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No Time For Souls Anymore, Too Busy On Facebook And Twitter |
They now participate in many different groups on Facebook:
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No More Boring Ties |
1. "No More Boring Ties Page" If you need help picking out a tie you can visit this page. This is a place where you can showcase your ties men, (and those special ladies who know how to pick them). There are a bunch of really flashy and hideous looking ties for just about any occasion. Can't imagine many of them escaping Olson's scrutiny in Practical Theology class. One of the pictures showed about 7 or 8 used dirty looking ties lined up and the caption read something to the effect that they were purchased 2 for 1 dollar at a Kook store or some kind of garage sale. They looked just like the old boring NTCC ties that we were all accustomed to wearing.
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Team Letsgowellness |
2. "Team Letsgowellness" If you are wanting to lose some weight you can hop on over to this page and you will get lots of pointers from the thin and the fat on how to lose weight. You will even get advise on how to do a proper push up but you might have to ignore 1 Ti 4:8 that says, "Bodily Exercise profiteth little" or just rip it out of the bible. How can you spend time in the Gym when souls are dying and going to hell? Get out there and beat the streets folks. Knock on 100 doors a day and you will get in shape. Get out of your church pew and shout "Amen, Preach it Brudda" and dance so you can work off some of those calories. What happened to the "good old days" in the ntcc when folks used to be over-worked, under-paid, sleep deprived and malnutritioned?
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Did You get it?? Photo Challenges |
3. "Did You Get It?? Photo Challenges" If you would like to take up photography as a hobby you can visit this page. You will be taught how to take pictures while driving a car. But really, it's amazing when you see all of the places that the modern day NTCC'rs have a chance to visit. Back in the day, camera's were almost a sin. You definitely didn't want to take a picture of Davis, Olsen or any of the board members. If you wanted to get jacked up and have the blocks knocked out from under you, try taking a picture of old Dunlap Disease Davis twenty years ago.
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Musica |
4. "La Musica" Want some pointers on what chords go with what songs? Join Kekel and others at this group or the closed NTCC click that is simply called the "Musician's Group". These are just a few groups that they participate in because everyone knows that your average NTCC'er has all sorts of time for activities like this. Many of the Davis wanna-be preachers would scowl and bellow about how in 1 Cr 1:18 "God chose the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe". I know it doesn't say that, but that's what they always preached.
You know it's just a matter of time before these hypocrites start breaking all the other rules they once kept so vigilantly. The ones that have been around for several decades are crazy for staying. They are living, walking, breathing, hypocrites and they should apologize to all the people they shunned for the very things they now participate in openly. Davis and Kekel should resign in disgrace, for being common thugs and liars. They are Snake-oil salesmen that have found a niche in the religious world and have twisted the bible to strike fear in the simple hearts and weak minds of any who would listen, obey and give their money to them.
Here's the deal. Who care's about Facebook Groups and Twitter accounts? Who cares about kids playing organized sports or wearing football pants? Who cares about a woman wearing pants or makeup? Who cares about men wearing shorts or having long hair?
What bothers many people is that many of the standards that once existed were used to keep people under control. Things that used to be a sin are now being done by the very hypocrites that preached against them. Who gets to choose what is a sin and what isn't? Is it alright for Davis to rant and rave about The sinner-net and the devil-vision only to give way to Kekel and Kinson to usher in the Ntcc era of DVD's, TV and Social networking on the internet?
It's hypocrisy and it won't stop here. It used to be compromise and people were frowned upon, talked down to, preached at and run off for less. If you have been in the NTCC for 15 or 20 years, you have seen many changes. Many things that used to be a sin are now common place and acceptable.
I can't even begin to think of what else has changed but 20 years ago there were many things not permitted that would be permitted today. Here are a few things that have changed or seem to be changing:
1. Divorce has become acceptable under circumstances that are contrary to the bible.
2. Church members used to have to ask permission to speak to a member of the opposite sex and they were not trusted to date or even allowed to make their own decisions in matters pertaining to relationships. Having children was a hinderence to the ministry. Many ministers got were getting snipped as if a almost like an old testament Man would get circumcised to follow the Law.
3. All TV was Preached against.
4. The internet was preached against and people who left were falsely accused of using the internet to view pornography.
5. Kids were not allowed to participate in organized sports.
6. Members and Ministers were discouraged from taking any time off to visit family or attend weddings or funerals.
7. Having a dog or a cat was preached against.
8. Going to the Gym or staying in shape was frowned upon and often preached against.
9. Joining any kind of group that wasn't part of the ntcc was like being friends with the world and would take you away from the people of God. What's the difference if you do it on Facebook you hypocrites?
10. Holiness standards were at a very high level and the ministers and their wives were expected to lead by example. Now we see those standards being compromised.
These are just a few things that the ntcc has changed. What's to keep them from changing the rest of the standards? I'll tell you the only standard that will never change. Tithe and Offerings. The NTCC hypocrites will never let up from that standard because that is all they really care about when you think of it. They will ignore just about any sin you commit outside of embarrassing them in public by questioning their hypocrisy, or if you fail to pay your tithe. You are not a chosen generation any more. You are no more special than the Mormons, JW's or Catholics. You are just part of another religious cult whose leaders have used you to get rich. They never were right and now they are sinking lower and lower with each change in doctrine. If you would have walked out of an NTCC church 30 years ago and walked into a church that is much like the NTCC now, you would have considered them to be a bunch of Charismatic compromisers.
I can't agree with your comments any more. It's not about doing all these different things. It's about the compromising, hypocritical ways of these cult leaders.
What wasn't okay yesterday is the norm today, and all the little lost minions act like God just granted them something amazing. So sad!
Like the FLDS and other cults, though Davis doesnt TELL everyone who to marry, he indicates who each should marry. And if the man of gawwwdd said it, it is what should be done. More and more miserable marriages end up from this - at least he also grants them permission for divorce!
SMH - a bunch of sad, lost folks following a greedy, hypocrite, wealthy, scam artist cult leader.
Folks - it's a cult. They don't agree with anyone (doctrinally speaking here). The bible says when 2 or more agree. This is the Davis law and that is it. They don't agree with any other church, therefore, it is a CULT. It is a mans interpretation and you folks are just gullible enough to keep following it! Get out now and find there is TRUE joy in loving the Lord.
The thing that has always stuck in my mind is the fact that holiness was spoken about regarding the outward appearance. Back during that time EVERYTHING was taken so seriously regarding outward appearance. Now that I look back it is laughable. Little more than a dog and pony show.I used to watch people dance in church, yell, hoop and holler, get on to other brothers about doing this, or not doing that, or not soul winning. But when we used to go to a restaurant after church some of these very same people used to pile enough food on their plates it would look like a miniature Mount Rainier.If I were to try to eat that much food now I would have to go to the hospital. This was pretty much the norm at NTCC in Tillicum, WA. Not so much with Pop Gaylord in Hawaii. Him and Mom used to encourage people to eat healthy was my remembrance of it. We were all young,impressionable, and just didn't have the life experience that comes with age. So now they have computers,TV's,twitter and Facebook accounts? Well, perhaps people in the church won't eat so much.
Kat said:
"What wasn't okay yesterday is the norm today, and all the little lost minions act like God just granted them something amazing. So sad!"
DnA said:
It seems pretty strange that folks just go along with anything and don't even have the intestinal fortitude to call Davis or Kekel out on their hypocrisy. I know a few that have and that's why they are no longer around, but the vast majority that stay seem to be mindless and pretty gullible.
The NTCC preachers can pretty much preach anything they want and there will always be suckers that will go along with it. If Kekel told the mind numbed masses that God changed His mind about men and women wearing Jewelry, most everyone in the NTCC would roll with it. Again, I don't have any problem with this stuff, but it takes a monumental dose of ignorance to turn a blind eye to the changes. It is incredibly irrational to make people dress like they are living in the 1800's while at the same time they will oppress those they call brethren and ignore the suffering that they cause.
It's okay to divorce your wife and remarry and in the process dump the spouse that desires to stay but will not conform to the NTCC, but you better not even think about wearing eye shadow. If you sleep with another man's wife, you are forgiven, but don't even think about not paying your tithe. You really have to be a brain dead sucker to go along with this stuff. You don't have anything because you are not a leader but if you buy a house or a nice car you are accused of worshiping that house or car. The ones with all the loot are the biggest hypocrites of them all because they will accuse you of being jealous of them if you dare ask them where your own money goes.
Are we really the enemy of NTCC'rs? Are the X-ers really the ones that NTCC'rs need to steer clear of because we might corrupt them in some way? There are a lot of people that believe in the bible, from many religions and there are real Christians that are defined as such because they love God; not because some Circus Clown tries to jam a bunch of man-made rules down their throat and pass it all off as Christianity.
Don't make up rules as you go along and then change them to suit your own needs and the needs of your family. Don't sell people's families down the river for not conforming to your legalistic doctrine and then make a bunch of exceptions to accommodate your own family. Stop playing God by forgiving adultery and child molester's while you are running people off for not obeying your every command or insulting you for asking a question that you have no answer to. You pick and choose who you think is worthy of mercy and forgiveness based on who kisses up to you and not on who seeks mercy from above.
Mark G. said:
"Back during that time EVERYTHING was taken so seriously regarding outward appearance."
DnA Said:
I hear you Mark and agree. The NTCC needs to go back to the basics of salvation through the blood of Jesus and stop trying to create a new generation of Pharisees and hypocrites. When you spend so much time trying to make the outside clean, but you neglect the inside, it becomes nothing more than lip service and phoniness to shout and dance in church. I used to admire the Amish and the Mennonites when I was in the NTCC living the same way. I thought they were decent God fearing people but not any more. The stricter the sect the more they are trying to hide and cover up. It's like they try to cover up their inward sins by over compensating with a bunch of outward standards.
Jesus spoke of the Pharisees often saying that they were like whited sepulchers which appear beautiful outwardly but inside are full of dead men's bones. They make the outside of the cup and platter clean but inwardly they are full of extortion and excess.
The more I learn of cults and strict religions with what they call holiness standards the more I say stay clear of them because without exception the ones that preach holiness the loudest seem to be the ones that are involved in the most unthinkable sins.
It's like you said Mark, it's almost laughable. What happened to the sin of gluttony? How can you preach hell fire and brimstone and expect them to shout and dance in church and then go out to a restaurant and make pigs out of yourselves at the buffet? They pick and choose what they want to preach about while they ignore the things that apply to themselves.
They like to use that scripture that Jesus spoke, "If you love me keep my commandments". But what did the Lord emphasize the most? Was it outward holiness standards or how to dress? Never once. He spoke many times about loving your brother and loving your neighbor as yourself. He also spake a lot about helping the poor. If the NTCC leaders were to emphasize these things instead of paying tithe and giving in offerings, they would take a step closer to becoming bible believing Christians that actually live like real Christians instead of living like a bunch of cult members.
Today I was reading about Cornelius. Acts 10:2 says that Cornelius was:
"A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway."
Strong's defines alms as:
"Mercy, pity, charity, a donation to the poor."
Once again we see biblical evidence that Christianity or Godliness in the bible is a lot different than the phony version of Christianity that is displayed by the NTCC.
In fact the New Testament is laced with many stories, examples and commandments that exhibit and command mercy and charity toward the poor. It is easy to overlook the poor and find excuses not to do anything to help them. The NTCC has always frowned upon anyone that helps the poor.
In the NTCC's doctrinal statements it says specifically that none of the tithe money collected should be used for charity. This is so wrong and opposite of what Jesus or the Disciples taught. Not only do they collect tithe, which is not mandated by the New Testament, but they demand tithe and make it a requirement with a heaven or hell ultimatum attached to it. And what do they do with all the money? Go swing by Graham and take a look at the mansions of Davis, Kekel, Ashmore and other board members. Look at all the money tied up in real estate, the 'Bonco' and all the other fancy church edifices.
What percentage of the money that the NTCC brings in goes out in the form of alms to help the poor? They don't even help the poor among themselves in the NTCC much less the poor in their communities. The NTCC is a very selfish religious organization that takes tithe from the poor, and hoards all of it's finances internally, the spoils of which can be seen only in the possessions of the royal families of Davis, Kekel and the elite nepotistic regime that flaunts their wealth in the face of the rest of the NTCC peasants.
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