I actually care and have passion about this blog and so does Ange. We agree on just about everything we write, and when I do a blog post she looks at it when I'm done and helps me find better ways to word things and often has a few things to add of her own; and when we are done looking at it, we both have contributed. She also does blog posts and she maintains the blog which is far more extensive than what I do. Anyway, I love life; we thank God for what we have; and we are really enjoying our life together. And I don't want to get so caught up in a disagreement where we forget why we are even doing this. Chief is not the enemy. If I want a good argument with Chief we can talk about Tebow on the phone and argue for hours; but it really serves no purpose to argue with one another about the topics that we have been going back and forth on for the last couple of days. I'll take the blame for this; because I didn't have to go over to Chief's blog to prove anything.
We are not changing the way we run this blog; and we are not going to try to change the way Chief runs his blog. We are different and always will be. Thank God! Our days of being Borg Clones are over! We celebrate this freedom and diversity. While Chief was taking time off from his blog, we continued to plug on blogging; and during that time a lot of people shared intimate details of their lives with us. People came to us and trusted us with information that they wanted to share publicly about how they were abused in the ntcc. Julie, Lisa, and Lori shared new things; and Pam went into more detail about what she had previously shared. They all shared very private and hurtful things that they went through in their lives in ntcc; and in many cases I could feel the pain they were experiencing while they tried to relate all of the horrible details of what they went through. We have tried our best to handle this delicately. We are not a news agency; and we aren't here to exploit the victims of sexual abuse for any reason. We always will side with the victims of ntcc abuse; because they have confided in us to do so; and because so often they were not given this courtesy while they were in the ntcc. We will not allow people to call them filthy names or to imply that they were willing participants even if people think they should have the right to do so. We have done our due diligence to learn about what these girls went through. They all grew up in the ntcc, went to school in the ntcc and were raised in very bad situations. We gathered a lot of information and verified the parts of their witness that we could. We asked a lot of questions; and we researched sexual abuse in other religious organizations. We studied definitions of terms and what people that were experts in this field had to share. When I use the terms 'rape' or 'child molestation' to describe what they went through, it's not because I made these terms up, or because I want to sensationalize what they went through. It's because someone a lot smarter than me who deals with rape and child molestation on a daily basis uses these terms to describe what they went through.
It's been suggested that because a girl was married at a young age, it shouldn't have been considered child molestation, what she went through. That theory didn't work out well for Warren Jeffs as Texas convicted him for raping such a young girl while trying to rename his raping her as 'marriage'. Luckily the people of Texas understand that is wrong; and now that pervert rots in prison where he belongs. I'm explaining this to our readers because I want you to know where I stand; and how I believe about this subject; and also why we feel it is important to protect people that come forward as opposed to allowing other people to drag them through the mud.
This is a free country and this is one way Ange and I choose to exercise our freedom. It is our right to be advocates for these victims; and we do so without any reservation or permission. We want people in the future to report sexual abuse to the proper authorities. We would rather have you do that than to report it to us. We do think that it's important to educate everyone that visits this blog about the history of the ntcc. The women that have shared their testimonies don't deserve to be disregarded and marginalized like they were in the ntcc. All rape victims, whether male or female, deserve to be treated with respect, compassion and dignity. They should not be blamed or treated as if they did something to warrant being raped.
There are millions of things that we can talk about to expose the ntcc without disparaging these women. Is that fair of us as the managers of this blog to ask this? Of the millions of subjects that we can talk about, and the views that can be expressed is it too much to ask folks to have a little respect for the afflicted souls of these women? If you think about it, these are the types of people that Jesus healed and dealt with on a personal level. Jesus stuck up for the woman taken in adultery. In John 8:7-9 [here] it is recorded that Jesus said, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." And they all walked away one by one until only Jesus and the woman remained. I'm asking folks, only on this blog not to throw stones at these women. I don't want people to talk bad about them anywhere; but if you consider it part of your freedom and you feel an uncontrollable urge to demean them, please take it somewhere else. This blog will not be used by anyone to do that; and in turn, I am not going to visit anyone else's blog and throw stones at them. Does that sound fair? In fact I don't think I've ever advised anyone how to run their blog; and if they have rules, I would respect those rules if I wanted to participate in their blog.
So back to business. It's time to roll down our sleeves and get things going again. We had a lot of really good participation on the last blog post and ntcc current and former ministers shared what they had to go through financially in the ntcc. There is so much corruption to talk about. The ntcc has bankrupted people and harassed them to give until they had nothing left. They have over charged ministers by making them pay more than what is reasonable for rent on buildings that are completely paid off. NTCC thinks that ministers are stupid when they come into a town and purchase a building without allowing those ministers to be present during the financial transaction; and the NTCC places an exorbitant monthly payment on that building; so that folks can't afford to eat, let alone pay all their tithe and bills.
Right now the theme seems to be poverty in the ntcc. LaToya shared what they went through and how hard it was to make ends meet; and an anonymous person commented that they had to choose between eating Ramen and paying the light bill or eating real food and having the electricity shut off. Another comment came in about a minister who had to get help from another church so they could feed themselves. There are many things to discuss; and we appreciate and respect each person who wants to participate in exposing the ntcc for what they are. Let's raise some awareness so people that are still in the ntcc can see the undeniable truth about the leadership and how they are oppressing people. Let's share stuff that is useful so we can help people who have recently been kicked to the curb to recover from this tragic experience. The floor is open!!!
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I had two pastors that would get angry with me if my tithe was due while I was going to be on field duty and I didn't take care of it before I left. One pastor would require post-dated checks before I would leave. He said it was to make sure I stayed right with God while gone. He didn't want me to miss heaven. Has anyone else experienced this?
My pastor had a military pay chart to make sure you stayed right with God!
Hey Don and Ange,
I appreciate how you run your blog and the due diligence that you have shown prior to posting items about sexual assault and rape.
I have seen your blog and Chief's blog as serving two different types of folks both in and out of NTCC. They both have a common purpose but serve two different personality types. He reaches folks that you probably wouldn't reach and visa versa. That's okay. Chief is more in your face and you are the more compassionate and a shoulder to rest on type.
I personally see both blogs as complementing each other in the overall purpose of exposing NTCC. Personally, I like your approach better because I feel safer here. I was one of the wounded female souls that needed a shoulder to rest on.
I so appreciate both of you and Chief. Keep up the good work everyone!
Joan B.
Mine didn't have a chart but he tell each one what their tithe was to be rounded up to the nearest dollar that lived in the home.
My pastor would ask for the tithe the day you got paid before service,prayer,or bible study if you didn't have it he sent you for it. It was more important than song service to him. It didn't matter if you just came off duty. It better have God's money or he would pray God to remove his blessings.
My pastor told us that God told him that everyone was to now pay extra five percent in tithe. I was angry about this after going to bible school. Then I became a pastor and start to understand though my pastor was very wrong he was probably trying to survive the poverty they are forced to live.
These guys are acting like loan sharks. Too many of these Pastors are no good. You should have stopped paying tithe all together.
I am a spouse and most days I'm so busy to even remember it's payday until i go to a church service and that pastor reminding us to pray tithe. If your have one if those banks that pays you a day early they start reminding you there.
Anonymous said:
"One pastor would require post-dated checks before I would leave. He said it was to make sure I stayed right with God while gone."
DNA said:
Medrano was a lot like that. He made sure to remind people when their paydays were, as if they didn't know. He would tell people that were going overseas to places that didn't have churches that they were still expected to pay their tithe to him.
If tithe were a prerequisite for entering into heaven, Don't you think Jesus would have paid it? If we are Christians, which means to be Christ-like according to the ntcc, then shouldn't we live according to the example that Christ set? Why was tithe not mentioned one time by Jesus when he was teaching his followers?
If you are a pastor in the ntcc, I'm not sure how you can require your church members to pay tithe in good conscience. You really have to twist the scriptures quite a bit to do so. I feel for those of you that are trying to do things right. I wonder if anyone has tried to use the biblical model of the New Testament for giving cheerfully instead of demanding 10% and warning people if they don't pay it about the fiery consequences. I would really like to see what would happen in a church if the pastor said, we are not going to require you to pay tithe anymore. From now on we are going to give like the early church gave, and if it means we have to start having church or bible studies in our house than so be it. What's wrong with that anyway? Who says that you have to have ntcc ritual services where you open up with everyone raising their hands, sing two songs, take up an offering and say, "All Christians pay tithe and give in offerings", Preach and have an altar call? That's not what Jesus did. How about the people who are well off in your church helping those that have little, you know, good old fashioned love of the brethren doctrine. What's more important to God, helping the poor, weak and afflicted or sending a tithe check to some money grubber up in Graham so they live like a bunch of Rock Stars?
DNA said:
"Anonymous said...
Hey Don and Ange,
I appreciate how you run your blog and the due diligence that you have shown prior to posting items about sexual assault and rape."
DNA said:
Thank you for sharing that. We are glad that you feel that way and we are pretty sure that it's the right thing to do. It might not always be the popular thing, but we feel it is right and we want people to feel safe here.
I feel that if people come to us as victims and we blame them for what they have been through they will always have to live with the shame of what happened to them. There are different mentalities that people have about victims of sexual abuse. The experts that have to deal with the lives that are broken by sexual abuse on a daily basis will tell you not to blame the victims. If you blame them or accuse them by saying it's their fault or that they were a willing participant, they will live with that guilt forever. Some of the women that have come forward on our blog tried to speak with the leaders of the church, and with their own parents but were rejected. We could do the same thing. We can interrogate them and say things like you allowed it so it's your fault. You took money so we need to place some of the blame on you. Let's take some of the blame off of RWD, because it was not completely his fault. Many people will blame the female victim because of the way she dressed and they will say that it's her fault. If she didn't dress like that she wouldn't have been raped. That is just a sick way of justifying a violent crime. Laws are written to protect victims from this line of thinking and they should be. What makes it even more sick to me is that these girls were all victimized when they were under 18 years of age. At some point you have to draw the line. Is there ever a time when it is right for a 50 or 60 year old dude to coerce a minor to commit sexual acts with him? Are there any circumstances whatsover that would justify this?
I say no. Do people have a right to disagree. Of course they do. Do I have the right not to entertain those opinions on this blog? Of course I do. If a person gets murdered because they called someone a name, do we have the right to argue on behalf of the murderer? Can we say, "Well, if the person wouldn't have called them a name they would have never got murdered. We can find all kinds of excuses to disparage the person who got murdered. We can say, well that person instigated the murder because they admitted to calling him a name, or they allowed it by provoking him. The criminal is the criminal and the victim is the victim. Why are there laws against child molestation, and why are those laws defined the way that they are? I don't understand the need people have to justify blaming a 16 year old girl for what some 50 or 60 year old perverted religious leaders does to them and I never will.
Joan B. said:
"I have seen your blog and Chief's blog as serving two different types of folks both in and out of NTCC. They both have a common purpose but serve two different personality types."
DNA said:
You are right. Chief's blog and our blog do reach different types of people and I'm glad. The more people who raise awareness against the ntcc the better. I'm glad Chief is blogging again. I really have no ill feelings towards him. We are friends and have been friends for a long time. We agree on a lot more than we disagree on.
On the phone we can not talk about the subject of victims. Not sure why my view is so unacceptable but it is. Everyone agrees that Davis shouldn't have done what he did. That is common ground. Some people want the victims of Davis's perversions to share that blame. It seems to make the world round for some people. I personally don't understand that but it seems to be a popular view so I'm going to try not to go out of my way to offend those people. If I disagree with that view I am being unreasonable and I'm not being fair and balanced. I should allow people to say what they want to about the young girls that Davis has molested and I shouldn't feel for them as human beings that have been abused. I should be open to folks who want to criticize them and allow them to use this blog as a platform to spread the blame from child molesters to their victims.
I can't except that and I won't. But, This is our world over here and Jeff's blog is his world over there. There are millions of topics that are open for discussion here. Our blog is moderated because if it wasn't we would get tons of hateful comments published by sexual predators and abusers that try to post hurtful remarks and I'm not talking about the stuff that is being said over on Chief's blog either. I'm talking about extremely offensive and profane names that people have chosen to use against folks that have accused the ntcc of sexually abusing them. When certain people came forward and started to spill their guts, we had to moderate our blog. We started to allow people to share their opinions but they became accusatory and certain people started to write some really nasty things about the victims. That's why we are moderated.
This is probably one subject that I will never change on. I can't see the logic behind doing anything that defends Pedophiles. I can't find fault with a girl that was raised in the ntcc who was only married because she was in a cult and matchmade to a perverted dude by an even more perverted dude. I can't find any moral ground to feel that what happened to her was something that she caused, wanted or brought upon herself. To think that way is to excuse the predator's actions. The predator is the one who has the moral obligation to keep his lust in check and not to violate the law. Davis was a stone cold child molester and pervert. He sexually molested a minor. Is there any circumstance where this is acceptable? I can't think of any. Is there any circumstance where a 50 or 60 year old man should be allowed to grope and fondle a 16 year old girl? That is absolute sickness. Am I wrong for saying that the 16 year old girl is a victim? Am I wrong for wanting to stick up for these girls? I want them to be able to get on with their lives and realize that they don't have to live in guilt for the rest of their lives because some pervert couldn't keep his hands off of them. What is my crime in all this. Have I offended others for not allowing them to smear the victims? They can attack me all they want to and that's okay. I'm doing what is right and I think deep down they know it. If you want fair and balanced go to Fox news and share your opinion with them. They are against Pedophiles being allowed to go free. In fact they will out judges for giving light sentences to people like Davis.
Ange and I both feel the same way about this and we will continue to fight for those who have been victimized by these religious hypocrites. We can back down from others because they claim they have a right to smear the victims of sexual crimes against a minor but right is right and wrong is wrong and we are going to do what we feel is right.
Bro. Ken also is someone who we haven't mentioned in this particular conversation, but he was a victim in the ntcc. Davis knew about Johnny Jordan before he matched him up with Pam. It's sick to blame Pam after all she went through and if you want to blame her instead of Davis there is something wrong with you. The more I think about it the more it makes me sick to my stomach. Some people are more worried about their freedom to slander a victim than they are about doing what is right. They say, Pam is not innocent, give me a break. Davis is a stone cold child molester and it doesn't matter if a 16 year old girl lays down naked in front of him of the sixty year old pervert and begs him for sex, which is not what she did, but for some reason folks want freedom to tear her down. Don't ever come on this blog and accuse the victims of ntcc perverts like Davis, Kekel, Fontenot or Johnny Jordan and expect us to publish your comments. Fontenot said that his six year old daughter wanted it, that was his personal defense. That's sick. Blame the predators not the victims. Do what you want on Chief's blog or any where else, but not here.
If you want to see where Ashmore holds his services, click the link above that says Ashmore's Church in San Diego. The assessed value of the church and the the less than one acre tract it sits on is $1,311,519.00. Assessed value is usually 10 to 20% less than actual value plus it was last assessed over 2 years ago. The building is owned by the City of San Diego so Ashmore's congregation gets to pay rent on a building they will never own. I'm not sure how much tithes and offering are pumped out of his congregation to foot the bills but buildings like that don't rent for small amounts. The owners also rent it out for wedding receptions and other functions.
The building is 6,233 square feet and can seat around 300 people. It's blocks away from the water front and land alone in that area goes for nearly $1,000,000.00 per acre. I think they have church in that building on Wednesday night and Sunday morning every week according to their Facebook page.
Not sure if the owners of the building know Ashmore's history or if they care. I guess it's all about the money. Has anyone asked Ashmore how much his congregation pays for rent? Ashmore doesn't have a job so I'm sure his congregation pays for his house and church. You would think that people would have learned from their ntcc experience, but for whatever reason there are enough people who have been burned by the ntcc that are willing to front the money for Ashmore's new venture. He still has a taste for the rich lifestyle he had in the ntcc, that's for sure.
Luke 18:10-14
This passage talks about two men who went to the temple to pray. One man was a Pharisee and another was a publican. The Pharisee prayed out loud so that everyone could hear him. He said, "I thank God that I am not like other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice a week, and give tithes of all I possess."
That is the closest model that we have in the New Testament that defines what the ntcc requires. The ntcc requires that people pay, (not give), tithes of all they possess. But who went down to his house justified, the tithe paying Pharisee or the publican who stood afar off and would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner?
The ntcc and the Pharisees have a lot in common. They do things to be seen of men and to be heard of men but when it comes down to being humane and treating people with decency it's just not in their heart. They make a public display when they correct people by blasting them in public. "See that Publican standing afar off? We are much better than him because we pay our tithe and he doesn't so he is on his way to hell, and we dress holier than thou, so we are on our way to heaven. Meanwhile the publican is praying God, forgive me. Does God really need 10% of your money? Does God care if you were jeans or a tight fitting skirt like Tanya Kekel? Does God care if you go to a public swimming pool and wear a swimming suit more than he cares if Tanya Kekel wears revealing blouses or outfits that leave little to the imagination? I know the bible does talk about modest apparel and I'm not trying to argue that in any way, but why be religious about a topic like holiness when you allowed Grant to wear lascivious clothing by your own standards and Tanya dresses and acts in a way that causes others to lust? I'm sure there are people that go swimming on a hot day just to cool down and spend time with the family and they are not there to lust after people any more than they would if they walked around town in southern California on a hot day where you can find people dressed the same way as they are at the swimming pool.
I would be willing to step out on a limb and say there is a lot more lust in an organization like the ntcc where people are pent up and forbidden to do normal things than there is at a place like a public swimming pool. In a cult, people's lives are manipulated and that includes their relationships and their sexuality. When men are told not to talk to women and women are told not to talk to men, they are being deprived of an opportunity to be in a natural relationship. When that happens over a period of time people have to live in celibacy. This creates sexual perversion in religious people and if you don't believe that just look at the Catholic priests. Many of them have suppressed their natural desires for so long they become pedophiles.
As far as I can see, the only exhortations to "modesty" in dress in the New Testament relate to ostentation, not covering. We're admonished not to be obsessed with showy apparel. Where does it say anything about revealing the body? Nowhere. It's ironic that NTCC twisted that all around to where people felt guilty wearing shorts or a bathing suit, while the "leaders" decked themselves out in expensive clothing that the peasants could never afford, in direct violation of the scriptures. So put on that bikini and hit the beach; if someone has lust in his heart, that's his problem.
My wife and I started reading your blog about a year ago. We struggled a lot with stuff that we read trying to decide if you were just bitter people that didn't get what you wanted in N.T.C.C. or had great reason to believe they were not of God.
About 18 months ago we were sent out to be helpers in a work. The pastor there was quite harsh to me and my wife. Calling us out in services when we were not doing what he wanted us to do. Getting mad when my youngest on a Saturday night service would fall asleep after such a long day. To give you an idea my youngest was nursery age at the time. The pastor's wife would belittle my wife making fun of her in front of our children while I was at work. This really upset my oldest because I had taught him how to honor his mother. It got so bad I finally called Rev. Kekel not knowing what else to do. He told me to stop wining and like a baby and I need to grow up and get with the program. I was so hurt no one cared.
About 7 months ago one of my children began to run a high fever and was really sick. I called the pastor where I am at and said I am not sure my wife will be able to come tomorrow to Saturday soul-winning. He got angry and said that if she doesn't come there would not be enough women to pair up evenly. When I insisted my child needed my wife, he then threat to report me to Rev. Kekel. My wife stressed out because Rev. Kekel had already told us we could never miss anything about church and soul-winning even for our children. She told me if she didn't go it she would be disobeying the man of God and God would punish us. She was feared God's punish on our family. So she, all the kids, and I went soul-winning. Right before that night's service my child got really bad. We decided to take her into the ER. I called the pastor. He told me I was to drop off my wife and child and I and the other children were to come to church. He had no concern at all. I told him no I am going to be with my family they need me. My daughter was in the hospital for two days. That pastor nor Rev. Kekel seemed to care. I got yelled at for missing all services that weekend. My wife and I took turns being in the room while the other took care of the other children. I only worked a half a day Tuesday so I could bring my child home. We tried to make it work for another couple of weeks but it only got worse so one weekend we just didn't attend anything. In fact that weekend we went to the zoo for the first time as a family. My children had never seen a bear up close so it was thrilling to see them so excited.
One thing I was surprised with us leaving was my oldest told me I am so glad we don't have to go back. I hated that place.
I am glad you put out so much information on your blog it helps my family to feels good about our decision. It also lets me know when my gut told not to trust certain people to care for my children while in bible school I wasn't being overly caution. They probably won't trust worthy. It must be hard to share ugly information but without I don't think I would have believed God was okay with us leaving.
To all those that think we don't love God. We still have family talks about God and the bible. We even sing songs about God. The only difference now is my family is first.
The previous comment came in right as we were getting ready to post a new thread about a letter we wrote to J.R. Ashmore, but we didn't want it to get lost or hidden from our readers by this new post. This is a very good example of how people and their families suffered needlessly in the ntcc. We will probably do a blog post relating to the previous comment after this Letter to Ashmore runs it's course. We would like to thank Mr. or Mrs. D'Mario for sharing their testimony and we hope that it saves other ministers and their families from suffering similar pain. This is a perfect example of how people suffered in the Ntcc and why people should think really hard before signing their families up for another cult experience. People see the things they want you to see in the public Arena but when you join up with them and commit yourselves to them there is another side of them that you become subjected to. Is it more of the same, or is it real? Don't get burned again, be careful with your eternal soul.
D'Mario said:
"We struggled a lot with stuff that we read trying to decide if you were just bitter people that didn't get what you wanted in N.T.C.C. or had great reason to believe they were not of God."
DNA said:
You are not the only ones that struggle with what we say. We are open to suggestions. The only way we know how to share things is just to be truthful and share our opinions with folks on how we see the facts. Our opinions are not always perfect but they are educated by what we have seen and hundreds of other testimonies from people like you who have left.
We know that the ntcc is a horrible place to raise a family and we try to warn people. We also realize that Families are being misled by expert manipulators that run smear campaigns to discount everything negative that is shared about them and the people who share it. You will probably be smeared by the ntcc as soon as they read this. They have a history of trying to get out in front of damaging information and rather than denying it ever happened, (because lies make things worse for them), they discredit the source. They have always discredited the people that share true accounts of what they have experienced. They will say the same thing about you that they say about us. They feel that anyone who leaves the ntcc is of the devil and they will associate you with us in a bad way and in addition they will say that you left the ntcc because you hated God, or you loved sin more than going to church. They will share their twisted version with the members of the ntcc and in turn people will reject you, because Kekel or the last pastor of the church you were helpers at will say things about you that are just not right.
D'Mario said:
"Getting mad when my youngest on a Saturday night service would fall asleep after such a long day. To give you an idea my youngest was nursery age at the time."
DNA said:
Tanya Kekel used to skip out on church with her son Grant whenever he got ornery and couldn't behave during church or they wanted him to get his precious naps. Meanwhile they crucified Ted and Jean Keys for wanting to treat their own son the same way Grant was treated. Both Ted and Jean were demonized by manipulators like Tanya and Verna who tried to convince Jean to leave Ted and Ted was also lied to about Jean and told to leave her. They both ended up leaving the ntcc and raised their son with love and now Teddy Jr. is grown and no longer in a place where he can be manipulated by cult leaders.
You made the right decision to leave the ntcc. The ntcc a horrible place to raise your children. Your family is much better off with you raising them than them being brain washed in the ntcc. The ntcc makes children hate God by forcing them to live by double standards that the royal ntcc families never subjected their own children to live under.
D'Mario said:
"The pastor's wife would belittle my wife making fun of her in front of our children while I was at work. This really upset my oldest because I had taught him how to honor his mother."
DNA said:
Kids know more about how to treat their parents than the ntcc leadership knows how to treat people. They know what is right and what is wrong and this is a primary example of what the ntcc is all about. Some ntcc minister's wife being a busy body and making fun of a child's mother behind the mother's back. What an example of Christian love and compassion. Ntcc preachers and their wives need to find their way back to the cross and get saved. Like Davis and all those board members used to say, and like all the ntcc pastors used to regurgitate, "You just need to get saved". And that is what needs to happen with the ntcc pastor and his wife that you were sent to help. They just need a good dose of salvation. They wouldn't act like that if they were truly saved.
Man, every single sentence that D'Mario wrote contains a new message that needs to be preached right back at the ntcc leadership. What a bunch of hypocrites they are. Kekel is going to self destruct if he keeps treating the people he trains to go into the ministry like this. Man the ntcc is messed up. I got to take a break, I'll right more later and this will make a good blog post for later also.
One more thing,
D'Mario shared,
"About 7 months ago one of my children began to run a high fever and was really sick."
DNA say,
That's very serious. Never mess around with a fever. If your child is ill, pray, and if he or she is not healed immediately get to the Dr. or ER. A fever of 104 degrees can cause permanent brain damage.
Don't let somebody make you feel bad about taking care of your family. God wants you to take care of them.
This whole comment by D'Mario and especially the portions about the ntcc treating children poorly is so upsetting.
Christ came to seek and save love and heal. He is love. Christians should be kind and loving. WOW. Good call on taking care of your family and leaving ntcc!
My sister attended that cult and they harassed her when she left. They played on her phone and even harassed people they saw come in contact with her. I told her to leave that place months ago she got mad at me but God opened her eyes and let her see what was really going on so she left. Praise God!
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