Pam Norton shares her personal experience of child abuse in NTCC:
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Devil-Dub Davis Masquerades as an Angel of Light. We see his true colors. |
Failure to report suspected child abuse is a crime. Ministers are required by law to report any and all allegations of child abuse to the police. Both olson and kekel failed to do so. That is a crime. Do you think that the police would accept olson and kekel's excuse that a child needs three witnesses? How many witnesses are usually around when a 60 year old pervert, molests, rapes and abuses a child?
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Pam :`) |
This attitude of barbaric barbara norton is very telling. We suspect she had personal feelings of lust for davis and was jealous that her daughter was getting this unwanted attention. We also suspect that barbara sees herself as being ugly, and is projecting her own self-loathing onto her innocent daughter. By her actions and utter failure as a parent, it is barbara norton-warwick who has proven herself to be Uugly.
Davis knew what he was doing. He came to my apartment when my [then time] husband, [now ex-husband] Johnny Jordan was at work. ([At this time] my husband was employed by davis; and so davis knew where Johnny was at all times.) Davis told me I was pretty; and he wanted to 'make love' to me. Davis had his hands down my pants, on my breast etc. and fondled my body to put it bluntly. The worst thing he did was that Davis penetrated me with his finger, which is legally considered rape. I really did not believe he was sinning at the time. I remember asking God "Why do you allow him to do this to me?"!! Then he gets up and preaches fire and brimstone; and yet the very next day he would do it all over again. I began to tell myself that it's ok. It's pastor. This is how sick I was in my thinking. Thinking it was ok and he could not sin.
Clearly there was torment as Pam, this young girl trained in this sick CULTure, struggled to balance what was morally wrong with what she had been brainwashed to believe was an action from a "pastor" or "man of Gawd". Even grown men and women have similarly yielded to the ntcc's mind-control tactics and done things to conform to this controlling group's sick standards of ultra-obedience to the so-called "men of Gawd".
Davis would also give me money. Sometimes, by the end of the week I had more money than my husband did. Johnny would ask me where the money came from; and I told him "Rev. Davis gave it to me." My friends would wonder how we had nice things like decent clothes; and why we had money. I realize now that Davis was basically paying me to shut my mouth over a period of time. Davis did not love me like I thought he did, like a daughter. Davis was using me to get in my pants and that's all it was.
Recently on Facebook Pam shared this:
Ok, my Facebook friends and family, I am really upset and ticked off right now!! To those of you out there who just can't believe that you're precious so called Reverend Davis raped me when I was 16 years of age can kiss my beeeeeeeeep!!!!! I can care less what you think!!!! Davis will be judged for not only what he's done to me, but to those he has lied to, manipulated, taken advantage of, to the families out there he has ripped apart, to the precious innocent children he has groomed for years to take advantage of etc. etc. Hopefully, before it's too late you too will see the damage that's going on in YOUR CHURCH!! In the meantime, I didn't ask for your opinion nor is it welcome!!!!
Lori Kelley commented on Pam's Facebook status and shared:
Lori Kelley commented on Pam's Facebook status and shared:
Pam. I am sorry this happened to you.AND ALL the others in that Cult,I remember when mom died how they taunted dad and GAVE HIM GRIEF..NOT HELPING US WITH MY MOMS ILLNESS THINKING SHE WAS A BLACK SHEEP AND WAS CAUGHT UP IN THE WORLD,they didn't care if my mom was sick we went to go see MR..Davis to help us with the medical bills we was rejected.then after mom passed my dad was told to kick Vikki and I out of house and kick us to the curb forced to sale house and dad moved to North Carolina with 2 girls living with strangers and on the streets...Lisa and I witnessed many things with that church Ashmore calling us names saying we're sluts and from the world to stay away from us and kicked us out of church,I also have witness a little 3 old baby being repeatedly molested by her father in my father's car while taking them to church,wife stated to me I found blood in her panties,she was only allowed to sit on father's lap on the way to church staring at me silently asking for help from me little did I know what was going on,if I would of known what I know today that precious baby would have not of went through that. Also I am sorry for Lisa [Pam's sister], you [Pam] not knowing all the terrible things she [Lisa] went through with your mom [Barbara Norton-Warwick], she [Lisa] was abused and tormented,the beatings the verbal abuse the sadness and the weakness,the dating of older men when she was just a little girl,Your Mother should of layed down the law and protected you girls what kind of mother does this to her children,They all will pay for their sins and I hope they all rot in He... Lori Kelley XX Member.......
Don and Ange say:
This is horrible stuff. Pam, please don't ever blame yourself for any of this stuff. You were a child that was co-erced into marrying a sick dude [Johnny Jordan, convicted later of forcing sex acts on a child] at a young age. You were put in a horrible position, where the most powerful man in the ntcc was using you as an object for his own perverse gratification. There are people who have killed themselves for less than this; but you have managed to escape it all and have a wonderful family of your own. You should have never had to go through any of this as a child and as a minor. Mind control is a horrible thing. Davis is a sick pedophile and predator. By sharing this testimony you are exposing Davis and showing the world how the ntcc was built, and what kind of leaders that Davis surrounded himself with. Everyone thinks that Olson is pure as the wind driven snow, but anyone who refuses to listen to a victim of child molestation and rape, is an ungodly man and is guilty of enabling Davis to commit the same sick deeds over and over. Don't think that Olson wasn't guilty of his own sexual promiscuity. We've heard otherwise.
Lori, thank you for verifying Pam and Lisa's testimonies. We know you too have witnessed much and are grateful you are willing to stand with these ladies as they tell their life stories in an attempt to prevent future abuses in this group. What davis and ashmore did to you and your family and Lisa is disgusting.
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Lori, thank you for verifying Pam and Lisa's testimonies. We know you too have witnessed much and are grateful you are willing to stand with these ladies as they tell their life stories in an attempt to prevent future abuses in this group. What davis and ashmore did to you and your family and Lisa is disgusting.
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"I Have A Name" Julie's Difficult Life- Mobile Format Series
Johnny Dean Jordan Sex Offender - Mobile Format Series
Former NTCC Minister Michael Fontenot Convicted of Child Rape - This last true story also demonstrates the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. top leaders willfully endangering ntcc children by welcoming convicted child rapist Michael Fontenot into the church without notifying the ministers or congregation of his crime of raping his own daughter. This true story, told by the victim's mother, clearly shows a precedence of ntcc leaders covering for child abusers while leaving the victims to fend for themselves.
Well first off I want to say Pam you are one brave girl to come out with this. Davis is a very evil scum bag, jerk, and gutter trash. This should have never happened to you. I am so so sorry for what happened.
Barbara Norton Warwick was a mean person as far back as I can remember. No real mother would stand by and not listen to their child not matter what age they are at the time they share such wicked actions. She like my mother doesn't deserve a female parent title. I so know the feeling of not having a caring mother.
You are a beautiful loveable, smart, and special girl. Don't ever believe otherwise. Thank you for coming out as hard as it is for this is just shows that I am not Davis' only victim. Thanks for standing with me.
It helps but yet it hurts knowing there are other victims of scum bag of a man. I would not wish that type of treatment on others.
My heart goes out to you Pam.
Lori how in the world can someone treat a dying individual and their family like this? I know only an jerk could do this. He was not a true "MOG" at all.
For Davis to not help someone in need when the bible he claimed to follow says to help those in need is to show he was a hypocrite and a fraud in the title he claim to have been given.
Then to make your father turn you out into the street that is just despicable behavior to say the least. Yet you still have a heart of gold. It is just amazing.
No what Lisa and Pam have went through with their mother is so wrong and should never happen. She wasn't a true mother in any sense of the word.
I am sorry for what you had to endured and have had to witness in all this mess. You are one strong girl.
I think we all have that thought if we only knew then what we knew now we would have reacted to things different but I am glad we can speak out now and the truth be known.
Like others your voice is important!
I am glad you have stood with Lisa and Pam it shows that you have amazing character, strength, and a heart of true love.
Now lets discuss having witnesses in rape or any other sex crimes.
Okay you are watching the news. It is said this person has raped someone. Do you heard the following involving the rape.
"This man took his victim into the middle of an open parking lot and said, just a minute. Then man walked around asking people to be a witness for the victim he was about to commit rape on. With a group gathered so his victim would have witnesses he committed his crime.
You say well that is so ridiculous of course that doesn't happen.
Well that is no more ridiculous than ask a victim for witness to a sex crime. The rapist doesn't choose to do it where someone is watching so how can you ask for a witness let alone three witnesses.
Use the intelligent you have been given before you judge the lack of witnesses.
I am so sorry you went through this. I pray they will have to be held accountable for their actions and that sharing your abuse will help others and also bring closure. As a victim of abuse myself, it is so important to know how valuable and loved you are. <3
Part 1
As I think of all the crap, bird poop, cow manure, etc. that I have been drag through many things comes to my mind.
Joan St. Clair you don’t even deserve the title of a female parent. You never stopped Ralph though you knew. I told you many times yet you did nothing. Joan when you ignored what happened you became just as guilty as if you did the acts yourself. Though you aren’t so clean yourself in the sexual department; having made me rub and spank your bare butt on different occasions saying it was to teach me to be a more obedient child. You are dirty and a sick individual. Using me to fill your own sexual fantasies. Joan you hurt me in so many ways but I know you don’t care; you never have and never will. You don’t give a crap to what Ralph and all those other men did to me. I am not afraid to stand before God one day but you should be for all you did and refused to do. I won’t say failed because it was refusal all the way with you.
Who was always the child left when you didn’t want to take two children along? I was….You would tell me we need family time as we go to the conference; even back then you did like to claim me. I was someone you were so ashamed to have; even considering me a burden. What parent leaves their child with someone they barely know and go to a conference with their other child? Definitely not a caring parent. I shake my head now at some of the excuses you used to leave me behind those few conferences that I wasn’t with you. Or other times you didn’t want me around because my disability made things too difficult. Yet as a young child at times as an older child ( when not needed caring for children) dragging me on your soul-winning insanity times made better sense getting mad at me when I would have difficulty getting to someone’s door because of a hill or crazy shape stairs. Sometimes falling and you would not even be concerned if I was hurt; just getting mad saying hurry get up you are embarrassing us. It was always about you and how you looked, Ralph and Joan.
Ralph, Joan, Davis, Kekel, Olson, and Ashmore you told me I brought a curse on Ralph’s ministry as a child because of my disability. I was in the way and a burden. Hmmm I find that interesting. As I got a little older; who did the nursery; I did, who taught the Sunday school and children’s church ( didn’t know the bible well); I did, who watch sometimes 15 to over 20 children by herself while people went soul-winning; I did, who cleaned the church buildings we had; I did, who had to wait on all the leaders when they came through when I was a child after church in our home; I did, who had to put up with being made fun of for not being able to carry much food and drink to the living room at once to serve the leaders Ralph, and Joan; I did, who dealt with having their blouse grabbed by Davis and slapped for failing to make his coffee right; I did, who suffered public humiliation for leaving the oldest child in charge while going into a service to get a parent because their child was feverous and throwing up; I did. Who did everything no one else was willing to do; I did. There are so many more I did statements. I served you in every way including your sexual gratifications yet I was consider a curse and a burden in NTCC. You are all ugly rats from the same sewer.
Part 2
It is no wonder Davis had no fear doing what he did to me. Looking at my parents and what they did to me. He knew if I went to them nothing would be done the most that would take place is me being punished for speaking against the “MOG”. He could bring me over to his house under the label of Joan sewing for them so he could have his way with me.
You men that thought she is feeble-minded, forgetful, un-educated, no adults in her life she matters to, no true friends, no family that cares, weak can’t fight back, disabled, silent so we can do anything to her.
Well let me describe for you; me today. I am not feeble-minded, not forgetful, educated no thanks to NTCC, have true friends that are faithful, people that chose to be my family, I am a fighter, and no longer silent much to your chagrin.
It may be true I am disabled which according to NTCC leaders I would have no true friends because of my disability. Having a disability is actually a blessing since it is a flaw that can’t be hidden; you find out who true cares more about you than other people’s opinions about you.
You nasty unloving and uncaring people; you worked hard to push me down, falsely label me, and kill my spirit. One can label someone and it can believed that label to be true but label is still just a label. Your label didn’t change who I really was or that one day someone was going to show me that I wasn’t what the label said I was then or even now. It is like a can of corn, you can label it green beans even get others to believe that is what is in the can but one day someone is going to open that can and find it was labeled wrong.
My label lasted for many years but it didn’t last a lifetime as they believed it would for their sake. So much more could be said.
Part 2
It is no wonder Davis had no fear doing what he did to me. Looking at my parents and what they did to me. He knew if I went to them nothing would be done the most that would take place is me being punished for speaking against the “MOG”. He could bring me over to his house under the label of Joan sewing for them so he could have his way with me.
You men that thought she is feeble-minded, forgetful, un-educated, no adults in her life she matters to, no true friends, no family that cares, weak can’t fight back, disabled, silent so we can do anything to her.
Well let me describe for you; me today. I am not feeble-minded, not forgetful, educated no thanks to NTCC, have true friends that are faithful, people that chose to be my family, I am a fighter, and no longer silent much to your chagrin.
It may be true I am disabled which according to NTCC leaders I would have no true friends because of my disability. Having a disability is actually a blessing since it is a flaw that can’t be hidden; you find out who true cares more about you than other people’s opinions about you.
You nasty unloving and uncaring people; you worked hard to push me down, falsely label me, and kill my spirit. One can label someone and it can believed that label to be true but label is still just a label. Your label didn’t change who I really was or that one day someone was going to show me that I wasn’t what the label said I was then or even now. It is like a can of corn, you can label it green beans even get others to believe that is what is in the can but one day someone is going to open that can and find it was labeled wrong.
My label lasted for many years but it didn’t last a lifetime as they believed it would for their sake. So much more could be said.
Pam, we thank you for sharing what you went through. There are cynical people who will blame you and say it is your fault, and ignore the fact that Davis in a position of power and an expert in mind control put you in a horrible position. Hitler used mind control in an attempt to exterminate an entire race and might have been successful if he wasn't so arrogant as to think he could conquer the whole world.
I'm saying that Davis is to blame. You didn't ask to grow up in a cult. You didn't ask for the Apostle to violate you. Shame on Barbara Norton for not protecting you. What an awful thing to say in reply, "With all the pretty girls, why would he pick you". What a sick, sick thing to say to your daughter that you allowed to be violated by that disgusting pervert Davis. He misused his position of power and spit in God's face, as he committed heinous crimes. I hate women abusers and the only thing worse are child abusers. It takes a really lowdown scum sucking worthless dirt bag to abuse a child, and she was a child. Davis and the ones he surrounds himself with should be in jail for life. They have ignored the cries of children, and subjected them to horror.
Pam it takes a lot to share this kind of thing with others. For those of you that are out there, and have suffered similar abuse, please consider sharing even if it's anonymously. We are finding out that many of the Ntcc leaders were predators.
Lori, I can't imagine what it would be like growing up in this cult and then being kicked out into the cruel world as a child. For Ashmore to call you and Lisa sluts, is the furthest thing from Christianity that anyone would imagine. Thank you for sharing.
Anonymous said...
"I am so sorry you went through this. I pray they will have to be held accountable for their actions and that sharing your abuse will help others and also bring closure. As a victim of abuse myself, it is so important to know how valuable and loved you are. <3"
DNA said:
Thank you very much for sharing that. These women need love and support. They should have gotten it from their so called Christian church leaders, but they were too busy abusing their power.
You completely amaze me. You are so strong and reading what you have been through, makes me furious. I hate child abuse. It is the lowest of all crimes. Ralph and Joan, you are two very disgusting and sick people. What you have done to your own daughter makes you about the lowest and most disgusting excuses for human beings on this planet. You don't deserve to live and breath in this world. If I ever seen you lay a hand on a child, I would probably end up in prison. I'm not sure what I would do to you but if God didn't intervene, I doubt if anyone would ever recognize your face again. I hate child abusers. Someone that gets pleasure out of hurting someone who can't fight back. I hope Julie's story gets national media attention and you live out all of your miserable days on this earth in disgrace. That would be too good for you.
For the record, Pam was in fact one of the more attractive girls in NTCC back in the early '80s. Apparently RW thought so too, although her mom was apparently oblivious.
Sorry for almost losing it there. Julie, Your whole life has been filled with pain and suffering. Because you were not allowed to speak or to grow up as a normal child, you listened a lot and remembered. I really hope people will find ways to bring awareness to the ntcc's long pattern of abuse. The ntcc is so far from being a Christian church it's not funny. You can dress like the Amish and FLDS, but it's not hiding anything.
Ange and I love you Julie. You are such a good person and when people get to know you they all share the same things. We are so sorry that you have had to go through all this unnecessary junk imposed on you by Davis and his lackeys. They have become rich and seemingly have want of nothing, but they are some seriously dark souls, and inside they have to know that the same God they threatened everyone with, is going to weigh them in the balances and they are going to be found wanting. You just can't destroy so many lives and go to your grave in peace.
Pam's mom is oblivious? or envious?
I want to ask a question to Barbara. Norton, I won't call you mom anymore you don't deserve that name... How is it that Davis, you think is your friend and Pastor? When you have to pay him for counseling, and to walk in that church door? Me I don't have to pay my friends and they don't pay me. No matter what they need they always know they can call me anytime of the day or night. Lori we grew up sometimes went our own ways but the sec her and I are on that phone it is like we have been to gather we know each other that we'll.. My new friends I am opening my heart to them so they will know I love them and I will be here for them........Davis is not your friend
Okay, we have plenty of witnesses now. The ntcc refuses to accept any responsibility for what they have done. We are very thankful that all of you have come forward and that you have been willing to share your personal stories with the readers of this blog. We know that the ntcc leaders were probably not expecting this to bite them in the butt at such a time as this. They are probably planning and executing strategies to discredit each one of you, for sharing the truth. They are cowards and lowdown scum for allowing this to happen and not taking any responsibility. Instead of manning up and addressing the these victims, they will continue to try to hide behind their pulpits and they will discredit those who have come forward by saying they are God haters and they will even use scriptures like "They went out from us because they were not all of us". Thank God we were not a bunch of child molesting perverts like them.
We need to take it up a notch. We are in contact with many of you who were victimized by these creeps. Our email is and we are ready to proceed to the next step. They want you and us to go away. There are more options and we have friends that are ready to fight this battle so that others will be spared from having to suffer what you suffered. The ntcc cultivates and hides perverts, and it's not just the ones from decades ago. Read the Fontenot story link at the end of this blog post. If anyone has ideas don't put them on this blog, but contact us at our email. We are committed to seeing that the ntcc perverts are punished for their crimes and that their behavior ceases. There has been too many victims.
joan st.clair you are sick beyond sick. You would tell people I had self-image issues. I didn’t have issues with hating how my body looked. I had issues because my body reminded me of every other body that had touched and handled me. Like making me sleep naked in your bed when ralph wasn’t around. You would touch me making up excuses to touch me; like I needed medicine put on and so on. Yeah that is one of the same reasons ralph gave for touching me too. You both are just sick.
You can’t say you knew nothing about what he did to me. How about in Lakewood Washington when the only ones in the house were ralph, you, and I; ralph would have me come out of a shower with only a housecoat on having me sit on his lap and then run his hands inside my housecoat? You were there joan st.clair. There was no TV or computer to distract you from what he was doing. No your sewing couldn’t keep you from seeing what that sewer rat was doing to your child. You didn’t care because I wasn’t a human being in your eyes. I was just an object. You make every excuse in the book but yet there are men out there that would never turn their back to their marriage even if their spouse was too ill to perform sex. joan your female health issues didn’t give ralph a right to use me as his sex toy. I use to feel sorry for you joan until I consider everything you, yourself have done to me. You are fully responsible for your actions and you will have to answer to God for them.
You have told me that it would have been better that you had aborted me. What mother tells their child that? I don’t care how upset I get I would never say I wish I had aborted my children. Oh yeah you aren’t a mother; you are just another sewer rat.
You can get all your friends and family to turn against me if you want; I don’t care. My true friends will gladly be my family so I don’t need you, anyone like you or anyone that feels the need to defend your sorry behind because your daughter that you are ashamed to acknowledge; has the guts to tell the truth about you.
For years you didn’t want to claim me or my kids yet you would claim others as your children and grandchildren. You say well you have to understand I couldn’t claim you for the sake of others. What in the world is that supposed to mean? Oh yeah people might ask why Julie doesn’t want anything to do with joan, ralph, or NTCC. The truth might have come out. Now you fear what I will say. Well I say the truth and nothing but the truth unlike your sorry mouth. You lie all the time and no one does thing about it. You may give your lies a fancy name but a lie is still a lie.
Reap what you sow I say....It was commented in the reading's if you leave the church you are outcasted and your the enemy,Ah...I say your the enemies,we out casted you out of our lives,You are the whoremonger's,the thieve's,the ,scum of the earth.We found our way through life,with family,friend's,work with everyday life.We have no one telling us what too do,say, hear, wear, even how to speak...I feel good with my life I"ve learned to step up and say what I got to say no matter what any one think's,I have shut many of door's in my life and put up that wall to advoid from being hurt and will keep that wall up till I DECIDE to tear it down....Till then WE WILL CONQUEOR......:)
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Ezekiel 18:20 Joan and Ralph your sin doesn't define me. I AM NOT RESPONIBLE FOR YOUR SIN!!
Anonymous said:
"I say your the enemies,we out casted you out of our lives,You are the whoremonger's,the thieve's,the ,scum of the earth."
DNA said:
That's the way it really is. We didn't do anything wrong and yet we were treated as castaways. The best thing that could have happened to us was for us to escape the influence of the crooked ntcc criminals. They are the ones that are sick and pathetic. They truly are the enemies of all that is right and good. It starts from the top and the corruption filters down through the Board and into the ntcc ministers. Davis is the founder of corruption. He surrounded himself with a bunch of sycophantic suck-ups, who not only hides and protects Davis, they all take pleasure in the ones who do the same.
Julie, Lisa, and Pam, I knew you when you were young adults, and children, and my heart goes out to you all for the horrible things that you have suffered. Our love and faith in Christ blinded our eyes to the truth of those leaders that had set themselves up over us. God saved us, and set us free from a life of sin, and yet right in front of us, these perpetrators of these crimes got away with their filthy activities, over and over and over. They don't deserve the title, pastors, leaders, ministers or parents, they deserve the titles that you have given them, in all of your posts. Christ like, is what you girls are. I wish I could have done something about it at the time, I wish I had known. I joined this group by choice. I thought it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was mistaken, the best thing that ever happened to me was Christ. You girls on the other hand were born into it, and you had no choice. My parents never claimed to be Christians, and I am thankful for that!
I spoke to the Pierce County Prosecutors office today, he is willing to take this case on, if he has other more current victim(s) of this abuse. So now is the time to contact Don and Ange with your info. If you have the facts, there are those who will help you. This is where the real men, and woman of God, stand up with these witnesses.
Don't let thrse people get away with their crimes.
Anonymous said...
I am so sorry you went through this. I pray they will have to be held accountable for their actions and that sharing your abuse will help others and also bring closure. As a victim of abuse myself, it is so important to know how valuable and loved you are. <3
Thanks you for your kind words and wanting to show support. Yes being loved on the healing journey is definitely important.
DNA said...
You completely amaze me. You are so strong and reading what you have been through, makes me furious. I hate child abuse. It is the lowest of all crimes. Ralph and Joan, you are two very disgusting and sick people. What you have done to your own daughter makes you about the lowest and most disgusting excuses for human beings on this planet. You don't deserve to live and breath in this world.
I so wish I had people that showed that kind of support way back. Not knowing who I could turn to was so hard.
People when you think something doesn't seem right don't ignore what you are seeing and feeling. Don't just chuck it up to your imagination a life could be a stake.
Joan and Ralph along with the rest of them are beyond disgusting.
Davis is a stone cold creep.
They want to say it is not all about money but let me share something from my childhood with you.
Now Joan came from a family with money. Ralph came from a very poor family. They teach to not be in the lives of family outside the group but they had double standards in my family life. I grew up hardly know Ralph’s family. Ralph’s family dirt poor and NTCC said they didn’t live for God. Yet Joan’s family was around often.
Ralph’s father was quite sick at one point requesting Ralph to come see him but no that is not allowed. When he finally passed away the family wanted to pay for my whole family to come to the funeral and see the rest of the family. Ralph was listed to help with the burying so he was allowed to go. The rest of the family had to stay back since it wouldn’t be good to be around sinners. Like their sins were far worse than what I was already around. There were hardly any calls between Ralph’s family and us. They would write us in hope to stay in contact. I remember answering the phone one day and having no idea who this lady claiming to be Ralph’s mother was at all. Pretty sad how many have passed without me even knowing them personally. I talked to Ralph’s mother my grandmother before she passed away. She said she never understood why she was pushed from my life as a child for she wanted a part so very much.
Joan’s family around us a lot. The phone calls and letters went back and forth. They gave us money quite often though it didn’t make life better since it went to NTCC. We saw them in our home as well as in their home. They have been around NTCC and having attended services as well.
Why in the world would people think it okay to make family that is in town attend church services if they would rather not? I know it is all about control; so when the family members don’t want to go they can up to chalk it up to they are against God and His work.
Ralph’s family most of them went to church and believed in God yet they were not good enough for NTCC. Joan’s family doesn’t go to church at all but yet they are okay to have around. Such double-standards. It is truly all about the leaders of NTCC and money.
They only want those they can benefit from in their misted.
Anonymous said:
"Davis is a stone cold creep."
DNA said:
I'm sure many might consider that a judgmental statement, but I don't. I think in today's world that is filled with religious shams and con artists, you need to call them like you see them. More than ever, it is a time when people use religion to make their fortunes and many of them don't care whose lives they ruin in the process.
It takes a stone cold creep, to use children to sexually gratify yourself and than to sit back, fat and happy in your million dollar mansion as if you are above reproach. The ntcc was built upon the sacrifices of many who are no longer around. Why do you suppose that is? The ones who have benefited from the sacrifices of others are still around.
It's obvious that Davis allowed Johnny Jordan to get away with Raping JJ's wife's sister Lisa, when she was around 13, because Davis himself was sexually abusing JJ's underage wife, and then paid hush money for her silence. Talk about a stone cold creep.
The thing about all this is, we will be painted as ungodly by people like the Kekel's who don't want this to be public. The ntcc and many of it's members and even some X-members will say things like "He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone". We've heard it all.
We are not the ones going around condemning people for how they dress. We are not the ones demanding tithe payments. We definitely are not the ones getting rich while so many souls are in the streets with nothing because they were convinced that they left God's only true church and now there is no hope for them.
We feel that it is detrimental to all of the former members of the ntcc, to know that the church that you once thought was so pure and so holy was all just a front to hide the sins of it's leaders who managed to profit off of so many of us that were hurt and abused. Davis has got away with his perversions for years, and to this day will not apologize or admit any wrong doing. He is the complete opposite of what Jesus taught a Christian should be, and many folks out there will sit back and say nothing and do nothing. That's okay, because we are not here to give them a pass and to get on with our lives and leave them be.
" All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing "
Edmond Burke
We appreciate all of those who have come forward and shared their testimonies. The true stories shared on this and other forums make it difficult for the abusers to repeat their transgressions. The more people share, the more the public becomes aware of what is really going on in the ntcc. We still have a lot of work to do and we hope that the courage of these women coming forward will embolden others to share what they have been through.
It is not a shame to admit that abuse has taken place. It is a big first step to recovery and when people realize that what they have been through is not their fault, they can begin to live their lives guilt free. Many will refuse to separate themselves from their abusers. The victims of wife and child abuse so often go back to their abusers and when they do that they blame themselves all over again.
We are glad that God is not like the ntcc. If you ask God for forgiveness, he doesn't expect you to keep coming back to Him and repenting over and over for the same sin. The ntcc leaders feel that you owe them your obeisance and they want you to live in the state of constant self blame and in the state of helplessness like you owe them your lives forever so they can continue to profit from you. They are hoping that you will never break free from your prison of your abused past and that you will stay in your cage and keep silent so they can continue to enjoy the life of an abuser.
As long as you are in jail your individual freedom is suppressed. You are captive and your life is structured by those who hold you in remembrance of your crimes. Many that have been sexually abused are not criminals, but they are made to feel that they are responsible. The only way to break this vicious cycle of abuse is to get away from your abusers, seek help from those who have escaped and are living in freedom. Stay away from the abusers. Don't let them back in your life because as soon as you do, you go backwards to square one, and have to heal all over again.
Those of you in the ntcc that read this blog and are being abused, you need to escape and get as far away from your abusers as you can as soon as you can. You can have your freedom back, and we are not encouraging anyone to leave God either. Leaving the ntcc is not leaving God, but it is quite opposite. If you leave this abusive religious cult, you will be free to pursue God without restraint according to the free will of your own conscience and according to what God wants, not all of the negative influences and abusive rules of bondage that the ntcc imposes on people. I will say this, If you feel trapped in the ntcc, and we know that many people do feel trapped, you are better off free, than having someone manipulate you. We are gaining nothing by you leaving, but those rich self appointed apostles in Graham are benefiting greatly by your bondage. Every paycheck you or your spouse gets, makes their lives that much easier, and soothes their conscience a little more, as they spend your money buying things to replace the emptiness in their own souls.
Past, Present, and any Future members of ntcc should all cringe when reading accounts of how Juile, Pam, and Lisa was molested and victimize by the leader of ntcc. If these three women can stand up and speak out about being molested while kids in ntcc. Then surely I can stop using the screen name DISAPPOINTED, and be known by my real name Maurice. I will not be using the screen name DISAPPOINTED again. I choose DISAPPOINTED because after years of speaking highly of ntcc, I became very disappointed to read or hear of the corruption of the leadership of ntcc. However, i still care, love, and respect the sincere God fearing brothers and sister who are still members of ntcc.
Maurice said...
Past, Present, and any Future members of ntcc should all cringe when reading accounts of how Juile, Pam, and Lisa was molested and victimize by the leader of ntcc.
DNA said:
We agree with you Maurice. Everyone that is in the ntcc should also cringe. The problem is that they are not allowed to read what we right. If someone does stumble on this or other blogs that expose the ntcc for what it really is, they are told that we are of the devil, and that if they read what we write and believe it, they will go to hell also.
People are warned against visiting any site that exposes the ntcc. The same people that convince them that Jesus is concerned with what types of clothing they wear, How much make-up they put on, How long their hair is, How much money they are required to give and so on, are the same ones that control what sites they are allowed to visit on the internet. More people are coming forward and it is getting harder and harder for the cult leaders to hide.
Maurice said....
"However, i still care, love, and respect the sincere God fearing brothers and sister who are still members of ntcc."
DNA said:
We also agree with you on this, Maurice. I know for a fact that there are sincere God fearing brothers and sisters who are still in the ntcc. I was a God fearing brother and I was sincere, while I was in. The sad thing about it all, is that the sincere Christian with unquestioning loyalty ends up getting used to build the futures of the child molesting leaders of the ntcc. The Sincere Christians are usually the ones who pour out their souls into what they think is the work of the Lord, and in doing so they are unable to provide for their own futures or the futures of their families.
The sincere Christians are often the ones who get hurt the most and end up getting kicked out of the church, and have no friends to turn to and nothing to fall back on. Most have forsaken their families and friends and when they leave they are convinced that God no longer cares about them.
That's one thing that many X-ers have in common is that when they left, they were given no hope of God ever caring about them again. When in fact it is they that no longer care, not God. They are the ones that manipulated them, not God. They are the ones that used them and abused them, not God.
Those of you who are still in the ntcc and reading this blog, Do you think if you stopped paying your tithe that God would forsake you? You know that the ntcc leaders would, but do you really think God is all about the money? If you do, you really need to read the bible and separate the truth from the erroneous teachings of the ntcc. All God really wants is for you to love Him and love others. That sums it up pretty good, and covers just about everything else. If you love your sister you will not want to molest her, or force her to sexually gratify you. Jesus never did that, but Davis who can't remember the last time he sinned, seems not to be able to remember much of anything except "All Christians pay tithes and give in offerings".
Anonymous Maurice said...
Past, Present, and any Future members of ntcc should all cringe when reading accounts of how Juile, Pam, and Lisa was molested and victimize by the leader of ntcc. If these three women can stand up and speak out about being molested while kids in ntcc. Then surely I can stop using the screen name DISAPPOINTED, and be known by my real name Maurice.
Yes they should cringe and want nothing to do with the ones that have built this corrupt org but yet they are so blind to not even listen to what is said for those that have even read it at all.
I am glad that you are willing to own your own words. This makes me happy in itself.
People what is it going to take for you to open your eyes to the truth. You that have children don't let your children be the next victims. Don't let children that are close to you be the next silent victims.
People that bible they claim to follow says the following about children.
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. Luke 17:2
God doesn't take kindly to the mistreatment of children at all and you should either.
Most of the children in NTCC don't have a childhood at all. Soul-winning, church services, cheap foods, having to dress in clothes so hard to play in, conferences, always being dragged here and there, lack of sleep, having to do without base needs, little time to even have friends, trying to be perfect, education being not the most important thing for them, wondering why others get to do what they don't....this is just a taste of what an NTCC childhood looks like. Why would call yourself a caring parent yet deny your own child the beauties of being just that a child with time to enjoy it? The above is just as much mistreatment as anything else you could do to wrong a child.
Think about it people. Your child can be raised in a Godly home without being deny a the beauty of being a child but I guarantee you they won't have it as long as you choose to be in NTCC.
DNA said...
It is not a shame to admit that abuse has taken place. It is a big first step to recovery and when people realize that what they have been through is not their fault, they can begin to live their lives guilt free. Many will refuse to separate themselves from their abusers. The victims of wife and child abuse so often go back to their abusers and when they do that they blame themselves all over again.
We are glad that God is not like the ntcc. If you ask God for forgiveness, he doesn't expect you to keep coming back to Him and repenting over and over for the same sin. The ntcc leaders feel that you owe them your obeisance and they want you to live in the state of constant self blame and in the state of helplessness like you owe them your lives forever so they can continue to profit from you. They are hoping that you will never break free from your prison of your abused past and that you will stay in your cage and keep silent so they can continue to enjoy the life of an abuser.
Julie says….
Good reminder that victims don't have to be shamed of the abuse they have suffered. The shame is all on the one that caused the abuse.
Good words on the cycle of abuse and so true for sure. So many go back and forth with their abusers because they are not confident in who they are or what they deserve. Once they settle who they are and what they deserve without a doubt in their mind. Nothing can stop them from getting the best for themselves which is being free from those that would abuse them or others as well. An Abuser never abuse just one, never ever.
God’s grace is for you. Grace is not earned it is freely given. God cares so much about each one of you. They may have you convinced God no longer cares but they can’t change the fact He does. It took me a long time to get to the point to realize how much God loves me but when I did the peace that came to me was far greater than I could imagine. You can have it too.
I am living proof you can be free from the past no matter what it contains. Until you can see your right to freedom and live in it, you will not have true freedom.
Maurice said,
However, i still care, love, and respect the sincere God fearing brothers and sister who are still members of ntcc.
Anon said,
I like most people when it comes down to it but I have no more respect for ntcc people than anyone else. In fact, in most cases, I have less respect ntcc people. Too many of them know too much and turn a blind eye to it all. Some young people are raised as criminals because that's all they know while growing up. Actually most ntcc people fall in the same category because in many cases (unknowingly or not) they are being raised to support and enable criminals like Davis, Kekel, Olson, Ashmore and Kinson. That makes them no better then the average criminal. Jesus said that many people will be deceived and mislead by false prophets and ntcc people certainly fall in that category. I rather be around a known crook than a deceived brainwashed "Christian".
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. -Proverbs 28:13
Anon said:
"Jesus said that many people will be deceived and mislead by false prophets and ntcc people certainly fall in that category."
DNA said:
They sure do. Most of them are so brainwashed that they try to emulate people like Kekel and Davis who are the scum of the earth. They are deceived and become just like the ones they follow. I do believe that there is a remnant however small it may be, of sincere people, that haven't found their way out of the cult. There are also those that are worth saving from the cult.
It's a burning building and this much I know for sure, those who stay in will get burnt.
While reading the book of Mathew this morning it was made plain and simple that the Pharisees, Saducees, Lawyers and hypocrites were just like the ntcc leaders. Jesus distinguishes the difference between a real Christian and a phony hypocrite.
Mat. 22:35-40
Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
The Lawyer along with the other hypocrites already knew the answer to the question, What is the great commandment in the Law. The Lawyers and Pharisaical hypocrites already professed to Love God with all their heart.
But what distinguishes a hypocrite from a Christian was the second part that Jesus threw in there, and that was: "To love thy neighbor as thyself".
This is a very good guide for all of you ntcc'rs out there that are questioning whether or not you should follow these ntcc hypocrites. They say they love God. Davis proclaimed that he loved God and so does Kekel and their wives. But how do they treat people? How do they treat the brethren? When is the last time you have seen them go out of their way to help someone unless it was in their interest to profit from them? If you love your Brother or Sister, you will not molest them. If you love your brother or sister, you will not collect their money and life savings from them while you prosper. The ntcc never taught anyone to love their neighbor. They project hate to anyone that doesn't agree with them. I've seen how the ntcc treats their neighbors and how Davis treats his neighbors.
Oh, they might buy your dinner at the local Barfay, to get you fired up to pay your tithe for the next three years and then they'll go out and have dinner at the Space Needle without inviting you. Your the one who paid for it all, but you need to get dumped on to let you know where you stand in the balance of all things.
People one can’t preach what one doesn’t live themselves and it away with it before God.
Romans 2:1
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
God say there will be judgment against people that do what they know is against God.
But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. Romans 2:2
They know what is wrong but yet they do the wrong themselves which puts them under greater judgment of God then those that do such things in the world.
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17
And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Romans 2:3
NTCC leaders laugh and mock the need to repent but one day there will be judgment. Even they will be judged according to their deeds for no one that refuses to repent will escape the judgment.
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds: Romans 2:4-6
They choose not to turn to God in humbleness of heart.
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. James 4:6
God shows that there is a way out but they choose not to heed the Word of God.
For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Romans 2:13
God shows no favoritism when it comes to what he excepts from people.
For there is no respect of persons with God. Romans 2:11
NTCC has a lot to answer for and will have to answer for all the hearts they have turned from God. They have made God out to be horrible and mean. When in fact he loves and cares so much that He was willing to die for the whole world.
For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written. Romans 2:24
Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD. Jeremiah 23:1-2
Anon said...
Too many of them know too much and turn a blind eye to it all.
Yes it is hard for me to swallow that there are those that know yet turn their backs on the suffering of others. It is like saying someone deserves mistreatment. For actions always speak louder than words.
One can't be against something and still support someone that does that very thing.
Dearest Julie, this message is for you, you said recently, that last year maybe, someone asked your "ungodly mother" about this filthy conduct that this "father" (perverted animal) did to you. It would be good for that person to come forward and explain exactly what Joan said regarding the conduct of Ralph, and how long his license was suspended from the Borg, once it came to their attention. Even if it was anonymously.
Definition of a Hypocrite
A person who has virtues, morals, or religious beliefs for others that they do not practice themselves. Who wants public approval for beliefs but lacks them in their own private life.
Synonym for hypocrite: deceiver
Definition of a Christian:
a person that exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Christ having a loving regard for others. Generous, decent, humane.
Christian: decent, devoted, good neighbor, compassionate.
Which one is NTCC? Which one do you want to be categorized as supporting?
He that walketh with wise [men] shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20
This message is to all of you girls, your bravery, courage, love for God, and for each other is something that is amazing. What you endured as children is beyond all comprehension.
If there was ever a neighbor who called the police, a teacher who made a report, someone who called Child Protective services, or went to a doctor or the police, this record could be what you need to throw these filthy animals in prison. Think, and pray, perhaps someone, somewhere did the right thing.
In fontenot's perverse conduct toward his lovely daughter, his former wife heard the voice of God speaking..."your in the wrong place..."
She asked..."where should I be...?
"...THE POLICE...!!!"
And that is what she did. These filthy dreamers, told us constantly...
God talks to us, we hear from God, thus sayeth The LORD...why didn't they call the police, CPS,
No, they called a "board (borg) meeting"
Well, brother if we wait long enough... if we riddicule the victim s, if we shun them, if we turn thier family against them, if we move this one, or that one, if we tell them thus sayeth the lard...
Then it will just go away!!!!!???
No, we won't go away!
This message is to all of you girls, your bravery, courage, love for God, and for each other is something that is amazing. What you endured as children is beyond all comprehension.
If there was ever a neighbor who called the police, a teacher who made a report, someone who called Child Protective services, or went to a doctor or the police, this record could be what you need to throw these filthy animals in prison. Think, and pray, perhaps someone, somewhere did the right thing.
In fontenot's perverse conduct toward his lovely daughter, his former wife heard the voice of God speaking..."your in the wrong place..."
She asked..."where should I be...?
"...THE POLICE...!!!"
And that is what she did. These filthy dreamers, told us constantly...
God talks to us, we hear from God, thus sayeth The LORD...why didn't they call the police, CPS,
No, they called a "board (borg) meeting"
Well, brother if we wait long enough... if we riddicule the victim s, if we shun them, if we turn thier family against them, if we move this one, or that one, if we tell them thus sayeth the lard...
Then it will just go away!!!!!???
No, we won't go away!
We brought a couple new comments forward from Julies Hidden secrets thread. DNA
Mark you first of all leave Julie alone. First of all Davis had a church he shared with another person this man was a God fearing man when the church split up he begged people not to follow Davis. Davis said he had this vision something about a duck and water flowing over his back... Davis Convinced these people to follow he told those women to get those Quaker oat dress to fix there hair whatever. Mark Davis was kicked out if the truth be known he was sinning back then sleeping with the women. The children as they grew up his sick twisted mind. Love the little girls. Julie leave her alone stop taking Joan side she lives in sin ask God for answers
Those of you who are reading this please if your still in ntcc and you feel alone your not I prayer. For all of us that God will heal our souls and heal us. If nothing else talk to the board members the preachers ask them why they live in mansions. And your driving a broken down car.. What about those of you doing a work for God but eating of trash cans? God is a God of love. If you have to live with hell. Sermons to scare you to stay. Ask them what about them Hell. Waits them for the stealing of money for the rape... If nothing else please. Ask your children if anybody has touched them ? God have mercy on your souls
Two more new comments were found on the Tanya Davis Thread. We feel it is important for these comments to be in this most recent thread for all to see. DNA
There is a a apology to my friend who spent the night with me at 10yrs. Old. .. I can't tell her name I promised. You spent the night with me God I hope you are reading this.. You Told me that Davis when your bad makes you get naked and if you don't have oral sex with him he spanks and plays with you while you sight the prayer Now I lay me down to sleep I pray The Lord my soul to keep.. I am so sorry I did not believe you. ..You told me to be good Davis was telling people he wanted to spank me... Please I am begging you leave that church please. God doesn't want you sad... Friend this bothers me I did not believe you forgive me please forgive me. Call me I will help you
I always took there heads off Pam would go and put the heads back on .. Davis told my mom every. Time I do that To smack me as hard as she could because. I was acting like a crazy person that is embarrassing barb Davis and the church ....... Lori and I would always play church we would first find the biggest sticks we could we would pick our dolls out and set them by us we would take turns preaching my doll was always taken out to get a spanking then her doll would get spanked.. She asked me why I punched her doll in the nose I told her because she said bad words Lori pulled her hair , I pulled the rest out told to listen. We'll barb. You where the reason I was crazy
Anonymous said:
"In fontenot's perverse conduct toward his lovely daughter, his former wife heard the voice of God speaking..."your in the wrong place..."
She asked..."where should I be...?
"...THE POLICE...!!!"
DNA said:
That's exactly where you need to go if your child comes to you and tells you that Davis or some other ntcc pervert has touched them or raped them. Don't go to Olson, He will expect your child and you to have 3 witnesses. This is a Fox News Alert!!!! There are very seldom going to be witnesses. Guess what? Perverts don't want to be caught. That's right. Most criminals don't commit crimes in front of other witnesses because they don't want to get caught.
Don't go tell Olson, or Kekel, Go to the police for crying out loud. If you don't go to the police, you are enabling these perverts to continue to have their way with children. Now Davis is 85 years old and who knows what sick things he has gotten away with. If the all the victims would have reported his abuse, perversion and rape to the police, Davis would be locked up along with the likes of Johnny Jordan, where he belongs. This stuff is still going on among ntcc ministers and members. We have our ears open and people are sharing some pretty horrible things. If you want it to stop, you have to confront it when and where it happens. If you hear that a child is being abused sexually or physically you should immediately go to the police. That's about the only way that child can get help, otherwise the predator/abuser will continue to abuse the child. The ntcc leadership is the worse place you can go to resolve these problems. If you go to your local pastor because you think he is a good man and he will know what to do, He is just going to call Davis, Olson or Kekel and they will feed him a line that it's best to just handle this internally, and nothing will get done.
Anonymous said:
"Davis said he had this vision something about a duck and water flowing over his back... Davis Convinced these people to follow he told those women to get those Quaker oat dress to fix there hair whatever."
DNA said,
That sounds like something Davis would say and it suits him well. Water rolling off a ducks back. Davis has never been interested in helping anyone.
I remember the conference when Davis had everyone come up front and confess their sins to him. I was the first one up there at alter call and then after the service he also had lines of people waiting to unload their burdens on him. Rev. Cyrus, told me I shouldn't talk to him because he wasn't my pastor. I hadn't received an answer from him at the alter call. He just told me to pray. Okay, well I prayed, and I got in that long line after alter call and wanted an answer from him. Finally after waiting through that long line I told him that there were a lot of things I didn't understand about what I went through at the home in Ft. Bragg. I needed spiritual help, and his answer was that he would get back with me before the end of the conference. He ended up issuing a blanket statement on the last night of conference and said: "Any of you who I told that I would get back with you, I've prayed for you and God will work it all out". Guess what? He was a false prophet, because it didn't get worked out. That's what you get when you go to a sexually deviant false prophet with spiritual problems. It's like going to an undertaker with a toothe ache. What's he going to do, bury you?
Lisa said:
" If nothing else talk to the board members the preachers ask them why they live in mansions. And your driving a broken down car.."
DNA said:
I know that sounds stupid but it's actually brilliant. You want to find out how spiritual your ntcc leaders are? Do you want to know what kind of people you are following?
Just ask them about their mansions and cars and they will come unraveled. They will say that it's none of your business and that you are just jealous. When they say that, tell them that you have been paying your tithe for how ever long you've been attending their church and you have a right to know where your money is going.
Of course we know that you won't do that, because you already know what they will say. You will be the new topic of their next sermon if you do that, but it is a good way to take their spiritual temperature. See how super spiritual they get when confronted with their past crimes of sexual misconduct. Ask Mike and Tanya about Davis's sexual perversions and see how great their Christianity holds out. You'll probably draw a few curse words out of them with that topic.
Lisa said:
"You Told me that Davis, when you are bad, makes you get naked and if you don't have oral sex with him he spanks and plays with you while you sight the prayer: "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray The Lord my soul to keep.."
DNA said:
This person was hurt so bad and we don't know who you are, but we are sorry that you had to go through this. If by some chance you happen to be reading this, Please realize that it wasn't your fault. You were one of many victims of Davis. Please get in contact with someone who can help you heal. We care about people like you and so does Lisa and Julie and others who have shared. I care less about exposing these creeps than I do about getting you help. Exposing them can lead to helping others avoid what you went through, but we know how bad you have been hurt and it's more important that you free yourself from this prison.
The ntcc was built upon this kind of wickedness, and there is very little good that will come out of this organization. For every soul that is reached, 10 will suffer in silence, keeping things inside and blaming themselves for things they had no control over, and that one soul that was reached will eventually be corrupted by the rest of the evil board members that Davis has hand picked to hide his sins.
Lisa, while reading your story about the dolls, I realized that you, Pam and Lori were communicating in the only way you knew how to each other about the unspeakable things you went through.
Don't think that your testimony is in vain. You have exposed these creeps for what they are and no amount of damage control is going to cover their sins. It's out there now and there are witnesses. Pam came forward years ago and her testimony was dismissed by many because she had nobody to validate her witness. Now we have others that have come forward with their names and shared the horrors of being raised in the ntcc.
This blog is now being read by a lot of people and they also are talking among themselves. They know what you ladies have went through is wrong and believe that your testimony is true. You have laid a foundation that others can build upon and we are really proud of you for coming forward and we know it took a whole lot of courage. We love you and hope that your heart will be healed in every way.
Churches and Seminaries have been trying to make something very clear: Crimes, especially those of a sexual nature, are not Matthew 18 issues. Call the police.
We believed Pam and her story was shared in a comment on one of our previous blog posts. Because at that time there were so few that were willing to come forward, the testimony was probably dismissed by others. We appreciate you, also Pam, because you were the first to give us a glimpse of what Davis was all about.
Families in the ntcc were not what you would expect from a normal church. If you look at many of the long time members, there was a lot of abuse. It all started with Davis. The St. Clairs are not parents at all. They are horrible people. You can't even consider what Julie went through to be acceptable in any way. What a bunch of sick freaks. The Kelleys after their mom died were mistreated and torn apart as a family, and Cindy, who was married to Rudy at the time but now is married to Flint, you really need to take a look at what happened to the rest of your family, like Lori and Vikki. They were put out on the street. Barbaric Barb Norton was another example of what a family should not be. Pam and Lisa and their brother Terry were treated worse than most horror movies you would watch on TV. It's really sick and it shows a pattern that is very disturbing.
I remember Joan St.Clair when I little and you would take me outside at Forest Ave. Using a stick to beat me with and you would leaving marks all the way up my back at times for stuff.
Like the time you wanted me to hold a cup of Kool-Aid in my left hand to show there was nothing wrong with it. I spilled it all over that pretty dress you made, to show off to Verna. Who could I tell my neighbors were NTCC and I went to NTCC day school? I didn’t understand what was so wrong because I tried to hold that cup in my palsy hand. I didn't spill it on purpose but you made me feel I did. You didn’t care. All you were worried about was how you looked to others. I was evil child in your eyes.
You would take me out to beat me for tripping over my own feet trying to walk like there was nothing wrong with me. You would say how you were so embarrassed and ashamed of me. You didn’t care how cerebral palsy affect me in every way only how it affected you.
You took me out leaving many marks all over me. You wanted me to say “hello” to a lady in the sanctuary and I barely got out hello I was too nervous to be talking in front of all those ladies and you Joan were so embarrassed you took me outside to beat me over and over I was still hurting from the last beating. You didn’t care who saw because who would stop you... No one no one at all.
How about the time I had to go to the bathroom and you knew with cerebral palsy I couldn’t hold it through the service and I peed my underwear dress and all over the pew. You took me outside you said you dumb retard child I hate you I wish you had never been born you are ruining my life. You couldn’t take me to the bathroom because Davis would be mad you say……but yet you could take me outside to beat me. Needing to beat was okay reason to leave the service for Davis. You didn’t care; in fact you made me sleep in wet underwear all night to teach me a lesson. Then I got in trouble because you had to wash the sheets in the morning. I thought I was so bad. It made me fear drinking anything from that point on. I didn’t know why I couldn’t be what you wanted me to be. I tried so hard.
How about the time I lost control of the candy in my mouth and it went flying out of my mouth. I didn’t understand that my losing control of my mouth had anything to do with my cerebral palsy. It embarrassed you because it fell on Verna. As she grossed out cause the retarded child germs were on her. She always had a name for me when I was little yet you never told her not to call me names for you called me names too. You told Verna you were taking me outside. You took me and you beat me. I had to go to Verna and apologize for being disrespectful to her. Verna made me go talk to Davis in his office. He was so mean that day to me. I was told the devil was in me. Davis told me he wish there was some place to send me because I was hurting Joan and Ralph’s lives. He was glad to know that Joan had beat me for such disgraceful behavior. I had no idea what disgraceful even meant at that time. I think if Joan and Ralph weren’t married Davis would have had me sent to the parent not in the group.
You would beating me outside that church so many times because my cerebral palsy embarrassed you.
You would pull me along, pull my hair, and so on. I was just a little girl I thought I was supposed to stop how my body was and I would pray and pray God make me good I don’t want to be bad. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t be good for you Joan. I didn’t know it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t know cerebral palsy was affecting everything. I just knew I was a bad wicked little girl. I wanted you to love me so bad and for you to be happy with me. I tried so hard.
There is so many more times but I will stop here for now. People I was a five year old kindergarten when the above was happening. Even to this day I can’t write this without crying.
Wow! I just read your last comment. I love you. I'm sorry that happened to you. joan is sick and was projecting her garbage on you. Thank God you have survived!!!! You deserved to be loved then and deserve to be loved now. You have cerebral palsy. You are not a wicked evil girl. The organization, that is to say rodger wilson davis, always taught false doctrine regarding any illness being "of the devil". Was his 2nd wife (after adultery and divorce and remarriage) verna "of the devil" when she was so sick in the Philippines and he was using her illness as an excuse to cheat on her with the Filipina who spawned tanya maxamillia reynolds davis kekel? Was tanya "of the devil" when she reportedly was so depressed she was taking anti-depressant medication so much so that her body swelled up and she really started to look like her ( supposedly 'adopted?') dad devilsh devil? The ntcc makes me sick the way they treat children and even worse the way they teach false doctrine about any special needs.
The ntcc leaders are some of the sickest and most cruel people I've ever had the displeasure of knowing.
Kudos to you Jewels for overcoming all they've done to you and letting the world know exactly what kind of demons run the ntcc and what kind of a demons joan st. clair and ralph st. clair are. My opinion is that only demons would do the things to children that you have shared they do!
Lisa said...
I always took there heads off Pam would go and put the heads back on .. Davis told my mom every. Time I do that To smack me as hard as she could because. I was acting like a crazy person that is embarrassing barb Davis and the church ....... Lori and I would always play church we would first find the biggest sticks we could we would pick our dolls out and set them by us we would take turns preaching my doll was always taken out to get a spanking then her doll would get spanked.. She asked me why I punched her doll in the nose I told her because she said bad words Lori pulled her hair , I pulled the rest out told to listen. We'll barb. You where the reason I was crazy.
Julie says....Lisa reading this it hit me why they took dolls away from me with the excuse I was becoming an adult so I didn't need toys. They only took away the dolls I was doing things that were weird. I had small girl and boy dolls not sure what kind of dolls they were. This was after I was already having sex with men. I would take the girl dolls beat them then I would tell them they must hurt for their sins. I made a hole in a doll tied something to the boy doll to show having sex with the girl.
Davis got a hold of me after my father told of my actions. He beat me so hard I cried to even have clothes on me for it hurt worse than a sunburn for a while. Davis told my parents if by chance anyone saw what I had been doing just explain I was dumb and retard which made me do things other kids didn't think to do. Oh the sick twistiness of it all.
I was kept home from school under the statement of I was sick.
I was told to say I was throwing up and had a fever when I went back to school. I told my teacher I had some sores that made it hard to sit and stuff that was why I did go to school that week. She said with cerebral palsy you must get them often. I never thought about it at the time but I had used a similar excuse a couple other times. She didn't understand that many of my weird behaviors had nothing to do with cerebral palsy but it was abuse going on in my life.
Lisa said....
If nothing else talk to the board members the preachers ask them why they live in mansions. And your driving a broken down car.. What about those of you doing a work for God but eating of trash cans? God is a God of love. If you have to live with hell. Sermons to scare you to stay. Ask them what about them Hell. Waits them for the stealing of money for the rape...
Yeah I asked why before; I got in serious trouble for it by Davis punished and so on. Another time I asked Kekel and got in trouble in that case too.
I wondered why I had to at times in my life wear rags. Sometimes only having one dress and one set of pjs to wear while they would go shopping to buy many clothes. I hated shopping with the leaders. I got dragged through stores without even once them being concerned about me. Why did I have to carry their stuff? Oh I forgot they had to find uses from the handicap freak in their misted. One moment they were embarrassed of me the next they used me. It left me always so confused with all the back and forth with them. It is like they wanted me for what I could do for them but not for who I was. They didn't have a problem eating in front of me but of course I was nothing but trash in their eyes. Who cares about garbage it is just something you throw away?
Why at one point in my life it was considered a privilege to have donuts the bakery had thrown out yet they never went hungry.
I do wonder what their response would be to adult for I only asked as a child.
Ralph and Joan St. Clair,
How are you doing today? Are you blessed? How was Sunday Service? Did many people get "saved" and "filled with the Holy Ghost?" Did you go to the Cracker Barrel afterwards and celebrate?
I know. I know. "We are winning!" I don't doubt that for a minute. I believe what Jesus said in Matthew 16 how that he will build his Church. The question that should be asked is "Who are 'We' and are you part of his Church?"
I need to go back to work, but I will get back with you. (I GOT A FEELING....)
2 Samuel 12:7-12 KJV
And the prophet said unto RWD, Thou art the man. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I called thee, and anointed thee to be my servant, and I delivered thee out of the hand of all thine enimies, And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's servants to serve thee, and gave thee the house of My People; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord , to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed my servants with The Sword that Is My Word, and hast taken his little ones to be thy gratification, and hast slain him with the sword ..... Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken my little ones for thy gratification. Thus saith the Lord , Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wealth.... and all that thou holdest dear.... For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all the world and before the sun.
Julie honey - I am just disgusted by Joan! By both parents! They don't deserve to breathe the air they breathe! You on the other hand, I'm so glad you are alive! You, Lisa, Pam, all of you are amazing and beautiful women who deserve Love and that abundently! The bible says we are fearfully and WONDERFULLY made! You are - and you are amazing! NO ONE should have to ever endure what many who have been in ntcc have endured! Lots of love and hugs to you my friend and all of you ladies!
I have a friend that I wrote of briefly on my blog. Her daughter was molested by another child (12-14) year old - the child was about 3 and the ministers of ntcc wanted her to hush. I just found out she didn't really do anything because of them. I am working on getting her story but most importantly on trying to get her to file formal charges b/c her duaghter is under age 18 still. This boy, now young adult is still active in ntcc. Christian is his name (Eaton was his moms last name). She is no longer in ntcc but they defended him and still do. Of course he is welcome - he fits their prototype.
We've tried contacting some stations to no avail but I want to start writing Dr Phil. He just covered a story of someone who escaped FLDS and all she endured. I know he is particularly big on exposing sex crimes and abuse. Are any of you willing to go national if he picks up this story?!?
i'm not sure of who you should talk to but i hear of years old cases where the men / women accused of child rape,etc have been arrested years later.
Anonymous said...
2 Samuel 12:7-12 KJV
And the prophet said unto RWD, Thou art the man. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I called thee, and anointed thee to be my servant, and I delivered thee out of the hand of all those that wanted to hang you for your adultery! And I gave thee mansions and servants [called bible school students] and if that had been too little moreover I would have given you such and such things. But you took it upon yourself to have them buy you a new Cadillac every year. You weren't content with one mansion, but hast had them build you many mansions. Your wife was not sufficient for thee, but thou tormented the little children, spanking their tiny bottoms and using them for your sick sexual perversions. Thus saith the Lord , Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wealth.... and all that thou holdest dear.... For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all the world and before the sun.
All text in bold font added by Don and Ange
Julie honey - I am just disgusted by Joan! By both parents! They don't deserve to breathe the air they breathe! You on the other hand, I'm so glad you are alive! You, Lisa, Pam, all of you are amazing and beautiful women who deserve Love and that abundently!
Thanks Kat you are so kind. I really appreciate it. I agree that Pam, Lisa, and also Lori are some amazing women. I am happy that they have come forward to help all of us so much. They are so very strong beautiful women both inside and out.
So long love had to be earned; it is nice to have it freely given unto us.
Wow! I just read your last comment. I love you. I'm sorry that happened to you. joan is sick and was projecting her garbage on you. Thank God you have survived!!!! You deserved to be loved then and deserve to be loved now.
Yes I am beginning to see that I am not Joan and I don't have to feel tied to the trashy way she was and still is today.
It is only by the grace of God I survived even though it is a long journey in which I have days of struggles. I also have beautiful days as God shows me his love through the people He gives to my life.
Get the facts, names, places, and all the details, the pierce county prosecutor is an email, and a phone call away. I spoke to the man who put fontenot away, just the other day. If these people have hidden these crimes, THAT THEY ARE LAWFULLY REQUIRED TO REPORT, not only will the young man go to jail, those who knew, ie the board, the pastor, etc. Will be held accountable!!!!
Ralph and Joan St. Clair,
I am back and I am wondering about NTCC. I hear it is such a wonderful place to be. It is full of holiness, love and truth. Hearing that makes me want to have a hallelujah break down.
If God is blessing NTCC, then why are there so much problems with your organization? How can a "holiness" organization have so much sin in it?
I know there are churches with problems. There will always be problems where there are people. I am just curious of your point of view.
If NTCC really teaches and lives the truth as defined by the Bible, why is your daughter writing the things she does? Shouldn't we begin to doubt NTCC's claims?
People's children should be off limits to debate, but Julie has written things that us make want to say, "Bless your thumpin gizzard." I am not certain that she grew up in a home where she learned love, grace and mercy. How do I know that? I am glad you asked.
I understand Julie suffers from Cerebral Palsy. Let me introduce you to another individual who "suffers" from Cerebral Palsy. His name is Justin Peters.
I know. I know. He is a Baptist preacher and we all know there is nothing good about Baptist preachers.
Here is a 45 minute video clip of Justin:
What does Justin Peters do as Baptist preacher. He travels around the country and he teaches at seminars warning people about the stuff we see on TBN, Daystar and any other channel that offers false doctrine. He has been to Benny Hinn meetings. He has been to Joel Osteen's church. He knows what is really going during those meetings.
I forgot to mention that Justin Peters is now married. His marriage was not arranged and he was not under the age of 18 when he married his wife. His wife totally understood that Justin needs her help.
A friend tried to take Justin Peters to a revival meeting so that Justin could be healed. We can clearly see that he has not been healed. The fact that God did not heal Justin only caused Justin to believe in God more.
You will see Justin refer to another man who has CP at the 40:30 mark of the video I referenced. He will tell you the story of Matt Arnold. The Arnold family loves to go into public areas and evangelize by passing out tracts. Matt loves Jesus so much and wants to know more about his Lord.
We would hear a much different story from Julie if NTCC was indeed the last great hope of Christianity. Julie would be telling us stories of how much she loved to go to Conferences. She would be telling us how that her family would walk down the streets of Mexico, MO and let her tell people that Jesus died for sinners.
We know that NTCC is not that way at all. NTCC is no place for the weak.
Repent and believe the Gospel.
The following comments are being brought forward to this thread just because we can. They were originally posted on the "I Have A Name Part 2" Thread.
Julie said,
"they said It was important for women to look older so minister's wives wouldn't be looked down upon for being so young"
Angela says,
Ha! That's such a lie. What is really going on here is the organization is trying to hide the fact that they promote or force young girls to marry older men! Many girls who were only 16 were married off to men who were much older.
Now, if you were a dude who grew up in ntcc, my heart goes out to you. Because of their weird CULTure and isolationistic policies you really may not have known how freakish this is. You were probably struggling like all young men with a healthy amount of hormones driving you to seek a spouse.
But for you guys who grew up outside the organization:
Come on, man! Can you honestly say that your buddies who knew you before you sucked into the ntcc would understand you getting hitched to a 16 year old?
Seriously, guys. Imagine telling your Army buddies that now that you have joined a cult, you have to wait for your fiances' parents to sign a permission slip for you to get married. DUH!
They are rightly going to call you Chester, Chester, child molester!
"Well, it's not against the law." Maybe not in Missouri, where the ntcc does the marriages since it has such a backward law that it allows this to happen.
But seriously? You are supposed to be a minister, called of God to lead men and women to Christ. Can't you use some self-restraint and common sense, and good judgment to govern your own life and see how unwise it is to "date" a 14 year old so that you can get her hitched as soon as she hits her sweet 16 birthday?
If it's too late, and you already let the ntcc matchmakers convince you to take the plunge, honor God by honoring your vows. But if you are single, stop letting the organization convince you it's okay to be lusting after an 11 year old girl with her hair poofed when you are a man in his twenties.
I'm just saying!
Please think about it.
With Love,
Monday, February 24, 2014 8:15:00 PM
"Well, it's not against the law." Maybe not in Missouri...
You can probably marry your cousin in Missouri too!
Its legal to hunt deer with a machine gun in Arkansas too but that don't make it right!
It's also legal to beat your wife in Arkansas. That for sure ain't right. Check it out-
"Women are also a popular subject for laws. Some old Arkansas laws are archaic. There is a law that states female teachers who bob their hair cannot be given a raise. Even more degrading is an old law that states a man can beat his wife in Little Rock provided he does it with a stick no bigger than 3 inches across and not more than once a month."
Monday, February 24, 2014 9:03:00 PM
Stupid Laws said,
"You can probably marry your cousin in Missouri too!"
DNA say,
If you are in the NTCC you probably ARE marrying your cousin!
When the catholic church tried to deal with there child molestation problems internally, it became even more wide spread and things started leaking out to the public even more, that's what starting to happen with in ntcc, the more the leaders try to cover it up the stars coming out. Ntcc leaders, members, and students are all locked is a very small world, where the leaders are the judge, jury, and punisher for the worngs that happens inside ntcc, hence that six month suspension for the st. clairs, however they are blind to the larger world where there are much more severe consequences for crimes and the cover-up of those crimes, those ladies who was molested and victimize need to be made whole again, ntcc leaders and members hiding behind the cross and fake holiness will not cut it, when a crime has been committed. The two just dont go together, child molestation, rape, just does not fit in with holiness no matter how you dress it up.
You cannot mix Rape, and Child Molestation, with Holiness and get Godliness, the three just want mix
Copied for teen marriage....
Ange says, there are many reasons they wanted these young girls married off:
1) they control who marries the girls
2) while the husband who works for ntcc is at work, the perverts like davis are snaking their way into the young girls' houses and having sex with them
3) the grooms were chosen based on their loyalty to davis or past life of being sexual predators - birds of a feather
4) the young girls are locked into a life of slavery in the ntcc with no hope of escape
**they are young
** they are often only under-educated with merely some homeschooling and no high school diploma thereby rendering them
** unable to work, required by the mandate of man to be only a "keeper at home" leaving them "available" for the sexual predators like davis
It is a vicious cycle created by davis and enforced by his "good ole boy" network that hides and partakes of this sex ring.
Julie says...
This sums it up. This is truly how it dare they ruin my life and so many others lives like this.
The force they use....than wonder why God is thought of as a mean control freak in our minds.
A marriage license doesn't change the fact it is children having sex with adults plain and simple.
They make God out to be some sick twisted minded being. That doesn't care about girls and their lives at all. They wonder why girls go against anything they said God would want in our lives. Look at their example of what God is all about.
They don't have respect from people all they have from people is fear.
Maurice said...
The two just dont go together, child molestation, rape, just does not fit in with holiness no matter how you dress it up.
Julie says....
No they don't go together. It is frustrating that I thought for years that it did go together which left me not wanting anything to do with it all. I thought God hated females and was always looking for ways to punish them. I thought God felt males were more important to Him. NTCC so messed up my thinking on life and what God was really like completely.
Anonymous said...
2 Samuel 12:7-12 KJV
And the prophet said unto RWD, Thou art the man. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I called thee, and anointed thee to be my servant, and I delivered thee out of the hand of all those that wanted to hang you for your adultery! And I gave thee mansions and servants [called bible school students] and if that had been too little moreover I would have given you such and such things. But you took it upon yourself to have them buy you a new Cadillac every year. You weren't content with one mansion, but hast had them build you many mansions. Your wife was not sufficient for thee, but thou tormented the little children, spanking their tiny bottoms and using them for your sick sexual perversions. Thus saith the Lord , Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wealth.... and all that thou holdest dear.... For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all the world and before the sun.
Wow I read this portion of scripture this weekend this a lot of the same things. Woe to them that chose to keep company with such perverted people.
You say children are a hinders yet you have no problem in using them in your sick minded ways.
It was planned for a vasectomy to plan before Donny and I were to get married but the stupid idiot Davis messed up his own plan. It was to take plan in the beginning of 91 which Davis seem to have forgotten about when he decided to force me to marry in Oct of 90.
Davis was so shocked to find out from Joan that I was pregnant even went as far as to excuse me of lying. Davis said there is no way that is possible. Now I realize why he was so shocked he had messed up his own plan and was so stupid he didn't even know it. He has not stopped me from having children like he did so many others.
Now I am told that rule never was in place it was all my imagination. No one was ever told to have a vasectomy. People were just told if they have children there would be more challenges for the ministry.
That is ten bus loads of hogwash. I know for a fact I was told I was a hindrance, a curse, in fact I was told my presence destroyed everything Ralph's ministry could be when I was a child. I was told not to have children or it would stop Donny's ministry. That is such craziness.
Julie said:
"They make God out to be some sick twisted minded being. That doesn't care about girls and their lives at all."
DNA said:
They have to make God out to be sick and twisted because they are sick and twisted and they need to do this to justify their actions. Just because they don't treat children and women right, doesn't mean that God is like them. That's why they are such con artists because they convince people that God feels the same way about everyone that they feel about them.
People are so brainwashed because they don't even take the time to apply reason or common sense to the things they do and the situations that they find themselves in. If Davis says something they just automatically believe that it's right without even thinking about it.
How many of you ntcc'rs out there think that a young child should have to have three witnesses before they have the right to report being raped by a church leader or their father? Do you really believe that? Fontenot's wife went to Olson and was told she had to have three witnesses and to find another church if she didn't like it. Fontenot's wife prayed and God told her, you are in the wrong place, you need to be at the police station. Are you nttc people that ignorant where you will agree with Olson or Davis when they tell the parent of a rape victim, a child, that she needs to attend a different church? How sick and twisted are they?
Julie said:
" I thought God hated females and was always looking for ways to punish them. I thought God felt males were more important to Him."
DNA said:
There are a lot of women in the ntcc that feel the same way, and it's no wonder. When Davis gets behind the pulpit and yells at women for destroying their husbands ministry for being pregnant and doesn't say a word to the man that is 50% responsible for the same thing their wife is being accused of. Meanwhile the men are shouting Amen at the top of their lungs.
It's like everyone in the ntcc has overdosed on stupid pills. Normal people would never put up with that, but women in the ntcc have been beaten down so much and they are afraid to step out of line. They are more concerned about pleasing Davis or Kekel than they are about pleasing King Jesus.
The men are even worse. They are taught to be abusive and they don't treat their wives with love and respect. They will allow con artists like Davis and Kekel to trash out their wives and do nothing. They are walking mats. They are whipped and manipulated into not caring about their families.
I will never ever forget the day Barbara Norton so called mom woke me up to tell me she was leaving my dad to be a preacher in Seattle. I came downstairs. Davis and his men took everything out of the house my handicap brother Terry and I where watching them take everything out she took down the Christmas tree and the presents she had under the tree where for her new church family she made sure to tell us. I remeber standing there it was Christmas morning she left Terry and I our beds and one dresser for us to share. David and Barbara said I was evil and had the Mark of the beast on my forehead
They took all the food. I am in my head being only 15 yrs old thinking it's Christmas how and what do I do for Terry.. My dad was working 35hrs for extra money. Barbara. Was yelling because I had this panino
I bought and I sold it. How she wanted the money to use to leave dad she found the money and gave it to Davis for tithe.. I use to volunteer for meals on wheels they would give me tip money I would hide it she would find it and
Give to Davis for tithe offering whatever.....I just stared at hurt she was yelling it over and over it was just Terry and I and her. Davis had our stuff she was to meet him
I just stood there in a daze. . The only reason Davis thought I was evil is because she would listen to my phone conversations with Lori. I told Lori. I would never let some man wake me up and tell me to fix his food I was a slave to Barbara never would I ever let some man treat me like his trash.. I told her I would punch him in the nose. I always thought if I fix you food it's because I want to.... She never ever listen to anything my dad asked or said to her.. He could say the sky was blue she would say red just to tick him off.she was very very mean to my dad
A part of me had this big smile I found my way out of prison I was going to be free from her from the church from. Davis all of the stuff it was like a weight was lifted I could breath for the first time in my life. Then there was a part of me feeling so rejected and knowing I was never wanted or ever loved that was the hurt because no matter you have to stand there and realize. You really was her trash, damaged goods. I was nothing but damaged. You can't even look at yourself because of the ugliness of what your where inside and out... Davis and Barbara made sure to let me know. That I was the devil he was inside of me...
As I watched her and the rest of the people leaving and take everything out of the house so they could meet Davis. I went to this dark side that I have welcomed so many times... I sat there looking around there was nothing but the tv and couch. I kept telling myself over and over come on snap out of this... I looked at Terry he started to cry I got scared he was rocking back and forth back and forth again I. Felt like I was drowning it was hard to breath the air was so stiff.... I kept saying to myself Lisa be strong your the adult now your pregnant with Johnny. baby you are all alone help Terry..
As Terry rocked back and forth screaming taking his hands. Putting them on his ears. Screaming no no no why is she leaving Lisa... Ii just sat there he asked me if she left because he wet the bed ? I was like no he looked at me with the sweetest face saying she said. It was my fault for wetting the bed . Then she said it was your fault for being a whore he asked me did you sleep with people I told him no ..I was so shocked she said this to him.. He kept saying she hated us and then he was crying harder and harder... I can't explain how I stood up my legs felt like jello
Somehow I stood up gave him a hug and told him it was going to be ok I was here for him and I love you. I told him to see if we at least had two glasses and plates that I would be back. I walked to the corner store it was so cold she took almost all my clothes and gave them to somebody and my winter coat... I found a big purse and one dollar the people at the store loved and trusted me. I went in there they had some shoppers I opened my purse I stole. As much food As I could. There was this box of candy I stole for Terry to have a present.. I took that dollar and bought a 2 liter of soda
I came home and ran up the stairs. I knew where there was warping paper and tape. . I wrapped the candy up came down stairs and looked at him and said hey Terry mom. Forgot she didn't. Take your present it's right here a big smile came over his face as he unwrapped his gift smiling ear to ear going I knew she loved me she will be back she will I am like Terry we'll until that happens I have a Christmas dinner for us. I took the food out of the bag and I stole hotdogs bread little stuff there was no dishes we sat there on the kitchen floor and eat cold hot dogs on bread and chips and we both drank out of the two,liter
It made me snap out of it seeing him laugh and smile..I just there while he watched tv and thought to myself I can do this I can be the mom to him and the baby that I don't want but I have to do this... I helped my brother gave him bath and I took my sheet off. Of my bed so he could dry off his body helped him put on his pj and tucked him into bed... I stayed awake waiting for my dad he came home hours later I told him everything gone we have left over hot dogs as I made him food he was in a fetal. Position. Crying what do I do. I had no answers He looked at me and told me
We Had this agreement that he would work I would take care of Terry and the house and all the stuff my mom use to do ... I would draw him bath water lay his clothes and Terry I would do the same... My dad went into this please call her and beg her back. I was like no never. He would be okie we'll I won't buy food I would lie and tell him I talked to her.. I don't know if it was all the stress or what but I did loose the baby the best day of my life..... Barb when she was given permission to call. It was horrible dad would cry Terry would cry because he missed her.. I was the one left dealing with everyone.......
I was born and as I grew Barbara Norton would tell me not to worry. About doing good in day school because I was in training to be a preachers wife that school was not important. She would always say. Your husband will support you. And you will be his wife. .. I went to bible college at 12 yrs old I did graduate when I was 14 I made straight A. In bible school. She had my life already planned. Before I. Even knew who I. Was. The one thing I knew is I was more lonely In my life then ever... It's weird how you can go to church and smile when deep,down inside you where so tired and unhappy..
I am so sorry if I keep go back and forth as the memories. Come back it's so much to handle I have to stop and take a shower I just fill so filthy and nasty for what has happened to me. After I lost the baby I did call Barbara in Seattle. And told her Johnny Jordan, raped me and I was pregnant by him and lost the baby. She called me a liar and told me Davis told her I would make up,lies about him because he did want me up there..she was yelling over the phone saying I was the one that if it happened I tempted him. Davis told her I was the one that told him I loved him and wanted him
Barbara, was like Davis said we are living in these last days. And people would rise and cause problems in the church tempting the brothers and. I was the reason the brothers sinned. She was yelling saying she wouldn't let alittle whore like me bring down her church.. Eve.n when John was caught and PAm told her see she wasn't lying to this day she still believes. It was my fault...... Going back to Dec 25. when she left she told me I was. Thorn in her side that she was removing she spit on the ground and said I will never have the likes of you around ..
The next day still confused. I called Lori told her I needed her. She came over and I told her everything we kind of looked at each other. And she said this year my mom died and your mom left. I was crying she put her arms around me saying will get through this. I learned how to grieve. As if Barbara died. But she was still alive. The 26 of dec Lori and I and my family had white castles it was our Christmas meal... Lori and I would look at each other going Barbara never loved me her mom died she was wonderful. It was like how do we start life Lori looked at me and said one day at a time
I do want to go back and say. My mom did love the children at church but when she babysit them she spanked them as we'll... There was this little blonde boy he dripped jelly on the floor she took a switch to him. Any child that she watch if they made her mad did get a spanking from her.there was a 6month old baby he kept crying she took his diaper off and smacked him on the butt ... If she is watching your child or children they are getting spanked....Barbara was never allowed to be with my little girl. ... She said my child was a spoiled bratt
Lisa said:
"I will never ever forget the day Barbara Norton so called mom woke me up to tell me she was leaving my dad to be a preacher in Seattle. I came downstairs. Davis and his men took everything out of the house my handicap brother Terry and I where watching them take everything out she took down the Christmas tree and the presents she had under the tree where for her new church family she made sure to tell us."
DNA said:
This should be a wake up call to those of you who love and adore Davis. Davis helped Barbara Norton abandon her 15 year old daughter and her handicapped son. What a witch. Davis is a cold, calculated predator and evil sick and wicked scumbag. Some time after this Davis also sent Lisa's Dad to North Carolina to leave her and Terry alone. Davis is no more a man of God than Hitler was.
Barbara was a puppet on strings doing whatever Davis said. I don't care what Davis said to her, you don't abandon your own flesh and blood. Your children that you had. Barbara Norton is worse than an infidel. She not only failed to provide, she took everything they owned. Davis and his men took everything that had value out of the house so they could profit. They tore down the Christmas tree and took the presents right in front of Lisa and her handicapped brother. Davis is one warped individual. Johnny Jordan the child molester and rapist was his right hand man. At 15 years old, and pregnant after being raped by Johnny Jordan, she has to watch as Davis unloads her house and tears down her Christmas tree, and then has to comfort her handicapped brother. They were left hi and dry.
Lisa said:
"Davis and Barbara said I was evil and had the Mark of the beast on my forehead"
DNA said:
How stupid is that? That means that the rapture must have already taken place and Davis and Barbara were left behind. Imagine that.
Lisa said:
"I went to bible college at 12 yrs old I did graduate when I was 14 I made straight A. In bible school. She had my life already planned. Before I. Even knew who I. Was."
DNA said:
We are sorry Lisa, that nobody loved you enough to think that you deserved to have a childhood. You were physically tortured and beaten by Barbara Norton and forced to go to BS at 12 years of age and to go through all the dating rituals. Then shortly after that, Johnny Jordan wasn't satisfied with your sister as his wife, and raped you, making you pregnant, and then Davis helps your mom abandon you on Christmas day and they blame you for it all and say that you have the Mark of the beast.
Davis was hiding his sin, very much like David did, when he had Uriah the Hittite murdered, except Davis never admitted his sin and he left Lisa hi and dry to fend for herself. He had Johnny Jordan moved to Washington, He kicked Lisa out of the church so that she couldn't talk. He couldn't hide the fact that Lisa was pregnant. Davis then had Forked tongue Ashmore lie for him and discredit Lisa, saying she was a whore and a slut. Davis tried to hide his sin by destroying Lisa's life. Everything Lisa went through was to hide Davis's sin of molesting Lisa's older sister Pam and Johnny Jordan's sin of raping Lisa.
This sin was hidden 30 years ago, but Thus saith the word of the Lord, "Be sure your sin will find you out". Num 23:32 (Numerical Palindrome=2332 same number backwards) It's coming back around to bite Davis in the butt.
Lisa said:
"Davis and his men took everything out of the house my handicap brother Terry and I where watching them take everything out she took down the Christmas tree and the presents she had under the tree where for her new church family she made sure to tell us. I remeber standing there it was Christmas morning she left Terry and I our beds and one dresser for us to share."
DNA said:
The Grinch who stole Christmas was a saint compared to Davis.
Davis and his men took everything out of the house my handicap brother Terry and I where watching them take everything out she took down the Christmas tree and the presents she had under the tree where for her new church family she made sure to tell us.
What wicked individuals to do this to a two helpless individuals. I don't care what kind of lies Barbara was told to take presents away from her own children that is evil beyond evil. It breaks my heart knowing you had to endure all this.
Lisa said...
They took all the food. I am in my head being only 15 yrs old thinking it's Christmas how and what do I do for Terry....
You had a big heart of love for your brother than even your own mother yet she dare call herself a mother. Barbara wouldn't deserve that title in a million years.
Lisa said....
Anonymous Lisa said...
I just stood there in a daze. . The only reason Davis thought I was evil is because she would listen to my phone conversations with Lori. I told Lori. I would never let some man wake me up and tell me to fix his food I was a slave to Barbara never would I ever let some man treat me like his trash.. I told her I would punch him in the nose. I always thought if I fix you food it's because I want to....
Even at that young age you understood that the teaches of Davis were so hard and he didn't like how intelligent you were. One smart girl hated by one dumb evil of a monster man. Barbara would rather follow him than care about you how sick and twisted in that.
Lisa said...Then there was a part of me feeling so rejected and knowing I was never wanted or ever loved that was the hurt because no matter you have to stand there and realize. You really was her trash, damaged goods. I was nothing but damaged. You can't even look at yourself because of the ugliness of what your where inside and out... Davis and Barbara made sure to let me know. That I was the devil he was inside of me...
This makes me cry that you were left feeling rejected and unloved. You have had more loved for others than many in NTCC. You were than and still are now a very loving and beautiful person from the inside and out. You deserved than to be cared about and still deserve to be cared about. It amazes me that you can be such a loving and kind person after all that.
Lisa said...
I sat there looking around there was nothing but the tv and couch. I kept telling myself over and over come on snap out of this...
Felt like I was drowning it was hard to breath the air was so stiff.... I kept saying to myself Lisa be strong your the adult now your pregnant with Johnny. baby you are all alone....
As I read this I cry yet I shake my head in amazement that you could be that strong of a girl.
I can so feel your pain to the core of my soul.
To think you had to feel that day you were now an adult because you were left to care for your handicap brother as well as being pregnant with a child by rape. How sick these people are and what they must answer to God for doing.
Lisa said...
As Terry rocked back and forth screaming taking his hands. Putting them on his ears. Screaming no no no why is she leaving Lisa...
I can't explain how I stood up my legs felt like jello
To leave a so helpless handicapped individual and him to think it was his fault makes me so upset with your mother. Then to leave you as a child to take over her responsibility before God that burden that you had to carry that was so wrong. No wonder your legs felt like jello the weight of the world without warning was on your shoulders. Yet you were so brave, so strong, so loving, and kind not punishment Terry for the sins of Barbara, Davis, and others. I have no words to describe how awesome you were and still are today.
Lisa said...
I came home and ran up the stairs. I knew where there was warping paper and tape. . I wrapped the candy up came down stairs and looked at him and said hey Terry mom. Forgot she didn't. Take your present.....
Wow Lisa you were so loving that day thinking more about Terry than even yourself. In your own child way you wanted Terry not to feel rejected or unloved like you felt. You cared so much more than the adults did.
The evil evil monsters to dare claim they followed Christ and you were the were more like Christ than they were at all.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Lisa said...
We Had this agreement that he would work I would take care of Terry and the house and all the stuff my mom use to do.....
To have to grow up over night. That is so very sad. You lost out on so much in life yet you didn't let that define who you became an individual. You have one amazing heart for others.
Barbara is such an evil person and to think I use to get in trouble for saying I didn't like her but who listens to what children say.
Lisa said...
She had my life already planned. Before I. Even knew who I. Was. The one thing I knew is I was more lonely In my life then ever... It's weird how you can go to church and smile when deep,down inside you where so tired and unhappy..
Oh Lisa I can so relate to this. Having someone plan out your life and wonder will I ever get a say in what happens to me? It is so hard to put on the smile were one is hurting so deep inside. I thinking it makes others so misunderstand the rest of our actions not realizing the pain we are really in.
After I lost the baby I did call Barbara in Seattle. And told her Johnny Jordan, raped me and I was pregnant by him and lost the baby. She called me a liar and told me Davis told her I would make up,lies about him because he didn't want me up there..she was yelling over the phone saying I was the one that if it happened I tempted him. Davis told her I was the one that told him I loved him and wanted him......
Wow that is such double talk....first call you a liar than say you tempted him and wanted him. Liars never can make up their minds on how they want to lie about the one that is telling the truth. So show how Davis and all of them really are.
Lisa said...
Barbara, was like Davis said we are living in these last days. And people would rise and cause problems in the church tempting the brothers and. I was the reason the brothers sinned. She was yelling saying she wouldn't let alittle whore like me bring down her church.. Eve.n when John was caught and PAm told her see she wasn't lying to this day she still believes. It was my fault......
Liars never do want to face the truth even when it is staring them in the face. Perverts so hiding perverts. They made Johnny Jordan think he would never get caught in his lustful sins. They are just as responsible for Johnny's sins as he is for them. Liars always want to blame someone else never wanting to except responsibility for their own actions.
Lisa said...
The next day still confused. I called Lori told her I needed her. She came over and I told her everything we kind of looked at each other. And she said this year my mom died and your mom left. I was crying she put her arms around me saying will get through this.
I am so sad for both you and Lori. I am thankful you had each other in those so difficult days. I just wish either of you had to ever go through any of this. You were two grieving girls yet the so called church was more concerned with how much money someone was giving and how can we hide the evil sins we are committing.
You and Lori are so amazing and so strong. I am thankful that you both have step out to speak. Both of you and Pam have so helped me on the blog. I am truly grateful to God for all 3 of you. All three of you are such precious people.
Anonymous Lisa said...
I do want to go back and say. My mom did love the children at church but when she babysit them she spanked them as we'll... There was this little blonde boy he dripped jelly on the floor she took a switch to him. Any child that she watch if they made her mad did get a spanking from her.there was a 6month old baby he kept crying she took his diaper off and smacked him on the butt ... If she is watching your child or children they are getting spanked....
Oh yes she never failed to beat those she babysat she say she loved you in one breath and be beating you in the next. The memories of this are flooding my mind. Barbara was an evil witch and didn't truly love any child or care at all who got hurt by her evil ways.
Barbara Norton Warwick, when she went to saint louis, to attend the funeral of her son terry, she was so distraught, so burdened, the weight of her transgressions were on her to the point that all she wanted to do was stay with her "church" people. That way she could pretend that everything was fine. Roddney spent a lot of time and money prepairing a dinner, and she didn't want any of it! Her family were all wicked sinners.
We had to make a correction to our comment posted at Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:11:00 AM We had confused part of Lori's testimony with Lisa's story.
Lori Kelley had shared in this blog thread:
"after mom passed my dad was told to kick Vikki and I out of house and kick us to the curb forced to sale house and dad moved to North Carolina with 2 girls living with strangers and on the streets."
Sorry, ladies, that we incorporated that into Lisa's story. We are glad you let us know we made that mistake and hope this correction will help our readers who may have also noticed the error.
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