NTCS Commencement exercises will be held 10 June 2011 at the Main Chapel on the Graham, WA Campus at 7:30 pm.
As another ntcs graduation approaches, we've been giving some thought to some of the titles ntcc could give the new graduates:
All these titles come from real-life experiences of previous ntcc bible school graduates. They too met the challenges of ministry with a twinkle in their eyes, prayer, faith, blood, sweat, and tears... They followed the rules made by r w davis, no matter how often he reversed himself and changed them.. Knock on doors, don't knock on doors. Have church in your house. Don't have church in your house. Having a married woman work on a job is "prostituting" that woman. You missionaries overseas should have your wife work so you can pay all the church bills and pay to fly to three conferences yearly - all on your dime, while sending us the tithe on your income, your wife's income, and the church tithe. yada yada yada,,,
Yes, those graduates of years gone by obeyed and prayed and stayed and paid.... But in the end, it was never good enough for ol' rodger w. davis or the ntcc. So year after year after year he would blast them during conferences. And heaven help them if they ever needed his help. Instead of help, they would get berated; their stories would be broadcast from the pulpit in a way to send the message,
And so, by experience, those graduates of years gone by would learn that the borg of ntcc considered the workers to be expendable, throw-aways, disposable, rejected, outcasts. One by one ntcc would wear them down, use them up, and throw them away. They would go in and clean up some of ntcc's dirtiest messes and as a reward the ntcc would discard them like a used diaper wipe.
So as we approach another ntcs graduation day, consider what title will be given to you, current graduates:
Will You be Expendable?
Will You be Throw-Aways?
Will You be Disposables?
Will You be Rejected?
Will You be Outcasts?
Will You be Jezebels?
Will You be Absaloms?
It is something to carefully consider. Just look at the blogs and the many testimonies of people who labored ten, twenty, thirty plus years for ntcc, only to find themselves kicked to the curb for no good reason. Then ask yourself: How long will you work for ntcc for no reward only to find yourself ten, twenty, thirty years older with nothing to show for it, no job skills, an unaccredited minister's license, a worthless degree, a broken family, a bankrupt financial situation, yada yada yada... Will you learn the hard way? Or will you consider what we say and cut your losses before it is too late for you, your family, your children??? The choice is yours. You can learn from others. Or you can learn the hard way. Choose wisely; or end up like this:
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A 2009 ntcc 'gangsta' graduate 'throws his set in the air' |
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Remember: The Ostrich Buries Its Head In The Sand Thus Exposing Its "Fourth Point Of Contact" |
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1 comment:
Thought of some more likely titles for future X-ers who are graduating this Friday:
The Duped
The Hoodwinked
The Deceived
The Beguiled
Or, if they choose to ignore the facts, they too can cross the line and become:
The Gold-Diggers
The Gold-Brickers
The Judases
The Demases
The Deceivers
The Liars
Eventually each of us will give account for what we know and who we allow to control our lives. The bible says:
"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey;"
1) a slave, bondman, man of servile condition
a) a slave
b) metaph., one who gives himself up to another's will those whose service is used by Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men
c) devoted to another to the disregard of one's own interests
While the ntcc relies on your good intention to serve Christ to dupe you, they see you as only a slave who must disregard his/her own interests to be devoted to ntcc. If you cost them money, you will be gone. If you endanger their empire through bad publicity especially with the possibility of financial liability (lawsuit), you will be gone.
You and your sacrifice mean nothing to them except a means to further line their pockets and buy more real estate with your money while illegally giving it to their family members. (Like the 39 acres worth $392,000 dollars scandal).
Now that you know these things, you will become accountable for your decision should you stay and be a part of a corrupt group.
The choice is yours. The facts are out. Do your homework and see for yourself.
Don and Ange
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