Dear Brother,
Greetings in the Wonderful name of Jesus! He is truly wonderful.
Thank you for your letter. We were glad to hear from you and was glad for the time we were with you in Korea. We really enjoyed ourselves.
Marie is here for Bible School and it was good to see her again. She talked to Pop and I about your plans. Marie and Pop talked to brother Davis about going back over there and getting married, and working with Bro. Barnes in a Servicemen's Home. Bro. Davis didn't approve of her going back over there for that reason, because Bro. Barnes will be leaving in about six months, and he wouldn't want him to start a Servicemen's Home, as he doesn't have anyone to replace him. We are really short of trained people.
Bro. Davis told Marie she could go to Bible School if she wanted to but we don't know if she is enrolled yet or not. We haven't seen her since Sun. night as there haven't been any services. We'll see her tomorrow night.
As far as you and her getting married, Bro. Davis, Bro. Barnes nor Pop have nothing to say about you and Marie marrying; that is between you and her and the Lord.
Pop put in a good recommendation for you to go to Bible School but it is wholly up to Bro. Davis who enrolls.
You pray, and before it is time for you to reenlist or get out, contact Bro. Davis and let him know your desires. God knows.
Write us whenever you want. God Bless you.
Love + prayers
Mom and Pop Gaylord
P.O. Box 629
Graham, Wa 98338
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Mom and Pop Gaylord's letter to Don, Page 1 |
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Mom and Pop Gaylord's letter to Don, Page 2 |
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Mom and Pop Gaylord's letter to Don, Page 3 |
This letter is in response to a letter that I wrote to Mom and Pop after meeting Marie in Korea and discussing marriage with her. We wanted to marry in Korea; but she, like others, was "Called" to go to the New Testament Christian Seminary in Graham, WA. Since she could not disobey her "calling" she decided to go to bible school and return to Korea as soon as possible so we could get married. She thought she could get a some time in training and return as a worker to Korea and help build a Servicemen's Home and Church in Korea. We are not going to mention Marie's last name because it is not my intention to invade her privacy. She did nothing wrong in this debacle. To place this in its proper perspective we have to mention that Marie had spoken to her pastor first in Korea; and he discouraged us getting married; because of the ntcc's strict celibacy policy.
"Marie is here for Bible School and it was good to see her again. She talked to Pop and I about your plans. Marie and Pop talked to brother Davis about going back over there and getting married, and working with Bro. Barnes in a Servicemen's Home." - Here we have a woman in the ntcc that wants to get married and Mom and Pop in the middle trying to help me. Pop actually talked with rwd and Marie to try to work something out but; rwd was not interested in our desires at the time.
Bro. Davis didn't approve of her going back over there for that reason - I wonder if davis, the man that "never missed the Holy Ghost", prayed about this decision; or if he just thought that he was so cozy with God that he didn't need to pray about this? It's okay to manipulate people if you are a cult leader. There is no forethought that goes into the decision making process when other people's lives are involved.
"Bro. Davis didn't approve of her going back over there for that reason, because Bro. Barnes will be leaving in about six months, and he wouldn't want him to start a Servicemen's Home, as he doesn't have anyone to replace him. We are really short of trained people." - That's a convenient excuse considering that Barnes DID start a Servicemen's Home there with my help. And we had four brothers living in the home when, a few short months later, the Wrights were on their way over to take over this work. I was under the impression that rwd "never missed God"; but I guess here we have an example of one of those rare occasions where rwd missed God! Unless you consider him to be a cult leader... then you would have to concede that none of this mess had anything to do with God!
As far as you and her getting married, Bro. Davis, Bro. Barnes nor Pop have nothing to say about you and Marie marryinig; that is between you and her and the Lord. - Standard cult jargon or a disclaimer to release the ntcc from any responsibility of destroying a relationship. If you think that this statement is true, than I have some swamp land on Pikes Peak I'd like to sell you. Davis had a lot to say about it. Do you think that if Marie had disregarded his advice and came back to Korea to marry me that everything would have been hunky dory between Marie and rwd? She was to be farmed out to a preacher.
Meanwhile, I was back in Korea working my tail off trying to get a servicemen's home started. We had a servicemen's home started before the Wrights even got over there. I helped build it (by filling it with tithe and home offering payers) and we had four people living in it before it was taken over.
Pop put in a good recommendation for you to go to Bible School but it is wholly up to Bro. Davis who enrolls.
You pray, and before it is time for you to reenlist or get out, contact Bro. Davis and let him know your desires. God knows. - Much has been said about my reasons for not going to bible school but in the end, I am glad that I never went. If Mom and Pop couldn't influence rwd to allow me to go to bs than it just wasn't meant to happen. I've had losers from the ntcc come on my face book page and tell me that I didn't go because I wanted to stay in the Army. Well guess what? When I came up for re-enlistment, rodger wilson davis was in Colorado Springs destroying another relationship that I was involved in. At the time I was in love with one lady, Angela; and I asked rwd if I could attend bible school and was shot down, and told how much God could use me in the military. I was an E-6 with 7 years in service. She however was encouraged to leave our relationship and go to bs to become an unaccredited preacher's wife. You be the judge. Is there a difference in being encouraged and being told or manipulated? Is there a difference in disobeying an admonishment from the Cult Leader or disobeying a direct order from the so called "man of God"?
Is there any doubt that the ntcc is a cult? Does all this seem like normal behavior for a normal church and it's normal leaders? Does any of this seem Christlike? The bible says, "Forbid not to marry". Once again davis's actions put him on the wrong side of the word of God.
A) Sounds Like A True Description Of ntcc.
B) ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C) I Read This Post.
D) Mom Gaylord probably meant it when she said who you marry is up to you and her and God; but davis makes rules that control who gets married.
E) The Bible says to "Forbid not to marry."... So it was wrong for ntcc to manipulate relationships to stop people from marrying just because one person goes to the ntcc bible school and the other person does not.
F) I'm afraid to get caught commenting on this blog!
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc
H) I think it's wrong for one man to tell another who he can or can't marry.
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc
J) I'm afraid to leave ntcc.
K) Create your own by leaving a comment: "K"
L) Create your own by leaving a comment: "L"
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**You Can Choose Multiple Answers**
Cool article. Davis has always been in control and that is evident. It's good that Pop couldn't just make the decision. It may not have made any difference. I'm sure you wasted your share of time with or without the BS.
On a side note. Have you ever considered making your blog wider? Because it's narrow, it's sometimes hard to read and navigate through. The narrowness makes your articles seem a lot longer than they really are. Just a thought. Once again, good article. It gives some insight to the type of relationship that Pop had with RWD.
Jeff said,
"Once again, good article. It gives some insight to the type of relationship that Pop had with RWD."
Don and Ange said,
Ange and I have recently moved and when going through all my junk, I found this and many more letters. It's amazing how these memories were repressed for years. When I found this letter, I realized that most of the details were purposely forgotten because it was a very hurtful experience to endure. I remember being engaged to Marie and Broadnax discouraging our relationship but didn't even remember the letter from Mom and Pop and what they actually tried to do for me. I also found a letter that my mother wrote to me. She had personally talked to Marie on the phone and I was trying to figure out a way to give her my car to go to Bible School with, thinking that we would still be getting married. It was impossible to transfer the title without my being there so that never transpired but again it was a memory that I completely forgot so that I could survive through it.
They tried to force me to live in celibacy and on numerous occasions they manipulated me and the ones I loved. I hate them for this and just when I think I'm over it and can forgive them for it, something from deep in my past comes to the surface again and reminds me of how wicked and evil these people are. I believe that rwd is about as evil of a person as you will ever find on this planet. I do not have any revenge wishes against them because it is not in my nature but I do pray that God stops them from hurting others.
After finding these letters in my archives I have decided to post more of them in the future so that people can see just how wicked the ntcc is. What makes rwd so evil is that he did all this under the pretense of being my friend. He would come through and have me drive him around. He would spend time with me pretending to care and showing fake love toward me. One time I sent him an article called "The Fellowship of the Unashamed" and he published it in the Trumpet. He treated me with the utmost respect every time I seen him in person and that is why it hurts so much to think of the times he shook my hand with his right hand but had a knife in his left hand prepared to stab me in the back.
Is this a Godly man? I don't think so. I was in total submission to the ntcc and it's leadership and doing everything I could possibly do to please God and this is how they rewarded me. I know I am not the only one that was wronged. I'm sure many were hurt worse than I was. I know of others and I'm sure you can tell many horror stories Jeff, of people that have suffered mental, emotional and spiritual abuse at the hands of these hypocrites.
Don and Ange
Jeff said,
"Have you ever considered making your blog wider? Because it's narrow, it's sometimes hard to read and navigate through. The narrowness makes your articles seem a lot longer than they really are."
Don and Ange said,
Thanks for your imput Jeff. Didn't realize that it was so narrow. We use control + to make it larger. The architect of our blog is my better half and she is going to work on that aspect. We have a lot of graphics and other pages going on as well, which slow it down also. Some times when you make a change the whole thing gets screwed up but we are glad you brought it to our attention and we'll work on it. Thanks.
Don and Ange
Jeff: Thanks for the tip. Pleas let us know if this helps or if there is another improvement we can make to the blog. Thanks.
Don and Ange
I was in ntcc 20 yes Rev for 12 yrs, I was in tillicum when Denis was training preachers there on how to get big numbers and will never forget how Denis made Rev ramariz who had in my eyes was a very nice man an big heart for ppl, he was made to be looked at as a failure in front of the Monday night table full of brethren while eating dinner, I sat two seats away and I felt ashamed, now I know I was in the process of being brainwashed for it was all about the numbers! Of course 5 yrs later pride cometh before the fall took its course on denis, which is sad in and of itself, I refuse to glory in a another man's failure for I always hope that there is deliverence, god bless Don and ange:)
Ramirez was my pastor for a year or so and I got along with him fairly well. In his early years it was reported that he was pretty abusive towards certain church members but in the early 90's he had mellowed out quite a bit. He passed away in January of 2013. For more info visit our memoriam page or click here.
As far as Denis is concerned, we aren't going to glory in his failure, but we will call a spade a spade. He has his own cult now and they are even more controlling than the ntcc.
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