Anonymous said:
"I recall somebody preaching about how that :
"the grave has the doctors mistakes but hell claims the preacher's mistakes"
Every guy that stands in that pulpit will have to give an account for the people they ridiculed, belittled, found fault , etc. etc.
What is a Christian you asked?
Such a sobering thought. I've experienced love and understanding and help from the rotgut sinner next door who drank everyday but helped us load our stuff to move to yet another city.
I got help from the unchurched, those we were taught to reach out because they were on their way to hell and yet they, those "sinners" were kind to me and family to get us on our feet again!
What is a Christian ?
Is it the way you dress or attend church or tithe or soulwin?
You may post pictures of how many people attend your church or how many events you do in your church.
Post pictures of holding babies showing love & smiles, celebrating birthdays but in the back of my mind is the thousands of people that were left behind because of our inability to really be a Christian to them.
What about those that were the preacher's mistakes? Can a post on facebook or a positive thought on your twitter bring them back?"
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Another Day of Life in an NTCC Church |
There are some very good points made in this comment. The ntcc has definitely created their own definition of what Christianity should be; and their doctrine is constantly being upgraded like the Windows operating system on your personal computer. I'm sure all of those who use MACs suffer in their own way; but I'm a PC; so you'll have to bear with me on this illustration. Windows came into being many years ago. I remember when Windows 3 and 3.1 were being used back in the early 90's. Since then there have been upgrades like Windows 95 and 98. Now we are up to Windows 10.0. With each upgrade there was a promise to make things easier and give the customer more options and features. What wasn't advertised was how that Windows would become more intrusive and integrated into your private life. Technology, to include the platforms for mobile phones and social media, is taking away your freedom and privacy. When windows 8 came out, we bought a new laptop for Ange at Walmart with all the bells and whistles. $500 bucks' worth of technology. It had a DVD player on it that would not play DVDs unless you paid for a program that would allow you to watch your DVDs, or figured out how to circumvent or uninstall this bloatware program. The touch screen technology was and still is maddening to me. So is the text to voice technology on my cell phone. Many of our cell phones with the exception of iPhones (MAC products) are running Google based platforms. Many 'free' apps that you run on Android phones require permissions that allow the providers to control your camera and microphone and grant access to much of your personal information, such as all your contacts. The same is true with your PC. When you download and install new programs, you give the owners of those programs access to other areas of your private life. Now all of the advertising that you see on Google, Facebook, and Android is all targeted toward you; because they have integrated your personal information into their advertising campaigns. Cell phones are now getting rid of SD cards and removable batteries so that everything you do can be stored in the 'cloud'; and all of your history can never be fully deleted. Reportedly, next gen phones won't even offer an on-board gallery on your device; instead all your pictures and videos will automatically be uploaded to the 'Cloud'! Google wants to integrate your Facebook accounts, your contact lists, friends' phone numbers and addresses, your photos and videos, your blogs and other social media and a whole lot of other stuff into a nice friendly public format, supposedly for your 'convenience'. Ahem! They have promised you more features and more capabilities while taking away much of your freedom and intruding deeply into your privacy.
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Ntcc Aeronautical Soul Winning Program Gone Awry! |
The ntcc has much in common with today's technology. Their doctrine keeps getting upgraded and rules are changed to accommodate their exposure on the internet. Before the internet exposed them for their double standards they could pretty much preach anything they wanted; and nobody would know any better. They could influence men to get vasectomies and discourage grown adults from bettering themselves through education and career opportunities. They could take up offerings for diamond pinky rings and Rolex watches to give to Davis, while blasting visiting women for wearing 'devil stirrups'. They could get away with placing strict requirements on others while they broke the rules themselves and used people to get what they wanted. Now that it's plastered all over the internet, their hypocrisy and double standards have a damaging and lasting effect on their bottom line. To stop the bleeding they have to change the rules frequently to deceive the religious masses who follow them and support them financially. If you are in the ntcc, they are doing this right under your noses; and they are playing you for absolute fools.
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This Confused Ntcc Church Member Wonders if He is Really a Christian. He thought the blood of Christ and God's grace was sufficient to save and keep him; but his ntcc preacher has sown doubt through doctrines of devils and traditions of men that make the commandment of God of none effect. Mat 15:1-20, Mark 7:1-23, Rom 4:14, 1 Tim 4:1 (all here) |
So, with all this confusion, how do you know what is right and what is wrong? People are gullible and that is why their freedoms are being taken away. In the ntcc, you are being promised eternal life while they take your money and your freedom away. You are promised that one day you will judge the world; but you have to ask your ntcc pastor for permission to go to another believer's house and have dinner. You are going to rule and reign with Jesus forever in glory; but you can't talk to a member of the opposite sex without permission from your ntcc hirelings. They have lorded over you and will continue to lord over you as long as you allow them.
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Unsuspecting ntcc Church Members Mindlessly Participate in Spiritual Target Practice. |
We can learn much from the "unchurched". There just might be something wrong with your religion when you are supposed to be an ambassador for Christ but your fellow rotgut sinner shows more compassion towards others than the ntcc leaders that you try to emulate. Who was a Christian to the the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves and was left for dead? Was it the priest or Levite who saw his suffering but crossed the street to walk by him while pretending not to see his anguish? No, it was the Samaritan who the religious leaders considered to be dogs and devils. See Luke 10:30-37 (here). The unchurched have put the ntcc to much shame. The ntcc claims to be the last hope for mankind; but they will not even give a dime to a homeless man, let alone allow him into their churches. The homeless have nothing to tithe, so their souls are not important to the ntcc hirelings; while the 'unchurched' are out there running soup kitchens and homeless shelters and sharing the gospel with them. When you see more kindness coming from a sinner than a saint, you have to wonder if that saint is really a saint and if that sinner is really a sinner. (Rom 2:26-27; Rom 3:30 here
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Kekel Gives the Boot to Some More ntcc'rs who have Outlived Their Usefulness. Earlier He and Kinson were Standing at the Front Door Shaking Hands, Chuckling and Welcoming Them to Church. |
Why does the ntcc find it so important to label people? Why is there a caste system of tiers - 'just a' church member, 'faithful' church member (tithe payer), 'good' brother (a real sycophant), minister's wife, minister, Pastor? Why does everyone of another denomination have to be demonized by the ntcc leadership? They have rundown every organization and every other religious group under the sun while saying that they believe they are not the only ones going to heaven. They are talking out of both sides of their mouths! They ride in on their high horses, blasting people for attending other churches as if the ntcc has a monopoly on the truth. They act as if they hold all of the copyrights to the bible and anyone who opposes them is opposing God. Meanwhile the actions of a sinner, to be a 'neighbor' to a homeless person by handing him a ten dollar bill, are condemned as contributing to their sin. I'd rather give a homeless person a hundred dollar bill than to give an ntcc pastor a ten dollar bill. ;At least you know that the hundred dollar bill might bring someone without a roof over his or her head some comfort as opposed to what happens to your ten dollar bill in the ntcc. For all you know, the money that you give to your ntcc pastor might be going towards a visit to the whore house! You'll never know where your money is going because the ntcc hides their financial records from you. How do you think someone like Kekel who had nothing when he came into the ntcc, now is a multimillionaire in a 'non profit' organization? He plays you for a bunch of fools. He uses psychology to play you and then he reels you in like a big sucker fish and you continue to give your money and your future to him; because you think you need to do that in order to be saved.
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Not Welcome In the ntcc! |
While the ntcc excludes people from heaven the unchurched are out there bringing people hope. I don't know who is actually going to heaven and who isn't. I'm not God; and only God knows. I think that the ones who actually practice what Jesus practiced have a much better chance than the ones who are in it for the money. The ones who quote a bunch of positive thinkers on their Facebook pages while bragging about how many prayed for salvation and the Holy Ghost often look down their noses at the common folks. Their outreach is only to those that have the ability to pay tithe. Much of that tithe money goes towards building up the ntcc's real estate empire and lining the Kekels' pockets with cash. The unchurched probably have a much better chance of shouting on the streets of gold; because many of them actually do things out of compassion and love that is not influenced by religious hypocrisy.
A Girl's Message To ALL Christians on YouTube
If you are trying to be a better Christian and looking for a way to live in constant victory, don't join yourself to a church that has to constantly upgrade their doctrine to control the damage that is caused by their double standards. You don't need to get rid of your Galaxy S-3 or S-4 in exchange for the S-5 note or the S-6 Edge that has a non-removable battery and forces you to store all your personal data in a Cloud. Your S-3 and S-4 are working just fine. You don't need some religious hypocrite to take away your freedom and your money. All you need is Jesus. Try practicing love. You won't go wrong. Don't love someone just because they are praised by others, try loving someone who nobody else cares about. Don't join a group just because they have a program that appears to reach the lost, when in reality it only reaches people who can give them enough money to make them wealthier. You are much better off without the likes of the ntcc religious hypocrites and leeches on the body of Christ. You are much better off with the unchurched. Being in a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than being in a barn makes you a horse or being in a garage makes you a mechanic.
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While kekel and kinson try to reinvent ntcc by denying the truth about its past, people elsewhere are enjoying God's free gift of salvation without man's interference. |
It Is Finished!
Eventually, we'll all have to upgrade our phones and go along with the technological hoax; but you'll never have to upgrade your salvation or your Christianity. There are no new improved versions of God's plan for salvation out there. It always was and always will be a simple plan, with no activation fees for you to pay. Christ paid it all for you. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. These are the two most important commandments in the bible and you don't have to join a group of money grubbing hypocrites to be a part of God's church - the body of Christ. You don't have to frequent a building or pay anything to anyone. You don't have to subject yourself to a bunch of man-made rules and outward standards either. If it were that important, Jesus would have mentioned it. You don't have to sign any documents or put your name on any church rolls, not even the ntcc tithe payers' record sheet or weekly report! You don't have to dress a certain way or eat your french fries with a fork. How stupid! Do you think God really cares about all that stuff? Ecc 12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." 1 John 5:3 "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous."
Don don don... I recently found this out
The term "unchurched" is very telling. To say it another way, how about this related term the "unmanipulatd" or the "uninfluenced". Everything from the way a person speaks, prays, preaches, believes, thinks, his opinions, habits and a host of other traits are all learned when you submit to a church. And you begin to resemble the church of your choice. This is the reason so many that are churched never really get to know their Lord and Savior, they are inundated with as you said "interruptions of man". Paul said "For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?. He goes on to say in V. 16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but most churches are overrated, bloated and downright dens of thieves. Jesus ate with the sinners. Belonging to a church can be a false front and provide false hope to those who want church but not Jesus.
Recently we have noticed some disturbing activity on our Facebook account that leads us to believe that we are possibly being hacked. We first noticed a few extensions that would come up in our username field on the sign up page of Facebook. When you type in a letter, it brings up previously entered password attempts and the name Kekel was one of the words that came up in that field. Neither one of us ever typed Kekel into that field. Lately we have been getting messages from Facebook that say a user has signed into Facebook from North Carolina and for the past two months I've been getting phone calls on my cell from North Carolina to include a call I just got today. When I've answered these calls there is silence on the other end and never an answer or a left message. I have blocked several of the North Carolina numbers but each time a new number is used. Kekel is visiting Gandy in North Carolina also, according to his twitter account. Not giving any specifics, but we feel our email has also been hacked. Our Computer also has given us messages that state that we can't log in because someone else is logged into it.
It could be a coincidence and have nothing to do with the organization but just in case it is them we want to get out in front of this. We feel that whoever is behind it has enough information and could have attacked our computer but perhaps they might be holding out because they have more malicious intentions planned. All the blogs have had a damaging effect on the ntcc's bottom line. The ntcc acts and reacts in accordance with their own damage control procedures frequently when they are exposed. They never address the allegations or deny their involvement, but they definitely react usually by discrediting the person that exposes them, and there are many that have exposed them on all the blogs. We have seen this happen too many times to discount it so we figured that we would let them and everyone else know our suspicions prior to any further attempts to hack us.
Bryan said:
"Belonging to a church can be a false front and provide false hope to those who want church but not Jesus."
DNA said:
The ntcc hypocrites have nothing to offer but false hope. They are more concerned about what you are wearing then they are about your soul. They are superficial and emphasize too many rules to be concerned about what God really wants. Jesus dressed down the hypocrites when he inquired of them concerning John. John was not dressed up like an ntcc hypocrite, nor did he act like one. Jesus asked them, "What went ye out to see, a reed shaken in the wind"? "A man clothed in soft rainment"? They were looking for cookie cutter Christians, just like they are today. They want a nice church building filled with well dressed Christians and a program to be a part of. That program always 100% of the time includes giving large amounts of money, but who really benefits from that? Are souls really getting saved? Why is it that the ntcc is dwindling in numbers if all that money and labor was going towards the lost and dying world of sinners? Kekel isn't suffering. People are gullible and they are lazy. They want to be a part of a group that they believe will take them to heaven. There are real Christians in this world and there might be a few churches out there that are more concerned about living for Jesus than lining their pockets with money. The ntcc is a huge trap that has been manipulating people for years. The simple minded fail to think things through and end up allowing others to think for them for years and they go along with whatever type of program exists as long as they can. They think that it's all they have to do. These people are going to heaven, so if I can coexist with them until I die or the rapture takes place, everything will be just grand. They ignore the hypocrisy. They ignore the demands to give. They ignore the adultery and the divorce. They ignore all of the warning signs that are flagrantly waved before their faces. They ignore the rich leaders getting richer and they applaud the small changes that allow them a small glimpse of freedom that never was taken away from them by God, while never realizing that they are manipulated and controlled beyond what God has ever required of anyone. They live with a false sense of security that their religion is real when all of the rules they used to keep have been replaced and compromised by leaders who preach no compromise and God never changes.
Don said:
"They were looking for cookie cutter Christians, just like they are today. They want a nice church building filled with well dressed Christians and a program to be a part of".
No truer statement has ever been made concerning the NTCC. This statement nails down the crux of the whole matter. Compare the stale and religious atmosphere of the NTCC to that of services that are taken to the streets where the sinners are, or church services where the preacher is fighting for the souls of prostitutes, drug addicts, poor homeless people, the unemployed and down and out.
I remember the NTCC as a place that seethed with contempt toward all that did not fit their mold. Oh, maybe not on day one, but sooner or later you better conform or your a marked man. Their goal is for a cut from their cloth "christian" which smacks of control and lordship of its leaders.
How sad, I remember back in the early 80's when in some cases, preachers were actually against the norm of christian textbook cookie cutter religion and had a heart for the lost no matter the cost. This was squashed as the strong opinionated squeeze of R W Davis began to exercise his authority on what he considered his property. He should of allowed more autonomy in "God's churches" by the pastor of that church. I believe the Holy Spirit could of brought some true revival. Instead we never had revival and ended up with a religious program. This was even predicted by the founder himself. He said this would happen, little did he know that he would be the one responsible for it.
Still, it's not as bad as Islam. I hope Russia, France, and China takes it to them with viciousness not seen since WW2... Worthless group of people.
OMG! There's a pic of the gandys n kekels. Don't publish this but it looks like tk is not wearing a bra because she is showing major nip. U would think she has enough money to buy a good expensive bra to accommodate her assets.
Anonymous Said, (on a previous thread):
"I struggle with the whole tithe topic. I really don't know what to believe. There isn't a lot said about it in the bible. What is the point of Malachi chapter 3? Since being out it is something that troubles me. This chapter gets preached a lot even in other churches."
DNA said:
People never really "move on", when they leave the ntcc. Many struggle with the doctrines that they were taught. Most of us that were in the ntcc should know the bible well enough to recognize that the ntcc has added mandatory tithe to the New Testament. There simply is no reference in the New Testament of condemnation towards Christians for not paying tithe. There is no reference in the New Testament that tithe was ever supposed to be paid outside of the Old Testament law to anyone other than the Levites. I know that many struggle with this, but it's not because the bible is unclear about tithe. The ntcc teaches Malachi 3 over and over but they teach it way out of context. They have singled out this one Old Testament Sacrament called tithe and carried the concept over into the New Testament so they could get rich and live in mansions while preaching that all of the other Old Testament sacraments and ordinances were done away with by Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross. How do they get away with this? They use the truth to camouflage their false doctrine and people buy into it because they ignore the absence of any tithe requirements in the New Testament.
People cleave to what they were taught in the ntcc. Many have flocked to Ashmore and have gone whoring after him, because they want a watered down version of the life that was stolen from them by the ntcc. There have been many X-ers that have exposed the ntcc for what they teach and there have always been X-members that have criticized them for being full of bitterness and anger. Along comes Ashmore saying the same things that we have been saying for over five years, and the same things that Chief, the Shunks and others have been saying for years and all of the sudden people are flocking to Ashmore in admiration and religious fervor. Ashmore is a big time religious hypocrite and he is still a con artist that is getting rich off of another version of an ntcc based scam. He hasn't changed. He spent over 40 years in the ntcc following in the footsteps of Davis and condemning people for not paying tithe. He towed the company line and preached the same doctrines that Davis preached and Kekel is still preaching and then when Davis kicks the bucket, Ashmore's hopes of advancing in the ntcc are dashed to pieces and he goes out from them preaching the same thing that others have been preaching for years, referring to the ntcc as the Whore and talking about how so many were abused by the ntcc. We have been contacted by notable X ntcc members and told that Ashmore has changed and it has been implied that we should adore him as others do while forgetting the 4 decades of oppression that he put people through. No apologies have been given by Ashmore to the thousands of people whose lives were ruined during his 'ministry'. No responsibility has been taken for his participation in spiritual genocide. He acts as if everything he did while in the ntcc was right and he was the only one doing right in the ntcc, therefore he has no reason to repent or make things right with the ones he has hurt.
Why does Ashmore get away with this? Because people never really move on when they leave the ntcc. They want to go back to their so called glory days in the ntcc and they need a program and a Charismatic leader to guide them on their Spiritual journey. Ashmore has never set the record straight on tithe, and he has denied any knowledge of financial impropriety by the ntcc. He was right in the middle of all the financial ntcc scams and he benefited from them immensely, but he says that he wasn't in on any of the financial decisions. He can't expose the ntcc for their fraudulent abuse of funds because he was right in the middle of it all. People are making the same huge mistake with Ashmore that they made with the ntcc the first time. They are trusting a Huckster and a big time con artist with their eternal souls because Ashmore is still a master manipulator and expert at spiritual showmanship. People are suckers and they refuse to learn from history so they end up repeating it.
As for other churches, many have recognized the same tithe scam and used it for their own greedy, money grubbing profiteering. People never learn. Many have left the ntcc and feel like they have to join another cult or church to be right with God. You have to use a little wisdom and rightly divide the word of truth, but people have taken everything they were taught in the ntcc literally. Hebrews 10:25 is an ultimatum to them and they feel that if they do not mingle with other religious people in a building called a church that they are forsaking the assembling of ourselves together and they will die and go to hell. Jesus never taught people that they had to subject themselves to the false teachings of his day, and there were just as many con artists then as there are now. There were Pharisees, Saducees, scribes, lawyers and many other hypocrites finding fault with everything Jesus did every where he went. Jesus taught those who loved him to go out and preach the gospel of his kingdom and that never included paying anyone tithe or dressing a certain way. Jesus taught the plain and simple truth, but now we have thousands of denominations with everyone proclaiming that their denomination is right and all others are wrong. You just can't trust others with your salvation. It's your salvation and the only one you have to please is God. There are many that have left the ntcc who have joined other controlling groups, (cults in many cases), that are fleecing them the same way that the ntcc fleeced them. They never learn from their mistakes. What a miserable way to live your life.
Bryan Hill said:
"I remember the NTCC as a place that seethed with contempt toward all that did not fit their mold. Oh, maybe not on day one, but sooner or later you better conform or your a marked man. Their goal is for a cut from their cloth "christian" which smacks of control and lordship of its leaders."
DNA said:
That is so very true and it is the way of the religious world. We do believe that there are sincere Christians out there but for every one that has it right, there are thousands that in it for the wrong reasons. The sad thing is that "having it right" is not a big mystery or a concept that is hidden from those who seek God in spirit and truth. It seems to be hid from people who are seeking financial gain and want to lord over others and be recognized as gods. But the word is nigh unto people who are of a broken heart and contrite spirit. People who can remember the last time they sinned and are willing to admit that they are not perfect and that they need the blood of Christ in their lives. What need was there for Christ to suffer and bleed and die, if we have no need of that blood in our own lives? If we are so capable of living without sin and so perfect that we can't admit our own failures what was the point of Jesus dying?
If the ntcc were a Monopoly board game the only property that you would ever own would be Mediterranean Ave, that pays you 2 dollars when someone lands on it. The ntcc would own all of the other properties and have hotels on every one of them. They would own all the utilities and Railroads and their would be no "Get out of jail free cards". When you landed on Chance or Community Chest the only cards that you would draw would be the ones that required you to pay fees or advance to another ntcc property while paying twice the rent. Eventually you would have to Mortgage Mediterranean Ave, to survive for another trip or two around the board while not being able to collect the two dollars rent and eventually you wouldn't be able to make it around to Go again to collect your meager wages which all ended up going back into the real estate holding company that you pledged your life to.
Donald, if giving offerings and paying tithe is so bad and corrupt, then you tell why I have been blessed? You tell me why my income is increasing? You can not do it. There is nothing better than being saved, born again and loving Jesus with all your heart.
My wages are not meager, sorry about yours. And my income advanced this month, so I am not being robbed, I am being blessed!
I know Mr. Hill will ask his questions about what tithe and all that junk, well let him provide the answer to that, he thinks he knows, so let him tell you.
Anonymous said...
Donald, if giving offerings and paying tithe is so bad and corrupt, then you tell why I have been blessed? You tell me why my income is increasing? You can not do it. There is nothing better than being saved, born again and loving Jesus with all your heart.
DNA said:
First of all, you are bearing false witness because I never have said that paying tithe is bad and corrupt. I have said that the ntcc is corrupt because they threaten people with hell and damnation if they do not pay their tithe. They consider people who do not pay tithe to be God robbers, unsaved and on their way to hell, contrary to what the bible says. Have you ever taken a moment to stop being super spiritual and figure things out for yourself? Do you believe the bible, or do you just do things because you are told to by your ntcc hirelings? Paying tithe does not make you any more spiritual than the next person. Tithe was an Old Testament sacrament that was paid to support the Levitical Priesthood. There is not one instance anywhere in the bible that you claim to believe, where a person paid tithe to anyone other than the Levites with the exception of Abraham who gave a tenth of the spoils to Melchisedec. He did this willingly and only one time. There is no record of Jesus, Paul or anyone in the New Testament ever commanding anyone to pay tithe. There is definitely no record of anyone condoning the Church leaders getting rich off of tithe like Kekel. How can you say that there is nothing better than being saved, born again and loving Jesus with all your heart out of one side of your mouth, and then falsely accuse me by implying that I have said paying tithe is bad and corrupt? There are many who pay their tithe and if they do it willingly, and without blowing a trumpet before them than I have no problem with it. It seems like you attribute pay increases to paying tithe. I'm not really sure who you are, but we'll probably never be able to verify how exceeding rich and blessed you are because you are afraid to post your name. Why are you afraid? Because you are in a cult and you don't want the ntcc leaders that you cheese up to, to know that you are on the blogs. You might be in the military and receive promotions and pay increases like everyone else or you might be one of a few ntcc'rs that has a job in the civilian sector that doesn't interfere with your mandatory cult meeting schedule. There are a lot of pastors that leech off of service members and their income increases as they indoctrinate people into their tithe or hell scam. We will never know because you are not man enough to tell us who you are or what you do to receive these so called increases.
Anonymous said:
"My wages are not meager, sorry about yours. And my income advanced this month, so I am not being robbed, I am being blessed!"
DNA said:
Thanks for your show of concern about my wages. I am doing pretty good but I'm not one to brag about how much money I make. I will say that I am making better money than I did as an E-6 in the military and I'm not giving 10 percent of it to a religious huckster that buys expensive cars and mansions with it. I know that many in the ntcc are expected to survive off of meager salaries and they are not blessed as you claim to be for paying tithe. They have testified on this blog and we have read accounts of how tithe payers in the ntcc have had to do without basic necessities in life while the Kekels are vacationing in Greece, Italy and Turkey on your tithe dollars. Do you think that Jesus really cares more about you and your ten percent than He does about the poor and down trodden? The Woman that gave the three mites gave much more than the hypocrites called Pharisees who were making merchandise of the people of God.
You seem pretty smug about paying tithe. Where do you get your inspiration? It's not in the New Testament, that's for sure. I don't recall anyone bragging about paying tithe and attributing financial blessing to it in the bible. The Levites had no inheritance and God has always blessed people who take care of their neighbor and true men of God, not the false profits that preach mandatory giving while getting filthy rich off of it. Jesus and James preached much more against the rich than they did against people not paying Old Testament tithe. Where do you pay your tithe anyway. Do you know of any Levites in the organization? Is there a record of any Gentile ever being commanded to pay tithe and then being condemned if they didn't pay it?
Hopefully you are more concerned about giving cheerfully as 2 Cor 9 admonishes people who give. When you pay tithe like a bill every payday, you are being deprived of that blessing and you are lumping yourself in with the Pharisees who kept certain parts of the Old Testament law but failed to adhere to the most important commandments that required them to love God and their neighbors. You sound like you are paying your tithe to receive financial increases. Not everyone in the ntcc is as lucky as you. Many haven't got raises in years and they pay their tithes. Maybe you would receive a greater and more lasting blessing if you gave to the poor in the ntcc who have to tie off their underwear to keep it from falling down because they can not afford to buy a new pair. They move from location to location every time Kekel gets a wild hair and never receive any of the blessings you are talking about. Briggs used to come on the blog and defend tithers but it didn't seem to profit him or his family much. He was at least man enough to put his name on his comments but he would attempt to justify the tithe or hell doctrine preached in the ntcc by misinterpreting scriptures. When you add to or take away from the word of God, what does that make you?
It's true, not all the ntccrs are wealthy.
Some are able to manipulate the system and get away with stuff in order to have money, while others try to appear spiritual and will not advance financially, this doesn't have anything to do with giving tithe or offerings.
Some of the servicemens homes that I attended were fairly decent but the furnishings were old and out of style.
Why is it that these churches lack funds everytime they need to buy something and they are tithing everything?
Why are they always asking people to give. Gandy was asking people to give to purchase a piano that cost over $1000 dls! They give tithe and yet they didn't have the funds to pay for the piano so they had to pass out the pledge plate.
All I can say is that if you think you are saved and on you way to heaven because you attend ntcc and give your tithes and offerings, then there's nothing that Jesus can do for you.
If giving tithe and offerings sooth your conscience hey, more power to you!
You do not know about anything going on in the Homes, you have not been in one in years!
I paid tithe and gave offerings before I came to NTCC. Who said they did not have funds? The request was for a "free will" offering.
Really, it does not matter much WHAT I have, because when I leave this life, it will all stay right here.
Going to scram, see you
Tithe is not a bad thing but the way NTCC made it is what is so wrong. The best way to describe tithe is comparing it to giving to organizations that are helping others. It is not a bad thing to give to them but you should not be guilt-tripped into doing it. Talking out side of NTCC if a church is fairly decent church they should not make you feel forced to give to them. If you want to give to them, fine and if not no problem. NTCC plainly should not ask, demand, or take any money for anyone. They don't deserve it, don't use it correctly, or need it at all. NTCC leaders are just a bunch of thieves.
Anon said:
"my income advanced this month, so I am not being robbed, I am being blessed!
I know Mr. Hill will ask his questions about what tithe and all that junk, well let him provide the answer to that, he thinks he knows, so let him tell you."
Yes sir, I would like to ask a very simple question and when you answer it you will have my answer you will have my answer, here goes:
Since you contribute your recent advancement in income to paying tithe, does that mean those who have not had recent pay increases are not paying tithe?
Simple question, I will wait for a answer. When You can honestly answer that question i will honestly give my answer as to why you think your blessed from paying tithe.
Well, Mr. Tithe-Payer, I cheerfully and meticulously paid tithes and gave frequent and generous offerings during my NTCC captivity, and for quite some time afterward. Unlike many of my NTCC cellmates, I didn't go bankrupt, get turned over to collections, have my car repossessed, or get evicted. We were never even delinquent paying any bills. But I would never describe our financial condition as being "blessed," other to say that we contented ourselves with such food and raiment as we could procure. A good part of it was hand to mouth, and NTCC was always there to soak up any meager surplus. Eventually, the folly of legalistic schemes of "giving" became apparent, and my situation, although far from being as lavish as those who receive tithes, was much improved by "robbing God." So what do you make of that? Why don't you try it yourself and see? If you think you're doing fine now, wait until you quit subsidizing your Hophi-and-Phinehas overlords and their cronies. God might trust you with even more if he can be sure you won't give it to scoundrels.
"Unlike many of my ntcc cell mates"
That's a good one Vic!
One doesn't need to go inside the homes just go and look at the facebook pics they post and you'll see the kind of stuff they have throughout the living room, kitchen, dinner area.
So, if material things are not important, how come your org and founders put so much emphasis on procuring them?
How come your founder bought a bigger home not a year before he died?
How many homes are you gonna buy, mr. scram?
If it sooths your consciousness to keep giving your money away to pay for their lavish styles, hey! give away.
Oh! and happy thanksgiving to you too!
It appears that people in the ntcc don't understand the bible beyond what they are taught by the people that they pay their tithe to. So far to date, not one person has shared one New Testament Scripture that commands them to pay tithe, nor have they shared any biblical reasoning that justifies the absurd profits that Kekel has enjoyed off of their tithe dollars. Are we living according to the New or Old Testament? They say that Abraham paid tithe prior to the Law and they try to use that as justification for giving their money to the ntcc Hucksters, but Circumcision and Animal Sacrifices were also in effect prior to the Old Testament Law and we don't see people like this anonymous tithe paying drive by sniper bragging about their blessings for being circumcised or offering animal sacrifices. Does anyone know why that is? Anyone? The Borg can't profit off of circumcision so it has never been required except when Rudy influenced a Married brother in the Servicemen's Home to get circumcised so he could treat the wound. Animal Sacrifices are not required either unless you count the dogs that Davis and others had killed and the Sow that A neighbor that lived on a bordering property in Graham reported killed by ntcc'rs along with the piglets she was bearing.
Come on ntcc'rs, let's turn on our brains for a few micro seconds and take a good look at tithe in the ntcc. It's a big time scam, plain and simple. There is not one scripture that mandates tithe paying among Gentiles or among anyone in the New Testament Era. I've never said that paying tithe is evil or corrupt, but I will say the ntcc is corrupt for telling people that they are going to hell if they don't pay it, while con artists like Kekel get rich off of your hard earned money. You ntcc'rs say that you believe the bible but you refuse to acknowledge that you are being played like a bunch of fools. How is it that you can continue to watch Kekel take your tithe dollars and go on extravagant vacations, to Italy, Greece and Turkey all the while flaunting it in front of your faces? You paid Tens of thousands of dollars for the sinner Grant Kekel to attend private school. You paid for the Davis and Kekel Mansions and the Millions of dollars worth of toys that they own to include A million dollar Recreational vehicle, A Mercedes McClaren worth 1/4 million bucks. Rolex Watches, diamond Pinky rings, Gun and Knife collections and hundreds of millions in real estate. What is this religious world coming to? Are you so blind that you can't see how corrupt your ntcc leaders have become? Will you continue to enable them with your tithe dollars while using no common sense whatsoever? Is this really what God intended for you to do with your money? No wonder James dressed down the ntcc types of his day by saying, "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days....... (James 5:1-3)
Instead of Malachi, maybe the NTCC serfs should turn to Habakkuk:
"Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes."
You are all instructed to "prove God" and see of tithing brings a blessing--well, if you don't try the opposite, you have no context and can make no comparison. Why don't you prove God by ceasing the money flow to the corrupt machine and see for yourself if you don't prosper more? I predict you will, as this is what happens when you quit putting your money into a bag with holes. Oh, but you're afraid of the curse? Fear and guilt are the NTCC's most effective tools. As a parent, I can't fathom some of the attitudes people ascribe to God; they make it sound like he can't wait to bring on the wrath if we don't jump through some hoops. You really think God looks at us like his little slaves, expecting us to scrape up cash for him when he owns the cattle on a thousand hills? For the sake of any kids you might have, hopefully that's not your paradigm. And so called "God robbing" is a double blessing, because you'll no longer be supporting wicked and wealthy scammers, like you are now. If you're doing that willingly, aren't you a partaker of their sins?
Read the actual bible and don't swallow the pablum they're spooning up. Tithing is for Jews and suckers...and Jews today don't even practice it, because there are no Levites serving the temple! It's priceless--an old Jewish relic that even they don't practice anymore (and which never involved a percentage of wages in the first place) has been dusted off, shined up, and twisted around for the dupes of today who are too naive to verify that it's been long abolished and never practiced as presented. You can't even make this stuff up.
It was never about the furthering of the gospel, period.
If it was they would've spent every money collected and opened churches and put pastors there but no, they rather collect money and say that God is the one who has blessed them and they buy the best for themselves.
If it was about spreading the Gospel to the lost the ntcc board would spend time going soul winning instead of going shopping to the outlet malls.
You mean to tell me that you have time to go out miles and miles away to find recreation but can't go out for a few hours around graham to soulwin?
You mean to tell me they can walk around the outlet malls but are too old or like somebody said: " they don't go soulwinning because they already paid their dues"
Yep, that's what it was all about:
Paying your dues!
Since I stopped paying tithe to the NTCC, I've become so much more monetarily stable. So much more "blessed" so to speak. There is ABSOLUTELY no comparison. It's like God really started blessing me when I stopped paying tithe to the NTCC. If you stop paying tithe to the NTCC I'll guarantee that you'll have more money not only in the short term but for the long term. Worked for me.
It's actually very simple logic and math. Stop giving your hard earned money to a bunch of money grubbing crooks, swindlers and hucksters like the ones who run the NTCC and you'll have more of it. Then, God will see that you are no longer stupid enough to give away your money in such a fashion and consequently God will bless you with more of it. Pretty simple, right? Ha!!!! You'd think?? Unfortunately it's not so simple when you are a brainwashed sucker. Why would God bless you with more money when you're only giving it away to a swindler like Kekel??? That's probably why so many NTCC forks are broke. God's holding back because he knows your only going to give it away like a dummy. Sounds plausible to me.
I'll guarantee you'll have more money and be more blessed if you stop giving your money away to the NTCC. I'M POSITIVE. There is no doubt.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"It was never about the furthering of the gospel"
While in the NTCC you have strong thoughts compelling you to defend your ties with this unaccountable organization. Once a person leaves and looks back on it you can clearly see that if this org was sincere about spreading the gospel there would be more emphasis on walking, living, acting and following in the steps of Jesus Christ. Would J.C. have a ministry that helps the down and out, that honor God more then man, that seeks to solely please the Father, that turns away from playing the people with psychological strings???
Yes he would. This is based on what I read in the New Testament. When in the org you serve the org while thinking your serving God, once out, you look back and see the whole set up as a self serving and self aggrandizing machine.
That person earlier that was gleeful of his blessings due to tithing and his straw man of proof that NTCC is right, is not willing to say the opposite. The opposite is that if what he says is true then if a person is not blessed, this is proof that he does not pay tithe. While he is in the org his focus is on defending the org and tithe. If he ever leaves and as he grows he will look back one day and see how it was never about furthering the Gospel, never about reaching the lost as a whole and equal effort within the org. He will see that it was about fulfilling a mans dream of being the CEO of an organization and used the self help books of the rich to not only influence people but to set up an entire org as a machine to focusing only on the self interests of the org. Does that sound like a org that is sold out to spreading the Gospel? the willingness is to spread it those who will only serve them back, pay them back and defend them as they blindly follow the leadership without questioning anything. Meanwhile there are millions of muslims lost, drug addicts lost, prostitutes lost, money hungry business men and women lost, religious lost etc... What is the answer according to the NTCC? the answer is to reach out but only to the degree that our success as a org is protected. Reach out to the different cities but only if we get land and a building out of it and you send us new recruits to the mother church. God help us all. I remember our practical theology notes talking about crawling on glass in order to reach the lost with a price paid of sweat, blood and tears. This only applied to the young bible school students and was used as fuel to get them to secure land, buildings, tithe payers, blind followers of the blind. It never was about furthering the Gospel. It was about building a business first and honoring the Gospel as a distant second or even third.
Compare that to the ministry of Paul. But of course the leadership of NTCC is special. nuff said.
"Compare that to the ministry of the apostle Paul".
Can't even thought about comparing it.
Paul was relentless in keep up with the churches he helped establish, writing letters to them, teaching them, loving those people far away. Paul would risk everything just to visit those disciples far away, no matter the cost, no matter how small the group because Paul was really a servant. Never being a burden to those churches but loving them and treating them with respect, not belittle them or making fun of their follies and talking behind their back and laugh with others about those that God has put in his charge.
Compare that to the leaders of the ntcc!
It's sad that Anonymous Coward thinks that God's blessings can be purchased by tithe money, and that material prosperity is proof of spirituality, when the bible specifically warns us to withdraw from those who suppose that gain is godliness, and identifies the love of money as the root of every kind of evil. How many admonitions should we need to understand that riches are a snare and those who seek them are misdirected? The only people on earth who think the lucre-laden "leaders" of NTCC are spiritual are their deceived followers, and the ditch awaits them both.
I don't know them as well compared to others, but way I understand Kekel TRULY has never started any churches or traveled around pastoring other churches. But yet stated most of his life in NTCC in Washington pretty much. While other pastors which are low on the totem pole move around and get shifted out. I wonder what makes him so special from the rest.
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