"Well, it's official; the Spring Conference will be held at the NTCC National Campground. Praise God for His goodness! "We received the General Operating Permit in the mail. We are now permitted by the State of Missouri to operate a lagoon and pump the water and spray it on a hay field"* Rev. Johnson said. Meanwhile, there's a lot of work to do, in getting bids on work and equipment, and the installation of the complex system. See you there!"
* Full Copies of the State of Missouri permit and letters to NTCC embedded at the bottom of this post.
Operate a lagoon and pump the water and spray it on a hay field! WHAT?!?
I wonder whose livestock are going to have the privilege of feasting on the NTCC conference goers' poo-enriched hay? It reminds me of Korea, when a "Honey- Sucker" Truck would come and suck out the contents of the Porta-Johns and reverse the pumps and spray it all into the rice paddies for fertilizer. The Koreans would be out there the next day in their bare feet mushing it into the rice. At that time, I thought that this only happened in third world countries. Way to go NTCC! Way to drag down American standards!
Make sure you bring your own toilet paper and soap, because this new, expensive and complex poo routing sewage system is going to cost a pretty penny and don't be surprised if you end up footing the bill through more campground offerings. Remember, this is your campground and it only exists because of the sacrifices of dedicated workers through the years. Workers who have been treated like poo and run-off to save a buck or two rather than being loved and supplied with safety gear that is required by law. Read More of NTCC'S OSHA-dodging ways. You get the feeling the NTCC is full of the same stuff as this honey wagon; and it ain't honey!
It looks like Kekel's blog is now trying to sell the campground. The NTCC is a new animal or "Behemoth" if you will. Your NTCC has changed right before your eyes and that which used to be preached against is now main-stream. But no worries because we are going to spread the "Poo News" by publishing Kekel's straining contributions to the blog-reading masses. So for all of those hard working and dedicated forgone conference goers that no longer attend the NTCC, you too will be able to see the poo and whatever else your hard work and dedication have purchased for the NTCC "faithful", even though they have forgotten about you and will never contact you or show any concern for you. They care more about their Poo, than they do about you. We have chosen Hot Pink for Kekel's words because he has stated previously that those who leave the organization in a way that he doesn't agree with are girly, 98 pound spiritual weaklings.
Kekel tries to sell the Campground to his conference going minions:
The Camp's whisper-quiet Missouri location offers you four beautiful seasons to choose from; one of the most beautiful being Autumn. Walnut trees, red Oaks and yellow Maples, even Catalpha trees. Listen to the many songbirds; watch Canadian Geese floating in the front lake; and even hear the owls in the evening. Two lakes reflect the beautiful scenery and soothe the mind, as you savor the fresh air and watch the sun slowly descend.
This proffered serenity is very important to NTCC ministers, who will never have any vacations or trips except these conferences. But NTCC Board Members get 30 days of paid vacation every year. Guess who pays for it? That's right -- all you stressed-out finacially-drained ministers! So Kekel tries to capitalize on this thing that the Campground in Missouri farm country is peaceful and serene. Well who wouldn't want to jump in their oil puking junkers to see the geese and hear the owls hoot? I'm not sure how much fresh air you will be able to savor as they are constructing the new Poo Lagoon and re-routing the sewers to spray the overflow onto the neighboring hay fields.
New Testament Christian Churches of America hosts semi-annual Conferences at the NTCC National Campground in Santa Fe, MO. It was established in 1986 with the purchase of 80 acres of farmland. Through the hard work and giving of many people, God has provided a convenient central location for our Conferences. Since its inception, the Campground has acquired adjoining property and has expanded to over 140 acres.
A Progressive Work
The NTCC National Campground has for years proven the perfect facility for hosting NTCC events, and it's progressively expanding. The newer Tabernacle is large enough to seat over 1,200 people, and the old, smaller Tabernacle is the Dining Facility that now offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks and fellowship after evening services.
More food on the campground = more money and more Poo. It's a vicious cycle.
In 2012 a large, new double freezer was added providing more food storage space, saving many trips to Columbia, MO for supplies throughout the meeting. Also in 2012, two new steam tables were purchased to allow two serving lines, and this winter the Kitchen will be expanded to provide customers with faster service. There's talk of an espresso-coffee machine of some kind being purchased, and there's much excitement about that!
Your ntcc dollars at work. What a great idea. Get everyone hopped up on espresso so they can run the aisles. I hope they add some more restrooms to accommodate the aftermath of the caffeine-induced festivities. Hopefully they don't serve you the espresso before your four hour marathon campground pledge drive that makes the Jerry Lewis telethon look like amateur night as they expect you to sit there cross-legged holding in your pee until service gets out and you don't have time enough to stop by your room and get toilet paper and soap before you wait in line to relieve yourself, just prior to joining everyone for an endless line of handshaking before everyone eats their five-cent hotdogs that they just paid $5.00 for.... It's no wonder they had to install a new poo lagoon.
In 1999, an adjoining parcel of land with a dilapidated farmhouse was acquired and remodeled for additional Conference lodging, and later the land behind that, (directly across from the Dining Facility) was also added to the Campground, bringing total acreage to approximately 145 acres.
When the first 80 acre parcel of land was purchased, there was but one small farmhouse by the entrance (which was torn down and rebuilt as a residence for the Camp Curator). Then the Lodge, two single-person's dormitories, and several married couple's residences were added. The dorms overlook either of the Camp's two man-made lakes, with bathrooms and showers that were open style; people had to walk from their rooms to use them. However, in 1995 the first two-story lodging facility was constructed with private bathrooms for each room.
Honestly. What kind of demented mind designs a combined public shower and toilet facility that has no dividers whatsoever between showers, sinks and toilets? One big open room where people urinate, defecate, brush their teeth and shower at the same time for year after year? And if you wanted to get a hotel room you were considered less spiritual? Cut me a break. How stupid were we all to subject ourselves to this? But the ones that designed the nudist bathhouse never used it while they condemned everyone else for being "too proud" if they complained or didn't like it. This is your NTCC; and you can have it. Keep paying them your 10% and keep going to conferences. Help them pay for a new lagoon if you wish. After all, you are free moral agents, right?
Over the next ten years, all lodging facilities were remodeled to include private bathrooms. From the purchase of the land in 1986 until now, the progressive building program has transformed this farmland into a beautiful, restful retreat. One necessary improvement was the paving and road-widening project completed in '09, costing $28,172.52. The widening of the main road leading from the entrance to the Dining Facility helps to keep people from having to walk in the muddy grass! Then another lodging facility was added, having ten rooms; building "N" was completed at a cost of $75,000.
Here Kekel is trying to show you where a fraction of your money has gone because he doesn't want you to wake up and see how that he and Tanya have spent over ten times as much on their own mansions. While you were forced to take a dump right next to your Christian brothers and sisters and take cold showers without privacy, they were building bigger mansions with their own private Jacuzzi and separate hot tub so they could enjoy the hot water jets massaging their posteriors while they laughed at your calamity.
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Worker schlubs strip and shower in front of their fellow-laborers while they try to figure out which lever controls hot or cold water. |
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Meanwhile Board Members Live In Luxury Reclining In their Private Jacuzzi. Don't complain, they will just say you are jealous and offer you some cheese to go with your whine. |
A place where people can gather for fellowship, any time of day! The project began with an idea in the Fall of 2011, and construction was finished Fall 2012. The Pavilion lies 50 feet square with burgundy metal roof and legs, with a center-placed BBQ pit and ceiling vent. Surrounded by many picnic tables, it provides the perfect place for fellowship outside. The newest features are the stainless steel food preparation sink and counter, and 6 volleyball nets along the woodline. At night the place is alive with singing, instruments, eating, and awesome fellowship. Hopefully a small outdoor PA system will be in place this spring, so all those aspiring vocalists can use microphones.
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Party Time! Crank-Up the Karaoke At Ye Ole Camp Meeting! We're Gonna Have A Party!! |
How do you long time NTCC'rs explain this? BBQ pits, picnic tables and 6 volleyball nets along the woodline? I guess none of you care about all of the lost and dying souls that are going to hell and are going to spend eternity in the lake of fire while you are roasting chicken, playing volleyball and having Karaoke sing-alongs at the Camp Ground. Kumbaya. Is Double Standard Davis going to witness all of this? Davis and Kekel are two of the biggest hypocrites I've ever known. It won't be but a few short years after Davis kicks the bucket and you all will be wearing shorts and tank tops to camp. That's how compromise starts. "A little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump." Gal 5:9 Now I could care less what you wear or if you cut your hair or wear wigs and make up. What is so troubling about it all is that Davis and Kekel have become filthy rich off of all of us stupidly giving our money to them while they railed against us for things they are doing openly now. I find it amazing how all of their doctrine is subject to change except for tithe and offerings which they will always preach about; and if you kick against the pricks, (Davis and Kekel), you will die and go to hell. Before you accuse me of cursing, look it up and see what the meaning of that scripture was and if you wish to give it a derogatory meaning, that's on you. You can have your phony religion and follow all of their stupid man made rules if you want to. Keep paying their salaries and buying them Rolex Watches and new Recreational Vehicles and new Mansions if you want to. Treat all of the X'ers like we are the off scouring of the world if you wish, but we still care enough to warn you even if you refuse to listen.
- Let Davis and Kekel continue to blast you from behind the pulpit while they habitually and secretly commit the sins and iniquities of greed and selfishness without repentance, which are probably the least of what they are guilty of.
- Stand by and watch, do nothing, as they run off another long time brother or sister for questioning them.
- Sit there and do nothing as you watch them encourage men and women to get divorced and split up their families.
- Don't say anything when the victims of sexual abuse are told to "find another church" while the sexual deviant predators some of which hold the title of NTCC pastor are allowed to continue victimizing others.
We know of long time Pastors that are sexual predators that have been in the NTCC for decades and they think that their wickedness has gone by unnoticed. They have left victims of their own selfish lusts to suffer without the camp as they wallow in false hope and glory of eternal life. If you are following Kekel or Davis anywhere, you will probably end up in the same place they are going and unless God is a liar, don't expect to be shouting on the streets of gold with them.
The blessing is that it enables us to have a place to host the Conferences and keep rooms affordable for those who wish to stay on the Camp. God is good! He has made it all possible through the selfless service of many who have labored here, and by the giving of many who have a desire to be part. All donations to the Campground are tax-deductible and go toward the upkeep and expansion of our wonderful Campground.
Wow, tax deductible contributions are now allowed to be given to the "non-profit" ntcc. I wonder if Kekel will give you a receipt now. I remember when Davis encouraged folks not to claim their tithes and offerings on their taxes. Okay, class, does anyone know why Davis did not want you to claim your tithe as a tax deduction? Could it possibly be for the same reason that Davis never accepted checks or gave written receipts for tithe, offerings, dorm fees and such? This is a tough one, can anyone help us out here? Ding, ding, ding. You guessed it. NO PAPER TRAIL!!!! No Receipts = Nothing to file to the IRS. After all, how is a non-profit "God fearing" church organization going to explain where all that money went?
Speaking of documentation, as promised here are copies of the latest poo permits and accompanying letter:
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Scripture of the Day:
1 The 4:11-12
"And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing."
During my reading this morning, I came across this scripture and thought how this is one of those bible verses that the NTCC has torn out of the bible. We are to work with our own hands that we may have lack of nothing. The Pastors in the our former cult would teach us that we need to have faith in God, and serve him, which is fine and dandy but what they meant was that you had to follow all their rules and give the majority of your money to them and then if you believed and had faith, you would be blessed.
The NTCC leadership often discouraged any type of activity that would allow you to get ahead in life. I often wanted to advance in the Army and thought seriously about joining Special Forces or becoming a pilot. These type of dreams were frowned upon by NTCC pastors because it would take you away from their program which revolved around money and numbers.
We all put what we thought was the "work of the Lord" ahead of everything else that was important and we did the bare minimum to get by. Don't get me wrong, I still had faith and was a good soldier in the Army, but we were driven to put all of our time and finances into the NTCC and this kept us from building our own futures.
Paul wanted us to be about our own business, and work with our hands, so that we would walk honestly toward them that are without and lack nothing. We were used by the ntcc and our hard work went towards giving a local pastor the ability to sit at home all day and live off of the income that we supplied to one end, and one end only, that the pastor might live up to the standards of RWD to be a full time pastor.
Many of my Pastors had no business being full time. They had to drain every GI that attended church of their finances to impress RWD. Paul did not want to be covetous or burdensome to the church but the NTCC leadership teaches their Pastors to constantly burden the members of their congregations for everything they want or need no matter how it affects them.
A comment was left on our previous blog post and we thought it necessary to bring forward for all to see:
Karin Seeger said...
Recently I spoke to a lady who worked for the city hall in Grossbottwar, Germany. She told me, that people of the servicemen's home in Grossbottwar were asking the recidents of Grossbottwar for money. Going from house to house and ringing the doorbell and asking for money. The city hall received complaints about this servicemen's home because they were asking the german economy - I mean the residents there - for money. But they couldn't do anything about it, since it was not illegal. If these people only knew where the money went."
DnA said:
Thank you Karin for your insight to what is going on in Germany. It's really sick when you take a step back and look at what is going on here. Do you know who is the Pastor of this church and Servicemen's home in Grossbottwar? There is so much pressure on these overseas Servicemen's directors to show money and numbers. The overseas works cost a lot of money to run and the ntcc does very little if anything to support them. As you observed and stated so perfectly: "If these people only knew where their money went". They spend so much money on their own selfish lusts and desires, while the church suffers and members are reduced to begging.
This is the first time we have heard of the church members going door to door and asking for money. They were probably trying to impress Davis and Kekel by being full time in the ministry or something. Poor God, can not provide for his Church in Germany but the members have to beg for money. This isn't right. We are going to carry this comment forward to our current blog post so that others will also know what is going on overseas in the NTCC. Thanks for sharing, Karin.
We appreciate everyone who reads and contributes to this blog. We have all been through quite a bit as X-ers and it is important to get the word out. We would like to encourage all X-members of the ntcc to continue to share your stories and realize that you are not alone.
What we have all been through is hard to comprehend from a non cult member standpoint. We know inside that we thought we were doing the right thing. So many people gave themselves to what we thought was "the work of the Lord", but we were deceived by money hungry self proclaimed apostles.
If you ever get discouraged or you think that the NTCC was right and you were wrong, please read your bibles and search the blogs to find the hundreds of testimonies that have been shared by folks that were in the same boat and suffered at the hands of those who had their own interests in mind.
God warned us through Paul, James and Peter that in the last days Men would heap up treasures to themselves, that they would be boasters, proud, Heady and highminded. Look at the list in 2nd Timothy 3:1 and then go to James 5:3. Everything that Paul mentions accurately describes Kekel and Davis. Each sin that is mentioned has been openly committed by them.
Take heart and know that even though these men have rejected you, that God is not the same. God is not desirous that you should fail, nor does He want your money to go towards making the rich, richer. He wants your heart and if you give him that, everything else will fall into place. Know that there is a network of folks that care about you, and they don't exist to get rich off of you or exploit you for their own advantage.
Last of all, I have to talk about Football. For all those who are not interested, please bear with me or skip over this comment. Football is a fun past time for me and this season is pretty exciting for Broncos fans. When I talk about football it is all opinion based and I don't claim to be right or wrong. Trash talking other teams is part of the NFL culture and it's done in fun, not with the intent of being hurtful, unless your name is Jeff and you are pulling for the Giants today.
The Giants are a good team and I love them to death. But today, Big Brother is going to take little brother to the wood shed and spank him really good. Denver has all the pieces in place to make a Superbowl drive. In addition to having three receivers that had over 1,000 yards last year, they have a great offensive line and a decent defense, and up and coming players in other positions that are contributing. Plus they have Peyton Manning. The Sheriff.
It's almost not fair if you look at it. Denver had a tight end come out of nowhere last week that had two touch downs and over a hundred yards receiving. Is it possible for Denver to lose this year. Absolutely, but if there ever was a team that was poised to win all their games this year, I'd have to say Denver is that team. I've been wrong so many times, but time will tell and I can guarantee this: It will be a fun ride, and amazing to watch.
Maybe they should make toilets from bales of hay and save the time and money of having to reroute it!!
Just set them in squares and leave a big opening in the middle. Better yet, line them up from the slop hall and have them sit on their baled throwns. . . . .I'm just sayin'!! ;-)
Ok I should go repent but come on folks. I'm just thankful I'm out.
Yeah - I'd love to talk football, but after this weekends whipping the 9ers got - I don't have permission to speak this week! Sigh - great game thou Hawks. I'll give you that one.
But still . . . . GO 9ERS!! lol (you didn't think I'd NOT say it did you?) =)
Kat said:
"Maybe they should make toilets from bales of hay and save the time and money of having to reroute it!!"
DnA said:
That is so funny. Cut out the middle man. They can let the cows in the church to clean up after them after service. Lol.
They make a ringed fence called a bale feeder, (can be looked up on google images), that keeps the cows from relieving themselves on their supper. If you put a bale of hay in the middle of a field the cows will destroy it by involuntarily urinating and defecating on it. So farmers will put a bale feeder around the hay and the cows will eat all of the hay without ruining it.
Not sure what makes Johnson so fixated on spraying the cows hay with poo pond overflow. Sounds like an experiment. Maybe that's where mad cow disease comes from.
Sorry about your 9'rs Kat. Thought they were going to show up for this game. The Seahawks looked pretty good.
Poor Kaepernick!
Click into both of the blue "One Eyebrow" links above to see the bet and the aftermath.
I remember during the eighties a man by the name of Jim Baker alone with his wife Tammy faye Baker built the PTL club which is similar to what NTCC is doing with there camp ground. Jim Baker promised his followers and investors a place of spiritual bliss, quite moments of praying, alone with soothing music a real place of euphoria where Christian can get away, all the while, fleecing the members and investors. When we are honest with our selves, we have our selves to blame alone with ntcc for following man instead of God. Jesus said when he (THE SPRIT OF TRUTH come He will lead you and guide you into all truth. When God saved us we stopped listen to his Spirit and started listening to davis, hence some of our troubles, however I do believe that the Sprit is still leading men and women out of ntcc by showing them the truth of that organization. I often wonder did it not concern members of ntcc when kekel started sending his son to a catholic school, what a blow that should have been to the members, after years of preaching against the catholic church what about the brothers and sisters that the have caused to stumble because of there actions.
"When we are honest with our selves, we have our selves to blame alone with ntcc for following man instead of God."
DnA said:
You are right, but I think the ntcc is a trap for new Christians. Many of us prayed for salvation while attending the ntcc and were confused. God is not the author of confusion and if we had any sense at all, we would have seen through the love bombing and the phony super spirituality. But when you are a young tender Christian, you look at things differently. You are thankful to be saved and you think that the ones that brought you to Christ are the ones that you are supposed to follow all the way to heaven.
It is difficult to realize that the ministry is corrupt. Even many of the ministers are so brainwashed that they ignore what they know isn't right. As a church member, I never seen where most of the money went. I saw the expensive church in St. Louis that Davis said that God gave him when he prayed. We were duped. Some of us actually believed our money was going towards lost souls.
Now that we know the truth and see the greed and the so called prosperity of the ntcc family owned "non-profit" business we feel compelled to warn people and even when they see the pictures and hear the testimonies of ntcc hypocrisy, people still are brainwashed and choose to believe we are the ones that are lost.
" I often wonder did it not concern members of ntcc when kekel started sending his son to a catholic school, what a blow that should have been to the members, after years of preaching against the catholic church what about the brothers and sisters that the have caused to stumble because of there actions."
DnA said:
It goes right back to what you pointed out earlier. They are (and we were also) following man instead of God. If you look at the ntcc hypocrites like Davis and Kekel, you see a different gospel today than that which you heard decades ago. They are preaching another Gospel today and we know what Paul said about that. They are accursed according to Paul.
Gal. 1:8 "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." This was so important to Paul that he went on to say it again in Gal. 1:9 "As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
For years the ntcc blasted the catholic church calling it the "Great Whore" in the book of Revelation. So when Kekel sends his sinner kid to Catholic school, it's kind of hard to ignore. It's not too surprising though. These hypocrites have changed their position on many scriptures and they do it in arrogance with indignation toward anyone that questions them.
Money is the only thing that matters to Kekel and Davis. People come and go. Standards change and bible verses are given new meanings. Hypocrites abound in the ntcc. The ones that have been in for two or more decades have to ignore God to continue to follow Davis and Kekel. Money rules and as long as people keep supplying the ntcc leadership with an endless flow of cash, they will fashion a gospel for the itching ears that changes as their needs and fleshly lusts change.
I know that this may sound absurd, but, with the platform that kekel has been given, he is a very negative person towards sinners and saints alike. One cannot help but wonder if kekel and davis are really saved.
"with the platform that Kekel has been given, he is a very negative person towards sinners and saints alike. One cannot help but wonder if Kekel and Davis are really saved".
I've been wondering that for a few years. And just to think, There was a time when I would have thought of myself as insane to question that (R'Dub's salvation). I mean, RW Davis, the "4th adjunct of the trinity". (my sarcasm) Someone who can't remember the last time he sinned. Wasn't there a rumor going around at one time that he was one of the 24 elders spoken of in the Bible? When I was there, he did nothing at all to dispel any of the INCREDIBLE rumors going around him. It was like God himself was in Davis's ear during service, telling him who was saved, and who wasn't going to make it. When R'Dub spoke, even EF Hutton listened! He had esoteric knowledge of God. Didn't he say that God spoke to him in an audible voice? I have to admit, I don't believe any of those things now. nothing at all!!! I even told Mike Kekel in front of his nosy, busybody wife that he didn't have anything from God that anybody else have. He wasn't anyone special, and that I would tell him that to his face. I ask Mike, "Where is he right now, why isn't he here?" "Why can't he come?". "I'll talk to him. "Everything that I've said to you Mike Kekel), I'll say to his face" (R'Dub). Anyway, I know that this "empire" he has built can't be taken with him. NONE OF IT! That is of very little comfort to me, because he has had the opportunity to enjoy many years of wealth, and all of it at the hands of somebody else's blood, sweat and tears.
Disappointed said...
I know that this may sound absurd, but, with the platform that kekel has been given, he is a very negative person towards sinners and saints alike. One cannot help but wonder if kekel and davis are really saved.
Anon said...
I don't have to wonder. They are both no more than a couple modern day con-artists. No more, no less. Religions hucksters, crooks, sorry excuses of humanity. Saved? Who is saved? Can anyone really say? Who can speak for God? No man here on earth determines who is saved. What I do know is that Kekel and Davis are inconsiderate, blowhard, big head users who deliberately take advantage of people and of that, there is no doubt whatsoever.
So if they are quote "saved", then there will be a lot of con-artists heading for heaven which would certainly increase my chances of making it there. If a con-artist can make it with no problem, then it's certainly possible that God may elect to overlook my sins. Heck, I hope they are saved because that would mean that salvation standards aren't very stringent. Thats for sure.
Anonymous said:
"Saved? Who is saved? Can anyone really say? Who can speak for God? No man here on earth determines who is saved. What I do know is that Kekel and Davis are inconsiderate, blowhard, big head users who deliberately take advantage of people and of that, there is no doubt whatsoever."
DnA said:
It's not that difficult, not supposed to be anyway. Who is saved? Whosoever is what the bible says. The ntcc has confused the matter with a bunch of Man-made rules which they choose not to follow themselves, but they expect all of their tithe paying minions to obey with 0% deviation to the right or to the left.
Who can say whose saved? That is God's place, and there are probably a lot more saved than what we've been led to believe. I can understand why people would doubt whether or not R-dub and Kekel are saved. If they were saved than you would have to tear quite a few scriptures right out of the bible. If they do go to heaven then I guess all of the other liars throughout the earth would be allowed in also.
The ntcc leaders have a history of double standards and hypocrisy. To me it's pretty simple. Go to the words that are written in red or the first four books of the New Testament. If you want to know what the difference between the saved and unsaved, look at the live of Christ, those he touched and those who followed Him. Then look at those who opposed him and those who hated him. The ones that are saved were not the ones that walked around in long robes rebuking people for eating with unwashed hands, or healing on the Sabbath day. The ones that were always nitpicking and finding fault with Jesus and His followers were the ones that Jesus rebuked.
If you preach that a man must pay 10% of his income to you or he will die and go to hell, and then you spend that money on an upgrade to your million dollar mansion, or a hood ornament for your 1/4 million dollar car, or a Rolex watch for your cult leader who isn't satisfied with the $10,000.00 one that he was given, there is a pretty good chance that you are a liar, a con-artist and a chippy cheat swindling huckster.
Who isn't saved? Maybe it's not our place to say, but if we don't love our neighbor as ourselves and we look down our noses at the poor while we sit back and get rich off of the labors of people we have manipulated then I'd have to say that there is a pretty good chance that we are going to miss the boat.
My goal in life is to make it to heaven. I believe in heaven and I also believe that God loves me. I am so far from perfect that it isn't funny and I'm sure that I've been placed in hell by the ntcc many times over.
What is it going to take to get to heaven? Does God really care what we wear? Do we have to wear sweedish knit suits, paisley ties and wingtips to enter the kingdom of God? Do we really have to attend 5 church services a week? Do the men have to have a military hair cut and shave off any and all facial hair to get to heaven? Do women have to wear dresses and wigs? Do we have to knock on 100 doors a day inviting people out to a cult meeting? Does God want us to treat our wives like a dog on a leash and raise our kids like a bunch of robots that get whipped every time they think for themselves?
To me it seems so simple, but because we have had our minds tampered with by a bunch of manipulating jerks, everything gets complicated. What if we were to just care about our fellow human beings and give someone a helping hand when they need it? Who was a Christian to the man that was beaten and left for dead? The Levite, the Priest or the Samaritan? Who has the better chance of going to heaven, the religious hypocrites that brought the woman taken in adultery to Jesus asking if she should be stoned or the Adulterous woman who repents?
The ntcc are so much like the Pharisees it isn't funny. They change like lizards to appear holy and sanctified to their money giving followers, while they treat some like garbage and others with lip service. It's easy to understand why something as simple as salvation can be so confusing. So many churches and preachers are doing the same thing even though they go about it in different ways.
Who do we trust and who is right and who is wrong? I think you are better off having your own personal relationship with God and not following any man. I know that there are churches that are doing the right thing somewhere out there, but finding the right one can be like looking for that good biscuit in the bottom of the slop bucket. We've been trained to think that we have to have a building and a man to follow and a bunch of rules to keep us in line. Perhaps that shouldn't be the priority.
Maybe if we just do our best to live what Jesus taught and be thankful to God, always seeking His help and showing kindness to the people He would show kindness to, things might be a little less confusing.
Congratulations to the ntcc! Manipulating good people for 44 years. They put the GI in GIving! When they are done using up your resources they will find another host. There are many people who have been left by the wayside with nothing to show for all the years and dollars they invested in the ntcc.
You ntcc'rs are investing in a cult and you will never see a return on that investment. Double Standard Davis and Conniving Kekel receive any and all returns on your investment. You say, "My treasures are in heaven". Really? By giving your money to Davis and Kekel, you are making them rich. If you pay your tithe in the ntcc, you are making Kekel and Davis richer and richer. You are also contributing to everything they stand for. You are going along with with their ideology. You are enabling them and that's just like enabling a bunch of Pharisees. While you think that you are the last hope on earth you are really just another brain washed sucker that thinks they are on a straight and narrow path that leads to heaven, but you are really just another person who fell for the ntcc gag. The joke is on you. You've been played like a fool and they will continue to use you until you wise up.
But don't listen to us. Read your bibles and see if you can find examples of Jesus being money hungry. See if you can find examples of Jesus telling his disciples that they need to ask him permission to speak with a member of the opposite sex. See if you can find examples of Jesus condemning people to hell for not paying their tithe. You can't but you think that you are investing in heaven by giving to these con artists that sit back and get fat off of your giving. Don't be dumb and blind. Open your eyes and wake up before your life passes you by.
The reason why the question was asked about rather davis, kekel, and others or saved, is because of all of there ungodly acts. Kekel calling folks who don't agree with him weak. Well, kekel and kinson have a weakness for underage girls. The folks who have given there tithes, offerings, and have sacrificed so much for ntcc and there leaders so that they (the leaders) could live very wealthy lives should be given a free pass into the gates of Haven. (OK, THATS A JOKE.) The only sacrifice that GOD wil except is the work that JESUS did for us Christians on the cross. There is no amount of tithes money etc. etc. that can be given to find favor with God, and davis and kekel knows it those in ntcc is sacrificing to devils.
The only sacrifice that God will accept is the work that Jesus did for us Christians on the cross.
DnA said:
That is very well said. While the ntcc is busy excluding folks from heaven, they jack up thier faithful members for doing things that are not sinful while they justify themselves for doing the same things. We all have seen this happen and it still goes on according to those who have recently left the ntcc.
All of the answers to all of lifes questions can simply be found in the life of Christ. Did He demand anything out of his followers that He, Himself was not willing to do? If any man or an angel comes to you with another gospel, let him be accursed. Why would anyone allow someone to preach to them something that they themselves don't live? If I were to come to you and preach that you could no longer take showers because God is the only one whocan cleanse you, would you listen to me? Sound stupid?
Kekel and Davis have been making up thier own rules for decades now and because you are convinced that they are God's chosen, you blindly subject yourselves to them.
They have made themselves to be lords over every aspect of your life. Should you follow somebody that forbids you to marry or encourages you to live in adultery? Should you follow someone that whose life is a poor example? Should your spiritual leader do the things that they expect of you? Jesus did. When is the last time that you seen Kekel do anything for the poor? Jesus did.
"One necessary improvement was the paving and road-widening project completed in '09, costing $28,172.52."
Whoopity doo! Kekel's Mercedes Benz McLaren cost $250,000.00 and it sits in a garage collecting dust. You've been had!
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