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James and Helen Ashmore Leaders of Jesus Revival Ministries |
Bill, I am a pastor and leader in our church org. and after approx. 40 some years of being a part of this ministry, my wife and I have (with much difficulty) determined it best to leave it. Please remember me in prayer as this isn't easy since we are in our mid-60's. We trust God however, to start a new ministry through us. Some years ago, God started impressing on me that JESUS is the true focus of ministry, NOT CHURCH DOCTRINES. It seemed that Jesus was being treated only as one of many subjects to preach on and that disturbed me. I have also had a revelation of GRACE like never before!
I have seen miracles when praying for people, but it seems our org. doesn't place a priority on these things. Rather than be critical any longer, we feel it best to leave. Please pray for my health since I have been suffering from Ulcerative Colitis for some time now and it seems no one's prayers or even commands (including my own) have brought any result. Thank you so much for your taking time to read this- I just don't know who else to turn to for ministry that I can have any confidence in right now.
I have seen miracles when praying for people, but it seems our org. doesn't place a priority on these things. Rather than be critical any longer, we feel it best to leave. Please pray for my health since I have been suffering from Ulcerative Colitis for some time now and it seems no one's prayers or even commands (including my own) have brought any result. Thank you so much for your taking time to read this- I just don't know who else to turn to for ministry that I can have any confidence in right now.
This was written pretty close to the time that Ashmore left the ntcc. The Pastor of the Bethel Church, Bill Johnson, is a lot like Ashmore. Bill's ministry is based on signs and wonders. Bill Johnson believes that Angel feathers fall in his church, his home, and at restaurants. He also believes that "Glory Clouds" come down in his church and describes these glory clouds as large puffs of gold flakes. He claims that gold flakes fall from the ceiling of his church. He has a video of a bunch of people in ntcc style worship and a cloud of smoke that looks really fake billowing in a corner of the church. He also believes a lot of really weird doctrines like one practice called "grave soaking". Grave soaking, also referred to as grave sucking is where cult members go to graves of famous Christians like C.S. Lewis and lay on their graves to soak up the anointing of God. Another really weird practice that they participate in is being drunk in the spirit, where cult members laugh uncontrollably, and twitch uncontrollably in what looks like epileptic fits for very long periods of time. None of this is biblical, by the way. This is the guy, Bill Johnson, that James Ashmore wanted to pray for him to heal him from his Ulcerative Colitis.
In another Facebook plea for healing, Ashmore reached out to a woman named Aliss Cresswell. Aliss and her husband Rob, lead a group called MorningStar Europe. This group also has a cult following and many of its ex-members blog against them and the people that they are associated with. Aliss and Rob Cresswell run the European arm of the MorningStar organization founded by Rick Joyner who is a huckster and grifter of the highest (or lowest) sort. Joyner claims that he has eaten from the tree of life, that he has spoken to the deceased, that he has have more power than the Apostles, and that there will be a civil war in the church. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? This is the type of people that Ashmore aligns himself with. Ashmore is a divine healing huckster. He wants to be just like these other mega church healing hucksters and miracle merchandisers. Do you really want someone who "doesn't have enough faith for his own healing" to demand that you have the faith for your healing? You don't have to believe us; but it's all about money and prestige for Ashmore.
Aliss, can you pray for me? I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a few years ago and I have been on Prednisone since. I am tired of using this medication and want to be free. Thank you, and please tell me if you have received this post, God bless you!
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Rather than "Getting a Hold of God" for himself, Ashmore Seeks Healing from This British Woman Who Runs Miracle Shops with signs that say, "We Pray For Miracles! Better than 90% get Miracles" |
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Bill Johnson's Wife, Beni, Sucks the Grave of C.S. Lewis |
If you do a google search on Bill Johnson and throw in the word cult or false doctrine you will find out what Bill Johnson is all about. Ashmore has to go to these money grubbing false prophets for healing because his own healing ministry is a scam. Ashmore's right hand man is Mathew Meinecke, who is really into the whole signs and wonders preaching. Meinecke draws attention to himself by laying on the ground in public places pretending like he is crucified while preaching at passersby. We call him the blood moon prophet because he preached on the blood moons as if they were fulfilling present day prophesy; but there is no prophesy in the scripture to support his claims of present day relevance. Blood moons are only mentioned in the bible in reference to the great and notable day of the Lord, but Meinecke, like many other Hucksters, likes to create new false doctrines; and Ashmore didn't seem to have any objections. Meinecke and Ashmore are both really into signs and wonders.
Matthew 16:4 "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas."
Bill Johnson and the New Age
The Bethel Church has an unbelievable music ministry, featuring groups like Jesus Culture and other artists who are incredibly inspirational in their music. They do concerts that bring in huge amounts of money; and they also have recorded labels that bring in lots of cash. They might be sincere Christians; but they are in a cult; and their money is going somewhere. I doubt that the Jesus Culture members are getting rich off of it. They are being exploited for their talent, a lot like the ntcc members are being exploited for their youth and energy.
I know that Jesus Culture brings in a ton of money; and Bethel church has its own recording studio that they invested around 1.6 million dollars to purchase. They sell tons of stuff and have conferences with registration fees, where they sell T-shirts and lots of other paraphernalia. They also have a 70 acre cult compound and a bible school that costs $3600 per student to attend. This cult compound has become a Christian tourist trap, where Christians come from miles around and spend on average of $125.00 per visit. Come on people, use your heads. Is this what Christ envisioned for His church?
Col 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."
The reason Ashmore keeps his Commentary open to his own circle of choice friends only, is that he doesn't want to be confronted with stuff like this. He can't have a public page like normal ministers, but he has to limit his group to those who he invites, only. Ashmore has read our blogpost and our letter that we wrote to him, but refuses to answer for any of his actions that have hurt quite a few people. It didn't take long for word to get back to Ashmore after we posted about his daughter, Lorrie DiFrancesco, no longer attending ntcc services faithfully. After someone shared this with us, Ashmore complained about someone "cutting and pasting" stuff from his private commentary. This is called damage control, folks. Ashmore hasn't changed. He reacts the same way that the ntcc hucksters react. He is ashamed of his actions so he has to operate in a private and secretive way. He doesn't want public scrutiny because it takes away from his bottom line and exposes him for the huckster he is. So now we find that when someone shares Ashmore's private stuff he throws a tantrum. It seems Ashmore's new found love for grace only extends to the people that agree with him.
Ashmore does have a blog that is public, but it is not open for the public to comment on, so we are going to use our public forum to discuss it. If you want to know what Ashmore is all about, read the section on divine healing. The following statements were copied and pasted from Ashmore's public blog:
Look at Christ, the Passover Lamb as foreshadowed in the book of Exodus: not only did its blood set them free from slavery, but “there was not one FEEBLE person among their tribes”, (Ps. 105:37), which precluded the healing of many of those Israelites prior to their departure from Egypt!
Note: They went out FREE, they went out HEALED, and they went out RICH!
They went out RICH! Now we are getting down to the heart of the matter, and it's not about you being rich. It's about Ashmore the huckster getting rich! It's all about the money!!!$$$$!!!!
How can one pray “the prayer of faith” if one is still in doubt of the Lord’s will to heal??? Nowhere are we commanded to pray “if it be Thy will” when His will is plainly revealed to us in the scriptures!
So why did Ashmore whine to Bill Johnson? "Please pray for my health since I have been suffering from Ulcerative Colitis for some time now and it seems no one's prayers or even commands (including my own) have brought any result."
And why did Ashmore whine to Aliss Cresswell? "Aliss, can you pray for me? I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a few years ago and I have been on Prednisone since. I am tired of using this medication and want to be free."
As Ashmore asks the readers of his blog:
Not only does Ashmore not believe it for himself, but he expects you to believe it. And why does Ashmore go to the most whacked out cult leaders he can find and ask them to pray for him? Ashmore admires these cult leaders because he wants to be just like them. But do you know who is going to pay for this enterprise? You are if you follow him. How many innocent Christians will be manipulated by these faith healing false prophets? Who pays the price?
1 Tim 4:1-2 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"
It's easy for Ashmore to point his crooked finger at you when it comes to doubting the Lord's will to heal, but what about practicing what you preach, Jimbo? Or could it be that it's all a scam, just like it was in the ntcc? Now we don't believe that divine healing is a scam. We just think that Ashmore uses divine healing in the same way Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson and Aliss Cresswell use it - to bring in large amounts of cash and receive the praise and admiration of those gullible enough to follow him and financially support him.
People have shared how that they were blamed for not having faith to be healed when they were prayed for by Ashmore and they were not healed. And now we find Ashmore going to other cult leaders for healing prayers. If you look at Ashmore's ministry, it is a microcosm of many of these mega church, mega cults, who exist to bring in money hand over fist. This is what Ashmore is going for. The unbiblical showmanship and sensationalism is the same, just on a smaller scale. As the money rolls in the circus will grow.
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James Ashmore and his Jesus Revival Ministries Cult Rent out this 1.5 Million Dollar Edifice in a Very Expensive Neighborhood in San Diego |
I know that a bunch of you out there are huge Ashmore fans and you will not turn on your brains to see what this is really all about. You don't want to believe anything bad about Ashmore. To many of you, Ashmore is a replacement for the ntcc. You seek his approval and he validates your reasons for leaving the ntcc. Many of you feel like you need his approval just like so many of us sought the approval of the ntcc leadership. Those of you that are following Ashmore and are big buddies with him will not even consider what he did during his 40 years in the ntcc, much less what he is trying to do now. You will ignore this blog post and you will accuse us of being fault finders and haters. Birds of a feather, flock together. Do your homework. We hope you will not be deceived a second time by this huckster, but we can't force anyone to use common sense. A brain is a terrible thing to waste.
Just so you know you are going to be put in the part of hell with the most flames and the most heat unless you repent. The bible says Saying, touch not my anointed, nor do my prophets no harm. Psalm 105:15 God takes it really serious how we treat his prophets. No matter how you see them, you must speak of them in a respectful way.
Where does it say that in the bible? Really, the hottest part of hell? What does it say about false prophets? Jesus said: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Mat 24:24 What part of hell is Ashmore going to if he doesn't repent? Do you think that a person who puts a bunch of titles in front of his name is not going to be held accountable? Is it alright for Ashmore to destroy people like Lisa, Ken? How hot are the flames going to be for someone who had no mercy for Roland Moreno when all he did was tell the truth about another one of your so called anointed prophets named Phil Kinson who left his wallet at the whore house?
Your going to play scripture baseball with the "touch not mine anointed" verse? I never even said that Ashmore was going to hell, but he's done a lot worse than I've ever thought of doing and he has to account for his actions regarding souls, because of another famous scripture often quoted by the ntcc: "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." Heb 13:17. If you want to use psalm 105:15, make sure that the prophet you are using it on, is indeed a true prophet. We didn't tell any lies about Ashmore. Everything we said was true.
Wow, this scream cult all the way. It like people peeked enough from behind their blinders to leave NTCC only to put their blinders back in place to go to something worse spiritually than before. That man has done a double evil in my opinion.
It's amazing that someone will try to defend Ashmore when you are just showing everyone his own words and have previous testimonies of the things that he has done. Outside of Olson and Johnson, Ashmore had probably the most time in NTCC and knows exactly when and where things happened. He always seemed like the most charismatic of any of the preachers and everyone would turn to him when it came to being prayed for healings. He had everything from prayer lines to having people hold up their wallets to heaven. Not only is he a false prophet, but he has aligned himself with false prophets and pagans for profit. You can learn more about the Bethel Church cult and Bill Johnson here and here .
If Ashmore got his angel feathers ruffled when everyone learned about his daughter leaving NTCC it was only about appearances. He doesn't like NTCC for not elevating him and turning people against him when they left. Now they're in there 60s with health issues and are turning to the witch of Endor like Saul did. Maybe his pride and lack of repentance is keeping him from getting healed.
On November 3, 2014, Ashmore told Bill Johnson, "Rather than be critical any longer, we feel it best to leave". Shortly after Ashmore made this statement to cult leader, Bill Johnson, Ashmore had a revelation about the ntcc in which he warned everybody to "flee this Whore while there is still time!" Is that not being critical? What a hypocrite Ashmore is. Ashmore said: "We are hearing reports from many who have gone through hell on earth under the manipulative and controlling leaders they once trusted, only to find out later what they really were!" As if he had nothing to do with any of the hell that we went through! Ashmore didn't put anyone through hell on earth??? That's not what people have shared on the blogs. We have been trying to help Ashmore's victims for 6 years now and we wrote a letter to Ashmore on our blog asking him about the many allegations people have brought against him. Of course, he refused to answer. It's no wonder he maintains a private commentary which only allows his idol worshipers to follow him. If you were to get on his commentary and confront him about his past, would he answer for any of it? Did Ashmore run off Lisa Norton and Lori Kelly by calling them sluts and whores from the pulpit to cover up Davis's molestation of Pam Norton and Johnny Jordan's rape of Lisa? Ashmore is just like the ntcc leadership which he calls out on his private commentary. He won't answer for any of his actions. Those of you who participate in Ashmore's secret blog, ask him about Ken McPhearson. Did he ask Bro. Ken to leave the church after Ken confronted Ashmore after being harassed by two known homosexuals, Batson and Peters, that Ashmore was harboring and allowing to attend different churches? These folks have come to our blog and shared their horror stories and we feel that if Ashmore is saved and loves God that he should be willing to answer these allegations. What is so hard about telling the truth and being honest? If Ashmore doesn't have anything to hide he should be more than willing to clear the air about these issues. Ashmore was always Davis' hatchet man. He tried to run Moreno off according to MDR's testimony. Moreno ended up killing himself and his family. Ashmore doesn't want to answer for any of this. Either he is lying or a whole bunch of witnesses are lying.
Ashmore said: "Spouses have been recycled under the sinister notion that one should leave and divorce their spouse if said spouse LEAVES the GROUP (even if they are still serving God!)" Why didn't Ashmore do anything to stop any of this when he could have made a difference? He watched it happen over and over again. He participated in enabling Davis in all his endeavors. Why doesn't Ashmore mention Davis by name when he rebukes the ntcc? Ashmore didn't leave the org until shortly after Davis died. Now he expects us to believe that he really cares about the victims of the ntcc? We must be horrible people for blogging about this stuff. Everything was peachy when we were calling out Kekel and Davis, but now that we are asking Ashmore to come clean, we are somehow regarded as the filth of the earth by some of the same folks that were in our anti ntcc amen corner. If someone can show us the difference between Ashmore and Kekel or Davis, please do. We would love to hear some facts about what distinguishes Ashmore from any of the ntcc hypocrites. What has he done that makes him more honorable than the other ntcc hucksters?
Anonymous said:
" Now they're in there 60s with health issues and are turning to the witch of Endor like Saul did. Maybe his pride and lack of repentance is keeping him from getting healed."
DNA said:
Very good analogy. We agree totally.
I recently asked someone I know who still attends the Graham compound about the DiFrancescos and they told me they had not seen Sister DiFrancesco because she left the church.
It is so sad to see another family destroyed by this group of people. Ashmore is just as guilty as Kekel for allowing this to happen. Why would not a normal church say, okay there is a difference of opinion. You guys as a family decide which church you want to be a part of and the other one will wish you all the best and help you in your new endeavor in any way they could?
Only cults get weird and defensive when someone wants to leave.
Okay, it's kind of hard to feel bad about DiFrancesco's family being torn apart. They sat back like fat cats and watched so many other families get the same treatment. The kids are the ones who pay the biggest price. But you are right, anon, about how all parties involved should be adults and not treat the departing spouse like they are on a path to hell. DiFrancesco found it more important to serve the ntcc, than to love his wife. Cults are very divisive about those who leave. They never wish them the best or give them their blessing. Every person that we've ever seen leave the ntcc, left with a stern warning of judgement from those who look down their noses at them. News Alert!!!! Leaving the ntcc is not leaving God. In fact if you leave that cesspool, you will be free to get closer to God. It's true! The ntcc is a cult and the cult leaders are using people to get rich. I don't see how God can bless an organization that is being led by crooks and hypocrites.
Same thing with Ashmore. For once, in my lifetime, I'd like to see a real man stand up against the status quo and start a real worship group that doesn't charge money for the privilege of being part of that group. One of the things we've asked Ashmore to come clean about is financial accountability. How dare we ask such a thing. Does Ashmore collect tithe? What does he do with the money? He obviously doesn't have a job. He only has two services a week that we know of. We think that people who have already been scammed by the ntcc have a right to know what Ashmore is doing with their hard earned money. I've never seen or heard of a preacher get up in front of his congregation and say, "We don't want your money. That's not what we are here for. If you want to give to the Lord, go help the least of his people. Find someone who is struggling and help them out." You can do more to win someone to God by caring about them and backing that up with your actions.
The cult world is too busy dumping your money into buildings and their own lavish life styles. You can take one look at the Jim and Helen Ashmore and tell that they are dripping with money. If they were told to sell all they have and give to the poor, they would go away very sad. The Ashmores are addicted to being served. They are not servants of all. They collect money in exchange for your willingness to be manipulated. Ashmore is just like Kekel and Davis. He is an idol to all those who admire him. He is in it for the money and the adoration, (idolization). Stop worshiping a man.
Glad that Lori DiFrancesco have decided to go and be with her parents as they face health issues. There are many of us who missed out on such things as Funerals, Weddings, Family Reunions, Birthdays, Visiting our sick love ones, all because ntcc convinced us that families was evil unless they were apart of ntcc.
So seeking prayer for healing is the equivalent of Saul, and the witch of Endor?? That's a reach even for you two. Even the most innocent action when peered at through your hate goggles becomes perverted.
So has Lori Di Francesco really left her son behind?
The thing about these "christian cults" is they convince people their pastor is the most qualified and sometimes the only one who can lead them to eternity in heaven.
So many young people fall for their love bombs, but over time the cults demands wear down the young believer to the point most leave after a few years. Very can hang on to their cult-ish beliefs for 20years or more.
Difranceso is a long time hanger-on. He was always one to pray/think before he acts. No doubt he has been grieved by Kekel and some of his antics over the years. How in the world did he allow Kekel to say Bridan(?)was a curse from God due to his medical condition? Since when did autism become a "curse from god"? However, to his shame some would say, he has kept his mouth shut and turned the blind eye so many times it has become second nature. Maybe this is how he could overlook kekels opinion of Bridan?
Difrencesco must be afraid of leaving the org at his age and with a "disabled" son. He owns a home close to the cult compound. He has many liberties with his current employment which enable him to take better care of his son. He chose kekels abuse over his bride of some 25 or more years. How can God be involved in all of this? How can two so called "godly christian" groups have a hand in pulling these two apart have anything to do with God?
It seems telling to me that ALL of the NTCC leadership has issues with at least one person in their family. Let us take a moment to look at this...
The House of Kekel:
GK who has lived with Kekel most of his life, except the four years he was taught by the Catholics, is considered to be on his way to hell; but still lives at home with mom & dad at the ripe old age of 24.
The House of Olson:
His daughter left her sick husband to move in with mom and dad to prove her loyalty to the Cult.
The House of Johnson:
His wife has been at odds with Verna Davis for many years and refuses to sit by her when she has to be in the Graham compound services. Good thing for her, she gets to stay "on the road" most of the year traveling around the country.
Johnson had two daughters, one who moved back in with mom and dad along with her son and husband. The other one is still married to a preacher who frequented whore houses.
The House of Difrancesco:
Lori hated Graham so much, she left her son and husband behind to go be with her mom and dad.
The House of Tieman:
Wife accused of adultery, but when she was in Portland, she sought help from a doctor and took medicine so all of that is okay now because she woke up and "chose the org"
Shall we go into the son and his failed marriages? No, I have had enough.
But seriously, who else do they have to look up to?
I think they are running out of people qualified enough to place into leadership positions. What do you guys think?
You know Ashmore's wife looks VERY, VERY unhappy in that photo. Looks like all the happiness has been drained out of her completely. Just look at that face!
Are you saying DeFrancesico's wife has left? Am I correct?
Incredulous said:
"So seeking prayer for healing is the equivalent of Saul, and the witch of Endor?? That's a reach even for you two. Even the most innocent action when peered at through your hate goggles becomes perverted."
DNA said:
You tell me. Saul tried to get in touch with the dead. Ashmore went to a cult leader whose members practice necromancy. Not a whole lot of difference there. Ashmore spent 40 years preaching about God's divine healing and how that by His stripes we WERE healed, but when it came to his own Ulcerative Colitis, he said: "it seems no one's prayers or even commands (including my own) have brought any result." He has faith for everyone else to be healed and in some cases has blamed the faith of others for obstructing God from healing them. It's their fault they didn't get healed because they didn't have the faith. Yep, I'd say he's a lot like Saul going to the witch of Endor. How many times did Ashmore rail against other churches as being cults or worldly? At the very least Ashmore is a hypocrite. You don't have to wear "hate goggles" to see the hypocrisy dripping from Ashmore. If anyone has been wearing hate goggles all his life, it's been Ashmore. My mother drove an hour and a half from Denver to Colorado Springs at my request to see Ashmore preach and she said he was cold as ice. She didn't do anything to bring his wrath down on her. She went expecting to see a great preacher but Ashmore had his hate goggles on that night. It was just like one of those services that we've all been in where there are new people and the ntcc preacher jacks them up for no reason at all and everyone feels uncomfortable and the hypocrite says it's Holy Ghost conviction. Ashmore is a con artist just like Davis before him. He learned from the best and he hasn't changed one bit. You can believe whatever you want. Obviously you haven't got enough from the ntcc or Ashmore or you wouldn't be defending him. He obviously can't defend himself or he would. What he's done is indefensible. He's used his position in the ntcc to spiritually assassinate people. So now he's supposedly got a revelation of Grace but why doesn't that grace lead him to apologize directly to all the people he's wronged? I doubt that Ashmore cares about anyone besides himself.
Wow, The Ashmores won't even apologize for their own wrong doings just apologize for everyone else's. That is just crumby of them. His side guy is just getting weirder all the time. They deserve each other.
Anyone else see Ashmore's gofundme page where he is seeking $100,000- to fund his ministry?
Told you he was only in it for the money!
And, no, we haven't seen such a page. But if it's true, it verifies our opinion:
Ashmore is a Demas - he is in it for the filthy lucre / cash grab!
Incredulous asked - "So seeking prayer for healing is the equivalent of Saul, and the witch of Endor?? That's a reach even for you two. Even the most innocent action when peered at through your hate goggles becomes perverted."
So I was the one that used the comparison and it's amazing to think that someone with a pseudonym like incredulous would believe everything that comes out of the mouths of these false prophets within NTCC. You using the phrase "hate goggles" is telling because you presuppose mentioning anything that contradicts what Ashmore is doing is motivated by or viewed with hate. I used the comparison to draw a distinction of how people will turn to pagan ideas clothed in religion and super-spirituality to accomplish what they want. Saul wanted to see Samuel again through the use of this medium or witch, but I don't believe it really was his spirit at all.
Groups like Bill Johnson's and many others open themselves up to all kinds of unclean spirits and demons because of what they are doing with things like necromancy. Look it up, and even the Jews knew from Leviticus 20:27 and Deuteronomy 18:9-12 not to associate with these people. Like Saul, Ashmore is filled with pride and will not repent of his past and current actions so this prevents him from being healed. God still resists the proud, even NTCCers and so called prophets.
He would rather turn to those that believe this or act as the Gnostics with their new revelations of the word of God. Ashmore is also a big time proponent of the Word of Faith movement and their teachings and many times you are left with the feeling of unworthiness if you are not healed. Most people in NTCC are like the disciples in John 9 about the man that was born blind, asking "who sinned? - the man or his parents". Just a bunch of self righteous hypocrites that wouldn't know divine healing if someone's crutch hit them in the head. They wouldn't want someone healed on the Sabbath day or that would interrupt their service schedule. Most of them have more in common with Pharisees rather than preachers and every so called prophet in NTCC has been in it for the profits. Blumenthal, Ashmore, Denis, Curry, Bradeen, and many other leaders in the end showed their true colors.
And don't ask us to publish a link to such a page. Ashmore and his ashmorgites have used this blog to spread his tentacles into the X-er community. You would think people would learn not to trust that fella who abused others and ran the ntcc with the other board member hypocrites for decades. But people gravitate toward the familiar; they are like abused people who leave on spouse who beats them and picks up the next abuser who comes along.
Ashmore seeking big money for so-called ministry. Imagine that. Demas.
there was a time when the ashmores were overseers and in their travels they would stop at auction places to seek antiques.
You hear stuff all the time and in graham people would talk about how the ashmores house was full of antiques that they'd gotten from their travels around the country.
One source complained that it was just too much and the house looked overcrowded with furnishings and the like. Don't know if this was true but the person that said it was a high upper that would know for they were close to them.
I wonder if this stuff still brings satisfaction now that they are both ill.
I can't wish anybody bad but like somebody recently said: that's karma for you!
Yes it is true he is trying to raise money. He tells people to go get a second job to help with his ministry and they will be blessed. He says God calls some to minister and others to work to support those who minister. Everyone that send him money is promised a special prayer and blessing of God.
I have to say I was stupid enough to join him for about three months. We wised up and left. I regret moving here and hope to move to another state in a year. Second job now supporting a move.
Ashmore says he needs money so he can solely focus on getting people healed, helping people and in to church to serve God. Yet recently when my wife was in the hospital they didn't care about us at all. He said because he already knew my wife went to the hospital for her lack of faith so he didn't want to pray for her. Now my wife thinks God is mad at her.
Anonymous said:
"Just a bunch of self righteous hypocrites that wouldn't know divine healing if someone's crutch hit them in the head."
DNA said:
That's pretty funny, but it's true. Ashmore said something really weird in his plea for healing to Bill Johnson: " it seems no one's prayers or even commands (including my own) have brought any result". What's that mean? I wonder who all Ashmore had been to for prayer and who besides himself was commanding God to heal him. Ashmore is out there. Who commands God to do anything?
It's understandable that a person would ask another minister to pray for their healing. It's not a big deal to us that even someone like Ashmore would struggle with faith. I'm sure that we all have our own struggles with faith and healing issues. But Ashmore's comment to Cult leader Bill Johnson is really weird. It has serious negative overtones, almost like he's blaming God or that he's mad at God for not obeying his commands. Then he makes a similar plea to Aliss Cresswell: "I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a few years ago and I have been on Prednisone since. I am tired of using this medication and want to be free." Here we find Ashmore complaining again about how miserable he is on Prednisone and expects Aliss Cresswell's prayer to cure him. He doesn't even ask politely because he's grown so accustom to ordering people around that he believes this cult leader will jump at the opportunity to pad her statistics of 90% healing success. The creepy thing about all this is that he went to two cult leaders from the same "Third Wave" movement. These aren't just ordinary Charismatics. They are definitely offspring of the Word of Faith movement, and they are pulling in money hand over fist. But they are also into some really weird stuff. Divine healing seems to be at the center of ever money grubbing huckster's scam. They need signs and wonders to attract people with money. The gospel isn't enough. Healing is part of the gospel but when there are financial strings attached to it, it's very disingenuous.
Davis really messed up a lot of people. He used puppets like Ashmore and Olson to create unlimited streams of income. People really got saved and I'm sure there were folks that got healed but the foundation was built upon corruption and the puppet master poisoned the waters. Eventually Ashmore found himself outside of the circle of leadership in the ntcc. He went from being the preaching machine and walking bible and always having a role in the leadership of the ntcc, to being a pastor of a civilian church in San Diego. Kekel wielded all the power and was given the keys to the cult empire in the bylaws which were tailored to place him and Tanya over everyone else in the ntcc. Incidentally these bylaws were changed to pass the torch on to the Kekels shortly before Davis' death. It was very predictable that Ashmore would not submit himself to the likes of Kekel. When Ashmore left the ntcc his personality and attitude almost seemed like an allegory of the evil person that we all were told we would become if we left the ntcc. He lashed out in rebellion toward the group that created him, slandering and accusing them of the very deeds that he made popular in his reign of terror. Now he's begging for money to support his lifestyle and the sad thing is that people are so brainwashed that they most likely will give it to him. I wonder if Ashmore was the 98 pound spiritual weakling that Kekel was talking about that would leave God for a house.
In Answer to Ashmore's plea to Aliss Cresswell for Healing, Aliss responded with this comment: "Hi James, our prayer team will pray if you can send an email to info@morningstareurope.org or via our website www.MorningStarEurope.org Thank you!"
How typical. We will only pray for you James if you give us your email so we can put you on our mailing list a hit you up for money to support our ministry. Birds of a feather flock together.
In the early church they would bring the sick into the streets and lay them on couches and beds that the shadow of Peter passing by would heal them. There were lots of wonders and miracles in the early church. People got healed in large numbers but there was no money associated with any of the healings. There was no record of them passing around offering plates or starting up gofundme pages. Peter and John told the man lame from his mother's womb, "Silver and Gold have I none" because they had not been fleecing the flock. They healed this man and many others and there is not one record that they made money off of God's people.
Ashmore has taxes to pay on his inheritance and he's probably getting pretty desperate if he's begging for money on line. The sad thing is that many of you that have been used and abused in the ntcc will gladly dump money into the support of Ashmore's lavish lifestyle. People just don't learn. They shut off their brains and defend Ashmore with their dying breath because they seek and value his approval to replace what they feel they've lost when they left the ntcc. Ashmore is doing all the things that people hated the Kekels for. The same folks who condemned Davis and the Kekels are now making excuses for Ashmore. Doesn't anyone think for themselves anymore? Hasn't anyone learned from the mistakes they made in the ntcc?
For as smart as people think Ashmore is, Ulcerative Colitis can be treated by a drastic change in diet and there is alot of natural treatment information out there for it. Maybe he doesn't want to quit eating free food from his acolytes and proselytes. It's almost kind of ironic that one of the people that got his belly full of hypocrisy and perversion as a pastor, overseer and board member is now having bowel problems. Rather than having "bowels of mercy" they are inflamed with his feeding off of other people and hurting hundreds and maybe even thousands of lives over the years. Job 20:12-15
I believe the "commanding" terminology originates here:
Isaiah 45:11 King James Version (KJV)
11 Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.
So this creeps me out... Grave sucking? When did that become a thing?
What is going on here? Is everyone losing it?
Grave suckers are still suckers or at least sucker everyone else into believing such non-sense. The only scripture that remotely could suggest that is 2 Kings 13:21 regarding Elisha's bones. Did Elisha want people visiting his grave or worshipping him? I don't think so, but these people try to promise some fast track or new revelation and use people in the process. Much like the NTCC, they tell you how in order to get this special anointing you have to do away with houses, cars and lands and "give it all to Jesus". You crave acceptance, love, and power over your life or to help others and that desire is manipulated by these people. What's funny is Charisma magazine has Bill Johnson on the cover but has articles that refute the practice here. Benny Hinn does the same thing with Kathryn Kuhlman and Aimee Semple McPherson.
I don't know, nor want to know much about Bill Johnson but as the above poster mentions 2 Kings 13, there is some anecdotal Biblical evidence of not just bones but even garments as was the case with Elijahs cloak which Elisha used to part waters having some residue of Divine power. The diciples said .."look on us.." even touching the hem of Christ garment etc, there is some evidence of this sort of thing in the Acts of the Apostles. I think this can be taken to an extreme, such as the Catholics selling 'indulgences' but my earlier point D&A was simply this: just seeking prayer for an illness that short of a miracle cannot be cured by medical science, is not grounds for the sort of attack you've leveled against Ashmore. You see his infirmity as an opportunity to ridicule him, and make fun of him. If he is the man you say he is you have now made yourself the same or worse by your actions here. If he is not the man you say he is then you are an instrument of Satan at least. Either way, shame on you both. How can you not see that??
For those that are dumb enough to want to follow Ashmore down to California, they have been kicked to the curb when they would not support his ministry. His true colors show when you tell him that you can't help the church because you lost a job or are trying to take care of your family. He accuses you of lack of faith and not believing in God and that you should take care of the "man of God" like the Shunammite woman and give their last morsel to him.
First of all, Ashmore is not penitent and is filled with pride. He is unwilling to repent of what he has done in the NTCC to hurt people, how he has covered up the behavior of others, how he ran off those that would expose NTCC leaders and he is not transparent about the financial support he has received. He has also falsely prophesied and is engaged in some strange practices. Such selfish hypocrisy that uses and discards people will not be forgotten by God.
Too many in NTCC idolize RW Davis. Many go as far as acting like Davis. Davis mannerisms all over. If Davis was wrong many would follow him anyhow. To start off small that's why 95 percent of the men wear slacks ALL the time because they are dressing like Davis and Olson.
What Ashmore is doing IMO is revealing just how spiritually crippled NTCC leaves you once you leave them. To turn to these "ministries" is something the Holy Ghost in me would not approve of. I left NTCC because of their hijacking of an individuals walk with God and to miss out on developing spiritual discernment and appeal to these type of people for help reminds me of Saul who went to the witch of Endor, as previously stated. The Bible says that many will be in need of scales falling from their eyes and who will seek the riches of the world and fail to "buy of me gold," Jesus said.
What he is doing reminds me of an example of the WRONG reasons to leave NTCC. To leave (without publicly repenting) in order to morph into another money hungry church with minimal to no discernment is not leaving at all, it is just changing locations without the oversight of NTCC.
Now, check this out; I may be wrong about him, Jesus is discerner of the heart and we, as humans sometimes fail to see the big picture. A strong indicator of nothing changing is the fact that he has ignored all pleas for a public apology. That one point is troubling and makes it difficult to believe in any real trust worthiness in his decisions and/or leadership. What would keep a man who held a position like di for that many years NOT publicly repent and apologize? Wouldn't that be the first step in healing, mending, and rebuilding?
Incredulous said:
" just seeking prayer for an illness that short of a miracle cannot be cured by medical science, is not grounds for the sort of attack you've leveled against Ashmore."
DNA said:
We are not attacking Ashmore for his prayer for an illness. In fact, we are not even attacking Ashmore. We are merely pointing out that Ashmore, who has made his living for the past 40 years, as a personal hatchet man for Davis, went to another cult and asked a whacked out cult leader to pray for him because nobody's prayers or commands, including his own, had brought any result. Saul's great sin wasn't seeking counsel, it was who he went to for that counsel. Saul was anointed King of Israel, leader of God's people, and he went to a witch for answers.
Now,Incredulous means: "unwilling or able to believe something". You started off your comment saying, "I don't know, nor want to know much about Bill Johnson". That is precisely the problem with you and those who follow Ashmore and those who are in the ntcc. You don't want to know the truth. You can't handle the truth. You don't want to know what Bill Johnson is all about because you don't want to know what Ashmore is all about. You want to keep your head buried in the sand and ignore all that Ashmore has done.
It's obvious that you are incredulous. You don't want Ashmore to answer for any of his actions. You think he should get a free pass. Well guess what, Incredulous, none of us got free passes in the ntcc. Ashmore harrassed people like Lisa, Lori, Ken, the Morenos, my own mother and many others. Ashmore calls ntcc the whore and warns others to flea from the whore. He throws stones at the ntcc from his ivory tower while acting like he never played a part in the ntcc's whoredoms. Ashmore hides behind a secret commentary that is only open to those who worship him and will not disagree with him.
We, however, allow people like you to come on our blog and call us instruments of satan. You know why we published your comment? You make our case for us. Your comment does more to support our beliefs that Ashmore is a money grubbing hypocrite than anything that we could ever say. Attitudes like yours is precisely why so many people left the ntcc. They were tired of ignoring the obvious. We all were tired of being manipulated and controlled by the Ashmores and Kekels of this world. We all got tired of being beaten down by a bunch of scoundrels and being made to believe that we were the problem. We were all incredulous, just like you, but it got us nowhere. What we were incredulous about was the obvious abuse that we were suffering at the hands of the ntcc leadership of whom Ashmore was chief.
The majority of the people who read this blog are not incredulous. They want to know the truth about Ashmore, the ntcc and it's leaders and they are capable of making up their own minds. We put the information out there and it's up to our readers to decide for themselves. We don't suppress information like Ashmore does.
Incredulous said:
"You see his infirmity as an opportunity to ridicule him, and make fun of him. If he is the man you say he is you have now made yourself the same or worse by your actions here. If he is not the man you say he is then you are an instrument of Satan at least. Either way, shame on you both. How can you not see that??"
DNA said,
Pointing out that Ashmore went to a necromancing cult leader for healing because by his own confession his own prayers and commands were not garnering any results is not ridiculing him. Would you like to know what ridiculing is? Ridiculing is Ashmore calling Lisa Norton and her best friend Lori whores and a sluts after Lisa was raped and impregnated by Johnny Jordan at the age of 14 so Johnny Jordan could be harbored by Davis who had been molesting JJ's wife Pam. Lisa was a bible school graduate at the age of 14 and her only sin was getting raped. Ridiculing is what Ashmore did to Roland Moreno for telling the truth about Phil Kinson's visit to a whore house to retrieve his wallet. Ridiculing is what Ashmore did to Ken when he harassed him continuously and asked him to leave bible school while he harbored two confessing homosexuals who were also harassing Ken.
You assume that we are wrongfully accusing Ashmore. This is a public blog and many people have came on this blog and shared their life experiences in the ntcc with us. They never had a voice in the ntcc, but they were given a voice on this blog and on the other blogs also. These folks were man and woman enough to stand up to Ashmore and the ntcc leadership and even gave their names to make their testimonies more credible. We have asked Ashmore to answer for this but he, unlike Lisa and Ken, was not man enough to answer for his actions. He reads our blog enough to know when someone shared Lori DiFrancesco's story with our blog readers, so he could rebuke that person that shared it with us on his private commentary. But Ashmore is not man enough to answer for his part and his role in the ntcc. He told David A. that he had no knowledge of the ntcc's finances and yet his signature and notarization was on just about every legal document that the ntcc created.
Shame on us? For what? Wanting the truth? So what if Ashmore is the man we think he is? You will never know because you refuse to turn on your brain and use it for it's intended purpose. You are quick to ridicule us and all we are doing is sharing Ashmore's own words. How can you not see that??
Anonymous said:
"First of all, Ashmore is not penitent and is filled with pride. He is unwilling to repent of what he has done in the NTCC to hurt people, how he has covered up the behavior of others, how he ran off those that would expose NTCC leaders and he is not transparent about the financial support he has received. He has also falsely prophesied and is engaged in some strange practices. Such selfish hypocrisy that uses and discards people will not be forgotten by God."
DNA said:
It's sounds like you are also an instrument of satan according to incredulous. Don't you know, anonymous that you don't have a right to say anything negative about Ashmore? We are supposed to leave him alone because he is such a great man that has done so many wonderful things.
So we aren't the only ones that believe that Ashmore is a fraud. Maybe we've all seen too much to go along with Ashmore's scam. Maybe some of us got burned by the ntcc, Ashmore and others like him and we don't want to be burned again. Maybe we want to use our brains for their intended purposes.
This is a really good comment, anonymous. It shows that there are people out there that are tired of the cover up and the phony hypocrisy.
Bryan Hill said:
"What he is doing reminds me of an example of the WRONG reasons to leave NTCC. To leave (without publicly repenting) in order to morph into another money hungry church with minimal to no discernment is not leaving at all, it is just changing locations without the oversight of NTCC."
DNA said:
According to Incredulous, you are not allowed to have this opinion because if you are wrong, you are an instrument of satan. Of course if Ashmore is wrong, he couldn't possibly be an instrument of satan.
Can you feel the hate out there? Nobody on this blog to my knowledge or recollection has called Ashmore an instrument of satan. Yet because we disagree with him we are instruments of satan. This is why people are sick of the ntcc and those who sympathize with them. At some point you got to wake up. One anonymous comment shared Job 20:12-15.
"12 Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth, though he hide it under his tongue;
13 Though he spare it, and forsake it not; but keep it still within his mouth:
14 Yet his meat in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him.
15 He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly.
How dare anyone quote a scripture like this. How can a person ridicule Ashmore like this? Well first of all, if the shoe fits, by all means, put it on, even if your name is Ashmore.
It's okay for Ashmore to fold up his ntcc circus tent and redeploy it under a different name in San Diego. It's alright for Ashmore to seek healing from a necromancing cult. Could you imagine if we had done the same thing back in the day? Not only would we be publicly rebuked and humiliated, they would never forget it. If anyone had done this in the ntcc, Davis would have made them the topic of humiliation in many conferences to come.
It's all about the money. Ashmore is all about the money and showmanship. He preaches divine healing and miracles, while seeking familiar spirits to deliver him from his own infirmities. It is what it is. Ashmore has sold out and don't think for a moment that he won't sell you down the river if it benefits him.
[Deu 18:9-12 KJV]
9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
10 There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination, [or] an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
12 For all that do these things [are] an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
[Lev 20:27 KJV]
A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood [shall be] upon them.
These are scriptures that were shared by the anonymous commentator who drew the comparison of Ashmore's encounter with Bill Johnson to that of Saul visiting the witch of Endor, which we also agreed with and thought was a good analogy. Incredulous actually attributed this to us and Anonymous set them straight in a comment posted later.
These scriptures are not made up false representations but they were actual commands that God gave to the children of Israel. These scriptures shed some light on what God thinks about necromancy and those who dabble in witchcraft and familiar spirits.
Samuel had died and Saul tried to get in touch with Samuel from the grave. Bill Johnson and his followers go to graves to attempt to get anointing from the spirits of dead Saints. Ashmore goes to Bill Johnson to ask for healing because his own prayers and commands are going unanswered.
What are we supposed to think? Are we wrong to question Ashmore for this? Can you imagine anyone doing this in the ntcc? They would have been burned at the stake. But we are being called the instruments of satan for calling Ashmore out. Perhaps "Incredulous" and all of you other Ashmorgites should take off your hate goggles and see this for what it is.
Don & Ange describe Ashmore as the hatchet man in NTCC and that is exactly what he was. For those that don't know he was part of NTCC for 40+ years and has held multiple positions from Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant General Overseer, pastor, Word Missions Directory, missionary and dean of the NTCC Bridal College in the Philippines. He has traveled to multiple churches and has influenced many preachers in NTCC to imitate him and to garner their loyalty. For some it was surprising that he left, but there has been a dissatisfaction that has been lingering for years. He was relegated to being on the road at the whim of Davis and Olson and then told to go to San Diego.
For years he saw the Kekels promoted and paid from the tithes and offerings collected. While he did collect a salary and stipend and had previously been supported full time as a pastor, he wanted a bigger piece of the pie along with the recognition that divine healing brings him. For many it would seem like no one else could pray for them like Ashmore could, but now his true colors have been exposed. For someone to follow him knew would be willful ignorance and stupidity. He knows about all the psychological damage, the sexual perversions and cover-ups, the accounts and real estate dealings and many other skeletons in the NTCC closet.
yes I wanted people to beware of church in hinesville ga. cult leader name rony denis. there full of lies. they break up marriages. they do many fraudulent things in that church beware false prophet in sheep clothing
unknown said:
"yes I wanted people to beware of church in hinesville ga. cult leader name rony denis."
DNA said:
That ship has passed a long time ago but it goes to show the lasting impression these hucksters leave on people. Denis left a decade ago to start his own cult and he absconded with people and possessions. The ntcc hucksters departed from their old ways of man made holiness and Denis seized the opportunity to create a new cult even more controlling and manipulative than the ntcc. Breaking up marriages seems to be common in the ntcc. I guess having that kind of unchecked power over relationships and families gives them that feeling of superiority over their subjects. The ntcc control mongering leaders always looked for weak links within their ranks. Rather than nurture the weak member of the body of Christ, the ntcc actively sought to root out the weak brother or sister or spouse because they considered them a threat. People who were independent and asked questions were considered weak while those who went along with everything were considered strong. They wanted us to be the servants of men, but Paul admonished the Corinthians and us with this verse: "Ye are bought with a price, be not ye the servants of men". 1 Cor 7:23
Paul didn't want the church to be made up of a bunch of robots and yes men. Paul had this thing called a job, and supported himself so he would not be a burden to the church. Paul wanted folks to be free from the letter of the law. Paul wanted people to serve God out of love and devotion to God, not man. The ntcc and it's figure heads want people that are loyal to them. If they see a wife or husband that is smart enough to start thinking for themselves, they feel threatened and they react to destroy that person from among the herd of loyal, non-thinking sheeple. As long as you shout Amen really loud and abide by their rules, you are in. Oh, and did we mention, pay your tithe? That's a biggie. If you don't pay your tithe tax to the ntcc publicans, you are like that one black sheep in the midst of hundreds of white sheep. You'll never fit in.
In the very first comment on this thread, Anonymous said:
"Psalm 105:15 God takes it really serious how we treat his prophets. No matter how you see them, you must speak of them in a respectful way."
The "touch not mine anointed" scripture is only found twice in the bible, once in Psalm 105 and once in 1 Chronicles 16, both times it was mentioned by David while speaking about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their journeys from nation to nation. If you look at the accompanying text you find also that God reproved Kings for their sakes. If you study this out further you find that Abimelech specifically was reproved by God for taking Sarah who Abraham claimed was his sister. Isaac made the same mistake with Rebekah. But God had their backs and suffered the king not to touch either one of their wives.
People in the ntcc have taken this scripture and made an entire doctrine out of it. So what does God have to say about false prophets?
Jer. 14:14 "Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart."
Is saying anything bad about Ashmore who supports false Blood Moon prophesies and divination from a necromancer going to cause us to burn in flames forever? When does God ever command us to not question false prophets? Is it considered "touching God's anointed" when we stick up for all of the victims of Ashmore's cruelty? The sad thing is that a lot of the Ashmore supporters have spoken vehemently against Kekel and Davis and the ntcc, for doing the same things that Ashmore has done. Ashmore himself refers to the ntcc as the Whore. Were they not God's anointed at one time? This is hypocrisy in it's purest form.
2 Peter 2:1
"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction."
Strongs defines heresies as: "A body of men following their own tenets".
The ntcc followed their own tenets and Ashmore was a big part of that. So somehow we have got to the point where it is not alright to question these false prophets or to speak against them. Peter spoke against them. So did Paul and so did Jesus.
cult leader denis is a big lier. he brides people pays people off to not leave. he has the whole church deceivd. another Jim jones
Anonymous said:
"He has traveled to multiple churches and has influenced many preachers in NTCC to imitate him and to garner their loyalty. "
DNA said:
This is very true. People do try to imitate him. I used to look up to him and hold him in just as high regard as I held Davis in. These guys created an atmosphere of idol worship. They did nothing to dial down the praise and adoration that people had for them. We had tapes of Ashmore that we listened to over and over again. But we had no idea what was really going on. We lived in a country that had more freedom than any other, but we spent the best years of our lives in bondage to a way of life that God did not require of us. It's sad. We couldn't really enjoy our salvation because we were too busy striving for perfection. We strove to please these men and desired their approval. I'm just as guilty of this as anyone. They had my number. I fell for this stuff hook, line and sinker. Ange was much more skeptical of them but even those who were thoughtful and independent were caused to doubt God's convictions and their own gut feelings.
We were jacked up, controlled and manipulated. Every aspect of our life was governed by control freaks like Ashmore and Davis. They told us who we could and who we couldn't talk to, call on the phone, visit or date. Over time it became pure bondage because God wasn't in it at all. We were stuck in a routine and we lived according to the patterns that we were taught. This was all done so a select few could prosper financially. All of the ntcc preachers came from the same mold. Some were not quite as manipulative but when it came down to it, they were all loyal to Davis as long as they were under the sphere of his control. Ntcc preachers were not allowed to be decent human beings. Davis saw to that. He would make his rounds to the different churches and jack preachers up for whatever they did that bothered him. The longer a preacher stayed in the ntcc, the more like Davis they became. Ashmore was a clone of Davis and did more to please Davis than any other preacher. Kekel threw Davis under the bus while Ashmore worshiped the ground Davis walked on. Ashmore was more like Davis than any other preacher in the organization and what did it get him? It got him exiled to San Diego, away from the decision makers and the heirs of Davis' cult empire and real estate holding company. Ashmore was not highly esteemed by Kekel. Kekel treated Ashmore like Solomon treated Joab. Ashmore was Kekel's greatest threat and there was no future for him in the ntcc after the death of Davis. It's no wonder Ashmore lashes out at the Kekel led ntcc with such hatred and animosity.
I don't see Ashmore's refusal to publicly apology any different than Davis saying I don't remember the last time I sinned. Ashmore is acting like the other leaders are the worst of sinners but I haven't sinned. Just like Davis said, I don't remember the last time I have sinned then preached like the rest of us were the worse of sinners. I see no difference between the two.
Ashmore is just as bad as the rest of the leaders. What he has done to me and the many wrongs he has done many others with no admission or apology makes me think of him just as bad as Davis. No matter what someone wants to think or believe, the truth is still the truth.
Julie said:
"I don't see Ashmore's refusal to publicly apology any different than Davis saying I don't remember the last time I sinned."
DNA said:
That's a very good point. Some of us have spilled our guts on this blog. For me, sharing my personal past brought freedom in my own life. My past is exactly that, it's my past. It's over and thankfully God's grace is sufficient. I know that there are folks out there that have a hard time separating the ntcc experience from God, and it took a lot of time for me to realize that the two were different. When someone like Ashmore refuses to acknowledge his role in hurting folks in the cult, and someone like Davis says that he can't remember the last time he sinned, it makes you think that they believe they are perfect and they have no need of grace or forgiveness.
We have changed. Outside of this blog there is life. We don't blog about it very much but freedom is a wonderful thing. We were made to desire freedom. The world drags people down and many religions trap people in legalism. False doctrine imprisons people and makes them beholden to a man. Many churches are all about money for new buildings, money for better lifestyles of the clergy, money for this and money for that. If you give you'll prosper, if you are having financial difficulty it's all because you are not giving enough to God. The love of money rules just about every church out there, and people are flabbergasted when you tell them you can live for God without attending one of these tithe and offering collection centers. And God forbid you should ask where your money is going.
Starting up a hundred thousand dollar gofundme page isn't going to win people over to your cause. Ashmore is a creature of habit and he hasn't changed one bit. Apologizing to people for the way you treated them would go a lot farther then begging them for more money. Davis can't remember the last time he sinned and Ashmore doesn't know anything about the financial corruption. Both sound like lies to me.
how about rony denis?
When you consider some of the things on GoFundMe there are people with some real needs. You see people that have had family members with cancer, involved in horrific accidents and others who have lost everything in disasters. You read through what they are asking and you can feel their emotion and pain. For many this is a last chance because insurance or savings have ran out. There is an entire community that gets behind them starting with those that know the people and then it spreads to others. How would he even spend the money? More antiques and clothes? Get another RV or a big tent like those old time Pentecostal preachers he looks up to? You actually have to trust and see a need to support someone and I'm just not seeing it all. Like Don & Ange have said, if he were to actually be repentant that would give him more respect but instead he isn't and acts like people owe him something.
Anonymous said:
"How would he even spend the money? More antiques and clothes? Get another RV or a big tent like those old time Pentecostal preachers he looks up to? You actually have to trust and see a need to support someone and I'm just not seeing it all."
DNA said:
We aren't seeing it either. Ashmore is a lot like Kekel. He has become accustomed to a lifestyle where he has all the creature comforts that he lusts for. People who think that their contributions to Ashmore's gofundme page are going to be spent on the "work of the Lord" are in for a rude awakening. When there is no transparency and no accountability, there is nothing to keep him honest. If there were enough brain washed suckers in his church that were willing to give him 100k, he might put a small fraction of that money into some kind of church program or project just to appease the curiosity of any "fault finders" who might question his motives. Kekel often would publish pictures of improvements on the Camp Ground and share how that the camp resort was operating in the red so that people would feel better about their unfettered giving. The building crew gets paid peanuts for their labor. Installing a BBQ pit and Volley ball nets also introduces fun activities to keep their minds off of their financial woes.
The church world is so corrupt and there are very few models that are patterned after the early church. The love of money seems to influence preachers and congregations more than the love of Jesus. We believe that true revival would come if people spent more time loving one another than they do giving to church projects. We understand there are scriptures that admonish Christians to support their spiritual leaders. True ministers of the gospel don't use this doctrine to get rich. They don't twist Old Testament tithing doctrine into New Testament ultimatums with repercussions of hell for those who do not pay their tithe. They don't use financial support to live lavish lifestyles and purchase large amounts of worldly treasures. At least we don't see anyone in the New Testament using scripture to create personal wealth.
Ashmore is sore because he wasted so many years making Davis and Kekel rich when he could have had his own mega church. He was used and manipulated by Davis the master manipulator. Davis had a knack for influencing preachers to place money and numbers above grace and mercy.
Ashmore told the Bethel cult leader that he had a revelation of Grace. What is he doing with that revelation? Is he using it to exploit his congregation? He claims miracles of healing and preaches and teaches that these miracles are happening in his ministry. Are people really getting healed of significant injuries and illnesses? If they are, is it because of Ashmore's faith or their own faith? Healing the sick was a huge part of Jesus' ministry. Getting rich wasn't. It seems like faith healing is at the center of so many mega church scams. People are exploited and large amounts of money are collected at healing services. God's word will not come back void. If a person prays for salvation, God will save them. If a person prays for healing, God will heal them. How evil is it for a so called minister to use this phenomenon to exploit sincere people for filthy lucre? That is what is happening in Ashmore's church and many other churches.
I don't even know what that means "Revelation of Grace"...
Sounds like a zealot's way of saying look how stinking holy I am...
Watched a song service at Ashmore's church on youtube... They're singing the same hymns... Made me a little sick.
He has a "revelation of grace." Big freakin deal, I have a revelation of reading my Bible,!! and place that much higher in importance than this "revelation of grace." Sounds like a pitiful attempt to justify a new book to merchandise down to the sheeple, better yet, the simple use of the word "revelation" implies he is special and should be looked to for this special revelation. Folks, just pray and read your Bible, and quit falling for these ministers who think themselves special and having some special revelation. Mr. Ashmore, if you are reading this, be aware you missed the train, if you wanted to be a Joyce Meyer or Creflo Dollar, you should of joined in when the getting was good. You have come to late to exploit the gullible, but, if you just repent publicly (I gave you an example by my public repentance and asking of forgiveness a while back) for your share of the abuse of 40 years, and find your first love with Jesus, you can help bring healing. The scriptures are of no private interpretation and to claim some special revelation is sickening, it's the same crap going on in this apostate church world. Why don't you get a revelation of repentance?
Supposedly Ashmore has a "Revelation of Grace" because for years he preached the NTCC holiness or hell doctrine and taught legalism and works to win God's approval to be saved. Like Bryan mentioned, "Revelation" makes it seem like you have some inside knowledge and you're the messenger. This goes back to the Gnostic comment and how these people like Ashmore, Bill Johnson and others draw ignorant people in with some new revelation or quick fix from God. It's a little too late because Grace was already revealed about 2000 years ago but it was just choked out by dogmas, legalism, false piety and man-pleasing in NTCC.
The other problem that I have is that Ashmore is unwilling to address his past sins and admit what he personally has done in different leadership roles. Now the NTCC is the Whore and what he did and believed for 40+ years can't be questioned? I believe that God can forgive him of that but if he doesn't want to say what has happened in the NTCC then he is just trying to hide behind a new religious veneer. Now he's the nicer, friendlier, more charismatic, facial hair growing, casual shirt wearing preacher you should come to for divine healing and to financially support. Like Bryan also mentioned, he missed the boat because there are people more well known and churches more appealing. He was the NTCC's Walking Bible but now he's ever learning but never coming to the full knowledge of the truth.
It seems disingenuous and insincere to ask people for money when you are not actually ministering to the needs of the community. How is he actually helping people in San Diego? Are people being healed and is he trying to really help change lives or just indoctrinate them into some recycled Pentecostal Church of God / NTCC / Word of Faith / Ashmore doctrines. People will only be conned into supporting his lifestyle and fund his retirement plan or fill his house with more antiques.
agreed... I think he's upset at what could have been if he would have just joined a less crazy bunch of zealots. Maybe that's justice as he's in his 60's... There is nothing special he can start at this point with just a decade or 2 left.
I have noticed the high and mighty spiritual language today's hucksters use. It seems like the more crazy they talk the more followers they get.
Too bad
It's sad that it took Ashmore 40 years of abusing people to get a revelation of grace. Most people get that revelation when they are saved, but when you are in a cult, I guess salvation doesn't come with grace and mercy. Oh, they received grace, but they didn't seem to show grace in their character towards others. Mercy was another trait that most of the ntcc higher ups seemed to lack. However, there were some folks who received a little more grace than others, if you want to call it grace. You could commit some pretty horrific sins and be forgiven if you paid your tithe and took your medicine like a good cult member. The ones who didn't get any mercy at all were the ones who didn't go along with all of their cult teachings. There wasn't very much grace and mercy for you if you didn't pay your tithe. In fact there was none. There was very little grace if you didn't attend all of their cult functions. At first, you would get a friendly knock on your door, and hear the words, "We missed you in Service last night". Pretty soon you would be hearing the words, "You must love the devil more than God". Anyone ever heard them say, "If you don't pay your tithe, God will get it"? Pretty soon they were hauling you to an ATM machine and demanding ten percent. What if you didn't pay? Was there grace for you? If you ever questioned the sanctimonious ntcc huckster, you would swiftly get jacked up and in many cases run off. The criteria for grace and mercy in the ntcc is, you have to go along with all of their false doctrines and erroneous teachings. Money always covered a multitude of sins.
Very seldom did any of the ntcc leadership get a revelation of grace unless there was something in it for them. I know there were some ministers that actually cared for people but there were many who towed the company line and had no problem destroying lives if they seen someone as a threat to their egotistical stature of prominence in the cult. It's always been their way or the highway. You had to pay to play (church). We were trained like a pack of dogs would be trained. If you did all the things that they wanted you to do, they would give you just enough praise and just enough grace to extend your existence in that group a little longer. We were promised that we would be blessed just like Davis and Kekel and all the other narcissists but we were given Scooby snacks instead. If we kept the money rolling in and wagged our tails we'd get a pat on the back and a home cooked meal. When you look at it, we were played for fools. The organization was a cult from the get go. It was designed to do exactly what it did and that is get Davis rich and that wealth would be passed down through the family from generation to generation. Everything was preconceived and they banked on the fact that enough people would buy into their scam and believe that they were actually serving the Lord. Did some get saved? I'm sure they did, but how many thousands were destroyed? How many people are out there that don't ever want to have anything to do with God because they never received an ounce of grace or mercy? This is not an exaggeration. People were really left without hope but don't expect Ashmore or any of his ntcc board member chums to cry any tears for you. They washed their hands of you a long time ago and they have nothing but contempt for you.
This video by National Geographic exposes two different cults. The former members of these cults share the details of abuse that they suffered. If you ever wonder why we speak out against the ntcc and it's cult leaders, watch this video. The abuse went too far and people suffered and some died. Cults use fear to keep people quiet. The only way a cult gets exposed is if former members speak out and expose them. Very few if any will ever speak out while they are still in the cult. But when they leave and process the experiences that they went through, some will talk. Some will keep it all inside and blame themselves or make excuses for their cult leaders. The only way the abuse will ever stop is if people expose the abusers. Fontenot will not be able to abuse anyone in the ntcc until he is released from prison, and it's doubtful that the ntcc will allow him back into the fold with the negative publicity he got from The Mountain News and our blog. There are people out there that have enough evidence to bring lawsuits against the ntcc. Their fear and unwillingness to prosecute allows the ntcc cult leaders to continue allowing sexual and physical abuse inside their protected cult community. Johnny Jordan can not molest young children when he is in prison, but when he gets out there is no telling what he does and who he sexually assaults. Warren Jeffs will never molest another child because he doesn't become eligible for parole until he turns 100 years old. He got what he deserved, but many of the perverts and sex offenders in the ntcc have slipped under the radar. The victims that came forward on our blog were marginalized and shamed by those who doubted them. Some folks would rather protect the abusers and allow the abused to continue ruining lives. Many would rather believe the ntcc hucksters that robbed them of their own lives than they would to believe an abuse victim. When you watch videos like this, you realize that the victims often stand alone and nobody wants to believe them or support them. So many members in the ntcc and former members alike witness many forms of abuse and just seem to accept it. What happened to the people in this video is not much different than what happened and still happens inside the ntcc. People just get so used to it, so they accept it. Many think we don't have a right to question these creeps for the things that people have testified that they have been through. Maybe we should all just bury our heads in the sand and ignore it all. After all, they do just preach Jesus and they love God just like the leaders of the cults in this video claim to.
So here is what I'm wondering... This is a guy held in the absolute highest esteem by NTCC followers during his tenure only to have him call it the "Great Whore" or something. He proceeds to dice the organization up that he spent 40 years at. Now he's had this revelation of grace...
Exactly how high am I suppose to hold up a preacher/pastor in esteem when he's made 40 years of mistakes (to put it kindly). Looks to me like this is a guy who in his 60's is admitting to have been in an org that's an absolute failure spiritually. Now I'm supposed to follow him? Why would God use a guy who's an executive of the great whore? I see examples in the bible of people like that getting their tails handed to them by God not promoted, not given "revelations"... Maybe I'm wrong but this all points to incompetence if he's truly been set free from the great whore... Although he still sings their stinking hymns.
Good points Mike. I have no personal experience with Ashmore outside of hearing him preach. I do know only Davis was held in higher esteem during my tenure.
I just thinking of green side up for some reason. A ridiculous sign in the student chapel. It was to remind everyone not linger and fellowship after a service. Pure manipulation.
Haha, green side up. What a crock.
Mike said:
"Why would God use a guy who's an executive of the great whore? I see examples in the bible of people like that getting their tails handed to them by God not promoted, not given "revelations"..."
DNA said:
The executive of the great whore got his tail handed to him by the great whore. He went out from them because he was not of them. All of the warnings, scriptures and judgments that were issued to people who left the ntcc were hung around Ashmore's neck by Kekel and Olson. Ashmore is an ntcc reject who has been dabbling in other false doctrines to revive his money ministry. He was flirting with the Hebrew Roots Movement for a while there until we called him out on it. He'll pitch his circus tent toward any cult or movement that will bring in cash. This guy is desperate for your money and he'll do just about anything including starting a $100,000.00 gofundme page. Good luck with that, Jimbo.
The other day I was flipping through all the "spiritual" channels on the TV and there is a lot of them. Joel Osteen was in a huge conference center and was doing an event with some music group that was very big in Christian Contemporary music. On the screen he was advertising similar upcoming events in different cities. There were a lot of people at this one event and they had to purchase tickets to attend. He hires an entertainer and sells tickets to these events and rakes in tons of money. He says, "Help support our ministry by sending a gift of any amount". Then I started flipping through the channels and there is a huckster for every group. They all are making money hand over fist. They offer some worthless CD or book for a "gift of any amount" and then charge enough shipping and handling to pay for the "gift" but most people send in offerings and some of those offerings are probably quite substantial. Then they offer one worthless gift for an offering of any amount, but if you give $70.00 you get a special bible that enhances the first gift and if you give $250.00 you get something else that completes the whole set. Then they say, your gifts make this ministry possible. Come partner with us and help us further this ministry. Just about every church in America has some sort of scam. Most of them care more about your money than they care about your soul, and that is a fact.
Two weeks in and Ashmore hasn't raised a single dime. Even his so called supporters won't support him.
The church I am going to know is pretty good. Some things are coming out as we continue to attend and they are:
1. We only have Sunday Services and they just recently started a 1st Wednesday service. It was advertised as being a time to worship God and break out service. Well, the first one was great, great worship and not a lot of teaching and no offering taken up. The 2nd one was just like a Sunday Service which included an offering. It sounds like they are testing the waters to see if they want to expand to Wednesday night and if the attendance and offerings add up.
2. I hate that seemingly churches are all about being "Seeker Friendly". It seems like all churches are geared simply toward growth and finances etc. The teachings are light and watered down and the worship is geared toward getting people into the church, making them feel comfortable, getting them in.
3. We started leading a small-group in our home and it has been fun. My wife was telling me, that as small group leaders we are encouraged, by the leadership, to teach people to tithe and get them going to more church functions. I refuse to do this.
4. Feeling frustrated and we are enjoying reading our bible as a family and worshiping God at home or with a small group.
Bryan Hill said:
"Mr. Ashmore, if you are reading this, be aware you missed the train, if you wanted to be a Joyce Meyer or Creflo Dollar, you should of joined in when the getting was good. You have come to late to exploit the gullible, but, if you just repent publicly (I gave you an example by my public repentance and asking of forgiveness a while back) for your share of the abuse of 40 years, and find your first love with Jesus, you can help bring healing."
DNA said:
Ashmore seems like he's trying to live out his glory years from the ntcc using the very people Davis scammed during his 40 year tenure with the ntcc. Anyone who was burned back then and is willing to be burned again, Ashmore wants you. If you haven't learned your lesson by now, go support Ashmore. Ashmore is looking for gullible used up Christians to support his anti whore, anti ntcc agenda. He'll love you just like he did in the ntcc, if the money is there. Don't expect him to repent though. Don't you know that he was the only one who was right in the ntcc? He couldn't possibly have any knowledge of any of the scandals that took place in the ntcc. He doesn't know anything, or so he wants you to believe. He wants you to think that he was just like you. He was misled and used by this organization, but now he has repented like Davis who loved to say, "I apologize if I have offended anyone, but nothing shall offend they that love the Lord", or something to that effect. We've all heard it.
Why doesn't Ashmore just man up? It's easy to give blanket statements saying that he was a little judgmental or harsh, but so many of us who were on the other end of Ashmore's turn or burn doctrine were all required to get specific when we needed to repent. There are a lot of people like Bryan who have been specific and acknowledged their part in the ntcc. People also have shared quite a bit about what they've been through and they have been specific. Repentance would go a lot farther than the signs and wonders doctrine, healing ministry or any other doctrine that Ashmore pedals. Healing is real. It's in God's word. All a person has to do is believe God and healing is theirs. Ashmore knows this and he has chosen to use it to exploit people in his community. Ashmore is nothing more than the Benny Hinn of San Diego. Though he have the gift of healing and have not charity, he is nothing. Outside of signs and wonders and supposed healing, we haven't heard of any charity coming out of Ashmore's ministry in San Diego. But to be fair, we never hear of any charity coming out of the ntcc, either.
Anonymous said:
"It seems disingenuous and insincere to ask people for money when you are not actually ministering to the needs of the community. How is he actually helping people in San Diego? Are people being healed and is he trying to really help change lives or just indoctrinate them into some recycled Pentecostal Church of God / NTCC / Word of Faith / Ashmore doctrines. People will only be conned into supporting his lifestyle and fund his retirement plan or fill his house with more antiques."
DNA said:
That sums it up pretty good. It's all about funding Ashmore's retirement. He should be ministering to others. A servant of all. Taking up collections for the poor saints in San Diego, like Paul did for the Christian Jews. Does anyone know where a dime of Ashmore's money is going? Does anyone know where his gofundme project money is going to be spent? It's just like the ntcc all over again. Now many of us have been burned before and we don't want to be burned again. We really don't want to see any of you burned again either, but unfortunately if you don't turn on your brains and demand that Ashmore be transparent in his financial dealings, the same thing that happened to you in the ntcc will happen to you all over again. It almost seems like many of you know this already and you just don't want to hear it.
"Often there is no grace for someone who fails to live up to the church’s or ministry’s expectation. And if someone steps outside of the often-unspoken rules, leaders shame them into compliance. Leaders can’t admit failure, but often search out failure in others and uses that knowledge to hold them in fear and captivity. They often quote scriptures about not touching God’s anointed, or bringing accusations against an elder." Mary Demuth
We found this last quote on a blog about how to spot spiritual abuse. Google it, you may find something out about people like Ashmore, Kekel and Olson, if you really want to know what makes them tick. We think that many already know, but they choose not to acknowledge it. They would rather have the praise of Jim and Helen than to see them for what they really are.
Anonymous said:
"We started leading a small-group in our home and it has been fun. My wife was telling me, that as small group leaders we are encouraged, by the leadership, to teach people to tithe and get them going to more church functions. I refuse to do this. "
DNA said:
You are probably better off with your small group in your home than you are with the leaders that want you to collect their tithe. If they want you to teach tithe, it sounds like they are using you to get money from the group. My opinion for what it's worth is that you are better off without the leadership or their church functions. That's just my opinion. You have to do what you feel is right.
We have seen too much to believe that anyone who collects tithe is doing it for God. If paying tithe was a biblical concept I would still want to know where the money goes, but good luck with that. Not sure why people think they have to go to a church and mingle with hucksters, give money to them and help them fill their churches. Meeting with people in your home and sharing the bible with them for free would be much more pleasing to God than buying tickets to some mega church event or introducing them to a pay to play church group.
Wait a second... Is the go fund me thing an actual real thing... I took it as a joke.
14 days and not a dime... LOL
Anonymous said...
Wait a second... Is the go fund me thing an actual real thing... I took it as a joke.
DNA said:
No it's real, but we are not going to publish it on our blog because believe it or not, there may be some that read this blog who might actually give to Ashmore.
Green side up
British Racist slang against Irish lawn workers who are too stupid to lay turf the correct way up. It can be used to mock someone who is not an intelligent individual.
Went back to find the go fund me page and couldn't... Wonder if he took it down or renamed it.
For a guy who turns his nose up at beggars, ashmore is doing alot of begging himself these days.
Betcha Ashmore ain't having a "special revelation of grace" for the person who made that last comment! ;-)
A revelation of grace? Too bad Ashmore didn't have a revelation of grace for the Moreno family. Instead it was bitter words and bullets for Roland, his pregnant wife Maria, and their 4 year old son Franky/ Luiz! Their blood is on the head of Ashmore, Davis and those who ran them off so the ntcc could hide Phil Kinson's trip to the whorehouse.
Eric said:
"How in the world did I follow and associate with people this stupid! Does the contradiction even occur to Ashmore and his minions?"
DNA said:
We all fell into the same trap. So many of these groups and cults know that the tenets of faith in God are real. If a person believes God for salvation or healing, it doesn't matter if a religious hypocrite is standing over them praying or not. How evil is it that hucksters like Davis and Ashmore have conceived this in their hearts and used it to exploit good people? The true motivation behind these self proclaimed miracle workers is money. God is doing the miracles and they are profiting from it. It's not because Ashmore is super spiritual and close to God. If Ashmore or Meinecke walk up to a woman limping in a Walgreens and tell her that God can heal her sprained ankle and she in turn believes that God can heal her and God does just that; It doesn't mean that it was Ashmore's faith and spirituality that moved God to heal her. If it really was their own faith that healed the sick they would not have to gerrymander to the a class of people that is capable of giving them 100k in a gofundme account where five percent of the money given in a gofundme account goes to the "ungodly sinners" who own the gofundme enterprise. I say this facetiously, because for all we know they might be much more spiritual or moral than Ashmore, but can you picture Davis allowing $5,000.00 out of 100k to slip through his fingers?
Meanwhile Ashmore airs out his dirty ntcc laundry with cult leader Bill Johnson and complains that his own prayers and commands for his own healing are going unanswered. Sadly the miracle money ministry is full of double standard hypocrites that use the gospel for their own greedy gains. If it were a true ministry and work of love, there would be no need for a push to raise these ridiculous amounts of money.
Good comment Eric but I removed it because we just don't want to advertise Ashmore's gofundme page. If people want to look it up and find it for themselves that's up to them. 99% of the people who read this blog probably feel a lot like you felt in your comment, and are not dumb enough to give their money to him but we can't stand what these hypocrites are doing to people and we don't want to lead that 1% to Ashmore's page so that they can donate to his cause.
"Too bad Ashmore didn't have a revelation of grace for the Moreno family. Instead it was bitter words and bullets for Roland, his pregnant wife Maria, and their 4 year old son Franky/ Luiz! Their blood is on the head of Ashmore, Davis and those who ran them off so the ntcc could hide Phil Kinson's trip to the whorehouse."
Never forget!
Huckster of the week:
Edir Macedo aka "The Bishop". Founder of the Universal Church in Brazil. This huckster is the richest religious huckster in the world with a net value of 1.2 Billion. Can anyone guess what this huckster preaches? Anyone? Anyone? He preaches prosperity gospel and mandatory tithe. He has his own TV Network just like Joel Osteen with followers around the world. He has church services that draw half a million people. He's been charged with financially related crimes 20 times and is currently under investigation. The world is full of hucksters.
This was copied and pasted from Ashmores "about me" section of his blog that doesn't allow comments:
"I used to minister in a way that was perhaps more a ministry of judgment, trying to be like some preacher of the past like Charles Finney, Jonathan Edwards, etc.., only to find I was following a pattern that was not necessarily the pattern of God’s Gospel."
Perhaps a ministry of judgement?
Not only is Ashmore throwing Charles Finney and Jonathan Edwards under the bus, but here he is also throwing the ntcc under the bus.
Not necessarily the pattern of God's Gospel?
I guess this is as close to an apology that we'll ever get from Ashmore. This is the kind of propaganda that Ashmore puts out publicly.
On his private by invitation only blog Ashmore says:
"COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! RUN FROM THE ANGER OF THE LORD!" Jer. 51:45 Thank God other ministers are coming to their senses and exiting the CULT! We feel great sorrow for those who are still blinded by their sinister methods and for all the church members who still suffer mental and spiritual abuse under the KING KONG type ministries behind some of their pulpits. Those who don't know what's going on are to be pitied for their ignorant continuance under the facade of a "holiness" organization. We are hearing reports from many who have gone through hell on earth under the manipulative and controlling leaders they once trusted, only to find out later what they really were! Spouses have been recycled under the sinister notion that one should leave and divorce their spouse if said spouse LEAVES the GROUP (even if they are still serving God!) The Day of wrath awaits these "blind leaders of the blind" and may all whose eyes are opened flee this Whore while there is still time!
That's right, Whore with a capital W. These are the words of a hypocrite who contradicts his public statements with private statements as he panders to the X-er community. It's all about money and who he can exploit. Don't get mad at us, these are Ashmore's words that we are sharing. Ashmore is a double standard hypocrite just like Davis, Kekel and Olson. Ashmore will say or do anything to get your financial support. He won't refuse your tithe and he will collect all the dollars you are willing to throw his way to maintain his lifestyle.
You are really hurting Rev. Ashmore by the ugly things you are sharing about him. You should consider how you would feel if someone was saying the same things about you or your spouse. Both him and his wife have been scarred by the leaders and throwing salt in their wounds is hurtful. They were promised a month salary for rest of their lives so they weren't prepared in their 60's to have nothing. They don't even have social security to turn to at all and their salary was so little they had no way to save for the future. These poor couple was so badly treated by NTCC.
Anonymous said:
"You are really hurting Rev. Ashmore by the ugly things you are sharing about him."
DNA said:
Welcome to our world. Let's consider some of the ugly things Ashmore said to Lisa and Lori. He called them whores and sluts, not on a blog, but in a church in front of quite a few people that they considered brothers and sisters. We really haven't said a whole lot of ugly things about the Ashmores, outside of what we have repeated from others who shared their accounts of His verbal abuse with us. By the way, he has never denied any of it publicly.
Ashmore seems to have a habit of calling others whores. Like his former church of 4 decades in which he warned it's ministers and members to flee from the Whore. We don't hold a candle to the Ashmores when it come to insulting people. Ask Brother Ken how he was treated by Ashmore. I can tell you how my own mother felt after one short encounter with Ashmore, but I just shared that earlier in this thread and don't really feel the need to waste any more time on it.
Anonymous said:
"You should consider how you would feel if someone was saying the same things about you or your spouse."
DNA said:
Trust me, there has been a lot worse said about Ange and I. When I left it was spread throughout the ntcc that I was sleeping with another man's wife. This was shared by another minister who left after I left. Kekel also lied about Ange on his blog. Ashmore is not the victim here.
Anonymous said:
"Both him and his wife have been scarred by the leaders and throwing salt in their wounds is hurtful."
DNA said:
Funny you should say that. How many families have been broken up in the ntcc while Ashmore sat back like a fat cat collecting tithe and did absolutely nothing to help anyone. Ashmore was Davis' hatchet man. You want to talk about scars, lets talk about the Moreno family. A whole family is gone because Ashmore castigated Roland Moreno in public for outing Phil Kinson, privately, for going to a whore house to retrieve his wallet. Now you can say, Ashmore didn't pull the trigger, but I would argue, that is exactly what Ashmore did. You kill someone spiritually, you might as well just put a bullet in their head. I know this. I was very lucky and blessed because there was a time in my life when I thought that there was no hope in my life. Why did I feel this way? The ntcc drove it into our minds that if we left, there remained no more sacrifice for us. We left our first love. We were as a dog returning to our own vomit. Guess what? Leaving the ntcc is not leaving God but some people will never know this because they left without the ntcc thinking they were leaving God and had no hope for eternity. They left a cult, not God, but when you are completely brainwashed, you don't know the difference. I was fortunate to come back from the dead, (spiritually dead that is). I could have very easily taken a gun and blown my brains out. The thought crossed my mind several times but I was so convinced that hell would have been my home that I opted to live in this world without hope, until someone made me realize I hadn't done anything worthy of complete and utter rejection from God. I left a cult for crying out loud. That was a step in the right direction. Getting away from people like Ashmore could only get me closer to God.
Anonymous said:
"They were promised a month salary for rest of their lives so they weren't prepared in their 60's to have nothing."
DNA said:
Boo hoo hoo! How's it feel? I wouldn't start crying crocodile tears for the Ashmores just yet. They are living in a nice house in an expensive neighborhood that they can sell for more than some folks that were run out of the ntcc will never make in their life times. There are people that were pushed out of the ntcc with nothing but the clothes on their back, no money, no car, no husband, no wife, no family and no friends and many ended up homeless. We are supposed to feel sorry for Ashmore? Really? You've got to be out of your mind! The Ashmores deserve a lot worse if you ask me. If they got a fraction of the poverty that many folks had to endure after being forced out of the ntcc, they would be truly suffering, but they don't know what suffering is. If the Ashmores were promised a salary for the rest of their lives, they could have swallowed their pride like everyone else in the ntcc and stayed, but they made a choice to leave the Whore. They didn't go out quietly either. If the Ashmore's didn't have any money, they have nobody to blame but themselves. I somehow doubt this is true. They probably saved a ton of money, and if they didn't, they could have a yard sale and sell all their antiques. I can tell you this. They had a lot more money when they left than I had. They had a lot more than Ange had. They were living large and just received an inheritance. Are you trying to tell me that they pissed it all away? What are they doing renting out a 1.5 million dollar church if they are so poor? Wake up, Anonymous!!!!
Anonymous said:
"They don't even have social security to turn to at all and their salary was so little they had no way to save for the future."
DNA said:
Davis taught everyone to save 10% and Ashmore was his biggest cheerleader, dancing behind the pulpit with his pom poms. Whose fault is it that the Ashmores don't have social security? He could have got a real job any time he wanted to. Besides he has a Doctor of Divinity degree. How many doctors do you know that are financially strapped? He had a lot more money flowing through his greasy paws than many of us will ever see. He preached tithe or hell for 4 decades and had hundreds in his churches. Even if he sent 20% to Dagon, I mean Davis, in Graham, he still had his hands on lots of money he could have saved. It's hard to believe that he didn't stash away a lot of cash.
Anonymous said:
"These poor couple was so badly treated by NTCC."
DNA said:
Did you think Kekel and Olson would bow down to Ashmore after Davis died? Ashmore didn't get a fraction of the poor treatment that he dished out. He had Rodriques hold down his own son while he whipped him. He treated his step son, (Helens son) badly for doing far less than Davis did by all accounts.
We are not making any of this up. Real people who gave their names testified of all these things. Moreno told MDR what Ashmore said to him and you can click on his story and read it for yourselves. We talked to Lisa and Lori who told us first hand what they went through. We talked to Ken in person and he shared the horrific things that he went through with Ashmore. Ashmore and two known homosexuals harassed Ken and made his life miserable. The homosexuals named Batson and Peters were harbored by Ashmore and allowed to attend a different ntcc church while Ken was picked on and harassed by the 'great' Ashmore and later asked to leave. Julie claimed that Ashmore sexually abused her when she was young. Lisa stated that Ashmore pulled down her panties when she was a little girl and spanked her, and felt her up. People came to us to share these testimonies because they didn't want others to have to share the same fate. We used the ntcc standards which is two or three witnesses. There have been quite a few witnesses. I'm sure there are some who think they are lying but we believe they are all telling the truth. One thing for sure is that Ashmore and the ntcc board members will never come clean.
We gave Ashmore a chance to answer all of these allegations which is more than many in the ntcc got. Lisa and Lori never got a chance to state their case. Ken told Davis and Davis actually believed him, but nobody else seems to. We believe them all. There is a pattern with Ashmore and all the ntcc hypocrites. People don't make this stuff up. I lived it and I know what these creeps are capable of. But this is our blog and our opinion. You can go on and bury your head in the sand if you want. We'll continue to warn people and they can do what they want with it. We warned folks about the Tiemans and there were some who didn't believe that they were all that bad. Two or three witnesses. That's all it took to destroy someone's life in the ntcc, so don't get all sanctimonious on us, Anonymous. Why don't you bail out Ashmore with some more of your tithe money if you think he was so mistreated.
We could have done a blogpost on this one comment and maybe we will in the future.
Don, you are spot on in your assessment of anonymous post. Hundreds of families found themselves one week from homelessness and without any mercy from the NTCC of which Ashmore was a part of when they left. The mindset of this poster makes me think that Ashmore is working on the sympathy of those who follow him, how else would someone come to the conclusion that he has had it so rough. I was told that God would kill me for leaving and that I should fear his wrath as leaders in the NTCC daily called my wife while I was working to encourage her to leave me and go to St. Louis where she could find a real man of God. When I left I literally could put all I owned in the trunk of my car and the only job I could find is a janitor at a Baptist church making six dollars an hour. Maybe Ashmore can get a job if he doesn't have one but for people to be allowed to pity and see him as a victim is ridiculous. You are absolutely right, in comparison to so many other exit experiences, Ashmore is living like a king. I have been out since 1994 and to this day I am still feeling the financial repercussions of giving my youth to this organization. I may even post how this is happening, it is sure to shed light on the price of serving the selfish ends of an organization as opposed to serving God and taking care of your family first, then maybe participating in an organization. NTCC has flipped that on its head; they want complete allegiance first, then what is left over, as scraps, you can attend to your family. I hope Mr. Ashmore can recover spiritually and financially, but NOT until he publicly addresses his part of the abuse and allegations against him. To simply ignore it in the hopes of building a church is akin to sweeping it under the rug. It is not to late, now is a good a time as any, but to pity him and see him as a victim is to set yourself up to be deceived into thinking that his exit experience is a crime against him, when in fact, in comparison to so many, is much more tolerable and humane.
I agree, Bryan, Ashmore could repent but it's highly unlikely and like you said, he would have to reach out to the people that he had a part in destroying. It's hard enough for him to admit that he was wrong when he was in the ntcc and he definitely isn't willing to come clean about all the financial corruption he was party to.
The problem with a lot of people is that they think these people are Christian leaders that walk in righteousness. The more we learn about the leaders of the ntcc, the more we realize how messed up they were. I was messed up and I wasn't even in a position where I influenced a whole bunch of people. There was a time when things really seemed great, but the longer I was surrounded with these judgmental, fault finding, marriage destroying, walking family wrecking balls, the more like them I became. I left because I didn't want to die and go to hell from a church pew. At one time before I left I asked God to kill me if I ever left the ntcc because I thought I would be the cause of others losing out, but it doesn't work that way. People are terrified for their own lives and they stay because of their own fears that were planted in their hearts by the control mongering hypocrites in the ntcc.
Staying in a cult that changes it's rules to accommodate the sins of their own children and family is not going to endear anyone to God. Ignoring the corruption and becoming an active participant in ruining the lives of good people is not going to make you godly or Christ like. The church world has become such a cesspool that people can't trust anyone in the ministry. I've been to at least a dozen churches in my lifetime and the ntcc was the worst by far, but none of them really cared about anything but money and buildings. I'll take my chances studying and praying in the privacy of my own home. I might not knock on a hundred doors a day and drag people out to cult meetings but if I meet someone in need I'll show them Christ by my actions and help them. There is more Christianity in that than giving your money to some cult leading huckster and following a bunch of made up rules that have nothing to do with New Testament Christianity.
Why didnt Ashmore get those promises in writing? He will join the thousands of lawsuits against NTCC one day.
Anonymous said - "They don't even have social security to turn to at all and their salary was so little they had no way to save for the future."
Tell him to hold up his wallet to heaven like he had thousands of people do. Maybe he can call Benny Hinn and have a grave sucking good time with Bill Johnson. Maybe he can sell some antiques? Davis and Ashmore continually looked down on people that had less than they had. They would call people out for people being too stupid not to save their money or being able to put it together enough to get ahead. So you are sent somewhere and become obligated to pay for everything and it creates a cycle of debt but they want to make you feel bad for not having money?
I wonder if Kinson, Jones and DiFrancesco are taking notes? Like Jeremiah Wright said, Ashmores chickens are coming home to roost.
This is the logical end for following NTCC.
I'm thinking whoever wrote the whole thing about the Ashmore's being scared and not eligible for Soc Sec was being sarcastic... Just my guess though.
I would have been much grander in my sarcasm though so there would be no confusion.
So the ashmores can't get "social security" because they never worked and accumulated interests or points on their earned income credit.
All the income they received from ntcc should've been put towards that.
As I recall blumenthal had to force ntcc to give him some type of document stating that he had been under their employment or something to that effect.
Anon is right to the future people that want a piece of the ntcc pie: get it in writing.
I did cross my mind that the comment might have come from someone in the ntcc who just wanted to push my buttons. If that's who it came from, I guess it worked. There is no love loss for Ashmore among the ntcc higher ups.
The point about the social security that was supposed to form tear drops in the corners of our eyes was that when you spend 40 years in the ministry, you don't contribute to society or the SS system so you have no money coming your way.
My point was that Ashmore was a professional swindling religious huckster for forty years and he still is. The ntcc board members and Ashmore looked at the financially strapped and broke people who left the ntcc as losers and God haters. Ashmore is getting a taste of his own medicine but in all reality, I doubt he's suffering financially. I do wish he could taste of the poverty he helped create so he would know what he put people through, but I doubt that his 100k gofundme page had anything to do with him being broke. He's most likely just looking for another stream of income.
Anon said...
They don't even have social security to turn to at all and their salary was so little they had no way to save for the future. These poor couple was so badly treated by NTCC.
Chief said...
And that is the problem. Sure Ashmore has caused damage and hurt but the problem is the NTCC. Ashmore was and is a byproduct of the NTCC. He didn't make the NTCC, the NTCC made him. This is exactly what I warn people about. The NTCC will ruin your life and your future. The NTCC will cause you to be broke and destitute at an age where you should be retired with at least some social security benefits. So now, Ashmore is doing the only thing he knows at his age. Is it right? Certainly not but the NTCC created Ashmore, not the other way around. The NTCC created Ashmore, Barnes, Denis, Kekel, Olson, Kinson, Jones. The NTCC created some monsters which now good U.S. citizens have to deal with. These guys are the bottom of the bucket. They are a disease. They rope in gullible people one of which used to be me and both Don and Ange for that matter. And guess what, Ashmore was gullible also. He just stayed that way. Ashmore is part of the problem but he is still a victim.
All a bunch of hucksters who live off other people's income and unfortunately, that is often the way of modern day Christianity. They are leeches. NTCC tithe teaching pastors are leeches and it's just that simple. When one person lives off of everyone else's income, that person is a leech. There is no tangible product here exchanging hands. It's a false notion that an NTCC pastor is providing a service that is worth compensation from everyone in the church. Well there is no evidence whatsoever in the Bible that Paul, James, John or Peter incorporated that practice anywhere in the New Testament. I challenge anyone to show me one example in Acts or the Epistles where everyone in a church gave John, Paul, Peter, James or any other Pastor or Apostle 10% + of their income. Show me one place in the New Testament during the dispensation of grace and I'll eat my words!!!
Either way they're still at 0 and that's all I care about.
Sorry I missed your call. I drove all night and had to get some sleep today. With all due respect, I have to disagree with you about Ashmore being a byproduct of the ntcc or your opinion that the ntcc made him. I don't think that ntcc made Ashmore. Davis may have influenced Ashmore, but Ashmore and Davis WERE the ntcc. Davis chose to surround himself with like minded narcissists of whom Ashmore was chief. I don't believe Ashmore was a victim of the ntcc any more than I believe Goebbels was a victim of Hitler. In the Nuremberg trials many of the murderers tried to use the defense that they were following orders. Trains full of Jewish people were slaughtered by the Nazi Regime and those who gave the orders argued that they had families, but their families were not put on trains and herded into gas chambers like the Jewish families were. So Davis gave the orders and Ashmore carried out the executions in a spiritual sense. In your post about the Moreno Family, Ashmore was used by Davis to blacklist and ostracize Moreno because he reported to the ntcc leadership that he observed Phil Kinson leaving a whore house in Japan. Who knows what kind of emotional and spiritual trumoil this placed Moreno in but it sure didn't help his emotional stability to have someone like Ashmore humiliating him for doing the right thing and reporting this incident.
There were quite a few other allegations that people have attributed to Ashmore and they have given their names and circumstances of specific abuses that Ashmore was responsible for covering up and played a big role in destroying their lives and testimonies. But even more compelling than all of these incidences was the fact that Ashmore prospered greatly for 40 years while collecting tithe from folks that had a lot less than he did. Ashmore did not lose his family like many others did. He did not leave the ntcc with only the clothes on his back. I would be very surprised if Ashmore is suffering at all financially. If he doesn't draw Social Security, that's his own fault for not getting a job for forty years. Maybe if he and Davis and Kekel would have reported their actual earnings like normal people do, and paid taxes on their income they would have social security.
This is how I feel, Jeff. Nothing personal here, I just have a really hard time feeling sorry for Ashmore.
The ntcc board members like davis, olson, johnson,kekel, di francesco and ashmore all made the ntcc what it is. Really, that's the core group. If you look at the Missouri Secretary of State records for Corporations registered in Missouri, which ntcc is, then you will see those names over and over, along with a few others like Gaylord, jones, curry, and jordan, blumenthal, marshall, Sensabaugh, Herrera, oh, and let's not forget denis. Those were the "power players" in the ntcc. But the first group comprised the Executive Board that created the CULTure of ntcc:
di francesco
Look at the filings on the Missouri site, and see whose names appear the most. They are the architects of this wicked group that controls and destroys people and wrecks families. They made and enforced rules that were not biblical or correct and the consequences were dire. Many people lost their faith over these false doctrines. Some women had abortions trying to please men and keep these false doctrines. That's shedding innocent blood, which God hates. Some people were so messed up by ntcc that they lost all faith and hope and became murderers like kelly merz. Others refused to repent of their sins and continued in their child molesting and rape because they were safe in the ntcc and free to do those things. Still others lost their spouses and children due to gossiping domineering controlling women like verna davis and her daughter, kekel's wife. All the while the true victims, like Lisa who was raped by jordan, and Ken who was raped by jordan, were pushed out of the ntcc and targeted by ashmore who called Lisa a whore (she was a 14 year old rape victim!) yet she and ken were demonized by ashmore who was hiding behind an ntcc pulpit.
Should we marvel, if, after forty plus years of ashmore and his buddies "preaching" "You reap what you sow." that they are now the ones reaping what they have sown? We really don't even like to talk or think that way. But that is what they have done. Should we marvel if, as one person pointed out, the chickens have come home to roost?
They wanted to be harsh with everybody. Now they want to cry "Mercy." Where was the mercy for the INNOCENT Moreno family? They were innocent. They didn't even do anything wrong. But they died so that the ntcc could hide Phil Kinson's trip to a whore house to retrieve his wallet. When Matt Reed confronted davis about rwd promoting an adulterer - p a kinson - davis confirmed the adultery by jacking up Reed and telling him not to concern himself in the adulterous affairs of another man. Reed fully admitted that anyone could receive forgiveness for that adultery. He was simply trying to hold davis to his own broken promise that he would never have an adulterer on his board. (A real joke if you know anything about davis' own adulterous affairs.) But the bottom line here is that the ntcc wanted to protect their image even at the cost of destroying the Moreno family.
They've destroyed countless families and souls. They are not the victims in this scenario. They are the perpetrators of heinous things and they hide some seriously messed up dudes, even to this day; like they were hiding kip the child porn sex offender. Please don't think that anyone on the ntcc board didn't know what was going on. They are all guilty.
I question as to whether or not Ashmore is broke in the first place. I once took that bait hook, line and sinker from Deblanc when I took his place in Mesa AZ. He was being replaced by me cuz he was having "financial troubles". Heck, I was to, all of us were. I came to his house one evening to find no electric and no food in the house. We helped them out by buying groceries for them. After the fact, I discovered he was enrolled in Life College or New Life (something like that) and had an IRA with a couple grand in it (he let these facts slip in front of me). Both was a NoNo, college on the side and having money socked away while crying the poor mouth, both not acceptable back then. The bottom line is that the leaders of the NTCC are of the character to diversify their strategies and finances and if they do not have the money for a church insurance payment, to them it is true cuz they have their money pegged or slotted for other funds. They are good at compartmentalizations when it comes to what they reveal in a conversation. So until you are able to see all of where his finances are and see tax returns or any accounts etc.... I would not believe for a minute they are broke.
It doesn't help that all of their finances are hidden in a shroud of secrecy. Even as church secretary in several local churches I didn't really know what was going on with the money. I kept ledgers and seen all the money that was coming in, and money that was going out, but all those entries were given to me to enter in. It always seemed that no matter how much money the church brought in, it was never that far from a zero balance. There were times that I knew something was wrong but I didn't have all the pieces to the puzzle and I didn't want to think the worst of the pastor of the church. Toward the end of my time in the ntcc, I was told by my local pastor that he was leaving the ntcc and he was going to make his break during conference. He wanted me to tell the truth and the truth was that he was keeping two sets of books. I knew something was going on but I didn't know that he was keeping an alternate set of books for ntcc audits. I told Johnson during conference and was summoned to a board meeting on the last night of conference to explain what I knew. I was asked by Davis why I never reported this preacher when I suspected that there was something wrong. I told Davis and the rest of the board members that I didn't have any evidence, I didn't want to think the worst of my pastor without any evidence and I didn't have two or three witnesses to make an accusation against an elder. That was their standard that they took from the bible, but this standard was generally used to keep them out of trouble when it came to allegations of sexual impropriety where there seldom were enough witnesses to their dirty private deeds. When it came to finances, and them not getting their share one witness was plenty. I was told in that board meeting if I ever suspected that the finances were off that I should immediately tell them.
I said all that to say this. There is absolutely no transparency when it comes to finances in the ntcc. Ashmore had money and numbers. What he did with it all is a mystery. Ashmore is not a good person with good intentions. He operates under the same shroud of secrecy that he did in the ntcc. Everything is private and he doesn't want anyone questioning him. As a long time local church member and servicemen home live in, there was a lot of micromanaging of cult members personal finances by the local pastor. They wanted to see your LES (Leave and Earning Statement) to make sure you were paying the right amount of tithe. They wanted to know what you were doing with the money that was left over. They found fault with those that spent their money on what they deemed to be frivolous. But when it came to how they spent your money, there was no obligation to account for it. There were probably a lot of Deblancs in the ntcc. They knew that if they didn't do something to prepare for their future that they would be left high and dry by the ntcc. It's sad that they would allow their personal goals and aspirations to be funded while allowing their electric to be shut off while accepting consolation gifts from others that are also struggling. Meanwhile, I doubt that Ashmore ever struggled financially but he was good at keeping the tithe rolling in.
Ashmore, is not, and was not, as smart or as intelligent as we thought he was. Ntcc leaders kept us in a state of fear and intimidation to the point where we was even afraid to even see the faults and short coming of the leaders. the ten-percent tithe that ntcc and other church organizations require there members to pay, is not and was not a part of Gods plain of Grace and Mercy.
Like I've written in the past... Why would we follow this guy now if he was a senior level sucker for 40 years? I would think that's a flat out disqualifier in my book. I'd rather follow someone half as "knowledgeable" who is on the right path than some guy who's been what Ashmore has been.
Anonymous, I agree. Davis who was the heart, soul, and spirit of ntcc, (NOT GODS Spirit) really showed Ashmore who was smarter. Ashmore, now seem to be in a dark place in his life and instead of enjoying the spoils, and the booty of ntcc that was stolen from there members, like the kekels are doing, he seems to be trying to consult the dead for advice. Wow, Ashmore, will probaly spend the next forty years of his life kicking his own A** for being such a stupid follower instead of a Pastor and a leader protecting his flock. I truly don't get Pastors who will turn members of there flock over to someone else, like Davis to be abused and mistreated. If God bless Pastors with a flock, is it not there first duty to protect the sheep?
I agree with Maurice about pastors sending their members to the "mother ship" so to speak and recall many a conference where rw would just berate and scold the pastors for not releasing their members to go to bible school.
Many people that were sent to graham were not called at all!
I talked to one such person and he told me that he was not called to be a minister but his first pastor talked him into uproot his family and go to Washington.
It's sad that people would not be firm in their convictions and put their foot down to just say NO.
As for ashmore I agree with chief and Maurice.
He wasn't the spiritual pillar that ntcc made him out to be.
He was just liked and revered because of the position that he had.
Yes, he is guilty of the many atrocities that DnA already stated but at the end ashmore was outfoxed by the ntcc.
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