This is Part 2 of Tour NTCC 5: Kekel's Mansions: Inspired by Kekel's Blathering. It is continued from:
Part 1 - Tour NTCC 5: Kekel's Mansions Inspired by "Quit Like a Man" Another Blathering Contribution from the Blackened Heart of Kekel to You
We've added even more video and photos of Kekel's Mansions, and added fresh true stories of their lavish lifestyles, necessitating a miniseries of posts!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here are some pictures of Kekel's NTCC mansions and homes provided for him. We think he stayed in NTCC just to get all the kibbles and bits falling off the Sugar-Daddy-in-law-Davis gravy-train chuck-wagon. One thing is for sure: Neither Davis or Kekel had any money when they came into the NTCC. Now they are loaded, thanks to your sacrifice! And, no; we are not jealous. We don't want to fleece God's flock the way Davis and Kekel have done. We are simply zealous to point out these truths so you can stop being duped by these religious hucksters and con-artists. It's time to get real, folks! Look at some of what your non-profit dollars have purchased for these goons:
Pic Of Google Satellite Image of The Dump:
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Kekel's first residence in Washington, The Dump. Controlled by the Ashmores. The Kekels lived there while waiting for their Custom House to be built. |
Below: A picture of the Google Satellite Image of previous Kekel mansion, the site of the infamous 2009 "4th of July Bash" that was featured in photos on Kekel's "commentary" = smog blog. The following picture of the Google Satellite Image shows what the bushes were hiding:
View looking East: NTCC A Bad Neighbor
Prayers and Regrets: NTCC A Bad Neighbor:
I remember praying for God to bless the Kekels with a home that had a view of beautiful Mt. Ranier. I asked God to allow them to raise their son off the NTCC campus so he could grow up as a normal kid, without having to live life in a fish bowl. God honored those prayers. Above is just one photo of the Google Satellite Image of Kekel's Mansion off 145th Ave. and 224th St. in Graham, WA. The Interactive - Clickable Google Satellite Image appears further below.
When I prayed I was a duped NTCC minister's wife, like so many of you are right now. I had no idea then how wicked the NTCC and its top leaders are. Eventually God was able to open my eyes to their madness and meanness. For example, after moving into this mansion, Kekel got up behind his bully pulpit. He was doing character assassination on one of his neighbors. The neighbor, who did not attend NTCC, was rightfully very upset when Kekel built his mansion in a way that blocked the neighbor's hard-earned view of Mt. Ranier. I still remember Kekel snarling from the pulpit that if the man wanted a view of Mt. Ranier, he should have bought both properties! That really bothered me!!! This might come as a surprise to silver-spoon Kekel, but not everybody marries the under-aged daughter of the NTCC President . Kekel has no clue what it's like for real people who actually work on real jobs and earn their money and save for the things they have in this life. Kekel got on the Sugar-Daddy-in-law-Davis gravy train and has had everything handed to him on a silver platter, from the job he works, to the stability of never moving across country and back in the thirty or so years he's lived in WA, to the income and perks you pay him, to the mansions you built for him.
Needless to say, I regret that prayer, in the sense that it actually gave something good to people who have proven to be horribly abusive and rude toward others, as Kekel was in this case of NTCC being a bad neighbor.
Google Satellite Image Embedded Below: Click on the "+" symbol on the image to zoom in; use the "-" symbol to zoom out and see the northern neighbor's pasture and horse corral. This is the same property as featured in the photos above. The photo far above of the satellite image shows the mansion viewed when looking East. Below is the satellite image when viewed as looking North; which is the default view. If you use the "View Larger Map" link below this image, you gain access to a different tool [a circle that represents a compass wheel marking North with a "N"] that allows you to spin or rotate the image for views from all four points of the compass.
Below: Kekel Mansion off 145th and 224th - View looking North.
Above: Satellite Image of Kekel's Mansion off 145th Ave. and 224th St. in Graham, WA. (c) Google
Reportedly, Ashmore's moved into this mansion when the NTCC built the Bonco mansion where the Kekel's currently reside. Kekel lived in the Ashmores' residence called The Dump while their custom house (pictured far above) was built. Davis teaches: "Turnabout is fairplay!" We call it 'the NTCC board members have become great at "I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine." [Quid pro quo.]' Ahem. And, Oh, what a mansion it is! Anybody hear the expression "Trading Up!" ???
BELOW: Kekel's Bonco Mansion Right Next Door To Sugar-Daddy-In-Law Davis' Digs [not pictured; but you can see his gated driveway.] Note the gate across the entrance to the Bonco and Kekels' drive. Kekel's also sporting a basketball hoop and volleyball court. In his previous mansion, those items were hidden in the back yard. Now Kekel brazenly parades this junk in his front yard, despite his past years of preaching against sports and shorts like he did when I was in your NTCC. Ahem.
Reportedly Tanya Davis Kekel was complaining about this BONCO / newest mansion because both the kitchen and walk-in closet allegedly were smaller than in her previous mansion. Boo-Hoo! *Sniff Sniff*
* * * BONCO * * *
Oh the sacrifice that she makes
for the work of the Lawd! NOT!
* * * BONCO * * *
Meanwhile, NTCC missionaries have lived and worshipped in a 9 foot by 14 foot space (with a 'toilet' that had no seat on it) and that was likely smaller than just one of teenie Tanya's teenie walk-in closets!
* * * BONCO * * *
Oh the sacrifice that she makes
for the work of the Lawd! NOT!
* * * BONCO * * *
Meanwhile, NTCC missionaries have lived and worshipped in a 9 foot by 14 foot space (with a 'toilet' that had no seat on it) and that was likely smaller than just one of teenie Tanya's teenie walk-in closets!
"He loves a house more than God!" Or, in Kekel's case, "He loves his mansions more than God!"
Debunking Cult Jargon:
What about the old NTCC excuse for their lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life - the well-worn cult-thought-stopping-jargon / excuse "Well, Abraham was rich." Yes, Abraham was rich. So was Job. But THEY DIDN'T GET RICH BY FLEECING GOD'S FLOCK THE WAY THE NTCC LEADERS HAVE! Abr[ah]am paid tithe to Melchizedek, who blessed him. Have you ever seen Davis pay tithe? We sure haven't seen it. Never. Job, too, was blessed by God. Job didn't run around in a so-called church service demanding every time the doors open that "All Christians pay tithe and give in offerings." Did you ever see Jesus make that announcement or take up an offering? We don't see that in the bible. But we do see it in every NTCC service; because the organization has a rule commanding its preachers to make that announcement in every service. It is REQUIRED. What else do we see in the NTCC?
We see Davis hollering over the microphone from the lectern and pulpit,
- Jesus declares, "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."- Part of Matthew 16:18
- Jesus pleads, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."-Matthew 11:28
- Davis hollers, "IT'S A BUSINESS!"
- Jesus said, "I must be about my Father's business"-Part of Luke 2:49
- Jesus, "... said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."-Matthew 21:13
- Jesus teaches, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."-Acts 20:35
What else do you see in NTCC? You see Kekel and other NTCC Board Members wrinkling their noses at the poor or anyone dressed shabbily by NTCC standards, and a few other things that you wouldn't see Christ doing. What does God say about all this? The Holy Ghost inspired Brother James to write in His book:
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
James 2:1
For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
James 2:2
And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
James 2:3
Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
James 2:4
Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
James 2:5
But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?
James 2:6
Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
James 2:7
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
James 2:8
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
James 2:9
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
James 2:10
Do you want to be judged and found guilty of all the law? I wouldn't want that. So why are you trying to keep the law and ordinances of men like those who run the NTCC when God has called you to a better testament?
So are we contradicting ourselves with these videos by Trip Lee? Not at all. The point is that some people earn a living legitimately, like Trip Lee, and seek to glorify God with the things He has given them. While others, like the NTCC "borg" leaders, try to glorify themselves by amassing this world's wealth for their own PRIVATE BENEFIT, while trying to act as if their ill-gotten lucre is a "blessing from Gawd". Puh-leez! That excuse is really getting so old and is so lame. Please explain why NTCC missionaries are still struggling for basic necessities while board members all live in cushy mansions bought and paid for with so-called non-profit dollars! It just doesn't add up. Methinks the NTCC getteth their wealth via FALSE PRETENSES!
This post was continued from: Part 1 Tour NTCC 5: Kekel's Mansions Inspired by "Quit Like a Man" Another Blathering Contribution from the Blackened Heart of Kekel to You
Related posts / videos:
Kekel's Contributions
Kekel's Mansions
Kekel's $250,000 Car
Related posts / videos:
Kekel's Contributions
Kekel's Mansions
Kekel's $250,000 Car
How do you over-ride your conscience and continue to give your future away to the likes of Kekel and Davis? While your money continues to pad thier wallets they live the dream of never ending wealth.
We are trying to warn you of a huge let down that's coming your way. We stand nothing to gain other than the knowledge that we did the right thing. We never had this knowledge broken down for us, but we lived under the same deception with no one to make sense of it all.
im too tired and lazy right now to think, but the movie "Now you see me"... has many "messages" in it.
I'm sure many can pertain to ntcc as well.
As far as mikes attitude about the guy should have bought both properties, that isn't even a Christian attitude.
I recently spoke to a lady, who worked in the city hall of Grossbottwar, Germany, where the Christian Servicemen's home was. These preachers even sent them (GI's??) to go from house to house and ring the door bell and asking the residents for money. I'm just wondering if they did this in Tamm, Germany too, where the Christian Servicemen's home was before they moved to Grossbottwar?
Recently I spoke to a lady who worked for the city hall in Grossbottwar, Germany. She told me, that people of the servicemen's home in Grossbottwar were asking the recidents of Grossbottwar for money. Going from house to house and ringing the doorbell and asking for money. The city hall received complaints about this servicemen's home because they were asking the german economy - I mean the recidents there - for money. But they couldn't do anything about it, since it was not illegal. If these people only knew where the money went!
Recently I spoke to a lady who worked for the city hall in Grossbottwar, Germany. She told me, that people of the servicemen's home in Grossbottwar were asking the recidents of Grossbottwar for money. Going from house to house and ringing the doorbell and asking for money. The city hall received complaints about this servicemen's home because they were asking the german economy - I mean the residents there - for money. But they couldn't do anything about it, since it was not illegal. If these people only knew where the money went.
"As far as Mikes attitude about the guy should have bought both properties, that isn't even a Christian attitude".
Since when has it ever been about Christianity with NTCC? I used to think that the sun rose and set on R'Dub. I look back now and it was downright EMBARRASSING insofar as some of the things that I said and did in that time frame. We will make our yearly pilgrimage up to the state of Washington this year (Hopefully) Once again I'll probably go by all of the sites. (Tillicum Christian Serviceman's Home, The Graham Compound etc.)and reflect on an era long past. I feel like I'm in an anachronism. Perhaps if I lived up there it would be no big deal. Friends of mine who came out of NTCC live in Buckley,WA. told me that in the time he has lived there (20 years+) That the only times he has ever been by is when his work took him there.(Perhaps twice?)So it makes me wonder. Why do I put myself through that, and relive it? Maybe I'm trying to relive my youth in my own way. I don't know. This year will probably be no different. My wife lived in University Place at the same time frame that I was there which is only a hop,skip, and a jump from all the places that I mentioned above. OK....I'm rambling now.
Mark G. Said:
"We will make our yearly pilgrimage up to the state of Washington this year (Hopefully) Once again I'll probably go by all of the sites."
If you get any pictures and you want us to post them, we would be glad to. We were hoping someone would drive up to the gate of the Bonco and take some pictures. It's considered a private drive but there are other houses on that street and if you got caught you could say you used to be a member of this cult and you wanted to see where your money went.
We actually got enough pictures during our visit but wished that we would have gone up the private drive and taken a closer look. The church behind the fence and the gated cult compound are pretty telling of what the ntcc is all about.
Karin Seeger said...
Recently I spoke to a lady who worked for the city hall in Grossbottwar, Germany. She told me, that people of the servicemen's home in Grossbottwar were asking the recidents of Grossbottwar for money. Going from house to house and ringing the doorbell and asking for money. The city hall received complaints about this servicemen's home because they were asking the german economy - I mean the residents there - for money. But they couldn't do anything about it, since it was not illegal. If these people only knew where the money went."
DnA said:
Thank you Karin for your insight to what is going on in Germany. It's really sick when you take a step back and look at what is going on here. Do you know who is the Pastor of this church and Servicemen's home in Grossbottwar? There is so much pressure on these overseas Servicemen's directors to show money and numbers. The overseas works cost a lot of money to run and the ntcc does very little if anything to support them. As you observed and stated so perfectly: "If these people only knew where their money went". They spend so much money on their own selfish lusts and desires, while the church suffers and members are reduced to begging.
This is the first time we have heard of the church members going door to door and asking for money. They were probably trying to impress Davis and Kekel by being full time in the ministry or something. Poor God, can not provide for his Church in Germany but the members have to beg for money. This isn't right. We are going to carry this comment forward to our current blog post so that others will also know what is going on overseas in the NTCC. Thanks for sharing, Karin.
Mark said,
"We will make our yearly pilgrimage up to the state of Washington this year (Hopefully) Once again I'll probably go by all of the sites. (Tillicum Christian Serviceman's Home, The Graham Compound etc.)" ... " Why do I put myself through that, and relive it?"
Don and Ange say,
We think you are looking for closure.
NTCC causes great loss in the life of each person who has endured it. Folks have lost careers, family, freedom, their personal identity, financial security, health, loved ones, friends, and, sadly for some, even their faith in God as a direct result of NTCC mind control, manipulation, and false doctrine.
For some, the losses are staggering. It takes time to heal. And for each of us, the process is different.
If this is a desire for closure, we believe you are farther along in the grieving / healing process than many are.
Some might label closure as "acceptance" - you admit the loss has happened, that this fact cannot be changed, you accept it, and begin to look forward. This does not mean you forget. But your focus shifts to other matters.
For some closure may mean receiving an simple apology. Others might want more. They might want the org. to change or repent.
Bruce Smith (for those who don't know - the reporter who did a five part series on NTCC) asked me what it would take for me or what I wanted from NTCC. My answer was immediate and sincere:
"Their demise as an organization."
NTCC has proven that as an organization they are corrupt beyond words; they have broken laws of God and man, have hidden sexual predators including those who prey on children, they have no financial transparency, deal in ungodly amounts of cash, have passports to travel the world, secret rooms in their mansions, complete lack of accountability so no one knows where the money and leaders go. It's a horrific combination for men of corrupt minds to abuse. And that is what has happened and will happen as long as they exist as an organization.
max said,
"As far as mikes attitude about the guy should have bought both properties, that isn't even a Christian attitude."
Don and Ange say,
Thank you for pointing that out so simply. That is exactly how I felt!
max said,
""Now you see me"... has many "messages" in it.
I'm sure many can pertain to ntcc as well."
Don and Ange say,
That was a great movie! Very entertaining and, as you say, containing many "messages". We watched it twice!
From February 1989 until the church moved to Nuremburg, GE, I believe sometime in 1991, I attended the church in Grossbottwar, GE under Rev. E. Ramirez. What happened prior to my arrival in February 1989; and whether another was opened church in Grossbottwar after I departed I cannot speak; but, I can categorically, and definitively, state that NEVER, EVER did I (we) go "door to door asking for money". For virtually the entire time I was a member of NTCC Grossbottwar I lived in the home. Moreover, for a period I did the "books" for Rev. Ramirez. Subsequently, I possess quite an intimate knowledge of the operation during the timeframe mentioned.
Anonymous said...
From February 1989 until the church moved to Nuremburg, GE, I believe sometime in 1991, I attended the church in Grossbottwar, GE under Rev. E. Ramirez. What happened prior to my arrival in February 1989; and whether another was opened church in Grossbottwar after I departed I cannot speak;
DNA said:
This is in response to the following comment left by Karin Seeger:
"Karin Seeger said...
Recently I spoke to a lady who worked for the city hall in Grossbottwar, Germany. She told me, that people of the servicemen's home in Grossbottwar were asking the recidents of Grossbottwar for money. Going from house to house and ringing the doorbell and asking for money. The city hall received complaints about this servicemen's home because they were asking the german economy - I mean the residents there - for money. But they couldn't do anything about it, since it was not illegal. If these people only knew where the money went."
DNA Said:
Karin never said that this happened anywhere near the time that the Ramirezes were in Grossbottwar. It says, "Recently" she talked to a lady that worked for city hall that told her that members from the Servicemen's home which may or may not have included the pastor, were going door to door asking for money. Karin lives in Germany and is speaking of what she was told by a member of city hall. I personally don't believe that Karin or the lady from City Hall have anything to lie about. Categorically denying that the Ramerises were involved in this does not clear the ntcc from being involved in a door to door Canvasing for Christ scam in Germany or anywhere else.
If a man can get up behind a pulpit and preach to a congregation that they are not right with God unless they give 10% of their money in tithes in addition to paying a home offering and many other offerings, that man might just be desperate enough to encourage his brain washed followers to beg their neighbors for money. I've seen a lot of scams during my time in the ntcc. Some Pastors would encourage brothers to go soul winning on the mental ward because mental patients were easily persuaded to pay tithe. We had a whole church full of mentally challenged people who were financially taken advantage of by the ntcc. None of them stayed longer than a year but they all were manipulated to pay tithe. If a grown man could be encouraged by Davis to get a vasectomy, what else could they be encouraged to do? When you see where all the money goes, and who is getting filthy, stinking rich; it's very easy to believe that a brainwashed group would go door to door asking for money. A church in Arizona was selling ntcc water bottles right outside the doors of the church, making merchandise of the house of God. It's all about money and they are finding new ways to get folks to open their wallets.
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