Flipping Real Estate:
Flipping real estate is a lucrative business that was created to make large amounts of money in a short period of time. It also is used by many to launder money; because transactions can be completed quickly and finalized; money can be moved around quickly; and transactions can be complicated, making the money trail hard to follow. These are the basics of how this works; and why the ntcc is set up perfectly to thrive off real estate.
Real Estate is an Investment:
It has been one of the most stable investments in history; and only recently has it floundered. Even now, with all of the talk of increasing foreclosures and decreased property values, it is a buyer's market; and choice real estate can be purchased at a steal and sold for a decent profit, if a person knows what to do. This is how it works:
Buy Low. Fix Up Cheap. Sell High.
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Our First Church a Fixer-Upper! |
NTCC Sees Servicemen As Free Labor and Deep Pockets:
Or, even more profitable, you can keep it; or hoard it to yourself. It can become a cash cow under the right circumstances; say, by filling it with cash-only paying renters like bible college students and ministers; who were recruited from our nation's military forces; and whom you then require to live
Or you can make money off your investment, your upgraded fixer-upper, by filling it with cash-only tithe-paying G.I.s and service members who live at the home and are required by ntcc to sign a contract before moving in; which requires them to obey ALL the rules that they haven't even seen or heard yet, and requires them to attend all church/home functions, and pledges, in writing, that they will pay cash-only rent; oops! We meant to say "home offerings" and various other offerings that are encouraged to be made in each mandatory church function, where the ntcc minister is required to admonish everyone that "all Christians pay tithes and give in offerings"! So if you don't, in the ntcc CULTure, you are NOT considered a Christian; you are "lost" or hellbound!
Free Labor: G.I.s, Seminary Students, and Preachers:
The ntcc is set up perfectly to create endless streams of cash income to its founders and overseers. Not only do they have free labor; but they have lots of it. G.I.s will "do anything for the work of God"; especially since that will be pounded into them and used to humiliate them if they don't "give 'til it hurts". But most succumb easily enough. Give them some biscuits and gravy for breakfast; and they will work all day without a break. In the words of tanya davis kekel, who learned it from her mamma and daddy, [verna mae (not victoria, that's a name verna gave herself to make herself look like some kind of queen-B) and rodger wilson davis], the ntcc sees people as:
"Strong backs with weak minds." Quoting davis and kekel
In other words, you exist for them to exploit! They take advantage of your Christian charity / love to serve their selfish agendas. Meanwhile they despise you as being weak minded but willing to do the heavy lifting; so they don't have to lift a finger. Ahem.
Skilled Laborers Working For Peanuts:
Another way ntcc gets free or cheap labor is from the skills of bible college seminary students and ministers. Many of these ntcc men have a little bit of experience doing stuff like plumbing, electrical, drywall, roofing, etc. So ntcc has all of the worker-bees they need; and ntcc can increase the value of a building exponentially in a short time by (ab)using this free-labor and cheap-labor work force. After all,
"Anyone who loves God would do anything for the work of God." ntcc cult jargon to exploit and use people
All the ntcc has to do is 'preach' to them; and they will do anything. "If you love God, come by this Saturday and lend a hand for the work of the Lord. Help us put a roof on this building for the Lord. Help us sand the arches in this sanctuary for the Lord. Come help build the retaining wall for our massive church parking lot. You love God; don't you?" You get the picture. It is straight-up spiritual manipulation playing on a Christian's love for the Lord in order to exploit him or her. Shame on you, ntcc!
Pioneer Works and Workers:
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In a Few Years of Hard Work / Sacrifice And Most Important G.I.s Tithe Monies! |
If the minister is in an "established work" he generally will use the brethren as free labor; just like he was trained to do at the ntcc bible school (now called a seminary, even though ntcc used to mock other seminaries, calling them "cemeteries". Hypocrites.)
If it's just the preacher and his family in a work, he will use his wife and kids if he has to. The first task is to make the place livable. Then they do all the things necessary to transform it into a church or servicemen's home with a sanctuary. They will work on it for months and years to make it better and better.
Once they have increased the value of the property 2 or 3 fold or more, and have a small congregation of givers, can you guess what happens next? One of two things can happen next:
Flip That Building (Sell for Profit):
The first is that Rodger Wilson Davis and his band of 'leaders' (who crack the whip from the rear) can opt to send a complete dud and abusive jerk to a work. This is done so that he can systematically destroy the congregation by running off everyone.
This option works best if ntcc has a good chunk of equity in a property and wants to tap into that money for the purchase of a new
Whatever the reason, the idea is to run off all the faithful congregants, (who gave their time and money to build the church and the escrow account), and sell the property for a profit, (now that it is renovated), and pocket the proceeds, (zero out the escrow account), since there are no congregants to wonder what happened to all that money they gave; then ntcc corporate can continue to stump for more money at the next conference in order to have more funds to misappropriate. Sound about right? Right. But oh so wrong. But that is how it is in YOUR ntcc. If not, why all the secrecy? Why is there zero financial transparency in YOUR ntcc?
Milk It For More Cash Income:
Or, getting back to how ntcc pulls off the real-estate shuffle: The "Pioneer" (construction handyman) worker is "called by Gawd" (or was it Rodger Wilson Davis and the Executive Board?), to go to another work. Guess what? He did such a good job flipping this property, ntcc is going to make him and his family "Pioneer" another work. They get to start all over from scratch, putting all their time and work and money into another "Fixer-Upper" so that the Borg can turn another profit and send them somewhere else.
Now that this dude is gone from these renovated churches and does not have any interest whatsoever in the profit that he has generated and the equity that he has created, another man has come to take his place; the church is growing and needs a larger sanctuary or more parking spaces. What will ntcc do? They will send the ntcc building crew down there to extend the sanctuary and make more parking spaces.
The ntcc has the cheapest labor on planet earth. Where else can you find builders that are skilled enough to own their own construction businesses as General Contractors, who will do quality work for 6 dollars per hour? Only in the ntcc. Not only that, they will only be paid for forty hours a week, despite working much longer hours, with no breaks or paid lunches or vacations or benefits. They will also be expected to buy all their own tools and safety equipment. Some will even try to cheat the hardware store by purchasing a specialized tool, using it for that one job, then returning it for a refund! The things they teach you in the ntcc!
But to get back to profiting from real estate: Now the ntcc has a building that was purchased for less than 40k, that is now, thanks to free or cheap labor, worth well over $100,000.00. This building will continue to bring in tithes and offerings for years and years to come. The money will be sent to an escrow account controlled by the Graham, Washington ntcc. And the local pastor will be told to continue "to take up an offering" rather than use the money the local church raised!
If the pastor can brainwash enough new converts, he can "go full-time" in the ministry. That means he can sit on his lazy seat of do-nothing, let his congregation support him, and have a small fraction of the power that the rulers of this real-estate empire are enjoying.
Renting a Building That You Already Purchased and Renovated:
Now ntcc has many fully functional upgraded churches and servicemen's homes that have been improved and renovated; their values increased 2 or 3 times or more; many of them are paid off; yet the ntcc corporate is still charging rent on the property! Plus the congregants are bringing in tithes and offerings, 40% of which (after the bills are paid) get sent to the mother church in Graham, Washington via the ntcc invisible escrow account system; that just keeps building and building but is controlled by corporate ntcc. Nobody ever dares to question what is done with that escrow money; now do they?
Disappearing Escrow Money?
The escrow money is like a big slush fund that the ntcc overseers of the Borg can control as they see fit. Once a local pastor deposits the required 40% of the money (after church bills are met) that he collected from the local congregation, (people who are led to believe that money will go toward their local church expenses), that pastor and his congregation no longer have control over the money. It goes into an "escrow account" that is controlled by corporate ntcc in Graham, Washington.
- Why don't the leaders of the ntcc show some financial transparency and let the members of the church know where their money is going?
- Why aren't some local ministers and members appointed to oversee the escrow account from each local church?
- The local congregation gave the money.
- Why don't they have control over it?!!!
If ntcc corporate is doing right according to God, why are they being so secretive? Could it be that they have much to hide? Could it be that ntcc is laundering money or involved in some other unscrupulous activities? Isn't it written that if your deeds are evil you try to hide from the light? Look at the Gospel of John, chapter three:
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Jhn 3:19
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. Jhn 3:20
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. Jhn 3:21
When you are doing right, you don't need to hide!
Money Laundering?
Money laundering takes place when money obtained illegally or under false pretenses is used to purchase real-estate that will later be sold for a profit. We're not accusing ntcc of money laundering; but their secrecy and many of their practices as a non-profit organization do raise the question.
What will happen if they get nationally eXposed as a cult? If Sixty Minutes or some other major news organization were to run the stories of the abuse of people and money, there would be enormous pressure to completely compromise the rest of the standards that ntcc has yet to compromise. Otherwise everything in ntcc could come crashing down around them. They would be eXposed for what they are; and people would begin to leave by the hundreds.
What would happen to the leaders who have been living off the money given by the masses? Would they sell all of the ntcc properties and zero all of the invisible escrow accounts, making deposits in off-shore banks, and live the rest of their lives in luxury? Isn't it true that they wouldn't 're-fire'; but they would 're-tire' and be independently wealthy, living off the interest of those fat invisible bank accounts?
Where Did Your Money Go?
Now that ntcc is having to address many issues that have been brought to the light publicly by this and other blogs, maybe they can address the issue of transparency. It's long overdue; and there are many ministers and members that would love to know where their hard earned money has gone. Our guess is that the ntcc will never be transparent.
- Transparency equals Honesty.
- Honesty equals Truthfulness.
- Truthfulness involves Character.
- Character requires Integrity.
- Integrity requires Faithfulness.
In our opinion ntcc will NEVER be able to exhibit these qualities; because these qualities do not exist in their lives.
Related Posts:
Flippin' Churches Part 2
Flippin' Churches Part 3
Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:
A) Sounds Like A True Description Of The ntcc.
B) ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C) I Read This Post.
D) ntcc often uses people to do free labor for ntcc without paying wages
E) ntcc often replaces ministers who have built up a work with someone who is abusive or not skillful, resulting in the church closing its doors.
F) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"F" I'm afraid to be caught commenting on this blog.
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc.
H) Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment: Example:
"H" ntcc members have no idea where all the money they donate for a new building goes.
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc
J) Create Your Own:
"J" ntcc zeros the escrow account and does not return the money to the members who donated it even though the church they sacrificed to build is not built and they never see their money or church building again.
**You Can Choose Multiple Answers**
That's what the NTCC is all about. Buildings, buildings, buildings. Nearly free labor to renovate the buildings. People essentially paying rent on the buildings after they've been totally paid for. A large percentage of the money that comes in is sent to Graham as well as tithe. The NTCC is just a money pit that sucks up as much as you'll give it.
Like I've said before, it I were an NTCC pastor, Graham wouldn't get jack and eventually I would simply leave the NTCC to manage the local church. Everything that came into the local church would stay there and it would be used to help the needy.
Jeff said,
"Like I've said before, it I were an NTCC pastor, Graham wouldn't get jack and eventually I would simply leave the NTCC to manage the local church."
Don and Ange said,
I'm sure after 1 week went by without receiving their chunk of money, they'd probably send one of their goons to your doorstep to collect your phony minister's license. It wouldn't be because you were not paying tithe but because of your rebellion to the royal leadership. They wouldn't want you to set a precedent that others would soon follow.
Most everything they expect from you can be boiled down to one commandment. Obey them that have rule over you. To be more specific, Obey the Man that has been appointed God over you. Obey everything he says without question. Obey any rules that they create regardless or weather they make sense. When they say jump you can ask how high on the way up but they are not obligated to answer.
If there was ever a time to abandon a sinking ship, now is the time. If you are an ntcc member or minister and you wonder what on earth is going on with all of the changing standards of the ntcc, we are here to warn you to get off before it's too late. If you wait too long to bail out, the ship will sink and you will get sucked down with it. It is very nice not having to live under the oppression of the ntcc any more.
Don and Ange said...
Most everything they expect from you can be boiled down to one commandment. Obey them that have rule over you.
Jeff said...
Ain't that the truth. You couldn't have said it more correctly. They expect you to completely throw common sense and good judgment out the door when it comes to following their leaders and most of us did for a good while. That in a nutshell is their biggest trick and that is what primarily makes them qualified to be considered a cult. They want you to blindly follow them, not because it makes sense or because the rules they dream up are biblical but because they said so. The truth is, the NTCC biggest trick is the Bible itself. Thats right I said the Bible. They use it to support their agenda and they ignore it when it doesn't and they hold it over your head to lay as much guilt upon you as they possibly can.
Jeff said,
"They expect you to completely throw common sense and good judgment out the door when it comes to following their leaders..." -- Jeff
Jeff, you hit the nail square on the head with this. There is one more thing we've read before in your posts somewhere. They want you to throw out common decency.
ntcc wants strict obedience to them above all else. That IS what makes them a cult; as you said.
Don and Ange
Go over and check my blog. It would appear as though NTCC Minister has left the NTCC. This is great news. The best I've heard in a while. He testified about the blessings that he now bountifully receives.
I rejoice every time another person becomes free from the controlling cult called the NTCC.
It's not until you leave the NTCC that you can fully understand just how much better life can be. The NTCC deprives you of the majority of life's joys which God has promised to provide.
Being in the NTCC is about as close as you can get to living in an oppressive, dictator controlled, communist country without actually being there.
Thanks for the heads-up!
That truly is great news about NTCC Minister, B.S., M.A. leaving the borg!
It is only a matter of truth being revealed and time to consider the truth, and anyone with a brain and true heart for God will be doing their best to get themselves and their family out of ntcc in tact.
Now the way ntcc is set up with many controls on time and finances, actually leaving with your whole family can be challenging; and we certainly applaud anyone who makes that courageous move.
The longer one is involved in ntcc, the higher the cost of leaving. But as NTCC Minister has learned, the rewards are great! Just the peace alone that is gained once you free yourself from the controlling spirit that runs ntcc makes it worth it all!
Don and Ange
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