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NTCC CEO M.C. KEKEL - Accused of Raping a Child in 1990 at NTCS! |
As I take on the writing this part of my life I cringe wondering if I will just receive more judgment than understanding. You have to know I have lived most of my life away from the other side world. It was a shock to me in 2013 when someone finally got me to understand that Ralph St.Clair having sex with me as a child was wrong and it wasn’t my fault. I believe the lies I was told that I made him fall for me. I was the evil slut. He was clean before God I was the dirty one is what I was told.
I am now going to share that the sexual abuse didn’t stop when I got married. It continued even while I was married. I hated it with a passion yet I had to pretend everything was okay but wasn’t okay. Every time I was alone my heart ached I hated it and I thought the whole world hated me too.
I am bawling just thinking and typing this so please bear with me.
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Picture of Google's Street View of the Entrance to the NTCC Bible School circa 1990. On the left was the Main Chapel used then "The Church Behind The Fence" (with globe). On the right, behind the reddish tree, is the house custom built for the kekels and where, Julie alleges, she was raped by Michael Craig Kekel - now NTCC's CEO. To View On Google Earth Click Here |
I lived in fear of the Graham campus on about every level. Certain buildings scared me more than others. I would start trembling inside at arrival upon the grounds. I knew I had to hold back my feelings for knew there would be a price to pay if I showed them. I learned this very well. In fact they had me believing they could spank me even in my adulthood. I was told men had all power and I must do whatever they said; I was never too old for them to spank me. Growing up in NTCC I had no opportunity to learn anything else.
Kekel who loved to spank me all through my childhood seem to be just waiting until I got married to have even worse dealings with me. The leaders’ wives would sometimes be the ones that picked me up to go to the Kekel’s house. It makes me wonder how much some of these wives knew yet said nothing.
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Kekels' Custom House as seen when leaving the campus. Though he has moved into other mansions, this "custom house" holds vivid memories of rape for Julie St. Clair Ridgeway. |
The first time after I was married. I was called told that Kekel wanted me to come to his house and do some cleaning. Some comments he had made before made me wonder if I was in trouble and going to get a spanking. I got dropped off. I walked to the door I was shaking so badly. Once he let me inside I realized really quickly no one else was home. As I stumbled all over my words I asked where his wife was at. He said she was gone for the day. I realized once again I was alone with a man. I was scared. I wanted to run. One of the thing I was taught if a girl ran in this situation God would sometimes send fire from heaven and cause burns on the girl’s body. I had a phobia of fire; I wasn’t sure if I wanted to find out if this was one of these times. Plus I wasn’t sure where to run, no one on that campus would help me since this was God’s Will for me.
He took a belt and started beating me. He told me to quickly get undressed. I was sixteen years old. I didn’t know what the news was at this time. I had never read the paper I had seen the comics before but knew nothing else about the paper. I had never watched the news on TV. I didn’t know about rape and abuse. What was happening was normal as it came for me? I thought I was sinning because I hated what was happening. One might ask how can you have not understood how wrong this was and how to stop it. It is like someone being locked away never seeing the modern things in life and someone expecting them to understand how everything works. I didn’t know what was right and wrong. I just knew I was hurting really bad and no one seemed to care.
In the blur of the moment as I was undressing I didn’t realize he had unclothed as well. He told me to get on all four. I knew this was going to be a difficult battle for with cerebral palsy I had a hard time holding that position. He said I heard from Ralph that having sex with you is some of the best. He put himself in me and as expected I couldn’t stay up and I crumbled to the floor. He began spanking me than finally told me to get in position again. This happened 4 times before he actually came in me. I was in so much pain but I knew I had to keep from crying. He had me clean up and get dress. He told me to get dress than he gave me a few things to do around the house. He told me if I was ever sloppy with sex with him again I would pay dearly for it. I wasn’t sure what that would mean with Kekel. I only knew what this meant with Davis and others.
The next time with him I did learn what he was saying when he said I would pay dearly for it. Once again I was brought over by one of the leaders’ wives. There was a repeat of the last time. This time I started crying which I had for the most part been able to control for I had been taught to not have emotions. Happy was the only way I was allowed to be. I still to this day punish myself for having emotions. It is a struggle for me. This time he teased me and made me come half way than laughed told me to get up clean up and get dress. So I did as I was told. This was part of my punishment.
I was accused later of ruining Tanya’s tablecloth. I had not even been at the table the last time I was there.
I was dying inside. I wanted to tell someone what was happening but was so scared so I started telling people a tiny bit of what took place in my childhood. They all went to Davis about what I said. The next thing I knew I was in a board meeting which didn’t go well. Davis decided to send us back to San Antonio Texas. Kekel and Davis were so angry with me. They scared me so badly that I went into silence for years fearing there was no hope of anyone believing what was happening in my life. I thought I was unlovable. Everything always came with conditions. I was taught as a child I had to earn love and even then it was conditional.
to be continued
As you can see Julie was treated as a sex slave in the NTCC. Her difficult life involved much abuse as both a special needs person having Cerebral Palsy and as an under-educated girl subject to the whims of every adult pervert in her life. Limited in social contact by only being around other cult members, and without T.V. to educate herself, her whole world revolved around the NTCC and what they taught her. Without tools to protect herself, she was a target of opportunity for many predators, including her parents and church leaders who were in positions of trust and should have been protecting her instead of raping her. There was no way for her to know what was right or normal and what was wrong and abuse. The only thing she had was God's Spirit constantly getting quenched by the false doctrines of men and women of corrupt minds. It's a wonder and testament to God's grace that she survived, became a Christian, and is now championing the cause of others who may be living in the same dire straits as she did as a child in the NTCC.
What's our opinion of this? First of all, we believe Julie. Secondly, our prayer is that no other child will suffer this way. In light of this, we have published this post. Parents, please take heed and protect your children. The NTCC is not a safe environment.
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Maybe that's why he's angry most of the time. Could it be guilt?
Could be guilt. Could be fear:
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, - Heb 10:26 KJV
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. - Heb 10:27 KJV
It makes you wonder how many other ladies that cleaned the Kekel's house were mistreated by him as well. Maybe they have been too scared to tell anyone. Why does Tanya need her house cleaned by others anyway?
Those are excellent questions. Only time will tell if others will come forward. And why does Tanya Kekel need other people to clean her house? Is she lazy? Why doesn't Michael have sex with her? Is she holding out on him?
You see, an anonymous sniper was lobbing those type of accusations at me not so long ago. It makes me wonder if Mike Kekel was the anonymous sniper and he was "pitchforking" his own sordid life onto me. Hmmn.
NTCC teaches us not to care about others. I remember Julie. She was such a sweet person but seemed sad or like things weren't okay. It never crossed my mind to ask why. I thought it odd she was so young married and had a child. She loved her son that was very clear. She was a good mother.
I wished I had asked what was wrong. In normal life a caring person would have been concerned even invited her over for coffee to be a listening ear. I think now they didn't want us to talk because we would find out how women like her were being treated.
Anonymous said,
"In normal life a caring person would have been concerned even invited her over for coffee to be a listening ear. I think now they didn't want us to talk because we would find out how women like her were being treated."
Yes, "in normal life" many things would be different.
But the NTCC CULTure creates a secretive society where abuse goes unnoticed, or worse, unreported and unpunished.
"In normal life" adults don't ask permission about making a phone call to a friend or about inviting someone over to their place for a cup of coffee and a conversation.
But in the NTCC CULTure your entire life IS controlled by the men raping little girls.
Do you really think Kekel would allow anyone to fellowship with Julie?
We know that would never happen. These board members have conspired to arrange such controls to stop the free-flow of information that occurs "in normal life".
They conspire to regulate who marries whom.
They know who is abused at home and will make a good target for them to exploit because there is no support or safety net that would exist "in normal life" or in a normal family.
The board members are all guilty of conspiring to set up this secret society rife for creating and exploiting sex slaves.
In my opinion the NTCC is totally guilty of human trafficking!
Julie, how sad that you where scared to leave and had no one the abuse you suffered. From Davis, your parents who should of loved you. Kekkel. It brakes my heart to read your stories. I feel like I was the lucky one atleast Barb left. While I was 15. Julie I feel you are one strong and smart person . Just remember for every year you suffered and every time they raped you that your are a beautiful. Person inside and out. Hold your head up high if anyone should be ashamed it's the people at Ntcc not us. Take your life back it's yours claim i
Lisa, thanks for the comment. It's important to remember that these are painful events being brought to light.By loving and supporting one another, we help the healing process. :o)
Love you girls! None of you should have suffered what you did. Thank God He brought each of you through and is working in your lives and helping others through your courage and openness.
I think it's important to note that the NTCC CULTure teaches loyalty and obedience to the leaders above all else.
What does that mean?
It means people are trained to value the unsubstantiated opinions of their cult leaders as if every word they said proceeded from the mouth of God.
How did the NTCC train people to think that way? They bombarded us with outlandish claims by the leaders like Davis lying and saying "ALL I DO IS BY THE HOLY GHOST." and "I CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I SINNED."
Olson would make similar ridiculous claims that were blatant lies like "IF PASTOR DAVIS SAYS THE SKY IS GREEN, THE SKY IS GREEN." and people yell "AMEN!" when their eyes tell them truthfully the sky is blue.
What is the collective effect of such indoctrination?
Corrupt men like Davis and Olson can stand it the pulpit and smear a person with no second witness and nobody questions what Davis and Olson are saying.
How does that contribute to human trafficking and creating an environment where little girls become sex slaves?
Simple. Who will that little girl tell that will believe her and get her the help (POLICE AND DOCTORS) that she needs to overcome being raped?
Even if she dares to tell anyone in the CULT, they will run to the 'leaders' as they have been trained to do. The leaders will tell them that little girl is a liar, and then they will smear her from the pulpit while privately intimidating and beating her.
It's a vicious cycle.
And that's how it really is in your NTCC!
Don says, "I wonder if there's gonna be any house cleaning?"
Why did Julie marry at 16 years old? Usually kids like that are rebellious and wanting their way in life. My pastor has never asked me to get my teen girls to marry young.
I don't like that she suffered but choosing to marry so young just seems crazy as well. My girls don't want to marry now. Are we sure it is NTCC's fault she married young?
Julie said in this post,
"I was dying inside. I wanted to tell someone what was happening but was so scared so I started telling people a tiny bit of what took place in my childhood. They all went to Davis about what I said. The next thing I knew I was in a board meeting which didn’t go well. Davis decided to send us back to San Antonio Texas. Kekel and Davis were so angry with me. They scared me so badly that I went into silence for years fearing there was no hope of anyone believing what was happening in my life. I thought I was unlovable. Everything always came with conditions. I was taught as a child I had to earn love and even then it was conditional."
Ange says,
You people that Julie told. I want you to remember that and consider what happened.
Do you see how Davis and Kekel moved Julie to hide their sins?
People, that should be a huge warning flag. -- A girl shares she is being abused by people in her church and or parents. Next thing you know the girl is moved by the church leaders to a whole different state.
Hmmn. Now why would they do that? Are they trying to isolate her so she cannot get help? Are they trying to hide their sins?
Anonymous said,
"Why did Julie marry at 16 years old?"
Well, you are showing your profound ignorance at how things work in the NTCC. My guess is you never went to the cult indoctrination school, called the NTCS -seminary. That or you are a snake.
Really? A girl gets raped and you want to know why she got married at 16?
Anon-a-snake said "Usually kids like that are rebellious and wanting their way in life."
Anon-a-snake said,
"My pastor has never asked me to get my teen girls to marry young."
Well whoopty doo! And just who is your 'pastor' that might have a nickel's worth of sense, a rare thing for an ntcc card-carrying 'minister'?
Anon-a-snake said,
"I don't like that she suffered but choosing to marry so young just seems crazy as well."
Really? You don't like that she suffered; but you blame her by calling her rebellious? You don't like that she suffered, but it must be her fault because she chose to get married so young????
Do yourself a favor and start reading some of the related posts about Women and Children in the NTCC and Teen Brides and
Otherwise, please do us a favor and BE QUIET until you really learn what it is like to be in the NTCC and what it is really like to have been abused as Julie and Lisa and God only knows how many other girls and boys have been in this corrupt cult. Don't label them. You don't know what you're talking about!
Anon-a-snake said,
"My girls don't want to marry now. Are we sure it is NTCC's fault she married young?"
Mentioning your girls here reeks of a sanctimonious holier than thou attitude! Then you top that arrogance off with questioning if it is the NTCC's fault that she married young?
You really are an ugly piece of work. Step back and look at what spirit you are using as you slither around with your off-handed accusations!
AS IF! As if some poor terrified young girl wanted to marry a virtual stranger and head out into a ministry when her education was halted in the fourth grade by the people who raised her (but can never be called parents since they both abused her sexually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.)
And you dare lump her in your group as if she is rebellious or wanted this?
WHAT KIND OF A MORON ARE YOU? You should go to the NTCC seminary. You would fit right in with all those religious hypocrites, child molesters, and vipers!
I think Anon-a-snake was trying to earn points with the borg leadership; a pat on the head and a Scooby Snack. But that ain't how it works in the borg. Anon-a-snake really just earned (his or) her ticket out of the borg. Because the leaders will be really upset that this person came on here and made the org look so bad. And that, too is how it really is in your child-raping, pervert-hiding NTCC!
Are we sure it is NTCC's fault she married young?
Well lets see to name a few Regina Olson Brill married as a teen, Debbie Johnson Kinson married as a teen, Becky Johnson Ankenbauer married as a teen, and oh yes the spoiled Tanya Davis Kekel married as a teen.
This is just a few of the many that were married off as teens and there are many more. So yes it is NTCC fault that I married young. NTCC shoulders the blame along with Ralph, and Joan 100% percent. I am 0% to blame with me having a teen marriage.
Kekel showed he liked teen girls by simply marrying one ....Hello!!!! Think about it people.
Anonymous said.....
"My pastor has never asked me to get my teen girls to marry young."
If this is really true than believe you me they are just waiting for you to get to bible school then you watch how fast they have your girls hooked up. They do it every time without fail.
The other day when I was talking to Lisa Norton, she said that her dad's former spouse, Barbara Norton Warwick was telling Lisa that the Kekels were paying Barbara and John Warwicks' way to conference.
To me this sounds like a weak attempt to try to get the blind followers in the borg to think that Barbaric Barbara is somehow suddenly a saintly woman who magically never beat and choked and abandoned her kids.
All this proves is that we are telling the truth and the Kekels are so desperate to hide the truth they are shelling out some cold hard cash to try and make Barbaric Barb look credible. Wahaha.
Enjoy the 15 seconds of fame, Barb. If this lame attempt at Damage Control doesn't work for kekel, the pendulum is gonna swing the other way and you are gonna be persona non grata in the ntcc.
Don't worry, though. At least one of your Xer children is willing take you in and try to get you saved.
Julie said,
"Well lets see to name a few Regina Olson Brill married as a teen, Debbie Johnson Kinson married as a teen, Becky Johnson Ankenbauer married as a teen, and oh yes the spoiled Tanya Davis Kekel married as a teen.
This is just a few of the many that were married off as teens and there are many more."
Ange says,
So, Anon-a-snake, would you call these board members' daughters "rebellious" "choosing to marry so young" After all, according to you, "Usually kids like that are rebellious and wanting their way in life." Now does it "just seems crazy as well."??????
Just Sayin'
She needs to go to the Police. This is a smoking gun.
Unfortunately the Statute of Limitations has expired. But to all our readers, if a child tells you they are being abused: BELIEVE THEM and CALL THE POLICE.
Don't report to the perpetrators who are going to hide it.
Anonysnake said:
"Why did Julie marry at 16 years old? Usually kids like that are rebellious and wanting their way in life. My pastor has never asked me to get my teen girls to marry young.
I don't like that she suffered but choosing to marry so young just seems crazy as well. My girls don't want to marry now. Are we sure it is NTCC's fault she married young?"
Don said:
No it's your fault for supporting the ntcc. If you think this is Julies fault and that you are living above the fray, than you should go ask Olson, Kekel and Johnson what kind of examples they are to have married off their children or in Kekel's case he married jail bait Tanya. It just never ceases to amaze me how all of you ntcc sympathizers can get on here and point your finger at Julie or any of the many victims of ntcc abuse and find fault with them.
Go up to Olson, you hypocrite and tell him the same thing you just shared with us. Go tell Olson or Johnson, "Choosing to marry so young just seems crazy". And see what kind of answer you get from them. Or better yet go tell Olson or Johnson that their daughters are rebellious for wanting their way in life. This just shows how truly ignorant people in the ntcc are. They can find fault with anyone who does not go to their cult, but they don't see the sin that surrounds them. You are lost in hypocrisy and you refuse to see the two faced leaders that you follow for who they actually are. You all should be alarmed by now because they are being exposed for what they have really been all along.
I know many people will have a hard time believing Julies testimony, but I have to say that knowing what we know and what others have shared, I believe that not only is Julie telling the truth but I believe that it's a lot worse than anyone can imagine. They want all of this to go away and that is why they are silent. They have no good name to protect and there are other people that have dirt on them also. This is why they don't dispute or disagree or refute anything that is being shared. They are afraid that others who know about their dirty sex ring and human trafficking will validate what has been shared.
If you are in the ntcc, you need to open your eyes and start asking these sleazy board members that you call apostles the same questions that you are asking Julie. Ask Kekel, if any of you dare, for a yes or no answer to the question, did he force Julie to have sex with him when she was legally a minor. Ask him if he ever spanked her or any other little girls with their panties down. He might not be as stupid as Kinson was when he was confronted with the account of visiting the whore house. Seriously, people, if you didn't go to a whore house that's what you are going to say. Those X-ers are lying, I never went. But what does Philandering Phil say? He says, the only women I ever slept with is my wife. Why would you give an answer like that? A judge would say, "Answer the question, Phil, yes or no. Did you go to the whorehouse?" If you did, I'm sure it wasn't for sleep.
Ask Kekel and why he married Tanya so young and what you will get is one angry tyrade and he will spit out a bunch venomous accusations those who oppose them, and he will put you on his list for asking him. He's a narcissist. He can't help himself. Ask him about marrying Tanya when she was a minor and see how well he warms up to you, Anonymous, who has such good control over her/his children but can't understand why Julie 'chose' to marry so early.
I wonder what's going on in conference this week. I bet it's like a big Zombie Apocalypse. A bunch of dead and ignorant people walking around saying praise God brother, while they ignore what is really going on around them.
Maybe they are having skits and workshops on how to avoid subjects like child abuse or how to answer tough questions like, "How do I know that your Sunday School teacher is not fondling my children when I drop them off to go get my fields plowed in adult church?"
Tonight's message: "The Devil is Fighting Us", boo hoo. Guess what, he doesn't have to fight that hard because he already has most of you in his pocket. As long as you keep fleecing the flock, stealing their money, (God's money), preaching an ever changing gospel to a naive crowd of people who worship the ground you walk on, live a different standard than what you preach to them right in front of their faces and pat them on the back and give them a Scooby snack every once in a while, the devil has no reason to fight you. We are not your enemies, we couldn't possibly hurt you as much as you are hurting yourselves. You are already do all the things that you have always preached against, so either God has changed and you are ushering in a new dispensation of sins that can't be remembered, or God has never been with you from the get go, Kekel. Have you ever been saved? Seriously. Have you ever had real love in your heart for anyone but yourself? Maybe you should pray the sinner's prayer, and start all over from scratch. Go to the Cross and meet the One that you have been lying to people about. You know, the one that has changed all of the standards over and over again. The one that you mock by teaching others that they should not dress lasciviously but allowing your wife to dress and prance around with her tight clothes that look like the seams are going to bust from the stress of her curves and corpuscles straining against the fabric.
DNA Said on a pervious post....
Bro. Moreno, I need you to take me somewhere after church, I forgot my wallet. For those of you who faithfully give your money to the ntcc mega church in Graham, you might want to ask feel good Phil,where Moreno took him to retrieve his wallet. I wonder what kind of sacrifices had to be made in the servicemen's home in Japan so that Phil could visit that whorehouse? I'm sure when he got his wallet back, it was empty. Of course he didn't go there to sleep. I wonder how many tithe dollars were spent in that little adventure in fleshly gratification? That must have been the week when they ran out of groceries and had no money in the home so they declared it a week of fasting and prayer.
Phil Kinson has cheated on his wife Debbie so many times. He like other men would get moved to sweep under the carpet what he was doing. Now since he has gotten away with it so many times there is no need to move him. I would hear it said he didn't know how to do things discretely which told me it is okay as long as it stays a secret. I was raised men can do what they want to women they are just encouraged to keep it private. Unfortunately this is the misinformation his wife Debbie as had all her life.
Debbie has been put down so many times by Kekel, Davis, and Phil she believes she is luck to have someone even willing to be married to her. She knows he has cheated on her but feels she isn't worth any better. I have heard her say that she wishes she could be the girl Phil would want so he didn't feel he had to turn to other girls. She knew but felt there was nothing she could do to change it. Phil you don't care who you hurt just as long as you get gratified.
It is bad enough when the so called man of God puts down a woman down people may feel fearful to challenge him but when a man in his own home puts down his wife that is just evil that is fully on that man's head.
I have watched Phil in his own home insult his wife make jokes about her size. I remember one time he bought this fat joke sign for her and didn't seem to mind the hurt look on her face. I have seen her cry over and over because she feels she is a fat ugly pig. Those were her words. She has had to stuff her feelings putting a smile on her face even going as far as saying things herself about her size hiding the pain her heart really is in. She like myself grew up in this group knowing nothing else except what the borg as shown her.
Phil you have a lot to answer for with in your marriage even more for taking advantage of your wife's innocence. She is worth dignity you don't give her. She deserve someone better than you, Phil far better.
It makes me mad to have seen such garbage be made okay among many. Please tell me NTCC where in the bible God says and man shall treat his wife like trash for that is well pleasing to the Lord.
Anonymous said....
It makes you wonder how many other ladies that cleaned the Kekel's house were mistreated by him as well. Maybe they have been too scared to tell anyone.
I wonder the same thing. How many victims does he have? Being scared is something I understand all too well. I hope they can reach beyond that fear so that they might know hope as well as freedom.
Anonymous said...
I think now they didn't want us to talk because we would find out how women like her were being treated.
No they know their sin would be found and people would see all they are about really is money and sex nothing else.
DNA said.....
Yes, "in normal life" many things would be different.
Yes in normal life things truly would have been different. In normal life a child witness many things including other people's ways on doing things. Children in NTCC grow-up witnessing only one way to do things which makes them not think of really doing things differently since there isn't another way in their eyes.
It is like handing a child a snowflake cookie cutter never letting them know there are other cookie cutters out there. That child may get tired of the snowflake cutter but that child isn't going to long for a bell cookie cutter since he or she is unaware of different kinds of cookie cutters available. Where as a child that has seen their friends have the bell the heart, the horse and many other cookie cutters knows there are many choses to be had and one day they can have them as well.
To reach for the stars one must first know there is stars.
i thought olson's daughter was 18 when she got married?
Dear Julie I just read this "Kekel Raped Me On The Seminary Campus for New Testament Christian Church“ and I am so shocked and I am shaking on the inside and tears are coming to my eyes what you have been through. I am very sorry for this!
Hey Kekel your fame or should we say your sins are spreading through Germany now – don’t you never ever try to enter our country – we will throw you out!
Anonymous, Thank you for supporting Julie!!!
Love this.
It doesn't matter how old Regina was, the thing is she was marrying young. As I recall ms Olson was telling us that she was being courted by older men, maybe middle 25 27 well these are old men considering her age!
But yes Julie, the first conference I attended, I remembered the fat women jokes were the first thing dished out. I remembered a brother was ridiculed for liking "fat" chicks. Over and over the women were put down for being overweight. For the longest time the only thing the ladies would talk was the latest diet and this and that. I remember the Atkins diet how many including rw getting on the band wagon to lose weight. Been there, done that.
Anonymous said,
"Hey Kekel your fame or should we say your sins are spreading through Germany now – don’t you never ever try to enter our country – we will throw you out!"
Love this!
Its really unfortunate that the only memory that Julie parents will leave her with, is of them abusing her sexually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. instead of love, care, and concern or any fun things and the fun things that may have occured is out weigh by the abuse that she experience at there hands. It is also just as unfortunate that the only memory and most lasting of memories that Barbra Norton kids will have of her, is being abandon by there mother. And for what? I wonder did she pay child support/court ordered.? So sad.
What can I do to stop this? It sounds like the media needs to get involved to aid in exposing this cult.
Anonymous said,
"What can I do to stop this?"
DNA say,
Good question. What can you do?
Maurice said,
"Its really unfortunate that the only memory that Julie parents will leave her with, is of them abusing her sexually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. instead of love, care, and concern or any fun things and the fun things that may have occured is out weigh by the abuse that she experience at there hands."
DNA say,
For the most part that is very true. There was much trauma. However Julie did recall one funny story that she shared with us about the woman who raised her, Joan St. Clair, trying to fit in at the Bible School:
Julie said,
When Joan St. Clair got to bible school, she needed to poof her hair all the time; but she was having issues and got this idea.
She pinned a toilet paper roll to her head and put her hair over it; she actually did this until I was about 11 or 12.
One day at school at recess Joan was jump roping and her hair fell down; all that was left was the toilet paper roll pinned to her head!
DNA say,
We can't type this without laughing! How ridiculous to put so much pressure on people that they will do something this idiotic just to fit in. To imitate one of Joe Olson's teaching quotes,
"I'm a Holy Ghost filled Preacher's wife."
Really? With a Toilet Paper roll in you Pentecostal Poof?
Too funny!
We need to file that in the Toilet Paper Prophesies archive.
Lisa said.....
Julie, how sad that you where scared to leave and had no one the abuse you suffered. From Davis, your parents who should of loved you. Kekkel. It brakes my heart to read your stories.
Thanks Lisa your comment is so kind. I appreciate your support. I am so glad you have stood up for yourself and others by sharing your life and by caring about other victims as well.
Don says, "I wonder if there's gonna be any house cleaning?"
I wonder the same thing. smh
Ange says,
You people that Julie told. I want you to remember that and consider what happened
Yes you should think about it. You turned to the wrong people. Even though they respond as they did it doesn't change the real facts. Horrible things happened moving me didn't change the truth.
DNA said.....
To imitate one of Joe Olson's teaching quotes,
"I'm a Holy Ghost filled Preacher's wife."
Really? With a Toilet Paper roll in you Pentecostal Poof?
Yes that was so funny to see that lonely toilet paper on top of Joan's head. I don't think any of those children will ever forget that day. Funny Funny!!! They think a poof does what for a person?
Anonymous said....
Why does Tanya need her house cleaned by others anyway?
She needs someone to clean her house because she has never been made to do things she does want to do. She hasn't had to do hard work or take reasonability in life. This is my opinion as to why she thinks someone else should clean her house.
If one wants to hire someone to clean their house. Fine. But that person should be treated with dignity, respect, it should be that they have by their chose decided to do that kind of work, and they should be paid well for their hard work. One shouldn't be treated like trash.
Very serious acussations against kekel. Julie has come and bared her soul for all to see and at this point in her life doesn't have anymore to lose. Why would she come and make things up after she was away from the ntcc for so many years? She's lost everything already.
Her childhood, teenage years , family, I mean , if the leaders in ntcc don't come and refute it do something that means that the things that happened to Julie are true.
Why would she appear on the scene and start making things up?
I mean , kekel has enough money to get a lawyer and defend himself but they all say it's the devil trying to stop the work if God but any sensible person would put a stop to any lies being said about you, specially if that person has such a leadership position as kekel does.
Now that the mantle has been passed over to him and the Davis dynasty is alive and well, the ball is on their court.
hi Julie, I do not know how this organization could survive this kind of information getting out.
Who "dropped" you off for this "cleaning" job? Were you living in washington, in B.S. at the time? Your 16, married, and have no concept of you civil rights? Much less of the immoral conduct, of "this MOG"? THIS DEMANDS A CIVIL LAW SUIT, AGAIN THIS "PERSON"? ANIMAL, brut beast, and against all parties in collusion with this activity.
Did you tell your husband? Could you tell him? Who else was a part of this crime?
The statutes of limitations may have expired for a criminal conviction, but a civil suit may be different story. This maybe the case that would finally remove the "executive" cronies, and their
families from this NOT FOR PROFIT, CORPORATION, and set these people free.
Here's the deal. I'll try to give people the benefit of the doubt and we understand a certain amount of ignorance that is acceptable, but please don't leave comments that are insulting. Julie shared her heart, and she also did a good job of explaining what she went through mentally when all of this sick stuff happened to her. Chief was pretty fair with his his blog and he allowed people to say what was on their mind, but when Briggs came on and tried to discredit folks and change the subject he would cut him off. We might be a little more trigger happy with the delete key but it is for a good reason.
We are not a pro-ntcc blog and I understand that there are people out there that are critical of Julie. It's your right to have an opinion. I'm sure Kekel would love to have a Pepsi with you and listen to what you have to say. We have a lot of inside information and testimony from others that support Julie, and we also believe that the ntcc leadership is a very low down bunch of thieves and liars that have a history of sexual misconduct to include child molestation and rape.
If anyone feels that we have an obligation to post their comments, please email us and let us know exactly what your point is and we might consider. If you're goal is to belittle Julie or any of our contributors by using condescending remarks, we won't publish them. Before you criticize her, please read everything she wrote, and don't ask questions that she has already answered. It's an insult and is not worthy of a published comment, and we are not here to waste our time with those who have already made up their minds. There is enough information on the blogs for you to be able to make an intelligent decision about your own spiritual well being in the church. If you chose to support the ntcc, if you want to love them and adore them and give your money to them after all you've read and heard from X-members and ministers, than you are a complete blind fool. Now I know there are some that are living in ignorance as many of us did, but we didn't have the internet and if you are a reader of this or any of the blogs, there is no excuse for you. We can't help you if you don't want to be helped. If you choose to support a bunch of serial adulterers, child molesters and perverts, that's up to you.
You can have your opinion if you want, just don't cry if we don't voice it for you on this blog.
Where are the men in the ntcc that have little girls ? Why can't they see and at least question these allegations.
Olson has a little granddaughter now, I know for sure that he loves her dearly. I remember how he used to address her daughter Regina: "baby girl" and to think that Julie didn't have a dad that would give her love or treat her with kindness, just makes me cry!
Where's jones who has a daughter , Lisa, and a granddaughter . When she was first born Lisa brought her to conference and jones used to get up early to go to the junction inn to have breakfast and spend time with daughter and granddaughter.
Just to think about it makes me cry. I remember pastor Davis visiting grant in St. Louis to see how he was doing after going to the university and taking him to the store and the young boy buying lots of yougurt because he was in his own . And Julie was begging outside the mcdonalds with a baby
All I see is Julie crumpled on the floor and nobody is there to help her.
Where is Johnson who has two girls? I bet he wouldn't let nothing happen to them.
Who can stand for Julie ?
I'm sorry Julie that you never had a real father or mother to stand for you or to give the love you deserve.
I'm sorry that nobody from ntcc was there to lend a helping hand.
Julie you are one brave woman. It must hurt even at your age not to have true parents but I hope you have people in your life that love you at all times. You need people in your ups and downs of life. I don't know if you know much about friendships but a real friend will love you whether you succeed or make a royal mess of your day. Real friends will laugh with you, cry with you, believe in you, defend you, want to protect you, even worry about you. I think more than ever you need real friends to carry through these very hard moments. Your heart must be heavy with all that has happened. I know as I have tried to get past this organization's way of thinking there were times where I would punish myself for being less than perfect for failing. I am thankful I had people that were willing to love me anyway which helped me love myself through it too. I hope you feel loved by someone today.
Julie my wife and I have read what you have shared about your parents and others in this organization. Our hearts are grieved by all of this. You see we saw red flags yet we pushed them aside. We didn’t know you until your teen years. I heard your father make remarks about you that only a husband should make about his wife not his daughter. It bothered me and I even mentioned it to another minister who made light of it. I thought since I didn’t have kids that I was wrong in how I felt about his comments. They seemed quite sexual in manner. He didn’t treat you as I believe a loving father should yet with each action or word I told myself I didn’t know how to raise kids. My wife told me that it bothered her how she saw your mother treat you. She would refer to you in a very insulting manner. My wife can’t get the look you had on your face as your mother insulted you, out of her mind. You had a look of pain but you said nothing. One time at a conference my wife and some other ladies were going somewhere they asked if you could come along. You turned to your mother and said can I ….Your mother spoke before you could finish with, “Julie doesn’t like being away from me”. My wife was a little taken back since it sounded like you were about to ask to go. Your mother lied about you that day. My wife says she thinks your mother didn’t like that she wasn’t being invited to come too.
It hurts to know how much you were really being hurt. I know as a man I am suppose to be strong not be a baby but I am crying like a baby right now. I hope you can forgive us for not at least challenging your parents on their words. Our hearts said something wasn’t right but our brainwashed minds convinced us otherwise.
Thank you Don and Ange for stepping in not failing her as we did. Thank you for allowing her to share here. We saw red flags in other families which makes us wonder how many more now grown kids have suffered something bad too. Julie I want you to know you deserve to be loved. My wife and I hope what you share wakes up the good people to the fact that they are in the slaughter house not God’s house.
The toilet paper roll I was in the Ntcc day school we where playing jump rope us kids told Joan it was her turn and she started jumping and her hair was falling out and she had a toilet paper roll bobby pinned to her head it had little toilet paper stuck to it lol
Thank you for the comforting words that you shared with Julie. For what she has been through, I'm sure it means a lot to have someone in her corner. Above all, we have declared this blog a 'safe' place for victims of ntcc abuse to come and share their testimonies. We are committed to helping anyone in any way we can on their road to recovery with emphasis on restoration which can be found in Christ.
We know that many are turned off because of what they experienced. We are not here to force feed anyone religion, (we've all had enough of that), but rather we hope we can be a friend to those who need one and help others to be connected to those they've lost contact with years ago because of the cult rules.
Don't feel bad about ignoring or missing the red flags, we all did. I've beat myself over the head for the similar reasons and it's not healthy, because we can't go back and change anything. We do appreciate your support and also that of many of our readers who have contributed here. People are starting to see what the the ntcc is all about, and the darkest secrets.
Anon said...
I remember pastor Davis visiting grant in St. Louis to see how he was doing after going to the university and taking him to the store
Anon2 said...
Isn't that a novel concept. What about the work of the Lord? Weren't souls dying and going to hell while Davis the dick was visiting Grant at the "Great Whore" Catholic College? So I suppose it's now ok to temporarily forsake the so called "work of the Lord" to go visit your "sinner" grand children at a Catholic University which the NTCC leadership regularly referred to as the "Great Whore".
These NTCC folks make me really really sick. The world is now a better place without Davis the dirt bag stinking it all up. I've never seen a more corrupt group in my whole life than the NTCC general board. I mean these people are some real dirty low down dirt bags.
Anon2 said,
"Davis the d*ck"
That's an accurate description of Davis' demeanor and actions toward women. But not quite the direction we want the comments to go, although I too have used a play on a Yiddish term "schmekel" which translates to weenie to describe kekel....
I guess I'm guilty too; but don't want to see more or shall we say 'worse' terminology to describe these guys. We still want to try to reach out to the ntcc crowd. They tend to strain at these gnats while swallowing the camels; but... we don't have to help them by getting too graphic. (?)
Which raises another issue. Don and I discussed whether or not we should include all of Julie's statements. Everything that happened to her was graphic and horrid. She has described some of the intimate details. We feel some people may struggle with how the scene was portrayed; but we want them to think about what has really happened here. So we've given Julie a bit more levity for the purpose of educating folks. So there's that.
Now that I've done my disclaimer, admitted my own part, I would once again ask all to remember that a girl alleges she was raped by the ntcc's current CEO, m.c. kekel, when she was 16 and after suffering years of abuse at home and in the ntcc CULTure.
I accidently came across this blog and am shocked by some of the stories shared. One that really caught my eye was I have a name. It sounds so horrible to have been Julie. Something else that catches my attention was wait Rev. and Sis. St. Clair have a daughter? This was news to me. I knew of one son, daughter-in-law, and a grandson. I decided to contact Sis. St. Clair. I asked about her daughter she denies having a daughter. I wasn’t sure what to think. She later tells me that she does have a daughter but her daughter is living a very sinful life also hates God. She tells me you don’t know what it was like to raise such a girl as Julie. I don’t know what to say or think. I finally decided I need to talk to one of the leaders then Pastor Davis dies so I decide to wait. I decide I will talk to Rev. Kekel at conference but as I open my laptop late Monday night to check to see how my kids are doing I look at this blog again. There is more shocking news Rev. Kekel is just as guilty. My heart sinks what kind of group am I in. I have sat in their churches, went to their bible school and my husband is in ministry yet there seems to be secrets bad ones. A woman I looked up to denies she has a daughter. She called her daughter a name I just can’t write. Julie as I read some of what you wrote you seem connected to God. As sit here waiting to fly out tomorrow morning, I think how can she have a connection with God? I am not sure what to do this has not just be a church it has been my life. If you really talk to God, please say a prayer for me. Thank you for writing I may have never known about you if you didn’t write. I can only imagine how hard it has been to share your life and its ugly details.
Juila, if I saw you I would break one of the many rules Ntcc of America, because I would give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek for being such a brave woman. You are more braver than kekel who hides behind the pulpit. It is truly unbelievable to read how folks will try and demonize you for standing up and speaking out, about how you was raped by kekel. What folks really don't know is that it is not out of character for kekel to desire or rape a young girl, his own wife was underage as well as other leaders of ntcc when they married them, so it is really the norm inside ntcc for an old goat like kekel and other leaders of ntcc to seduce and then marry underage girls. I can imagine that you was probability always under some extreme stress and pressure, from your parents as well as the leaders of ntcc to preform sexually, with no where to go, or no one to turn to, with both your parents sexually abusing you as well that had to be a tough time in your life. The only different between kekel and Johnny Jordan is Jordan got convicted and went to prison. God bless, kisses and hugs.
Anonymous said,
"Something else that catches my attention was wait Rev. and Sis. St. Clair have a daughter? This was news to me. I knew of one son, daughter-in-law, and a grandson. I decided to contact Sis. St. Clair. I asked about her daughter she denies having a daughter. I wasn’t sure what to think. She later tells me that she does have a daughter but her daughter is living a very sinful life also hates God. She tells me you don’t know what it was like to raise such a girl as Julie.
A woman I looked up to denies she has a daughter. She called her daughter a name I just can’t write."
Ange says,
Anonymous, thank you for your comment. Thank you for taking the time to consider what you have read, heard, and seen.
I was introduced to Julie as: "Here is Rev. and Sis. St. Clairs' daughter, Julie Ridgeway." by a close friend who's also good friends with the St. Clairs. I had already known about Julie, who she was and her married name; but during a particular conference we were introduced as I just described.
There is no question that she is their daughter, and that Mrs. St. Clair lied about her not existing. That tells me Mrs. St. Clair thinks nothing of telling a huge whopping lie. Now that she has been caught in that lie, she tries to back peddle and justify that lie by telling more lies.
It is both disappointing and frightening when we learn the truth about these people and the organization NTCC chiefly because we have invested so much of our lives in a fraud and sham. We think we are serving Christ; but our presence is enabling child molesters who hide their wickedness behind the credible front that we unwittingly create for them. We are a frontline wall of true Christians. Behind that is this corrupt core group running NTCC for ulterior motives. Cash. Sex. Power. Mammon. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh. The pride of life.
While Christ is real to us frontliners, the NTCC 'leadership' have made a mockery of God and His body - the church - for that is the body of Christ. The core group of leaders have acted together to make a lie and hide the evil deeds of these perverts.
Thank God you opened your laptop to check on your kids. You may actually deliver them from this CULTure before it does to them what it did to Julie and others including those who may be silently suffering right now.
The leaders of ntcc love to hide behind the pulpit, and assassinate other folks character, well, all is fair in love and war, and if they can character assassinate someone else, then their character can be assassinated as well.
Maurice said,
"The only different between kekel and Johnny Jordan is Jordan got convicted and went to prison."
BINGO! You get the prize tonight for the most accurate statement!
Maurice said,
"The leaders of ntcc love to hide behind the pulpit, and assassinate other folks character, well, all is fair in love and war, and if they can character assassinate someone else, then their character can be assassinated as well."
Ange says,
Okay, Maurice. I know what you mean. But I have to disagree on a technical point. To me, character assassination as the borg does it to other people involves ntcc making false statements or statements that cannot be verified and nobody challenges them on what they say.
I feel that what we put on here is not character assassination. We are simply sharing what we know about these men who run ntcc.
So, hopefully I'm not being to harsh here; but I feel we are sharing the truth, but the ntcc is not. Big difference.
Just for the record, I'm not down on Maurice. He's been a constant help on this blog and has dared to show his name to stand with these ladies and support them. There are several others too who have been great contributors in their own way, some privately, some publicly. It's all good. I really feel God moves people to do their part. We are thankful for each one of you. :o)
Angie, I agree with you 100% however, can I still keep tonights prize?
Absolutely Maurice.
Maurice still gets to keep tonights prize for the most accurate statement when he said,
"The only different between kekel and Johnny Jordan is Jordan got convicted and went to prison."
Wow so many comments. I did except such a response to this difficult post.
I am so glad for the protection from the ones that would be real negative and insulting for it is difficult enough to share. It is even harder to be punished for telling the truth.
Thanks to all that comment wanting to support.
I am glad the character assassination comment was addressed. It rubbed me because what I share is the truth unlike NTCC. I hate lies with a passion.
Maurice you showed true character in not being bothered by Ange wanting to clear that up. This says a lot about you as a person to me.
Maurice said,
"The only different between kekel and Johnny Jordan is Jordan got convicted and went to prison."
This is so true and how I feel on this as well. Thanks for allowing your fingers to share it for all to read.
DnA, thanks for being understanding and staying focus. Sometimes as i try to put my thoughts and the facts that I know about ntcc in writing, however sometimes my limited education betrays me, but from my heart I know what iam trying to say.
Okay Maurice. Some people have education but no heart. You've got heart, and that's worth more than any education.
Ange says to Maurice......
BINGO! You get the prize tonight for the most accurate statement!
Hey wait how did Maurice get to play Bingo without me being invited? I love that game. I guess I won't be jealous that he won in a game I had no opportunity to play. I know I am suppose to be happy when one is blessed of the Lord but I just don't see this as the blessing from God.
Maurice said...
Angie, I agree with you 100% however, can I still keep tonight's prize?
Oh this had me laughing so hard! Maurice is so concerned about his prize. Maurice you are so funny! Maurice I appreciate the laugh. I really needed that one.
Anonymous said...
I accidently came across this blog and am shocked by some of the stories shared. One that really caught my eye was I have a name. It sounds so horrible to have been Julie. Something else that catches my attention was wait Rev. and Sis. St. Clair have a daughter? This was news to me.
I a thankful that you found this site. I know it must be shocking to read this horrible stuff especially when it involves people you looked up to. I am sorry Joan lied to you. You are not the first person that didn't know she had a daughter. She claims me when it benefits her and denies me when she sees no use for me. Since she came back to you she must have feared you would find out the truth. She has more grandchildren then she claims too. I am sad in how she has hurt you. I know it hurts to be lied to I feel for you.
Anonymous said...There is more shocking news Rev. Kekel is just as guilty. My heart sinks what kind of group am I in. I have sat in their churches, went to their bible school and my husband is in ministry yet there seems to be secrets bad ones. A woman I looked up to denies she has a daughter. She called her daughter a name I just can’t write. Julie as I read some of what you wrote you seem connected to God. As sit here waiting to fly out tomorrow morning, I think how can she have a connection with God? I am not sure what to do this has not just be a church it has been my life. If you really talk to God, please say a prayer for me. Thank you for writing I may have never known about you if you didn’t write. I can only imagine how hard it has been to share your life and its ugly details.
I am glad to saw the post so that you could know the truth but I am sorry the truth hurts like it does. I will pray for you. I will pray that God will direct you and strengthen you. I pray for your children because I would never want them to suffer as I do. I don't know how old your children are or whether you have any girls but I would never want them to be thrown into marriage as a child.
I fall majorly short of being the perfect child of God. I can't say trust Him always for sometimes my belief fails. I can say I do talk to Him I love Him and best of all He loves me. I want you to know He is there where you are right now. I pray He will lead and guide you as you look at this information you now have. I pray that you think of your children. God loves you forever no one can change this.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dear Julie I just read this "Kekel Raped Me On The Seminary Campus for New Testament Christian Church“ and I am so shocked and I am shaking on the inside and tears are coming to my eyes what you have been through. I am very sorry for this!
Thank for reading and commenting. I appreciate your care with what has happening to me.
Anonymous said...
Hey Kekel your fame or should we say your sins are spreading through Germany now – don’t you never ever try to enter our country – we will throw you out!
Yes protect people. Well stated comment!
Anonymous said...
Over and over the women were put down for being overweight. For the longest time the only thing the ladies would talk was the latest diet and this and that. I remember the Atkins diet how many including rw getting on the band wagon to lose weight. Been there, done that.
Yes it is a repeated thing women being put down for weight. They are so worried about people's weight that everyone overlooks the things that matter the most. I have heard women's weight be the blame for men's cheating yet I have seen men with what some would say are good-looking women still cheat on their wives. Excuses don't change that cheating is wrong.
As far as the weight and diets. Joan took in and let out clothes for the leaders and their wives as they lost and gained weight with all the yo-yo dieting. I dislike these times because being around these people was so hard. Joan thought she needed to test every diet on me especially if she noticed I had gained a pound. They miss the most important change the change the heart needs.
Everyone must humble themselves before God for everyone is in need of the Savior. Anyone that thinks they are beyond the need of Jesus will found themselves falling short when one day they stand before Him. He gave His life. He loves us He just wants our love in return.
NTCC leaders if you think your title will get you to heaven you will one day be sadly mistaken.
Maurice said....
It is also just as unfortunate that the only memory and most lasting of memories that Barbra Norton kids will have of her, is being abandon by there mother. And for what?
It is very sad indeed what each of Barbara's children went through. It pains my heart to know what they suffered. Each one being effected by it differently but all being scarred by it. Never owning her sin.
Maurice said.....
Sometimes as I try to put my thoughts and the facts that I know about ntcc in writing, however sometimes my limited education betrays me, but from my heart I know what I am trying to say.
Maurice join the limited education club. I forget words when I write I mixed them up at times. Sometimes I drive my own self crazy worrying if I make sense but I get it out there. If I am too confusing Ange clears it up for me. I agree with Ange you have a big heart and that is what matters most.
Ange said...
The other day when I was talking to Lisa Norton, she said that her dad's former spouse, Barbara Norton Warwick was telling Lisa that the Kekels were paying Barbara and John Warwicks' way to conference.
I wonder how that conference was for her? Was she praised for what she did to her children? It is like you continued to not talk to your children so here is your prize.
This must make the rest of your that had to sacrifice to get there feel really important. You had to skip meals to make it. You gave money in the offering but you still had to pay your own way. You must not have done enough for them. How have you been treating your children? Hiding their sin, lying for them, mistreating children, mistreating women all these are some of the ways people seem to get in with them. Just know this may not work or it might backfire. They don't stick to the play book always.
Think about it people if your family had to do without the basics to get to conference why didn't they offer help? If someone did help you is it that you are so poor someone felt sorry for you?
I am not picking on anyone just want you to stop and think about what is happening.
Anonymous said....
I hope you have people in your life that love you at all times. You need people in your ups and downs of life.......
Yes I have people in my life that love me. I agree everyone needs people in the ups and downs of life.
Thanks for your concern.
Anonymous said....
These NTCC folks make me really really sick.
I agree they do make me sick this is why I hope that many eyes will be open to get out for their sakes and the sake of their families.
Grieving said...
Julie my wife and I have read what you have shared about your parents and others in this organization. Our hearts are grieved by all of this. You see we saw red flags yet we pushed them aside.
It hurts to know how much you were really being hurt. I know as a man I am suppose to be strong not be a baby but I am crying like a baby right now. I hope you can forgive us for not at least challenging your parents on their words. Our hearts said something wasn’t right but our brainwashed minds convinced us otherwise.
First of all I don't hold it against you how could you even know what those red flags even held. Second the way they get into people's mind you wouldn't even know to be concerned. Be a peace my forgiveness you have but most importantly God doesn't hold it against you either. I totally understand. I hope you can now forgive yourself and move forward into the beauty life has to offer.
Anonymous said...
Thank you Don and Ange for stepping in not failing her as we did. Thank you for allowing her to share here. We saw red flags in other families which makes us wonder how many more now grown kids have suffered something bad too. Julie I want you to know you deserve to be loved.
I am thankful for a safety place to share. This is also a place for you to share as well. Yes I know there are other children grew up and are growing up that only one can wonder what has happen to them. I hope they will feel the freedom to share as well. Thanks for the love and concern about me. It is greatly appreciate. What you shared actually helps me more than you can imagine.
I understand the feeling Anonymous. I too am very shocked to found out Rev. and Sis. St. Clair have a daughter. I have sat with Rev. and Sis. St. Clair and Rev. and Sis. Kekel talking about our kids. We talked about only boys. The St. Clairs of course having the oldest son as well as a grandson. They did mention something about losing a baby in Germany but nothing of having a daughter. The Kekels did not say anything about Rev. and Sis. St. Clair having a daughter either. Julie were you the kid born in Germany? I am both shocked and puzzled. The St. Clairs spoke of wanting a large family but Sis. St. Clair was unable to do it. I have sat with others that I would think would know Julie but even then no one said anything about Rev. and Sis. St.Clair having a daughter just a son. I now too want to question Sis. St. Clair to see if she claims Julie as her daughter. Why would they want to deny Julie? Don and Ange you seem to know her. Why do you think they would deny her? They were denying her before she ever wrote on the blog so this can’t be it since from my reading they would have thought they got away with it if Julie hadn’t wrote about things on here. I am beginning to think something is wrong these people. I am shocked my leaders and friends have lied to me. This alone troubles me but to know not only have they lied then have done evil by a hopeless defenseless girl now woman. Julie I know this must have been hard to write; it is hard to read. The details makes one have to face the evil truth. Your childhood troubled me but this adult story has really shaken me up yet it says to be continued. You were raised by people that should have been an example being a minister and minister’s wife yet they lie and did evil unto you even worse they allow all of our examples to do the same unto you. This is my organization that I have given up everything for including my military career. For what so I can support liars and evildoers?
My wife and I were a part of this group for 30+ years. We labored in various places, for nearly 16 years, but were never considered as successful, by the leadership. Eventually, we were assigned to Graham, Wa, to become a "laypastor", and teach in the Bible Seminary. After a few semesters, I was removed from teaching by RWD, for no apparent reason.
The idea, of questioning the leadership, from RWD, on down, was never an option.
Eventually, our eyes were opened to the double standards, and hypocrisy that existed in this group, and within the leadership.
We were taught, to shun anyone who had left the church, regardless of the reason. We witnessed abuses of power, and control, and a total lack of financial accountability.
We participated in shunning, those who we once were loyal to, and friends with.
I was Kelly Merz's first pastor, when he left us, I cut him out of my life.
Pam and Johnny Jordon, lived in our serviceman's home in Tennessee. When they left us, we cut them out of our lives.
Victor Johanson, Teddy Keys, Jesus Rodriguez, and countless others. We learned, not to ask, not to question, What "PASTOR, OR ANY OF THE OTHER SELF APPOINTED, 'LEADERS," said, or did.
We had to answer their inquuiries, but never were we permited to question them.
Lisa, Lori, Pam, and especially Julie, I hope that the things you have made public, cause the righteous among the NTCC to stand up, and demand an independent investigation into these woman's testimony. If these ungodly crimes, against these young girls are proven to be true and acurate, the entire boards of directors of both the New Testament Church of God, and the New Testament Christian Churches of America should be removed, and replaced with true servants of God. The truth, will always prevail.
Anonymous said,
"I now too want to question Sis. St. Clair to see if she claims Julie as her daughter. Why would they want to deny Julie? Don and Ange you seem to know her. Why do you think they would deny her? They were denying her before she ever wrote on the blog so this can’t be it since from my reading they would have thought they got away with it if Julie hadn’t wrote about things on here."
Ange says,
Well, that's a good question. Why would the St. Clair's deny they have a daughter?
Julie had tried in the past to share with others, I believe with other girls her peers, some of the abuse she had experienced. The people she shared with did what all good ntccers do - they told their pastor. Julie was punished - by brutal spankings; which I consider beatings. She was coerced or forced under pain and threat of more pain, to retract her statements. She was forced to lie to survive.
Now, the truth had come out. But it was quickly repressed with severity. Julie was forcibly educated to keep quiet or else! She was required to go back to the people she had told and lie to them and tell them that she had lied about the abuse. *sigh*
Nevertheless, people knew.
Now the St. Clairs and the board members had to deal with something that all narcissists hate - EXPOSURE.
Narcissists know they are self-centered and self-serving creatures. And they are okay with that knowledge. But what they can never tolerate is when somebody else confronts them with that fact. It shatters the illusion and let's everyone know what hypocrites they are. They cannot tolerate that exposure. They are exactly like the Pharisees and Scribes who plotted to kill Jesus and the man He raised from the dead, Lazarus, just to suppress the truth and save their image as the religious leaders when they had no power from God, just the earthly sensual devilish kind.
I feel the St. Clairs deny their daughter to sweep under the rug the dirt about who they really are - sexual predators named Ralph and Joan St. Clair. Not ministers for Christ, but slaves of satan doing his demonic work.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. - Jhn 3:19-20 KJV
Also, just for the record, Don and I are very much on the same sheet of music here. I have recently begun posting with my own name because certain individuals were trying to silence Julie, putting a false doctrine on her that women should not speak.
I post this way so all you ladies will know that your voice is equally important. As you study your bible, you will see many examples of women having great power with God, speaking with Him in prayer, receiving answers, acting according to His direction.
You are important to your Heavenly Father and He loves you. You have a voice and it matters. Feel free to use it. God created you for a purpose. He loves you for who you are as you are. :o)
I have personally known Julie Saint Clair For the better part of 35 years. She is indeed, the biological child of Ralph and Joan SINclair.
But, more than that, she is a child of God. A blood bought, born-again child Of God.
There is only one church, and that is not an organization, IT IS AN ORGANISM, The Living Body Of Christ! and only one way into that church, "ye must be born again..."
And Julie is all of that, and Christian's don't lie!
When we left this group, we went with Christ, not to leave Christ! The same way that He lead us to this group, He lead us out of this group.
Just wanted to thank everyone for the comments. Some of you have shared the same things that we have. And that is very important to have the 2nd witness. So thanks. :o)
Dear sister who is still in the NTCC, be extremely cautious when enquiring about any of these subjects, because the moment you do, you will become the new target. Don't let the smiles fool you. Read the tragic story of The Morano's. Pray, and ask God, for His direction. We send our best to you, and your family. Our sincere hope, is that these crimes become public, and these criminals are held accountable for their actiions, removed, and replaced with true servants of God.
Anon said...
Dear sister who is still in the NTCC, be extremely cautious when inquiring about any of these subjects, because the moment you do, you will become the new target. Don't let the smiles fool you. Read the tragic story of The Morano's. Pray, and ask God, for His direction.
Anon 2 said...
This is the problem with entirely too many Christians. Instead of using good common sense and sound logic they ignore the obvious and look for answers from God when the answer is plain as the nose on their face.
If you want answers and explanations concerning these topics, you don't have to do much praying, that's for sure. If you are still in the NTCC, you simply call Kekel the abusive crook and pathetic leader that that he is, and you leave the NTCC for good and don't look back. You get on with your life and realize that you were conned by some religious hucksters; plain and simple. No prayer required. God doesn't expect us to pray for answers and direction to what is already plainly obvious and right in front of our faces. Later.
Should we pray and ask God if we should take another breath every time our chest moves in and out? Should be pray and ask God if we should eat every time we get hungry? Should we pray and ask God if we should allow a burglar or rapist into our house to hang out with our small innocent daughter? So then why should you have to pray to God to seek answers or direction concerning how you should deal with abusers like Kekel when you should already know what do to if you are a mature adult with a brain inside your skull?
Here is what you do if you are in the NTCC. You leave the Church and don't look back and you man up and recognize that you've been "had". You recognize that you got conned out of your money so the Kekels could send their son to a Catholic College and a private academy compliments your tithe money and offerings. You realize that you've been living like a pawn when you paid for Kekel to live like a king and have maids come to clean is house while he had them to bend over and clean his floors while he watched and lusted over their raised butts. If you read this article and you elect to still remain in the NTCC you are willfully being used played and suckered.
All this brings back so many memories.
First of, I remember how in a conference we had in St. Louis , rw started teasing Ralph st Claire
As always the audience just went with the usual little nervous laugh because it was an inside joke known only to them and now we all know what the inside joke was.
But rw started with asking where Ralph was. And there he was , rw continued on asking if the plane was comfortable enough for him, tsk, tsk. I guess he has back problems and can't stand driving long so he "SIN Claire " flew here. At this point Ralph said that rw was pronouncing his name wrong. Then rw said : oh! It's not SIN Claire, it's Saint Claire. Rw asked if his wife and daughter made it okay driving from WA to st Louis and Ralph said yes. All this was such just friendly joking between brothers but now we know it was not.
I met Julie in what I believe to be her second time in bible school. She had such a sweet little boy. I saw her jacked-up about Mike Kekel humiliated by him and other leaders. She seemed so sad and so full of fear. I remember one day one of sisters informed her Mike Kekel wanted to see her. I will never forget the look of torment on her face. I knew people were fearful to talk to him but I wish I had known her fear went much deeper.
Even in the middle of her sadness she was a caring person. One day she found out from my oldest child I was really sick. She came and knocked on my door. I confirmed I was badly sick. She told me if I called and got permission she would help me with the kids, cooking, and household things. She told me asking permission scared her. I didn’t think anything of that statement for I was always scared to ask as well. I called and got permission. She probably helped me more than we had permission to do. For a week she took care of my children and cooked meals for my household. She even took my clothes with her to the laundry mat. She was so kind and patient with my kids. While she was in my house, I never saw her be harsh to any of the kids including her son. She seemed so unhappy yet she cared about my household without one complaint. Wow I just realized she never asked for money for the laundry mat to wash my clothes.
I was only around her with her parents present for one conference. I have to say it is surprising how they talked so down to her. How can so much care come from one that is so mistreated? As I read what she writes in her comments she is now sharing Jesus as well as love with others. Julie all I see is Jesus in you. If he means this much to you maybe I should reach out to him one more time. Maybe in the middle of all this garbage I missed what he really is all about. I want the Jesus you have Julie.
I hope someone is taking care of you because it is about time someone did things for you. You have always taken care of others never asking for anything in return. It is your turn to receive in life yet here you are still giving wanting to help others.
Eric and Carol Leidlein, of Arlington, Texas, originally thought they were mourning their daughter Bethany Deaton's suicide. But ever since the body of the 27-year-old was found in a van in Jackson County, Missouri on October 30, the emerging details of her death have grown increasingly bizarre and disturbing. Now Deaton's family mourns her murder.
Deaton's confessed killer, 23 year-old Micah Moore, told police that he had staged her death as a suicide after being instructed to kill her. The identity of the person who gave the order was blacked out on the initial police report, but Moore's confession statement suggested someone in a leadership role of the extremely secretive religious group to which both he and Deaton belonged. Prosecutors now say that Deaton was killed on the orders of her husband, Tyler Deaton, 26, a charismatic leader of a cult that reportedly used sex as part of its religious ministry. Moore left a vague suicide note with Deaton's body. According to the probable cause statement, the note read: "I chose this evil thing. I did it because I wouldn't be a real person and what is the point of living if it is too late for that? I wish I had chosen differently a long time ago. I knew it all and refused to listen. Maybe Jesus will still save me."
Moore told police he had recorded video of himself and several other men—including her husband—sexually assaulting Bethany after she was given the anti-psychotic drug Seroquel. Witnesses interviewed by Jackson County Police claim they were members of a sexual community in which sex acts were performed as part of their "religious experience."
Other male members of the religious group lived with Bethany and Tyler Deaton, in Grandview, Missouri, worshipping together in Kansas City. The men living in the Deaton home referred to Tyler Deaton as their "spiritual leader," and allegedly participated in the drugging and sexual assault of Bethany over the course of a few months. Witnesses reportedly have written poems about the sexual assaults, which Moore claims are stored on his iPad along with the videos.
Deaton's death was considered an alcohol and drug-assisted suicide until Moore went to the Grandview Police Department three days after her body was found, admitting he had suffocated her. Police report that Moore killed Deaton because he'd become afraid that she would report the sexual assaults—not to the police, but to her therapist.
The victim, her husband, and the alleged killer are all from Texas, where they attended Southwestern University in Georgetown, near Austin. They initially were members of a religious organization called The International House of Prayer, an evangelical charismatic Christian mission organization and one of the conservative Christian churches that sponsored Texas Governor Rick Perry's "The Response." The group has been called a cult by some former participants. According to Bethany Deaton's obituary, she and Tyler had moved to Missouri to be interns for IHOP and to study at the International House of Prayer University.
Don said:
For those of you who think that Julie is making things up do a google search on sex cults and see what they do. This cult that killed Bethany to cover up the sex sins and abuse committed by of one of it's leaders, is a lot like the ntcc. The cult is part of an organization called IHOP or "International House Of Prayer", not to be confused with House of Prayer (Den of Theives) run by Ronny Denis. However this group called IHOP is a lot like the ntcc. It has a "soul winning" program that reaches out to young people on college campuses and they at one time considered themselves "Holiness Christians" and practiced all the outward standards that the ntcc practices. Not sure if they have compromised those standards over the years like the ntcc has, but they use standards of living to hide their sexual sins.
I know, some of you have been saying, "There's no way Julie is telling the truth about everything". We've heard people say this more than once, but before you discount it all do some research and find out what cults do. Find out how they traffic Human beings and make them sex slaves. Find out how they kill people to cover up their sins, and then give some of these victims the benefit of doubt. If we didn't believe Julie, her account of what Joan and Ralph did to her would not have been made public and people would continue to believe that Joan and Ralph were great people. Joan and Ralph have a serious problem and they need to be removed from positions where they are around children and young adults so that people's children will not be endangered by them any more. What they have done to Julie has been verified by Joan's own admission and others who have testified have validated much of what she shared.
These people are a danger to society and if you think that Kekel is above reproach, you are also being naive. There is a reason that Julie was scared to ask permission and there is a reason that certain places on the ntcc cult compound scared her and certain leaders scared her. You can pretend that none of this ever happened but, but if it didn't than why are these ntcc leaders being so quiet? If you were innocent of molesting children and someone started accusing you and people in your congregation started leaving, would you be silent or would you try to clear your name.
Trust me, they do not want to go public with this. It was shared that Kekel paid for the SinClairs and Barbaric Barbara to go to conference. Why would you do this? Why would Davis take away Ralphie's minister license for 6 months and then give it back to him along with his blessing to continue a ministry that consisted of him raping and impregnating his own under aged daughter?
These people are sick and their wickedness is being broadcast on the internet. Julie was a piece of meat to people like Davis and Kekel, and they humiliated her and the one thing they never thought would happen is happening. Julie is sharing her testimony with the world, and they are trembling. All they can do is try to ride this one out. They don't dare go public with this. I believe that Ralph knows all about Davis and others in the ntcc leadership that used Julie as a sex slave. He was the first and he found favor by passing her around to people like Davis and Kekel. Ralph is not going to fall on his sword, without letting the cat out of the bag. If he goes down, they will go down.
Let's hope Kekel and the powers that be are not planning anything drastic like murder to cover up their sins. If someone mysteriously dies that is close to this story, I hope those who read this will call attention to it. It's happened before in cults and this is what cults do.
Don said,
For the record, we believe Julie and we love her as a sister. She has been extremely brave and honest about what she has shared and none of it has been refuted by the perpetrators. Others also have shown unwavering support of Julie. For those who are having a hard time believing, we would ask that you give it all some time and see what comes of all this. Julie has been treated like an object all of her life, and we are not going to do that to her.
I know how evil the ntcc. I have seen enough in in just 7 years to know that the ntcc is a very wicked and manipulative group who have their own interests in mind. It is no surprise to me at all that Davis, Kekel, Joan and Ralph and others have committed these unthinkable acts. This stuff fits right into their character, and another note worthy fact is that they are not denying any of this as of yet. They might lie about it at some point but up until now they are using the standard tactic of discrediting Julie instead of defending the accusations that are turning out to be true, one by one. People are validating Julies accounts and the more this happens, the more people try to discredit her.
We are standing with Julie so if you are out there and you think that you might try to drive a wedge by spreading a bunch of lies, don't even go there. We are not lovers of the ntcc and we will not be played by anyone who wants to promote their agenda. Go start your own blog.
"There's no way Julie is telling the truth about everything".
behind the full of it pulpit pestor said there is a little bit of truth in every lie. those that are calling julie a liar which part of her story is a little bit of the truth?
still don't believe her!? why was a man allowed to be alone with her when tha was always preached against!? the women that were driving her knew! they always know.i vomit at the thought that while we were making 100 doors happen at soul winning, julie was somewhere being brutally raped.
is Grant a sinner spawn,(or did he conveniently run the credit card of salvation).his parents still love him and brag on him right? what is the difference between him and julie?
Yes I remember Julie at bible school as well. One day I was baking and realized I was a cup of sugar short. I asked Julie if I could borrow a cup. She said yes so I called to ask permission to borrow the sugar. It took me a little while to get a hold of someone to get permission. I finally reached someone and got it cleared. I let Julie know I had permission. She handed me a container that had four cups of sugar in it. I told her I only needed a cup. She said take all of it I don’t want you to be in need before you make it to the store again. This was the beginning of me learning what kind of person Julie was.
I have seen Julie put down by the leaders. I saw her humiliated in front of others. I too have see fear and unhappiness on her face. I even saw her as a married woman get slapped by her mother at conference. I have seen the men in her life including those that should have cherished her, insult her in ways that would be very hurtful as a woman. Yet in all this she was sweet and kind to others. She is the type that gave more than needed. I saw this over and over again. So many stories of ways she has given. If you asked her to go a mile for you she would still be at it in the fifth mile always thinking of others. If she hears you want or need something leave it to her to want to find a way for you to have it. That is just Julie for you.
She is one of the best cheerleaders one can have in life. She is willing to encourage others with such a humble heart. Whether it is encouragement, thankfulness or praise Julie doesn’t say things to people in a few words no it is always a little speech. Yet it is real and from her heart. She isn’t one to praise just anyone but when she does it is an honor for she does it with such love leaves one feeling special knowing as an individual they can do the next task at hand. Though she goes overboard with it, one thing that is clear it is real and she never does it to gain anything; only to help another. She has been born with a special ability to love that even abuse can’t take away. I think for someone to ever want her to be different would to expect her to change how God created her. She didn’t seem to know the bible back then or really much about other things in life. I was surprised at how much she didn’t know but she somehow figured out how to show love. No one loves like Julie does.
I see as she makes comments she hasn’t change she just now has Jesus on board. She is still Julie having to make lots of comments because she can’t do anything small. She just has to pour love while others sprinkle love she pours it. Being in the spotlight has got to be hard for Julie since she is one to do things for others in the background. Yet I believe her love for others making her step out; thinking only how she may help others even if it means sacrificing herself on the alter for all to see. She may not have serviced in the USA military but she is truly servicing in the military of the Lord. She is willing to fight for souls in one of the most difficult battles even though she has few soldiers on her side. NTCC men of God she has more faith and courage than all of you combine. She is willing to stand in the line of fire to offer hope to those that think all hope is gone.
Thank you Julie for being brave enough to post this for it has caused me to turn my life over to Jesus once again. You reminded me that man failed me Jesus didn't and it is Jesus I needed. She has the true Jesus! What Jesus do you have?
Julie is sharing her testimony with the world, and they are trembling.
They used to make us tremble - now finally it's their turn - praise God.
There is a reason that Julie was scared to ask permission and there is a reason that certain places on the ntcc cult compound scared her and certain leaders scared her.
I can relate to this - even here in Germany I was afraid and tremble on the inside before every church service under Ramirez. Bullying from the pulpit, unfriendly, lack of common deceny, you name it.
Kayd said:what is the difference between him and julie? Kayd, there is a lot of differents between Julie and Grant Kekel. First: Julie is a young woman, and Grant is a young man. Second: ntcc leaders don't rape young men, they prefer to rape young women. Third: All Julie knew was ntcc, and she did not have many friends outside of ntcc because they (ntcc) do not allow it. But Grant was allowed to attend schools and functions from without ntcc where he establish friendships, and classmates with others who are not members of ntcc. Forth: Julie parents raped her, where as Grants parents did not rape him, but his dad was into raping Julie. The leadership of ntcc have been raping there members for years for financial gain. So yes sir, there is a difference between Julie and Grant kekel.
Speaking of ntcc school. If the founder, and the ceo of ntcc did not think, that there own school, was good enough for there grandson, and son, to attend that's got to be a slap in the face of the teachers and the student body that do attend.
Maurice said,
"So yes sir, there is a difference between Julie and Grant kekel."
just sayin' that grant is loved like a son even when he is considered to be a in sin.
My brothers and sister please pray for me I broke another blood vessel in my eye pray that when sept comes I am song enough to have this surgery. Pray that God gives me and my heart the strength we need thanks Lisa Norton
Ironically before I even read this,
exactly thought the same thing. How
as an adult would the offender not know
this is wrong behavior? Why hasn't anyone
stepped in for this girl and reported this to authorities. Or are you that have known it guilty, too?
In my opinion you are all fearful of Kekel and a guy who is now dead. You are all tricked. And why? What for?
Most of you aren't even part of this 'organization' anymore at least not physically. So why and what are you waiting for?
But unfortunately it may be too late, and the authorities will ask why did you wait so long to report it. Thanks a lot. With a
personal condition in my life that I've lived with I know what it is to be neglected for special needs as well as I have been in
and out of abusive jobs, the Marine Corps, and etc. It is an unfortunate thing for a person with such needs to be neglected in work,
home, life, and especially in a church where people are supposed to receive healing. Unfortunately, this abuse continuously goes on the most (in my experience) in the 'Church'. Yes I have experienced a good dose of abuse in this so-called 'org.' I was also told it was 'Davis University' and I was at the whim(s) of you know who, and abused by the other you know who implicitly that others would probably never believe if I told them. But, usually abuse in a church if not physical, will continually be executed as implicit i.e.: the pastor will look a person in the eyes, and though most don't believe it, will actually be scolding, reprimanding, oddly abusing that person thoroughly. I've had it happen to me the most at New Testament Christian Church starting at Oceanside while stationed at Camp Pendleton, and continuing at Seminary in Graham. I received the same from the like-minded brain-washed 'brothers and sisters' in the dorm and in class, from 'Rev.' Sewell on the job-site, his boss Steve Vanderlinda who was all about kissing Davis' and Kekel's butts, too, and from the foreman Jared Wipf who was a brain-washed probably by his Hutterite(Amish) family as well as graft in to brain-washing at N.T.C.C.A. However this all (abuse) began the very first day I met N.T.C.C.A.'s 'soul-winners' in the Barracks in Las Pulgas, CA as a Marine, and I can say this is one of the regrets I have in life. And that abuse began with 'Rev.' Polk.
There was a crony 'Rev.' Kekel had: 'Rev.' Jeff Carter and was a huge factor as my 'soul-winning' partner he would use as
his power stroke, or power-shifter. It's interesting how these birds have flocked together, and stayed together, and ultimately
is how any democracy, or supremacy, or dictatorship is more appropriate is run. Read how Nebuchadnezzar did it, or any other
circumstance similar in the Bible (Joseph, and pharaoh, etc.): Jeff reminded me a lot of him. However, abuse is never right, and there was a sweetness to Joseph as there isn't to a lot or most or all of these members. Back to the subject, pertaining to gifts, or skill is probably why head honchos in this place preach all the time about Nebuchadnezzar trusting Daniel. They see themselves and openly admit to being evil, and in turn use these instantly innocent young men to prey on. In the end those same innocent should guard themselves because they could end up just like them as I saw in Jeff Carter giving in to his buddy 'Rev.' Kekel's every
whim, and order to please themselves, and continually shift any blame on the pawn me for any little thing I may have messed up while 'soul-winning'. The punishment I suffered was a feeling of desertion when they began teaming me with these nobody brainwashed losers I didn't feel comfortable with while 'soul-winning', and all for Jeff Carter's and 'Rev.' Kekel's glory. There is much more I could say, but won't. As I said abuse does continue as I have attended a local N.T.C.C.A. in the past couple years, and have attended my wife's church which is not a part of this 'Organization' at all. So this proves it happens in every church. So the other option is merely "don't go at all". Find a way to worship the LORD in the comfort of your own home learn to do right at home study the BIBLE sing a song service learn songs sing songs learn to play an instrument take care of your own home's members your wife, daughter, or son, do not allow these filthy abusers (filthy birds) pollute your sanctuary and that sanctuary is your body your wife, daughter, or son, PERIOD. Wives, don't allow the filthy birds to pollute your husbands, PERIOD. After all forsake not the assembling of yourselves could mean 2 or more simply, PERIOD.
Anonymous said, on Monday, June 30, 2014 6:18:00 AM
Ironically before I even read this,
exactly thought the same thing. How
as an adult would the offender not know
this is wrong behavior? Why hasn't anyone stepped in for this girl and reported this to authorities. Or are you that have known it guilty, too?
DNA say,
We wonder too how much people knew and how many were guilty participants in this lewd conduct. The CULTure of the NTCC reporting network also made things worse. People would report suspicions to the organization rather than to the police. Please, people, if you suspect abuse, report it to the police.
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