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An RWD Calendar We Found in Cyber Space |
While going through an old box of junk I recently discovered a whole treasure trove of notes that I took and later typed out after a conference in the 90's. As I read through the notes I had taken, it began to reinforce the facts that I've learned since leaving the ntcc. There are many Davis-isms that were spewed out that year from behind the pulpit. Some of the stuff was just plain stupid; while some might of worked, if it were practiced by Davis before he pitchforked it onto others. In this display of Cult Leadership 101 you will find hypocrisy at its highest point, double standards flowing from the mouth of the ntcc's chief hypocrite. Without being too long winded we will try to compare the Dubster's teachings with the bible and contrast them to the way he lived his life contrary to his own teachings (hypocrisy). For those of you that are still in the ntcc, please ask yourself the question, "Has God changed? Or was Davis a fraud all along?" The way Davis insulted everyone's intelligence with man-made rules and dictated the way of life that he expected others to live by, while he lived contrary, is a testament that contradicts and twists what we know and have learned in our own studies of the bible.
The topic of this particular conference was Servicemen's Homes and came out of a book that Davis supposedly wrote on the topic. The NTCCSH Book is very practical and will yield desired results. What is a Servicemen's Home? It is a vehicle used by Gawd to bring about the salvation (and tithes) of multitudes of precious Servicemen. Proven a $ Fruitful$$$ and important part of our outreach. "It has been instrumental in the success of the bible college and organization." Monday night Olson was the speaker, but he was basically blurting out Davis' own material on the subject; (that is if Davis actually wrote the NTCCSH Book - keep in mind that Davis often plagiarized others without giving them credit). Davis blathered on about the same stuff on Tuesday morning and night, Wednesday morning and night and Thursday morning and night. Much of what was said reinforces my reasons for blogging against Davis, his cult and the people he selected to run it after he allegedly died.
The Proverbs of R-Dub:
1. It was shared that Olson was reached in a Servicemen's Home in the Philippines when his life was going in the 'wrong direction'. Servicemen are motivated by everything that is contrary to God.
Olson is the Chief enabler in the ntcc and has been responsible for running victims off for reporting ntcc ministers allegedly involved in molesting children while Olson was harboring the alleged pedophiles in the ntcc. If he was going in the wrong direction before entering ntcc, Olson would have done God a great service if he would of kept heading that way instead of joining the ntcc. Servicemen are not motivated by everything that is contrary to God as they claimed. How is defending your country and it's way of life contrary to God? Servicemen are the very reason we have freedom to worship God in this country. If it were not for Servicemen, people like Davis would have to go door to door in civilian communities to get a few abused individuals to come to his cult.
2. Servicemen should be able to participate in questions and answers.
This claim made us laugh when we saw it. Just ask your local Servicemen's Home Director anything. We all know how approachable and patient they can be. **cough** But don't dare ask the wrong question; unless you want your fields plowed; and you feel up to some public humiliation. Try asking your Pastor about where all of the tithe money goes once it leaves your wallet and see what a loving atmosphere a Servicemen's Home can really be. Try slapping him on the back and calling him by his first name and see how quickly the Servicemen's Home becomes a nasty place.
3. Everything that goes on in a Servicemen's Home should be to strengthen spiritually the serviceman.
Seriously? Like foot massages? Like trips to the bathhouses in Korea? I remember a long time preacher came to Olson and asked him about Broadnax being effeminate and talking about inappropriate sexual stuff all of the time; and Olson told the minister that Broadnax was responsible for sending 23 students to bible school. In other words Olson shut that long time preacher down and defended effeminate Broadnax. So I guess there are exceptions to the rules in the Bible as long as you are 'productive' by ntcc standards; which is to say you send them tithe payers. But here is what the bible says: 1Co 6:9 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
I'll tell you first hand that there was very little spirituality going on in that home. Broadnax was pulling down his pants in front of multiple brethren and asking them to feel how soft his Korean underwear was. This is also proof that most ntcc people don't talk; they just keep stuff like this inside. There were about 6 or 7 people that witnessed this, yet I am the only one to say anything about it. Servicemen's Homes were a very bad idea; because they housed a bunch of single GI's that were forced into celibacy and forbidden to talk to members of the opposite sex. On top of that, many of the Directors or 'Pastors' would be just like Davis and other members of the General Board in that they required other people to be in a monogamous relationship with their spouse, while those so-called 'Pastors' were perverts that were out allegedly committing adultery, spanking, molesting and raping young girls and boys or covering up for those who allegedly got caught.
4. Olson doesn't remember playing monopoly in the home with Rev. Gaylord. Servicemen come to the home to find Christ not in a monopoly game or a video game. Games have not been allowed in Servicemen's Homes for the last 8 to 10 years. "A person who has no control over his own spirit is like a city with walls broken down". I had to stop and have a good laugh at this one. Yes, the bible teaches that. But who is Davis or Olson to lecture anyone on having control over their own spirit? This is what Davis was very good at. He would take a Servicemen's Home and turn it into a mini cult compound by enforcing a bunch of rules that were nowhere to be found in the bible. Thou shalt not play monopoly. Thou shalt not have a good time doing anything that is non-spiritual.
5. Gospel music is a critical aspect in a servicemen's home. "Real" Gospel music that is inspirational can be a blessing. This is the only kind of music that will be played in a servicemen's Home. Every one has their own opinions, but if it doesn't conform to Gawd and the word of Gawd, don't play it. If any music is in question, ask the board members. Which board members should we ask? Ashmore is gone, Blumenthal left eons ago, Jones is supposedly gone, dead Davis ran off Marshall. They must have been listening to devil music. What would a board member know about spiritual music anyway? What kind of music do they play at Kekel's house while they are cleaning it for him? He Set Me Free? I doubt it. The only types of music that Davis considered to be Spiritual were southern gospel, praise and black gospel. Only those three and they couldn't be too upbeat or they would be off limits also. Now where is all this found in the bible? Seriously. Israel's King David said to Praise the Lord with many instruments, and symbols and with music and dance. I doubt if David was dancing before the Lord with all of his might to southern gospel or praise music. Again Davis has inserted his own standards into the legalistic ntcc dogma, that you bunch of brainwashed cult members are supposed to blindly follow. Ask a board member? How stupid and ignorant can you be?
6. Preachers at a work are not the pastor of the workers. The next time Davis has to get involved, either the pastor of the church or the worker will be removed. The worker is there to help. There are no dorm prophets or dorm mothers or fathers in the bible school. This was another failed experiment by RWD. Preachers would be sent to certain works and they would regurgitate Davis doctrine to the other ministers, in effect jacking them up. Ministers that never had children would be jacking up ministers with children and telling them how to raise their kids. They sent Rev. Kocks to Augusta; and we would literally have to beat the guy up every day just to keep him from spraying Right Guard Deodorant in our faces. If you want to put a servicemen's home in chaos, send a worker there and see what happens. They always clash with the preachers that are already there. They come out of bible school thinking that they are the next Ezekiel; and they all end up getting jacked up by the 'more seasoned preacher' who thinks he is the next in line to the very throne of God itself. What a bunch of prima donnas. And Davis often sets them at odds against each other, separately and secretly telling each of them to try and teach the other one something. You know, God hates six things, and seven are an abomination. Davis sowing discord among brethren this way seems to qualify as that seventh thing, the abomination:
Pro 6:16-19 16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
7. In many places sports and other things are talked about and then prayer. Davis is presenting a schedule to the general board for Servicemen's Homes. There will be a Saturday PM service in every Servicemen's Home. Preachers say they are too busy to have services on Saturday but the truth is that they are too lazy to pray for a message. Did you hear that all you lazy preachers? Too lazy to pray for a message so you can collect that Saturday night offering? You will never amount to anything. And don't you dare ask for any money for anything if you don't have a Saturday night service.
8. Going to the mall has got to be the hardest cross a man has ever bore. What an insult to those who were actually Martyred for Christ. This pearl of wisdom just came out of nowhere like a someone shot a 45 slug straight up in the air and some poor church schlub was standing there minding his own business and was fatally gunned down for no reason at all. For all you Mall shoppin', church hoppin' religious nut cases, watch out, R-dub's got your number.
Maybe R-dub said that about Malls so he could stay home and molest little church girls while his so-called wife, Verna, and bossy daughter, Tanya, were at the Mall shopping. According to Julie St. Clair, James Ross Ashmore once sent his wife Helen and daughter Lorrie out shopping while he allegedly raped a very young Julie. Don't believe us? Just ask Helen Ashmore or Lorrie Duran DiFrancesco. Allegedly Helen was so shocked when she got back and noticed that something was wrong with Julie, that Helen allegedly declared "She's bleeding!" Wouldn't that bear checking into a little bit more closely? And really, why was Julie left alone with James Ross Ashmore? And why were people using Julie to clean their mansions? First of all, clean your own house. If you own a mansion, hire a professional cleaning service. Don't use and take advantage of the brothers and sisters, using your neighbors' services without wages. And who in their right mind uses a little girl with Cerebral Palsy, who is in constant pain and has limited mobility, to clean their mansion?!?!? If you dorks can't see how messed up that is, I don't even want to know any of you. What a bunch of jerks.
9. It's not the place of the pastor to run the personal life of the members, but to get them saved. That's enough to make your oatmeal hit the wall. Please, please, please, one of you ntcc'rs out there please explain this to me? Am I the only one that finds this hypocritical? I could literally write a book about this one sentence and how it contradicts everything Davis has ever done. What a two faced, double standard, forked tongued hypocrite. Anyone with one percent of their brain working knows this statement is wrong; because Davis constantly ran everyone else's lives as if he were the grand Pimp-Daddy of all time!
10. It is not the pastor's place to tell a single worker that he cannot take a single sister home or that he needs a chaperon. There are reasons for bible school rules and those reasons are between Davis and Gawd. You got your waders on? It's getting mighty deep in here. We are going to have to shovel our way back to reality with this one. Of course if a single worker is sent to a work, and there is a single woman at that work, He gets priority. I've seen it too many times. Rule 10 often violates rule 9, because the single brothers in the home are definitely not allowed the same latitude with sisters as the bible school students are. If only I was a licensed and brainwashed minister. Not only would I have been able to date Ange back in 1990 when we were both 25 years younger, but I could have taken her home with me. What? Are you kidding me? Oh the hypocrisy. It's just killing me. Please tell me I'm not alone.
11. A worker without a car is about as worthless as a saddle without a horse. So go work that insulation job at 10 bucks an hour so you can make all the services and attend all the ntcc functions and buy yourself that oil puking junker that you have always wanted, you loser. Meanwhile Davis drives around in his Brand New Cadillac that you purchased for him every year along with you purchasing all the other board members' vehicles, including those expensive Recreational Vehicles that you paid them to take their 30 days paid vacation in while still giving them your tithes and offerings and all while you got to drive around in a 1977 rusted-out Volkswagen Rabbit. Think about it folks. You've been had. You've been buying all their vehicles and paying them to take 30 days paid vacation while they drive around in the lovely new Recreational Vehicles you bought for them so they could drop by and jack you up on their way to Hawaii, or Miami, or Germany, (all on your dime, of course.)
12. Alcoholic beverages and chewing gum are in the same category. Yeah, we know that chewing gum takes quite a few lives every year, just like alcohol. This is a proverb of R-dub and can not be traced to any verse in the bible we know about, but the next time you see a cow chewing it's cud and you ask him about the look of consternation on it's face, you'll understand.
13. A worker without a car is like a millstone around the pastor's neck. A worker with a car can also be a millstone around the pastor's neck; and a Pastor with or without a car can be a millstone around the worker's neck. Don't blame it on the car. That worker is not there to run a shuttle service for you. Jesus must have had a pretty strong neck; because He must of had twelve millstones around his neck (according to Davis), as they walked everywhere they went back in those days. What about a worker without a cell phone, or a worker without wing-tipped shoes? Could you picture Jesus telling someone they could not follow Him, except they had a donkey? Get real.
14. Fellowship, fellowship, fellowship, should not consist of children but only adults. Children should not be present, period. Children infringe on fellowship of adults. Servicemen's Homes were not established as Nurseries but for single GI's. Having a family in the servicemen's home and church constitutes numerous problems. Also it is not a good atmosphere for children. The Executive Board has decided that a Servicemen's home is not a place for children. It also takes a room that could be utilized for a GI. Not everyone who comes to a Servicemen's Home is saved. There are people in this world that rape children. There are kids that are raised in Servicemen's Homes that are no longer with us today, but they are dopers and pushers.
Where do we begin? Just ask Ralph St. Clair about allegedly raping his own daughter in the Serviemen's Home. Sorry, maybe you should ask Joan St. Clair, his alleged widow, how well that experiment worked for them. It seems to me like there were many more rapists inside of the ntcc than were visiting. Why would Davis even go there? Was he perhaps speaking from experience? So get your vasectomies if you desire the office of a Servicemen's Director, because there is something about a man who is consecrated and that will sacrifice having a family to give themselves to a servicemen's work. Can anyone please show me where any of this is in the bible? This doctrine of Davis is ridiculous and yet sinister; because countless couples went childless to appease Davis, who adopted what may have been his own illegitimate daughter, Tanya. The only reported problem with children in a Servicemen's Home can be traced to the 'Pastor' and 'father' of the child; the man who allegedly molested, raped or pimped out the child to others for a few bucks. The other reported problem with children involves the sick founder of the ntcc who has been reported by numerous women that were allegedly violated by Davis when they were children. Davis also placed a known cross dressing homosexual over children in the day school and sent effeminate preachers to pastor Servicemen's Homes.
15. When a train begins to gain momentum the railroad crossing is a bad place to be. J.H. Olson
You might need a revelation to know where he's coming from on this one. The train is Davis and the Campground is the railroad crossing? Maybe not, but it sounds like someone is going to get raked over the coals.
16. Without a pleasing personality your tongue is as worthless as a leather thong. Really, a leather thong? I wonder what was going through Davis' mind when he came up with that gem. Seems pretty weird, that he would actually say that in public. But then again, He is Davis, and he can do anything; and you better not question him either! Ya hear? It's between him and Gawd; I guess.
17. After developing a pleasing personality you have to dress it up. Put a suit and tie on that snake. Dress that serpent up really good in a white shirt and wingtips so his tongue can tickle you; and you won't know it's a snake.
18. The preacher is to be at the front door of his church 30 minutes prior to each service. Make sure you bring some breath mints with you so you don't knock your 7 members off of their feet when you greet them with the garlic breath from tonight's dinner of garlic infused ramen noodles and garlic laced meat by-products; otherwise known in the ntcc as "preachers' tube steak" (hotdogs).
19. Some people stand around during conference like someone stole their cow. Maybe that's what they feel like after sitting through 3 hours of teaching like we just typed in this blog post. I'm surprised that no one ever reached in their straw basket and knocked R-dub upside the head with a tomato after carrying on like he does during a conference.
20. The greatest wisdom is knowing when to keep your mouth shut. Too bad davis didn't follow his own advice. To which we say, "No comment."
I have a whole trove of notes still, from Davis, Olson, Johnson, and a bunch of others. Haven't looked at them for decades, but maybe I should bust them out and share the hilarity I'm sure to discover therein. I've got some tapes someplace too, of old Rear Wheel preaching the first BS graduation and other "messages."
Please post them. I'd love to read them.
Fascinating, truly fascinating!
Hey Vic, some of the stuff he said was just unbelievable. It demonstrates the contrast of the Dispensation of Davis and how God changed when Kekel took over. It's hard to believe we all followed R-dub and went along with his rules for fools. I would love to see some of the stuff that Davis taught to bible school students. I can only imagine that it's even more hilarious than what he taught at conference.
It was never about rules or keeping them, or jumping through a bunch of unnecessary hoops, but it was always about money. Every doctrine that Davis preached benefited his bank account more than anything else. He didn't want people to have kids because it was a huge expense. He didn't want you to have to provide for a family because that was money that you could have given to him. He allowed people to shop at Kook stores while he shopped at the finest retail outlets in the world for his own clothing and for his families. Man, if people would just open their eyes and see how he lives in comparison to how they are living it would speak volumes as to the kind of people the ntcc leaders are. They are the scum of the earth. They will literally allow people to go without so they can have the best of everything.
We were all so stupid to follow people like Davis and Kekel. Anyone that tells you that Alcoholic beverages and chewing gum are in the same category and yet you find a waste basket full of empty Nyquil bottles next to the desk of the man who was touted as the next in line for the throne of Gawd has got to be a serious nut case, but we all followed him anyway.
The only word that comes to mind is sociopath.
He didn't steal or take money, he took the best years of peoples lives. He took children. He took time. Yes he took money but after reading this blog that would appear to be the least of his offenses.
My last DUI was courtesy of Juicy Fruit!
now I am in a 12 step program. Fell off the wagon last week cause of ol' Bazooka Joe.
Anyone else look at that younger picture in the Calendar and think, Norman Bates? Nothing behind those eyes.
Is there any pictures of Reverend Denis. I hear he's identical to NTCC with his org. Just wanted to see if I recognize him from when I was in back in the 00's.
Carried over from the last blog post, but seems to belong with this one:
Anonymous said...
What is the deal with all the churn? Why wouldn't you want people that are coming to Sunday Service to continue? Why guilt trip them into coming to 5 services and running them off. People will increase their faithfulness as they want more. Not because someone yells at them from a pulpit.
I don't recognize 90% of the pastors names at the churches. Maybe more. If they built them up instead of tearing them down and spitting them out they'd have much better success.
Not that I want them to, just seems so stupid.
Has Regina and Danny Brill left NTCC?
This is more proof that it has always been about money. Even the double standards have been ever present. This very enlighting
Anonymous said...
Has Regina and Danny Brill left NTCC?
DNA said:
We are glad you asked. The ntcc is very tight lipped about this stuff, but every once in a while they rub someone wrong and bits and pieces of the truth come out.
They left quite some time ago, not sure if they are back in. Edward Bellamy posted the following statement on Chief's blog back in 2012:
For those of you who were wondering about Rev. and Sister Brill, (yes, this is Rev. Olson's daughter and son-in-law.) They left NTCC a month before I did; approximately March 2011. This is the story behind his leaving.
When Rev. Brill was in the Army, he was diagnosed with cancer. They did surgery and he was medically discharged, but he has been very sick throughout the years. They have now found out that the procedure which was used to remove his cancer will eventually take his life. It makes even getting a common cold life threatening. He had become very sick while Pastoring in Amarillo, Texas. The doctors told him that he needed to stop most activities if he wanted to live. This was around conference time and the doctor also told him that he could get worse if he traveled. He told Pastor Davis that he was not coming to conference, because he was sick. They called him and chewed him out, saying, because Sister. Brill was Rev. Olson's daughter, it would be a bad testimony if they missed conference. So Rev. Brill went back to the doctor and the doctor strongly advised him not to go. So Rev. Brill sent Sister Brill to conference and he stayed home. During conference they called him and chewed him out. So he got on a plane and came to conference.. And just like the doctor predicted he became very sick. He then realized, (like all of us) that they DO NOT care about anyone but themselves, their pride, and their ego. They put his life in danger for show.
Again we are not sure of their status now and there is a lot more info on Chief's blog that can be found by pasting the link below into your browser:
Anonymous said...
Is there any pictures of Reverend Denis. I hear he's identical to NTCC with his org. Just wanted to see if I recognize him from when I was in back in the 00's.
DNA said:
We have a picture of Denis from an older issue of the Trumpet but it is very poor quality and isn't worth scanning in to publish. There is a blog about Denis and his crooked organization out there. They are having some difficulties with their blog but they have a temporary page with a blue link that has a schedule of all the hoops they used to jump through. Very good stuff. Shows a perfect example of spiritual bondage in a cult. Paste the link below into your browser and be sure when you get there to click the blue link on the bottom of their page:
Anonymous said:
"I don't recognize 90% of the pastors names at the churches. Maybe more. If they built them up instead of tearing them down and spitting them out they'd have much better success."
DNA said:
This is the whole point of having a cult and this is what they are all about. The more bondage you put someone under the less freedom they have? Does God want us to be free or in bondage? The more mandatory functions you have, the more freedom you take away from your church members and they become cult members as you introduce your man made doctrines to them while keeping them so busy that they don't have time to think.
Kekel's head is too big to co-exist with the old time Davis followers. Kekel is slowly weeding out the old and building his cult the way he wants it to be built. Don't be surprised if all of the Davis disciples are replaced by new names that you've never heard of before. Davis didn't have any problem running people off if they posed a threat to him, and Kekel will be the same way. In fact Kekel has a really big ego and it's hard for him to share the glory of his religious real estate empire with anyone.
We told you all that this would happen, and it's happening. Many out there have treated us like the scum of the earth because we shared the truth with you. We allowed others to speak out about their past and it implicated the ntcc leadership in the grossest of sins, yet it all seems to be coming to pass like we have shared over the past years.
A organization divided against itself can not stand. Anything with two or more heads is a freak. It's obvious Kekel wants to take this circus in a different direction than Davis, but it's really not much different. Kekel and Davis had the exact same vision for ntcc and it had nothing to do with winning souls or building God's kingdom. It's always been about their own financial wealth and obtaining huge amounts of money. That's why Davis and Kekel both co-existed. Davis wanted to keep it in the family and Kekel now wants to fashion it in his own way, and that is not what the majority of the old timers want. Why do you think Ashmore all of the sudden left after Davis died? Do you think he's the only one? Nobody has verified that Jones has left nor have they verified that he is still in. Don't be surprised if a lot of the old timers leave.
Don't expect Olson to leave, he will be loyal to Kekel, (Mike or Grant) until the day he dies, plus he has no morals whatsoever and will continue to hide perverts while running off the whistle blowers. My guess is that Kekel chose the current board members and pasted their pictures up on his web site because he thinks they will be loyal to death. Olson, Johnson and DiFrancesco are the only ones he trusts. DiFrancesco is also an Ashmore relative, but I wouldn't trust him no matter what camp he's in. If the heat ever comes down on the ntcc, DiFrancesco might be the first to bale, because he has the most to lose $$$$$$$IRS$$$$$$audits$$$$$hiding money$$$$$lying$$$$$$embezzling$$$$ He knows it all.
I had no idea Olsen would be that loyal. Looks like Johnson and Francis are in the same boat. I thought there was a time when there were upwards of 10-15 members on the board based on what the Trumpet said. Could be wrong though. Looks like it's now only Kekel, Olson, Johnson, and DiFrancesco. I've never heard that guy preach, what does he do?
Some of these people in the org have to be waking up. They have to want to see what life could be like without the org controlling their pocket book and time 24/7.
Good luck to anyone thinking about it. You'll have a tough time at first, guilt and such but after that it's a dream come true.
David said:
" I thought there was a time when there were upwards of 10-15 members on the board based on what the Trumpet said. "
DNA said:
At one time Davis tried to pattern the ntcc after the early Church and there was Davis and his 12 disciples or "Board Members". It turns out that there were a lot more Judas's on Team R-dub. I remember that if you left ntcc, and you were a board member, you were considered a reprobate. Well as time goes on and people like Ashmore, Denis and possibly Jones now, I wonder if they all aren't a bunch of reprobates. What goes on inside the ntcc is a lot like what goes on in the Amish communities. All of the outward standards are nothing more than a deceptive disguise to hide the multitude of sins that go on behind closed doors.
If your church leaders are more of a threat to your children than the sex offenders living in your neighborhood, you might just be in a cult. That's how it is in the ntcc. You never hear about anyone outside of the ntcc raping kids inside of the ntcc. All of the really sick stuff comes from those inside and what's worse is that it comes from those in a leadership position. And that's usually how serial child molesters work. They most often are Doctors that have full control over their child patients. I seen an episode of cold case files where a Boy Scout leader was forcing young teenage boys to have sex with him. College coaches, and probably high school coaches alike have been responsible for raping dozens of children. Sandusky was guilty and Joe Paterno knew about it and did nothing. Catholic priests have raped and molested thousands of children.
You don't have to worry too much about the pervert in your neighborhood on the sex offender list, but your kids would be at much more risk if they were left alone with ntcc board members or Pastors. Davis, Ashmore, Kekel, St. Clair, Fontenot, Rudy, Hummel, Broadnax are just the ones who were outed, there are many more victims that have remained silent. Who will be outed next? It depends on voices of those that were violated. Do you think they all are lying? Do you ntcc'rs really think that you or your kids are safe? It seems like the ntcc is more of a safe haven for perverts than it is for those who have testified against them.
NTCC is a money making/taking machine who's mission statement should read "YOUR MONEY IS OUR MONEY." They are going to remove as much of your money from you as they possibly can. When I mention is the last post about ntcc retreading Mrs. St. Clair to some unsuspecting G.I. please understand that, if ntcc can get mrs. st. clair married off to keep from paying any kind of widows living, or take care of her, they will do it. Further more, Mr. St. Clair probably died with little or no estate at all after giving it all to ntcc. However, in the mean time, the leaders of ntcc got plenty of money, prime properties, fancy vehicles, mansions etc. etc. Wonder how all of the st. clairs sacrifice worked out for them. Also, when I was stationed overseas, I would send back tithe and offering to Ashmore each month for approximately two years wow, how STUPID WAS I. Money that my mom and dad could have used. boy, boy, boy, stupid me. God has forgiven me though.
Maurice said:
"NTCC is a money making/taking machine who's mission statement should read "YOUR MONEY IS OUR MONEY."
DNA said:
That should be the slogan they write on all their church signs because it's really what they are all about. Most of their Church signs say something to the effect of, "Preaching a Living Christ to a Lost and Dying World". That's nothing more than a sales pitch to get them out to church. It's just like the little infomercials you see at 2:00 in the morning.
They will sell you a food processing machine and they'll tell you all the wonderful things it does. They will build it up to be the greatest Kitchen appliance ever created and then they entice you with all the wonderful attachments that go with it. They will offer you a bunch of free stuff, like a free potato peeler, and a hot dog splitter. Then they say, "But wait"!!!! If you order now we'll send you two Super Chops for the price of one" (Just pay shipping). So far they've told you all the wonderful things this product can do and they've shown you over and over what it comes with, but they haven't given you a price. You've watched their commercial for the past agonizing half an hour and all you want to know is the price. Here it comes. Wait, one more thing, If you are one of the first 200 callers we will also include a free recipe book. A 269 dollar value all for just $69.99. There finally a price. Why do they keep the price till the very end? They want to build the value of the product by showing you all the details first.
With the ntcc it is no different. When they invite you out to church they will love bomb you to death. It's a home away from home for Soldiers. We serve free meals and refreshments with fellowship after church service. The Pastor and his wife are very nice and down to earth people that will welcome you into the church. We preach a living Christ to a lost and dying world. We will also give you a ride and bring you back right after service. We'll treat you in so many different ways your bound to like one of them. Or one of us, I've heard both versions. We offer Salvation to everyone for free. It is a free gift and will cost you absolutely nothing. Sound Familiar?
So here you are rejoicing on the way to church with your new souls thinking, I can't wait for them to get saved, but deep down you know they haven't heard the whole truth. There were a few minor details you left out leaving an uneasy feeling inside. Like, I wonder what the topic of tonight's message will be? If they love God they'll receive it, or will they?
To be continued....
Continued from above....
Now you have brought your new contact(s) to church and everyone is love bombing them asking the same questions, "Where are you from"? "What unit are you in"? And you keep promising them extra free gifts the whole time. After church we are having refreshments and fellowship. We would like to invite you out to dinner tomorrow. The Pastor's wife is a really good cook. So now the poor prospect is wondering, what's the catch?
The preacher gets up and screams into the mike, How many have came to have church? And everyone erupts into a frenzy of jumping and screaming delight as they begin to raise their hands and cry out to God. Then they sing a few songs that everyone knows the words to accept the new people who have to sing and read while everyone else is clapping and swaying. The new church attendee is now pretty uncomfortable to say the least, but so far it hasn't cost him a penny.
Uh, oh, here comes that special time during each service where they pass around the offering basket. All Christians pay tithes and give in offerings. Well that's pretty normal, all churches take up offerings. Not exactly sure what tithe is or why all Christians pay it. I'm sure if it's important they'll tell me.
Then the preacher gets up after he see's that the offering wasn't what he hoped it would be and he says, "The reason some of you never get blessed is because you don't give to God". Tonight's bible reading will come out of the book of Malichi. Preaching on the title of a message, "Will a man rob God"? And this is a typical way for a new soul to find out what's really required of him. The love bombing is over and now the new church attendee has to listen to an hour of brow beating on tithes and offerings and how people that don't pay their tithe will go to hell. Iv'e seen this happen with my own eyes and if you were involved with this cult any length of time, you have too. At the very end, the over zealous and unwise preacher will make an Altar call asking for people to come to the altar and receive free salvation.
Sorry, but I don't really think that this is what Jesus ever intended when He came into this world to die for you and I. A gift is a gift and there is no monetary value associated with it. It's either free or you it costs money. Did Jesus ever collect a dime from anyone? Paul did, but it was for the poor saints, and he never gave an ultimatum prior to taking up a collection. Does it cost money to get saved? You be the judge. According to the ntcc it does, but they won't be honest and tell you up front. They will slowly entice you with all the wonderful and great things that pertain to salvation, and then they will slowly introduce bondage to you. They will begin to tell you the price you will have to pay to live in the servicemen's home. You have to be an example of the believer, and then they will introduce you to their own definition of an example of a believer which basically means that you become a slave to the ntcc. You can't do anything without asking for permission. All the sudden you are finding out that chewing gum, owning pets and eating french fries with you fingers is a sin. You can't miss a church service, you must pay tithe and home offering and every other type of offering. And if you go overseas or somewhere they don't have a church they will still require you to pay 10% cash on the barrel head for years, just like Maurice said. This is because they are a bunch of money grubbing lying hypocrites that are getting rich before your very eyes while you sacrifice your future to them.
Why don't they just tell the truth? Ntcc, Your money is our money. Good comment Maurice.
I actually become sick to my stomach if I think about all the tithes and offerings I gave them. I probably paid for one of the Caddies RD drove. Meanwhile I'm in a Geo Prism from 95-05.
Not anymore, not ever again!
The oil puking junker is the car of choice for most ntcc'rs. Back in the 80's most of the church members and some of the pastors would drive around in cars like the Plymouth K-car. A four door, 4 cylinder, 2.2 (supposedly indestructible engine), but they were always breaking down. Another popular car in the nineties was the Nissan Sentra. You could buy one for 500 bucks and keep the rust bucket going down the road to pick up a load of GI's at the replacement center. Most of the oil puking junkers that were driven by ntcc'rs cost well under a thousand dollars.
Brothers that didn't have cars would be pestered by the pastor or pastored by the pester. If you didn't have a car, you were not a leader and you were supposed to give the brothers that did have cars gas money. So you finally put it together to get that 3,4 of 5 hundred dollar car and as soon as you pull up in the driveway your loving and caring pastor pester greets you with a question like, "Did it come with a bag of suckers"? Then it becomes the topic of fellowship and the pastor often would scold the brother for being taken or for not consulting with him before buying a car.
But when it comes time to bring new prospective tithe payers to church he will order that same brother to run the wheels off of his oil puking junker while he sits at home praying for a message. What a bunch of hypocrites. What a bunch of scoundrels. They ntcc preachers are not worthy of the least of the brethren that come to their churches and willingly do anything to please them. Don't park that oil puking junker in the driveway, we don't want oil spots in our driveway, unless it's the pastors car leaking all over the place. A bunch of double standard hypocrites.
The ntcc is run a lot like our government. Our Government creates a crisis that does not exist and collects billions in tax dollars to fix that problem and then they don't spend that money on fixing the problem, but they spend it on things that will help them get voted back into office. Politics. For instance, Global Warming. The politicians rounded up a few scientists to manipulate the earths temperatures. They actually changed the figures that were officially recorded historically in various locations to raise the average temperature to almost 1 degree Celsius higer than the average earth temperature actually was. I'm not making this up. Click into the blue link above and read the CBS story. Two prominent scientific organizations have taken the data and manipulated it, changing historical temperatures across the world to an increase in the earths temperature. These Scientific organizations than use this data to get research funding and to convince the US Government that Global warming is destroying our planet. Our government has used this scam to collect billions in tax dollars in which will never be spent on global warming, but the politicians will spend it on new programs and handouts to get them re-elected.
This Global warming scandel had already been proven wrong by a group of hundreds of scientists that got together and proved that it was all a big time lie designed by the government to scare people into paying more taxes for climate related problems and very few of those tax dollars collected were used to fix the so called environmental problems. It was such a huge scandal that they stopped calling it Global Warming and started calling it Climate change.
Most of the people in the United States will believe their government and say, "We all have to do our part and pay our taxes", while very few will research it and find out what is really going on.
This is how the ntcc works. They create a program like World Missions and they talk about how there is a great need in this country or that country. They then collect sometimes over $100,000 in pledges saying that the money will be used for reaching lost souls in foreign lands. Most of the people will believe Kekel and other Ntcc leaders when they share their 'vision' for world missions, however if you follow the money trail in the ntcc, you find people in foreign works living in apartments smaller than Tanya's Walk in closet using toilets without seats and getting no help from the organization. One church in the Philippines was rejoicing because they were able to take up a collection among the poor members of their church and build a home made church pew. Meanwhile nobody pays attention to how filthy rich the Kekels have become or how big their mansions are or how expensive the cars that they drive are. Oh, God has blessed them. They continue to take you ntcc'rs for your money like a bunch of brainwashed suckers. At least when you pay your taxes some of it might possibly go into a Social Security slush fund, that will probably be drained in a few years, but if you hurry up and retire you might see a few dollars before you die. Although the average social security check for an ntcc full time pastor might not be what you hoped to retire on.
I don't like publishing political junk on this blog, but I couldn't help but notice the hypocrisy and how it relates to the ntcc. I personally believe that the founders of our constitution got it right when they tried to form a government that would be there for the people. The bill of rights was written not to give us rights but so that the rights we had would not be taken away by anyone to include the government.
Right now I have no trust in the Government. It seems like everything that the U.S. government has it's hand in is a failure, and they don't run anything right. While the issue I brought up is mostly a democrat driven scandal, there are plenty of scandals to go around in both republican and democratic parties alike. I like anyone who believes in less government, less taxes and less control, because the Government has become a control mongering entity that is a lot like the ntcc. The Republicans say they believe in the constitution and they have principals that could and should solve a lot of the problems but most of them are hypocrites and do the opposite of what they say. The Democrats are a bunch of crooks and thieves also, but at least they will come out and say what they believe in no matter how screwed up it all is.
I very seldom mention politics on this blog because it is very divisive and people get very upset about it. It's a lot like religion. I don't like telling people how to live or saying that if you don't do this or do that you are going to die and go to hell. We do hold the ntcc to their own standards because they have used those standards to tear down people and their families for years. We believe in Christ and we also believe that he loves us and desires all of us go to heaven. We as Christians should love Him back and love others as ourselves. I believe God will deal with the rest of the do's and dont's on a personal level. That's just me. I don't claim to be the next in line for the throne of God and I don't have to look very far back to remember the last time I sinned.
Organizations like the ntcc have focused so much of their energy on preaching against things that their message is negative and very few people will subject themselves to their negativity. The only unforgivable sin in the ntcc is not to pay your tithe. They will not say that, but you will be treated like the devil if you don't. It's all about money in the ntcc.
Loved the recent exchange of Gov Scandals in relation to how NTCC is run to control our lives.
I used to be pretty conservative but I realized that the politicians who were conservative mainly wanted to run the checkbook. Just like the preachers who want to move up to overseer and higher levels.
We are an extremely conservative country, but only in theory. Talk about Social Security, Medicare, tax credits for children, WIC and you'll wonder how a republican ever got elected.
I became a libertarian mainly out of the desire for Freedom to improve my life or alternately fail. I could never imagine being under the control of this cult ever again.
God Bless, Mike
Here's a revelation for all the legalists: when the disciples asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was, he said it was to love God, and that the second greatest was to love people. He said that all the law and prophets are wrapped up in those two basic things. So who needs all these rules and regulations? We have it on Jesus' authority that all we need to do in life is love God and love our neighbor. What could be simpler? No church buildings, pews, offering plates, no pastors and "overseers," no ridiculous rituals, costumes, and formalities--just go about life with the proper attitude, treating people right, and you're golden. Even "benign" churches are in the business of hijacking our affections and misdirecting our resources to their own agendas. Some of them probably mean well, but they've all been corrupted and aren't to be trusted. Take charge of your own spiritual life and don't let some babysitter "pastor" meddle, no matter how sincere he might be. Resist all guilt and enjoy yourself; forget about jumping through hoops to please God, because none of it is required. Listen to Jesus and forget about all the other baggage the Pharisees want you to carry for them. If God is in you, no intermediary is necessary, and anyone who tries to function as such is trespassing and needs to be evicted.
I seem to remember in Revelations that the first people cast in the lake of fire were "LIARS".
Vic Johanson said...
Here's a revelation for all the legalists:
DNA said...
I agree. Christianity was best thing that ever happened to mankind until man began to fashion it to suit his misguided desires. Christianity has evolved into religion, and religion is mostly idolatry. It makes little difference if you worship a statue or a man like RWD. The plan that Jesus presented was simple. He did all the work and left it to us just to believe. Love is the main ingredient. When you love others, it keeps you from sinning against them. If I love a person, I'm not going to charge that person a weekly, biweekly or monthly fee to come hear me degrade them and humiliate them publicly. The ntcc has taken a free gift and marketed that gift to the military charging them for the privilege of hearing some blow hard preacher blather on about a bunch of rules that he learned in an unaccredited religious school that is run by a bunch of unqualified and unknowledgeable hypocrites. If you want salvation in the ntcc, you can have it but it's no longer free. If you don't believe that, than try not paying your tithe in the ntcc and see how they treat you. Don't expect them to treat you like Christ treated his disciples who never once paid him tithe. If they did pay tithe it was according to the law that they were living under prior to Christ's death and it went to the Priests and Levites. According to the ntcc that would be wrong also. You have to pay tithe to the one who spiritually feeds you. I remember them preaching that you don't get your car fixed at one repair shop and pay the bill at a different repair shop.
Davis was a man. Davis was not God. It's amazing how that a man can present enough of the truth to convince people to pray for salvation, and then add a whole bunch of stupid rules and so many people are taken. Not only did he control and manipulate us, he used us to finance all of the sick things that he was involved in. He got rich while we payed for him to gallivant across the world, unaccountable to anyone. We all know that Davis had an insatiable appetite for money. He was already filthy rich and he would manipulate the faithful to buy him expensive gifts like a Rolex watch, a Diamond Pinky ring and a Henry Rifle. We also know from numerous testimonies that he was a womanizer, an adulterer, a child molester, a harborer of pedophiles, and the list goes on. I remember him making several trips without his wife. He would take a plane and visit some of the Servicemen's Homes alone. What are the chances that a old pervert like Davis without his wife would attend a church service and afterward leave before fellowship was over to get back to his hotel so he could have an encounter with a prostitute? I'm not saying he did, but are we supposed to be naive enough, knowing what we know, to believe that he didn't?
Where did Kinson learn that behavior from? Kinson didn't even get a slap on the wrist, but was promoted to second in command right behind Kekel, who also has been accused of a few illicit sexual escapades of his own. We were taught by the ntcc that if it quacks it's most likely a duck. If it barks, it's most likely a dog. No mercy was ever dispensed to the ordinary people in churches who messed up, like it was to ntcc preachers whose sins were hidden, overlooked and quickly erased if they were good at bringing up the money and numbers. Then the hype man Olson and hatchet man Ashmore were both used to run off the victims or and/or accusers.
We haven't made any of the accusations up that were brought forth by several woman and men. The ntcc leadership has a history of sick perverted behavior. We were stupid for ever following them, and now people are coming forward in fairly large numbers with many allegations of abuse. This is what happens when you add to or take away from the simple plan that Christ gave us for the salvation of our souls. He died to pay the price for us, so we wouldn't have to try to obtain false perfection like Davis who claimed he couldn't remember the last time he sinned.
I bet he remembers now.
"I became a libertarian mainly out of the desire for Freedom to improve my life or alternately fail. I could never imagine being under the control of this cult ever again.
God Bless, Mike"
DNA said:
That's great. I pay attention to what is going on in the world but I'm really sick of politics. I think that as the ntcc is full of hypocrites, so is Congress and the Senate. I don't have faith in any of the politicians that are out there today. There are a very few that I like, but not sure if they really do what's right if elected.
I don't care what party people are associated with or what their political beliefs are. There are people that I disagree with and also avoid discussions about politics with them. If you meet someone on in a social atmosphere and start talking politics or religion, it usually ends up to be a pretty nasty conversation unless the person agrees with you. I have more friends that disagree with what I believe than I do that agree. I don't even care. I'd rather get along with people than argue with them about something that is way out of either one of our control. I also have a few libertarian friends and they have some very credible things to say.
God Bless,
Anonymous said...
I seem to remember in Revelations that the first people cast in the lake of fire were "LIARS".
DNA said,
Not sure where you are coming from on this, but if you believe this scripture, there are a lot of ntcc preachers that are heading to the lake.
Rev. 21:8
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
This is one of the favorite scriptures that has ever rolled off of the hypocritical tongue of and ntcc preacher. I don't like placing people in hell, but this scripture certainly does. The ntcc preachers used to say it exactly the same, without fail this way: "ALL, A DOUBLE L, ALL, liars shall have their part in the lake of fire", because that's the way they heard Davis say it. It was their favorite scripture and you would hear it all the time, over and over again.
There are a lot of ntcc preachers that have lied. When you say I've never slept with anyone except my wife, but you frequented whore houses in Japan, you are 'making a lie'. While it might be true that you never slept with any of the whores in Japan, it's also true that people don't go to whore houses to sleep. How about it Phil Kinson? Who are you lying to, yourself, God or everyone that listens to you? You can receive forgiveness just like David, but David repented and admitted openly in so much that not only did everyone in his life know what he did, but everyone that ever read the bible also knows. Clinton said "I never had sex with that woman". Was that the truth or was it a convoluted lie? He later said that his definition of sex didn't include oral sex. Does that mean he told the truth? You be the judge.
I believe in mercy. I've had my share of it, and I've also acknowledged my sins. Lying is a very easy thing to do. Sometimes situations come up and you find yourself not saying anything because you don't want to lie. Every time a preacher gets up and preaches that you should do one thing while they are doing the opposite, they are lying to you. It's either a sin for everyone, or it's not a sin. If you commit that sin that you just defined as a sin while preaching to a church member than you are lying to yourself, saying it's okay for you to do it but not someone else. According to Revelation 21:8, (not according to me) you are a liar and we all know What? That "ALL, A DOUBLE L, ALL, liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone".
Have any of you ever noticed how the Apostle Paul opens all of his Epistles? He usually acknowledges the area or city and addresses it to the faithful in Christ and then says, "Grace, mercy, and peace" to the readers. In the ntcc you don't hear much about these tree words, because it seems that quite often, there is a hobby horse that needs to be jumped on by many of the ministers in the ntcc. This morning there will be quite a few new people attending their churches all over the U.S. and there will no doubt be a few that will get up behind the pulpit and say, "I was had a message today about Love, (or something of that nature), but God changed it." In the ntcc, Gawd usually changes messages when the offerings are down or someone doesn't pay their tithe or someone really needs to be jacked up really bad by the MOG (Man of Gawd).
You ever get that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that your idiot ntcc pastor is going to preach something totally stupid that none of the new people that you brought to church are going to be able to relate to? Well, don't blame your pastor. He's a one trick pony, and he's just doing what he was taught to do at the brain washing academy in Graham. I've actually seen ntcc ministers change the message because the offering wasn't showing them as much love as they were expecting.
I remember this stuff like it was yesterday. Beads of sweat would form on my forehead as I thought about all the praying and soul winning efforts put forth and the new people in church that were going to have to endure an uneducated, uninspired, brow beating sermon that was driven by low self esteem and a misguided attempt to usurp authority over others.
So many of the preachers out there want to be like Davis. They don't focus on things like Grace. Grace is very seldom mentioned in the ntcc outside of salvation. It's mentioned a lot for the purpose of getting new people to commit and submit in that moment. Most people think they are giving their lives to God but the ntcc has a different direction for your life. Once you become a faithful church member, (which basically means you pay your tithe and live in a Servicemen's Home), if there is one in your area, You will hear very little about grace, mercy and peace directed towards you. Even if you do everything right and live exactly the way the teach you to live, you will still never be able to please anyone. They are a bunch of double standard hypocrites that want to be like Davis. Do you really think they care about you. If your child ran away from home would you try to find him or her? Leave the ntcc and you will never hear from them again. Ask any of us who have left, how many times has an ntcc'r ever tried to come visit us or bring any of us back to the so called truth.
Wow, its truly amazing how brothers and sisters eyes are opened, once they leave ntcc. When it became apparent that kekel would be marrying davis daughter. The leaders of ntcc probably started creating a narrative for kekels ascension to the throne, they probably started by talking kekel up at services, and conference and sending them both, as husband and wife to different places in order to continue creating there narrative. If so, what about all the other brothers and sisters who are, or were, just as faithful and committed, and have invested so much of themselves to ntcc? Don't those brothers and sisters want mansions, as well as a large bank account? By following ntcc a lot of folks used there God given talents and gifts to enrich the leaders of ntcc with very little return on what was invested. Most of us was continually losing ground, why the leaders was continually growing financially. Wealth don't make you a Christian.
Does anyone remember being pressured to give money to prepare for a 10 year balloon payment on the St. Louis church? Oh, around 1989.
Maurice said:
"Most of us was continually losing ground, why the leaders was continually growing financially. Wealth don't make you a Christian."
DNA said:
Once again you hit a home run with your comment. That is the dynamic of the ntcc. If you serve God like Kekel, you will be blessed like him, according to the ntcc. In all actuality the more you do, the poorer you become and the less you have and the less God blesses you, because God can't bless you if you give your money to these hypocrites. You are 100% right when you say, "Wealth don't make you a Christian". In the ntcc, The rich truly do get richer and the poor get poorer. They actually praise people in the ntcc for being able to put it together and make it to conference.
They give and give and then God has to raise heaven and earth for them to make it to conference. They do without while Kekel absorbs your finances like a Gargantuan sponge. Where did they get this model? Certainly not out of the bible.
Bryan Hill said:
"Does anyone remember being pressured to give money to prepare for a 10 year balloon payment on the St. Louis church? Oh, around 1989."
DNA said,
I remember hearing about it. They would pump you for every dime you had and then they would make up new reasons to give in offerings. I also remember Davis saying that he prayed for a million dollars to purchase that building and wondered how it could have a balloon payment if God gave Davis the million bucks to purchase it. My guess is that Davis got his million from all the brain washed suckers that gave him their hard earned money and only spent a portion of it on the Church in Holly Hills.
Yea, if I remember correctly he needed 25K in 10 yrs and wanted pledges to start saving for it. I think it was one of those balloon payments. We were all barely scraping by and RW would take and take and take. Then it amazed me when he would then talk down to all of us low lifes for not having enough money for conferences or more offerings etc..
I believe the Holly Hills building cost $185,000. They bought it from the Christian Scientists. We were pumped hard for money to buy it; I forked over $5,000 in one lump (while I was making about $5/hr). We were goaded to extreme sacrifice all the time. Offerings, pledges, tithes, missions, building funds, pews, songbooks, loot for "Pastor" (but nary anything for the poor)--there was no end to the multifarious devices employed to separate us from our meager resources. It was just like in the bible when the dude with all the flocks took the poor man's ewe, or like Eli's sons, living off the fat of the land while despising and oppressing sincere people. Now they want to masquerade as some kind of hip, modern church and pretend they don't have a sordid history of total control and abuse. Phonies and total chameleons; not to be trusted.
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