Killing the unborn in the name of Jesus? A new low, even for NTCC! Found this shocking testimony today on Insider Pages. It verifies what others have testified and adds a new testimony of horrible abuses within your NTCC. The leaders of New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. will have to answer to God for so many wretched things!
Colleen C. June 02, 2014
From a Pastor's Ex-Wife
I was married to one of the pastors who is currently still there at the main campus. I was married to him many years ago while the church/college was still located in St Louis, Mo. I witnessed many gut wrenching atrocities that would make your stomach turn. I was there when Tanya was young and her "husband" was chosen for her and preened for his future job. I was there when Rev Davis ordered an unborn child of a inter-mix couple, during a closed service, (students and teachers only) to be "eliminated". I watched her beat herself on the alter so badly that she miscarried that evening! She was Six months along, too!!! She was Hispanic and he was Chinese. He said God told him that Interracial couples had no place in the ministry, and God had told him to eliminate the child! I was there when Davis proudly said over the pulpit that this couple "followed" God's orders??? I was there when wives would comes to church bruised after beatings from their husbands, for talking back to them, for not being submissive! And this was all ordered and taught by Davis! Please do Not get involved with a group where Love is replaced by Hate, Tolerance by Judgment, and God by Man's Laws. What happened to me? I escaped after Davis ordered beatings, but I survived. The God of Love and Mercy intercepted me and gave me a new life and new beginning. I now have four grandbabies, and they know and love the Jesus of the Bible, not the Fear of Davis! Thank you
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NTCC CULTure of Condemnation and Hate:
Yes, folks! NTCC really is THAT BAD!
Frankly, this is not the first we've heard of this. Others have testified of unwed NTCC Bible School women (yes, plural) who have had abortions after getting pregnant at the Seminary -- here. Such is the NTCC culture. Thanks to Davis' years of railing on MARRIED pregnant women for "ruining their husband's ministry" the CULTure in NTCC is anti-child. This is so far from God and His heart! God said children are a BLESSING Psalm 127:3-5 here.
But the NTCC has such a hateful evil atmosphere that these folks would rather kill the unborn than face the wrath of their so-called 'Christian' leaders! NTCC will have to answer to God for murdering these souls. And we don't mean just the unborn babies. We mean the souls of these men and women who live in such fear thanks to the NTCC false doctrines. Sin happens.
A church should be a place of healing and forgiveness. But the NTCC has always been the opposite. NTCC is a place of hurting and condemnation!!
Nothing has changed. The top NTCC 'leaders' are the same as their predecessors - full of hatred and malice, their current CEO even saying of children:
"Those filthy evil children who throw hissy fits in the cookie aisle of the grocery store!"-- NTCC CEO Michael Craig Kekel
I heard kekel say it with my own ears, long before Reporter Bruce Smith ever heard mike kekel say it again when Bruce was visiting an NTCC service while doing a five-part series on the New Testament Christian Churches of America. This CULTure of hating kids started with NTCC's founder, rodger wilson davis, and continues today in his son-in-law, NTCC's CEO, michael craig kekel. There may be some people in NTCC who don't share that twisted view. So our question is WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE IN THE NTCC? WHY EXPOSE YOUR FAMILY TO SUCH FREAKISH DOCTRINE? CAN TWO WALK TOGETHER, EXCEPT THEY BE AGREED? Amos 3:3 here C'mon, now. You know you are becoming a partaker in the sins of those men contrary to God's commandment 1 Tim 5:22 here when you stay and endorse their evil ways!
For Those Who Suffered These Beatings:
We feel for you and pray that God will heal the wounds, spirit and heart.
For the Women Who Had Abortions and The Men Who Beat Them:
You CAN receive forgiveness, even for the murder of the innocent, even for beating a weaker vessel 1 Pete 3:7 here and your own flesh Ephesians 5:28-29 here. The key to this forgiveness is confession 1 John 1:9 here. But don't lie to yourself and expect to get forgiveness that way 1 John 1:10 here. Confession is necessary for salvation Romans 10:10 here.
We also wanted to address the men who lost babies due to NTCC false doctrines. Some of you had no desire to hide your child or lose your baby. Our hearts go out to you. The NTCC is responsible for having these false doctrines and pressuring people to do things contrary to God's will. We know some of you wanted nothing more than to embrace your child; and we feel for you and pray for your healing.
Our prayers also go up for those of you, men and women, who wanted children but followed the NTCC false doctrine that "children hinder the work of the Lawd". Many of us were deceived by this davis doctrine of demons. Some of you have become foster parents; we commend you and pray that God blesses each one who is godly with children according to the desire of your heart.
It just gets worse and worse. I'm sure that the ntcc is just going to say that we are all of the devil and that we are just lying. This particular testimony did not come to our blog but it came to the Insider pages which is an online site that allows people to rate the ntcc. It is one of many sources that have exposed the ntcc for being a cult. There are quite a few people that have shared testimony that exposes the ntcc for some pretty horrific atrocities, but of course, "We are all just bitter X-ers that have nothing better to do than gossip about us, because we are doing such a great work for Gawd".
If we are liars, what are you? You don't even admit to the double standards that have taken place your own noses. If everyone of you ntcc'rs that is reading this comment were to be honest, you would have to admit that you are living a lie. What happened to all of the Holiness standards and strict rules that were once in place? You've seen the compromise take place all around you, but you deny it. Your brains have been reprogrammed to accept it all. Your brains have been programmed to ignore the sins that are taking place right under your noses. But as long as you keep bringing your tithes and offerings to the storehouse of Kekel, you can't miss heaven, can you? You would have a better chance of making it to heaven if you followed Hitler.
The ntcc and the U.S. Military have some similarities but they also have differences. In the military, when you spend two decades of service you get to retire with benefits. You have lifetime health benefits, insurance options, and you get paid half of your salary for the rest of your life, at a minimum. The longer you serve the more you get. You also might be eligible for disability which gives you even more money. In the ntcc, you pay them 10% or often much more of your salary for two decades, and the only thing you get for your service is a swift kick in the butt on your way out the door. You will never hear from them again, unless you visit a church service and if you do that you will be the topic of that sermon, as they run you into the ground and demonize you for leaving them.
The military is like a dictatorship and they tell you what to do and they require you to fight all enemies foreign and domestic. In exchange for your service you get paid a good salary and you are given a place to live or money to pay for a place to live. You are given 30 days of paid vacation and meals or money to buy meals. You are given free health care and life insurance and it's a pretty good chance to get ahead in life. Most people that retire from the Military are financially set and can work another job to supplement their retirement income. In the ntcc, you pay 10% or more of your income so that they can dictate to you, what to wear, who you can talk to, where you can go, what you can say, who you can date, weather or not you can have a pet and the list goes on. You pay them for this privilege and it leaves you so broke that you can't afford health insurance, to eat what you want, life insurance (just ask the ntcc widows about that one), you have very little skills if any to exist or survive outside of your cult and when they are done with you, you have nothing, zip, zero. Most people that have given a decade or more of their lives to the ntcc are struggling and have very little skill that translates to success outside of the ntcc. They have very little marketable job experience and end up living from pay check to pay check.
The military is looking for a Few Good Men, while the ntcc is looking for a few good suckers.
This post is so sad. NTCC is so far from being a church.
John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
NTCC represents the thief so clearly for they steal kill and destroys lives. But Jesus didn't come to die so lives could be destroyed He came that all could have life and that more abundantly.
My heart grieves for those that have lost children because of NTCC.
Can anyone who is/was a minister corroborate this story? It's hard to believe even for me. I was beat down emotionally but to command someone to beat themselves to kill their child is hard to believe?
I think I just don't want to believe that I was hoodwinked out of 4-5 years of my life by an org that would do this.
I feel horrible for all the money I paid over the years if these men are truly this evil.
I want to vomit.
I never heard anything like this. I went to church with a mixed couple and they weren't chastised, even went to bible college. Not sure what became of them.
hard to believe people would stand for such behavior.
"Anonymous said...
I never heard anything like this. I went to church with a mixed couple and they weren't chastised, even went to bible college. Not sure what became of them."
DNA said:
Not sure what became of them, hey? Maybe their name was Kelly and Cherlynn Merz. Ever hear of them? They are a mixed couple that were never allowed to get married. Davis told their Pastor back when they wanted to get married that they would be a hindrance to the ministry, so they went and got married at a different church. Eventually the Merz yielded to the pressure that everyone goes through to attend ntcc bible school. Initially they had been discouraged because they were a 'mixed couple', but we believe when Davis found out they had money because they were good at flipping real estate, they ended up in Washington. Not only did they attend Bible School but they stayed their so Davis could continue to collect tithe checks from their multiple rental properties (we know of four separate 4-plex buildings that they rented out probably exclusively to ntcc ministers and bible school students).
It's our belief that multiple ntcc false doctrines and ministerial pressures drove this couple apart. After they divorced the man, Kelly, murdered a female that was living with him. Kelly is currently incarcerated serving a 25 year sentence.
Our understanding is that Cherlynn Merz still owns and rents real estate properties to the ntcc, but that Kelly had been working as a pizza delivery man and performed maintenance on the 4 plex apartments that his X-wife owns.
We believe that if the ntcc was a healthy and normal church that the pressure that was placed upon Kelly Merz would not have driven him to divorce his wife and murder a woman. This is another example of false doctrine contributing to the destruction what many considered to be a decent couple in the ntcc.
They were already married and went to bible college from ft Campbell.
I don't see their names anywhere on the church directories.
Did Davis mellow on this rule later in life?
Interesting topic, although I was never in bible college, I know I would have never stayed. I was in a interracial marriage while in Graham, I don't know how Davis felt but I can tell you that I don't think they approved, we where already married when we started attending, if Davis didn't approve of interracial marriage he should never have moved his mega church to Graham, Washington is hugely diverse and interracial marriage is VERY common. He probably realized that and just didn't push it anymore. As far as him telling couples to abort babies or women to beat themselves to miscarry, well that doesn't surprise me either, there is nothing that these cult leading un Godly people would do for their money. Just sickening...
Davis did not like interracial marriages between BLACK and WHITE persons. Even in the 80s, 90's and 2000! Money is green from everybody so after a while he put up with it. Doesnt mean he did not try to sow strife in those couples, even using the tools of public humiliation.
Anonymous said...
"Davis did not like interracial marriages between BLACK and WHITE persons. Even in the 80s, 90's and 2000!"
DNA say,
That is correct. And davis sowed much strife between couples and amoungst the brethren. I also witnessed kekel sowing strife especially when it came to racism, laughing and mocking "ebonics" and "monkey music". The ntcc 'leaders' are racists, plain and simple. The ones who are on the board like Ashmore and Johnson and Olson who don't say anything are just as guilty. What good is your Board Membership if you cannot affect change? You are an enabler of abuse and show that you care more about your POSITION and TITLE and the MONEY and PRESTIGE they bring you than you do care about souls. If you cared about souls, you would do something to stop the racism, the sowing of discord. But you want your cushy red chair (Board Membership) and the Recreational Vehicle and all expense-paid month long vacation that comes with it. You're a fraud. That's my opinion; and it won't change until I see something different from YOUR NTCC.
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