[It is] better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that [is] the end of all men; and the living will lay [it] to his heart. Ecc 7:2
It looks like many of the old timers in the ntcc are starting to age; and along with old age comes a whole slew of health problems, some of which can be terminal. Back in the 80's and 90's most ntcc ministers were pretty young; and it seemed like there wasn't much to worry about in those days. How many times did we hear the words, "Who needs life insurance?" followed by "We have life assurance!" and every one shouted "Amen"! Back in those days Life Insurance was preached against. So much was said about laying up your treasure in heaven and God taking care of us that very few ever prepared for the future, for their wives or their families.
Well, it turns out that nobody is exempt from sickness and as more and more ntcc'rs get old we are finding out that ntcc'rs are just as susceptible to death as the rest of us. Now there may be differences in opinion as to who is ready to die and who is not, but in spite of everything preached and all of the bold statements about "the rest of the world" we are finding out that sickness and death is no respecter of persons.
There is a culture in the ntcc that is almost unheard of in many other churches and society in general. This is how things work in the ntcc. A man marries a woman, or young girl. The man is the provider and works, while the woman takes care of the man. In the old days the man would get a vasectomy because they were told that children hinder the work of the Lord. This policy didn't go over very well and a few years later men started getting tired of shooting blanks, so they got their vasectomies reversed. Many were rebellious and had "filthy evil children" anyway. Now we have families in the ntcc that need to be provided for. We will come back to this explanation of how things work in the ntcc in just a moment.
I don't know how to say this without being really blunt or offending anyone; but it needs to be said so others can learn. People in the ntcc are starting to die off and they have made very little preparation for their wives and children. In all of their preparation for heaven and trying to live up to all of the ntcc standards and jump through all of the ntcc hoops, they are leaving their families without much of anything. Why is this alarming? Because the same preachers that will take up offerings to buy Rolex watches for a multimillionaire real estate tycoon will not set aside a few bucks a week to insure their families are provided for if anything happens to them. This is sick behavior; and it has nothing to do with God. If you really think that it is more important to take up an offering purchase a watch, gun, knife, Cadillac or anything for a multimillionaire than it is to provide for your family there is something wrong with your relationship with God.
This brings us back to the previous paragraph. How things work in the ntcc. The man gets sick, has no health or life insurance, and dies. The widow hasn't had a job in decades and has children to provide for. What happens next is even more sick. The woman is usually left with very little and must get a job. Finding a job that doesn't interfere with the ntcc schedule is hard enough if you are a skilled laborer with years of experience, but for a glorified house wife with no job history it is much harder. The widow has no credentials and is left in a desperate situation. The widow is now very vulnerable and becomes desperate to provide for her children.
The ntcc recycle center is now open for business. There are only two choices when it's all said and done. Remarry or leave ntcc, which we all know is, according to the ntcc, akin to leaving God. You may ask, "What kind of sick person would put a Christian sister in that kind of position?" The ntcc does this and thinks nothing of it. What is even more sad about this whole thing is that the woman will marry another preacher and go through this whole cycle again. In many cases the man is less established and financially secure than the one he is replacing.
We are not directing this to any individual; and if you are in this situation we feel bad for you and wish you didn't go through it. But this stuff has been covered on the blogs so many times that it would be hard to count. Many have ignored Chief, and GS/DS and many others that have breached this topic. Greg was very concerned about his wife's future to the extent that he expressed his concerns to the borg leadership and got nowhere but blacklisted and mocked. That is nothing but foolishness. How can you watch as RWD, Kekel and their close family and friends get richer and richer while your family's basic needs go unmet?
You don't need to give another dime to world missions, or to some overseer that stops by in an expensive recreational vehicle on an all expense paid vacation across the country to blast you and your congregation for not giving enough for the lost and dying souls. You are stupid if you give in an offering for a multimillionaire real estate tycoon. Why would such a person need your money to purchase a rolex watch? How blind can you be? You are a bunch of suckers and it makes me mad, because I was just like you at one time. Do you think on the day of judgement that God is really going to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant, you bought a rich pharisee named R-dub a Rolex watch, while your family had to settle for kook store wardrobes and was left nothing when you died"? You shouldn't send another dime to Graham until you take care of your family.
Family is more important than a filthy rich church leader. The Bible does not say "He who provideth not for the ntcc preacher is worse than an infidel". Wake up and get your priorities straight. Take care of the ones that really matter in your life, then in good conscience you can give freely and willfully to God.
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R. Briggs |
I have to say that in spite of all of our differences we are saddened by the passing of Rev. R.A. Briggs. It makes me sick that the last weeks and months of his life were consumed with the uncertainty of how his family would be provided for. What does 25+ years in the ntcc get you? Your loved ones are reduced to having to organize sporting events with other churches to raise a few hundred bucks so that the surviving family could have a few bucks to move to St. Louis or Graham. You leave this world with no assurance that your family is going to be taken care of. You pay tithe and give in offerings for decades while sending scores of tithe payers off to bible school. You sacrifice everything to include health and life insurance to please the filthy rich ring leaders of your church organization and they give nothing in return for the decades of faithful service you have given them. Meanwhile they live in complete luxury, lacking nothing. This is your ntcc and you can have it. But you don't have to live like that. Won't you lay these things to your heart and make a change before it is too late for you and your family?
Somebody in Washington should go up to davis and ask him how much money his wife, daughter, son-in-law, and grandson will get when he dies.
Somebody should ask jim johhnson how much money he made selling insurance policies.
Here's an idea... Why not send davis down to a Pheonix Pawn Shop with one of his Rolex watches that ntcc people like Briggs bought for old gold-digging millionaire davis? Even though rodger would only get half what it's worth, the ten thousand it would fetch would cover the typical seven thousand dollars it costs for a funeral/burial plus leave a grand apiece for Robert's surviving family members!
Great thread Don and Ange. Outstanding. Also, I really had a hard time posting this due to the character verification. This is my third try. Forth. Fifth.
Fund-raisers were held at car dealerships for Pastor Briggs family. So according to RWD, a bunch of crooks raised money for Pastor Briggs. That's what RWD thought about car salesmen and I heard him say it with my own ears. So I guess that means that some car salesmen have more decency than RWD. RWD is the crook.
I got this word thing figured out. Just type the two words one of which being the number.
Oh and by the way. You shouldn't give one more nickel to the NTCC if you have a family but you don't have a decent life insurance policy. Taking care of your family is far more important than taking care of the NTCC and that is an understatement.
What do I know? Go ahead, just keep giving your money to the NTCC and if your family is not taken care of, according to the Bible, you are worse than an infidel. You ought to think long and hard about that one before you give one more dime to the NTCC. If Paul didn't accept one dime from the Corinthian church what makes you think you are obligated to God to give one dime to the NTCC? Do you think Paul willfully sent the entire Corinthian church to hell because he refused to accept tithe from them? For a year and a half Paul stayed with the Corinthian church and he was the senior pastor and he refused to accept one penny from them.
NTCC overseers won't come and spend one week with you unless you give them money. The Kekels and RWD won't get one stinking penny out of me but you best believe I've made preparations for my family to be taken care of in case I die. I've been preaching this for years but still some of you just won't listen.
That is sad but true Chief. Some won't listen. Your comments should publish now.
chief said: I've been preaching this for years but still some of you won't listen.
He is beginning to sound like somebody we know.
Yeah, that occurred to me as well. It's ok though. I'm not trying to get you to give me your money. I'm not trying to get anyone to become a part of "my" organization. I'm just trying to make it quite plain that people in the NTCC are part of a money hungry, greedy organization which puts a considerable percentage of its congregates and ministers in a financial bind. This is evidenced with the Briggs story.
When folks die, especially when they are relatively young, life insurance policies should be in place to take care of family financial needs, not fund raisers which once again require that others give. Unfortunately that's the NTCC way and that is the wrong way. If I said once, I said a thousand time, STOP giving your money to the NTCC and start putting that money aside for your family.
If you are married and you don't have decent life insurance policy, you shouldn't pay another dime to the NTCC in tithes, offerings, or anything else until you get some life insurance.
1 Tim 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Would you rather make sure that your family is provided for or some greedy corporate owner like RWD?
From a carnal standpoint, I would rather that my family be taken care of and from a spiritual standpoint, (1 Tim 5:8) I would rather that my biological family is taken care of.
You all NTCCers need to wake up, stop being foolish with your money and come down to reality. The Briggs story should be a serious eye opener to the people who've been blinded by the NTCC.
So there you have it again.
I hope that the briggs story will open the eyes of many if not the oldtimers but the new young people that are taking the reigns of the new org.
I think that it will have to be the women of these ministers to change things.
If the women will rise up and demand of the husband to take care of her and her children above all, she'll be in the right path otherwise she'll be on the wayside begging!
If change will come it will be because the women will not be passive and wait and sacrifice asking nothing in return, thinking that the Lord will take care of all these details.
If a woman would only ask herself these questions before undertaking all that stuff about going into the minstry she would be better off.
Good points Anonymous.
And yet, even though what you wrote is true, there is a huge problem with the practical application of your advice. Any woman who tried to protect herself that way would quickly be labeled as rebellious or someone who loves "_______" more than she loves God. She would be preached against, blacklisted, shunned, and run out of town.
Her husband would be pulled aside by joe olson or verna davis or tanya kekel and be told to break his vow to God and to leave his wife even though she has done nothing wrong. He would be expected to break his vow and desert his wife AND CHILDREN.
Sadly, many of these so-called men do so. They break God's commandment and allow sleazy men to separate what God joined together. Often they become DEAD-BEAT 'DADS' who never have anything to do with their own children! They spinelessly allow the BORG MONSTERS to neuter them into being "worse than infidels" while they pretend nothing is wrong and try to quickly acquire nother ntcc bride, making her and themselves adulterers in the process.
The new bride will be on board with the ntcc program or face the same fate as the previous spouse, who finds herself out of the org with no spouse, no friends, no way to support herself, and often no friends or family thanks to the org teachings that isolate their members.
What ever happened to Amy, Briggs' first ntcc wife???? We'd like to know her side of the story about her marriage to Robert Briggs and divorce before he wound up being the pastor for ntcc in Pasadena, TX. Don't believe what the borg says. They have proven themselves to be lying homewreckers.
I remember her, his first wife.
On another side note, somebody put a link on the fb for briggs and kathy jordan was with the briggs till the end.
I wonder if more women would be like her and go out and show support instead of just being cooped up in graham or bringing coffee to their husbands whenever they ask for it!
There's nothing wrong with leaving the husband and kids to go and help a friend in need!
Hopefully this will be the beginning of something new for the org.
I've often wondered if Kathy would like to escape the borg. I know she wanted children, despite the davis vasectomy rule.
It truly is difficult to escape and maintain your family. Kathy's sister is Helen (Duran) Ashmore so she is linked to the Ashmores, the DiFrancescos, and all the Jordans. That would make it even harder to leave and maintain one's family.
Yet Kathy has friends on both sides of the fence.
Of course, she is welcome to speak for herself on any of the blogs.
I'm sure she has an interesting perspective, having been entrenched in ntcc forever.
kudos to her if she was there helping an ailing family.
We wonder if the borg will give Mrs. Briggs the same ultimatum as many ntcc women who lose a husband to either death or divorce: go to St. Louis, Missouri, or Graham, Washington to be recycled into another borg marriage.
Personally, we believe Mrs. Briggs should take herself, her children, and as many of her congregation members as possible and should go attend the Baptist church that put love in action and raised money for her family.
ntcc leaders like davis and kekel are filthy rich but won't do anything to help until they are eXposed. Then they make a show of helping, with the tiniest token they can squeak by with. They're not real Christians serving God. They are greedy men serving themselves of God's flock. May God require it of them!
Just wondering how u knew he didn't take care of his family if ur not in the church .this guy has not been gone long and ur bashing his for some thing u don't know is ture . Just because u saw stuff like this going when u were in the church . Y can't. You leave the past where it belongs in the past get over it and move on .
This is the link to Jim Johnson's and his wife Deborah's for profit corporation. Last time I checked they sold insurance. Maybe this is another corporation listed in their name. Either way it is time for them to renew the corporation registration. It eXpires at the end of this month...
We wonder how many policies Jim and Deb sold to the ntcc board members and rental properties?
Hmnn. With the NTCC legacy of stonewalling, cover-ups, blatant lies from the pulpit and so on, ya gotta wonder.
They tell you they are men of gawd. But really, they are just men.
And often, not very honorable men.
I will say this about Jim. He volunteered to weld the door hinges back onto Eric Barden's S-10 pick-up to fix the door that would not operate. That was charity.
He also never upbraided me, Ange, when I returned his acoustic guitar he had lent to me; I had carelessly left it by an open window and it got wet from some rain. He never said a single reproach. That was mercy.
He and his wife also purchased a birthday cake for me once.
So, three good things about them.
But if they are good, why associate with the bad, like davis, who is a known serial adulterer?
Why press brothers to work like slaves, risking life and limb needlessly, going on high structures without safety equipment? Who are you trying to impress? davis?
When you mingle the bad with the good, it leads us to believe that you too are fundamentally bad. If not, why mingle?
Shouldn't someone godly stand for Christ and say enough is enough?
If you disfellowship some for adultery, why do you accept davis or even kinson?
Why is there partiality?
The blog is open for your comments.
You know, when the bible recorded the Apostle Paul having to deal with these same issues, it instructs us to set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I know the ntcc has always regarded me in the lowest fashion. So here I am being set as your judge. :-p
1 Cr 6:4-5
If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.
I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?
Okay, a little further research and one site has J & D Sales listed as Whol Construction / mining Equipment [sic].
link address: http://wa.mingluji.com/business_directory/J%2526D_Sales_Associates_Inc
Perhaps we will search further and find additional corporations in their names. I definitely have seen an insurance company in their name in the past. Don't want to leave room for the typical borg weasel-word lies.
He just died. That is not past. It is present. "He didn't take care of his family."-So you admit it!
Anonymous said...
"Just wondering how u knew he didn't take care of his family if ur not in the church .this guy has not been gone long and ur bashing his for some thing u don't know is ture . Just because u saw stuff like this going when u were in the church . Y can't. You leave the past where it belongs in the past get over it and move on."
DnA said:
We know Robert had no insurance through his own admission. On his own fund raising website he stated that he had no life insurance.
I'm sorry that you feel that we are bashing him. Nothing can be further from the truth. I actually prayed for the man and wish no evil on him or his family. However, this should be a serious wake up call to all of you ntcc'rs that are so quick to find fault with us.
I was reading the outpouring of sentiment on his facebook page and I was truly amazed but not surprised at the same time. Hundreds of people expressed their sympathy to the family and had kind words to share, and this is great. What is shocking to some degree is that with all of the people who claim to love Robert and his family, they only gave around two thousand and some change to the fund raising efforts, but the same people are giving millions of dollars to a bunch of hypocritical rich rulers that sit on their lazy seats of do nothing in Graham. This post might provoke these Pharisees to give some chump change to the Briggs family, but they will not give till it hurts like the rest of you do.
You have to conclude that all of the hundreds of folks that love the Briggs family are just as broke or even more broke than he was. What will it take for you folks to wake up? I take no pleasure in the death of anyone and we wish no ill will towards the Briggs family. We posted this because it's a good time for you to take a close look at what is going on around you.
Continued below....
We will not get over this any time soon, because believe it or not, we care about you, and others like you who are trapped in a mental and spiritual prison. We know that you are totally and completely brainwashed and you will not even entertain common sense, but we will still speak our mind. You would like us to get over it, but we are not the ones that oppress people. We are not the ones collecting your tithe dollars. We are not the ones that get up behind the pulpit to mock you for the way you look, act or dress.
If there is any question if you are in a cult, this should wake you up. R.A. Briggs is one of the very few that had the intestinal fortitude to post his name to his writings on the blogs. The rest of you are scared because you know that the rich leaders of your filthy and corrupt organization do not approve of you learning about what we have to say. But guess what, we don't care what they say because they no longer rule our lives. If you are allowing a man to have so much control over you that you can't afford to provide for the basic needs of your family, but you don't think twice about giving large amounts of money to make the ntcc leaders richer and richer, you are being played for a fool.
I have not been in that church for years I didn't like it when I left I was hurt but I have moved on from that and let it go
You still read the blogs and preach the ntcc cult jargon. You clearly have not moved on.
We suspect you have repressed what happened to you in order to survive it.
Reading the blogs validates what you always knew was true about the hurtful and damaging nature of the ntcc.
We will try to warn others so they can avoid the damage we and many others suffered due to ntcc false doctrine.
Please keep reading with an open mind and allow God to address those past hurts.
Repression works as a way to survive; but true healing only comes after full examination of the wound and proper treatment.
Otherwise the past will keep coming up again.
So I like to be nosie . its been years since I have been there . Wont ever go back . I have moved on I dont even go to church any more cause of them but thats all water under the brige
You are in denial. They hurt you, took something from you. You need help to deal with it, not bury it. That's okay. That's what the blogs are for.
No I am not I just refuse to dwell on the past .maybe robert didn't take care of his family but he thought he was doing right . This my last post cause don't wanna apart of the lies that are spred .
You are the one who is lying.
I'm really beginning to doubt that this person who says they are an eXmember is who they say they are.
They sound more like a borg member trying to stir things up.
But if it is an eX-member, they are in denial about having moved on while they try to spout cult jargon here.
They claim to have moved on and that it's water under the bri[d]ge. But they read the blogs? C'mon. That's like delcaring yourself to be a monkey with its paws over its eyes, ears, and mouth and proudly proclaiming to all that there is no evil because you don't see it, hear it, or talk about it.
Well, you may want to be a blind, deaf, and dumb monkey. But I'm not!
The evil exists.
God gave me two eyes with which I see, two ears with which I hear, and a mouth with which I speak of the ntcc evil.
Robert Briggs admitted before his death that he needed help providing for his family. That is why he tried to publish books about his journey through cancer and sell them to try to provide for his family.
Anonymous can be a blind deaf and dumb monkey. But you don't have to be a fool.
The facts are in plain sight!
I, too, wondered about kathy.
She was one of the ones who got out ofthe servicemen's home business and have babies and didn't care about the preaching or scolding from the pulpit.
She is one who won't blink at going to other churches and be a part of music concerts and christmas plays and other things.
she is not one who will adhere to the teachings or "old teachings" of ntcc.
She allows her kids to be kids and listen to worldly music and let them choose.
She has gone against the grain for some time, so who knows maybe she is tired of all the do's and don'ts and the double standard.
According to PowerProfiles.com
J & D Sales Associates is:
Puyallup, Washington 98372
Phone: (253) 845-8989
Website: No information provided.
Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
Interestingly enough, the same company owned by the Johnsons is listed as being an Edgewood, WA address:
J&D Sales Associates Inc
14706 Pioneer Way E
Edgewood, WA 98372
Pierce County
(253) 845-8989
source: http://wa.idoget.biz/jandd_sales_associates_inc-258235
This is our point. Don't put all your eggs in one "NTCC basket" and neglect your families needs in the process. Any one of you could die, so get a couple hundred thousand dollars life insurance on yourself. Mike Kekel thought Greg Shunk was crazy because Greg openly expressed concerns about what would happen to his wife if he died. Mike Kekel even wrote about it on his blog and he made a mockery of Greg Shunk.
Big joke and real funny hey? Hey Mike? Well Robert Briggs was "SUPPOSED" to be your friend and you are the CEO of the NTCC, so why in the world did that man die with no life insurance? Because your organization sucks and so do you. You joked about Greg Shunks concern for such matters and you made a mockery of it but I guess you are going to take care of Robert Briggs family now right????? None of that stuff is important now right Mike? So is the answer to have a car dealership, basket ball and volley ball fund raisers to raise money for our family when we know we are going to die? I THINK NOT!!!!!
Here is the answer. Don't give the stinking NTCC one more dime of your money and get some life insurance, save the money you'd otherwise give in offerings and make a weekly offering to your family in the event of your untimely death or your inevitable death that most certainly will take place one day. I make offerings to my son's three seperate bank accounts, not to some NTCC wicker basket. If you think not paying tithe is a sin that's your prerogative, but it's also a sin to not provide for your family and part of providing for your family is making sure that they are not high and dry if you kick the bucket and I'm just being painfully real.
I actually liked Robert Briggs but that doesn't change the travesty surrounding his death. OUR DUTY AS CHRISTIAN MARRIED MEN IS TO PROVIDE FOR OUR FAMILY, ITS NOT PROVIDING FOR GREEDY KEKEL AND DAVIS. I've said this before and I'll say it again. If Paul didn't ALLOW the Corinthian church to provide for him at all, it's not a sin if you don't provide for the NTCC or any other church for that matter. Either that or Paul deliberately sent the entire Corinthian church to HELL because as the senior pastor, he refused to accept one dime from any of them.
If you're a married pastor in the NTCC and you don't have a sizable life insurance policy on your head, you're wrong and you have no business paying some old sorry "world missions" pledge, or giving any other money to the NTCC for any reason to include TITHE. No where in the NEW TESTAMENT did Paul talk about paying tithe but he sure talked about taking care of your family. Prove me wrong.
Good points Jeff. I would bet my last dollar that every single ntcc board member has not only life insurance but also health, dental, vision, home owner, and auto insurance too or a huge bank account like an HSA designated as such. You think they have all those diamond rings, rolex watches, gun collections, RVs, musical insrument collections, and real estate- rental properties without insuring it all? Why do you think they charge you pastors for the insurance policy on the church you run for them?
So who is crazy now? Mike Kekel or Greg Shunk. So what is the answer? You better stop putting the NTCC's greedy needs in from of the needs of your family.
You pick:
Q: Life insurance policy for your family or giving money to the NTCC that was used to send Grant Kekel through a high school at the cost of almost $20,000 a year?
A: Life insureance
Q: Savings account for your family or giving money so that a bunch of pastor can all go by RWD a new Henry gun?
A: Savings account.
Q: A new car for you wife or 4 offerings a week to your local NTCC?
A: New Car
Q: Nice brand new clothes for your children or a camp ground pledge for yet another building?
A: Take care of your children.
Q: A nice house for your family or yet another large pledge for some fake world missions.
A: Get the house, Mike Kekel did with your money.
Q: Health insurance, dental insurance for your family or contribute yet more money for more gifts for old grumpy, double standard, con artist, conniving RWD?
A: Hey, by now you know the answer.
The NTCC expects you to take care of them but they most certainly won't be taking care of you and or your family.
Last but not least.
Q: A monthly tithe check to the NTCC or a monthly check to your favorite health insurance company to make sure you have other options than just the VA?
A: You decide on that one but I already know my answer. The NTCC gets NOTHING from me and I have more money than I ever have so go figure. Am I cursed or blessed?
You know Don and Ange, people think we are just mean spirited but they are missing the whole point. We are talking REAL LIFE, not some fairy tail. You believe in Christ and not live in some fairy tail land where you throw "RESPONSIBILITY" completely out the window and thats what too many NTCC people just don't get and unfortunately Robert Briggs (as nice of a guy as he was) didn't get it either. Is that mean spirited? Is telling the truth while trying to wake folks up so they don't make the same terrible mistakes being "mean spirited".
Take care of your LOVING family people. Paul talked about not being married so he could "completely focus" on the Gospel because listen to this; Paul knew if he was married and had kids that he couldn't totally focus on the Gospel because he knew it was his Christian responsibility and his GOD GIVEN DUTY to place a considerable amount of focus on his family.
So Paul stayed single by choice but when you don't stay single by choice and you elect to have a family and Kids for crying out loud, you can't simply neglect them for the sake of the Gospel and certainly not for the sake of the stinking, greedy, control freak NTCC our you shouldn't have had a family in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is the problem with the NTCC and I hate it. The conniving NTCC leadership wants all you time and MONEY and they don't care if your family is neglected as long as you give them your time and MONEY for their greedy desires. A bunch of mansions, RVs, fat cars, expensive and excessive schools for the Kekels are at your expense???? Is that really what Christianity is all about?????? Is that what tithing was all about as it was mandated in the """OLD TESTAMENT""". HELL NO!!!!! It was never intended for those purposes even then and there is no mention of tithing being a mandate in the New Testament NOW. Don't you think that Paul, Peter, James or John would have made some mention of it being a mandate if it were a heaven or hell issue? Some NTCCer answer will ya?????
You take care of your BIOLOGICAL family first because that is by far a greater responsibility (with no comparison) than lining the pockets of people like RWD, and Kekel. And all that was done so that someone like Grant can attend a Catholic College because make no mistake, Grant almost certainly wouldn't be there had he not attended Charles Wright Academy at the cost of approximately $20,000 per year for four stinking years while he played football and basketball. He may have attended a local community college but he wouldn't be at a catholic college in St. Louis.
You married NTCC people have it all wrong. Family first and stinking NTCC second because your family is your responsibility. If it were me the NTCC wouldn't even be second. They wouldn't be anywhere in my life because the crooked organization wouldn't even exist if I had my way. Now get some of that and I'm being real and that ain't being mean spirited.
He may have been a "good dude" but Robert Briggs was a "misguided good dude" when he put the stinking NTCC before his family for years. As a result he got caught in a trap that wouldn't let go because when he found out that his life was short, no insurance company would give him life insurance because he was already too sick and that is the truth because he told me and I felt bad for him and I don't want to see anyone else wind up in the same or similar situation.
Forget the stinking NTCC and make sure you take care of your family because that is what Paul would have done which is precisely why he chose not to have a family. So either be a monk or take care of your family and either way, you can still have faith in Christ. I'M OUT.
Chief, what you wrote is so true. I love how you read the bible with understanding, not just to spout off quotes, but to find its application in a real way. If more people did so, they would soon leave the ntcc. There is such a huge difference in true Christianity as presented in the Bible, and the mockery lived by the Board Members in the ntcc.
Scammers exist. It is terrible when they use the gospel to abuse people, but it is what it is.
And Jeff, we know you're not being mean. The fact is it grieves you to see people suffer. You're a good guy and let's face it, good guys don't let others suffer. And they are often told they are not allowed to cry (though Jesus wept). So most men turn their sorrow to another outlet - an anger against the wicked cause of it. Jesus was very angry when He cast the money changers out of His Father's house. I'm sure He feels exactly the same way about the Borg hypocrite 'leaders'! :-/
The link above will take you to an online book of condolences for Robert Briggs' family. There is also a tab on that site with information regarding the Memorial Service for Robert.
Robert A. Briggs, 43, went to meet his Lord and Savior on September 4, 2012 after a heroic struggle against cancer. Robert was born November 15, 1968 in Phoenix Arizona. Robert served in the United States Army from June of 1986 to September of 1989. After his military service Robert graduated from the New Testament Christian Seminary and went on to pastor various churches of the organization around the world. He is survived by his wife Emma Briggs, 2 children Victoria Briggs and Aaron Briggs, parents Richard and Lois Briggs, 3 sisters Barbara Bajus, Joan Andersen, and Kristine Miler.
In lieu of flowers, you may send gifts to the Attention of Emma Briggs c/o New Testament Christian Church, 808 Fresa, and Pasadena, TX 77502.
Saturday, September 08
10:00 AM to 10:45 AM
New Testament Christian Church
808 Fresa Rd
Pasadena , TX 77502
Dear Ones,
The bible admonishes us:
[It is] better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that [is] the end of all men; and the living will lay [it] to his heart. Ecc 7:2
This verse captures the heart of what we discuss here. Robert is beyond all the turmoil of this world. But his friends and their families could easily find themselves in the same situation as Robert's family.
Men have abused the gospel of Christ to serve their own agenda. As a result men like Robert placed the doctrine of these men above the word of God to provide for your own house. I wonder what Robert would advise his friends as he contemplated leaving his family to fend for themselves after decades of requiring them to sacrifice so some rich men in Washington could become even more wealthy?
I truly feel that Robert felt regret for not being able to do more. But the fault lies with the corrupt leadership in Graham who have twisted scripture to make themselves wealthy while Brothers and Sisters in Christ sacrifice daily, some sleeping on the ground with no bed after decades of faithful service.
Brethren, these things ought not to be so.
Let us go unto the house of mourning and contemplate the lessons to be learned there. It is as God wishes for us to do. Let us lay these lessons to heart, apply what we learn, and make the change. God wants us to do so.
It is not a sin to take care of your family. Any one who tries to make you feel it is has his own selfish agenda.
With one hand he squeezes your heart, with the other he empties your wallet. He uses words to guilt-trip you and trap you into a system that has nothing to do with God or gospel. It is just that leech's way of relieving you of the money you worked for.
He prides himself on the belief that you have a strong back to earn the money and a weak mind to turn the money over to him for his next mansion.
It's your choice. But that is not how God wants you to live!
Robert Briggs passing is so sad. I know he loved his family and he certainly didn't want to leave them. He wanted to be with his family until his children were at least adults. This is very sad. We should make sure that we control the things we can because there are certain things that we have no control of.
Who knows, by the grace of God maybe Robert is in a much better place where there is no more sorrow or pain. Good God life is fragile. I don't know where anyone is at after they die. Only God knows. Heck, I hope everyone makes it to heaven. I don't wish hell on anyone and that certainly includes RWD and Kekel the two crooks and I'm not trying to be funny. They certainly have done people wrong but I don't wish hell on them.
May Gods grace be on all of us and I'm not trying to get spiritual here. I would just hate to see people wind up in hell to include the most evil people here on earth. Who knows, maybe I'm a softy who lacks judgment due to my own guilty conscience. Could be, heck, a man has to know himself.
I hear you chief. I don't wish evil on any of the ntcc folks. I wish evil in the ntcc would stop, but it seems to have it's roots in the highest places within the ntcc leadership. In the Army there were a lot of checks and balances to prevent corruption. You might have a corrupt 1SG or CO and as a soldier you were obligated to follow their orders. However, you also had Battalion Commanders and Brigade and Division chain of command links that would keep the bad elements in check. The IG was a very good resource for any soldier to get justice.
In the ntcc it's RWD's (or now Kekel's) way or the highway. There is very little or nothing a person can do in the ntcc to avoid corruption. The buck stops with RWD and going to Kekel or Olson has never been a viable option.
Chief, you have a good heart and even though you stick to your guns, there are times when your heart leads you to a graceful and merciful place. There are so many people in the ntcc that are just like the Briggs family. The kids have no choice but to grow up in a very awkward lifestyle, with no control or say in how they are being raised. Robert often acknowledged that there were significant problems in the ntcc leadership, but he chose to deal with them inside the ntcc. He had a congregation to think about and as a result he remained trapped in a bad situation.
When we look at some of the folks that have left the ntcc, they are not much different than those who are staying. I hate to see people like Briggs and Hasty pass away with no options and very little support. It's very sad and unjust. We can say that it's their fault and I'm sure that some of it is, but we were in the same fix for quite a few years and could have died in that organization with no means to provide for our families.
We blog in hope that others will realize what they have gotten themselves into and see the ntcc for exactly what it is. In turn perhaps they can avoid the needless suffering that awaits them in many phases of their tainted ntcc lives.
Very well put Don and Ange. This is a very good thread. One of the best I've seen in my opinion.
Thanks Chief. We wish we didn't need to write these things. But ntcc continues to set people up for failure and calamity while blaming the innocent for the very conditions the borg has created through stupid and manipulative rules. So we blog, hoping to help some overcome the ntcc madness.
No doubt. And after I set up a thread to raise money for the Briggs family I'm setting up a thread to expose Ashmore the fake, phony. Two men die from Cancer in the NTCC and Ashmore the false prophet is no where to be found either that or he was totally ineffective in his attempt, (assuming he made one) but the NTCC will explain that away also. "It just wasn't in GAWDS will". Phooey! Ashmore just ain't no "healer" and that's the real story. He doesn't have the gift of healing and I could quote scriptures to support my statement but what's the point. Ashmore simply doesn't have the gift of healing but he acts like he does and he is a FAKE!!!
Now get some of that you NTCC phony baloneys. Where was Ashmore when these men needed him. You guys are fake and nothing but a bunch of real estate hording, money mongers.
Cha Chief
You mean to tell me that if all these men are such "Great Men Of God", none of them could bring healing to Robert Briggs? NONE OF THEM???? Where was R.W. Davis??? Where in the world was Kekel the self proclaimed "MAN OF GOD"? Where was Olson, Johnson, Ashmore, Jones, Wright? I'll tell you where! No where to be found because they are fake! I don't even want to hear about healing in the NTCC because it's phony!!! Where was Sister Kekel the false prophetess who is supposed to be kin to Miriam?
So none of them have a good enough relationship with God that they could help this man stay with his family for just ten more years till his children grew up? I'M TELLING IT LIKE IT IS. YOU ALL NTCCERS NEED TO WAKE UP. YOU BETTER GET LIFE INSURANCE AND A GOOD DOCTOR AND GOOD HEALTH INSURANCE BECAUSE IF YOU ARE WAITING ON ASHMORE, DAVIS, OLSON or any of the rest of them phony's to come give you a healing when the going gets REAL ROUGH you may want to consider Robert Briggs. I'll put my faith in God or the health care system but certainly not in Ashmore, or RWD the phony baloney fakes.
Stirred up Chief.
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