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Brother Kenneth MacPherson |
With his permission we are going to share some more of what Bro Ken shared with us; but we are going to leave out the graphic details. In Ken's first letter he summed up the best that he could, what he went through while attending the church and NTCC bible school. Ken has had a stroke and it's hard for him to write. He often shares written words of encouragement at his church, but is helped by the secretary who helps transcribe his words into writing. Sharing things this personal in nature is something that he had to do without any help from anyone. We think Brother Ken did an awesome job of sharing his original thoughts; but in our phone conversation he connected many of the dots, clarified some things, and introduced some very interesting facts.
Rev. John Rodrigues Saves Ken's Life:
Bro Ken was reached originally in a servicemen's home down in Ft. Polk, Louisiana. Rev. John Rodrigues was the pastor down there in the late 70's. Rev. Rodrigues is probably the only board member that I have any respect for in the ntcc. I'm not sure he is included in the ntcc's future plans and is not listed as a current board member; but he has served on the board in the past. I've spent a minimal amount of time with the Rodrigueses; and they were not cut from the same cloth that many of the ntcc preachers were. Back in those days the brothers from the home used to go out and sing songs with guitars and tambourines and maracas while fellow-shipping, soul-winning and inviting others to church. During one of these ntcc soul-winning sessions, Bro Ken was talking to a man and got separated from the rest of the brothers and was attacked. He woke up in a bathtub hours later and realized what had happened. He had been sexually assaulted and his description of what had happened was so horrific, that we aren't going to share the details. When he realized what had happened, Bro Ken slit his wrist but wasn't bleeding out fast enough; so he found a rope and was going to hang himself when Rev. Rodrigues found him. Bro Ken shared that Rev. Rodrigues later told him that he cut service short that evening and asked the members to pray while he went out looking for Brother Ken. He found him just in time to tell him that God loves him and he saved the brother's life that night. Rev. Rodrigues didn't say, You are a filthy homosexual and that's why this happened to you, like some in ntcc did. Instead, Rev. John Rodrigues did what a true Christian would do, and that was to console the brother. Later on Brother Ken found out who the man was who assaulted him; and at his Court Martial the man confessed that there were 10 people who were involved in assaulting him!
Davis Plays The Blame Game:
Brother Ken was in the Army and was with the CID (Criminal Investigation Department). When Davis found out the details of Ken's rape and what had happened afterward, he immediately flew down to insert himself into the situation in a way that is so despicable, and, sadly, so typical of Rodger Davis - with no compassion or human decency. Here's what happened. Rev. Rodrigues thought Brother Ken should go to the hospital and get stitches; but Davis did not want any attention drawn to the Servicemen's Home and didn't want anyone from post taking a closer look. So what did Davis do? Davis accused the brother of spying on the organization, grabbing Ken's elbow, squeezing it very hard, and demanding of him, "Are you spying on us?" - remember, Ken worked for the Army's CID, usually investigating people regarding illegal drugs. Ken stated that he pushed Davis' hand off of him and said, "Not unless you are selling drugs around here." What kind of nut attacks a rape victim and accuses him of spying on the church? But that is what demonic davis did - trying to blame a victim of rape.
Hover your cursor over the picture for more info. Click pic to enlarge it.
"This is I" Beware There Is NO CONFIDENTIALITY
Later, after Ken got out of the military, he ended up going to St. Louis where he lived in the ntcc dorms and went to bible school under R.W. Davis. This part of Brother Ken's testimony is filled with NTCC darkness and was not easy for him to share. The trouble started after writing what Ken calls a psychology paper, otherwise known as the "This is I" paper, in which Ken and others were instructed to write down their sins and past mistakes. Our opinion is that Davis assigned this paper so that he could use it to his advantage and have ammunition against people to exploit them. As so often is the case in the ntcc, there is no such thing as confidentiality like what is found in a normal healthy church. Instead, Davis frequently broke the law and disregarded ministerial ethics by outing people for whatever they had written in those papers, or by telling everyone what they had shared with him in confidence. Ken wrote in his paper that he loved a woman named Susan and had a child with her. Later he spoke with Davis about her attending church; but Davis, The Match-Making-Manipulator, would not allow this woman an opportunity to become a Christian or allow her in "his" church. If you ever wonder why there are so many homosexuals in the ntcc, you are about to find out why in this post.
(Homo)sexual Predators Protected and Hidden By Your NTCC
Bro Ken shared that in St. Louis, he was raped by Johnny Jordan in the dorm, was sexually attacked by Dave Peters, and was threatened with hell and homosexuality by Harold Batson. Johnny Jordan attacked Ken while Jordan was hopped up on drugs and overpowered Ken. Davis protected Johnny Jordan and match-made him with a very young Pam Norton. Davis also tried to match-make Bro. Ken with a Hispanic woman, but that didn't work out. Because in this case Ken stood up to the powerful cult leaders. We're not saying that he didn't suffer a horrible cult experience, but on many occasions he actually stood up to the likes of Davis (by knocking his hand off his elbow), Ashmore (by refusing to shake his hand EVER), and Olson (which we will describe later on in this post). Many of us were not so strong. But even a strong personality, when coupled with a sincere desire to serve God, and indoctrinated with the false teachings of davis, could be overcome.
Ken left the organization for a time but then came back because there were people that he cared about in the ntcc. When he came back, he was in St. Louis; and Davis allowed him to attend Bible School. If Davis had thought that he was a homosexual, davis wouldn't have let Ken back into the bible school. This time around Ashmore was in authority over the bible school; and Ken had more troubles ahead of him. Ashmore seemed to be right in the middle of a whole lot of homosexual corruption but did nothing to stop it or prevent it from happening to others. But you have to go back even further in time to see how homosexuality in the ntcc seemed to be like a cloud that followed Ashmore around everywhere he went.
Ashmore Allegedly Loves the Brothers a Little Bit TOo Much...
We heard that Donald Hummel and Perry Broadnax, who both made homosexual advances towards the brothers, were both with Ashmore in the early days of his so-called 'ministry'. One man, whom we will leave anonymous for now, was in the original home where Ashmore was the pastor; and that anonymous man told us that Ashmore started the foot massage tradition that was later on imitated by other homosexual/bisexual ntcc Servicemen's Home directors. While Ashmore was teaching the bible in the living room of the servicemen's home, with the bible in his lap, Ashmore would have certain brethren massage his feet. The guy who shared this with us asked us not to publish his name on the blogs; but he also said if ever needed, he would testify in a court of law against the ntcc. My wife and I and another person were on a conference call with this man who kept sharing how he thought it was so weird for Ashmore to be getting foot massages from the brothers, and how it was weird for him to keep the bible on his lap like that. Ashmore is also known in ntcc for his effeminate John Malkovich sounding voice and feminine mannerisms such as delicately folding his hands over at the wrists and crossing his legs in the way that is more often seen among women than men.
smAshmore: Bashing The Brethren
Also in St. Louis, while Michael Rudy was allegedly cross-dressing as a woman and 'teaching' young children in the ntcc day school, disciplining them by having them lower their panties while he spanked them, we find that Ashmore himself was involved in something that stinks to high heaven. After Johnny Jordan had already attacked and sexually assaulted Brother Ken, and Davis did nothing to correct Jordan or report Johnny to authorities, Johnny got promoted by Davis to work in the ntcc church office and to be married to 16 year old Pam Norton. And Ashmore allowed two other homosexuals to make advances toward Ken without any consequences against these men. These two perverted individuals are David Peters and Harold Batson, who got a free pass from Ashmore.
Victim Blaming Becomes Bashing
Meanwhile smAshmore turned up the pressure on Brother Ken by bashing him publicly from the pulpit and lectern, finding fault with everything Ken did: Ken's shoes were never shiny enough; he needed a haircut; but when he got one he was still wrong; because then he didn't have sideburns; Ken's notes were never good enough; Ashmore would throw them back at Ken, the pages flying everywhere while Ashmore would say, "That's not what I said."; Ken's homework assignments were also ripped up in front of other bible school students by bAshmore and on and on and on. We've heard allegations of smAshmore targeting Moreno in a similar fashion and with a similar purpose - to run him off or get him out of the ntcc.
Families - Stay Away! Impenitent Homos - You Are Welcome in NTCC
Why was Ashmore trying so hard to get rid of Ken? Why was Ashmore harboring homosexual predators like Harold Batson and Dave Peters; who were all reported by Ken directly to Ashmore? Normally people in ntcc attend only one of the ntcc chapels at a time. Yet Ashmore allowed both Batson and Peters to attend both the ntcc Forest Ave. and Holly Hills churches. That was unheard of in the ntcc. Was Ashmore seeking alone time with these homosexuals? Meanwhile, all Ken wanted was for the woman he loved, Susan, and his child to be accepted by the church. She wanted to come to church at first; but ntcc wouldn't allow it. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Ken did all the right things. He reported the sexual advances of Dave Peters to Ashmore; but bAshmore blamed Ken. And even when Dave Peters started writing perverse letters to Ken, smAshmore kicked Ken out of the office when confronted with the truth. Are these the actions of a Pastor that loves God and members of the church? Is this normal behavior? bAshmore blamed Ken and told him that it was his fault. Do you wonder why innocent victims live in constant guilt and shame?
Ashmore Lied To Davis. But Davis Believed Ken
If you look at the dynamics of what went on here, it's not hard to take an educated guess. Harold Batson also made sexual advances and threats towards Ken. Batson said he (Batson) was leading people to hell and that he wanted to take people to the deepest part of hell. Ken did what he was supposed to do and reported Batson to Ashmore; but smAshmore told Ken, "I wish you would just leave." We know that thinking for yourself is completely against the ntcc rules; but you have to wonder why Ashmore would move these perverts around and protect them. This is how bad it got: When Davis caught wind of what was going on, he confronted Ashmore about what Ken had told him; and Ashmore lied to Davis, denying what Ken had told him. But Davis knew better. Davis believed Ken was telling the truth about Batson leading people to hell and didn't believe Ashmore. Davis even told Ashmore this: "Bro. MacPherson has never lied to me." Then Davis got Batson down to the office and Batson confirmed that he had indeed told Ken that Batson was leading people to hell and that Batson was a homosexual. As a result Batson got kicked out of the church by Davis, who announced that night in church that Batson was a homosexual who was leading people to hell.
Now you have to break ntcc rules again and think and wonder: Why was Ashmore trying to protect these perverts? Did Davis suspect that Ashmore was involved with Batson and Peters? It didn't take Ashmore very long to leave the ntcc after Davis was reported as dead. Perhaps Davis gave Kekel the lowdown on James Ross Ashmore; and JRA was given an ultimatum by Kekel. Of course that's all supposition; but if you connect the dots between Ashmore, Hummel, Broadnax, Rudy, Batson and Peters, you would have to be naive and gullible to think that nothing was happening between them. The proverb about Birds of A Feather Flock Together comes to mind.
We also know that people will vehemently disagree and try to excuse these poor ntcc leaders. Well guess what? How many times did Davis openly from behind the pulpit accuse people of being homosexuals? He would preach, "If so and so was alone at a sister's house and didn't have sex with her, he must be a homosexual." Sound familiar? You know you have heard it yourself. Maybe there's a reason why Davis was so homophobic. He certainly didn't mind being around the alleged bi-sexual rapist Johnny Jordan, though; did he? No, Davis made that rape of 14 year old Lisa Norton possible by match-making Jordan with Pam, Lisa's 16 year old sister. And why? Allegedly Davis was slipping in Jordan's front door while Johnny was at work for ntcc; during this time alone with Jordan's teen wife, Pam, Davis would allegedly molest Pam and then pay her hush money. She told us she had so much money at times she would have more than Johnny brought home from work. She also said that others sisters used to wonder how she could afford the nice things she had. Wouldn't they have been shocked to find out!
Olson is the ntcc Hype Man Building Up The Illusion
What a sick bunch of deviants is running the ntcc. And they all cover for one another. Just look at how Olson would indoctrinate people to blindly accept whatever Davis said as if it were gospel. Olson would blather on, saying, "If Pastor Davis says the sky is green, the sky IS green!" Ken once wrote a letter to Olson telling him:
We all heard Olson tell that green-sky lie on numerous occasions. Oh brother! What a load of nonsense designed to blind people and get them to believe a lie.
Davis Did Have A TV in His House - While He Preached Against TV
Talking to Ken, he revealed other secrets that were verified by a second witness. We heard from Julie St. Clair that Davis had a TV in his house. She saw it and got abused for mentioning it to her 'parents' Ralph and Joan. Others came on the blog and said, I've cleaned Davis' house and never saw a TV. Well, maybe they were speaking about one of Davis' other houses, since he has owned so many. All we know is what Julie shared and what Ken shared with us that Davis had him come over to his house one time; and Ken followed the dog into the house and saw a TV. Davis tried to make an excuse for it and told Ken that TVs were not allowed in the churches or Servicemen's Homes because ministers didn't need to spend their time watching TV, but rather reading and praying and soul winning. Davis went on to say that he would keep people informed as to what was going on in the world. What a load of baloney. Davis is quite simply a HYPOCRITE who says one thing but does another.
"She's Mine! Stay Away!" Teenie Bopper Tanya is Owned by Mike Kekel
(He said.)
Also there was some confusion as to how old Tanya actually was when she started dating Mike. Her age was originally stated as 12 or 13 and then that changed to 15 or 16. Ken said that Kekel had a picture of Tanya that he carried around in his wallet and he showed it to him in 1979, and told him and other brothers not to talk to her because she was going to marry him. This tells you that Tanya was somewhere around 14 years old when Kekel was claiming her as his own; and that is only if she is telling the truth about her age. Do you think it would be beyond Tanya Kekel to lie about her age? Who's going to verify it? Tanya is known and proven to be a liar by the online form that allegedly she filled out to find info on her Filipino birth mother. Ken said Tanya Davis (now kekel) looked like she was about 11 or 12 years old in the picture that Mike showed him. I'm sure Mike wouldn't want the world to know that he was dating and planning to marry to a pre-teen, calling her "mine", when he is nine years older than she is. Yuck. What a perv!
Click Picture to enlarge it:
Our opinion is that the kekels are liars, people. Look at their mansions and their richer than rich lifestyles. Mike didn't obtain all that wealth through investments. If he tells you that, he'll tell you anything. If you believe that, you'll believe anything. But we don't trust them. Ken also said that he never once trusted Ashmore; and so Ken refused to shake Ashmore's hand the entire time Ken was in the ntcc.
There were a number of other things that really impressed us about Bro Ken as we talked on the phone. He is a Christian; he was a pastor; he still ministers through his words of encouragement writings; and he has a very good heart. He told us that in spite of what Johnny did to him, he forgives Jordan and says that Johnny needed help but never got it. Johnny had shared with Ken some of the hell Jordan had gone through; but Jordan never received any help, especially in the ntcc. It takes quite a heart to forgive someone that has attacked you; and yet Ken has definitely done that. Brother Ken also has a son that he has raised and protected; and Ken is a well respected leader in his church. He maintained great integrity in the face of hatred and stood for what was right while so-called ntcc leaders went about to destroy him in order to cover their own sin and to present a facade of holiness Christianity to the world. Ken went through it all and suffered all the things a victim of severe abuse has suffered but has survived it all with dignity and honor.
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Bro Ken was reached originally in a servicemen's home down in Ft. Polk, Louisiana. Rev. John Rodrigues was the pastor down there in the late 70's. Rev. Rodrigues is probably the only board member that I have any respect for in the ntcc. I'm not sure he is included in the ntcc's future plans and is not listed as a current board member; but he has served on the board in the past. I've spent a minimal amount of time with the Rodrigueses; and they were not cut from the same cloth that many of the ntcc preachers were. Back in those days the brothers from the home used to go out and sing songs with guitars and tambourines and maracas while fellow-shipping, soul-winning and inviting others to church. During one of these ntcc soul-winning sessions, Bro Ken was talking to a man and got separated from the rest of the brothers and was attacked. He woke up in a bathtub hours later and realized what had happened. He had been sexually assaulted and his description of what had happened was so horrific, that we aren't going to share the details. When he realized what had happened, Bro Ken slit his wrist but wasn't bleeding out fast enough; so he found a rope and was going to hang himself when Rev. Rodrigues found him. Bro Ken shared that Rev. Rodrigues later told him that he cut service short that evening and asked the members to pray while he went out looking for Brother Ken. He found him just in time to tell him that God loves him and he saved the brother's life that night. Rev. Rodrigues didn't say, You are a filthy homosexual and that's why this happened to you, like some in ntcc did. Instead, Rev. John Rodrigues did what a true Christian would do, and that was to console the brother. Later on Brother Ken found out who the man was who assaulted him; and at his Court Martial the man confessed that there were 10 people who were involved in assaulting him!
Davis Plays The Blame Game:
Brother Ken was in the Army and was with the CID (Criminal Investigation Department). When Davis found out the details of Ken's rape and what had happened afterward, he immediately flew down to insert himself into the situation in a way that is so despicable, and, sadly, so typical of Rodger Davis - with no compassion or human decency. Here's what happened. Rev. Rodrigues thought Brother Ken should go to the hospital and get stitches; but Davis did not want any attention drawn to the Servicemen's Home and didn't want anyone from post taking a closer look. So what did Davis do? Davis accused the brother of spying on the organization, grabbing Ken's elbow, squeezing it very hard, and demanding of him, "Are you spying on us?" - remember, Ken worked for the Army's CID, usually investigating people regarding illegal drugs. Ken stated that he pushed Davis' hand off of him and said, "Not unless you are selling drugs around here." What kind of nut attacks a rape victim and accuses him of spying on the church? But that is what demonic davis did - trying to blame a victim of rape.
Hover your cursor over the picture for more info. Click pic to enlarge it.
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Victim Blaming: Asking questions in order to place blame on the victim for whatever happened to them. What questions are victims being asked in the NTCC by its Leaders? This Applies to both men and women. Davis and others will blame victims so that they live with guilt and shame. Are you spying on us? |
"This is I" Beware There Is NO CONFIDENTIALITY
Later, after Ken got out of the military, he ended up going to St. Louis where he lived in the ntcc dorms and went to bible school under R.W. Davis. This part of Brother Ken's testimony is filled with NTCC darkness and was not easy for him to share. The trouble started after writing what Ken calls a psychology paper, otherwise known as the "This is I" paper, in which Ken and others were instructed to write down their sins and past mistakes. Our opinion is that Davis assigned this paper so that he could use it to his advantage and have ammunition against people to exploit them. As so often is the case in the ntcc, there is no such thing as confidentiality like what is found in a normal healthy church. Instead, Davis frequently broke the law and disregarded ministerial ethics by outing people for whatever they had written in those papers, or by telling everyone what they had shared with him in confidence. Ken wrote in his paper that he loved a woman named Susan and had a child with her. Later he spoke with Davis about her attending church; but Davis, The Match-Making-Manipulator, would not allow this woman an opportunity to become a Christian or allow her in "his" church. If you ever wonder why there are so many homosexuals in the ntcc, you are about to find out why in this post.
(Homo)sexual Predators Protected and Hidden By Your NTCC
Bro Ken shared that in St. Louis, he was raped by Johnny Jordan in the dorm, was sexually attacked by Dave Peters, and was threatened with hell and homosexuality by Harold Batson. Johnny Jordan attacked Ken while Jordan was hopped up on drugs and overpowered Ken. Davis protected Johnny Jordan and match-made him with a very young Pam Norton. Davis also tried to match-make Bro. Ken with a Hispanic woman, but that didn't work out. Because in this case Ken stood up to the powerful cult leaders. We're not saying that he didn't suffer a horrible cult experience, but on many occasions he actually stood up to the likes of Davis (by knocking his hand off his elbow), Ashmore (by refusing to shake his hand EVER), and Olson (which we will describe later on in this post). Many of us were not so strong. But even a strong personality, when coupled with a sincere desire to serve God, and indoctrinated with the false teachings of davis, could be overcome.
Ken left the organization for a time but then came back because there were people that he cared about in the ntcc. When he came back, he was in St. Louis; and Davis allowed him to attend Bible School. If Davis had thought that he was a homosexual, davis wouldn't have let Ken back into the bible school. This time around Ashmore was in authority over the bible school; and Ken had more troubles ahead of him. Ashmore seemed to be right in the middle of a whole lot of homosexual corruption but did nothing to stop it or prevent it from happening to others. But you have to go back even further in time to see how homosexuality in the ntcc seemed to be like a cloud that followed Ashmore around everywhere he went.
Ashmore Allegedly Loves the Brothers a Little Bit TOo Much...
We heard that Donald Hummel and Perry Broadnax, who both made homosexual advances towards the brothers, were both with Ashmore in the early days of his so-called 'ministry'. One man, whom we will leave anonymous for now, was in the original home where Ashmore was the pastor; and that anonymous man told us that Ashmore started the foot massage tradition that was later on imitated by other homosexual/bisexual ntcc Servicemen's Home directors. While Ashmore was teaching the bible in the living room of the servicemen's home, with the bible in his lap, Ashmore would have certain brethren massage his feet. The guy who shared this with us asked us not to publish his name on the blogs; but he also said if ever needed, he would testify in a court of law against the ntcc. My wife and I and another person were on a conference call with this man who kept sharing how he thought it was so weird for Ashmore to be getting foot massages from the brothers, and how it was weird for him to keep the bible on his lap like that. Ashmore is also known in ntcc for his effeminate John Malkovich sounding voice and feminine mannerisms such as delicately folding his hands over at the wrists and crossing his legs in the way that is more often seen among women than men.
smAshmore: Bashing The Brethren
Also in St. Louis, while Michael Rudy was allegedly cross-dressing as a woman and 'teaching' young children in the ntcc day school, disciplining them by having them lower their panties while he spanked them, we find that Ashmore himself was involved in something that stinks to high heaven. After Johnny Jordan had already attacked and sexually assaulted Brother Ken, and Davis did nothing to correct Jordan or report Johnny to authorities, Johnny got promoted by Davis to work in the ntcc church office and to be married to 16 year old Pam Norton. And Ashmore allowed two other homosexuals to make advances toward Ken without any consequences against these men. These two perverted individuals are David Peters and Harold Batson, who got a free pass from Ashmore.
Victim Blaming Becomes Bashing
Meanwhile smAshmore turned up the pressure on Brother Ken by bashing him publicly from the pulpit and lectern, finding fault with everything Ken did: Ken's shoes were never shiny enough; he needed a haircut; but when he got one he was still wrong; because then he didn't have sideburns; Ken's notes were never good enough; Ashmore would throw them back at Ken, the pages flying everywhere while Ashmore would say, "That's not what I said."; Ken's homework assignments were also ripped up in front of other bible school students by bAshmore and on and on and on. We've heard allegations of smAshmore targeting Moreno in a similar fashion and with a similar purpose - to run him off or get him out of the ntcc.
Families - Stay Away! Impenitent Homos - You Are Welcome in NTCC
Why was Ashmore trying so hard to get rid of Ken? Why was Ashmore harboring homosexual predators like Harold Batson and Dave Peters; who were all reported by Ken directly to Ashmore? Normally people in ntcc attend only one of the ntcc chapels at a time. Yet Ashmore allowed both Batson and Peters to attend both the ntcc Forest Ave. and Holly Hills churches. That was unheard of in the ntcc. Was Ashmore seeking alone time with these homosexuals? Meanwhile, all Ken wanted was for the woman he loved, Susan, and his child to be accepted by the church. She wanted to come to church at first; but ntcc wouldn't allow it. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Ken did all the right things. He reported the sexual advances of Dave Peters to Ashmore; but bAshmore blamed Ken. And even when Dave Peters started writing perverse letters to Ken, smAshmore kicked Ken out of the office when confronted with the truth. Are these the actions of a Pastor that loves God and members of the church? Is this normal behavior? bAshmore blamed Ken and told him that it was his fault. Do you wonder why innocent victims live in constant guilt and shame?
Ashmore Lied To Davis. But Davis Believed Ken
If you look at the dynamics of what went on here, it's not hard to take an educated guess. Harold Batson also made sexual advances and threats towards Ken. Batson said he (Batson) was leading people to hell and that he wanted to take people to the deepest part of hell. Ken did what he was supposed to do and reported Batson to Ashmore; but smAshmore told Ken, "I wish you would just leave." We know that thinking for yourself is completely against the ntcc rules; but you have to wonder why Ashmore would move these perverts around and protect them. This is how bad it got: When Davis caught wind of what was going on, he confronted Ashmore about what Ken had told him; and Ashmore lied to Davis, denying what Ken had told him. But Davis knew better. Davis believed Ken was telling the truth about Batson leading people to hell and didn't believe Ashmore. Davis even told Ashmore this: "Bro. MacPherson has never lied to me." Then Davis got Batson down to the office and Batson confirmed that he had indeed told Ken that Batson was leading people to hell and that Batson was a homosexual. As a result Batson got kicked out of the church by Davis, who announced that night in church that Batson was a homosexual who was leading people to hell.
Now you have to break ntcc rules again and think and wonder: Why was Ashmore trying to protect these perverts? Did Davis suspect that Ashmore was involved with Batson and Peters? It didn't take Ashmore very long to leave the ntcc after Davis was reported as dead. Perhaps Davis gave Kekel the lowdown on James Ross Ashmore; and JRA was given an ultimatum by Kekel. Of course that's all supposition; but if you connect the dots between Ashmore, Hummel, Broadnax, Rudy, Batson and Peters, you would have to be naive and gullible to think that nothing was happening between them. The proverb about Birds of A Feather Flock Together comes to mind.
We also know that people will vehemently disagree and try to excuse these poor ntcc leaders. Well guess what? How many times did Davis openly from behind the pulpit accuse people of being homosexuals? He would preach, "If so and so was alone at a sister's house and didn't have sex with her, he must be a homosexual." Sound familiar? You know you have heard it yourself. Maybe there's a reason why Davis was so homophobic. He certainly didn't mind being around the alleged bi-sexual rapist Johnny Jordan, though; did he? No, Davis made that rape of 14 year old Lisa Norton possible by match-making Jordan with Pam, Lisa's 16 year old sister. And why? Allegedly Davis was slipping in Jordan's front door while Johnny was at work for ntcc; during this time alone with Jordan's teen wife, Pam, Davis would allegedly molest Pam and then pay her hush money. She told us she had so much money at times she would have more than Johnny brought home from work. She also said that others sisters used to wonder how she could afford the nice things she had. Wouldn't they have been shocked to find out!
Olson is the ntcc Hype Man Building Up The Illusion
What a sick bunch of deviants is running the ntcc. And they all cover for one another. Just look at how Olson would indoctrinate people to blindly accept whatever Davis said as if it were gospel. Olson would blather on, saying, "If Pastor Davis says the sky is green, the sky IS green!" Ken once wrote a letter to Olson telling him:
"If you think the sky is green, just because Davis says the sky is green, You need to get saved. You are reading a different bible than I am." Ken let Olson know the simple truth about what is not in the bible.
We all heard Olson tell that green-sky lie on numerous occasions. Oh brother! What a load of nonsense designed to blind people and get them to believe a lie.
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In The NTCC The Sky is Green if RWD says so. But that's a lie. It is cult indoctrination to get you to accept the pastor's word AS IF it were the gospel truth. Don't be deceived. |
Davis Did Have A TV in His House - While He Preached Against TV
Talking to Ken, he revealed other secrets that were verified by a second witness. We heard from Julie St. Clair that Davis had a TV in his house. She saw it and got abused for mentioning it to her 'parents' Ralph and Joan. Others came on the blog and said, I've cleaned Davis' house and never saw a TV. Well, maybe they were speaking about one of Davis' other houses, since he has owned so many. All we know is what Julie shared and what Ken shared with us that Davis had him come over to his house one time; and Ken followed the dog into the house and saw a TV. Davis tried to make an excuse for it and told Ken that TVs were not allowed in the churches or Servicemen's Homes because ministers didn't need to spend their time watching TV, but rather reading and praying and soul winning. Davis went on to say that he would keep people informed as to what was going on in the world. What a load of baloney. Davis is quite simply a HYPOCRITE who says one thing but does another.
"She's Mine! Stay Away!" Teenie Bopper Tanya is Owned by Mike Kekel
(He said.)
Also there was some confusion as to how old Tanya actually was when she started dating Mike. Her age was originally stated as 12 or 13 and then that changed to 15 or 16. Ken said that Kekel had a picture of Tanya that he carried around in his wallet and he showed it to him in 1979, and told him and other brothers not to talk to her because she was going to marry him. This tells you that Tanya was somewhere around 14 years old when Kekel was claiming her as his own; and that is only if she is telling the truth about her age. Do you think it would be beyond Tanya Kekel to lie about her age? Who's going to verify it? Tanya is known and proven to be a liar by the online form that allegedly she filled out to find info on her Filipino birth mother. Ken said Tanya Davis (now kekel) looked like she was about 11 or 12 years old in the picture that Mike showed him. I'm sure Mike wouldn't want the world to know that he was dating and planning to marry to a pre-teen, calling her "mine", when he is nine years older than she is. Yuck. What a perv!
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Our opinion is that the kekels are liars, people. Look at their mansions and their richer than rich lifestyles. Mike didn't obtain all that wealth through investments. If he tells you that, he'll tell you anything. If you believe that, you'll believe anything. But we don't trust them. Ken also said that he never once trusted Ashmore; and so Ken refused to shake Ashmore's hand the entire time Ken was in the ntcc.
There were a number of other things that really impressed us about Bro Ken as we talked on the phone. He is a Christian; he was a pastor; he still ministers through his words of encouragement writings; and he has a very good heart. He told us that in spite of what Johnny did to him, he forgives Jordan and says that Johnny needed help but never got it. Johnny had shared with Ken some of the hell Jordan had gone through; but Jordan never received any help, especially in the ntcc. It takes quite a heart to forgive someone that has attacked you; and yet Ken has definitely done that. Brother Ken also has a son that he has raised and protected; and Ken is a well respected leader in his church. He maintained great integrity in the face of hatred and stood for what was right while so-called ntcc leaders went about to destroy him in order to cover their own sin and to present a facade of holiness Christianity to the world. Ken went through it all and suffered all the things a victim of severe abuse has suffered but has survived it all with dignity and honor.
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A) Sounds True.
B) Sounds Cultish.
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D) I was forced to have sex when I was only a child.
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H) I told ntcc church leaders I was raped; but they blamed me.
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B) Sounds Cultish.
C) I Read It.
D) I was forced to have sex when I was only a child.
E) I too was raped.
F) I'm afraid to get caught commenting on this blog.
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc.
H) I told ntcc church leaders I was raped; but they blamed me.
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc.
J) I am a woman.
K) I am a man.
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