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For NTCC The By-Line Would Have To Be: By Rodger Wilson Davis & His Son-In-Law Michael Craig aka "Mike" Kekel Mind Controlled Dummies? And Such Were Some Of You |
Since joining a cult usually involves a lifetime commitment that most cult members couldn't possibly grasp at the onset of their "spiritual journey", we would like to help simplify the decision making process by saving you years of sorrow and regret. If we could give you one sliver of advice that would enhance your future, it would be to stay as far away from the ntcc as you possibly can. Do not attend this cult. We do not recommend joining any cult; but if you must join a cult, steer clear of the ntcc. Of course this solution is too simple; and people often need to learn things the hard way. That's how it was for most of the eX-members of the ntcc. So let's get started.
Being a Cult Member of the ntcc is like being in an abusive relationship. At first it all seems too good to be true. They love you; they feed you; they make you feel special, wanted and important. Once you become addicted to this kind of attention, the abuse begins. Under the guise of being a loving shepherd that is concerned for your eternal well being, a hireling is about to manipulate your life. In short, you are about to be punked. You are setting yourself up to become a product of an organization that exists to make a very few select individuals filthy rich. When you fully commit yourself to the ntcc leadership, you are being manipulated into giving complete access to your personal life to an individual whose main purpose is to exploit you for financial gain that makes the top leaders of ntcc filthy rich. It's that simple. They want your money. They don't care about you, your family, your friends or anything else. Most people don't see or understand what they are getting into when they join the ntcc.
Look for Red Flags!!!!!!
The very best way to distinguish a Christian Church from a cult is to compare it to the gospel of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John which are the written accounts of the life of Jesus.
Red Flag #1 - MONEY GRUBBING - Does the cult revolve around money? Did Jesus ask for or demand money from His disciples every time they gathered? Did Jesus ever say that if you love me you will pay your tithes to me? Did Jesus ever tell his followers that they were God robbers if they didn't give Him 10%? This is a huge red flag! The ntcc teaches contrary to the teachings of Christ; that if you do not pay tithes and give in offerings hell will be your home. In the ntcc money is required in every get-together. Your money is required; and without it, you cannot and will not be a Christian in the ntcc. They don't want your abilities, your talent, your friendship or your company unless you first give them your money. One of the very first requirements and the highest priority of your Christian life is to pay tithes and give in offerings in every ntcc public gathering or assembly. If you refuse to do this, we guarantee you that you will not be "loved" by that bunch.
Red Flag #2 - DRESS CODE - Does the cult tout standards of dress that seem outlandish or outdated and have little or no biblical basis? Can you find an account of Jesus telling folks that they must dress a certain way if they want to go to heaven? Jesus warned people to beware of the Scribes and Pharisees who love to wear long robes, and love to be called Rabbi. In the ntcc they do the exact same thing. They love to impose their standards of dress on people and to be called Pastor. If you are a woman and you went to an ntcc conference in pants with makeup or jewelry, would you be welcome? If you were a man would you be welcome if you showed up to bible school wearing shorts and a t-shirt, sporting a mustache or a beard? Now ask yourself if the same people would be turned away by Jesus? It doesn't take a Genius to figure out that something is wrong in the ntcc.
Red Flag #3 - CONTROLLING RULES - Does the cult make up a bunch of abnormal rules that govern your life but have no biblical significance? Do they tell you that you have to ask permission to ride in a car with someone else? Did Jesus ever tell anyone that they had to ask Him permission to ride on a donkey with someone else? Seem a little ridiculous? We think so. Do they tell you whom you can talk to? Do they tell you whom you can have over for dinner? Do they tell you whom you can let your children have as guests at their birthday parties? Do they enforce curfews? Do they tell you that if you miss one of their meetings that you must not love God or want to be around God's people? These are huge warnings. The ntcc leaders who make and enforce these rules claim to be Christians; but did Jesus require any of the people that he loved to behave like this? To be a Christian is to be Christ-like. Is it Christ-like to rail on a young woman because she has a bow in her hair, or to tell a woman that she is going to hell for working a job? Is it Christ-like to condemn someone for going to a different church? Did Jesus ever tell one group of believers that they couldn't hang around other believers? Is it Christ-like to tell people whom they can date or whom they can marry? Is it Christ-like to tell a person that they can't eat french fries with their fingers? This is a no-brainer folks. All you need is a little bit of common sense; and you can avoid a whole bunch of heartache.
Red Flag #4 - HYPOCRISY / DOUBLE STANDARDS - Do the cult leaders have a problem with following their own rules? To make this even more simple let's just ask the question, "Is your cult leader a hypocrite?" Do they break their own rules? Do they bind heavy burdens upon folks which they themselves are not willing to move with their fingers? Do they tell you that you must get permission to talk to a woman but they seem a little over friendly with the female members in their own congregations? We're saying this because adultery is a huge problem in the ntcc. Divorce on demand is a huge problem in the ntcc. They make these rules; because they are the ones that have problems in these areas. Just look at their history. Did Jesus stop Mary from pouring ointment on his feet and washing them with her tears and drying them with her hair because He was afraid that it would lead to lust and fornication? If you are righteous you don't live in fear when someone else has a problem. Does your cult leader spend your tithe money to send his child to a private school and allow him to play football and dress in lascivious football pants when you were required to get a letter from your pastor exempting your child from gym class because the required standard of dress for physical education was considered to be inappropriate apparel for Christians in your cult? Did Jesus enforce any of this stupid nonsense upon His followers?
The Servicemen's homes are also mini cult compounds that have very strict rules. Ask yourself before signing up:
- What am I getting myself into?
- Will the Servicemen's home interfere with my military career? Will I be pressured to terminate my military service to become a lifelong member of this cult?
- How many of the cult members that were reached in these homes stayed in the military long enough to retire?
There are many red flags that are raised by the ntcc leadership that defy common sense. We hope that we can get you to think things over a bit before choosing the ntcc as your cult. We wish that we could have had someone to point out the warning signs to us before we sacrificed our futures to this organization and its abusive leaders. Having given a large portion of our lives to the ntcc with nothing of any Christian value to show for it, we think that we can simplify the process for anyone who is considering the ntcc as a life decision. Don't do it. Don't be a dummy. Don't be someone else's fool. Don't be manipulated. Don't give your hard earned money to a preacher so he can give it to another preacher that lives in a million dollar mansion. Your pastor has been trained to get your money and give it to his pastor. That's right. You are paying to be abused. You are paying that preacher every Sunday morning and Sunday night, every Tuesday bible study, every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Church/Cult service to impose a bunch of stupid rules on your life so that someone you might see twice a year [or less, if you are lucky] can live in luxury that you will never be able to afford for yourself or your family.
A normal person will read this and say, "You would have to be a real dummy and a complete moron to join a cult like this". And that person would be right; and yet hundreds if not thousands of people sign up to be members of the ntcc every year. Please look at the big picture and steer clear of this cult for your own good. Don't take our word for it if you don't want to; but read the thousands of online testimonies that have been shared by people that learned the hard way. It's really not a hard decision. Keep a sharp lookout for the red flags so that you don't fall into the trap that others have. Now you have all the information that you need and are no longer a dummy unless you choose to be one. If you choose to join the ntcc after everything you have read here, then we're afraid you are beyond our help; and you will have to learn the ntcc lesson the hard way as we did, and as did all of the other ntcc dummies that came before you.
Great article. Can you spell "CULT". Good grief we were hoodwinked. I could think of quite a few more cult indicators but I don't have the energy right now. I'm about burn out with the NTCC. I like writing about football more.
Thanks Chief. It's all good. We just noticed Blogger has a Fantasy Football widget. It's a little late in the season to add that to our blog, but maybe next year. ;-)
Every cult that I've ever seen is set up much like the ntcc. You have a founder that benefits financially and lives to be in control and absorb power. Then you have a bunch of brainwashed followers that would die for you because they think you are either God or so close to God that you are the only one He talks to. Once you have people that will do anything for you, it's easy to introduce false doctrine into their lives. So they use the gospel of Jesus to lure them in and build trust. Once they are convinced that you are the Man of God that loves them, they will hang on your every word. Now you can treat them like crap and they will continue to do whatever you ask. Throw them a bone every once in a while to make them feel special and you can use them for years.
But it always involves money. Without money there would be no cults and very few churches. There has to be a program. The difference between a cult and a normal church is that cult programs are never transparent, while honest churches are transparent. An honest church will tell you how much money they are trying to raise and where it all is going. A cult leader will tell you that your money is God's money and to give it without question. They will tell you that if you don't spend it on Gawd's program you are spending it for the devil. But really, it's the opposite. If you give money to a cult you are giving it to the devil. If you are being told that your money is going towards lost and dying souls but your organization is getting smaller and smaller, guess what? You've been hoodwinked. If you really want to know where your money is going, follow the money trail. Take a trip to Washington state and see where your hard earned dollars are really being spent. They don't care about souls. They are liars and thieves. Like any other cult they are running a scam and blatantly using you for your money. They will use you as long as you produce and when they are done they will kick you like an unwanted stray dog. If you don't believe it, take a look at the carnage they have left behind. There are far more people that they have not kept and that have left in shame because the ntcc leadership has defamed everyone that ever left and tried to cover it up by saying they wanted sin more than God. They are so quick to say, "Let them go" or "leave them alone", because they don't want you to know why they really left or what they really know.
We added some videos to the Cults For Dummies post.
If you can't hear the sound on the video, try clicking on the video title or the "Watch On YouTube" icon. :-)
FUNNY! Just like it says, "Stupid is as stupid does Sir."
Happy New Years everyone. It has been a great year and we are truly grateful to God for another Cult free year. Freedom is a wonderful thing and greatly to be cherished. The tyrants of the ntcc are still getting rich and abusing people and for this reason, they stink in the Nostrils of God. We are not perfect, and I'm sure there is a lot of fault that can be found with us, but we don't claim to the last move of God on earth and we don't get rich off of other peoples misery.
Cults like the ntcc are a menace to society. Fortunately, we still live in a free society and we are free to express ourselves publicly. The information highway, known as the Sinnernet in the ntcc, is out there and people can hear both sides and become educated before becoming brainwashed by a bunch of sanctimonious con artists.
For this very reason, most Cults in America are reduced to very small non-prosperous sects that will never become mega churches. Most people are smart enough to do a google search on the ntcc before allowing themselves to be come subjects of cult abuse. The TV and the internet are starting to educate people on cults like the ntcc. The blogs are cult specific and come up whenever a search is done on a particular cult. Most X-cult members are very good at shining the light on their former cults and people with good reasoning skills will most likely steer clear of a life of abuse when properly informed.
There are some pretty big churches that are considered to be cults. The Mormons and Jehovah's Witness are considered by many to be Cults. The ntcc considers the Catholic church to be a cult.
In my last comment I said:
"most Cults in America are reduced to very small non-prosperous sects that will never become mega churches".
While there are many big churches that are considered to be cults, most abusive cults that are in control of every aspect of the cult members life, seem to be smaller. The ntcc is a perfect example. Under the Davis model the ntcc has proven that an organization can be relatively small and still make it's cult leader extremely rich. Controlling a smaller number of people is easier and when you have absolute control over a person and his/her money, it doesn't take huge numbers to make a cult leader rich.
Most extremely abusive cults are smaller in nature and have more control. As the cult gets bigger, the control seems to loosen up and cult members are not required to do as much. Many Mormon churches that are bigger are not as strict as the smaller isolated ones. They are not required to attend as many services.
Isolation is the key to a successful abusive cult. In a successful abusive cult, the cult leaders can get away with sexual, physical and emotional abuse if they are isolated. They can control the money and the real-estate if they are isolated.
Isolated cults have cult compounds and require their members to separate themselves from family and friends. Isolated cults usually can get away with just about anything because everything is done in private. Children are often abused in isolated cults and young teenage girls are often the victims of sexual abuse by cult leaders. Women are treated like slaves in isolated cults and have very few options or career choices.
The ntcc is a perfect example of an isolated, controlling and abusive cult. When a person is on the outside looking in, they see people that have an outward wholesome appearance going to church a lot and seeming to be dedicated Christians. The ntcc Christians are taught to present a Christian testimony to the world so that they can hide what's really going on in the Church. Most ntcc Christians isolate themselves from the "sinners" and will have nothing to do with them. Meanwhile in Church the money grubbing preachers start their services off by calling people God robbers if they do not pay their tithes and give in offerings. People are blasted for their lack of faithfulness if they miss one church service or a bible study or a soul winning event.
Most ntcc members will only like or love you if you subject yourself to the ntcc rules. They will be quick to forget all about you if you start missing services.
You can follow every rule and subject yourself to every law. You can be clean shaven and wear ntcc clothing, and not get tattoos and not wear shorts or jewelry if you are a man. If you are a women you can wear dresses and keep the scissors out of your hair, you can wear no makeup and jewelry and stay at home. You can do everything the ntcc preacher tells you to do but if you do not love your neighbor as yourself and show genuine concern for those around you, it's all a big facade. The ntcc is all a big show of outward righteousness, but they live in complete isolation from reality.
I was reading this morning Mat 9 and in vs 2-7 it talks about a man that was sick of the Palsy lying on a bed that was brought to him and Jesus said, "Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee."
The Pharisees had a big problem with this, because they didn't have much of a healing ministry of their own. They called Jesus a blasphemer because they also had a problem with people being forgiven of their sins.
This is a lot like the ntcc leadership. There are not too many miracles taking place in the ntcc, and many of the ministers are getting sick and some are passing away. It stands to reason that the same bunch of hypocrites that sits up in Graham, living in luxury off of the tithe paying masses that struggle to get by from day to day, are the same ones that have a problem forgiving one another of their trespasses and sins. Davis says he forgives but never forgets. He told Bro. Armer not to bring that blind person to conference. Why? Someone might be expecting a healing and when you are a big hypocrite that is more concerned with the collection plate than the ailments of your brethren, it's not a environment conducive to healing people.
There also has to be the element of forgiveness. Jesus always forgave the people that he was healing of their sins. Davis doesn't need forgiveness because he can't remember the last time he sinned. He considered himself to be perfect, having never missed God. There was never an environment of love and forgiveness in the ntcc. It was always about pointing out your sins and publicly blasting people for their short comings and failures. Then you had to "work out your own salvation", but don't expect Davis to shed any crocodile tears.
Forgiveness and healing were a great part of Jesus ministry. He told the Pharisees, "They that are whole, need not a physician". He didn't waste his time healing people only to not forgive them. He couldn't heal people like Davis or the Pharisees or forgive their sins because they didn't think they had need of forgiveness or healing. They were unbelievers and there was no faith for healing nor forgiveness.
When davis promoted his son-inlaw to ceo, it should have became clearer to church members of the neptosim at ntcc because in davis warp way of thinking, there was just know way that he was going to allow his daughter to marry a "lesser minister." Also after years of ntcc speaking out against the catholic church and others, I just wonder how he or his son-inlaw can justify sending his grandson to attend a catholic school while speaking out against them. Are the members all blind, can they not see the red flags?
Anyone who raised their kids in ntcc should have left the borg as soon as they saw kekels raising grant contrary to the rules davis imposed on church members and ministers for their kids. Anyone who didn't have kids should have left as soon tanya kekel got knocked up with grant, breaking her adopted father's "children hinder the work of the Lawd" rule. davis and kekel have been making, enforcing, and breaking all these rules. You are stupid if you follow hypocrites who don't obey the rules they make up and enforce. You would have to be blind not to see these things, especially now that people discuss everything openly on these blogs.
here's my story: As a member, student of ntcc for 1 to 5 years I paid tithes 10%, i gave in offering, donations, building funds, overseas ministry etc. and soul winning, all with a true and sincere heart, I gave every dime that i had at the time alone with my time and dedication for the work of the ministry and lost souls, all while in the military and after i got out, however when i know longer had a job with no more money to give, the leaders at ntcc at the time davis, olson, ashmore and others (kekel was not marry at the time just lusting after tanya) did not want anything to do with me. So when i asked could ntcc provide me with a bus ticket so that i could go home they would not, However the folks who they had turned me against (MY FAMILY) was more than willing to send me the 100.00 dollars that it cost to catch a grayhound bus back to my home state all though its been over twenty-five years when this accured i still kick myself for being a (DUMMY)but the uncorruptible GOD is still blessing, and Jesus is still on the throne of my heart.
Thanks for telling us your story. It's terrible how the ntcc uses and discards people. We were all being used to make the leaders wealthy. They turned our sincere desire to serve God into a weapon against us. Once they got all we had to offer, they discarded us. They're not Christians. The bible says you know Christians by their love for each other. The ntcc leaders only have words of love. When it comes down to it, though, they will choose money over love actions every time. They are demas-devils who have forsaken God for filthy lucre. Their only true love is mammon. Just look around in Graham, Washington and Phoenix, Arizona and St. Louis, Missouri and see who hoardes all the money and wields all the power. See who has never worked a day in their lives but has a bunch of poor church members and G.I.s buying them $225,000+ Rereational Vehicles furnished with fuel credit cards and expense accounts. See who gets 30 days paid vacation each year - the ntcc Board Members; meanwhile the bible school students and frontline ministers struggle on in poverty choking down another garlic laden Ramen noodle dinner. The ntcc leaders have used people and built a devilish dynasty for davis on earth, crushing and discarding souls as they go. You are lucky you got out relatively quickly and that you still trust God. So many people from ntcc get mixed up by the ntcc lie that leaving the borg equals leaving God. That just ain't so. Ntcc is just an abusive group that wrests the scripture to exploit people. Leaving ntcc actually helps people to draw closer to God!
Everybody that attends a ntcc church is not called to be a pulpit preacher or preachers wife, however the local church pastors seems to direct servicemen and women to attend bible college knowing full well that its really only there money that they want, there is probaly alot of brothers and sisters who will never go out in the ministry but there money is needed to support the purchases of BMW's, Recreation Vehicles, Manison, European Vacations,etc. etc. etc. All while the brothers and sisters of low degree have to support all of this while being fed a bunch of empty promises by the organization. It took a while for me to realize that i was not called to be a pulpit preacher but ntcc seems to push everybody to bible college for further indoctrination, i may not own a recreation vehicle, or a bmw, i may not live in a mansion so big that other folks/students got to help me keep it clean, but i thank the GOD of peace and consulation for a sound mind, a loving wife and being able to retire at age 55. I would rather attend a store front church were i know there's love than attend a mega-church thats cold, uncarrying, dishonest, hipocrits.
Very good observations and congrats for escaping the cult. The ntcc is all about recruiting Suckers albeit, quality Suckers. There is a lot of pressure to go to their unaccredited brainwashing academies that they used to call Bible School, but now it is called Seminary or as their facebook page spells it "Semenary". They want people that are sold out to RWD and Kekel and will serve him faithfully with their finances and unquestioning loyalty.
If you don't go to their Brainwashing academy, you will be looked down upon as less of a Christian. It's really a travesty. Many good people are wasting away in this cult because they refuse to believe that they have been duped. They don't want their time served to be meaningless so they stay in, hoping that if they follow all the rules, they wont die and go to hell.
Everything in the ntcc is driven by the fear of dying and going to hell. They use that phrase more than any other. If you don't do this, you'll die and go to hell. If you don't do that, you'll die and go to hell. Beatin that same ole drum, because it effectively scares people into giving everything they have to the religious hucksters that run the ntcc. They laugh all the way to the bank.
Jesus never told the rich ruler to sell all that he had and give it to him, but he said to give it to the poor, and then come follow him. The ntcc snake oil salesmen want your money. They are living high on the hog, and trust me, no poor people are benefiting from anything they do. They promise blessing to all who pay tithe but they spend your money on their own comfort and luxury. How's God going to bless that? They upgrade into bigger mansions and newer recreational vehicles. They reek of filthy lucre that they have obtained through fear and manipulation. God can't bless you for giving to people like them. I could never get ahead while I was in the ntcc by giving to these crooks. God couldn't bless my finances because I was giving them to corrupt and crooked people that were lying about where the money was going. They would bring people to tears with their tales of lost souls overseas, while they are living in squalor over seas and the borg leaders are buying fine china and crystal, expensive antique furniture and new cars every year. They don't care about souls. They don't love God. They don't love you. Try withholding a few dollars out of your tithe check and see how quickly their love turns into venomous hate. I'm talking to all you ntcc'ers, not the anonymous poster that left this message. This should be a wake up call, but most likely you will blow it all off and continue to enable the rich and smug super apostles that won't hesitate to humiliate you publicly for the things that aren't even sin.
Thanks, Anonymous for your great comment. Hopefully others like you will see the need to post on the blogs. It's needful and helpful for people to hear this message from multiple sources.
Bonus Video available @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp10MebgNOk or press the "Click Here" above. It's a mash-up of stupid is as stupid does videos.
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