn't impose dress standards on anyone, nor did he take up collections of money so some preacher could get rich. But if a person feels like it is wrong to wear Jewelry or eat meat or play monopoly and that person does it anyway, than it becomes sin to that person. Does that mean that God hates monopoly? Does that give anyone a right to preach to others that if they wear Jewelry that they are hell bound? No it does not, especially when they are adorning themselves with Rolex watches and Diamond Pinky rings. That's my take on this matter.
Kekel said:
"During last evening's fellowship, the Graham Team surprised me and Rev. Kinson with offerings for Pastor Appreciation, and we were taken totally by surprise! I want to thank all of you for such a grand, selfless gesture of LOVE of which I am not worthy. I really think that YOU are the ones to whom an expression of deep gratitude and appreciation is due, for you are indeed the greatest team of people that anyone could ever ask for. I love you and appreciate you, my fellow-laborers in Christ! God bless you so much"
Anonymous said:
"Take up an offering for a millionaire. God will bless you for that one for sure."
DNA said:
That about sums it all up. If Kekel really thought that the people who gave this offering were due an expression of gratitude, he would stop sponging off of his congregation and do something worthwhile for them. What has Kekel ever done for anyone? What has Kinson ever done for anyone? These hypocrites are laughing at all of the brainwashed minions that empty their wallets out for them. Why do they need more of your money? Are they not rich enough already? Why in the world would you give money to a dude that was caught spending your tithe dollars at a whore house? People are totally gullible and brainwashed. If you continue to give your money to Kekel, Kinson or any of these ntcc thieves, you are wasting your future. Most of the people that gave in this offering to Kekel and Kinson live below the poverty line and these hucksters are wealthy tycoons that have made their fortunes off of being religious hypocrites and money grubbing swindlers. What will it take for people to learn? How obvious does it have to be that they are being taken for fools and suckers? What a sorry bunch! The "Graham Team"? You just can't make this stuff up. Go TEAM!!!! They are competing to see who can be the biggest sucker. They ought to do a reality TV show on the ntcc. Show the mansions that these Hucksters live in and the cars they drive. Show the suckers who drive oil puking junkers and eat Ramen dinners so they can give their last dime to Kekel and Kinson. People around the world would be shaking their heads in unbelief.
Kekel said:
"and we were taken totally by surprise!"
Yea, right!, like there was not some suck up behind the scenes beating a drum about what ought to be done for the mean of Gawwdd. And Defrancisco and others all subtiley suggest and spur things on. Nothing in the NTCC is done by surprise, it is all thought out carefully with man at the center of it all.
James Allen sums it up best: (here is a quote)
A strong man cannot help a weaker unless that weaker is willing to be helped, and even then the weak man must become strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admires in another. None but himself can alter his condition.
It has been usual for men to think and to say, "Many men are slaves because one is an oppressor; let us hate the oppressor." Now, however, there is amongst an increasing few a tendency to reverse this judgment, and to say, "One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves."
The truth is that oppressor and slave are co-operators in ignorance, and, while seeming to afflict each other, are in reality afflicting themselves.
Bryan David Hill
With the kekels enjoying there jetset life style along with there beautiful mansion, expensive cars and toys. Why would they want one of the mansions that Jesus is offering, is there no end to there lust and greed? They already have wealth and prestige iam convinced that they are to large for Jesus and Jesus people. The kekels and others should really read the book of Philippians and follow Pauls example.
In Christendom, wealth can be a stumbling block, in chapter 3 of Philippians Paul admonishes us to follow him.
To clarify I don't have wealth, but I am simply stating what Paul wrote.
I noticed that the kekls and Olsons have been going around visiting the bigger churches and having fellowship meetings while Johnson and jones have been keeping a low profile as far as I can tell.
Hey Hey Hey... Offerings like this are needed in the work of the Lord. Just go on Craigslist and you'll see how much a "Massage" costs per hour.
People, we must stop judging and start conforming. Life is difficult for the men who labor over the sheep. Do you realize that without such offerings he couldn't report from Greece that Greece is awesome. How could Kekel get a classic Rueben Sandwich while traveling through NYC? Those things cost over 10 bucks in the city. If he didn't get these offerings he'd have to tell Tanya to hold off on the Coach purse, oh wait, Coach is for the masses, lets think bigger... Gucci purse yeah that's it. We can't have that at a time when ministers are being mocked for living right and doing right.
Let us not forget that Grants education is among the most expensive in the nation and we all know his son deserves a good education at our expense. I took a look at that college online and feelings of the Dead Poets Society came creeping back to me. What a wonderful experience he must be having.
We must see the virtue in these actions and trust that God almighty will assist us with our broken headlights and ER bills for our children.
Thank you Brother and Sister Kekel for showing us the way.
Brother Mike
Jones is frequently around the Columbus Ga, Phenix City Al area. I guess he's bought a house in that area. Apparently he likes being close to the Hunts and of course Fort Benning. No doubt they see Fort Benning as a money pit with all the soldiers and all. What a shame. Who knows, might be the next split / break away. If not, Jones and Hunt are dummies. They can't be stupid enough to think it's still about God with the NTCC after all the flip flopping that's been going on concerning all the rules and such. How can you be dumb enough to actually believe that the Kekel's are Godly? Kekel openly wrote that he didn't agree with the rules instituted by Davis while stating that if the rules which were non biblical were mistakes, then he wasn't the one who instituted them in the first place. The whole thing has been a scam all along. With Davis it was about power, control and money and Kekel, (who's lightened up the rules which he didn't agree with) is following right in Davis' footsteps.
So why would you follow a guy like that? So Jones and Hunt are dummies if they actually still follow Kekel. They should break away and continue to soak all the suckers who are dying to continue to give away their hard earned money. When it comes right down to it the NTCC is about 1 thing and that's the only constant that has definitively existed for years with no debate from any of the leaders/hucksters. "All Christians pay tithe and give in the offering".
Secular colleges used to be taboo, (and now they are not), TV, sports, cookouts at the camp ground, self cars, vacationing, having babies, etc and the stance on all those things has changed, women working and so on. All changed. There are NTCC pastors wives who currently openly work now on jobs and in Korea have worked all along while it was categorically being preached against and the leadership knew it. Change, change, change but what hasn't changed???? "All Christians pay tithe". The Baptists, JWs, 7th Day Adv, Catholics, Methodists etc all disagree on about practically everything you can think of but isn't it ironic that they all agree that you should give them 10% of your income and how ever much extra you can cough up!!!!!!! THEY DISAGREE ON SO MUCH BUT THEY ALL AGREE THAT YOUR MONEY SHOULD BE FUNNELED INTO THEIR CHURCHES. They will avoid the Old Testament law like the plague, but they'll dig out every Old Testament scripture they can to justify paying tithe!!! They can't justify it from the New Testament because it simply isn't there and the scriptures they reference don't have jack to do with paying tithe as a Christian.
Anyway. The suckers will remain and that ain't going to change so if Hunt and Jones keep sending money from their church to Graham they are dummies also. Dummies. People can talk about Denis all they want but at least he was smart enough to stop sending money to the Kekels!!! And if Jones and Hunt think they will make it to heaven before Denis they are even dumber than I thought. How can you possibly believe that when you know you've been part of a big family affair scam for the last 30,40 years? Kekel, a man of God??? Are you serious. Kekel is where he is for one reason and one reason only and it has nothing to do with him being a MAN OF GOD because he's anything but!!! He married the big man's daughter, PERIOD, end of story and if you think otherwise you are a straight up dummy with a capital D.
Anonymous said:
"So Jones and Hunt are dummies if they actually still follow Kekel. They should break away and continue to soak all the suckers who are dying to continue to give away their hard earned money."
DNA said:
As of October 25th Jones is still a dummy because he was preaching a revival at the church in Albuquerque, NM. I'm sure he is making money doing his rounds and shaking his lips at the sinners. Who knows, he might be doing the same thing Denis did. He could be looking for co-conspirators for another split. Anyone who subjects themselves to Kekel has got to have pretty low self esteem and you would think that Jones would break away from the cult and start his own cult, like Denis and Ashmore. He's probably too old and lazy to strike out on his own and as long as there are dummies willing to give him money every time he rolls up in his Recreational Vehicle, he might just opt to continue leaching off the ntcc faithful.
The ntcc churches seem to be attracting quite a few brain washed suckers these days. The ntcc features a few churches on their website and if you look at those churches, many of them seem to have a bigger following than back in our day. Of course now the majority of the members of these churches wear shorts and jewelry. The ntcc is changing to accommodate a new breed of compromising cult members. Tithe is still the most important commandment and always will be, but now the people are straying from their roots and the church is becoming more like an activities center than anything else. Their Facebook pages our full of announcements for activities and eating events. Potlucks are a big thing now days. "Come to our Harvest Potluck", (or Thanksgiving or whatever kind of Potluck they can think of), can be found on many of their pages. There are a lot of Fads in the ntcc. It seems like when one church does something that others follow their example. One huge fad in the ntcc is to quote motivational speakers on Facebook and Twitter. Now they are having Potluck dinners every opportunity they get. One church has periodic Women's cleaning get togethers where they clean the church and for a reward they get to stuff their faces at a Buffet afterwards.
Glendale Arizona is one of the bigger churches in the ntcc and seems to be an area that the Davis's liked to vacation at during their paid retirement from 'non-profit' "apostleship". Their ntcc website has an advertisement for online and text giving. There is a banner with a picture of an open bible and a link for giving more money along with a phrase that reads: "We believe the Church should be the most well funded organization on earth".
That quote about the church being well funded was a phrase that rw used to say and now they are using to keep the money rolling.
In graham I use to hear about the spending sprees that ms Davis used to take in glendale taking along the glendale ministers.
They would go to all the outlets there, nordstrom rack, last chance Dillard's and the like. I recall them talk and talk about their bargain loot and how they paid just 75 dls for a sports coat that was originally 800 or more so on and so forth.
It was kind of weird now that I look back This was after rw passed away ms Davis said to a group of ladies that
Her husband left so many clothes some with the tags still attached to them, brand new!
Now that I think about it , what a waste of money! Is that what "being in the ministry" was all about? That's sad.
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