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Arial View of Jehovah Witness Cult Compound in Wallkill, NY |
We then drove back through the gate we had come through to another gate that was identical but led us into the backside of the main JW compound located in the Wallkill, NY complex. When we finally made it to the appropriate warehouse, we had to back our entire truck - tractor and trailer - into an inside dock. Ange was afraid that they would shut the giant roll doors and we would never be seen or heard from again. LOL!!! She joked about envisioning me disappearing and her being tracked through the woods at night as she made a desperate attempt to flee this cult compound, sticking to the streams to evade scent-tracking dogs! Bwahaha! Of course, no such thing happened. Instead, this warehouse had a well-dressed young female forklift driver that attacked our truck like a pack of stray dogs on a three legged cat. She unloaded that truck just about as fast as we've ever been unloaded; and immediately a well-dressed young man gave us our paperwork; and we were on our way out of the compound. On our way out, we got a video of the back-side of the JW Compound. The whole experience was like a voyage back to the future as we got to take a look at what direction the ntcc is headed!
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Watchtower Society's Brooklyn Headquarters Cult Complex |
Make no mistake about it, the Jehovah's Witnesses are a very destructive cult that is every bit as dangerous as the ntcc. They've been building their empire for well over a century; and the people that make up the JW organization are every bit as brainwashed as the ntcc members are. The Watchtower Farms is one tentacle of many that are attached to the body which has many other tentacles. Some are Printeries like the Wallkill compound and others are huge real-estate ventures which are all fronts for their educational and other so-called out-reaches.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are a nontrinitarian "millennialism restorationist" denomination that has some serious whacked out beliefs that are similar in a lot of ways to those of the ntcc. The Jehovah's Witnesses founder was Charles Taze Russell who started the JW cult and Tract Society around 1880 after he had sold all of his clothing stores for about $300,000 (current value over $6.5 million) in anticipation for the rapture; which he incorrectly predicted would take place in 1878. When this did not happen he called it an "error in calculation" and reset the date to 1914 and also 'clarified' that Christ's return would be a "Spiritual" one adding that world society would be replaced by God's Kingdom on earth. After the death of its founder in 1916 other JW leaders made false predictions in similar fashion, predicting Armageddon was moved back and that the launching of Sputnik was of some spiritual significance. All of the JW prophesies regarding the end times were false; and none of their predictions have come true.
The Jehovah Witness Food chain starts with what is called the "Governing Body" which consists of 8 members comprised of non-elected male members who are considered anointed by God and appointed only by existing members when the need arises. These eight formulate doctrines and policies and decide which propaganda they want to publish to the world. Very few Jehovah's witness cult members know who these eight people are, and even if you were to ask local church leaders who they were they might only know the names of one or two even though the information is public. The eight "elders" are highly secretive; and nobody can say for certain how much money they make or how they manage the billions of dollars worth of Watch Tower assets. Sound familiar?
Many of the JW cult members live on communal cult compounds like the one we visited in Wallkill, NY. In exchange for their slave labor they are given a small apartment to live in, food and they have no bills to pay. These slaves are called volunteers by their cult and they do not get paid anything in exchange for their slave labor. It is said among the tight lipped community of JW cult members that they get a monthly stipend. I've seen some cult members say that this amount is as low as $25 per month and others testify that while it is nobody's business, they get as much as $200 per month and it is to cover clothing and other necessary expenses not included. They have "meetings" at Kingdom Hall Centers and expect new members to give "field reports" to the church leaders on a monthly basis. Some less 'loyal' members are allowed to give biannual field reports; but if they fail to do this they are considered 'inactive' members. Sound familiar?
The JW headquarters is in Brooklyn, New York; and they are one of the wealthiest corporations in the NYC area with over 950 million dollars in reported annual revenue. They are in the process of flipping all of their Brooklyn real estate assets for over One Billion Dollars and moving their headquarters to upstate New York. The lion's share of the revenue generated by the Watchtower Society is in Sales ('Donations'); and this is accomplished with a sales force which is equivalent to what the ntcc "soul winning" program accomplishes. The sales force (soul winners) use their own finances to buy tracts and magazines from the multi-billion dollar "Non-profit" organization and then sells them door to door for donations (otherwise known as Double Dipping). It's considered a donation but along with the tract the sales person/soul winner is required to let the potential proselyte know that the Watchtower society literature is the only publication available on planet earth that can be used to decipher the many secrets hidden from man in the scriptures. In 2007 they handed out their 20 billionth piece of propaganda and they are still going strong.
The JW's believe that death is a state of non-existence and that there is no hell. They do not believe in honoring the U.S.A. by saluting the flag, saying the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National Anthem. They believe that there are only going to be 144,000 people in heaven reigning with Jesus Christ; and they live their entire lives as a slave to accomplish that goal. There are millions and millions of JW's but only this small number will get to go to heaven while the rest will have to prove their worth during the thousand year reign of Satan. They refuse to serve in our military; and they do not observe any holidays to include Christmas, Easter and Birthdays. They believe in 'Separation from the World' and believe that all other churches are false and to be identified with Babylon the Great and that the United Nations is the scarlet beast of Revelation 17. They have strict disciplinary measures which ostracize people. The ultimate punishment is shunning referred to as disfellowshipping. This practice happens most frequently when members disagree with their doctrine and refuse to 'submit' themselves to the many rules. In contrast the JWs, like ntcc, are perfectly willing to 'forgive' [overlook or hide] many cases of child sexual abuse and other forms of sexual misconduct rather than disfellowshipping the perpetrators. Disfellowshipped people are not allowed to attend any meetings and JW members are not allowed to interact with disfellowshipped members except in rare circumstances. A Disfellowshipped X-member of the JW cult is considered to be 'living in apostasy' and there is no attempt to reach them.
1. Both organizations have founders that have prophesied falsely or claimed to have false dreams and visions from God. Charles Taze Russell or "TAZ" has incorrectly predicted the Rapture. Rodger Wilson Davis or "R-DUB" used to emphasize the old men dream dreams scripture to disqualify anyone else from having spiritual dreams. His "Spiritual dreams" were that he saw himself in the old St. Louis Rams stadium watching Christians being decapitated when the rapture took place. That particular stadium was torn down years ago and nobody was beheaded and if the rapture did take place, he was left behind. He also had another dream or vision of an octopus reaching out to people with its tentacles. Link Another Old Man that shared a spiritual dream or vision was Joe Olson; who shared that when the rapture took place he saw Davis going first, followed by the General Board members, and finally the rest of the "Shlubs" got to follow in what was described as a pyramid rapture. That is not scripturally sound. 1 Th 4:13-18
2. Both have unique interpretations of being separate from the world. The JW's and ntcc believe in isolation from the world and its religions. The Watchtower publications teach that anyone that is not a follower of their literature is a servant of Satan and that all other religions are false. The ntcc has taught the same thing for years. The ntcc has a doctrine to tear down any religion out there; and while they will try to say that they are not the only religion going to heaven, try missing one of their services for a Baptist church service or a Catholic church service or a 7th Day Adventist Service or any other denomination and see what the topic of the next ntcc service or bible study is. They will preach against the oneness church, they will preach against eternal security, they will preach against the Catholics and the Mormons and any other denomination you attend.
3. Both Organizations have very aggressive recruiting programs. The JW's pass out literature while the Holier than thou ntcc-ites pass out cards and knock on doors. Both groups expect their members to do this at their own expense. Both cults consider folks that don't participate in this form of public harassment to be less dedicated and more worldly and more apt to end up "in the world".
4. Both Cults expect their members to live in poverty for the "furtherance of "God's Kingdom". The JW's have mastered this, but they also have been at it for almost 100 years longer than the ntcc. The average ntcc member is pumped for money during every get together and there are so many needs presented throughout the week that a person ends up giving a majority of their money to the program of Davis, oops, I meant to say gawd. They are not told that the Davis and Kekel Families are getting filthy rich off of their giving.
5. Both the JW and ntcc cults exercise DISFELLOWSHIPPING. The JW's shun people for not accepting all of their man-made doctrines and for not following their rules. The ntcc does the same thing; and when they do it they make sure that the disfellowshipped member thinks that it is God they are rejecting; so that they will blame themselves for the rest of their lives. The ntcc used to put out a list of disfellowshipped or blacklisted preachers. Not sure if they still do. I've heard they put out a list of "ministers in good standing", which implies that if you are or were a minister in the ntcc and you are not on that list that you are not right with God. I know in the local churches they would use public humiliation in a practice that is referred to by many as "running them off" which involves exposing a member or potential member publicly for alleged sins (which often are not sins) and often involves sharp rebuke with the pointing of fingers and calling out their names directly. They also tell their faithful and loyal members (slaves) to "leave them alone" or "have nothing to do with them". That weak brother or sister that was just cast out by a skillful manipulator will spend the rest of his or her life thinking that it was his or her fault and will often blame themselves. This is unlike God and His true love that restores.
6. Both cults turn a blind eye to many sins like child molestation and other types of physical and spiritual abuse. Rather than bring an embarrassing public outrage towards the cult the JW's and ntcc both would rather silence the victims of sexual abuse than have their 'precious' name tarnished. Both groups have protected known predators while the victims have been disfellowshipped or shunned or ignored and run off.
7. Both cults have printing operations that are used to create propaganda that creates a large profit.
8. They both capitalize on the naivety of youth and target young folks whose minds can be easily manipulated and shaped to be used as the org sees fit.
9. They are both big time cults. Make no mistake about it, they target people they can use to advance their agendas; and although they masquerade as Christians, if your own salvation or Christianity does not fall lockstep into the parameters set by the cult leadership, you will not last long. You can love God all you want, but if you question leadership, you have committed the Cardinal Sin; and you will be made an example of. If you question how they spend your money, you will not be around very long at all. In fact you will not only be thrown out of the church but you will be shunned by the very ones that you trusted with your soul and considered to be the family of God. Both of these cults are Counterfeit Christian wanna-be organizations that use people up; when they are done with you, they will never want anything to do with you again.
10. The one thing that really distinguishes the JW's and the NTCC as cults is the Word of God. Don't believe us. Go on thinking we are bitter and we have an axe to grind and that we are the ones with the problem if you wish. We really don't care. But as we have been saying over and over like a broken record, just look at what both cults really stand for and match them up to the bible.
- Do they follow Jesus' example of being minister/servant of all?
- Do they love their neighbor as themselves?
- Do they believe in reaching out to the hungry, the sick, the broken hearted, the widow, the orphan or the fatherless, homeless or poor?
- Do either cults have a program that's geared towards healing and restoring the spiritually broken and afflicted or tormented of this world?
No they do not. They will take in money like a sponge; and in the NTCC it will go towards buying its leaders new mansions, cars and musical instruments or anything else that the leaders want for themselves; but none of their filthy lucre will go towards helping their communities or for any other biblical purposes. As for the JW's, they are so secretive that it's hard to tell where their money goes but they do very little to help anyone but their own; and most of them live farther below the poverty line than the ntcc.
Most of the X-ers out there already know this; but in many cases they are afraid to tell their stories; and I understand that. The JW's have billions of dollars worth of class action suits for child molestation and they have well over 6 million members. There are a few brave souls that have come forward in that organization and hopefully their honesty will help protect others from the same fate. We know of many instances of some really sick stuff that past and PRESENT members of the ntcc have been involved in. People have told us things in confidence that we will not share because we gave them our word. We have mixed feelings about this; because we know there are predators in the ntcc that will keep hurting children and others; because they think that their secret will never be discovered. We keep our mouths shut because we don't want to ruin the victims' lives any more than they have already been ruined. It's a burden that we wish we didn't have to bear. But we understand, and have compassion on those who have been victimized; because the wounds and scars they have are very deep; and what they have been through is deeply personal.
I know first hand how sick and destructive the NTCC has been in my life; and in spite of whatever discredit I have brought to myself, I have shared it publicly. I hope nobody has to go through what I had to go through; but I will say for every story that I have shared there are a hundred that nobody knows anything about; because the victims involved were hurt so bad that they can't go through the pain involved in speaking or reliving what they went through. Statistics show that for every child that comes forward and confronts the predator that violated them, there are dozens (usually girls) and in some case hundreds (boys that have been molested) that are too afraid to share what they have been through. We are not going to betray anyone's confidence in these matters; and we are not even going to tell you to go public because it's something that you will have to live with and those wounds may be too deep to relive. For some it can be very liberating and surprising as to how many people will support you. That's what happened for me when I shared what ntcc put me through.
This has turned out to be a very long blog post and has gone in a direction that was unexpected, but you'll get no apologies here. They are the ones that should be apologizing. They are too proud and incapable of acknowledging their failures or taking responsibility for the things that are wrong in their organizations. We, however, feel like it's important for people to know this stuff. We hope that troubled members within cults everywhere will read this and begin to question the ungodliness and un-Christlike behavior of cults like the NTCC and the JW's. If it feels wrong, there is a reason. Don't get caught up in the euphoria of thinking that you are in the only group going to heaven and that your leaders are the only ones that have the answers for your soul. Study and find the contradictions between your cult and God's people. You won't have to look very hard. Just look.
Thanks... as usual you have done your homework and research... you both are appreciated for your labors in getting the word out...
Sorry... Photon is an old ID... from moi DoubleD... you know ntcc from the 1970s... guy ... they called me Mr Piano man... so glad to be free of those pollutants of the past...
Thanks Double D. We appreciate your feedback. We did our time during the 80's and 90's, and as you and many others also affirm, It's really good to be free from the ntcc pollution and mind control. Most of the folks that are still in have no idea what the ntcc is all about and very few of them question any of it. Hopefully others will arise from their slumber. It really takes a lot to break free from this group. It is unbelievable how a person can live in Graham, WA in poverty and not see or care where their money is going. They live among the biggest hypocrites on the planet and watch them break their own rules over and over again. They read their bibles more than the average Joe and they don't see anything wrong with their idols, (leaders), getting rich off of the poor.
It's sad to say, but the ntcc can only prosper when people ignore the obvious. The kinds of people that make up a cult are the kind that go along with everything and never rock the boat. Questioning an ntcc pastor or board member is a worse sin than committing adultery or molesting a child. If a questioning member is not dealt with quickly and sharply, others will begin to question.
Matt Reed was considered a cancer to many of the board members because he openly confronted Davis about his hypocrisy in front of other leaders. He questioned Davis about Moreno and Kinson. It's been a while since any one notable has left the ntcc to our knowledge. The ntcc has reached new heights in hypocrisy and it's amazing how anyone that was around in the 70's, 80's and 90's can go along with the charade. There is no resemblance now to the ntcc in the early years. Those who remain from that era must have changed their values and convictions to go along with phoniness that is taking place now. There is very little difference between the ntcc and con artists like Creflo Dollar, Jim and Tammy Faye and others that have "fallen from grace".
He he - Double D - I agree with the first comment though - appreciate all your labors DnA!
Yes, seeing this reminded me of how ntcc is. I can recall them asking a million questions say if a car pulled in the lot to turn around b/c they were lost or something. Well what did they want? I wonder what that really was about? I wonder who sent them - I don't know what they'd say but you'd see a simple turn around or something and the questioning up and down would begin. Maybe the Nav told them make a u turn now folks - get off the paranoid trip!! just sayin! lol
Kat said:
" I can recall them asking a million questions say if a car pulled in the lot to turn around b/c they were lost or something."
DnA said:
I remember quite a few ntcc preachers that would equate everything that happened to the "devil" fighting them because they were so super spiritual. If a car pulled into the driveway it was the devil spying on them. If someone called and it was the wrong number it was the devil. If something happened that negatively impacted the church or servicemen's home in a way that costed them money, it was always the devil fighting them, as if they were doing such a great service to humanity that the devil didn't have anything better to do than to fight them. If someone came out to church and didn't agree with their doctrine, they would become the biggest devil on the planet. If a person were to call the preacher out in any way or use the preacher's own words to make him look more stupid than he already was; that person would be quickly and sharply rebuked and run off because they were "of their father, the devil".
In all actuality in most cases the ntcc preachers were the devils. They were the ones preaching at others while being guilty of worse things. Rudy used to preach "holiness" harder than anyone I had ever heard in the organization and he was guilty of sins a lot worse than women wearing pants or make up. I truly believe that the ones that preach the hardest about small things, do it because they have bigger things they are trying to cover up. Look at how it is in Graham. They are always plowing peoples fields because they love money more than God, or they love a house or a car more than God. They criticize folks for spending money on this or that and jack people up for not being good stewards. Look at Davis and Kekel. What hypocrites they are. All of their possessions are supposedly blessings from God and it's alright that others have sacrificed and gone without so they can be filthy rich millionaires. The sad thing is that they do it right under your nose and they flaunt their lifestyles right in front of you and you are oblivious to their hypocrisy.
Paul asked the Romans in Rom 2:22: "Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?"
Most of the ntcc preachers that preached the hardest were guilty of the very things they preached against and sometimes they were guilty of even worse. The devil wasn't fighting them. There was no reason for the devil to fight them because they were serving the devil well by being big hypocrites.
Many of the ntcc preachers are so busy digging around in other peoples back yards while their own fields are full of thorns and briars. They strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, and then have the nerve to call other people devils. Those that blog are probably considered to be biggest of all devils and no doubt there have been quite a few people jacked up for reading the blogs, but the very ones that preach against the blogs read them for themselves. They are the devils.
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