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Another ntcc minister gets his 'green' off your tithe dollars! |
While reading the ntcc's doctrinal statement we find that the very last statement is labeled XV - Tithes This is what it states word for word:
We recognize the scriptural duty of all people, as well as ministers, to pay tithes unto the Lord (Hebrews 7:8). Tithes should be used for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the Gospel and work of the Lord, and are not to be given to charity or used for other purposes. (Malachi 3:7-11) (Hebrews 7:2) (1 Corinthians 9:7-11; 16:2)
This one paragraph sums up the ntcc in a nutshell. It openly displays the hypocrisy of the ntcc leadership, their ability to twist scriptures and never be questioned; and it shows that they are liars and con-artists. How many people have read this doctrinal statement and never looked up or studied the scriptures? Shame on you, ntcc-ers for going with the flow and believing this hogwash.
Heb 7:8 "And here men that die receive tithes, but there he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth."
Does this scripture in any way imply that God requires men in the New Testament to receive tithes? This passage refers to Melchisedec receiving tithes of Abraham; (Which were never demanded or asked for), but given freely. Now the ntcc has always preached that because Abraham paid tithes before the law, this somehow means that tithe is carried over into the New Testament. Abraham also gave blood sacrifices, but why is it that this sacrament wasn't carried over into the New Testament? The ntcc translates "men that die" receiving tithes to mean that they are commanded to receive tithes? Why would Jesus, Paul and the apostles be so specific about sins, and be so vague about paying tithes? Why is it that the New Testament never listed "NOT PAYING TITHE" as a sin; but the ntcc preaches that if you don't pay tithe you will go to hell? It's not a mystery or a hidden secret. The author of Hebrews went on to say in Heb 7:18 "For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof." The ntcc leaders know this and they purposely have twisted the scripture to become rich. We all know that the law was done away with or fulfilled by the sacrifice of the Son of God.
The ntcc doctrinal statement says: "We recognize the scriptural duty of all people, as well as ministers, to pay tithes unto the Lord."
Will somebody please show us where the New Testament says that our scriptural duty is to pay tithe? And to whom do Davis and Kekel pay tithe? While you are at it, can you show us anywhere in the bible where tithe is defined as 10% cash on the barrel head before Uncle Sam gets his? There are hundreds of scriptures that speak of tithe in both Testaments of the Bible. I have a challenge for any of you ntcc-ers out there. Think for yourselves just this one time. Study this out for yourselves. Don't ask your Pastor to explain it to you. You preachers that have dedicated decades of your lives to the ministry, stop towing the company line and think for yourselves just this once.
"Bless The Man Of Gawd" = "It Is Corban, That is to say, a gift.":
When tithe was discussed under the law it is for the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow. Why does ntcc try to claim a Levitical right while forsaking the stranger, the fatherless, and the widows to fend for themselves? The ntcc's top leaders are just like the hypocrites Jesus denounced as recorded in the gospel of Mark, chapter 7, especially:
Mar 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
Mar 7:10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:
Mar 7:11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, [It is] Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; [he shall be free].
Mar 7:12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;
Mar 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
The ntcc hirelings are money-grubbers who teach that men should break the commandment of God to honor their parents - literally to give them money, just so that those hirelings can get their own grubby mittens on your money.
They are USING Christ to gain profit and making the word of God of none effect through tradition they deliver. If tithe, as set up by God, was for the Levite AND the stranger AND the fatherless AND the widow, why does ntcc only teach about tithe being THEIR income, but neglect THE STRANGER, THE FATHERLESS and THE WIDOW??? (Please take a moment to read the verses attached to those words by clicking the fatherless). ntcc wants your cash, plain and simple. You don't think so? Well, just walk up to your ntcc
Family First:
Did you know that as a Christian your first duty is not to fund the church? Your first duty is to your family. Look at what God says:
1Ti 5:3 Honour widows that are widows indeed.
1Ti 5:4 But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God.
The ntcc adds to the scripture and puts their money-grubbing hirelings first in line for your cash. But God says to honour widows, learn first to shew piety at home, requite parents, provide for your own, specially those of your own house. If you don't God says you're worse than an infidel:
1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
The ntcc's top leaders are no different than the hypocrites Jesus rebuked for calling their money-grubbing gifts "Corban", [or in ntcc-speak "blessing the man of Gawd"] when all they wanted was a profit off of the name of Christ!
Why is it that tithe is so important to the ntcc? Hmmn? Is it really supposed to be emphasized in every church service? Did you ever see Jesus demanding tithe each time He went to the synagogue or temple? All accounts of tithe in the bible refer to agricultural gifts and the purpose of it was to support the Levitical Priesthood which had no inheritance of their own. Now this has been covered many times on the blogs; and there has not been one ntcc-er that can justify preaching that people will go to hell if they don't pay their tithes. So what are we to conclude? What is the purpose in the ntcc for receiving tithes? Let's continue. This is what the ntcc doctrinal statement has to say about it:
Tithes should be used for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the Gospel and work of the Lord, and are not to be given to charity or used for other purposes. (Malachi 3:7-11) (Hebrews 7:2) (1 Corinthians 9:7-11; 16:2)
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Oxen treading 'corn' or grain. |
Piled higher and deeper, the ntcc claims that the tithes "should be used" for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the Gospel. How does living in million dollar mansions propagate the Gospel? How does sending your son to an expensive private college-prep(atory) school propagate the Gospel? How does driving around in a car that cost a quarter of a million dollars propagate the Gospel? How is buying expensive and useless furniture to adorn the Kekels' mansion supporting the active ministry? Even if God did require us to pay tithe, do you think that He would have us sacrifice what little money we make so that the rich hirelings in the ntcc could have every amenity imaginable while we are expected to live off of $40 worth of groceries per week? This is absurd; and you ntcc-ers are naive and gullible and borderline mentally dysfunctional if you think this is what God's plan for your future involves. The ntcc is a dying organization; and the only reason that they still exist is that they have compromised so many of the standards that they once used to run people off. They are liars and swindlers, cheating you out of your money. Let's look at the three remaining scriptures that the ntcc doctrinal statement has twisted and taken out of context.
Malachi 3:7-11 These are the verses that the ntcc leadership uses to classify people as "God robbers". The prophet Malachi spoke of the children of Israel not living according to the law. He spoke of a storehouse in which people would bring their tithes which were agricultural offerings to support the Levitical priesthood. The ntcc would also like to have a "storehouse"; but they want it to be full of your dollar bills. Their storehouse is a vault or an (offshore?) bank account from which they can write unlimited checks for whatever purpose they desire. We were total idiots for listening to these religious hucksters. In the grand scheme of things, God rebuked the people in the Old Testament very little for not paying tithe in total contrast to the ntcc; which requires their ministers to demand tithe and offering in every church service. Wake up! ntcc's lust for tithe is only all about the money for them. It always has been, and always will be.
Hebrews 7:2 "To whom Abraham gave a tenth part of all"... It's interesting how this scripture found its way into the ntcc's propaganda ... oops, I mean, '
1 Corinthians 9:7-11 It's alright to follow along in your bibles and verify these verses. We know the ntcc doesn't want you to bring your bible to church; but it's safe to open it now. We won't tell on you or blast you from the pulpit for being noble like the folks in Berea. You won't get jacked up here; and we don't want to drag this out any longer than necessary. We trust you to read it for yourselves.
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ntcc hirelings want you to think of them as oxen treading corn; we say that's a lot of bull! ;-) |
In this bible reading Paul mentions not to muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Meaning that the ox is doing the work; and if you allow him to munch down on some of the corn, he might be a happier ox and will undoubtedly be strengthened to carry out his mission. It doesn't say anything about taking up an offering for the ox so he can wear a Rolex watch or live in a million dollar barn. Paul said in 1 Cor 9:11: "If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?" Has anyone found a hidden reference in this scripture that says anything about 10% Cash? In the next verse (1 Cor 9:12, which was so conveniently left out of the ntcc doctrinal statement) we find that Paul, according to the ntcc, has condemned a lot of people to hell; because he states: "Never the less, we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the Gospel of Christ." And then he goes on to repeat this a second time in 1 Cor 9:15: "But I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, then that any man should make my glorying void." Maybe Paul knew that riches corrupt men and wanted to leave an example of how ministers really should conduct themselves.
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ntcc wants to claim apostolic status; let them follow the fine example of the Apostle Paul who willingly put the muzzle on himself so as not to hinder the gospel! |
ntcc also claims: Tithes ... are not to be given to charity or used for other purposes. That is in direct violation of God's command that tithes are to be used not just for the Levite, but also for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow. But that isn't how ntcc, a self-proclaimed "business" and "organization" operates. So I guess that if you were to give 10% of your income to a family whose house burnt down, you would be disobeying God [according to ntcc] who intended for you to give your money to someone like Kekel or Davis who is going to use it to buy themselves more expensive and useless things to add to their collections. Your tithe belongs to the fat ntcc Oxen that tread out the corn, and they really tread hard so keep them green backs coming in. Since they are laying prostrate before God, begging God for messages and sacrificing for you to hear the Gospel preached, you need to support them full time.
They are not going to get a job like Paul. Could you imagine Davis making tents? He has no problem being a burden to the work of the Lord and neither does Kekel. Could you imagine what kind of organization the ntcc could have been if they actually used tithe dollars to reach and help people? Do you think Davis and Kekel really do a lot of praying: "Oh God please burden their hearts to give more money so I can finance an upgrade to a more expensive mansion"! [Click to see pics of ntcc mansions] I mean what could they possibly pray about: "Oh God, please forgive me for taking advantage of the brethren that are struggling to get by, and for demanding that they give us money so we can live high on the hog while they struggle to pay rent and buy groceries"! "You know I need that new rifle for my collection, or a new Car, oh God".
Let's look at the last twisted scripture used in the ntcc's indoctrinating statement.
1 Corinthians 16:2 "Upon the first day of the week, let everyone lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come."
Wow! No gatherings? No offerings in a church service? Are you kidding me? I can't recall one church service that I've ever been to where there have not been any offerings taken up. Now what does the ntcc actually glean from this scripture? They assume that because Paul said, "Upon the first day of the week" that this is the closest thing that they can find to use as a model for paying tithe; and it is also a scripture that is thrown around a lot to pay for the diesel fuel in their Recreational Vehicles prior to the rich snobbish Pharisees 'blessing' you with their presence to preach a revival or even one service.
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It's Vacation Time Again, Honey! So Let's Fire Up Our Recreational Vehicle! Those Dumb G.I.s are gonna waste their money anyway; let's get some! |
ntcc used to take up hundreds of dollars in offerings prior to the Board Member's arrival so that the BMs wouldn't have to do the dirty work themselves. All Davis had to do was mention this scripture during conference and any Board Member would immediately have an all expense paid vacation across the United States or overseas, compliments of, in davis' words "Dumb G.I.s who are only going to waste their money anyway". Wisdom crieth without, she uttereth her voice in the streets! How long will ye simple ones love simplicity? Turn you at my reproof... taken from Proverbs 1:20-23
What will it take for you to learn? Will you be a "dumb G.I."? Or will you turn at wisdom's reproof? How many decades of your life will you have to spend, trapped in a cult that only cares about how they can use and abuse you? How many more thousands of dollars will you have to spend to 'earn' their love and respect? [If you have to 'earn' it, that 'love' is not real love. It is conditional and phony flattery, like davis telling you "I appreciate you." That is so lame. What does that really mean? So long and thanks for all the cash, sucka?] True love is a gift. It cannot be earned. [Please pay attention to the images of diamond [pinky] rings and plates of cash and the sports car in the following video. It is so fitting, truly evocative of the ntcc system.]
Some of you have given tens of thousands of dollars; and there are some that have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to these con-artists. Your money is not going towards souls. The ntcc has decreased in size, compromised and consolidated to survive. People have left by the scores, not because God could not keep them; but because they realized they were being used by a bunch of hypocrites. But ntcc claims that God has changed His mind about the things that for years were their cornerstone doctrines; and now they can compromise or forsake what they used to teach as heaven or hell issues. All of the sudden in ntcc it's okay to watch the
When will you wake up? Can you see their false doctrine? How about the ntcc disregarding the Word of God concerning divorce and remarriage? In ntcc it's always been okay to divorce and remarry for reasons other than fornication or adultery. But that is not God's will. People, please read your bibles and rightly divide the Word of Truth. Then ask yourself, do you fear man or God? Will you disobey God to follow a man's false doctrines? Or will you see that man as a false teacher, a false prophet, and be unafraid to leave him alone. You won't change him. But you don't have to partake of his sins. Just leave them alone and follow God. You will be glad you did!
Related blog post on Chief's blog (We think alike sometimes)
Oh, I forgot to mention: tithe is not to be given to charity or for other purposes. So I guess that if you were to give 10% of your income to a family whose house burnt down, you would be disobeying God who intended for you to give your money to someone like Kekel or Davis who is going to use it to buy themselves more expensive and useless things to add to their collections. Your tithe belongs to the fat ntcc Oxen that tread out the corn, and they really tread hard so keep them green backs coming in. Since they are laying prostrate before God, begging God for messages and sacrificing for you to hear the Gospel preached, you need to support them full time.
They are not going to get a job like Paul. Could you imagine Davis making tents? He has no problem being a burden to the work of the Lord and neither does Kekel. Could you imagine what kind of organization the ntcc could have been if they actually used tithe dollars to reach and help people? Do you think Davis and Kekel really do a lot of praying: "Oh God please burden their hearts to give more money so I can finance an upgrade to a more expensive mansion"! I mean what could they possibly pray about: "Oh God, please forgive me for taking advantage of the brethren that are struggling to get by, and for demanding that they give us money so we can live high on the hog while they struggle to pay rent and buy groceries"! "You know I need that new rifle for my collection, or a new Car, oh God".
Can anyone guess what sermon will be preached tonight in ntcc?
Giving as unto the Lawd.
Give 'til it hurts.
Give 'til it feels good.
Just Give Me All Your Money...
Very little corn is being tread in the Organization, and the Fat Oxen are definitely not being muzzled. They have perverted the truth and changed the gospel message so that they can have their treasures on this earth. They really do love money more than souls. RWD has always loved money more than people and the incorporated business that he runs is proof. If you want to get Dub's dander up, just say something about his fortune and his riches. The true ugly spirit will come out of him as he will get very defensive and beside himself.
MCK is also a piece of work. Having never pioneered a church or built anything by himself, he considers himself an expert in the field. As the tithe dollars stack up, he gets rich and both his bank account and his ego grows. Kekel has a swollen head.
People will never learn. They will empty their wallets into the offering plates and they will pay their tithe as they watch the bloated Oxen devour their hard earned cash. Their appetite for more riches will never be satisfied.
It's interesting how the ntcc Facebook page for Irving Texas died right after we did a blog post about it. There hasn't been one entry since then on what was a very active Facebook page. Does anyone know why?
To the Church in Irving, TX: You don't have to change. Just be yourselves. Our problem is not with you or the activities that you are participating in, it's the hypocrisy of the organization that used to preach against all these things. Be proud of who you are and don't let those scoundrels up in Graham dampen your spirit. They are so worried about their image, but they are living high on the hog off of your tithe dollars. You don't think that the Kekel's or Davises ever do anything fun? They are completely unaccountable to anyone and you might only see them once or twice a year. What do they really do with all that money? Have you ever seen their mansions? The only reason they put an end to your public Facebook page is because they are worried about how it makes them look. You can enjoy your life and be a Christian at the same time without worrying about what some rich hypocrite has to say.
Liking the new pic of the Davis plantation!
You might find this hard to believe, but I really have nothing against people paying their tithe. I paid it for 13 years and gave it cheerfully. The problem with paying tithe in the ntcc is that they teach it as a New Testament mandate and there is no scripture to justify this teaching. I believe that a person could pay their tithe and be blessed by God, but if the people that are receiving the tithe are corrupt, the blessing will never come as promised. How can God bless you for paying your tithe to the leaders of an organization that use your money for their own greedy purposes and encourage members of their organization to divorce and commit adultery? How many times have you heard Davis say, "God can not bless sin"?
There are many people in the ntcc who are not taking care of their primary responsibilities to their families. It is amazing that pastors will go along with condemning people for not paying their tithe while they teach the woman's place is in the home and causing the man to struggle to provide the basics to his family. The ntcc pastor is prioritizing financial responsibility in the lives of others, causing them to be worse than an infidel, which is a scripture that is in the New Testament. This teaching is corrupt. It breaks so many of God's laws and the purpose is obvious. Do you think that because you are an ntcc minister that you are exempt from studying to show yourself approved unto God? Do you think that you don't have to rightly divide the word of truth?
What's wrong with this picture?
1. You enforce the Old Testament teaching of tithe by saying all Christians pay tithes and give in offerings in every service, but you add to the Word of God by changing tithe from an agricultural gift to a monetary only requirement, while not carrying over any of the other commandments and sacraments in the old testament, and you tell folks that they will go to hell if they don't pay it.
2. You rail against people that don't pay their tithe by calling them God robbers and treating them like sinners.
3. You collect their money and send it to people that use it for their own personal gain. Does God use tithe money to bless the man of Gawd? Someone please share that scripture with us. That's what your problem is. You see Davis doing it and you reason that if the Super Apostle does it and God is blessing him, than God will bless me too. Is it really God? Because if it's not, than you are going to have to answer for it just like he will.
4. Women are encouraged not to work, which is also a doctrine that is derived from twisted scripture. This places a huge burden on a man with a family to provide for them. I have seen families suffer without the basic necessities so that the man can align himself with the giving requirements in the ntcc and the sacrifices go towards making people filthy rich, rather than helping those who are really in need.
5. The strain placed on marriages and the expectations of the man to make things happen, cause the weak brother to experience failure and be humiliated. The wife sit's there and listens to the preacher berate her husband for not being a leader and putting things together. The unnecessary strain on this marriage is ripping it apart and soon the wedge is driven between man and woman. Meanwhile Davis is looking through catalogs trying to decide which model his next Recreational Vehicle is going to be. Perhaps he will special order one from Prevost in Canada where the basic outer shell costs 500K and the rest of it is custom built for another 500K to 1 million bucks (after they put the marble floors and ceilings in it).
6. Things just are not working out for this husband and wife who were once in love, and the two became one for life but now they can't live together anymore. Pastor, We need a divorce. Then the pastor gets on the phone and starts calling other pastors and letting them know that they now have a single sister that will soon be available. Those of you who have done this, and you know who you are, are sick. The rest of you sit back and go with the flow while this kind of thing happens all around you.
It's all because of the love of money has become your God. You have placed a bigger priority on accumulating wealth for Davis and Kekel than you have for taking care of the people that God has placed in your care.
Am I ever going to shut up about tithe? Not as long as the ntcc leaders use it as a vehicle to get rich off of the sweat and labor of others.
I have a challenge for you ntcc'rs. Try giving your tithe to people who really need it instead of contributing to the filthy rich in Graham.
We'll call it the tithe challenge. I dare one out of a hundred of you ntcc pastors to try this. Have half of your congregation continue to give 10% of their money in tithe to you, and you continue to send that 10% to Davis and Kekel so they can get richer. Allow them to continue soul winning in the ntcc traditional way by knocking on doors and inviting people to church.
Then have the other half of your tithe payers go out into the community around you meet people that are suffering. Send them to the orphanages and to the homeless shelters. Come up with a plan where you take the tithe from this half and distribute it among those that don't have anything. Find a woman who has been abused that is trying to raise 3 children on her own and rent an apartment for her. Find a sixteen year old that has tried to kill himself because his father molested him and beat him and take him under your wing and help him. Help the poor and needy who have nobody in this world that cares for them. Help those that have nothing to give in return and expect nothing in return and see which group of people God blesses the most.
You might not end up as rich in this world as Kekel and Davis, but you will have the personal satisfaction that you have done something significant to help those that God loves.
davis, kekel, olson, Johnson, ashmore, an others are not the spiritual giants that they think they are. They are all legends in there own minds and in the minds of there converts. And as it has been said before they target mainly military men and women of the enlisted ranks who has a steady and uninterrupted flow of money. They (ntcc) cares nothing for the homeless, the poor, the unemployed, the widows, the fatherless, those who are incarcerated, or for children, except there own. They only want the men and women who can bring in the money. With all of the problems that Washington State has as well as other states in this great nation of ours, does anybody know what impact has ntcc made in the local community, as well as the state in general? Do they offer there buildings to those who have lost there homes due to a storm, or fire, or volcano, etc? What help do they provide to the local community?
Anonymous said,
"Liking the new pic of the Davis plantation!"
DnA say,
Thanks. We put that image of davis' and kekels' mansions at the top of the blog because we think most of the people who do the work and sacrifice have no idea how filthy rich the org. leaders are.
When kekel has a quarter of a million dollar race car that sits in a garage most of the time, what other assets have they hidden from the average org. members?
Maybe the board members enjoy golfing at the country club, taking their yacht out on Puget Sound or even place bets at the casinos that davis used to talk about that offer free lunches to hook people into going there. Everything else davis harps about comes from actual / real-life experiences. Why would that be any different? My guess is that verna is bored and nagging to stop by a casino for some action, using the free lunch as bait. Of course that is just speculation. But my point is, with no financial accountability from the org. toward its members, anything is possible.
Members have no idea where org. Leaders go or what they do.
Did you know ntcc board members wrote a by-law granting themselves 30 days paid vacation every year? You pay for each of them to get one month off every year. Did you know that? When was the last time you had a vacation? You probably don't even get time off, much less 30 days paid time off.
What other compensation do the board members take from your wallet to theirs? Do they have vehicles purchased by / paid for by the church / corporation that transfer title over into personal property of the Board members? Do you think you should know where your money goes?
Mobile users can see the picture of the mansions by clicking the "View Web Version" at the top and / or bottom of the page.
I remember my wife and I going by there a few years ago. I feel quite certain that everything (utilities included)are paid by NTCC and that the house itself is owned by NTCC. but, It's all nice and legal like, all under the shelter of it being a "none profit" organization. I think that ALL CHURCHES should be taxed. If there are people who disagree, wee, that is your right.everything about that church reeks of filthy lucre. It's all about the money, plain and simple.and the thing that gets me is the fact that the people in charge have the gall to take food given by Fred Meyer that were meant for people much less fortunate than them? That really burns my A55!!!!!!! I could get into some trouble with what I really want to say right now.......
Mark, we hear you! It really gets to us too. When we consider how badly people have been hurt, just so the religious hypocrites could flatter themselves about how they really attained a life of luxury... well, there just aren't words to describe that!
It is no wonder that the Word tells us the love of money is the root of all evil. That truth is so fully demonstrated by all the evil in the ntcc. Their leaders are full of coveteousness for wealth, power, illicit sex, and the praise of men. It's downright demonic at its core. Yet the simple pass on and are punished. Despite our best efforts, there will always be simple folk. Nevertheless, we blog. We have hope; because the prudent do foresee evil and hide themselves.
Pro 22:3 A prudent [man] foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
Pro 27:12 A prudent [man] foreseeth the evil, [and] hideth himself; [but] the simple pass on, [and] are punished.
Prov 14:15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent [man] looketh well to his going.
Don and Ange said...
You might find this hard to believe, but I really have nothing against people paying their tithe
Kat Says: I agree so much! After all, churches do need to be supported some how. I love how my church is. They don't pass the basket, a plate, nothing. They do occasionally mention tithe and building funds, etc. They do request support of the church BUT they do SO much for the community! I'm a home group leader of a small group of ladies. Only one lady (besides myself out of 10 ladies) actually go to MY church. That leaves EIGHT that don't attend my church AND my church has a fund for anyone in my group that can't afford books, etc. for the group. They have many, many things they do for the church group and for the community. They have 2 boxes in the foyer for people to pay tithe and offerings, and people do. Not all do, but many do. They don't brow beat those who don't or who only pay what they want or can. The pastoral staff isn’t living in mansions. They have a comfortable life but nothing like the scam artists of ntcc and most of the pastoral staff at LCC has been serving for many years too. The main reason they live comfortably isn't from the church though - their wives also work (GASP) and contribute to the household income.
You know as I think about the difference between the 2 different groups of leaders, ntcc ministers would always say (Especially the very guilty Davis) that I NEVER go anywhere without a witness. I NEVER 'counsel' a woman without a witness b/c you never know when the devil will tempt her to lie on you and GAWD tells us to be mindful (blah blah blah). I've never heard that said where I am now (or other churches growing up as a kid). But then again, these true men of God don't have to say that! I can tell the pastoral staff at LCC know to be cautious but they don't have anything to hide! When I have been in on counsel, there wasn't anyone else present BUT there are viewing windows on each of the doors. They have wisdom. They don't go into rooms without viewing ability. They don't go to womens' homes when the husband isn't there, etc. So they don't have to say from the pulpit - women, don't come to me expecting me to counsel you without your husband around, etc b/c the LCC staff don’t live with such guilty consciences! Davis, as many have shared in the past has reasons to feel so guilty! I’m sure they were all “Lies” as he would like to have people believe.
See just going on one topic we can go on so many more. ntcc is absolutely corrupt. Keep pounding their abuse of tithe and everything else you know to be true DnA - Praise God we are fighting for the good cause!
Davis and Kekel are nothing but a couple Chippy Cheat Swindlers and Hucksters. Dirt bags. Con Artists. If people want to pay tithe that's up to them, but the New Testament doesn't provide proof of such a mandate and 1 Cor 16 certainly doesn't. The word "gatherings" in 1 Cor 16:2 means the "gathering" of money.
Some people get that confused as to mean the gathering of people together. Paul was instructing people to "gather" money to be given to the poor the first day of the week prior to his later scheduled arrival so that the money would already be "gathered" by the time he got there. That group of scriptures have absolutely NOTHING, NOTTA, NOT a thing to do with paying tithe to anyone which of course anyone understand who has the ability to use one single ounce of their brain. Kekel and Davis the con artists understand that also but they are conniving crooks and current NTCCers are blind dummies who wouldn't admit the obvious if it jumped up and slapped them right on their butt.
What you have in the NTCC is a bunch of blind dummies being lead by some crooked spiritually blind - worldly geniuses who have gotten quite wealthy off the dummies. Blind leading the blind baby but one small blind group are getting rich off a large even blinder group. I no longer blame Davis and Kekel at all. If dummies are simply going to give their money away (which they are), (that's been certainly proven over and over) why not it be to them?
Dissapointed said:
"They (ntcc) cares nothing for the homeless, the poor, the unemployed, the widows, the fatherless, those who are incarcerated, or for children, except there own."
DNA said:
They are a pretty self absorbed bunch of people.
Jesus said: "And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same." Luke 6:33
Have you ever seen Davis do anything for anyone that was unable to return the favor? The ntcc leadership has an agenda and the homeless, the widow, the orphan, the incarcerated or anyone that might be an inconvenience to them are not part of that agenda. The ntcc is a family owned business and an incorporated one at that, even though they operate under the guise of a not for profit charitable religious organization, there is very little true charity.
The ones that do the most sacrificing and giving are the new converts and their sacrificial gifts don't go towards people in need or those that can't help themselves but they go towards people that sit on their lazy butts all day and do a whole lot of nothing. These full time ministers for the most part are a menace to society. They spend more time bashing other religions and exalting themselves than they do helping people.
The greatest ministry that ever took place on earth was that of Jesus. Who did Jesus minister to? Did he look for people with steady incomes that could pay tithe? He never asked for a dime from anyone. Did he surround Himself with people that could make Him rich?
Jesus had something that He could offer the world and so many of the people that He helped were folks that the ntcc would not only steer away from but they would encourage others to turn their backs on them. Jesus sought out those that were lame, sick, poor, without hope and had devils. He didn't go around looking for potential tithe payers to build His church. He wanted ordinary people that would love others just as He did, and He wasn't afraid to talk to the prostitute or the adulterer, or the drunkard.
The ntcc leaders are spiritual giants in their own minds and they are not building an everlasting kingdom. Their kingdom consists of real estate and expensive cars, mansions, fancy church edifices and whatever money can buy to satisfy their desires.
Kat said:
"ntcc ministers would always say (Especially the very guilty Davis) that I NEVER go anywhere without a witness."
DnA said:
Davis always lived his life as if he were trying to prevent things from happening to him that he was already guilty of instigating himself. Not counseling women was a way of ignoring them and making them insignificant. I don't know how women survived in the ntcc. They were completely powerless and many were victims of mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. I think that every testimony I've ever heard from an ntcc woman that was abused, and tried to bring that abuse to Davis or Olson's attention, were ignored, marginalized or totally disregarded and jacked up as if they were the criminals.
RWD's lack of Godly love towards women is evidenced by his preaching, his actions and his behavior. There are reasons people don't trust other people. There are reasons so called ministers don't trust true Christians. Davis doesn't trust a Christian man or woman to be together because he knows what he would do if he were alone with a woman that he wanted to take advantage of. Davis lives his life like he is guilty and ready to give in to any temptation that presents itself. A recovering Alcoholic does much better at recovering when he stays out of the bars and liquor stores. A recovering drug addict tries to keep away from the friends and places where he knows he can get his hands on drugs. A recovering womanizer must also stay away from other peoples wives and a recovering child sex abuser must stay away from children. The problem with Davis is that he probably never has recovered because he exhibits the behavior of someone who still has a problem. He punishes the victims of sex abuse and child abuse, while forgiving the abusers and in some cases promoting them.
The ntcc leaders have harbored people like Fontenot and Kinson, and turned their back on the victims who came to them for help. What do people get in exchange for their courage and honesty in coming forth and trying to do the right thing? One family dead and another devastated, a whoremongering pastor promoted and a child molester allowed around other children.
I like your healthy church a lot better, Kat.
Anonymous said:
"Paul was instructing people to "gather" money to be given to the poor the first day of the week prior to his later scheduled arrival so that the money would already be "gathered" by the time he got there. That group of scriptures have absolutely NOTHING, NOTTA, NOT a thing to do with paying tithe to anyone which of course anyone understand who has the ability to use one single ounce of their brain."
DnA said:
Amen Brother! I'm like one of the muppets in the balcony on this one. Tithe is one of the biggest scams in the church world today, but even as big as it is, not too many groups have exploited it to the same degree that the ntcc religious hucksters have.
There is not one shred of evidence in the New Testament that even remotely implies that New Testament Christians are commanded to pay tithe. 1 Corinthians 16:2 talks about giving every week to the poor saints. As others have said, even if tithe were commanded, which it is not, you definitely wouldn't be required to give it to the likes of Davis and Kekel who keep finding new and interesting ways of spending it.
We were dummies at one time and we gave our money to these con artists. They laughed all the way to the bank and they still are getting away with the same scam. It might not do a whole lot of good, but we are going to keep exposing them for their money grubbing and greedy hypocritical abuse of Gospel. Maybe 1 out of a thousand will get smart and realize that they have been had. They have been smoked like a cheap cigar.
In all seriousness, I think it's a travesty and it's completely shameless to use God as a vehicle to get rich. I think its sickening that these phony baloney lying scoundrels will use scare tactics such as the lake of fire to extract money from good people. We were so naive and so gullible and that's what they play on. Davis and Kekel are the filth of the earth for the thousands of people they have scammed out of their hard earned money.
Most of the people that Davis and Kekel have scammed are reasonably intelligent people, and their sacrifices have ill-effected their well being and their futures. Meanwhile, Davis and Kekel are living large. Jesus called their kind vipers, ravening wolves and whited sepulchres.
when one read stories or accounts of missionary or the local churches experiencing financial hardship. One must question the credentials and skills of the CEO and ADMINISTRATOR because there is no way that a true and trained administrator would allow the local churches or the missionary churches, to suffer any financial hardships, the ministry is to serious of a calling to allow those churches to suffer financial hardships. There seems to be and unequal distribution of wealth with the lion share going to the leaders so they can fulfill there lustful desires. Bringing in more members want do it, because it just gives more money to the leader for them to spend, or put aside for there own nest eggs. kekel is not a true administrator he's just a administrator that has been trained by ntcc for ntcc. Missionaries and local churches should be the light of the communities not some financially strapped churches barely making it.
With all of the wealth that ntcc has, and all of the money that's collected daily, there is no reason or justification for any Pastor having to conduct service in a small store front building. What's the point of doing that? Kekel did'nt start out in some store front business, or a run down place, so what have he learned? or what are they (the Pastors) learning?
Disappointed said:
"One must question the credentials and skills of the CEO and ADMINISTRATOR because there is no way that a true and trained administrator would allow the local churches or the missionary churches, to suffer any financial hardships, the ministry is to serious of a calling to allow those churches to suffer financial hardships."
DnA said:
Sorry that it sometimes takes a while to respond to your comments. We like to respond to each comment left on our blog. You make very good points and answering your comments requires a lot of thought. You hit on something that is worthy of it's own blog post here. Because we feel this subject is important we are going to carry this comment forward into our new blog post so it can get maximum exposure.
Kekel says that he was called by God to be an administrator and if someone were to objectively rate Kekel's administration skills, he would get low marks. If you were in the retail business and you operated it like Kekel, you would be running a business like K-mart when you should be running a business like Walmart. Has anyone ever been to a K-mart lately? K-Mart is a huge store, almost as big as Walmart. I went to one recently and there were about 8 cars in the parking lot on a weekend. When I walked in the store, there were only 2 registers open and both of the associates were standing at the end of their isles waiting for a customer to cash out. You'd be lucky to find a parking spot within a 100 yards from the front door at Walmart.
K-mart went bankrupt some years ago and was purchased by Sears. K-mart almost seems like a front for money laundering or a real big tax write off for Sears. There is no way K-mart is sustaining enough business to pay for all of their expenses. It reminds me of the ntcc.
If you look at all the buildings and real estate they own and compare it to some of the mega-churches you would find that the ntcc is very close to them in valued assets, but when you compare the numbers in attendance or on the membership roles you would find a huge disparity. I would venture to say that you would not find one church in America that has so many assets with so few members, and if you did, it would be a cult just like the ntcc.
If Kekel was called to be an administrator, he is doing a horrible job. The only area of administration that Kekel excels at is in scamming people out of their hard earned money and funneling it into his own interests.
Disappointed said:
"kekel is not a true administrator he's just a administrator that has been trained by ntcc for ntcc."
DnA said:
Ain't that the truth and this applies to all the board members, pastors, ministers and anyone who has been through their brainwashing institution. They are all trained by the ntcc for the ntcc. If they were trained according to the bible, the churches would teach sound doctrine that doesn't contradict the bible. They would also bear the fruit of Christianity.
They would not allow the ministers they trained to have church in a run down, roach infested store front that's worth less than 1/100th of the value of the houses they live in. They would not hoard all of the money for themselves, while missionaries are living in a room that's probably smaller than their walk-in closet, or having to use a bathroom with no seat on the toilet, while Kekel's Mansion has 4.5 bathrooms, and all 5 of the commodes have seats.
He's quite the administrator. Kekel and Davis have managed to keep the money giving masses believing that what they have comes from Gawd. Gawd has blessed Kekel for being a faithful administrator. He has been given a 4 bedroom, 4 1/2 bath 4,585 square foot House which has more area in square feet than the majority of the churches in the ntcc. He has an attached garage with 774 Sq. ft. of area and a detached garage with 518 sq. ft. detached garage. That's more space to house his cars than most of the Servicemen's homes have to house people. The basement has 2819 square feet of space which probably is not included in the 4,585 square feet at the time of the assessment unless it was finished and met all the criteria for living space. It has two nice and warm, toasty fireplaces to provide an alternate source of heat and ambiance for their comfort and enjoyment.
Yep, Kekel's gawd has really blessed him a lot with all the living space and amenities of the rich and famous while the rest of the "non-profit" incorporated organization suffers. He's quite the administrator alright.
"With all of the wealth that ntcc has, and all of the money that's collected daily, there is no reason or justification for any Pastor having to conduct service in a small store front building. What's the point of doing that? Kekel did'nt start out in some store front business, or a run down place, so what have he learned? or what are they (the Pastors) learning?"
DnA said:
Kekel married into ntcc wealth and fame. He has never had to experience hardship in comparison to his contemporaries or loyal subjects. The hardest thing Kekel does is to determine how he is going to spend all of the brainwashed sucker's money. I think people like Davis and Kekel have no conscience. They crossed a line at some point and money became more important than God or anyone else. They have made themselves rich off of the hard work and labor of others. They have used people up and discarded them by the thousands, while the money continues to stack up for them. The organization no longer stands for the things that they once stood for and all of it's leaders still worship the ground Davis walks on. Meanwhile, Davis and Kekel do not care about anyone but themselves, because you are expendable, just like we were. Any of you can be replaced. If you don't believe it, look around you and see how many are gone. Did they all want sin? Were they all looking for an easier path? Who prospers around Davis and Kekel? The ones that kiss up to them all the time, saying yes sir, I'll do whatever you ask. I'll be loyal to you even if it involves sin. I'll ignore the hurt and broken hearted at your command. I'll run people off because you tell me to. I'll continue to ask, "How high", when you say jump. We'll give you as much money as you ask for so you can live large while we sacrifice for your well being. If anyone questions us we'll jack them up just like you jacked us up. We'll control them just like you controlled us. We'll be good cult leaders just like you, and we'll continue to send all of our money to Graham, so you can keep building your own personal empire while you oppress us.
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