Original Letter Dated: 9/7/09
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Dave And Connie Armer Still Saved and Loving God and Each Other! |
and anyone else who may read this letter,
Greetings in The Name of The Lord.
Dear Men, and Brethren;
I came to God over 30 years ago, because of the vision, and love of Mom and Pop Gaylord, who saw G.I.'s at Ft. Polk, La. and around the world. Pastor Davis, and Pop worked together, and were used by God to lay the foundation of our organization.
In 1979, I knew nothing about God, except that He loved me, and I was loved by Pastor and Sister Rodriquez. I met Mom and Pop, Rev. Johnson, and Pastor Davis, Bro. Bluementhal, and Bro. Samento. It seemed like everyone I met, who was from our church, had that same love, and the same Holy Power in their lives.
I've Seen I AM by Jonathan David Helser on YouTube
I knew that God was working in our church, and I was excited to be a part of something so great, and so good, and so real. I couldn't get enough of God, or His People. I heard the stories of Great men of God, what they were doing, and what they had done. I wanted to be a part, I wanted to be used by God to help people.
I remember siting spellbound, as men of God like, Pastor Davis, Rev. Johnson, Rev.Ashmore, etc. preached. I remember the first time Bro. Kekel preached at North St. Louis, he asked me to watch the time, so that he wouldn't go over 30 minutes. How about going back to that rule?
Through out the years, in our ranks, I have been privileged to meet some of the finest people in the World. Men and Women of God, Holy, and pure, and real. That same love, shone in their hearts, and lives. A holy radiance, a glow, a peace that surpassed all our understanding.
I have one question for all of you who will read this letter, where did all those people go?
Do they all hate God, and want their sin? Do they all want this world, and not the world to come? Are they all serving the devil, and are now our enemies, and the enemies of God? Reprobates? Perverts, Judas Iscariot's, Benedict Arnold's?
That is the message I heard from the pulpit, over the years.
There are some who do, and have turned from God. Some of them hate you, and me, and everything that reminds them of God, and the NTCC.
How many were run off? Given the cold shoulder, How many were given that disapproving look, that stare that could melt ice. How many were called out, questioned, or rebuked from the pulpit, or simply asked to leave? Or carelessly forgotten? Or returning so impoverished from some field of endeavor, that they were forced to make choices, only latter to regret?
Where is the love that that I knew when I first came in to our Churches?
From the Removal Of Directors / Missouri Statutes link above:
1. The members may, without cause, remove one or more directors elected by them.
2. If a director is elected by a class, chapter or other organizational unit, or by region or other geographic grouping, the director may be removed only by the members of that class, chapter, unit or grouping.
3. Except as provided in subsection 9 of this section, a director may be removed under subsection 1 of this section or subsection 2 of this section only if the number of votes cast to remove the director would be sufficient to elect the director at a meeting to elect directors.
4. If cumulative voting is authorized, a director may not be removed if the number of votes, or if the director was elected by a class, chapter, unit or grouping of members, the number of votes of that class, chapter, unit or grouping, sufficient to elect the director under cumulative voting is voted against the director's removal.
5. A director elected by members may be removed by the members only at a meeting called for the purpose of removing the director and the meeting notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is removal of the director.
6. In computing whether a director is protected from removal under subsection 2, 3 or 4 of this section, it should be assumed that the votes against removal are cast in an election for the number of directors of the class to which the director to be removed belonged on the date of that director's election.
7. An entire board of directors may be removed under the provisions of subsections 1 to 5 of this section.
8. A director elected by the board may be removed without cause by the vote of two-thirds of the directors then in office or such greater number as is set forth in the articles or bylaws; but a director elected by the board to fill the vacancy of a director elected by the members may be removed without cause by the members, but not the board.
9. If, at the beginning of a director's term on the board, the articles or bylaws provide that the director may be removed for missing a specified number of board meetings, the board may remove the director for failing to attend the specified number of meetings. The director may be removed only if a majority of the directors then in office vote for the removal.
Rev J.H. Olson is COB of BOTH:
Dear Men, and Brethren;
I came to God over 30 years ago, because of the vision, and love of Mom and Pop Gaylord, who saw G.I.'s at Ft. Polk, La. and around the world. Pastor Davis, and Pop worked together, and were used by God to lay the foundation of our organization.
In 1979, I knew nothing about God, except that He loved me, and I was loved by Pastor and Sister Rodriquez. I met Mom and Pop, Rev. Johnson, and Pastor Davis, Bro. Bluementhal, and Bro. Samento. It seemed like everyone I met, who was from our church, had that same love, and the same Holy Power in their lives.
I've Seen I AM by Jonathan David Helser on YouTube
I knew that God was working in our church, and I was excited to be a part of something so great, and so good, and so real. I couldn't get enough of God, or His People. I heard the stories of Great men of God, what they were doing, and what they had done. I wanted to be a part, I wanted to be used by God to help people.
I remember siting spellbound, as men of God like, Pastor Davis, Rev. Johnson, Rev.Ashmore, etc. preached. I remember the first time Bro. Kekel preached at North St. Louis, he asked me to watch the time, so that he wouldn't go over 30 minutes. How about going back to that rule?
Through out the years, in our ranks, I have been privileged to meet some of the finest people in the World. Men and Women of God, Holy, and pure, and real. That same love, shone in their hearts, and lives. A holy radiance, a glow, a peace that surpassed all our understanding.
I have one question for all of you who will read this letter, where did all those people go?
Do they all hate God, and want their sin? Do they all want this world, and not the world to come? Are they all serving the devil, and are now our enemies, and the enemies of God? Reprobates? Perverts, Judas Iscariot's, Benedict Arnold's?
That is the message I heard from the pulpit, over the years.
There are some who do, and have turned from God. Some of them hate you, and me, and everything that reminds them of God, and the NTCC.
How many were run off? Given the cold shoulder, How many were given that disapproving look, that stare that could melt ice. How many were called out, questioned, or rebuked from the pulpit, or simply asked to leave? Or carelessly forgotten? Or returning so impoverished from some field of endeavor, that they were forced to make choices, only latter to regret?
Where is the love that that I knew when I first came in to our Churches?
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The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16 (p) |
I want my Church back! God wants His Church back.
I want the hate, and clicks, and pecking order, and the favoritism, and the power, and the pride, and greed to be cast out, and to be replaced with the Love of God.
The Pulpit in our Church is St. Louis said it best, "GOD IS LOVE"
Jesus made us servants, one of another, not masters.
Maybe I was too soft to be a leader, I know my faults. But when those who we have loved and known for 30 years act like they don't even know us, something is wrong.
How could a man like R. Denis be the greatest thing that ever happened to serviceman's work one day, and the next day he is the devil himself? He was always the same. Manipulative, power hungry, and in it for the money. Definitely not a Christian, not Christ Like. Remember the 200, or 300 club? I was a dog with 10 people, and a few kids, but he walked on water. Oh ya, what happened.
The truth happened. God yanked the blanket back, and it was ugly. How could he be put into that office? Did God do that? Or are those who are supposed to advise and consent in leadership, simply yes men?
Are those who now hold offices of high esteem, power, and privilege, men with servant hearts, or do they hide their real motives, until the day that God will expose them for who they really are?
I did not forfeit, or loose my Minister's license because of conduct un-becoming of a minister,
I chose not to renew it, and gave it up by default. I felt that I was not worthy to be a minister, in the New Testament Christian Churches of America. I refused to beat my children into subjection, or dull their senses with 5 or more sessions of church each week, with no exceptions. I could not command their obedience any longer, so I accepted from each of them the commitment that I could obtain.
The messages from the pulpit over and over were basically, that I had compromised with God, that I wanted my children to go to Hell, and that I was definitely sending them there. So I grew a mustache to let every one in our church know, that I am not a NTCC preacher.
I got sick of hearing line upon line of rules, and regulations, instead of the Gospel. The letter of the Law, was killing me. I got sick of being held in suspicion. People that I have known for over 20 years, ignored or rejected my wife and I. NTCC Big wigs ignoring my wife, and I at various public meeting places, at restaurants, etc. I wasn't good enough, or hadn't achieved enough, or hadn't done enough. Mom and Pop never did me that way! I threw in the towel, I quit the club, I wanted my name taken off the Graham attendance sheets! I used to love coming to church, but it became a dread to go, when all I would hear was the LETTER OF THE LAW, AND NOT THE LIBERTY OF THE SPIRIT.
Some of the church big shots, just call me dave now, and call my wife connie, thats ok, we are still the same people. I remember when they were just nobodies, like us too.
I went to Tillicum because I needed to get away from the politics, and the positions, and the categories. How about preaching the Bible, and making it live? How about the Gospel?
I am praying for a revolution, a great awakening, an Asuza Street, and Welsh revival that will shake our church to it's foundation, AND POUR OUT THE HOLY POWER OF GOD.
What ever, or whoever is in God's way, I pray that God take them out, Now! Today.
I hope that you do not dismiss this letter, or the message I give you. They are both from God. I figure I am at a safe enough distance, that your looks can't harm me now. The gossip. The whispers.
I want my church back, the NTCC that used to be! And when that happens, I will be there, because I love God, and know what you ought to be, because you used to be that, too.
I love what our church, used to be. I love what many of you, used to be. I pray that NTCC returns to it's former glory, before it is too late.
When the glory returns, I hope that you are all there to let the power of God fall on you, too.
Don't cut me out of your photo albums, I am still the same, Brother Armer.
I won't be sending you any more letters, please see that a copy of this makes it into my permanent NTCC file. Put me on record that I oppose your un-scriptural conduct, and actions!
I don't believe all that I have heard over the pulpit at the NTCC. I believe God, and I believe HIS WORD.
It is time to get right with God.
I want to add my voice to those who have posted blogs on the internet, and call for the removal of the General, and Executive Board members of Both the New Testament Church of God, Inc., and the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc, according to the Missouri Statutes of Incorporation for Not For Profit Corporations:
Follow these web links below, to view the incorporation laws for the State of Missouri:
Removal of Directors:
I want the hate, and clicks, and pecking order, and the favoritism, and the power, and the pride, and greed to be cast out, and to be replaced with the Love of God.
The Pulpit in our Church is St. Louis said it best, "GOD IS LOVE"
Jesus made us servants, one of another, not masters.
Maybe I was too soft to be a leader, I know my faults. But when those who we have loved and known for 30 years act like they don't even know us, something is wrong.
How could a man like R. Denis be the greatest thing that ever happened to serviceman's work one day, and the next day he is the devil himself? He was always the same. Manipulative, power hungry, and in it for the money. Definitely not a Christian, not Christ Like. Remember the 200, or 300 club? I was a dog with 10 people, and a few kids, but he walked on water. Oh ya, what happened.
The truth happened. God yanked the blanket back, and it was ugly. How could he be put into that office? Did God do that? Or are those who are supposed to advise and consent in leadership, simply yes men?
Are those who now hold offices of high esteem, power, and privilege, men with servant hearts, or do they hide their real motives, until the day that God will expose them for who they really are?
I did not forfeit, or loose my Minister's license because of conduct un-becoming of a minister,
I chose not to renew it, and gave it up by default. I felt that I was not worthy to be a minister, in the New Testament Christian Churches of America. I refused to beat my children into subjection, or dull their senses with 5 or more sessions of church each week, with no exceptions. I could not command their obedience any longer, so I accepted from each of them the commitment that I could obtain.
The messages from the pulpit over and over were basically, that I had compromised with God, that I wanted my children to go to Hell, and that I was definitely sending them there. So I grew a mustache to let every one in our church know, that I am not a NTCC preacher.
I got sick of hearing line upon line of rules, and regulations, instead of the Gospel. The letter of the Law, was killing me. I got sick of being held in suspicion. People that I have known for over 20 years, ignored or rejected my wife and I. NTCC Big wigs ignoring my wife, and I at various public meeting places, at restaurants, etc. I wasn't good enough, or hadn't achieved enough, or hadn't done enough. Mom and Pop never did me that way! I threw in the towel, I quit the club, I wanted my name taken off the Graham attendance sheets! I used to love coming to church, but it became a dread to go, when all I would hear was the LETTER OF THE LAW, AND NOT THE LIBERTY OF THE SPIRIT.
Some of the church big shots, just call me dave now, and call my wife connie, thats ok, we are still the same people. I remember when they were just nobodies, like us too.
I went to Tillicum because I needed to get away from the politics, and the positions, and the categories. How about preaching the Bible, and making it live? How about the Gospel?
I am praying for a revolution, a great awakening, an Asuza Street, and Welsh revival that will shake our church to it's foundation, AND POUR OUT THE HOLY POWER OF GOD.
What ever, or whoever is in God's way, I pray that God take them out, Now! Today.
I hope that you do not dismiss this letter, or the message I give you. They are both from God. I figure I am at a safe enough distance, that your looks can't harm me now. The gossip. The whispers.
I want my church back, the NTCC that used to be! And when that happens, I will be there, because I love God, and know what you ought to be, because you used to be that, too.
I love what our church, used to be. I love what many of you, used to be. I pray that NTCC returns to it's former glory, before it is too late.
When the glory returns, I hope that you are all there to let the power of God fall on you, too.
Don't cut me out of your photo albums, I am still the same, Brother Armer.
I won't be sending you any more letters, please see that a copy of this makes it into my permanent NTCC file. Put me on record that I oppose your un-scriptural conduct, and actions!
I don't believe all that I have heard over the pulpit at the NTCC. I believe God, and I believe HIS WORD.
It is time to get right with God.
I want to add my voice to those who have posted blogs on the internet, and call for the removal of the General, and Executive Board members of Both the New Testament Church of God, Inc., and the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc, according to the Missouri Statutes of Incorporation for Not For Profit Corporations:
Follow these web links below, to view the incorporation laws for the State of Missouri:
Removal of Directors:
From the Removal Of Directors / Missouri Statutes link above:
Removal of directors.
1. The members may, without cause, remove one or more directors elected by them.
2. If a director is elected by a class, chapter or other organizational unit, or by region or other geographic grouping, the director may be removed only by the members of that class, chapter, unit or grouping.
3. Except as provided in subsection 9 of this section, a director may be removed under subsection 1 of this section or subsection 2 of this section only if the number of votes cast to remove the director would be sufficient to elect the director at a meeting to elect directors.
4. If cumulative voting is authorized, a director may not be removed if the number of votes, or if the director was elected by a class, chapter, unit or grouping of members, the number of votes of that class, chapter, unit or grouping, sufficient to elect the director under cumulative voting is voted against the director's removal.
5. A director elected by members may be removed by the members only at a meeting called for the purpose of removing the director and the meeting notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is removal of the director.
6. In computing whether a director is protected from removal under subsection 2, 3 or 4 of this section, it should be assumed that the votes against removal are cast in an election for the number of directors of the class to which the director to be removed belonged on the date of that director's election.
7. An entire board of directors may be removed under the provisions of subsections 1 to 5 of this section.
8. A director elected by the board may be removed without cause by the vote of two-thirds of the directors then in office or such greater number as is set forth in the articles or bylaws; but a director elected by the board to fill the vacancy of a director elected by the members may be removed without cause by the members, but not the board.
9. If, at the beginning of a director's term on the board, the articles or bylaws provide that the director may be removed for missing a specified number of board meetings, the board may remove the director for failing to attend the specified number of meetings. The director may be removed only if a majority of the directors then in office vote for the removal.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)Effective 7-1-95Follow these links below to view The Original Incorporation(s) for Both of the Organizations entities.
Rev J.H. Olson is COB of BOTH:
I hear what you're saying bro. armer but your plea for the org to go back to what it was would be almost impossible because it is run by men, and these men won't give their "patch of beans" like they used to preach because they feel God has them there.
Maybe you feel the way you feel because you met some wonderful people there and loved you but things were not better then like you stated.
I think they were worse then than they are now. Things have changed and many say that "compromise" has come to them. I don't know.
I know what you're talking about being ignored and for some reason the people in charge have always have this attitude about people that don't have nothing to teach them or that they can use.
In other words if you don't have anything that might interest them they simply don't have use for you, you'll just be another member in their church.
Clicks exit that is for sure, but for the same reason because we've heard it preached in conferences time and time again:
Be somebody!
Don't associate with people that don't have nothing going for them!
If you want to be a winner, you must be around winners!
All these phrases get stuck into your brain and you are running around those people that supposedly have something on the ball so to speak, like those that were in the 100 or 200 club!
It gets so confusing at times because if you don't have riches or material things than God is not blessing you and there must be some hidden sin or something why God is not giving you things.
At least that is what I gathered from the preaching of the many people that I heard preach over the years.
Anyways we could go on and on about this but everyone of us have to give account to what we do with our lives, not to a man but to God.
Wish you the best to you and your wife.
Anonymous said:
"I hear what you're saying bro. armer but your plea for the org to go back to what it was would be almost impossible because it is run by men, and these men won't give their "patch of beans" like they used to preach because they feel God has them there."
DnA said:
This was written by Bro. Armer shortly after he stopped attending in Graham, I believe. Bro. Armer has always been sincere and has cared about people and had the love of God in his heart. He hasn't changed a bit. He's the same as he was 30 years ago in that sense, but what has changed is the hearts of the ntcc leadership. Bro. Armer didn't leave the church so he could go partake in some secret sin.
God is leading people out of the ntcc because their eyes are being opened to the hypocrisy, greed and love for money and power that surrounds them. The Reeds didn't leave because they wanted sin, they left because they seen the moral decay of the organization they once loved and the un-Christian behavior of the ntcc leadership they once were loyal to.
The Shunks didn't leave because they wanted compromise and sin, and there are so many that have left for different reasons, but very few left because they wanted to reject God. So many people have been wounded spiritually, and others have left thinking that the future was hopeless, but most left because they were led to believe that they were beyond God's grace and mercy.
Nothing can be further from the truth. Jesus doesn't stop loving folks because they leave the ntcc. This means there is hope for any and all that will turn back to Him. I'm not trying to preach at anyone but this is how I feel deep down. There is hope for all of us. If God saved Paul and David and cared enough about me to give me another chance, there are very few that God won't save. The ntcc would like you to think that it's you. It's your fault. You are hopelessly lost forever. How sick is that. They are not going to make it themselves so they try to prevent anyone that doesn't follow their own hypocritical ways from making it to heaven.
We have to recognize the enemy and let the world know that we aren't going to cower down from them any more. They walk around like they are untouchable and unreachable. We all are expected to walk on eggshells and shake in fear at the mention of their names. Peter cut off one of their ears. Paul stood before the highest rulers of the land and witnessed against them. Jesus called them whited sepulchres, hypocrites and vipers. Many of the apostles were martyred because they didn't bow down to men, but they desired a lasting kingdom where love reigns and all are servants one of another. Where's the love gone in the ntcc?
Seriously, I think Dave has a great idea. He said they voted in the Board of Directors back in the day. Well, those guys have totally screwed things up. They are worse than Congress. There are term limits and regularly scheduled votes limiting how long a congressmember can rule. But the ntcc Board Members act as if they don't hae to answer to anyone. They make and enforce harsh rules that they don't keep; and they abuse your love of the brethren, taking all your gifts and cash while mocking your poverty that they created by keeping you too busy and poor to seek anything better.
Does that sound remotely Christ-like? Vote these hypocritical leeches out of office. Take the adice of the Apostle Paul and set those who are least to judge. You might actually return to something resembling a New Testament Christian Church.
Did you know that you pay these Board Members 30 DAYS PAID VACATION! Vacation from what? Sitting around in suits and voting to give themselves another raise that you are paying for? 30 DAYS PAID VACATION from driving in their $325,000 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE (that you paid for), travelling from church to church to COLLECT THE CASH OFFERING (that you paid for), to return to Graham, (via Las Vegas and the casinos, for all you know) where they 'vote' on which luxury car you will be buying for them this year....
Can you piture them saying:
"Hmmn. Decisions, decisions...
Do I want to make these strongbacks with weak minds look bad in their oil-puking-junkers while I parade past in a BMW or Cadillac or Lexus? So many models, all on their dime."
Wake up folk. NTCC is a scam.
But you have a VOTE. Make it count. VOTE them OUT!
Sure it is easy to say to vote them out or vote him out, because you know that rwd is the org. that is what jho said in a conference.
There was a time along time ago in a conference when dennis was still around, rwd said that the board had voted for the the office of cob as indefinite!
To what I understood they could not vote that person out if they wanted.
Maybe somebody remembers this, because when this happened and rwd was talking about this, I remember thinking in my heart that something was weird about this.
When the overseers would come through a town I never remembered them joining the soul-winning to bring people to the revival that the overseer was gonna preach.
I know that this org was started with the premise that it's all about souls and we are the only Jesus these lost souls are gonna see and on and on .........
so what about having enough love to at least knock at a few doors with the rest of the people of that particular church they were visiting?
Anonymous said:
"Sure it is easy to say to vote them out or vote him out, because you know that rwd is the org. that is what jho said in a conference."
DnA said:
This is very true. In fact I would say next to impossible. Just about anyone with any importance inside the ntcc are still there because they are fearful of leaving, and they have been drinking the kool-aid for so long that they actually believe most of the ntcc doctrine that is spewed out from the Graham pulpit. But, there is always the fact that with God all things are possible.
There has been a mass exodus of late and if enough people leave at the same time perhaps many others would open their eyes. As far as RWD allowing someone to vote out the current leadership, I don't see that happening, but who knows. Anything can happen.
You have to ask yourself, what would be the best thing that could happen for all the genuine Christians that are still existing inside of the ntcc? I'm not sure if the general board were removed today, if there would be enough love and selflessness among the remaining ministers to actually lead the remainder of souls without abuse or malice. Ntcc doctrine has been force fed to it's ministers for many years and it's doubtful that they could let go of the greed and power that they have been striving to achieve for decades.
I believe that there are enough sincere ministers left in the ntcc, that if the right ones were put in charge, perhaps the crooked organization could be made straight but there are also lots of manipulative ministers that are chomping at the bits to be the next Kekel or Denis. They are every bit as dangerous as the current leadership.
It would take a miracle for the right folks to be placed in charge that would place the needs of the flock above their own. God specializes in miracles, but so many in this org. have been duped and taken advantage of, it's possible that the best thing for the ntcc would be for the doors to be shut forever and it's current leadership hauled off to jail. At any rate there's not a lot we can do that we haven't done already.
The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it. A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it.
Your best vote is to walk out the door and take your tithe with you. If you are a preacher, take the people with you too. They want real estate? Let them have it. They have proven they are not fit to rule over souls.
NTCC is a hoax and a fraud. It was started under false pretenses by a phony preacher caught in adultery. The original 501(c)(3) application is filled with deception--they even claimed not to be affiliated with any educational institutions, when the bible school was their entire reason for being! And they claimed only 120 members, when conferences were running 1,000+. Liars and scoundrels, charlatans and hypocrites.
RW might think Bro. Armer is a loser, but Dave is miles above him spiritually. In the end, they run off all who prove incorruptible. Our love and loyalty were so great that it took many years of egregious behavior before we dared admit to ourselves the ugly truth--that we were duped by swindlers who cynically used our own sincerity to enrich themselves at our expense. But no amount of money is worth the spiritual decay their actions indicate.
I'm so glad to be free from their pernicious influence, and hope that more people wake up and shake the dust off their feet on the way out the door.
It's amazing how cult leaders can be such liars, crooks and adulterers right under the noses of the ones that love and trust them with their spiritual welfare. We also were duped by the same facade by those that concocted it. I guess some folks will follow Rwd to his grave and others will follow Kekel to his grave.
We also are very grateful that we have found freedom from this bunch of severely demented control freaks. We were taught to reverence and respect them and in fear we lived strictly by the letter of the law. But it wasn't even God's law. It was Rwd's law and he made up the rules to apply to everyone else but him and his family. The slaves and peasants were judged and condemned in many cases for doing far less than the ntcc royalty did without remorse or conviction.
Their consciences were seared as they thought nothing of the harm they would afflict on the weakest of God's people. All for a real estate empire and thousands of tithe checks. The high and lofty ones are going to take none of it to their graves.
I remember the Armer family when they were in Columbus. Back in the day of fellowship meetings, a new rule came out that church members could not eat with ministers and their families. We always fellow-shipped with them and with many we were in the military or in the same serviceman's work together. So now the separation came, just another form of control. Anyhow, Brother Armer invited us to eat with them since we were the only church members. Him and his wife were very kind to us. Our pastor, Garcia, got on my husband and made us leave the restaurant. We left because we were obedient. I also remember how they used to rail on Armer because his children were wild. They weren't wild, they were loved. I wish we would have stood more for our children than for the org and their inconsistent rules. Hind sight is 20/20. God Bless you Brother Armer
The Borg definitely wanted people to raise their kids as if they were robots. But the kekels were taking grant to Disney and sending him to private school, letting him play sports, allowing him to watch DVDs on the computer, etc.
Most ntcc parents had no idea about this double standard. When they found out, both they and their children were hurt and angry about denying their children a normal childhood. *sigh*
We, the blog administrators, can write about it; but there really are no words to describe this betrayal that the ntcc did to people. All we can do is pray God will help heal everyone.
Sharing these true experiences does help. It also serves to warn others.
Ntcc may claim that they have changed; but they are still a destructive and controlling cult.
They still have invisible rules, snobby groups that hang out together and look down on others, and countless other doctrines that should have no place in a Christian church.
If we are to be one body, there can be no schism or division. NTCC gives lip service, like always, to one idea, saying, "There are no 'Big I's or 'Little You's." But in practice ntcc is all about segregation on every level. Want proof? Walk up to mikey kekel, slap him on the back and say, "Hey, mike! What's up?" See how that goes over. Try to approach the 'Big I' tableful of Board Members at the Camp Dining Hall or Graham Fellowship Hall and see what happens.
Ntcc big wigs (literally, those board member wives wear big wigs, lol) don't practice what they preach. That makes them big fat hypocrites. They just make these rules to control you.
I remember Dave Armer and his wife and two sons in the Graham church, I remember they lived on Meridian in what appeared to be a rental home. I remember when they "just stopped coming" to church. I thought why? as a member you don't ever find out what happens when these ministers leave did they go into a "works" or leave because they where not happy in the NTCC. I always assumed it was the latter. Reverand Armer always was friendly to me, not like most of the of the preachers and their wives. I am glad Don and Ange posted this, because it shows yet again, another minister leaving the NTCC and why, doesn't surprise me. Not at all, the NTCC is comprised of a bunch of holier than though people, and it was apparent to me before I left the Graham church. I now can only imagine what the ministers and ther wives and children had to endure while in the NTCC. It is a sad testament to a fake church that I attended for many years. The NTCC is a money making operation, thats it, there is no God in it.
When I left the borg, Dave Armer and Casey Hayes were the only fellow ministers who had enough care to even contact me, and I have never forgotten that. Tender hearted people like them are misfits in NTCC, and it was only a matter of time before they both left too. Dave was my first dorm mate in St. Louis, and he helped me get my first job there. He has always been loving and selfless, and I rejoiced the day I heard he had escaped the clutches of NTCC's "leadership."
Well said! The Armers continue to be caring and compassionate. They're the Real Deal. It is a joy to be their friends!
"By this one thing, they shall know that you are my disciples... IF YE HAVE LOVE, ON FOR ANOTHER..."
The Love of God, is what brought me out, of the horible pit of sin, where I was at
There is no where else to go, once you've experrienced that!
There it is. Once God leaves the group, you should too. Sure, some people in ntcc till love God; but the leader's oppose Him. With their manmade doctrine they teach commandments of men that make the Word of God of no effect. Their hypocrisy is not only stopping them from going to heaven, but also preventing others who would.
It's a sad trade off just to own some more real estate.
We added a video to this post. Every time this video played, David Armer came to mind; because he wrote, on a different post, that he brought someone to conference, against davis' mandate; because he wanted that man to "get what I have; because what I have is REAL!"
That's really the bottom line folks.
It's not what church you attend that matters.
It's your relationship with God.
Do you know you're loved? Don't let a man or 'church' take that from you!
The prayer is that folks will return to the cross and right relationship with the God Who loves them and paid for them with His precious blood.
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