On our ntcc news page Double D said:
"RW said that he saw that when the Rapture took place he was in the old St. Louis stadium- (now demoished) with other believers being persecuted- having heads cut off- then a trumpet sounded and the Rapture took place. I wonder now that he is 83, if he is going to go to the old stadium- (now demolished) and have his head severed like he said? I recall his other vision of the Octopus with tentacles reaching out to people."
In Response, Robert Derrick said:
"Concerning the rapture, Olson declared he also had a dream of it. The trumpet sounded and and The Church started rising up, with Davis First, then the NTCC leadership behind him, then the members..."
DNA say: These two testimonies tell us everything we need to know about the ntcc. Stay away, folks, it's a cult. Oral Roberts saw a forty foot Jesus just before he lost his mind and there are many others in the church world that will tell you about their outlandish dreams and visions. The ntcc is no different.
The dream that Davis had sounds like a Pizza dream to me. He must have stuffed his face with Pizza or Chili dogs, (no offense Chiefster), and then chased them down with a couple thirsty gulps of Nyquil.
Olson's dream was pretty whacked out too, as Bro. Derrick continues to point out:
"A perfect cultist-pyramid scheme.
1) davis at point, then leaders, then the rest of the schlubs...that were obedient to Davis and his leaders.
2) The Church and Body of Christ is obviously NTCC. (ALL others being so-called Christians who have compromised with the world)
Of course, as usual, such false visions are easily refuted by Scripture, where Paul declares that with the sound of the trump, the dead in Christ shall rise First, then 'we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.' (1 Thess 4:17-18)"
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Get in Line! Pastor first, then Board members, Then all you Schlubs! |
No such thing of who's out front, but rather an EQUAL unity for all. The ONLY ONE being prominent is Jesus Himself, the Only True Potentate.
So, in Scripture WE ALL are together in unity with only One Head, Jesus, in whom WE ALL have our comfort together. But in a cult, there is another leading head, the great Pastor-Founder of his church, and the only comfort to find with HIS members is in being behind him...even in the rapture!
'But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you...' (2 peter 2:1)
Robert nails it here. As R-dub was so fond of pointing out, "Anything with two heads is a freak". This statement makes the ntcc a freak show. The problem is that God isn't going to share power with a religious huckster like Davis. Davis is a user and abuser. When the rapture takes place people like Davis are going to be left behind. Heaven would not be heaven if people like Davis and Kekel were allowed to go. They oppress God's people and Lord over them to exhibit their power and soak up their dollars. If God lets Davis and Kekel into heaven, He would have to let all of the Pharisees, Saducees, Rich Rulers, Scribes and hypocrites in first.
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Post Rapture ntcc Church |
Jer 23:32 "Behold, I [am] against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD."
Deu 18:22 "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."
There you have it folks. The Davis dream did not come to pass; therefore Olson's non-biblical dream will not come to pass either. These dreams did not and will not come to pass; so not only were they not spoken by the Lord, but you do not have to be afraid of these lying forked-tongued hypocrites either. If you do not like us talking about Davis like this, then take it up with God; because we didn't make this stuff up. It's in the bible; and Davis is a false prophet; and Olson is an enabler and a liar according to God's word, not us! As stated below in the comments, Olson is nothing more than a hype-man. Here is a video that illustrates his job:
Herald or Hype-man?
You have to wonder, as God did through the prophet Jeremiah, how long will this continue? God said it won't profit this people. Why stay and be part of their lies? Look at the Word:
How long shall [this] be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, [they are] prophets of the deceit of their own heart; Jer 23:26
Behold, I [am] against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD. Jer 23:32
Let It Burn by Red Video Click Here
I've been calling them false prophets for a while now and nothings changed. What we had in the NTCC was a bunch of sensationalism.
That's true, but I wish people would not live in fear of the ntcc. The ntcc has a proven track record of lying and conniving, but people still seem to live out their lives in fear and denial. If we believe the bible we do not have to fear people like Davis and Kekel. They are crooks who steal from weak minded people. They make their living trampling all over naive and gullible souls. We all fell into that category and we were used up until we had nothing left. But when your eyes are opened and you see them for what they really are it's hard to believe that we allowed them to have so much control over our lives.
Great post Dna.
The picture of the "Pyramid" Rapture is inaccurate though.
a couple of the ladies are wearing pants, and a few are wearing dresses that are too short.
The boys and girls are not dressed for the Rapture.
You make some excellent points. According to previous ntcc standards, set forth by davis who makes all the rules, leaving kekel in the unfortunate position of enforcing them, (ahem)... the boys and girls are not dressed for the Rapture. Of course, even though davis boasts that he "never misses Gawd" and "all I do is by the Holy Ghost" we know otherwise. God is not double-minded. But davis is. He said no adulterer would sit on his board; but philandering phil kinson is the associate pastor of the largest ntcc church. davis also said no sinner would lead his song services. But michael fontenot who was convicted of raping his own daughter certainly led song services and was in the bible school quartet in addition to running the ntcc print shop and teaching classes at the ntcc bible seminary. *classy* davis never misses the Holy Ghost? Really? But getting back to the double-mindedness of davis, previously shorts were a sin. kekel proudly proclaimed of shorts "You know they're wrong! You knew it the first time you put them on!" But then grant wanted to play basketball for his private academy prep school, so suddenly shorts were no longer sin. Instead, the subtle shift in doctrine was "What's the difference between a man wearing shorts or a woman wearing a dress?" Dress rules changed, thanks to the double-mindedness of the borg leaders. The only thing that didn't change was the double-standard: 'Rules only apply to schulbs while nepotist core group familes get a free pass.
magazine test
Wow.....Now THAT'S a whopper! He better lay off the spicy food. It'll do it every time!
We just did a random test of Blogger's Dynamic view called "Magazine" to see if the comment publishes even when you're not signed in. It does publish; but for some strange reason it redirects to the original blog view (called "Web View").
LOL. Pizza dream all the way! Olson is just a conman's hype-man. If you watch "A Knight's Tale" (Heath Ledger) Olson would equate to the dude who introduces the thatcher's son, William Thatcher, as "Sirrrrr Uuulrich von Lichenstein!!!!" All pomp, no pedigree. But at least in the movie William/Ulrich rises to the occasion.
Here's a video collection of the hype-man or herald's introductions from the movie, "A Knight's Tale".
Or click the "Hypeman" link above.
If you've never seen the movie, we recommend it. Very funny yet inspiring.
Dear friends,
I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People,
a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov, and ask for your support. Will you add your
name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by February 03, 2013,
the White House will review it and respond!
We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama
Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets
enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.
You can view and sign the petition here:
Here's some more information about this petition:
eliminate corruption in non profits call on Congress + IRS to
require all Tax Exempt groups file anually, IRS Form 990
Religious institutions were granted Constitutional protections by our founding fathers, without government intrusion
Tax law that was intended to support the free exercise of religious liberty,
has been used by some groups, and individuals, to hide the excessive
compensation, nefarious financial activities, and pecuniary gain of the founders, boards of directors, executives, and managers of some of these
In Order to promote transparency, freedom of information, and accountability
by public scrutiny, We call upon Congress, and the IRS to change the tax code + require all Tax Exempt Organizations as well as all Not for Profit Corporations, be required to file IRS Form 990 with all schedules, and
supporting documentation, and require that these documents be open, and searchable on the internet, at no cost to the public, beginning in the current tax year, and for the past 10 years. A small fee, based upon gross income of each of these non profits could be levied to pay for this data base, and service, in exchange for the privilege of tax exemption.
A lack of accountability and transparency exists in the statutes of the current tax code, that protect violators of the tax exempt status, at the expense of members, congregations, and donors to these organizations, and groups. These organizations leaders are charged with the fiduciary oversight, and stewardship of resources of these groups that they claim to serve, unfortunately, many do not fulfill this charge by their conduct. We request that the Commissioner of The IRS, and Congress amend these tax statutes in order to close these loopholes. Thank You.
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