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The Members of this Church can Leave the Sanctuary but They are still in Prison, Just like Ntcc Brainwashed Cult Members. |
Controlling cults like the ntcc have many unnecessary rules that create a personal prison for each member. The goal of the ntcc leadership is to take away your choices and confine you to smaller spaces. Where can you go, and what can you do in the ntcc without getting jacked up? Vacations are only for people like Kekel and the Tiemans. Wear this and don't wear that. Wash your hands before you eat. Don't wear colors that clash. If you own a dog or a cat, Davis won't come over to your house, (which makes having a dog or cat an abomination in ntcc, an incentive when out). Don't wear make up. Don't wear jewelry. Don't miss church. Don't miss bible study. Don't miss soul winning. Don't miss prayer meetings. Ask your pastor for permission to go places. Don't read your bible during church. Don't fall asleep in church. Don't miss fellowship after church. Pay your tithe. Pay your offerings. Pay your world missions pledge. Can you see your freedom slowly being sucked out of your life? Don't invite poor people to church, they say, because they can't do anything for God. They can't give. Meanwhile they are making you poor and creating a welfare state that will blindly give away their money while people like Kekel chuckle while they are looking over their bank statements. Jesus is supposed to set you free; but the people in the ntcc are anything but free. They live and breathe to obtain the approval of a man. They walk on eggshells trying not to get jacked up for every little thing they do.
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This Ntcc'r is Getting Ready to Sing "He Set Me Free" in Church, After he Hauls This Load of Money to Kekel's Mansion. This is Where Your Tithe and Offerings Actually Go. Free yourself by leaving. |
The longer a person stays in a cult like the ntcc, the more freedom they relinquish. They do things grudgingly out of obligation because their is no reward or incentive other than a continual promise of blessings that never materialize. When a church causes you to live in celibacy for decades, or influences you to alter your body by getting a vasectomy, it is not a church. You are living in bondage my ntcc brothers. You might as well be locked in a dungeon for life because you are not living. If you are allowing people to tell you what to wear, who you can talk to, who you can't talk to, who can visit you in your own house and how to oppress your family by giving the money that it takes to provide for them to your cult so that a rich cult leader can have more luxury in his life, you have become a slave to that cult and your freedom will continue to vanish.
You are living in a prison that was created to take away your freedom and keep you confined. Joining a cult was your crime and no matter how loyal you are to the powers that be, you will always be treated like a criminal. Criminals aren't trusted and are not given many choices at all. They are told when to wake up, who they can associate with, when they can receive visitors, what they can do, what they can say. They have to ask permission from their captors for just about anything. Being in ntcc is more like being in a concentration camp; because you have done nothing worthy of confinement; and you just might die from the experience.
The sad thing is that the ntcc cult members are kept in a jail without bars. There are no locks on the prison doors. They receive their lashes and return every day for more out of their own free will. They get used to being abused and love their abusers. They wear their stripes like a badge of honor. They conform to every rule that is introduced to them and live to please those who imprison them. Their are no walls keeping them in except for the walls of fear that are built in their own minds. They are beat down so much that they don't trust their own instincts, therefore their hearts are weak and their souls are filled with doubt and no self worth. They have been warned of hell and impending judgment. They have been taught to blame themselves for everything bad that happens to them. This isn't God. This isn't how Jesus treats people, so don't blame your bondage on Him. You might just need to JUMP:
Dog CAN Escape -
Watch on YouTube
You don't need an elaborate plan to escape from the ntcc. You just need to pack up your things and leave. Take your family and leave. Contrary to what you've been taught, leaving the ntcc will not take you away from God. It will bring you closer to God and once you learn to live for God out of your own free will you find it much more rewarding. Even if you choose not to have anything to do with God, you are better off leaving. I made that choice almost 20 years ago and it was an improvement. The freedom helped me unlearn all of the cult teachings and now I have a wife, a nice home, a nice car, a dog, and a closer unfettered relationship with God, with no strings attached. I serve God by choice and no religious huckster is telling me what to do after raping my wallet.
Run! Run for Your Lives!
Watch on YouTube
My ntcc friends, we implore you to escape for your lives. Get away from the ntcc because it is a cult and people like Kekel are trying to keep you in bondage. Don't subject yourself to abuse any longer. Davis used to talk about rubbing a cat the wrong way and if the cat didn't like it, he could turn around and get rubbed the right way. He was talking about you. The ntcc want's you to learn to accept abuse. If you don't want people like Davis and Kekel rubbing you at all, you need to leave that controlling environment and introduce yourself to freedom. You can make something out of what is left of your life, but you can't do it from your prison cell in the ntcc.
Go Proclaim Liberty & Freedom
(Mini-Playlist) Watch on YouTube
If there ever was a time to escape from the ntcc nut-house, now is as good a time as any. Ashmore and Davis are both gone, Kekel is stumbling around in the dark and Olson is having family problems. Compromise is settling in and hypocrisy is rising to the surface like sewage from an over-filled septic tank bubbling up into your lawn. Don't feel like you owe them an explanation because in reality, they owe you an explanation for wreaking havoc in your life and robbing you of years of your future.
"Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story."
Very interesting tweet from mrskekel.
People are leaving and there's no looking back.
If they could only see the damage that they've done not a year ago or two years ago but years n years of treating those souls like they were lepers.
The song "No Longer Slaves" comes to mind in reading this post.
After Kieth Gandy bury's his face so far up the executive and general boards backside on a comment left on the Devenshire blog (http://thedevonshires.blogspot.com/2006/08/rev-gandys-comment.html) I thought I was going to puke. He performs some serious oral man worship then admits with great pride to being a "company man" although mixes it with weasel words about not being a yes man but admits to being a company man which in effect translates to a, well you guessed it, A YES MAN.
Read excerpt below:
"and I know that if one of the fault finders read this, they will just say that.."There he goes again...He is just a org yes man....He is just one of those company men etc..."
Well....I am not a yes man, I am a Christian. As far as being a company man.....YES I AM!!!!
God Bless all of the faithul Brethren.
Bro. Gandy
Run before you end up selling your soul to the company and worshiping at the feet of its leaders!!!!!!!
"That's the end of their part in your story".
See, it was never about you, it was about them and their story the whole time.
Tanya Kekel tweeted:
"Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story."
Anonymous said:
"If they could only see the damage that they've done not a year ago or two years ago but years n years of treating those souls like they were lepers."
DNA said:
What Tanya Kekel is saying here is that when people leave the ntcc they are leaving God and that is the end of their story in your life. So, if someone leaves the ntcc, they are treated as Garbage. Once you throw away your trash, you don't go back to the dump and look for it, it's gone forever. This is what Tanya, Mike and all of the ntcc leadership think of you when you leave their cult. Tanya comes right out in public and admits this. I know that they think of all of us as trash and that's okay with me because I'm free.
Anonymous is right. They treat people who leave the cult like lepers. It hurts people and some may never get over it. Rather than restoring a brother they cut them off for ever. They will say, "Leave that man (or woman) alone. They have made their choice. Then they treat them like the trash that they put out on the curb or haul to the dump. They never want anything to do with them again, unless they come crawling back with tithe check in hand. Tanya is a very sick woman. She is like spiritual cancer, eating away at the body of Christ and destroying all the good cells (Christians) with the bad.
Gandy said:
"God Bless all of the faithul Brethren.
Bro. Gandy"
Slappy Dog said:
"Run before you end up selling your soul to the company and worshiping at the feet of its leaders!!!!!!!"
DNA said:
Here we have Gandy defining what a 'faithful brother' is. A company man. One that tows the company line and falls lockstep into place with the establishment. One that shuts of his or her brain and does what they are told. Be a good dog and we'll give you a Scooby snack. Wag your tail and roll over. Pay your tithe and ignore our sin as we visit whore houses and molest young children. If that is what a 'faithful brother' is, than no thanks, I'd rather be faithful to God than a creep like Gandy.
Gandy and many of the old timers that are still hanging around ignore the word of God. Gal 5:4 "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace." They justify people that pay their tithe according to Old Testament law and have no grace or mercy towards people who don't pay their tithe according to Old Testament Law. They are fallen from Grace.
The best thing you can do is set your self free from the bondage that the ntcc has placed you under. There are some sinister people in the ntcc. They are a lot like the terrorists from 9/11. They used our own freedom against us. They trained to fly in our free country and used our commercial jets as missiles to kill thousands of innocent people. What the ntcc does in the spiritual realm is no different. They destroy Christian's lives by taking their freedom away and then convincing that Christian to believe that they destroyed their own life. The shunned Christian then blames themselves for the rest of their life, not only effecting them but everyone that ever knew them or that they might have reached in the future.
A guy that goes by Jim commented on the Fontenot thread of the Mountain News. I want to bring a portion of his comment over here because it applies to what we are talking about. He left a lengthy and well written comment that should be read in it's entirety but we want to share part of what he wrote on this blog so that people will understand how hard it is for people to leave a cult. We would encourage you to read his entire comment that can be found by clicking here.
Jim said:
"Ntcc is full of imperfect people. From Kekel, to Olson, Kinson, and on and on. I heard that Kekel has a motorcycle, among other things. It makes it difficult for me to pay my tithe sometimes now that I know about that. But I do pay tithe as if I am giving it to Jesus. If the preacher takes it to the caSINo and gambles it away, what is that to me? “Follow thou me” Jesus said to Peter. If they are sitting up there in “the lodge” drinking beer out of a beer bong and passing joints around the table, does the cause of Christ not yet ring out loud to “reach the lost”?"
And later Jim said:
"I am 48 yrs old and I will stay here in this church until death or the rapture take me."
We say:
This is really sad because he knows that the people he follows are hypocrites and he chooses to follow them until he dies or the rapture takes place. He knows that his tithe money is going towards Kekel's toys, which now include a motor cycle according to what Jim heard. It bothers him, but he'll pay his tithe to them no matter what they spend it on. He'll continue to attend this cult no matter what sins the preachers are involved in. This is bondage. Jim knows that his salvation comes from God but he doesn't realize that he doesn't have to follow these hypocrites to keep his salvation. He feels that since God moved in his life in this church, this is the place he must stay regardless of what they do, even if it involves molesting children. This is a sad error in judgment.
It's one thing to be a cult member and believe in the doctrine of the cult leadership, but to understand that they are wrong and continue in that cult really blows my mind. Most people will not admit what Jim admitted. He knows that the ntcc leadership is "imperfect", but he's trying to use the "once saved always saved" doctrine that he believes in as a security blanket to throw over the entire organization, many of whom preach against that doctrine. I find it very disturbing that this guy would still pay tithe to them and still follow them until he dies even if they were doing beer bongs and smoking joints in the lodge. That is not the doctrine that he claims moved him to salvation.
LOL...I had to laugh at some of the comments. Sorry I got a mental picture of Kekel riding on his motorcycle with his wife in a dress or skirt.
To address what Tanya Kekel said: Tanya, my story has not stopped when I left your church. I still believe in God! One day we will all stand before him and give account to how we treated and used his flock!
The comments left by Jim are indeed sad. The truth is that his mind frame resides in all the old timers because they believe the NTCC org as their covering. Simply by coasting on the momentum built by its claims to be the last move of God on earth gives a certain security. Listen, you must forsake religion and run for your life. Jesus without religion is the way. The bible is full of warnings not to trust in man made rules and traditions to get to heaven.
Tell your pastor your withholding tithe until you, as the Bereans, study to see if these things are so. Remember, they were considered "more noble" by doing so. Your answer will be forth coming in their response to your with holding tithe.
"Kekel riding on his motorcycle"
If true, I cannot but believe this is more playing the people in order to do what he wants. RW told me that if I were to be in the ministry I could not own a ford bronco but would have to get a car.
Tanya said:
"That's the end of their part in your story".
Well, how revealing of a comment we have here. Why would you consider it the end of their part in your story? They are running to the blogs and making you part of their story whether you like it or not. You don't have God in a box their in Graham Tanya, I personally believe you are smarter then that and to view someone as cut off and out of any further doings with God or you seems very prideful.
I don't find fault with this Jim character about his feelings towrd the org. in fact at one point or another we had the same feelings.
We had the leaders in a pedestal thinking that they were the only ones that had access to God and were perfect before all.
We were the ones who needed "them" to tell us how short of the glory of god we were forever at the altar screaming & crying for god to be merciful to us sinners.
Jim explains that he is overjoyed that his leaders are just regular men & women who are not exempt to failures.
Now he sees them with even more devotion because they are "like" him,
Full of failures and sins.
I remember that it was "them" sitting by themselves with real cutlery and glasses while the rest had plastic and foam cups.
They would stare from their table and we felt overjoyed when they glanced at us for a few seconds.
We thought that they had the keys to the kingdom of god while we wretched people couldn't attain the smallest favour of god.
All along they instilled this idea in our brains that the ntcc had been decreed by god by way of the founder and board members to be the only ones with full access to god and heaven.
Without their instruction and mandates we were lost therefore when you leave the ntcc you are practically leaving salvation behind.
There's no other way around it, either you're for them or against them: the choice is yours.
Well it looks like the blood moons have come and gone. The so called Super blood moon that took place last night was not accompanied by the sun turning black along with an earthquake as it is described in the bible. Mathew Meinecke, who claims to be the associate pastor of Ashmore's church had this to say on his facebook page:
"March 29 at 12:43pm
Yitzhak Kaduri, supposedly wrote the name of the Messiah on a small note which he requested would remain sealed until now. When the note was unsealed, it revealed what many have known for centuries: Yehoshua, or Yeshua (Jesus), is the Messiah.
He gave a prophecy that yeshua would return shortly after the death of Arial Sharon Who died January 11th 2015
This year there will be a blood moon at passover, each blood moon in sets of four have been significant to the history of Israel. This is the third blood moon in the four moon set that started last passover April 2014
I feel at this very moment something significant is going to happen at this passover
starting April 3rd- and ending April 11.
Remember that Jesus said that the moon would be TURNED INTO BLOOD BEFORE THE GREAT AND NOTABLE DAY OF THE LORD COMES
Jesus said: "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas." Mat. 16:4
We are not sure weather Ashmore buys into this false teaching or not. Meinecke runs a Youtube channel for Ashmore that includes quite a few Ashmore's sermons and also a few Meinecke sermons. He also published a prophetic warning on Youtube with the camera so close to his face that you could see his teeth and razor stubble all over his somber face.
There are three scriptures that speak of the moon turning to blood, one in Joel, one in Acts and one in Revelation. These three speak of one event that is explained in detail in the Revelation and it takes place after the sixth seal is opened. The moon turning to blood is accompanied by an earth quake and the sun turns black. The so called blood moons that Meinecke is talking about are nothing more than lunar eclipses and they have been taking place for years and years. They stole the term blood moon from the the book of Revelation, (just like hollywood does in horror movies), then twisted it a little and then used it to label moons that aren't even the color of blood. Then Meinecke attached a false prophesy to it so that he could create an atmosphere of fear and coerce people into believing that he is a prophet. When people think that Jesus is returning during a specified window they are more apt to empty their wallets into the offering plate and join your wacky program. I guess we'll have to wait for the next set of four blood moons for some more false prophesies.
Arial Sharon was the prime minister of Israel and commander of the Isreali army from it's creation in 1948. He actually died in 2014, not in 2015. So apparently this Yitshak Keduri was a kabbalist which is described as a Jewish Rabi that believes in mysticism and magic. Supposedly this Yitshak had a note which could only be opened a year after his death in 2006. When the note was supposedly opened it said that the messiah was Yehoshua or Jesus. The Wikipedia article does not make any connections between the prophecy and Sharon and there really is no proof that any of this ever happened. It has never been verified and no proof ever existed that any of this ever happened.
So you have a rabbi that believed in and taught magic and mysticism and then claims that he secretly knew that Jesus was the messiah (but was too ashamed to admit it during his 108 years of living on this earth), who left a coded message that nobody ever was able to produce saying that Jesus was the Messiah which could only be opened up a year after his death. And then you got Meinecke who uses this as an intro to his blood moon prophecy. That dude's noodle is baked. Meinecke is out there just like Ashmore. These guys are professional con artists and this proves it.
Vikings are 2-1
So I have to admit when I stopped going to church I had a hole cutting right through me. I didn't get any relief from it for years because I just "gave up" after 5 years when a church wasn't around.
I started having a blast and then guilt, and then a blast, then guilt...
Now I only have pure hatred for these people. They are criminals, swindlers, hypocrites, and they get away with it on the backs of generally good people.
May the leadership RIH.
I hear you Mike. It's easy to get pretty stirred up about these creeps but it's not worth losing sleep over. That might be easier said than done, but look at it on the bright side, at least you only wasted 5 years of your life in the ntcc. Who knows, maybe the whole experience will help you never to fall for another scam. There are many scam artists in the world that aren't even religious. Many of the pyramid scheme multi-level marketing scams exist only to find suckers who will buy into their program.
Your Vikings are looking good but I wouldn't put any money on them this weekend. Don't worry, 2 wins and 2 losses ain't that bad. To be honest with you, it's anyone's game. Denver has a great defense but they definitely are a long ways from having that dominant offense that Peyton Manning usually brings.
Anonymous said...
I don't find fault with this Jim character about his feelings towrd the org. in fact at one point or another we had the same feelings.
We had the leaders in a pedestal thinking that they were the only ones that had access to God and were perfect before all.
DNA said:
When I first read this comment it blew my mind. I thought, how could you ignore it if the ntcc leaders were sitting around in the lodge doing beer bongs and smoking joints while they preached so adamantly against drunkards and drug addicts? I almost commented a few times wanting to blow this line of thinking out of the water, but when I read it over several times and thought about how that anonymous said, "at one point or other we had the same feelings. Is that really true? How many people allowed the influence of the ntcc leadership to coerce them into doing crazy stuff while believing that their pastors were called and chosen of God? I did. I'm guilty. Paul listed a whole bunch of sins that would keep people from inheriting the kingdom of God in 1 Cor 6:9-11 and then he said, "and such were some of you". What makes it so hard to comprehend is when these things are happening all around you and you are a part of them. Is it really far fetched to understand where Jim is coming from? How many of us sat in church service after church service watching their ntcc Pastor abuse people for not conforming? So many times we sat there and watched people get destroyed for doing things that were not even a sin. Not only did we sit there, but we shouted Amen. I've witnessed many sermons that condemned people for not paying tithe, while the preacher was doing things that were much worse. We became complacent to the people that were being spiritually battered and run off from the church while we justified it all in the name of God. We truly placed the ntcc leaders on pedestals and ignored their hypocrisy thus enabling them to fleece the flock and tear down the faith of those who were seeking God's will in their lives.
We all witnessed it in the ntcc without recognizing what was right in front of us. We saw how many of these so called men of God treated their wives and children. We ignored it. We saw how covetous and greedy they were but we ignored it and kept giving. We took up offerings to give them gifts on top of all the tithe and offerings that we sacrificed under the guise of "supporting the work of God". Some got vasectomies so that they would forever altar their bodies while depriving themselves of the blessing of children all because Davis said that children hinder the work of the Lord. Others lived in celibacy because they were steered away from relationships and rebuked for pursuing a wife or husband. Anyone who disagreed with these man made doctrines was blasted during church services for being rebellious and fighting against all mighty God. So were we as brain washed as Jim? I hate to admit it, but were were every bit as brainwashed as Jim. I know people have said that if they knew where all their money was going and if they had the internet to learn about what was really going on, they would never have stayed. But we ignored many obvious warnings and overlooked major hypocrisy without the internet while subjecting ourselves to many man made rules that served to keep us blindly following corrupt men.
So where does this leave us? Should we ignore people who are living under the same delusions that we were? I realize that there is life outside of this blog. There are many things that we could be doing instead of constantly warning people to flee from this controlling group. When it's all said and done we have to do what we believe is right. Is it right to warn people about the ntcc? I'm not sure how others feel but there are a lot of people in the ntcc that I considered friends and brothers. Some people that were dear to me won't even talk to me any more because of the stand we have taken. Should I forever hate them as they appear to hate me?
Some have left the ntcc and even blogged against them have now joined up with Ashmore's group. Ashmore run's an X member blog and says much of the same things that we say. We are accused of tightly controlling our blog, but Ashmore's blog is much more controlling than ours. You have to sign up and request permission to be part of his group. It's a private group. I only know of one person that has confronted Ashmore about his part in the ntcc and that man called Ashmore and forwarded our letter to him. Ashmore told this man that even though he was an executive board member that he didn't know what was going on with the finances. Ashmore lived in one of their mansions and benefited greatly from the financial corruption in the ntcc. Ashmore only addressed one issue and that was his denial of having done anything to Julie. He will not be transparent with people and come clean about what he was involved in. He has not admitted to being part of the ntcc problem. He has not addressed the people that have been hurt by him. Ashmore has recently welcomed Donny Ridgeway into the fold. Donny Ridgeway has written to us not long ago calling Julie some very insulting and sexually degrading names that would only be used by an abuser. Julie has not called Donny any derogatory names while corresponding with us.
So how should we proceed? Should we be naive and gullible and follow Ashmore just because he left the ntcc and says much of the same things about them as we have been saying for the last five years? Should we make the same mistake with Ashmore that we made with Davis, Kekel and the rest of the ntcc leadership? All we asked for was transparency from Ashmore and we got stonewalled. Should we ignore the fact that Ashmore's associate pastor Meinecke is preaching whacked out end of times blood moon prophesies? If you can stomach watching their latest video that welcomes Donny Ridgeway into the fold, they haven't changed in the least bit from the rituals of the ntcc. Ridgeway led them in songs singing Victory in Jesus and Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Then Quail, (I think), took up an offering grabbing a big wad of cash out of his wallet for everyone to see and lifted it up above the pulpit and dropped the wad of cash into the offering plate. A few seconds later as Meinecke passed the plate around Quail let out a big noticeable sigh as if he were scared that he left himself enough money to survive. They all seemed to have that forced worship that the ntcc was famous for. While praying with their hands uplifted they seemed to work themselves into a fake fervor. They had a clap offering accompanied by more yelling that looked forced. Then Ashmore came up and read from his bible which was not King James, or if it was, he took the liberty to change some of the words in his bible reading. People would shout Amen really loud when nothing was really being said. Ashmore was definitely using the psychology that he learned in the ntcc during that service. He played to the crowd and got them involved. I could only listen to a few minutes of Ashmore because it just seemed so hypocritical for him to be in that 1.5 million dollar church doing the same things that Davis did. I guess I should ignore that and leave it alone at the risk of offending all of the X-ers that are involved in the Ashmore love-fest. Don't expect Ashmore to ever come clean about his involvement in the ntcc or to apologize to the people he hurt while he controls his audience on his secretive blog. It's not public for a reason.
We caught a lot of heat for sharing the testimonies of Julie, Lisa, Pam and Ken which all involved rape or child molestation as defined by state law. Recently in the news it was reported that a E-7 in the Special Forces was being discharged for reporting an Afghan soldier that raped a boy on a U.S. Military base. Why is it that people get so mad when rape is reported? All we did was publish their testimonies and share our views about it, and people were furious with us. All this decorated green beret did was report that a young boy was raped by an Afghan soldier and he is being discharged from the Army. SMH. I guess when you publicize rape and child molestation you are considered to be worse than the predators that committed the crime. I'm at a loss here. The ones that should be reprimanded are the ones that condone and allow rape to take place while the victims are expected to remain silent. We know that Fontenot was convicted of sex crimes against his own daughter and we also know that the ntcc tried to cover it all up. Who was punished in this coverup? Fontenots X-wife and their daughter were told to find another church by Olson while Fontenot was allowed to remain in the church. Fontenot would be free right now if he hadn't been stalking another child and possible victim of a former ntcc'r. Ken has a recorded phone call from prison of Johnny Jordan confessing of what he did to Ken and that he enjoyed it. This also was covered up by the ntcc. Why is it such a stretch for people to believe that the ntcc leaders condone and participate in sexual crimes? People like to stick their heads in the sand and ignore this stuff. They will shout any other allegation from the hill tops and quickly be outraged when people testify that they were verbally abused or that they were ran off for some holiness violation. Double standards..... Hypocrisy...... Silence the victims, throw them and anyone who gives them a voice under the bus. A private investigator would rather concentrate his efforts on digging up dirt on us than to investigate the ntcc leadership who have a known history of hiding pedophiles. Go figure.
Don and Ange...."A private investigator would rather concentrate his efforts on digging up dirt on us than to investigate the ntcc leadership who have a known history of hiding pedophiles"
Someone has an investigator looking up your background? If this the case I wonder who put him/her up to it.
Anonymous said:
"Someone has an investigator looking up your background? If this the case I wonder who put him/her up to it."
DNA said:
Actually there is an X-er who is a private investigator and he has been trying to dig up dirt on Xers like Julie rather than the ntcc. When I say us, I'm referring to X-ers or X-members of the ntcc. He has eluded to the fact that he has some inside information on me. He might very well find some dirt on me after I got out of the ntcc and was drinking and doing drugs, and before I got married to Ange. I was living a life without hope during that time and was under the delusion that no matter what I did, I would be spending eternity in the Lake of Fire. That is what the ntcc does to people when they are done using them for their money and labor.
There just may be an investigator compiling internet search history the leaders of NTCC are engaging in such as porn sites & investments, such as porn sites & investments, such as porn sites & investments, such as porn sites & investments, such as porn sites & investments, such as porn sites & investments. hehehehehehehehe
Sorry, I just couldn't keep it in. I can hear the scrambling now, huh kekel?
Heck, someone should just follow Kekel around for a week, you'll find him at the Disco/the bar/concerts/whatever... It was only a policy, not biblical.
Mike- Vikings 20 Bronco's 7
Now that the internet is a welcomed feature to the common NTCC family, I wonder how many porn watching preachers they have and unsuspecting wives? Just ask your prwacher husband straight up. Have you watched porn on the internet?
I recall "ash" when he was the world mission director going around getting pledges from the churches.
He knew how much money the churches collected and yet he doesn't know anything about it? Very unlikely.
He was in board meetings where they acted like the "white throne judgement"
It was all a ruse to keep people in line.
You can't just let bygones be bygones and try to appear that you love people by giving them a little meal and : treat them royally!
In fact that's what ash tried to tell a minister that was leaving "can't you just let it go for the good of the org?"
Now we know that ash couldn't even live up to his own advice but nevertheless if people want to live under that cloud of secrecy and feeling condemned everytime you don't do what they tell you,that's your prerogative.
Grace is a choice not a commandment.
This statement itself reveals they only cared about themselves the whole time.
Anonymous said:
"In fact that's what ash tried to tell a minister that was leaving "can't you just let it go for the good of the org?"
DNA said:
Ashmore sure doesn't seem to care much these days for 'the good of the org'. Ashmore calls them the whore now days. He used to make a lot of money off of the whore, so I guess that makes him the whore's pimp. Now Ashmore has his own whore that he doesn't have to share with anyone. Ashmore worked for the king of all Pimps, Davis, who worked the whore for almost a half a century and now the whore is broken down and old and hardly anyone wants to sleep with her any more. Now Kekel is the pimp but he doesn't have much to work with. He'll need to get the whore some plastic surgery if he expects her to keep turning tricks for him. That is why they are compromising and abolishing most of Rwd's rules and policies.
It's sad because there are some people in the ntcc that are still sincere. I really believe that. In spite of their sincerity they are being used to turn a profit so Kekel the pimp can have more toys and more money. It doesn't matter how rich Kekel gets, most of them will be like Jim who turns a blind eye to Kekels wickedness and continues to 'give as unto the Lord'. An ntcc pastor has no control over what happens to the people he reaches. He might be able to shield them temporarily from the corruption but he is always at the beckoning call of the borg leaders and his congregants are doomed to be prostituted out at some point in their unrevealed future. "God will keep you if you stay in the ntcc among those that love you and know what is best for you, so continue to rely on us to do your thinking for you and as long as the money keeps flowing you will be right with God", thus saith the MOG.
Is it fair for Ashmore to call ntcc a whore? He got it from us and other bloggers who referred to the organization as a whore because Davis used to call the Catholic church the great whore. It's very hypocritical to call another church a whore when you have become a multi-millionaire from prostituting your own congregation. Jesus promised people treasure in heaven and made them joint heirs with him. Jesus shared his power with the ones that loved him and he never made a profit from them. This is not the case in the ntcc. Davis not only didn't share his profits with those who followed him, but he made their lives bitter by making merchandise of them. Davis had to be in control and to achieve that level of manipulation he had to oppress the sincere people by appointing corrupt loyalists like Ashmore to fleece the flock. Money was Davis's God. If you didn't produce money and numbers, you were worthless to him. Good Christian people went to the ntcc seminary thinking they were going to set the world on fire like Ashmore. Ashmore was one of the biggest con artists in the ntcc and he profited from the ntcc scam by enabling Davis to be a leach on the body of Christ. Kekel has a monumental task ahead of him. He has to try to clean up the mess that Davis made without without implicating himself in the massacre that RW is responsible for. Who is going to be the next to leave? Rahab was a harlot but she turned her life around and protected the spies by lying to the Gesangs of Jericho thus securing a place in the genealogy of Christ.
You see, everything is cut and dry with the ntcc. There is no room for mercy and no understanding or patience for anyone who doesn't open their wallets and offer sacrifices to their ntcc gods. Everything is taken to the extreme. If you tell one lie, you are a liar and will burn. If you drink one beer you are a drunkard and you will burn. Wash your hands before you eat so you can please the Pharisees. Leave your Ox in the ditch on Sunday and let him die because if you miss a church service you will burn in hell. All the while these charlatans are profiting off of everyone's loyalty and willingness to suffer for their greedy cause.
Now that it's October will NTCC let their kids go trick or treating? I wonder if Grant ever did... Grant, interesting name...
Sort of like
"He was Granted to do anything he wanted"
"I Grant you my kingdom"
"You've got a Grant to go to college (on the backs of all the tithe payers)"
You wanna talk about self entitled, walking down the yellow brick road punks! Don't even start on him.
Eventually what goes around comes around.
And you, Davis' wife-Verna, or whatever your name is or was, I bet you're at some casino playing the slots right now and enjoying all the crap your Hubby wouldn't let you do. How much make up do you have on. How many old timers are you hooking up with?
You're about as holy as a wiffle ball being hit by OJ Simpson and being caught by Seth McFarland. Give me a stinking break you TV watching Compromisers!!!
You can all RIH
Run for your lives... Good title for a blog on this org.
If I still believed in anything I'd get rid of this org... I have a deep seeded hatred for bullies and this org is full of them at the top. Grant, I expect will be the worst of the worst. A self entitled high positioned *****.
The lot of you can go to H E double hockey sticks.
People don't even take time to think about the rules that they keep. For instance the "Women can't wear pants rule". I believe they call that holiness. When did women or men ever wear pants in the Old or New Testaments? Women and Men both wore Robes. Pants are not any more lascivious on a woman than they are on a man. Does a pair of pants make a man more modest than a woman? Nobody in the bible ever said that a woman couldn't wear pants. Pants came along after all of the books of the bible were written and somebody decided that it was okay for men to wear pants but women were not allowed to. I don't care what you wear, if somebody wants to lust after you a dress isn't going to stop them. A dress isn't going to make you any holier than the next person either. Does God really care what we wear or how we appear on the outside? Is it wrong for a woman to wear ear rings but okay for Davis to wear a diamond pinky ring? Can any of you ntcc'rs see the hypocrisy? One girl got jacked up in bible school for wearing a bow in her hair. Such love. A young girl being brought to tears for having a bow in her hair in front of a crowd. What a shining example of Christianity Davis displayed. He sure fooled them all.
To be consistent with their holiness doctrine, men shouldn't wear ties. Study the origin of ties, the calendar, birthdays, most holidays and even the early meaning of thanksgiving and you will be amazed. So to be consistent with NTCC thinking then there is a lot that can't be done.
I don't think people will run until the light comes on.
Hey is Grant in the org? If he is out, how does kekel reconcile all the damning statements made by leaders concerning those who leave being an enemy?
Kekel once referred to the end of the film shown at pearl harbour where it scrolls thru names of those who were killed and related that to the list of names of casualties he knew who got "cross wired and left God". He started to name a handful of names in his message as I remember it when he preached it in HI. at Blumenthal's church. I wonder if he still hold that same train of thought, especially if his own son has walked away from being an active member in the NTCC.
Bryan Hill said:
"To be consistent with their holiness doctrine, men shouldn't wear ties."
DNA said:
Ties have become customary and are worn mostly as business attire and at special occasions, like weddings and funerals. Many wear ties to church. I'm not sure why people feel that this is necessary but people love to dress up for church. In the ntcc they have a Facebook page dedicated to neck ties and all of the members of this group carry on about how great their neckties look. They even show off their kook store specials they got from the three for a dollar rack. I don't personally have anything against wearing ties and don't really care who wears them and who doesn't.
But you are right, Bryan, when you said that to be consistent with holiness doctrine men shouldn't wear ties. Women are not allowed to wear lipstick and I've heard ntcc preachers use the analogy that women wore lipstick to entice men into performing oral sex on them. I'm not trying to take this blog into the gutter but this is what the ntcc 'holiness' preachers teach. If you study out the origin of neck ties you will find you will find that some of the same ideas have been floated in reference to the shape of the neck tie and the perfect arrow at the bottom end of the tie that points directly to genital area of a man, to cause a woman to desire oral sex. Now in my opinion that is just as ridiculous as a woman wearing lipstick because she wants to perform oral sex. But it draws attention to the double standards of the so called holiness doctrine that is hammered into the brains of the ntcc faithful. The ntcc preachers who teach this doctrine about lipstick must have their minds constantly on sex if that is what they believe. It must put them in a huge battle every time they see lipstick on a woman. According to Davis doctrine make up and lipstick have their have their origins in adultery and all women who paint their faces, color their lips and wear devil stirrups are like Jezebel and will forever be hell bound unless they repent.
This really gets down to the root of ntcc hypocrisy. Everything they teach, they take to the extreme. It doesn't matter if they are preaching against lipstick, Make up, pants, shorts, jewelry, TV or the internet. They attach judgment and ultimatums to all of their doctrine. In doing so they show partiality to the customs that they wish to allow while condemning customs that they have deemed sinful. This clearly defines their own doctrine as partial, hypocritical and laced with double standards. You can take the bible to mean anything you want. The ntcc doctrine stretches the scriptures beyond their intent and creates a different gospel than that which was originally preached. The snakes in the ntcc have taken the gospel of Christ and transformed it's message from salvation and hope to condemnation and judgment. They have created false perceptions by placing non-existent stipulations on God's will for our lives. All the while they hide behind the scriptures they twist and commit sins that are much more grievous than violations of outward appearance standards which they use to run people off.
I'm sure that there are many who feel that we should have not said anything about the Danny Brill email that he sent to us. He has expressed his disappointment to us for publishing it on our blog. He was deserted by his wife because he gave a shirtless swimming lesson to his daughter. In the past we would have honored his request to keep all this private. The bottom line is that people need to know how crooked the ntcc leaders are and how they think nothing of using their false doctrines to destroy the lives of others. They push people around and impose their will on them and they get away with it because they are abusers and they teach their victims to remain silent.
How many more families have to be destroyed before people will come to their senses? How many lives must be ruined? People always thought that the Amish were wonderful people until they started getting exposed for their hypocrisy on TV. Everyone looked at the outward appearance and formed their opinions that they were a peaceful and God fearing society because of what they wore and how they kept all of their sins private. Now that it's been investigated and exposed, the world is a better place and at least if people want to leave that cult there will be public information available to help them make that decision to escape.
Please don't share anything with us if you don't want us to publish it on our blog. There are some things that we haven't published because in the past we have agreed not to. I understand that some things are personal and it's very hard for people to share things publicly. Julie, Pam, Lisa and Ken all contacted us and asked us to publish their testimonies. We allowed them to share in their own words what happened to them. There were many people that expressed their gratitude to these survivors of abuse and what they shared helped a lot of people. I know personally what an ntcc minister is capable of and I believe that these witnesses were telling the truth. When the Fontenot story broke on Bruce's blog, people believed because there was a conviction. This story showed a pattern of the ntcc's willingness to accept the predator and shun the victims. Julie, Pam and Lisa were raised in this organization and had parents that would not protect them. We have no desire to participate in the cover up of any type of ntcc abuse. The ntcc has never denied that any of these things have happened and their unwillingness to set the record straight creates the image of dishonesty and corruption.
Lets look at consistency. The names of months used with our calender are rooted in pagan religious idealogy. So if NTCC is going to reference the roots of lipstick or jewelry, then why stop there? Even the christmas tree has pagan roots. Why pick a few issues and then make that the rule? Well, this should be a simple question for a church that claims to run a seminary and for all those claiming PhDs. I will just wait for an explanation from anyone in NTCC who would like to address this. Or will the be like Jeff Warrens church who are forbidden to give an answer to anyone who asks. That alone is contrary to scripture.
Not sure if Grant is back or not but he'll always be a prince within the org.
This Jeff Warrens clown is just like Kekel... Both are goofy looking, both are sexual deviants, both are at the top of the orgs food chain... Only difference I see is Kekel ain't in jail yet... But it's coming Kekel.
You know I must admit I'm being hard on people I was once like... I think Bryon said something to the effect of "the lights have to come on" and boy is that the truth.
Bryan Hill said:
"Well, this should be a simple question for a church that claims to run a seminary and for all those claiming PhDs. I will just wait for an explanation from anyone in NTCC who would like to address this. Or will the be like Jeff Warrens church who are forbidden to give an answer to anyone who asks. That alone is contrary to scripture."
DNA said:
Don't hold your breath waiting for them to answer, Bryan. They have no answers and feel no obligation to explain what they have done. Their PHDs are fake and their motives are corrupt. What would cause the ntcc's best preacher to leave and refer to them as the great whore? Ashmore isn't any different from any of them, but even he realized how corrupt the ntcc was and left them. Was it just a coincidence that Ashmore's departure coincided with Davis's death? I think that most of the old timers that had any sense have already escaped the cult. While Davis was alive and 'retired' Ashmore fornicated with the great whore who corrupted the church for 40+ years but now has found acceptance and praise among some of the X-ers who cherish him. The ntcc specializes in Damage control rather than restoration. If you leave the cult you are an enemy, no matter who you are. If you call them out for their hypocrisy, your questions are considered to be foolish and unlearned. If you ask them why it's a sin for women to wear ear rings, but Davis can sport a diamond pinky ring and a rolex watch, then you are a devil for questioning them. They are just like Warren Jeffs and all of the other Pulpit scum that profit from their controlling cults.
These people are past feeling. They have no concern for the people that they have destroyed along the way. They don't even care about their own congregations when it comes to their well being. Tithe is the number one priority and the only litmus test that really matters. Tithe covers a multitude of sin in the ntcc. They rejoice when a new member begins to pay tithe and they praise God that the new member is 'in'. If you don't pay tithe you are not all the way 'in'. Money is your God because you are not willing to support Kekel's lavish lifestyle. They will never answer any questions concerning tithe and if a new church attendee asks the wrong questions, like we do, they will be run out on a rail. Riding the rail (also called being "run out of town on a rail") was a punishment most prevalent in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries in which an offender was made to straddle a fence rail held on the shoulders of two or more bearers. wikipedia.
The difference between a narcissist and a real leader:
The Narcissist demands while the Leader Coaches.
The Narcissist issues ultimatums while the Leader generates enthusiasm.
The Narcissist says "I" while the Leader says "We".
The Narcissist uses people while the Leader develops people.
The Narcissist takes credit while the Leader gives credit.
The Narcissist places the blame while the Leader accepts blame.
The Narcissist says "Go" while the Leader says "Let's Go".
The Narcissist says "My way is the only way" and the Leader says: "Strength in Unity".
FB/David Avocado Wolfe/ Modified by DNA (Replaced the word Boss with Narcissist)
A simple question for all those Doctors of Divinty running around NTCC. On what authority do you establish your holiness guidelines?
1. Scripture and scripture alone?
2. Cultural norms?
3. Personal convictions?
4. Adopted organizational convictions?
5. A mix of any or all the above?
Simple question for anyone who wants to take a shot at it in the NTC. I will just be patient and wait but this should be a no brainer.
I have to wonder after all the stories of Davis if being in total control of an organization and allowed to do what ever he wanted prevented/satisfied his personality enough to prevent him from becoming a serial killer or something to that effect. I know that adultery and sexual child abuse are horrible. Had he not had the students to abuse, the children to abuse, the wives to screw around with... How bad could this guy have been???
What is with this last conference title? 7x Hotter??? Man the conference schedule makes it sound like you don't much time for eating at all. The pictures make it look like they are low on numbers in Graham, Washington.
The title is designed to have a more up to date mainstream appeal, thus the play on the word "times". NTCC has now arrived to the 20th century, just look at the title of our conference. You would think with a world going to hell it would have title lifting up the name of Jesus. Put they are more designed as pep rallys like amway to discuss who went diamond or silver or direct and how "it works" and "we are winners". Laughable.
Blog slowed down proves many of the commenters were in NTCC. They will be back in a few says.
Notice to all disgruntled Viking fans: Don't let it get you down. The Season is still young and every team loses their share of games. I had to suffer through watching Denver lose 4 Superbowls before they finally won one. Don't commit suicide by going back to the ntcc to try to make sense of your life. Live to fight for another first down. The Vikings are good, but my poise meter was pegged. They must have mentioned how poised Teddy Bridgewater was about 6,000 times, all the way up until the time he was sacked for the 7th time and fumbled the game away to Denver's defense. I will say that he did look a lot better than Peyton Manning. Peyton is off for sure, but he's still Peyton and he's 4-0.
Football season is a lot of fun. The ntcc likes to deprive people from enjoying anything in life by heaping condemnation on them by labeling such activities as sin or asking you, "How can you watch football when souls are dying and going to hell?" The same way that Kinson can take vacations to the islands and family reunions, and whore houses while souls are dying and going to hell. The difference is that I'm paying for my Sunday Ticket and the ntcc suckers are paying for Kinson's activities.
Anonymous said...
I have to wonder after all the stories of Davis if being in total control of an organization and allowed to do what ever he wanted prevented/satisfied his personality enough to prevent him from becoming a serial killer or something to that effect.
DNA said:
In actuality, Davis was a serial killer. He may never have killed anyone physically, although I wouldn't put it past him, but he drove people to kill themselves and he killed people spiritually by destroying their lives. Davis left a lot of people spiritually shipwrecked. Most churches the size of the ntcc don't have triple murder suicides like Moreno or even murders like Kelly Merz. Most churches the size of the ntcc don't have multiple blogs and forums filled with people whose lives have been devastated. Should a church have that kind of effect on people? Cults do it all the time. Any other organization that does the things that have been done by the ntcc would be labelled by the ntcc as a cult. In fact the ntcc has the audacity to teach people about cults and they are pretty liberal in placing the label, "Cult" on many other groups that are doing the exact same things that Davis and Kekel have been doing all along. What makes it a cult is that all of the ntcc members are brainwashed into ignoring the sea of hypocrisy that they are drowning in while dispersing hatred to other groups that are less controlling and manipulative then they are.
When a person is cut off from what they perceive to be the body of Christ it kills their hope and faith in God. It takes a greater miracle to reach someone like this because they blame themselves. The ntcc convinces people that when they leave their cult, that they are trampling the blood of Christ under their feet and that their remains no more sacrifice for them. They love to read the "dog returning to it's own vomit" scripture whenever they feel threatened that a person may discontinue their financial support of the ntcc. They want people that leave to think that it would be better for them never to have not known Christ than to have known Him and then leave the ntcc. It would be better for such a person to have never been born then to leave their cult. They make the status of being in their cult appear to be a mandatory requirement of Christianity? Can you see how they twist scriptures to make people believe that leaving their cult is the same as leaving God? This leaves people with no hope.
I believe that leaving the ntcc is the best thing you can possibly do to free yourself from their toxic false doctrine. Many will leave the ntcc and feel that they have to join themselves to another less toxic group in order to fill the void of living a coerced, structured and controlled life. Don't make the same mistake twice. I'm not saying don't ever go to church again or don't be involved regularly with a church. I'm saying that when you leave the borg, take some time to unlearn the garbage that they programmed into your head. Before you blindly place your trust and future into the hands of another money hungry cult or peddler of false doctrines, take some time and initiative to learn from your mistakes. Be aware of manipulators who preach and teach doctrines that attach ultimatums to your salvation and require you to give your money to them blindly. 1 Cor. 13 will tell you what love is all about. You won't find anything about tithe or offerings in this chapter, nor will you find holiness or hell outward appearance standards with threats of eternal damnation to all who know better.
I hate Blair Walsh and I really hate Von Miller!!!
Thank goodness for an early bye week.
And before Jesus sent them out by twos, did he require them to pay a $50.00 non-refundable application fee, ($100.00 for couples, even though the wife will never use her worthless training and will receive no credentials), so they could sit in a class room environment for two years and allow some blowhard wannabe smug hireling to brainwash them into thinking they are part of the last move of God on earth? What's up with a $50.00 and $100.00 non refundable fee? Does it cost them that much to "process your application"? What expenses could they possibly incur by charging that kind of money for an application? Ntcc, inc. is a business; A family owned and operated business. They are capitalizing on your ignorance and making money off of you in every way they can scheme up.
The ntcc has been wandering in the wilderness longer than Moses and the Children of Isreal. How long are you going to be wandering in the wilderness? Long enough for them to leave your bones bleaching in the desert sand? Escape for your life!
The ntcc claims that you are never a stranger in God's house and only a visitor once. This does not apply to people who don't pay their tithe and offerings on a regular basis, in which case you are treated much worse than a stranger. They want your money and don't really care much about your soul. They say come and enjoy our loving family atmosphere where people from all walks of life, and diverse ethnic and national origins worship and grow together, strengthening one another as children of one Father. Do you mean the black people also that Davis used to call Nig**rs? Davis said that he never seen a Puerto Rican get saved. Are they welcome? We know how they feel about Homosexuals; they usually get kicked out of church except for the ones that Ashmore harbored back in the day. Davis ended up kicking them out too.
It looks like the ntcc is trying to appeal to the diverse crowd by displaying a collage of mixed races on their website. They are now trying to slowly transition to compromise also with a picture in the corner of that collage that shows a man sporting a goatee and a woman with short hair and lipstick. Davis, the respecter of persons, would be rolling around in his grave if that's where he is. I think he's in hell because he used to preach that all liars would have their part in the lake of fire. ALL - A DOUBLE L, ALL LIARS! He never repented for preaching lies. He propagated a huge lie that God requires 10% cash every payday and if you did not pay tithe you would become a (crispy critter) as you burned forever in the lake of fire. He didn't use the word crispy critter to my knowledge but that's what becomes of people that burn, so I through that in there. I never heard anyone else in the New Testament preach about tithe, so why would Davis not only require it, but call people God Robbers when they didn't pay their tithe? 7 x hotter! Escape for your life!
They say, "Join us as we sing to the Lord; traditional hymns to contemporary praise and worship sometimes slow and soft leading to real intimacy with our Lord and other times loud and joyful but always He is exalted and we are lifted up." Did somebody say Contemporary praise? Does Olson know about this? He must know about it, seeing that he is the Chairman, not to be confused with the CEO which Olson reports to according to bylaws. I wonder how many people in the Incorporated cult know that Kekel is really in charge. Does your average ntcc'r try to figure out the confusing language describing the title's dispersed to the executive board member that are found in the bylaws? Did these highly educated Doctors of Divinity know what they were doing when they wrote the confusing bylaws about the chain of command? Sorry, I got off point there for a few seconds. We were talking about music. Contemporary music was sinful and had that modern beat that was forbidden back in the day. They didn't even allow classical music in those days. I guess God changed his mind about that. It's only a matter of time and all out compromise will be ushered into the ntcc. Are you ntcc'rs ready for that? Will you go along with it? Escape for your Life!
It's interesting that they used the Daniel Reference found in Dan 3:19 and used 7 x hotter for the theme of their fall conference. They are boldly proclaiming that they are turning up the furnace seven times hotter so they can burn you. Haven't you already been burnt enough? Nebuchadnezzer turned up the furnace 7 x hotter on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego because they refused to bow down, and now Kekelchadnezzar is turning up the ntcc furnace 7 x hotter on the conference attendees. Don't bow down to Kekelchadnezzar, or you might get burned. He's going to burn you some more and he's letting you know that. He'll burn you by taking your money away, and then he'll burn you by manipulating your relationship if you are lucky enough to have one in the ntcc. Escape for your Life!
I would be careful in using the hedenistic Babylonian names of the Hebrew boys. Mk would always made a point in his class about how that we should always use their real names not the devilish names given by a sinner ruler, ; ) .
We wouldn't want to compromise that too, right? lol
So he will solicit historic roots in order to clear up one blemish but ignore blatant pagan practices that spreading like a disease in our land today. What would that be you say? You ever here about secterianism?
Anonymous said...
I would be careful in using the hedenistic Babylonian names of the Hebrew boys. Mk would always made a point in his class about how that we should always use their real names not the devilish names given by a sinner ruler, ; ) .
We wouldn't want to compromise that too, right? lol
DNA said:
I've heard more than one ntcc preacher refer to them as My shack, Your shack and To-bed-we-go. That's much more disrespectful than calling them by their names that are used to tell the story in the bible. That shows you what hypocrites they are. Good catch.
Life in a servicemen's home was structured and a soldier serving his or her country had very little control over the decisions they make on a daily basis. Ntcc seminary students have even less control over their lives. The only choices you get to make for yourself while you are in the ntcc is how you are going to manage your enslavement to a man. When you sign up for the "privilege of living in a servicemen's home", you are giving away many of your rights and you are agreeing on a set of rules that regulate your freedom as a Christian and as a human being. If you do not manage your time and money in a way that pleases the ntcc leadership, you will struggle mightily. Approval is not measured by what you do for God; it is measured by the number of hoops that you jump through to meet their demands. To be in the good graces of an ntcc pastor you must participate in all functions and show your loyalty by conforming to their rules. There are so many hours in a week and to fulfill the desires of ntcc dictators, 95% of your time is swallowed up in mandatory functions in addition to your military obligations. It's how you use that 5% of the time left over that defines you in the eyes of your ntcc overlord.
For example, while living in a servicemen's home we had to participate in all functions including fellowship, which lasted until very late at night and sometimes drug on till two or three in the morning. The ones that forsook the marathon fellowship competitions would shine their boots and press their uniforms and get to sleep by 11pm or midnight and actually get 5 or 6 hours of sleep. If you needed 8 hours of sleep, there is no way you would ever make it in a Servicemen's home. The Pastors would stay up until the wee hours of the morning 'fellowshiping' and would sleep in the next day without fail. I've never seen an ntcc pastor awake at the same hour that GI's had to get up for PT unless he was draining his bladder or emptying his bowels. There were many nights when some of us would get two hours of sleep and then have to run a grueling gauntlet the next day which consisted of driving to your company, doing PT, working all day, driving home, taking a shower, eating if you had time, driving back on post to soul snatch or picking people up for whatever function was on the schedule for that night, attending the function, fellowship after the function, driving prospects back on post and late night fellowship, and preparation for the next day when the vicious cycle would start all over.
The financial strain that added to this controlled environment usually sucked all of your finances into a black whole where the profits were being divvied up by Davis and Kekel in Graham unbeknownst to you. The mandatory offerings and tithe, the guilt offerings, the "if you love God you'll give" offerings, the "take care of the man of gawd" offerings, the "souls are dying and going to hell" offerings, the home offerings and "love" offerings, the Sunday night budget offerings, the "pastor needs a diamond pinky ring, Rolex watch, Henry riffle" offerings, the "God sees your faithfulness" offerings, the gas money for driving 20+ times a week back and forth to work and on base to deliver prospects to mandatory function and back to their barracks, the maintenance costs of keeping your oil puking junker running, and the mandatory Sunday barfay meal that any responsible Christian who managed their money right would be able to afford, along with paying for your visitors meal and the Pastors meal at whatever steakhouse barfey you frequented on Sunday afternoons. If you had any money left over after all this you would be upbraided for spending it foolishly and many times public humiliation would be included in your rebuke. If you had any time left over and chose to spend it away from the Servicemen's home you would be interrogated and accused of not wanting to be around the 'home', (cult compound), when you got back.
Yea, that pretty much sums it up and right on point to.
Check out the recent comments on this old thread titled Part 2 - Tour ntcc 5 by clicking on the link or copying and pasting this URL into your browser.
There is also more discussion on the Danny Brill / Olson's Son-in-Law thread. The org is despicable.
They are thousands of churches in America that preach or teach salvation through Jesus Christ. Millions of flock to those churches seeking to find the truth and something to fill the void in their lives. The chance to have a new beginning and the hope and promise of eternal life is appealing to so many people and when they finally decide to go to church, many go expecting to receive some spiritual knowledge or answers to the questions that are gnawing away at their hearts. When a person is burdened down with the cares of this life they are looking for something to believe in. They are hungry for truth but they are also weary from life's daily struggles. Millions of people are introduced to Christ and find healing for their sin sick souls, but in that process, many are introduced to diverse doctrines and many rules and regulations. These doctrines and rules often discourage a person to the extent that they stop attending that church and have no desire to return. The attrition rate for many churches is measured by the loss of people over a certain time frame. The ntcc has the greatest attrition rate of any church I've ever seen and I do not believe that this can be blamed on the people who leave or on God. Attrition is defined as: "the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure", while Attrition rate is defined as: "Churn rate (sometimes called attrition rate), in its broadest sense, is a measure of the number of individuals or items moving out of a collective group over a specific period of time. It is one of two primary factors that determine the steady-state level of customers a business will support."
Searching for the right church is like searching for the right job. Since I'm familiar with the trucking industry, I'll make a comparison. The trucking industry is one profession that is in very high demand. If you go to craigslist and search jobs in just about any major area, you will find more ads for truck drivers than you will any other type of employment. These ads target drivers by appealing to the most important qualities a driver is looking for. Drivers want good pay, good home time and to be treated with respect. Over the Road driving can be lonely and many drivers want to work in a family atmosphere. So many companies will advertise using the word family. Family owned, Family oriented, Family atmosphere, You are not just a number and so on. Great miles and great pay, lots of home time and paid holidays. Just about every truck driving ad you find will proclaim, "Family friendly, 'competitive' pay and great home time". But in actuality many of these companies will treat you like cattle being led to the slaughter house. They will hire you, and use you and get as much out of you as they can, and when you leave, you are no longer part of their family and they will have nothing to do with you.
The best way to evaluate a church or a employer is to look at their attrition rate. If people are leaving in hoards, there is a reason for that. It doesn't matter if it's a big church or a small church, a big company or a small company. In the end a truck driver just wants a good paying job, time off and a little respect. The trucking companies that keep people are keeping them because they are paying them, giving them time at home with their families and treating them like human beings. The same is true in the church world. A person goes to church to worship God, be spiritually fed and to be valued as a member of the body of Christ. If you look at the number of people that have left the ntcc and compare it to the number of people that have stayed, you will find that the attrition rate is much higher than many other churches and even many other cults. The last ntcc seminary graduation produced 15 graduates, the majority being women who will never be allowed to minister to souls. This is out of thousands of church members. Is this God's fault, or the church members faults?
If you wish to find out information about a church, go online and type in the name of that church and the word "reviews". If you want to find out more, type in the word "cult" after the name of the church and you will find blogs from X-members and ministers that testify or have published commentary on line stating why that church is not a healthy church.
I know the ntcc will try to blame their high attrition rate on God by saying that they are being persecuted but they are not losing the majority of their congregants because they are teaching truth. They are losing people because the environment in the ntcc is not conducive to spiritual growth. They treat people like indentured servants, they have no people skills, the leaders are getting rich while the people are getting poor.
There have been some very good points made on the Olson/Brill thread and we think that these comments need maximum exposure so we are bringing them forward to this post:
Anonymous said...
A friend of mine just got back from conference and talked about the Regina and Danny thing. They were told the reason she left Danny is because he had not been living for God for some time. What else could she do? Completely ridiculous. There are very few biblical reasons why a couple can divorce and this scenario doesn't seem to fit those reasons. Again, I don't know the whole story. NTCC divorces and remarriages are just like the rest of the "world". There is nothing holiness about it. I am really sad and mad at this for Danny, Regina and their daughter.
Sadly, this high divorce rate is high among the church world and not just NTCC.
There have been some very good points made on the Olson/Brill thread and we think that these comments need maximum exposure so we are bringing them forward to this post:
Anonymous said...
Regina practically deserted her husband and the org allowed this to happen. As far as I know brill was content to be married to her and didn't stop her from serving God so there's no grounds for divorce.
I recall in one service rw made it clear to somebody in graham that they couldn't just divorce their spouse.
For some reason he started addressing this issue because apparently somebody probably asked him that they were gonna divorce their spouse and rw preached that if they went ahead and divorced, his ministers license was gonna be taken and he wasn't gonna be able to pastor, I mean
Whoever this individual was only God knows but this talk volumes about who's in control of the marriages and who they allow to break the marital vows.
No doubt regina is gonna get remarried here fast so that all can be forgotten and put in the past, the sooner the better.
There have been some very good points made on the Olson/Brill thread and we think that these comments need maximum exposure so we are bringing them forward to this post:
Anonymous said:
"They were told the reason she left Danny is because he had not been living for God for some time."
DNA said,
Danny was probably living for God more than any of them were. Danny has been through a lot and it's hard to find fault with him when you put yourself in his shoes. They teach in the ntcc that the man is the leader of the household and it is the responsibility of the man to provide for his family. But when you are married to the daughter of the President/Chairman of the board of a cult, your life doesn't belong to you. Danny had been through a lot and his inlaws put him in a difficult position which became almost impossible. What the ntcc does is sick. They make your life as difficult as possible and if your convictions tell you that you need to do something to improve it, they say that you are not living for God. Danny was left because he was not living for God. I'll tell you who is not living for God and that is Olson. Olson had no grounds to encourage his daughter to desert her husband. That makes Olson a 'sinner' and he is not right with God. None of the ntcc leadership are right with God because they have absolutely no value for the institution of marriage. Danny is the victim here. He's the one who has to fight to talk to his daughter on the phone. The smug ntcc leaders are gloating and pleased with themselves for severing the family bonds of many church members in a way that only benefits them. If Olson had a son, it would be Regina who would be abandoned. It's happened too many times and it's very clear what the ntcc is all about.
There have been some very good points made on the Olson/Brill thread and we think that these comments need maximum exposure so we are bringing them forward to this post:
Anonymous said:
No doubt regina is gonna get remarried here fast so that all can be forgotten and put in the past, the sooner the better.
DNA said:
That's the sad truth of it. They have no shame in the ntcc. I'm sure sure that the Olson's have already picked another groom and are steering them together as we speak. Once they get that out of the way, they will claim that Regina's life is stable and Danny's is unstable, so the courts will award most if not all of the guardianship to Regina. The ntcc will pay top dollar for a lawyer that will make it as difficult as possible for Danny to see his daughter any more. Let's not be naive about this. Has anyone ever known an ntcc divorcee who has parental guardianship to ever share that control equally with a non ntcc spouse? Olson will do just about anything in his power to interfere with Danny's relationship with his daughter. He will convince the masses that it's confusing to the child to have one sinful parent and one saved parent. The problem with this is that Regina had no grounds to abandon Danny and Danny didn't do anything worthy of desertion. Who is the sinner and who is saved? Their child is the one that looses here. I know Danny hates us for going public with this but this stuff happens every day in the ntcc. This needs needs to be nipped in the bud, but as long as it's kept quiet and the ntcc leadership continues to destroy families in the secrecy of their controlling CULTure, they will continue to wreak havoc on families and the children will be the ones who pay the biggest price.
When this kind of thing is kept quiet it is ignored and accepted. People in the ntcc are reading about this and I know they are wondering if their families are safe. Both Spouses must be 100% on board with the ntcc's programs and false doctrines, or the weak one will be cut off from the flock and thrown to the wolves. People are trained NOT to do what's best for themselves or their families, but they are taught to do whats best for the ntcc. When a husband or wife is encouraged to abandon their spouse it all plays out to the benefit of the ntcc and it's band of thugs who profit off of the misery of others. The husband and wife suffer but the ones that suffer the most are the children who have no choice or no say in the matter.
The sad thing about all of this is that the ntcc keeps the spouse that is corrupt and despises the one that is doing right. Look at who the ntcc keeps and who the ntcc discards:
They kept Fontenot who raped his daughter and told his wife to go find another church.
They kept Johnny Jordan who raped his wife's sister and they got rid of his wife who was molested by Davis and her 14 year old sister who was pregnant. Barbara Norton was also encouraged by Davis to abandon her pregnant daughter and handicapped son for the good of the ntcc. Sinners or Saints? You decide.
They kept the Kinson's and ignored Phil's visit to the whore house while ostracizing the Moreno's which became one of the biggest tragedies in ntcc history when Roland allegedly gunned down his pregnant wife and child before blowing his own brains out because he reported Kinson's whoredoms. There was no trial or eyewitnesses in this matter, but nobody would dare think that something more sinister could have happened. Deb Kinson will have to live with this for the rest of her life if she wants to "stay right with God", or is it the ntcc she wants to stay right with?
They Kept Cherlynn because she was a slumlord over ntcc housing while totally destroying her husband Kelly Merz who was reduced to being a maintenance man for her apartments and later killed a woman in one of those apartments. I'm not saying that Kelly was the Saint in this tragic story, but he was wrongfully abandoned and by his wife and disgraced for all of the ntcc to see.
Ken was not allowed to marry the woman He loved but the ntcc homosexuals Batson and Peters were harbored by Ashmore and Johnny Jordan was allowed to stay after he forced himself on Ken. Davises hatred of homosexuals finally forced Batson and Peters out just as he later got rid of Rudy, Hummel and Broadnax, while recycling their wives. The latter three predators were removed because they were all in Servicemen's works and Davis was protecting his interests.
Gesang beat his child until he was black and blue with welts all over the lower portion of his body, but when his X-wife pulled down the child's pants in front of the board members to show them the damage that Gesang done, who do you think the ntcc wanted to keep around and who was ousted? Can anyone take a stab at this one? Anyone? Anyone?
We can go on and on, and so can you. All you have to do is think of anyone you know in the ntcc and how their marriages were destroyed in the ntcc. Who was really the demon behind it all? Was it the one that left the ntcc or the ones that stayed in. Sinners or Saints?
So brill was not living or serving God for some time.
I would like to know what they mean:
I don't want to make fun but it reminds me of justin bebs song " what do you mean"
What do they mean when they say brill "wasn't serving God"
I kind of have a clue.
He wasn't attending "all" the functions at his Amarillo church.
He's sick and according to his mom in law his sickness was one that attacks his immune system. Apparently he received some type of radiation while in the military and he gradually became sick to the point where he had to leave the pastorate and focus on his health.
Maybe that's what they mean, to keep going and going until your last breath.
That's what happened to the ministers who have died in the org .
They died while pastoring churches.
The org didn't released them to go and die in peace near their relatives or around their family, it was almost like they placed emphasis on how these ministers stayed " serving God" till the end.
The Terms "living for God" and "Serving the Lord" are abused lingo in the ntcc. If you are in the ntcc and paying your tithe and attending all church functions, you are "serving the Lord" according to them. If you slack off a bit you will be issued warnings. "Serving the Lord" in the ntcc is a lot like Government benefits. People convince themselves that they can't survive without Government programs. We can't save our own money for retirement, but we need the Government to take our money from us and put it into a program called Social Security so that when we retire we will have money coming to us. Guess what? Social Security is on the brink of Bankruptcy because the government has taken your money and spent it on other things that they feel are more important. The ntcc is no different. If you pledge money to the ntcc's world missions program, you have no idea where that money is going because the ntcc is not transparent or accountable to you for how they spend your money. If you don't pay your pledge, you are violating your word and you are crossed up with God. What about their end of the deal? Do they spend your money on what they say they are spending it on? You'll never know because they aren't honest enough to tell you. You are just supposed to give your money to them and trust them to do the right thing with it. The only way you can find out where your money goes is to follow the money trail. How often does the ntcc give you praise reports of where your pledge dollars went? They are happy to announce that they built a pavilion at the campground, but when do you ever hear about where your money goes when you give it to world missions? When is the last time they told you where your tithe dollars go? You will definitely hear from them if you stop paying tithe, why can't they tell you where your money goes when you give it to them? Because you don't have a right to know and it is not your place to question them. You just need to keep giving while they upgrade their mansions and keep your mouths shut and keep "serving God". If you object you are rebelling and you will be kicked to the curb and when they are asked what happened to brother so and so, they will say, Brother so and so is no longer "serving the Lord", because you are no longer serving "their lord", which is mammon.
What if Danny asked Regina to move out? What if he was tired of the org and walking a tight rope and kicked her out? Could that be the other side of the coin? After all, there is always two sides to a story.
After all, Regina is cleaning houses to support her daughter and herself.
Anonymous said...
What if Danny asked Regina to move out? What if he was tired of the org and walking a tight rope and kicked her out? Could that be the other side of the coin? After all, there is always two sides to a story.
After all, Regina is cleaning houses to support her daughter and herself.
DNA said:
We might recognize other sides of the coin if the ntcc was forth coming about their involvement in this situation. There might be two sides of the story but there is only one truthful account. Everything else is just supposition. Danny told us what happened in the email that he sent and we published it on our blog. Your information has absolutely no credibility because you are anonymous and you are just floating opinions. Regina cleaning house and supporting her daughter isn't relevant either. Whose house is Regina cleaning? I don't know of anyone who supports themselves by cleaning house except for a professional house keeper. Does she clean Olson's house, or the house she is living in? Does she clean Kekel's mansion? Your statement seems to imply that you don't believe Danny's story. That's okay, you have a right to believe what you wish. Danny's version of what happened fits in with the ntcc's history which suggests that Danny was being truthful. We have no reason to believe otherwise. He has more credibility on this topic because he is directly involved. If you are trying to convince us or anyone that Danny kicked Regina out, it would be helpful if you revealed your involvement or where you get your information. The ntcc has always been welcome to clear this up, but they never have and probably never will.
If Regina is supporting herself by cleaning houses she is probably barely making it.
I had a friend who was a house cleaner and she had a hard time making ends meet because it was a business that fluctuates. You may be busy one week and the next was slow.
Luckily for her, she is surrounded by rich people who may want to give her money to clean their houses.
Hopefully bro brill will want to come clear about this new piece of information that comes from "team Regina"
For most people still trapped within the warped mentality that is the NTCC; the terms NTCC and "god" are interchangeable with them. In fact, most organized religions attempt to confine their image of god as one that mirrors what they want him to be. To say that I had not been serving God for a long time is only relevant if specific examples are given.
Regina and her clan need to cease and desist with such god awful rumors, because they are far from the truth.
She left me because I did not want to be a part of her church. She told me she did not want to be with me because I was setting and unholy example for our daughter. I specifically asked her, "Have I not been kind and good to you?"... her answer was, "yes but" - she made her decision. - DB
DB said:
"For most people still trapped within the warped mentality that is the NTCC; the terms NTCC and "god" are interchangeable with them. In fact, most organized religions attempt to confine their image of god as one that mirrors what they want him to be. To say that I had not been serving God for a long time is only relevant if specific examples are given."
DNA said:
This is so true and it gets down to the root of the problem in the ntcc and many other cults who use the same tactics. John said, "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." 1 John 3:14 The ntcc doesn't practice this kind of love. They are too concerned with money and numbers to allow God to work this way in people's lives. Loyalty to the borg and it's leaders is paramount to your existence in the ntcc and the souls of good people are trampled in this deceptive form of idol worship. People are not counted worthy of eternal life unless they buy into the ntcc's false doctrine that they are the last move of God on earth. I mean, let's be real here. If you leave the ntcc, you are always accused of leaving God, 100% of the time. They can say that they believe that they are not the only church going to heaven all they want, but if you leave them, it's never on good terms and you are no longer considered a brother.
If you enlisted in the Army and you decide to leave your unit and attend Warrant Officer Candidate school, you are still a soldier and you are still serving your country. The group of soldiers that you left aren't going to accuse you of betraying your country and hating America because you made a career move. If you quit your job because you got a better offer with another company, that doesn't make you an instant enemy of the company you worked for unless the leader of that company is a narcissist or has some reason to despise you for wanting to go a different direction. I've given notice and left jobs for better pay or other reasons and usually the management will say, "We hate to lose you, and if you ever want to come back, our doors will always be open to you". This is the attitude of responsible people where God is not even in the equation as far as they are concerned.
This attitude does not exist in the ntcc. If you leave them for any reason, you are no longer a brother and the "love of the brethren" immediately ceases to exist because every one in the ntcc has had their minds manipulated to believe that if you leave them, you are leaving God. They never say, good luck, or we'll be praying for you. They say that God will judge you, and you are leaving God's will and then they will tell their congregations that you are crossed up with God for leaving them and to have no fellowship with that man. You automatically become the devil and they consider themselves the spiritual rulers of the planet whose motives are never to be questioned. As far as they are concerned, leaving the ntcc is the same as leaving God. This boils down to the root of the problem. The ntcc has been Lording over people this way since it's inception and they only exist because people allow them to get in their heads, convincing them that everything they do is of God. Saul wanted to put his own son Jonathan to death because he tasted of a little honey and his eyes were enlightened. The followers of Saul were so hungry that they were eating raw meat and blood, yet Saul despised Jonathan for using his own brain and bringing Saul's true colors to light for all the people to see. In the end, Jonathan was saved from Saul by the people.
You mean to tell me that the daughter of one of the founders and NOW leader of the ntcc org a multimillion dollar church left her husband to whom she pledged before God to cling to him till death do them part?
I mean, this is the daughter of the leader and "pastor" of this org. and you mean to tell me that she rather yank her dear daughter from her father just because he doesn't want to attend the church she attends?
It all boils downs to that.
Nowhere in the vows she pledged before God and witnesses is written that she shall forsake the husband that she chose because he doesn't attend her church!
You mean to tell me that the daughter of the leader of God's organization is leaving her fatherless daughter with god knows who and going into strangers homes to clean their messes?
DB said:
"Regina and her clan need to cease and desist with such god awful rumors, because they are far from the truth.
She left me because I did not want to be a part of her church. She told me she did not want to be with me because I was setting and unholy example for our daughter. I specifically asked her, "Have I not been kind and good to you?"... her answer was, "yes but" - she made her decision. - DB
DNA said:
There you have it. If you leave the ntcc you are setting an unholy example because we all know that the only reason people leave the ntcc is because they want to live in sin, or they love the world more than God, (according to the ntcc). It's sinful to dress in anything other than ntcc approved attire and God forbid that a person should be seen in public at a swimming pool. One time at conference there was a group of brethren that went to Buzzard's roost to go swimming. We all took our clothing off and were jumping off the cliffs into the water. We didn't care because we had more privacy there than we had at the ntcc bath houses where 20 to 30 naked dudes were standing in line to use 3 showers, 3 commodes and 3 urinals in a wooden shack that was about the size of Mike and Tanya's walk-in bedroom closet. Taylor who was a highly esteemed minister was there and some bible school students, one of which is still in the ntcc, were there also. This took place at a public recreational area where anyone on a nature hike could have got an eyeful of more nature than they bargained for. But it's alright if you stay in the ntcc and beat or molest children and mistreat your wife. You are golden and will remain in their fold as long as you pay tithes and worship the ground they stand on.
Desertion is a big part of the ntcc's agenda. When someone is perceived as a threat to their bottom line, the ntcc will ostracize that person and separate them from the flock. These decisions are never based on their relationship with God, but their loyalty to the powers that be in the ntcc. The divorce rate in the ntcc is comparable to that of the Hollywood elite. If a person disagrees with ntcc doctrine, decides to miss a church service or shorts them on a few tithe dollars, they will immediately assign a demon tag to that person and they will zone in on their spouse like a crippled Water Buffalo trying to cross a river infested with Crocodiles. They will get in that man or woman's head and convince them that their spouse is not right with God and if they want to serve God, they need to leave their spouse and stay in the ntcc.
The sad thing about Regina is that she is deserting a man that has provided for her and her daughter for decades to remain a slave to a group of people that are more like the Pharisees and hypocrites who crucified Jesus. While they continue to compromise the standards that they have preached for years that separated them from the world, they are using those forsaken holiness violations as an excuse to split up another family. While many in the ntcc are starting to wear earings and make up, while dressing in tight clothing they are much like modern day Pharisees, who are much more concerned with the outward appearance then they are with the inside of the platter. While they violate their own standards they impose their traditions on others while they increase their own wealth and power. The ntcc leadership is getting rich off of the people they are supposed to be preparing for heaven. It's so plain to see but people will not open their eyes.
Olson's daughter is brainwashed. Join the club. Yes, she left her husband because he's not interested in having anything to do with the NTCC any longer. She says he's "a bad example". Didn't you know that was in the prenup? Oh yes absolutely. "I will love my husband, to have and to hold, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do us part, UNLESS he (according to NTCC standards) becomes a bad example or decides to leave the church".
Silly, don't you know she is totally justified???? Praise Gawd. Thank you Jesus. God is good. That's one good Sister and her parents, (the Olsons) are outstanding examples of good Christian folks. When I grow up to be a Christian I want to be just like them. That way I can have as many spouses as I want and pick and choose when to keep them or leave them. Boy isn't the NTCC such a great church??? Nothing like a church that creates a bunch of fatherless children. PRAISE GAWD brothers and sisters. Praise the LAWD!!!!
Anonymous said:
"Silly, don't you know she is totally justified???? Praise Gawd. Thank you Jesus. God is good. That's one good Sister and her parents, (the Olsons) are outstanding examples of good Christian folks. When I grow up to be a Christian I want to be just like them. That way I can have as many spouses as I want and pick and choose when to keep them or leave them. Boy isn't the NTCC such a great church??? Nothing like a church that creates a bunch of fatherless children. PRAISE GAWD brothers and sisters. Praise the LAWD!!!!"
DNA said,
And that's why there is so much infidelity in the ntcc. Sleeping around has become common place and everyone knows it. The organization has grown fond of divorce and remarriage, therefor cheating on their spouses is no different. Nichelle Tieman was a serial adulteress in her early days with the ntcc and she wasn't the only wife that was doing GI's. Beja's ex-wife, who was Hummels sister, also was sleeping around. Beja went back in the Army and told some of the former members who she was sleeping with. I've never made any promises to anyone about letting this cat out of the bag, but I'm so sick of the ntcc sweeping all this under the rug, I just don't care anymore. She was married to an ntcc minister and should have conducted herself as such. I knew the guy she was sleeping with. You would always see the two of them carrying on alone in the kitchen where she was relegated to perform her clean up duties. Many of the members where allowed to go church hopping and many left the ntcc to find brides in the Maranatha True Holiness Church. 3 or 4 of the brothers defected, and got married in that church, leaving the ntcc. More power to them.
I've seen a lot and have kept much of it inside. People say I like to dig up dirt on people and spread it around, but you don't really have to do much digging. In fact, we have done very little digging, but people who were involved came to us because we are not afraid to allow them to exercise their first amendment rights on this blog. Most of the stuff we have shared had already been shared at some point. There is a lot we could say and that needs to be said, but when the time is right none of it will be hidden. We were drug over hot coals because many would rather side with the ntcc than entertain the thought that they just might be a bunch of sexual deviants. As long as the ntcc wants to hide behind their phony holiness facade, and continue to abuse people, we'll do everything we can to expose them. There is a definite pattern of adultery, sexual abuse, divorce on demand and fornication that takes place in the ntcc and the reason they get away with it is because everyone was trained by them not to speak of such things. People will speak about how appalling Warren Jeffs behavior was or the sexual abuse that people in other cults suffer but in the ntcc you have to have sworn notarized statements from a multitude of witnesses or you are just spreading gossip. Chief exposed a lot of this stuff on his blog and like he said, none of it is new. What makes it so disturbing is that people ignore it and make excuses for it, all the while the ntcc has not denied any of it. While it is being ignored and downplayed more families are being torn apart. Thank God for the sinnernet. Without it, the ntcc sinners would have nobody to keep them in check.
She had probably already concluded the search for the next hubby prior to leaving him. Or she was told she'd be married off to someone in the Org who would advance to a higher more desirable position. I can't imagine ever coming back to that church... What would it take having left? Money? Power? Titles? I feel like William Wallace right now... FREEEEEEDOMMMMMMM!!!!
I'm glad bro brill came fwrd to state his side.
I know that it's hurtful to have his situation be out on the spotlight but in the end it's better because that way , out in the open.
God only knows how much he had to endure for him to become burned out by the ntcc and I say this because I've known of him through people that have been close to him or around his early days in the ntcc and bible school and as a pastor and all I've heard is good reports, that he was a good pastor, brother and helper plus a good husband and father. Always ready to help.
It seems like over the years of people talking about NTCC online more and more comes out of how bad they were to people. It is like no one is safe from their attacks. If they don't like you or what you are doing at some point you will suffer from them somehow.
Anonymous said...
It seems like over the years of people talking about NTCC online more and more comes out of how bad they were to people. It is like no one is safe from their attacks. If they don't like you or what you are doing at some point you will suffer from them somehow.
DNA said:
They do cause a lot of misery. Everything they do is all about them, and not at all about God. If they would just allow people to enjoy their salvation and the good things that God has done in their lives there would be very few issues. I think that the ntcc leadership behaves a lot like Saul. They know that they are not right with the Lord, and when that evil spirit comes upon them they get jealous when they see someone enjoying their salvation and they begin to persecute them. David was hunted down and vexed by Saul. Every time Saul would see God's joy in David's countenance he would get enraged and full of hatred. David would be playing his harp to mellow him out and take the edge off of the evil spirit that filled Saul's heart. Saul in turn would pick up his Javelin and try to execute David with it.
The ntcc leadership acts like this when a minister is successful, but will not bow to them. They will move that successful minister from the work they built and replace him with an abusive jerk that will drive it into the ground. We've seen this too many times. If you get tired of them messing with your congregation and you decide to allow God to lead you instead of these ntcc cretins, you will pay a heavy price. How dare you respect God over them, and how dare you to allow God to lead you beyond their shallow existence. While you are playing your harp to soothe them, they are getting ready to paste you to the wall with a Javelin.
"While ur playing ur harp they're ready to paste you to the wall with a javelin"
I'm speechless at such analogy.
I've seen good people turned into feigns because they want to be in the spotlight and be "liked n loved" by the leadership.
I remember Malone from the days in the servicemens home and he was such a likable fellow with no pretentious about him at but as soon as he went to bible school it wasn't long before he changed! Next time I see him he is this guy who totally completely made a 180 and was a jerk!
His wife, the same way. I remember when she came to bible school with a little son and how sweet and kind she was.
It seems to me that that you would have to completely destroy your personality to become one of them otherwise you'll be broken and cast you to the side and like DNA said: paste you to the wall!
What gets me about the brill situation is that rev Olson or pastor Olson as they are calling him now, is that he didn't fight for his son in law.
I mean, brill was the husband of his only child and the father of his only granddaughter and he didn't come to bat for brill when he most needed him.
If you can see the comparison of Olson's family and Johnson's family there's a BIG difference.
Both of Johnson's sons in law are in high positions within the org. right now.
Both are teachers in the bible school and one is a pastor for the graham church.
How do you think they came to those positions? As I recall ankenbauer wasn't that much of a preacher and failed as servicemens home director and they were quickly moved to graham and made a home there and soon after the kinsons arrived. Now both have settled comfortably in graham without ever having to move all around the universe.
Do you think it was the Holy Ghost who brought that about or a little help from their father in law Johnson?
I don't know brill at all but the more I think about this it makes me sad and angry because Olson should've helped brill as a father but he didn't and I would hope that brill would find a family that will love him and help him.
Anonymous said:
"I mean, brill was the husband of his only child and the father of his only granddaughter and he didn't come to bat for brill when he most needed him.
If you can see the comparison of Olson's family and Johnson's family there's a BIG difference.
Both of Johnson's sons in law are in high positions within the org. right now."
DNA said:
The difference I believe is that Kinson and Ankenbauer were both loyal to the ntcc leadership which is the only requirement for upward mobility in the ntcc. I can't speak for Danny Brill but it seems that his health was a big factor in his ability to pastor a church. Perhaps there was more to it than that, but I also think that he had a good heart and possibly he felt that his physical ailments were keeping him from fulfilling all of the ntcc's requirements and it wasn't fair to the people that he was ministering to. It's also a good possibility that Danny might have felt that Olson and the General Board were placing unrealistic demands on him and he refused to allow them to force him to fit in to their scam. Whatever the case may be, he wasn't doing what Olson and the ntcc wanted him to do. You can get away with quite a bit in the ntcc and stay in their good graces. You can commit adultery and very little will be done to you. You can molest children and still keep your ministry in tact. You can visit whore houses and receive forgiveness and get promoted, but if you refuse to bow to them it bruises their egos and makes them appear weak to all of their cult members. This is unpardonable and there is no excuse in their eyes.
How many titles and upper leadership levels can there possibly be to reward those loyal to the org?
Eventually, I would think it would become top heavy and would need ever more revenue/profits to bankroll everything.
Anonymous said...
How many titles and upper leadership levels can there possibly be to reward those loyal to the org?
Eventually, I would think it would become top heavy and would need ever more revenue/profits to bankroll everything.
DNA said:
First of all the ntcc is loaded with money and real estate. The majority of the money was hoarded by Davis and now is hoarded by Kekel. There are others that aren't doing that bad either. But in the grand scheme of things there are many more poor people in the ntcc than there are rich. It's basically like a pyramid scheme. The bottom blocks or the church members pay a much higher percentage of their income to support the blocks on top that aren't sacrificing anything. All you have to do is follow the money trail to see who is well off and who isn't. You will find that the ones that have the money are in Graham or on the Executive Board. There are a lot of broke people in Graham also that are riding pews or squeaking by living on teachers salary which is probably much less than what a first grade teacher makes in the public school system unless things have changed. The reward for being loyal in the ntcc is not always monetary. Sometimes all you get for kissing up to them is a pat on the back and a Scooby snack.
Phil Kinson did pay some heavy dues and moved quite a bit early on. But I don't think he ever "pioneered" any works, and I'm sure he's always been aware that the "leadership" had his back. Mike's another story; he hasn't done squat other than capitalize on his marriage while criticizing those who did face the struggle without the benefit of a sugardaddy-in-law.
On Dec. 21, 1988, 270 people were killed when Pan Am flight 103 was shredded by a bomb over Lockerbie, Scotland. Among the passengers was a young man by the name of Philip Bergstrom who was a former member of the ntcc. I remember meeting Philip at a few fellowship meetings in the circle of churches that we got together with back in the 80's. At some point he stopped attending these fellowship meetings and it was rumored that he had "left God" to "live in sin". Years later I had heard that he was a passenger on flight 103 where he had died at the age of 22. The accounts that I heard from others in the ntcc, was that he had come back to God and was attending ntcc church again. The verification that he was indeed saved again came not in the form of his love for God, love for others or the Christ like example that he was living but every time I heard the story his salvation was based on the account that he started paying his tithe again.
We hope that he he is now in heaven and we are not trying in anyway to disparage his memory. The one thing that really is disconcerting about this, is that his salvation was attributed to his paying of tithes above anything else. If salvation were based on the amount of money that you give to a religious huckster than there would be no need for the the cross and no purpose for the blood that was shed for our sins. You would in effect be able to buy salvation from God. Thank God it's free, because many of us were too broke to afford a happy meal at McDonalds when we were in the ntcc. It's preposterous to think that making weekly or monthly payments to God has anything to do with your salvation. In the ntcc, if you do not make payments to your pastor you will not be considered saved. There is no account in the New Testament of anyone making payments to God every payday because you can't buy your way into Christianity. All of the New Testament Christians and the Apostles would be counted as sinners in the eyes of the ntcc leadership because they believed the bible, and followed the teachings of Christ, rather than the false doctrines that required them to pay money to the Jewish priests. Tithe was an Old Testament sacrament that was required among Jews only and had nothing to do with making payments in cash to religious hucksters so they could live in million dollar mansions. The tragedy of Flight 103 was nothing more than an opportunity for the ntcc to manipulate the tithe paying masses into their continual, sacrificial spreading of wealth among the ntcc nepotists in Graham.
I enjoy reading the bible. Lately I've been reading the book of 1 Samuel. The bible is full of examples of people who really knew God and were not a bunch of religious hypocrites. If you compare the lives of these people to the lives of ntcc hypocrites you can see their hypocrisy clearly. You can see how that people like the Kekels are phony religious hypocrites. Their are many who can see this without reading the bible but for an X-brainwashed ntcc cult member, it is consoling to verify through scriptures that the ntcc was not a part of the legitimate body of Christ. They were a bunch of posers who ceased on a financial opportunity to exploit people for financial gain.
Saul was jealous of David and sought to slay him. There was a rat named Doeg the Edomite who reported to Saul that Ahimelech the priest had given David bread and the sword of Goliath. When Saul found this out, he commanded his soldiers to kill Ahimelech and his the priests of God, but they would not do it. So Saul had Doeg the Rat kill not only Ahimelech and the Priests of God but he also destroyed the entire village of knob which included Men, women, Children, sucklings, oxen, asses, and sheep, with the edge of the sword, all because of his hatred for David who was a was a man after God's own heart. Saul saved the livestock and Agag, King of the Amalekites after an earlier account when he was commanded by God to destroy them.
This is a great example of hypocrisy and double standards which is common among people like Davis and Kekel. They are more than happy to allow the biggest ntcc hypocrites to flourish and prosper while they destroy good people. They will keep people around like Fontenot and Johnny Jordan while they will do everything they can to destroy the lives of good people who actually are men and women after God's own heart who the ntcc would like nothing better than to destroy out of jealousy and hatred. They don't care about destroying children either, unless they are related to them. If you let them, they will take away your money, your house, your family, your children, even your dog and leave you homeless with no means to survive. When they are done with you they will not even give you a quarter to call your family to come pick you up, unless you have no means to leave and they don't want to foot the bill to have you removed from the premisis. They kick people out of their ntcc owned slums, and they will do everything in their power to make you as miserable as possible if you ever decide to follow God and forsake their dictatorship. Perhaps they learned how to oppress people from Saul, who was a lot like them.
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