In Kekel's latest sermon entitled "The Sign", He quotes a Battalion Commander saying the words "To hell with that". So what's the big deal? There is not really a big deal here other than we are just pointing out more hypocrisy and double standards. How often were we taught that we could not say the word "heck" because it was a social curse word and a replacement for the word hell? If we said "heck" or "golly" or "gee whiz", it was because we had sin in our heart; and it was coming out of our mouths in the form of social curse words. Maybe kekel has been watching too much devil-vision. You know, "Garbage in, garbage out.", as Joey Olson used to say. Hmmn.
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Old-Fashioned Punishment for Cursing : Sitting with a bar of soap in your mouth! |
The ntcc has compromised its own standards. Ntccers will read kekel's post; and they will start using the word Hell in their conversations just because Kekel used it. Hell is a word used in the bible many times; and when used in its proper context it is not considered a curse word. Damn is another such word. In fact just about every curse word has a meaning that, in and of itself, wouldn't really be a curse word if it were contained in its original context. When people use these words as expletives in general conversation and take them out of their original context they become curse words.
For example: Let's say that Kekel were to tell you that you could not wear shorts in public because it was lascivious. Which one of these answers would be appropriate?
a. "To hell with that! You let your son wear shorts in sporting events; why should I follow your rules when you can't even enforce them on your own household?"
b. "Okay Sir, I don't want to end up in hell; so I'll blindly obey them that have the rule over me."
Minus a little sarcasm here, "b" would be the correct answer. In example "a" hell was taken out of its original context and used in general conversation as an expletive, a curse word.
It would be interesting to know if the word actually came out of Kekel's mouth while he was preaching or if he just included it in his written sermon. Either way it sets a precedent for the bible school students and church members of the ntcc. We all were trained like dogs to conduct ourselves in a certain manner. We were told over and over how important our Christian testimony was and how we were to guard our hearts from compromise. If non-believers were to hear us curse, then they would use that as an excuse not to serve God. They would say, "You are just like the rest of us; and your salvation isn't real." I remember preachers blasting folks from the pulpit for cursing. They would say: "The reason God isn't blessing the church is because there is sin in the camp.". They were getting ready to run someone off for cursing. You all should run Kekel off. Tell him you don't want his filthy mouth preaching at you anymore. Tell him that you don't want to read his ungodly filth on his blog anymore.
It might seem like we are nitpicking here; but there have been quite a few people rebuked in the ntcc for less than what Kekel has included in his sermon. It will be interesting to see if Kekel deletes his curse word from his sermon, as his deleting finger has gotten a good work-out in the past. He has used the delete key many times in the past; because his own sermons bring to light his own hypocrisy. If he does delete it, have no fear; because we have a copy of his entire sermon and would be glad to display it. In fact, here is the portion of kekel's sermon, displaying the curse word:
Excerpt from Kekel's latest sermon, "The Sign":
1 John 3:18
"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."
Have you ever noticed how that the love of God is more than just lip service? Often times in the ntcc, we heard the words, "I love you" or "We love and appreciate you". Very seldom were there any deeds to accompany this profession of love. Many times after these words were shared and the person left the room, they would be talked about and disparaged.
The theme of the book of 1 John seems to be love and the evidence of that love is that we have love for the brethren. Very seldom have I ever seen an ntcc minister love someone in deed and in truth. It was most often in lip service. They would say: "Have faith in God, and He will provide all your needs", but they would never lift a finger to help anyone.
I've seen folks in the ntcc struggle financially and go without while the so called man of Gawd had everything given to him by the ones that were struggling. Those so called men of Gawd would send the vast majority of their money to the filthy rich nepotists in Graham, while the ones that made it all possible ate the crumbs that fell from the table.
There was very little love in the ntcc. The ntcc pastor is not taught to love, but to judge and to demand respect. Many of them wish to be placed on a pedestal and feel that it is beneath their dignity to love in deed and truth as Christ loved his disciples and as He loves us.
I would say to "hell with that" now that I Gabe learned its ok to play sports and wear tight clothing while playing those sports.
We think that *Gabe* was a typo for the word *have*. You know how it is on those tiny cellphone keyboards...
Sports and their associated uniforms used to be preached against as activities that'd take your child away from Gawd.
Then grant kekel was born. The kekels could not keep the rules that they (en)forced on others for years. They are big time double-standard hypocrites who "say and do not".
Now they are trying to sell the campground to folks, boasting of the six volleyball nets that will be there, telling them to bring a football and frisbee.
It's enough to make ya wanna puke.
Click the question / link to read the post about football being a sin in the ntcc, until grant kekel came along. Then it was suddenly okay for him to play. I think they thought nobody would find out about it. Just like the secret trips to Disney and other things like the 39 acre land deal that the ntcc illegally gave to mikey and tanya kekel.... But of course everything has a way of coming out in the end.
The post has links to grant's football statistics page, an article on his private academy's blog in which he is mention, and a photo gallery by Brian Lee Photography showing him in his money green cap and gown, graduating from the private academy, Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma. They were prepping him for his time in college.
If we are not mistaken he should graduate St. Louis University's John Cook School of Business in the spring (if he is on a typical four year - bachelor's degree program). I would then expect him to study law somewhere. Maybe Stanford? Who knows, he might even start a ntcc surfing trend?
The thing that I find interesting in all of this is how there seems to be a "disconnect" with Grant Kekel. I wonder. Whenever he is back home does he go to church at all? Or even a better question is, what does he do while he is at school and no one is looking? Didn't R'Dub make the comment a while back that Grant was "running from God" or words to that effect? I know that Mike and Tanya love their son, and that they are going to give him the best start that they can. They are going to make sure that he has all the tools that he needs to get a good start in life even if it makes them and R'Dub look like total and absolute hypocrites before the eyes of the world and people like us. But, who said that they really care what anyone thinks? who ever said that they EVER cared at all. It reminds me of the movie "leap of faith" that my wife and I just watched a few days ago.In one of the scenes after the young man was genuinely and miraculously healed the inner group was plotting how they could turn a 4 figure income into a 7 figure income. Steve Martin (aka Jonas Nightingale) said "do it". His front person (a woman) said "You really don't give a S**T, do you" Jonas replied "I never said that I ever did." Steve Martin goes on to say (with liquor bottle in hand)
"Lord, why did you make so many suckers?"
I have to admit, I was one of those "suckers" that Steve Martin was talking about, insofar as NTCC is concerned. And yes, I'm still a Christian, even though I don't ascribe to all the "pseudo holiness" standards that NTCC's ascribe to. "Do as I say, not as I do" is the motto of the leadership.
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