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The ntcc Shows Their True Colors and Goals to Become the Most Well Funded Organization on Planet Earth |
Can it get any more blatant and obvious than this? If God really wanted the church to become the most well funded organization on the planet, why didn't Jesus emphasize this scam? Riches corrupt and Jesus spake of this many times. So did many of the apostles. These ntcc hypocrites are brazen about taking your money and they have no shame whatsover about advertising this practice so that all the mind numbed masses will continue to forfeit their money. The hypocrites that preach this doctrine are getting rich while the lowly church members struggle to make it from one offering to another. Most ntcc members have accepted this life of sacrificing to make others rich and they don't even question it, they just open their wallets and give, thinking that this is what God wants them to do. They won't study the bible to find out what God really wants, but they believe their cult leaders to their own financial destruction.
It's amazing how these rich religious rule enforcers flaunt their money before the brainwashed suckers that so willingly give it up. Many of the ntcc suckers will leave the ntcc and follow another rich prosperity preacher like Ashmore or Denis. They will give their money to these hucksters just like they did to Kekel or Davis because they never learned anything. They all have the same goal and it is driven by money. If it were not driven by money they would publicly denounce their money grubbing past and become a servant of all. They all have it backwards. They think that they are the ones that should be served and given to. Jesus did not come to take up collections and erect buildings. He came to seek and save that which was lost. Jesus gave much more than He received. So did Paul and so did the Apostles. Offerings were taken up for the poor saints and nobody was asked to pay one dime of tithe to Jesus or the early church leaders. Tithe was carried over from the Old Testament by a bunch of money grubbing religious hypocrites that decided that people were gullible enough to believe that tithe was still required in the New Testament, contrary to scripture. The ntcc has rode the tithe train for the better part of five decades and they have no plans to change. Ashmore collects tithe just like the ntcc. He has never told anyone not to pay tithe nor has he denounced Kekel or the Executive board for getting rich off of tithe, but he lives a wealthier life style than most of the ntcc Board members and keeps his blog private so nobody can call him out on the things he says. Denis has his share and many of the board members are getting rich driving around on their all expense paid vacations in their recreational vehicles collecting offerings for their own greedy gains, while ntcc members are giving all they can afford to give.
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A beleaguered ntcc Pastor Reaches out for Help that Wont be Coming from the HQ Because Once Your Money Goes into the ntcc Coffers You are Never going to see it Again! |
Don't listen to us. We are just bitter X-ers that need to move on and forget about the past, or so we have been told. We actually have been looked down upon by many because we dare speak against these sorry hypocrites but that's okay, we are not in this to win a popularity contest. We hope that people will wise up and stop being so gullible but we can only share what we have heard and seen. We can't make people use their brains. Freedom is a wonderful thing but as long as people choose to give their money to rich, religious, phony, deceptive, lying, scoundrels, they will never be free. God doesn't want your money. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. God doesn't want you to give your money to people like Kekel who live in mansions and never lead by example. You go soul winning while he 'administrates', plays video games and looks at online bank statements. You have been taken for a bunch of fools and they will continue to take advantage of you as long as you ignore the bible and continue to make them rich.
Ashmore is a big time con artist just like most of the preachers in the ntcc. That is exactly why he keeps his blog private. He doesn't want to answer any questions and the only ones welcome to read his garbage are the ones that are blind enough to go along with his scam. I don't understand why people will allow themselves to be duped all over again after what they went through in the ntcc. If the Ashmores are being transparent, then they hide their blog? People just follow along blindly because they want someone to follow. They are too afraid to ask the tough questions because they don't want to get jacked up or perceived as being contrary to the con artist that is clearly getting rich. People that don't learn from history are bound to repeat it over and over again and that's what is happening in the lives of all the suckers that have left the ntcc and are following Ashmore. I know that a whole bunch of people think that Ashmore has changed because he no longer rails on people for not living by the ntcc man made rules, but Ashmore sat at the feet of Davis for a long time and enforced all of those rules that were not even biblical. Has he apologized to any of the hundreds of people that he ran off? Has he opened up his books so church members can see that they are not being ripped off like they were in the ntcc? Davis would have Ashmore accompany him whenever he met with preachers who had sinned and he would take their licenses away from them and they would ride a pew for doing the same things that Davis was doing. Ashmore sat there and did nothing as ministers were being jacked up by Davis who was the biggest hypocrite in the ntcc. I've watched Ashmore preach on Youtube and have yet to see him show any remorse for his part in the spiritual demeaning of so many brothers and sisters. Nothing has really changed with Ashmore. He doesn't account for the 40+ years that he spent in the ntcc. He really shouldn't be behind a pulpit, but if he chooses to operate in a capacity where people trust him, then the least he could do is be honest with them and admit to his role in the ntcc. He acts like he never did anything wrong. He acts like he was the only one that was doing right in the ntcc and that is why God led him out of the Great Whore. People are so gullible it's amazing. People know that they wasted decades of their lives in the ntcc, but Ashmore suppposedly miraculously got saved after 40 years of pushing doctrines of devils on other people and profiting off it all, so now they are going to go whoring after him like he's an idol to be worshiped. Wake up and open your eyes. Why is he so secretive? What does he have to hide? People that are doing right don't have to mask their intentions from people the they have hurt by making their blog secret. And people think that we are unfair for not publishing every comment. Do those same people accuse Ashmore of being unfair for having a secret blog? We have been accused of cherry picking comments, and that's okay, we sometimes don't publish derogatory stuff or racially charged comments, but at least our blog is public for the world to see. Many of the people that have criticized us in the past for being bitter, are now following Ashmore who has been saying many of the same things that we said about the ntcc. I'm telling you, it's like the blind leading the blind. If you think Ashmore has goals that are any different than those of Kekel or Davis, you are in for a rude awakening. How many years of your life do you have to waste before you realize that it's nothing more than a big scam?
Well said....Well said. Shaking My Head.
I know it isn't popular to talk about Ashmore, but he needs to be exposed along with all the other ntcc creeps. Facebook has peeps, the ntcc has creeps. The Lawyers chimed in and told Jesus in so many words that his rebuking of the Pharisees offended them also. Jesus didn't care and he never held back when rebuking the phony hypocrites. I'm not Jesus but I've asked Ashmore to come clean on his role in the ntcc, but he will not answer for anything. It's so obvious that the Ashmores ministry is a scam just like the ntcc's ministry. If it were not a scam, he would have nothing to hide. They all are oblivious to the true gospel of Christ. Jesus ministry was not done in secret but Kekel and Ashmore have blogs that are not public. Why is that? They don't want people who have been wronged by them to expose them. There are too many people out there that know what they are all about. Everyone knows that Ashmore's name was all over many of the legal documents that were signed in the ntcc but nobody in his little praise group wants to ask him what his role was and what he actually knows. He says that he never was in on any of the secrets, but how naive and gullible do you have to be to believe that?
In Luke 12:33, Jesus said: "Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth."
This is not what the ntcc is all about and this is definitely not what Ashmore or Kekel are about. They look for people who are gullible enough to "support their ministries" without questioning them. If you are in Ashmores group and you don't know where the money is going, you are making the same mistake you made in the ntcc. They would never sacrifice any of their creature comforts to give alms to the poor. Tracy once said that Ashmore jacked her up for wanting to help out at an orphanage in the Philippines. Ashmore hasn't changed. What kind of outreach does Ashmore have to the poor in San Diego? What kind of alms does he give. What kind of charity does he have in his heart toward anyone other than those that give to his ministry? I know some of you Ashmorgites out there are reading this. How many of you have asked him the tough questions that you have blogged about when he was in the ntcc? How many of you have asked him to show you his books and be transparent about how much money he collects and how many tithe payers he has and where all the money is going? You demanded the same from Kekel when you got out of the ntcc, but now that Ashmore is running a new scam, you are so quick to jump on board.
Don't let them run you down. Who are they to question anyone's walk with God? Have you ever noticed how they have to convince you that you are lost, before they can introduce you to their cult version of salvation? I prayed with a lot of new people that came out to the ntcc looking for spiritual substance. Some were in need of Salvation and many times they would pray sincerely. When these new Christians would come out for the second time, the ntcc tithe minister would begin the indoctrination process. A heavy dose of tithe and offering preaching would ensue and new man made rules would also be on the docket of indictments to be issued out to these babes in Christ. They feed you food to entice these new Christians to stay in the fold but they also didn't want to feed you unless you paid tithe. You might survive a couple weeks of love bombing but after they have preached tithe to you a few times, they didn't want to waste anymore money or meals on you. I remember being told not to invite them after dinner if they were not "getting in" after two or three weeks.
Sometimes people would come out for the first time and when you prayed with them, we were taught to ask them where their soul would go if they were to die. If they said heaven, we never believed them. It was our job as altar workers to get them to acknowledge that they were lost and then lead them to Salvation that would only count if they paid tithe. If they didn't pray, ntcc style and "get in", then they were not considered Christians, unless of course they paid their tithe. Tithe was the only acceptable evidence that people were Christians. A changed life didn't count for much of anything because no matter what you did or didn't do, if you weren't willing to pay them for your salvation, you were not a Christian. The ntcc tithe ministers had a way of making people feel uncomfortable, and other rules would be introduced to shake people out of the church. They had a way of making people feel like they were sponges if they hung around and didn't pay tithe, when all the time the ntcc preachers were the sponges. Many refused to work and they would impose the burden of supporting them on a small group of brainwashed cult members. While these lazy sponges went about judging others for their faults and shortcomings, many people would leave the cult blaming themselves or realizing that these were just con artists who were in it for their own selfish gains.
Your spiritual life is between you and God and should not hinge upon money like it does in the ntcc. Some ntcc ministers might seem sincere and they might have a certain degree of genuine concern for the lost but when they start teaching the tithe heresy, they are preaching false doctrine and there is no excuse for that. Why should they be allowed to dictate to others how they are supposed to live when they are lying for money? It all comes down to money, not souls. No matter how saved they say they are, when they twist scriptures to benefit themselves financially they are introducing doctrine that Jesus and his apostles never preached. Why would you allow anyone on this planet to judge you when they are preaching lies? New Testament tithing is a lie. What else are they going to lie to you about? A liar is a liar and it doesn't matter if they hold the title of pastor or board member. The ntcc board member knows the bible well enough to understand that the New Testament does not require Jews or Gentiles to pay 10% of their money to anyone, and when they threaten you with hell for not making these payments, they are lying to you and they are profiting off of these lies. Read your bibles people!
Start using your brains and stop relying on someone else to think for you. Don't let them tell you that you need to jump through all their hoops to be saved. Wake up from your slumbering naps and begin to obey God instead of man. If they can't love you for who you are don't let them change you. The same people that collect your tithe have a history of oppressing people for filthy lucre. The same people that collect your tithe influenced dozens of ministers to get vasectomies. The same people that benefited from your sacrifices encouraged dozens of divorces and there are an untold number of people living in adultery with their new spouses because they won't read their bibles, but they will believe a false profit. Why would you let people like this tell you how to live your lives. If they lie to get your money, they will lie to keep it flowing.
Don and Ange said...
"Who are they to question anyone's walk with God? Have you ever noticed how they have to convince you that you are lost, before they can introduce you to their cult version of salvation"?
Very true, the NTCC I remember never would recognize any salvation outside of what was attained within the confines of their organization. This type of spiritual pride is obnoxious. There was always a tallying of who was saved and who was not with many being snubbed. They can have it, I'm done with organized religion. Ashmore is just a shell of what he used to be and is empire building in a different location under his own flag. His preaching is boring as compared to what he once had and seems to lack a backbone when it comes to publicly owning up to his part of NTCC domination spanning over four decades. I am glad that I do not need any man to validate my walk with God, I got a good dose of that while in the NTCC and found it to be nothing more then a feeding frenzy filling up the spiritual pride of the leadership.
One thing about Ashmore that I always appreciated was that his preaching was gospel-centered and often very inspiring in comparison to the usual org-worship drivel emanating from the rest of the "leadership." When I heard he left, I was hopeful that he would be transparent about the inner workings of the machine. He was an officer of the corporation and a board member for decades, so it's difficult to swallow the line that he was totally ignorant of the malfeasance unfolding before his eyes. He knows where the bodies are buried. A clean break with his past would necessitate some public repentance and denunciation of his former cronies, but instead he's chosen to pretend his deep involvement was inconsequential and coerced. He has claimed that he received minimal remuneration, and knowing RW's tight-fisted ways, that's not too hard to believe, but it would be enlightening to find out exactly what he means by that. How much was his salary? Don't the very people who paid it for years have a right to know? How much do the rest of the stooges get? He was the Secretary/Treasurer; surely he must have some kind of insight. It's not credible that he sat in on hundreds of board meetings and yet has nothing of interest to share with those who were victimized. It's been a big disappointment that the first heavy-hitter to leave has nothing to say, and it's quite possible that he is sheltering himself from criminal prosecution by keeping his lips zipped. This is a guy who hasn't had a real job for so long it appears that he's become trapped in some kind of fantasy world. If he's still promoting the tithe scam, that pretty much says it all. What a waste. He could be showing solidarity with those of us who don't hesitate to fiercely resist NTCC, but he's taking the comfortable road of non-confrontation and passivity in the face of evil. "Jesus Revival San Diego?" More like "Playing Church San Diego."
Come on, Jim, man up and join the fight. Get yourself some real credibility instead of pursuing your milk-toast strategy of accommodation. You are sparing the org just like Saul spared wicked Agag.
Don and Ange said...
"Who are they to question anyone's walk with God? Have you ever noticed how they have to convince you that you are lost, before they can introduce you to their cult version of salvation"?
almost blasphemous to think ntcc has the only way to God's kingdom.
You know I feel like we lost now that they are transforming into a sort of word faith church... Kekel will become more wealthy than his wildest dreams. 15 years from now when Grant is running the show I'm sure it'll be like every other warehouse church. Don't be surprised in the very near future the fence comes down, an even looser dress code becomes reality, and there will simply be nobody left to remember or care to remember the Davis days with in the org. Churches that have a big enough base will grow because of there normalcy by today's standards.
Kekel ran the holiness portion into the ground but what's happening is worse than I imagined.
Anon said:
"every other warehouse church"
I'm stealing that terminolgy. Warehouse church bout sums it up for me. A place to organize, catalog and stock your property. My my my what a sad state of the church as a whole not to mention the NTCC. So your saying that the NTCC will soon be a walmart with all its wholesale sale outs and craziness?
There is a new religious movement and the members of this group call themselves the Pastafarians. It's actually a social movement in which the members use to make light of muslims and other wacked out groups like the ntcc. They worship in the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and when they get their drivers licenses they wear a noodle strainer on their heads for the picture. They state that if the Muslims are allowed to wear turbans on their heads for their pictures then they have the right to wear colanders on their heads in reverence to the flying spaghetti monster.
What is the difference in what they do and what the ntcc does? The ntcc religiously dress like Pharisaical hypocrites under the guise of Christianity and places guilt trips on others while they make tons of money operating this scam. I doubt if the Pastafarians cause near as much damage to people as the ntcc does. If you think about it, the pastafarians are doing less damage to the cause of Christ than the Pastorfarians in the ntcc. The ntcc pastorfarians have been known to preach some really outlandish doctrine that is much more suspect than the flying spaghetti monster.
While the pastafarians do make fun of God and creationism, they do not convince dozens of men to get vasectomies because children hinder the work of the Lord, as the ntcc has. The ntcc pastorfarians teach that if you don't pay tithe you will go to hell. That's not even in the New Testament, so it must be a lie. The last time I checked we were living under the New Testament. I guess they decided to resurrect that one part of the law and change it to suit their desires. It seems pretty wicked to use tithes to buy new cars and mansions. That was never done in the Old Testament, at least it wasn't recorded in the Old Testament.
The ntcc cult leaders are posing as Christians just like the Pastafarians are using their made up religion to make fun of the Muslims. The Muslims are a lot like the ntcc leaders. They have their strict set of rules and they treat women like objects of sexual gratification rather than treating them with love and respect. They make women walk around in high heal shoes for soul winning and don't allow them to have careers. What's up with that? Is that really a good testimony? People are being played for total and complete fools. You can make fun of the pastafarians if you like but the pastorfarians in the ntcc are much more abusive and hostile towards their fellow man than anyone who ever put a pasta strainer on their head.
Vic said:
"It's been a big disappointment that the first heavy-hitter to leave has nothing to say, and it's quite possible that he is sheltering himself from criminal prosecution by keeping his lips zipped."
DNA said:
I'm not sure what all Ashmore has said on his private blog. The only words that leaked out to us were those of JRA warning people to flee from the great whore, (ntcc). It's hard to conceive how so many former members that have been outspoken about ntcc abuse can so eagerly climb on board with Ashmore who was a big part of the ntcc whoredoms for the past four decades. I don't hate Ashmore, but there are quite a few x-members of the ntcc who have blogged about negative impact that Ashmore has made on their lives. I question his sincerity because he has not been forthcoming about his involvement with the whore and he continues to operate behind a shroud of secrecy as if he were still a part of the corruption. I'm glad he left, but leaving the ntcc and organizing a group of disgruntled x-members whom he has manipulated to financially support his lavish lifestyle does not exonerate him from his part in the corruption. No attempt to make things right with the people that he hurt was made to our knowledge. His Facebook commentary page is hid from everyone accept the ones that he deems worthy to be his Facebook friends. His public blog only displays a bunch of religious ramblings and quotes from famous authors and preachers but is not open for anyone to comment on. Even Kekel allows people to leave criticisms on his blog if you are willing to sign up with your personal information and much of his social media is open to the public. I think you are right, Vic, in your assessment that he is sheltering himself from criminal prosecution, although nothing legal ever seems to stick when it comes to cult crimes. Ashmore doesn't want to face any scrutiny from anyone that has anything to say about his past actions either.
The Apostle Paul would never be allowed to preach at or attend any ntcc cult meetings. Paul got a job and worked with his own hands and there is no record of him ever collecting one penny of tithe money during his ministry. He didn't want to come across as a money grubbing hypocrite so he supported himself through much of his ministry. Try not collecting tithe in an ntcc church and see how far you get. Everything in the ntcc revolves around tithe. You have to report who pays tithe and how much they pay if you want to be an ntcc cult leader. Not only do you have to collect tithe but you have to pay Pastor's tithe and church tithe to the ntcc cult leaders in Graham, Washington if you expect to remain a minister in the ntcc.
Jesus would not have been welcome in the ntcc either. Jesus never took up offerings before any of his sermons and he never made the statement, "All Christians pay tithes and give in offerings". Jesus also cared too much for the poor to fit in with the ntcc Pharisees. Davis would have never allowed Jesus to rub off on any of his cult members. Davis or Kekel would never part from their riches like Zacchaeus did. Zacchaeus made a commitment to give half of his goods to the poor and to restore anyone he had taken through false accusation fourfold. To this, Jesus replied, "This day is salvation come to this house".
How many of you ntcc'rs believe the bible? Kekel and the rest of the ntcc thugs are taking your money through false accusation. They are saying that if you do not pay tithe that you are God robbers. There is no New Testament law that requires you to pay tithe and there definitely is not any scripture that condemns Christians to hell for not paying tithe. Perhaps if the ntcc were to repent and restore every dollar of tithe fourfold to the folks who they took it from, (through false accusation), maybe salvation would come to their house. They would also have to change the way that they treat the poor. They would need to open their doors to everyone; not just tithe payers.
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