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Grown Adults Role Playing in Skits While Souls are "Lost and Dying and Going to Hell" |
I wonder if Ole R-Dub attends these skits or if he lays up out of church because he can't stomach them. Perhaps he's accomplished all of his financial goals in the ministry and doesn't care that Kekel is dumping all over him. Taking a good look at this picture, I can't help wondering how so many people could ignore the past and "sell themselves out". This is wholesale compromise and twenty first century flaky flip flopping. Why would anyone subject themselves to so-called "holiness" doctrine and all the stupid rules that are imposed upon ntcc cult members and live contrary to the old teachings that accompanied their high and lofty walk in the clouds of consecration?
Do they not realize how offensive this stuff is to those who once rooted themselves in the uncompromising lifestyle of Davis Doctrine? Many of us were invested in the ntcc and would crawl through broken glass for the so-called 'men of God' if we were asked to. We believed in Davis. We thought he was a "man of God" and that he stood for uncompromising truth and complete dedication to God. The ntcc was founded and nurtured on focused servitude with no tolerance for childish behavior. Children were not even encouraged to waste time with skits and theatrics. Even in "compromising" churches skits are for Kids.
1 Cor 13:11 "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: But when I became a man, I put away childish things."
In this "Where's Waldo?" picture we find some very disturbing things. Becky Ankenbauer looks like she is wearing a wig with a bow in her hair. I remember the young lady who was singled out in bible school by a scowling Davis and publicly blasted for having a bow in her hair. Another guy has dollar bill signs painted on his face, and a big money bag next to him, probably oblivious to the fact that the ntcc has been the cause of so much poverty and oppression in its cult members' lives. I bet Mike and Tanya Kekel are getting a big laugh out of that one. There is a gangster wearing a headband, sunglasses and a gold chain necklace. I think it was less than two years ago that ntcc photo shopped the puka shell necklace out of the Reed's photo, to maintain the appearance of holiness and righteous living. Gesang is sitting there with a smug dorky look on his face like he orchestrated this whole masquerade.
I can't tell if this was a Halloween play or what it was. When ntcc people dress up in costumes it looks like they are wearing costumes over costumes. You got the kooky look going on from the get go; and then you put on costumes of regular looking people over that. It's really enough to make you vomit. I think ntcc folks could make a really good zombie movie if they were so inclined. Maybe they could have some kind of spiritual message incorporated in it to detract from the goriness.
The sad thing about all of this phoniness is that no matter how much the ntcc 'changes', they will never lose their cult status; because all of their leaders are egotistical narcissists. They might abandon their standards and change like Chameleons to adapt to the church world around them, but the financial tentacles of the ntcc cult leaders will strangle the life out of its victims, while making them miserable until they wise up and escape.
I actually watched one of these NTCC plays during conference in the conference sanctuary. I remember thinking how strange it was knowing that for years those kind of "church functions" were ridiculed by the NTCC leadership. Even at that time it was clear that the NTCC was getting away from their ultra conservative approach. The NTCC is in the middle of a flip flop and anyone who has been around for a while should see this plainly. You just can't trust the NTCC leadership because the standards they claimed that God had them enforce for years they've now abandoned.
It was never about their made up standards of "holiness". It was always about power, control and money and that's very clear to see. We simply got took and the end result is people waiting on Mike and Tanya Kekel hand an foot and Grant attending the finest schools his parents can send him too at the expense of our children's advancement. I can't stand the Kekels or RWD for that matter. In my book, they are the lowest of the low.
Grant attending the finest schools his parents can send him send him "to". Sometimes I type "too" fast without thinking about what I'm typing.
I got out in 96, Chief and during that time, skits were unheard of. If you had a skit back then and Davis caught wind of it, you would be pulpit fodder during the next conference. The ntcc is now going through a phase. Thanks to the internet and blogs, they are being exposed for being a big time cult. They have to change or lose even more people than they have already lost. The only way they can change is to try to present the appearance of normalcy. Now, if they had any integrity or honesty, they would come right out and admit that they were wrong and apologize to all of the people whose lives they ruined. But, being that these cult leaders want to remain cult leaders and keep the cash flowing into their bank accounts and maintaining their real estate empire, they have to treat the remaining cult members like they are stupid fools and present the changes as if they have little or no significance on the past or the people they have run off. They are all living a big lie. The old timers that have sat back and watched all of this happen are just as guilty as the cult leaders they follow.
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