We are commanded, or for those of you familiar with the military, ordered:
- to "believe not every spirit"
- to "try" [test/prove] "the spirits whether they are of God"
Please take a minute to click into the words "false prophets" and read the verses that define and describe them.
Now please consider this scripture:
Jer 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
In a previous blog post we discussed how davis claimed to have a vision from God; but it was proven to be false: Read more. So, if you've read these things, you should know that davis is a false prophet. He is also the head of the ntcc. If not, why does he live in the ntcc's largest mansion on their Bonco property? Why do his followers call him pastor and obey his every word?
John exhorts the church to beware of false prophets. So how do you know if they are false prophets? That's the million dollar question; but it's really not as difficult as it may seem. John said "try the spirits whether they are of God". It's not the words they say or even the deeds they do. Jesus spoke of people who cast out devils in His name, yet He never knew them. They were the ones who work iniquity and had to depart from Him:
Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
If works alone are not a test to see who knows God, how can we tell who is on the Lord's side? It's the spirit that drives them or is behind what is said and done that deserves a closer look.
Now please consider this scripture:
Jer 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
In a previous blog post we discussed how davis claimed to have a vision from God; but it was proven to be false: Read more. So, if you've read these things, you should know that davis is a false prophet. He is also the head of the ntcc. If not, why does he live in the ntcc's largest mansion on their Bonco property? Why do his followers call him pastor and obey his every word?
John exhorts the church to beware of false prophets. So how do you know if they are false prophets? That's the million dollar question; but it's really not as difficult as it may seem. John said "try the spirits whether they are of God". It's not the words they say or even the deeds they do. Jesus spoke of people who cast out devils in His name, yet He never knew them. They were the ones who work iniquity and had to depart from Him:
Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
If works alone are not a test to see who knows God, how can we tell who is on the Lord's side? It's the spirit that drives them or is behind what is said and done that deserves a closer look.
If you are a Christian, you have a responsibility to yourself and those you love, as well as to God, to make sure that the spirit of the person that is leading you on your Christian walk is being led by the Spirit of God.
Beloved, beleive not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.
Beloved, beleive not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.
Do you have a right to ask pointed questions to the people that you are entrusting with your soul? I would say that not only is it your right to ask questions; but it is your responsibility to ask questions and expect direct answers. The ntcc ministers are going to require a lot out of you as Christians. If you attend their churches they are going to expect you to surrender more than 10% or your income. Tithe is not enough. If you want to know what spirit they are of, try just paying your tithe and don't give in any offerings. Or better yet stop giving your money to them; and you will quickly find out what kind of spirit they have.
1Jo 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
1Jo 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1Jo 4:21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.
1Jo 3:14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not [his] brother abideth in death.
Find out if their love is real. Try their spirits. If you stop paying for your salvation, your tithe-receiving hireling will show his true colors and lose the victory at the same time. You want to see an ntcc preacher really freak out? Get a few of the brethren together and stop paying your Christian taxes to them. Stop allowing them to make merchandise out of you and your brethren. Or just tell the false prophet that you have studied the scriptures and you and your brothers and sisters are only going to give cheerfully from now on as God lays it on your heart.
Or if you are a minister and you are tired of supporting the lavish lifestyles of the unentitled fat cats in Graham, tell your people that you have decided to start honoring God's word by giving to the poor, the fatherless, the stranger, the widow. Tell them that you are no longer going to send your congregation's money to the hypocrites in Graham; but you are going to distribute it to that elderly sister in the congregation who is a widow, or the stranger, or the mother with three fatherless children. Tell them you are no longer going to force them to pay tithe to money-grubbers in Graham, WA.
If you do, and ntcc threatens to take your minister's license, you'll be better off. Jesus never issued paper credentials to His disciples. Jesus never incorporated an organization financed by a bunch of brainwashed suckers. Jesus never expected anyone to feed Him; instead He fed the multitudes. And He trained His disciples to do the same. Being a Christian gives you the ability to be cool and Generous while distributing to the necessity of the saints, not to the greedy lust of the hirelings.
Or if you are a minister and you are tired of supporting the lavish lifestyles of the unentitled fat cats in Graham, tell your people that you have decided to start honoring God's word by giving to the poor, the fatherless, the stranger, the widow. Tell them that you are no longer going to send your congregation's money to the hypocrites in Graham; but you are going to distribute it to that elderly sister in the congregation who is a widow, or the stranger, or the mother with three fatherless children. Tell them you are no longer going to force them to pay tithe to money-grubbers in Graham, WA.
If you do, and ntcc threatens to take your minister's license, you'll be better off. Jesus never issued paper credentials to His disciples. Jesus never incorporated an organization financed by a bunch of brainwashed suckers. Jesus never expected anyone to feed Him; instead He fed the multitudes. And He trained His disciples to do the same. Being a Christian gives you the ability to be cool and Generous while distributing to the necessity of the saints, not to the greedy lust of the hirelings.
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Look at those commandments again. Those are instructions on what to do, how to live: Beware. Don't believe every spirit! Don't run to them to wipe your nose! From such turn away. If they aren't right, you won't change them. They are deceivers. God said to turn away from them.
Read your bibles people. Find out if the doctrine that you are living under is of God. If they are adding to it or taking away from it, than you are being taught false doctrine and your church leader is a false prophet. If your ntcc hireling that calls himself a pastor tells you that the TV is evil and you will die and go to hell for watching it, only to later change his mind and say that TV is now okay as long as you watch only certain programming (like his family has been doing all along;), then that hypocrite hireling has ulterior (control) motives; and you can rest assured that those motives are related to M-O-N-E-Y!!!!! If he controls you, he gets what he wants: Your income.
Start paying more attention to what your bible says, then what your control freak hireling says. Get two clickers. You know, the little things you press and each time you push the button it counts up, one, two, three. Label one clicker "Pastor" and one "Jesus". Then keep an honest count: For each time you ask yourself "What does Pastor say / want / think?" click the "Pastor" counter. Then for each time you ask yourself, "What does Jesus say / want / teach?", click the Jesus counter. We think you will be surprised by the results!
Gal 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
On another note: If the man leading you tells you that you can't talk to a sister, or pursue a relationship without his permission, try his spirit and see whether it is of God. If he plows your fields and gets all red-faced and indignant with you, you will know that he is a false prophet, that he lives his greedy life for money and numbers and the approval of his cult leaders. We are not advocating that you commit any sins or stop living for God; but that you should use the brain that God has given you and stop allowing the ntcc to manipulate your lives. Try the spirits whether they are of God.
I don't care how loud they preach or how many people snot and blow at the altar; if the spirit behind the man is not of God, then stop following him. Compare that dude to Jesus; and if he does things that contradict God's word, don't allow him to twist any more scriptures. Call him on it and see what spirit he has. If he is of God, he will humble himself and align his actions with the Word of God and pattern shown by Christ. If he is a hireling he will blow up and start falsely accusing you and the brethren of false things while reverting back to all the false teachings of the cult you're in. Check out this video:
Faulty Doctrine by Timothy Brindle
Click Here To Watch On YouTube
2Ti 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Knowing these things, you should realize that you should not believe davis or those who imitate him. They are false prophets. Do you think God wants you to follow them? Look at what the bible says about where they will end up:
That's pretty serious. Please remember, beloved, these are commandments. But God gives a promise, a reward, for those who keep His commandments:
Rev 22:14 Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
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I like this picture called the Tree of Life; but to me, the Cross is the True Tree of Life |
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Gal 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree |
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Jhn 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also. |
You should have used 100's instead of 20's.
Mark G. said...
"You should have used 100's instead of 20's."
DnA said:
If there was a template available for that we would have. We really don't have a clue how rich these people are. If we knew how much money they really had, our heads would explode. Kekel is said to have a Quarter Million Dollar car, which could even be worth more than that. He doesn't dispute or deny it. That's a huge amount of money to spend on a toy. The love of money is the root of all evil. Davis and Kekel seem to love it quite a bit.
The following comment and our answer is being brought forward from our last blog post entitled, "Doctrinal Statement XV - Tithes in Your NTCC".
Disappointed said:
"One must question the credentials and skills of the CEO and ADMINISTRATOR because there is no way that a true and trained administrator would allow the local churches or the missionary churches, to suffer any financial hardships, the ministry is to serious of a calling to allow those churches to suffer financial hardships."
DnA said:
Sorry that it sometimes takes a while to respond to your comments. We like to respond to each comment left on our blog. You make very good points and answering your comments requires a lot of thought. You hit on something that is worthy of it's own blog post here. Because we feel this subject is important we are going to carry this comment forward into our new blog post so it can get maximum exposure.
Kekel says that he was called by God to be an administrator and if someone were to objectively rate Kekel's administration skills, he would get low marks. If you were in the retail business and you operated it like Kekel, you would be running a business like K-mart when you should be running a business like Walmart. Has anyone ever been to a K-mart lately? K-Mart is a huge store, almost as big as Walmart. I went to one recently and there were about 8 cars in the parking lot on a weekend. When I walked in the store, there were only 2 registers open and both of the associates were standing at the end of their isles waiting for a customer to cash out. You'd be lucky to find a parking spot within a 100 yards from the front door at Walmart.
K-mart went bankrupt some years ago and was purchased by Sears. K-mart almost seems like a front for money laundering or a real big tax write off for Sears. There is no way K-mart is sustaining enough business to pay for all of their expenses. It reminds me of the ntcc.
If you look at all the buildings and real estate they own and compare it to some of the mega-churches you would find that the ntcc is very close to them in valued assets, but when you compare the numbers in attendance or on the membership roles you would find a huge disparity. I would venture to say that you would not find one church in America that has so many assets with so few members, and if you did, it would be a cult just like the ntcc.
If Kekel was called to be an administrator, he is doing a horrible job. The only area of administration that Kekel excels at is in scamming people out of their hard earned money and funneling it into his own interests.
Disappointed said:
"kekel is not a true administrator he's just a administrator that has been trained by ntcc for ntcc."
DnA said:
Ain't that the truth and this applies to all the board members, pastors, ministers and anyone who has been through their brainwashing institution. They are all trained by the ntcc for the ntcc. If they were trained according to the bible, the churches would teach sound doctrine that doesn't contradict the bible. They would also bear the fruit of Christianity.
They would not allow the ministers they trained to have church in a run down, roach infested store front that's worth less than 1/100th of the value of the houses they live in. They would not hoard all of the money for themselves, while missionaries are living in a room that's probably smaller than their walk-in closet, or having to use a bathroom with no seat on the toilet, while Kekel's Mansion has 4.5 bathrooms, and all 5 of the commodes have seats.
He's quite the administrator. Kekel and Davis have managed to keep the money giving masses believing that what they have comes from Gawd. Gawd has blessed Kekel for being a faithful administrator. He has been given a 4 bedroom, 4 1/2 bath 4,585 square foot House which has more area in square feet than the majority of the churches in the ntcc. He has an attached garage with 774 Sq. ft. of area and a detached garage with 518 sq. ft. detached garage. That's more space to house his cars than most of the Servicemen's homes have to house people. The basement has 2819 square feet of space which probably is not included in the 4,585 square feet at the time of the assessment unless it was finished and met all the criteria for living space. It has two nice and warm, toasty fireplaces to provide an alternate source of heat and ambiance for their comfort and enjoyment.
Yep, Kekel's gawd has really blessed him a lot with all the living space and amenities of the rich and famous while the rest of the "non-profit" incorporated organization suffers. He's quite the administrator alright.
"With all of the wealth that ntcc has, and all of the money that's collected daily, there is no reason or justification for any Pastor having to conduct service in a small store front building. What's the point of doing that? Kekel did'nt start out in some store front business, or a run down place, so what have he learned? or what are they (the Pastors) learning?"
DnA said:
Kekel married into ntcc wealth and fame. He has never had to experience hardship in comparison to his contemporaries or loyal subjects. The hardest thing Kekel does is to determine how he is going to spend all of the brainwashed sucker's money. I think people like Davis and Kekel have no conscience. They crossed a line at some point and money became more important than God or anyone else. They have made themselves rich off of the hard work and labor of others. They have used people up and discarded them by the thousands, while the money continues to stack up for them. The organization no longer stands for the things that they once stood for and all of it's leaders still worship the ground Davis walks on. Meanwhile, Davis and Kekel do not care about anyone but themselves, because you are expendable, just like we were. Any of you can be replaced. If you don't believe it, look around you and see how many are gone. Did they all want sin? Were they all looking for an easier path? Who prospers around Davis and Kekel? The ones that kiss up to them all the time, saying yes sir, I'll do whatever you ask. I'll be loyal to you even if it involves sin. I'll ignore the hurt and broken hearted at your command. I'll run people off because you tell me to. I'll continue to ask, "How high", when you say jump. We'll give you as much money as you ask for so you can live large while we sacrifice for your well being. If anyone questions us we'll jack them up just like you jacked us up. We'll control them just like you controlled us. We'll be good cult leaders just like you, and we'll continue to send all of our money to Graham, so you can keep building your own personal empire while you oppress us.
We used the information from the Pierce County Assessment to get our information on Kekel's mansion. It can be found on Deborah's Witness. If you would like to see for yourself, please click on the blue link above labeled "Kekel's Mansion". Gregory, if you read this, have you ever had any success in finding the county assessment for the Davis mansion? That would be nice to have also. We compared the pictures to the assessment and Kekel's house looks like a two story, while the assessment claims it's a one story. Either Kekel has some serious vaulted ceilings (slab ceilings) or the assessor made an error. Worth looking into?
thanks to don for pointing out lecrae.
anyways, here is a "movie" his group did called "Man Up".
You'll get more real-life practical christian lessons here than you would in an ntcc service.
let me know if you enjoyed it.
Man Up (movie)
Anonymous said...
thanks to don for pointing out lecrae.
DnA said:
No problem, but Ange posts a lot of the fun stuff on this blog. I post all of the boring stuff. She also helps out on many of the blog posts and posts a lot of stuff on her own. We both contribute. The video in this most current post entitled "Faulty Doctrine" is by Timothy Brindle. featuring Shai Linne. I'm not a big fan of the Rap Genre, or hip hop, but LeCrea Nails it. I enjoy TobyMac quite a bit, because he mixes it up a lot, while always conveying a heart felt message. It's a lot better than singing the same 10 songs over and over again:
Amazing Grace, At the Cross, God's not Dead, Everybody will be happy over there, Oh I want to see him, I'll Fly Away, Victory in Jesus, He Set Me Free, I've got a river of life and No not One.
Those are all good songs but who is the ntcc to define a what constitutes making a Joyful Noise unto the Lord? I've heard them preach against Sandi Patty and Dallas Holm and Don Francisco. I'm sure Kekel and Davis would classify much of the music we listen to as "Ungodly Filth", but what do they know? When did they become the authority on what kind of music is acceptable to God. They would always talk about music having a worldly beat, but their southern fried country gospel music is boring and repetitious. Kekel's brand of Blue Grass festival music was influenced by a bunch of drunks sitting around a still drinking moonshine and smoking dope.
I've seen some of the ntcc'rs facebook likes and they like everything from Casting Crowns to The Cathedral Quartet. If you apply the early standards of Davis to the whole rotten bunch, none of them would be saved.
Oh, I watched the first part of the movie, Man up. You are right. I'll comment some more when I finish it.
Anonymous said:
"let me know if you enjoyed it.
Man Up (movie)"
DnA said,
I enjoyed it. It's Christianity without all of the Cult behavior. People being real, dealing with real problems that face Christians. You can tell that the people in this movie were sincere and the difference between them and the ntcc leadership was that money was not the driving force behind their message.
They dealt with a lot of real issues in a way that I have not seen in the ntcc. When you strip away all of the hype and the man made rules, Christianity makes so much more sense. Repentance has true meaning when it's not defined by false motives.
This is a great movie to watch if you have recently been part of a cult like the ntcc. It's good to see how normal Christians deal with real issues. The Sherwood movies are also good, because they focus on the important things in life like integrity and honesty. Doing the right thing while living for God. Thanks Anonymous for the link and I hope others will get something good out of it as I did.
here's another good movie as well if you haven't seen it.
To Save A Life
I don't know if it was this movie or another but I remember a line of a person saying:
How come all you christians want something? How come you just can't be someones friend ?
That was spoken by a "sinner" to a christian that only wanted them to come out to church all the time.
We rented the movie, "To Save A Life" from a RedBox machine. It had some good points and some stereotypes.
ok, i'll have to gather a list of good movies to watch instead of posting here and there.
anyways, this one called The Encounter is done really well.
for some reason though, the person that posted it posted the wrong names on the video.
it's really good though
The Encounter
I thought "The Encounter" was a good movie. There was another movie called the "Encounter II, Paradise Lost" with the same actor and it was pretty good also.
I would recommend the Encounter to anyone who has gone through the ntcc cult experience. It places Jesus in the 21st Century appearing to a few people whose lives are going in different directions. The writer of this Movie does a great job showing how Jesus might deal with people if He were to chose to appear in this day and age. The movie takes on difficult issues and answers questions that many churches try to avoid.
The ntcc wouldn't approve of this movie because the guy who plays Christ has facial hair and is not wearing white shirts and wing tips. He's too down to earth and not a spiritual giant like they try to emulate.
Another thing about the movie, "To Save a Life". The movie itself had a decent message, but it seemed like it was written to be politically correct and they strayed away from explaining salvation and seemed like they were afraid to use the name of Jesus in the movie. It was worth watching but we kind of felt it fell short of what it could have accomplished. That's just our opinion and our assessment of the movie. We do not claim to be the authority on what a person should watch, and our critique is nothing more than our opinion. It's important that people think for themselves.
There is a series of ten movies called the "Love comes Softly" collection that Ange got me to watch and I thought it was pretty good. It's a family series, of Hallmark type movies set in the 1800's. It was a continuing Saga about a few generations of a family that were settling the old west.
Feel free to list some more movies/or music.
there are christian movies that do cover christian topics, then there are movies that I call "secular christian" movies where they may be good family movies and may lightly touch upon christianity.
I recently saw one i bought from walmart that i thought was christian but it was a secular christian movie in that it promoted good morals and briefly mentioned the bible and such but didn't touch upon any christian topics.
either way, it's better than watching a garbage movie.
Suing The Devil
Suing The Devil
When I attended ntcc college St. louis, Mo. Most of the brothers at that time seemed to only be instrested in trying to look, act, dress, and talk, like davis or olson in everthing they did or said. They did not seem to be instrested in trying to be like Jesus, and kekel was a leader in trying to be like davis. Well, for me, it caused me struggles because when i attedended ntcc college, I was already saved and God had already blessed me with a since of self awareness and identity. I did not care about trying to be like davis or olson, i could not stand wingtip shoes, i thought they was ugly and i still do today, so i never purchased any, plus i did not want to be like davis or olson, like other brothers. I also did not see davis as a father figure, or a replacement for my own parents, because God blessed me with pretty good parents, who, when i wanted to leave ntcc sent me the money to leave because i had given all my money to them (ntcc) and they (ntcc) would not provide me with a bus ticket so that i could leave. So when i read or here of ntcc missonaries, and pastors, struggleing to survive, i can only think of how cold, callous, and calculating that the leaders of ntcc are.
Thank God you had pretty good parents and a relationship with God that gave you your own identity prior to your ntcc experience! We feel that really helped you escape their clutches.
Many people do look to davis and even kekel as father figures. Once you truly know those men, however, you realize how truly sad that is.
They are cold and calculating manipulators.
Some of the worst true stories of what ntcc missionaries have endured have not even been shared here on this blog.
Anyone who continues to support the ntcc moneygrubbers is foolish. The money given to ntcc obviously winds up in Graham, WA while missionaries, pioneers, servicemen home directors and all other ministers continue to struggle.
Honorable people have no problem answering questions about the cash flow in the church.
But ntcc hirelings hide everything.
They hate the Light.
I really appreciate this post for so many reasons. I love that you encourage them to take their tithe and offer it where it really belongs. I do believe that a church should be supported by its members but we don't live under the Old Testament any more AND ntcc has more than enough money as we are all too aware for the hire-ups to live lavishly large. When the church has this much money – it’s time to take yours and go elsewhere! A church should reach out to their community. Of course, people are going to read this and disagree – that’s because they are too brainwashed to believe it is true. Read and see.
I would love to see more people read their bibles and not listen to the brainwashed voice in their head but really pray and really seek God and His voice. I know when you’re deep in brainwashing it’s hard to believe anything other than what you were taught but I believe if these people would pray daily, God reveal the truth to me and if they won’t discount God, they will hear from Him. I can attest to discounting the voice of God for a while when I was in the bondage of ntcc. I can attest to feeling like a lot of what ntcc said was wrong/lies, etc. and then bouncing back to - pastor’s right, it’s just the devil trying to mess with me. Listen to God; listen to His Word, not the words of money grubbing, greedy, slimy, slandering, puppeteers. If you try to withhold your tithe to do something for God, you’ll see how slanderous they’ll become!
Kmart bought sears, not vice versa.
Disappointed, I hated wingtips too and never bought any either. It was even noticed and commented on by RWD. He can't stand individuality.
I never went to Bible College, and I'm glad I didn't because it would have been a waste of time. I do remember agonizing over it, and wondering if I had made the right decision. Wow, what a waste of time. agonizing over going to R'Dub's crummy bible college that really wasn't a bible college at all. I can remember how he, as well as the other pastors at NTCC tried to make it sound exciting, Just like if you went that you were on the "cutting edge" of whatever it was that God was doing. A few years ago Les Rhinehart was going to school and the school that he was enrolling into (accredited) would allow him to use his schooling at NTCC as credits towards his legitimate degree. Mike Kekel made sure he enclosed a letter to the effect that the credits at NTCC were not accredited, hence they were not worth anything and he wanted to make sure that the "legitimate" school knew that. Really Mike was the one that made the NTCC bible school look bad because in essence he was saying that the degree that Les had earned at NTCC wasn't even worth the paper that it was written on. As far as individuality, I can remember that R'Dub used to wear Royal Copenhagen cologne. It seemed like EVERYONE at bible school wore it as well. Some people I noticed in my short time there even had R'Dub mannerisms. CREEPY.
I remember the Royal Copenhagen fad, because it's just not enough to look and talk like Davis, but everyone wanted to smell like him too. I tried it, but I wasn't much into wearing fragrances and didn't really care for cologne. I didn't stink, or anything but figured deodorant and personal hygiene was sufficient.
There is very little individuality in the ntcc, or at least that's how it was back in the 80's and 90's. If Davis dressed a certain way so did 99% of the ministers. I can't imagine how many people were turned off by that. I mean, the average person that comes to church see's all the men on one side all dressed the same, wearing white shirts, paisley ties, wing tips and smelling like Royal Copenhagen, while the women are on the other side looking like they are auditioning for The Waltons. It's no wonder 99% of the visitors don't hang around very long.
Everyone is the same. It's actually pretty sick when you look at it. I was one of them and looking back on it all, it's a sad shame that people can become so manipulated that they will spend their whole life trying to be like RWD, or trying to fit in with people that are all misfits. How did we ever allow ourselves to fall into that trap?
Does anyone have a picture of Ron Denis?
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