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Wasting Valuable Resources in the WOFF and NTCC |
R.W. Davis, the floundering founder of the ntcc has often shared how that if anything were to happen to Verna he would not want another wife because "they are too hard to train" (like a dumb mutt). Well rest easy Rodger Dodger because we have found the perfect match for you. Not only is she residing in your home state, (where you 'growed' up in North Carolina) but you won't have to train this one because she already is a successful Cult leader just like you. The only problem is that we are not sure the world is big enough to contain two ego's this large in such close proximity.
Well, we have searched the world over and we feel that we have found the perfect match for ole R-dub. Her name is Jane Whaley; and she is the leader of an abusive and manipulative cult called "Word of Faith Fellowship" in Spindale, NC. We originally found out about her through a website called "Religious Cults Info" which is authored by a long time eX-member of WOFF named John Huddle. One of the blog posts that John wrote about was called: "The Toliet Paper Revelation" [read here]. In this article the 'revelation' was given to the WOFF leader, Jane Whaley, in the bathroom when God told her that toilet paper was being wasted because the rolls were not properly installed on the dispenser. She then 'preached' that the right way to install a roll of toilet paper was with the paper rolling over the top. In her revelation she went on to say that there would be less waste than if the paper rolls from underneath. In a 'church' where adults assemble in groups to scream at and spank children from newborns to adolescents in an attempt to "drive the devil out of them" during 'church services', you would think that the least of God's worries would be about the proper way to install a roll of toilet paper!
WOFF Exposed by Inside Edition on YouTube
R.W. Davis has also spoken out to the church about toilet paper being wasted. In a comment on our blog post entitled "ntcc Sayings" double-D quoted Davis as saying: "If you use too much TP- you are wasting the Servicemen's Home (Tillicum, 1973) Resources..." read here . In the ntcc anything Davis said supposedly came directly from the throne room of God; and many of his rants were considered to be prophesies; thus we have affectionately named this post: "The Toilet Paper Prophesies". Who would have thought that the subject of toilet paper would have been common "high ground" for these two cult leaders.
In a very recent post on "Religious Cults Info" (here). Jane Whaley receives another revelation that will forever change the way WOFF men handle their bathroom business. In a blog post entitled "More Bathroom Controls at Word of Faith Fellowship" (here) we find some very disturbing guidelines that Jane Whaley supposedly received through 'revelation'. Apparently Jane Whaley walked right up to a group of young men and/or boys and explained her new 'revelation' to them. It was shared that she demonstrated the posture in which a male must urinate! Apparently urinals were outlawed in the restrooms of the WOFF church and school and removed so that males could not view one another as they used the bathroom. In her new 'revelation' Jane Whaley demonstrated for these young men/boys in a half-squat position, arms extended, elbows out from the body, as if over the toilet, (Perhaps like riding a motorcycle or horse?) She than introduced another humiliating revelation that the men were not allowed to touch or wipe their private parts unless absolutely necessary; citing that touching the "waste emitting equipment" was forbidden as you might give to the “unclean.”
Bathroom controls were also very humiliating in the ntcc. When R.W. Davis constructed the ntcc national campground all of the shower rooms were wide open with no dividers so that ministers and church members would shower, and take care of #1 and #2 in the same open room. In the women's shower room it was also very embarrassing; because they had to take care of their feminine hygiene needs without any privacy. The toilets were pretty close together with no dividers. There were so few toilets and showers that guys would be waiting for their turn like a bunch of holocaust victims herded into the sprinkler room in anticipation of their lethal toxic showers. Perhaps that's a little dramatic; but that's what it always reminded me of. I used to wake up in the middle of the night to avoid the crowds and have a better chance of obtaining a little bit of privacy for #2 which has always been an affair in which privacy is important to me. But even late at night there were others with the same idea. That's what happens when you have hundreds of conference attendees and facilities that only accommodate about 10 at a time for the entire campground. It's no wonder that they had to eventually shut down the campground because the Poo Pond septic system could no longer accommodate the waste. When word got back to Davis that people were complaining about the accommodations, he would say that "They were too proud." and "They need humility in their lives."
I've really tried hard to look back into the history of God's word and find a precedent for Church leaders controlling the private bathroom habits of their church members and cannot find one example of this anywhere. You would be hard pressed to find any measures this controlling and definitely no mandates that violate a person's right to take care of their own business in a normal conventional fashion. R.W. Davis and Jane Whaley seem to think otherwise and take pleasure in making folks uncomfortable when it comes to the most private matters in a person's life. The New Testament does not provide any examples of Jesus directing the disciples when it came to matters of taking care of their personal private needs.
To demonstrate just how compatible these two cult leaders are, we are going to list a few more similarities that R.W. Davis and Jane Whaley share:
1. They both like to harbor child abusers, molesters and other sexual deviants. In many cases a blind eye is turned toward the parent(s) behavior while the innocent and defenseless child is violated and abused.
Testimony of Child Abuse In WOFF on YouTube
Record of Davis and Kekel Reportedly hiding Michael Fontenot, convicted child rapist, in the NTCC on Xer Blog and on The Mountain News -- WA
2. They both practice a ritual called blasting. In the WOFF blasting seems to be more of a ritual where everyone screams at the top of their lungs to get rid of Satan. Haven't seen this practiced anywhere in the bible. In the ntcc blasting refers to Davis or one of his drones screaming at specific individuals from behind the pulpit. Many of the church members in the ntcc would say, "I don't want to get blasted for missing a church function". If you did anything contrary to what the Cult leaders required, you ran the risk of "getting blasted". Blasting in the ntcc was very humiliating and often involved the preacher pointing at individuals and calling them out by name. Oftentimes the offenses that they were guilty of or allegedly guilty of were not even sins according to the Bible (like the Moreno Story).
3. They both live in mansions in absolute luxury while many of their ministers and members live in poverty. (See Photo at the top of this blog in the View Web Version mode to check out the Davis and Kekel Bonco Mansions.) The money is all funneled up to the upper level echelon of leadership.
Mansions of Prosperity Preachers on YouTube
4. Many of the Church members live in communal compound situations. In the ntcc the bible school students and school staff are all piled into dorms and cult-controlled rental units (all rent paid only in cash) on the compounds where very strict rules can be imposed on them and enforced through blasting and humiliation. The Servicemen's Homes are very similar in that many young GI's are packed into tight living quarters and the 'pastors' monitor individuals very closely and impose strict non-biblical rules upon them. In the WOFF it is reported that many of the members are crammed into tight communal living spaces while the church leaders have big houses and drive in fancy cars.
5. Families and marriages are destroyed and relationships are manipulated. Both cults operate for the enrichment of their prospective organizations and leadership. In the ntcc many marriages are broken up because one spouse does not conform to the man-made rules and the leadership encourages the 'obedient' spouse to leave the 'disobedient' one. Kids often become displaced when they are caught up in the melee. In the WOFF it seems that families are often split up into different houses and living situations. This has also happened in the ntcc, where one board member dumped his daughter on another board member's family so the so-called dad could play missionary. In WOFF it is reported that kids are taken from their parents, brothers and sisters are split up into different households and husbands and wives sex lives are controlled and manipulated by Jane Whaley. In some instances it has been shared that she will order spouses not to have sex for a year or longer. In ntcc, reportedly, Davis once forbad spouses from having sex in their private rooms on the campground during the conference. Both Jane Whaley and Rodger Davis dictate to their congregants whom they are allowed to marry and whom they are not allowed to marry.
We don't know Jane Whaley's stance on pets; (and, frankly, we don't care either.) But we think we now understand why Davis hates cats so much: [ It's an emergency-call 911 ;-) ]
Demon Cat Destroys Roll of Toilet Paper On YouTube
There are many more similarities that we can point out; but we think that most people of a sound mind will get the picture. In all actuality if these two narcissists were to join forces they probably would kill each other; because they are both control freaks and would want full control of the cult. Davis would never allow a woman to tell him how to run his cult. They say opposites attract; and these two control-mongering cult leaders have too much in common. If they ever did join forces and combine their manipulative skills it would create an abusive environment the likes of which would be shocking even to the most fanatical modern day cult members.
Remember the story "The Cross and the Switchblade"? It was part of the story of evangelist David Wilkerson's outreach to gang members. Below is a video of that man preaching against prosperity preachers like those running WOFF and NTCC. Pay attention to the words. It really describes NTCC's top leaders. Note: After about 3 minutes there is only the audio, no more pictures. It's still worth it to hear what he teaches.
Don and Ange wrote...
If they ever did join forces and combine their manipulative skills it would create an abusive environment the likes of which would be shocking even to the most fanatical modern day cult members.
Anon wrote...
No, not likely. Unfortunately the brainwashed brainless minions would find some way to convince themselves that God was trying to speak to them through the mouth of old crusty rusty Double Standard Davis. Some dummies simply don't ever learn. They think it's a privilege to shell out cash to live in one of Davis' 950 sq ft rental homes while right down the street, Davis lives in a mansion bought with their cash. Some people are just born to be dummies and the NTCC has no shortage of them and neither does the rest of these sorry churches like the above mentioned.
Folks/dummies think Creflo Dollar is the greatest guy on earth and too many brainless minions feel the same way about Kekel and Davis. I've been saying all along; if I had no conscience, I could live in a fat mansion like Davis and Dollar with no problem. "Brother, give your money as unto the Lord and God will bless you for sure"!!! "All Christians pay tithe and give in the offering and all ministers who are able convince their followers to blindly do exactly that, live in fat mansions"! It's just that simple and church leaders figured that out long ago. It's ok, just keep giving your money away to the likes of Davis, Dollar, and Kekel and you'll be blessed for sure you bunch of brainless dummies and brainwashed suckers. The reality is, it makes no difference because there is a sucker born every day and the suckers of this world need people like Davis, Kekel and Dollar to take advantage of them. It's a natural pecking order that's not going to end.
So don't ever forget you bunch of dummies: "All Christians pay tithe and give in the offering" because if you don't, you are not a Christian. Don't worry about where your money goes. Just give blindly as unto the Lord and the Lord will surely bless your ignorance just like he has all the broke NTCCers driving around in old beat up, unreliable vehicles.
NTCC Statement of Purpose (specifically paragraph's 7 and 8), as found on their official website. "About NTCC - Bylaws".
7. To buy, rent, acquire by gift or otherwise, and to own operate, maintain and use, such real estate, personal and mixed property as shell be necessary for the maintenance, operation and carrying on of the business of the corporation; and to lease, sub-rent, sell, assign, transfer, convey and otherwise dispose of said properties upon such terms and conditions and at such times in the opinion of the Board of Directors may be advantageous to the interests of the Corporation.
8. To borrow money for the purpose of purchasing such real estate, personal and mixed property as, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, may be necessary to properly and adequately carry on the objects and purposes of the corporation business and undertakings, and to execute notes, deeds of trust, mortgages, and other evidences of indebtedness, on behalf of the corporation, for the re-payment thereof; and to satisfy and release notes, deeds of trust, mortgages, and other evidences of indebtedness, on behalf of the corporation, For clarification purposes in connection with corporational business affecting church owned properties, and respective interest in properties, both real, personal, and mixed, owned in whole or in part by the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Incorporated, a Missouri corporation, or any of its districts, shall be construed to be interests in fee simple.
That pretty much spells it out. That's the NTCCs purpose and if you are in the NTCC, your purpose is to help facilitate the accomplishment of paragraphs 7 and 8, no more, no less. If you think otherwise, you are even dumber than I thought. LOL.
Boy the NTCC leadership is smart. They ain't even trying to mix words. They are letting the dummies know, "Look here dummies; we are ALL ABOUT the accumulation of real-estate and that's our main purpose. Make no mistake and don't say we didn't tell you because you can find it right on our official website". NOW, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?!!! So kick some extra money in the offering plate so Kekel can fatten up his house you bunch of NTCC suckers.
Like Mark Perez has been saying all along. The NTCC is a real estate holding company, NO MORE AND NO LESS. LOL, Ha, ha. You might as well be giving your money to Donald Trump you bunch of idiots. All dummies pay tithe to the NTCC and give in the NTCCs offering plate so the NTCC can accumulate more real estate.
You make some good points. We all fell for the same gag. We too, were dummies. There were times when I shut my ears to anyone who opposed the ntcc and if I still was in, I would be an obedient slave and probably would not give the blogs the time of day, because when the ntcc leaders as in any cult, tell you that you are going to die and go to hell for siding with the 'ungodly' X-ers, stupidity kicks in and we make bad decisions.
Factnet, and all of the blogs have taken their toll on the ntcc, but there are still folks who will not entertain anything we say and many will not so much as click into any of the internet sites that warn them. The ntcc has been slowly watering down their standards in ways that defy common sense and yet people are still blind.
For the ones that do read the blogs it's still difficult because they feel that they got saved in the ntcc and they reason within themselves that if God saved them here it's got to be real. That was my biggest hangup and the one thing that made it difficult for me to leave.
Now I don't know about anyone else, but there was a time in the ntcc where God was real to me. He changed me and Christianity was more than just a profession. My whole life changed for the better, and God was real to me. There were others just like me that had the same heart to do right and follow God, but all of that was perverted because unknown to a lot of us and many that are still in, the ntcc leaders were and still are using the best characteristics of Christian people to become filthy rich, while they have no intentions of helping anyone but themselves.
I once planted two Weeping Willow trees on my property. One was planted at the bottom of my property where all of the water drained and the soil was rich and the ground got saturated. I planted the other on the side of a slope where the water washed down the hill but the soil was like red clay mixed with shale. Of course the tree that grew in the healthy environment flourished while the other died.
Continued below....
The problem today is that it is hard to find a healthy environment anywhere where a Christian can grow without being duped and used like a fool. I believe Christ is real and that there are sincere Christians that really are doing the right thing but you can't nurture a Christian lifestyle in a cesspool of greed and selfishness. Even if you have a good heart eventually evil communications will corrupt your good manners.
People now a days are so caught up with trying to correct people around them and point out their sins. It's so important to people to make them realize that they are right and everyone else is wrong, that nobody wants to be around them because they figure if that's what Christianity is all about, they don't want anything to do with it. In the ntcc it has always been like this. Isolation from everyone else and having that attitude that says look what I wear and look at how many church services I attend while ignoring the the simple and most basic things that God would have us to do, like loving our neighbor and helping the afflicted.
I don't have it all put together and I'm not preaching to anyone. I would much rather help someone by doing something that makes a difference to them than to jam a bunch of religion down their throat. We've been force fed religion until it's coming out of our gills and because of that we switched our brains into the hibernation mode. That's what happens when you get caught up in a cult and you spend so much time following rules and trying to impress a man.
Your logic is simple and everything you said couldn't be more true and I think folks would be much better off if they never got involved with the ntcc. It is absolutely stupid when you look at it through the eyes of common sense and intelligence, but then you realize that you were once the same as they are now and you feel a need to warn them even if most of them don't listen. We are probably not as good at it as many before us, but if a person googles the ntcc and decides not to attend than it's well worth the effort.
I'm glad that I bailed before all of what I am hearing regarding "open stalls". I'm also glad that NTCC has to now put a septic tank in at the campground. Well, you can't blast, or blame the common folk for that one. Perhaps someone could answer a few questions for me.
(1)Are the bathroom stalls and shower areas now partitioned, or is everything still in an "open bay" set up?
(2) The preachers as well as their families that attend service at the campground and stay there. Do they have their own bathrooms, and showers?
With men, I think that it is a bit different in that men perhaps are not as self-conscious as women. Having said that, if I were a woman I would NOT want to have to do my feminine hygiene things around other women. Women for the most part won't even do their "girl things" around their own spouse! I wonder how Tonya would feel if she had to do her "girl stuff" around other women.
Hold on.....I just got a visual on that one. I'll draw a curtain of charity over the rest of the content.
"The Toilet Paper Prophesies" is a great example of how brainwashed people are. When Church leaders are focused on toilet paper and bathroom controls it should send up red flags to everyone, but because they are in a cult and they hang on every word their cult leaders share, they blindly go along with it all. In any normal church, this sort of thing would seem stupid and not worth making such a big deal over. But in a cult, rules and double standards seem to create parameters and keep people dumbed down.
More rules = more control.
More control = more money.
It's amazing how people get sucked into a cult and then once they get sucked in, how hard it is for them to break away. It seems so simple once you turn on your brain and escape. You look at it and shake your head in wonder at how you ever could have been so stupid as to ignore the double standards and outright hypocrisy of those who you allowed to govern your life. Were we really that stupid and how did we ever allow a bunch of thugs and common thieves deceive us?
Thank God Bro. that we got out and salvaged a good part of our lives. Look at where we are now and compare it to where we were when the ntcc used up all of our time, finances and zapped the life out of us.
Mark G. said:
" I wonder how Tonya would feel if she had to do her "girl stuff" around other women. "
DNA said:
That's the thing. None of the hardships ever apply to the Royal Flush Families. They have their own private restrooms in Graham and the Camp Ground, paid for by "tithe paying dummies". You can bet your last mite that Davis, his daughter or anyone in his family will never be placed in a situation where they have to sit on a toilet next to other poor serfs in the ntcc. Davis, Kekel and the nepotistic elite are never going to toil next to the bond servants and share croppers. They will only benefit from them, while they create a ever increasing class of toilers and slaves to clean their mansions and wash their sports cars and recreational vehicles. They will make merchandise of them and get filthy rich off of them until there is nothing left to use them for and then they will despise them even more.
As for your other question about the present bathroom conditions at the campground, someone else with more recent knowledge will have to chime in to expound upon that.
We are also glad that the poo pond septic catastrophe has shut them down for a while but in the end the ntcc tithe payers will pay for that one also.
By the way, Anon, good material on the bylaws dealing with real estate. They are not afraid to come right out and tell people that they are a bunch of real estate moguls and that their intentions are to build an empire with your hard earned tithe dollars. What a corrupt bunch of side-winding slanted eyed snakes.
Don and Ange wrote...
They are not afraid to come right out and tell people that they are a bunch of real estate moguls
Anon wrote...
You are exactly right and the NTCC leadership is smart to come right out and tell people what they are all about. No foul no harm; this is what we are all about so don't say we didn't tell you. Mix in a little feel good christianity and the suckers will cough up the bucks every time. That's what Christianity is all about. Give your money as unto the Lord to a bunch of real estate tycoons and watch them all get rich. Certainly that is exactly what Christianity is all about, would you say so Don and Ange? God will surely bless you with a used half worn tire to replace the flat on your old hunker junker beat up old car. Praise God, what a blessing. Thank God I paid my $200 monthly tithe to the NTCC for 4 years ($9600 total) so God would be able to bless me with a $35 dollar used tire to replace my flat. What a miracle. Bunch of dummies.
you hit the nail on the head, Anon. The ntcc's definition of Christianity is that is better for you to give and us to receive.
Praise God, I paid my tithe and God blessed me with enough money to save my car from getting repossessed.
Praise God! I've given thousands of dollars so that Kekel and Davis can live in million dollar mansions and now God has finally blessed me with a three piece Sweedish knit suit from the kook store.
"We are also glad that the poo pond septic catastrophe has shut them down for a while but in the end the NTCC tithe payers will pay for that one also".
Perhaps not as quickly as you think. While I'm writing this it seems as though I remember something was said about the fact that it may take the inspectors a number of years to get out there and inspect things. I wonder how they found out about it in the 1st place? Maybe someone got tired of the smell and said enough is enough, or if somebody heard something in the neighborhood? When the inspectors found out about the "poo ponds" it should have been a HUGE fine. In this day and age it makes absolutely no sense to force people to be pigs just because you don't want to spend the money. They might decide to bail on the campground and cut their losses. Also, I don't think that the money is there like it was whenever they bought the campground originally. Time will tell.
The campground has updated. The common bathrooms have stalls and doors now. There is now one right next to the Tabrenacle because people would miss so much of the preaching going to the one by the dining hall. Not sure on the singles baths, but they had stalls between toilets only and showers were wide open. Not sure about there present conditions.
Just about every "married" room has its own bathroom,carpeting, ceiling fan, queen size real mattress, and a plastic lawn chair. Though in the last few years single folks have been allowed to stay in these rooms as well. Seems that he or she must have been around for a while and are loyal to be given this privelege.
A LAWN CHAIR in a ROOM? Are you serious? Wow! Talk about cheesy and low budget!
Demon Cat video added 9-4-2013. In a world where people are blasted for wasting paper designed to remove waste, yet child molesters get a free pass and cats are portrayed as demonic, while pedophiles rule the church, we wonder what God thinks of all this mess.
Mark G. said,
"A LAWN CHAIR in a ROOM? Are you serious? Wow! Talk about cheesy and low budget!"
Yup. But Davis has to have his heated leather seats Cadillac replaced with a new heated leather seats Cadillac every year or every 50,000 miles (whichever comes first). He used to make a point of bragging about that, while neglecting to tell everyone who was driving "oil-puking junkers" that it was their dollars that bought his luxury rides (and so much more)every year for the last 44 years!!! That leech-on-the-body-of-Christ, Davis, is still getting rich off you poor slobs stuck circling the ntcc drain! Davis allegedly retired in 2004 after the Rony Denis debacle, so please explain why he lives in that mansion valued at 1.1 million dollars built and paid for with your NTCC dollars? Please 'splain that, Spanky; 'coz I'm having a tough time understanding why that is. Davis and his have been nothing but a drain on and cancer attacking the body of Christ for years. They have helped no one and have hurt plenty. Their spiritual carnage makes Pharaoh's atrocities look like the acts of a rogue Girl Scout. Yet they continue to use Christians to make a financial profit for the families of the NTCC Board Members all under the guise of being a non-profit church. Puh-leez! Open your eyes and look around you! The NTCC Board Members want to be treated as Apostles, while they live like Kings or Gangsta Thugs. They don't exhibit the fruits or works of an apostle like healings or humility, nor do they suffer as the bible clearly states that the apostles and prophets did. Yet they want to claim super-apostle status so they can have praise of men and drain their wallets. They are charlatans, pretenders, posers, fakes, phonies, and sinful hypocrites who make a mockery of the church, the body of Christ! They gnaw on God's children, spewing the most hateful venom from a pulpit, seeking to gain wealth and power over souls for whom Christ died. It is sickening. They do so with your consent, while you beat yourself down, believing their lies. But you don't have to continue living like that. Just pick yourself up off their pew, walk out their doors and find yourself a real church where the leaders are real Christians who serve the members and demonstrate love through actions (not words) and model their lives after the New Testament examples of Paul who worked for a living and preached the gospel and Christ Who gave Himself that we might live and have a more abundant life. But that is not what you see in NTCC. Here is what happens in the NTCC: the so-called leaders want you to "give 'til hurts" so they can build themselves another mansion, buy another recreational vehicle, fly to Hawaii for another vacation, WITH MONEY YOU WORKED FOR, SWEATED FOR, SACRIFICED AND MADE YOUR FAMILY GO WITHOUT so you could be menpleasers!!!! Be real, folks. Look around you and see where your money goes. Your mom didn't even have underwear that fit her, because Davis wanted another new Cadillac. She had to tie her panties in a knot so they would stay up because Verna's vanity wouldn't suffer her to drive a humble vehicle. That's the truth. And you're still stuck in that bunch. But you don't have to be. You can leave with no worries and no problems. Just walk out and taste the freedom of serving God without being abused by hypocrites who tell you to do things they have never done and sacrifice things they have never sacrificed! Set yourself free to worship God in Spirit and in Truth!
The only ride V. Davis is qualified for is a broomstick!
Today is the big day! Perhaps the biggest day! That's right, the first day of Football is upon us and could you ask for a better season opener? Tonight thanks to the city of Baltimore, Which is too sorry to contain both a season opening Football game and a baseball game, Denver gets to host the Ravens at Mile High! It's time for the Broncos to exact a little vengeance from the Baltimore Buzzards, oops, I meant Ravens. I predict a win for Denver even though their Defense is banged up going into week one. Flacco is good and he was awesome in the playoffs last year but he tends to be a little inconsistent during regular season. Peyton Manning on the other hand is very consistent when ever he steps on the field. It's going to be hard for the foul fowl Ravens to match Denver point for point. Down with the Superbowl Chumps! Denver Rolls 28 to 13.
It's been a couple years now since we last went to a conference. There is a bathroom outside the church, but you'll have to bring your own toilet paper and soap. It's not much more than a shed with cheaply made stalls and a couple of sinks. The bathrooms on the way to the fellowship hall were still open stalled. The thing that bothered me most was the royal seating with pictures of ice water and fancy table settings. Also, he kept preaching about not driving around the campground. Only certain ones were to have access. He was tired of not having his spot and was hindered by non VIPs (my paraphrasing).
BTW, love you guys. Love you for standing up and calling out how abusive and controlling it was/is. It makes me feel not so bad that there are other suckers that were just trying to do what is right.
Susan said:
"There is a bathroom outside the church, but you'll have to bring your own toilet paper and soap. It's not much more than a shed with cheaply made stalls and a couple of sinks. The bathrooms on the way to the fellowship hall were still open stalled."
DnA said:
Thank you Susan. We appreciate your willingness to share. People need to hear this.
Having no soap or paper towels to wipe your hands on in a public restroom is disgusting. I wonder how many people have had emergencies and had to go really bad but were unable to wipe because there was no TP. And to add insult to injury, they couldn't even clean up because there was no soap. Add that to all the hand shaking that goes on in the ntcc and it's just plain sick.
How cheap are you when you can't supply a public restroom with the essentials for personal hygiene and sanitation? They think nothing of spending your hard earned tithe dollars on their own luxuries mansions and the amenities that most of you ntcc'rs will never have. They are nothing but a bunch of low life hypocrites that point their fingers and mock you while they hide behind their pulpits with a holier than thou smugness, as if their own sins were hidden from God.
There were a bunch of people in New York that died from illness because they were using the bathroom without washing their hands with soap. Germs, bacteria and fecal matter were found on all the bathroom fixtures. It's just completely disgusting and unnecessary. The ntcc leadership wants to be respected and adored as Super Apostles but they treat God's people like a bunch of filthy slaves with no common decency.
Scripture of the Day:
Lam 4:5
"They that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets: they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills."
No commentary necessary.
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